HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-08, Page 7What's New At Huronview Dick Roorda led the Christian Reformed Song Service on Sunday evening with vocal duet numbers by Sharon and Carol Van Den Berg and instrumentals by Cathy and Steven DeBoer. Mrs. Elsie Hender- son was pianist for the service with devotions by Rev. Van Den Berg. Mrs. Marion Sholdice was wel- comed to the Home at Monday afternoons program. Old Tyme music was provided by Marie Flynn, Lorne Law'son, Norman Speir and Cecil Skinner. The Clinton Christian Reformed volun- teers assisted with activities. The residents were entertained on "Family Night" with a' puppet show,' "No Atrat4 The theme of the show was the story of Jack and The Bean Stalk and was directed by Cheryl Smith assisted by Richard Keelan and Denny. Garcia. The Huronview Auxiliary had a very successful spring tea and bake sale on Wednesday afternoon. Senior Citizens week will be from June 19th to June 26th this year and the residents are counting on seeing a number of their friends and relatives. Our most difficult problem seems to be how to be tolerant with an intolerant person. • THE MAN TO SEE !S . . WINTEE ~ A~ALTO DOUBLE HOME completely separated units on Campbell Street, Lucknow, 4 bedroom and 3 bedroom, close to stores and churches, every convenience, fin- ancing available. 2 BEDROOM, one storey mod- ern home on large lot, Kings- bridge. Immediate possession. 8 ROOM HOME located on 2 acres in East Wawanosh, drilled well, hydro, needs renovation. Priced' at $21,000. COUNTRY HOME on 1 1/2 acres, desirably located close to Lucknow, 4 bedrooms, spacious living and dining area, family and utility rooms, 3 piece bath and oil furnace. Make an appointment to look this property over. 6 ROOM FRAME HOME, Vict- oria Street, Goderich, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, also private drive. 3 LOTS, village of Dungannon, will sell Separately, Also excellent lot with mature trees in village of Ripley. 50 ACRE'S agricultural land, bush and hills, in Colborne Township. 100 ACRES, excellent buildings and good soil, East Wawanosh Township. DAIRY FARM. 218 acres, brick home, modern barn for 60 cows, quota and cows can be purchased. 146 ACRES choice white bean and corn soil, Ashfield Township. 62 ACRES Culross Township, 30 workable, balance bush, also stream. Asking $39,500. For further particulars on any of these properties PHONE OR SEE WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 •••••~44#44.444.44.1"*"...."' A GOOD SUPPLY OF 24D, MCPA, Sodium 48 and A trazine dr AP AP aP aP 40. AP aP I,P AP AP AP aP ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS LTD LUCKNOW PHONE S28.2026 LUCKNOW 528-3234 TAKE YOUR PICK $ 4 4 7 9 5 This 3 bedioom home situated on a corner lot directly across from the public school is ready for occupancy. $ 4 3 , 3 0 0 This home has large kitchen with patio door out onto deck at back. It also features 3 bedrooms, bath and living room, plus full basement with large windows for well lighted family room Both of these homes are covered under the Hudac 5 year warranty plan Royal Bank conventional mortgage financing available GERRIE GLENN INC. SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529-7403 ' FOR ESTIMATES PallTICIPaCT1017 Fitness, In your heart you know it's right. 4 KrallOttAGH LARGE CONSIGNMENT ° AUCTION SALE Of Farm TRACTORS 81 MACHINERY On Saturday, June 11 SALE STARTS AT 10:00 a.m. LAKEVIEW SALES 8 SERVICE There is a large number of antiques to be sold at 10:00 a.m. 7 Mlles North East of Goderich or 1" 2 Miles North, Va Mile East of Carlow CONSIGNMENT WELCOME UNTIL SALE TIME TELEPHONE LAKEVIEW SALES AND SERVICE 524-6451 AUCTIONEERS: Gordon H. Ilrindley Richard Lobb L Ron G. O.thk. 4441.41.41-4-14-0IJIZI,I4144-44-LIJI-)144-414141X-1-4444.1WLLI t1 TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE TENDER Supply, deliver and install underground at the Ministry of Natural Resources Fishway, Port Albert, a 4000 Gallon minimum storage capacity, precast concrete septic tank. This tank is to . be used for storage only and effluent will be removed by pumping. Installation to be one 4000 gallon minimum storage or two 2000 gallon minimum storage joined together and self levelling units. Work to be completed by July 9, 1977 and in compliance with County Health Standards and ready for plumbing connections. Only sealed Ministry of Natural Resources Tender forms will be accepted. Tenders will be accepted until 12 noon June 21, 1977. Tenders will be opened for public view on June 24, 1977 at 9 a.m. Tender forms can be obtained from THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES R. R. 5, Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-3131 or Zenith 92000 Ontario LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977 THE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Of 65 Holstein Cows, Young Cattle and Modern Farm Machinery for HERMAN AND CORNELIA DE BRUYN Lot 20, Con. 1, Kinloss Township, 5 Miles East of Lucknow and 1/2 Block North of 86 Highway Or 1 Block West of Whitechurch SATURDAY, JUNE 18 at 11:00 a.rn. CATTLE 65 large Holstein grade cows due or milking and rebred to unit Holstein sires; 10 Holstein, heifers bred Hereford; 15 Holstein heifers, open; 20 Holstein calves; cattle are Brucillosis tested and pregnancy checked. MACHINERY iLord 8600 dual power tractor with 2500'hours (21/2 yrs. old); John Deere 50 row crop tractor; Oliver 5 - 16 semi mount plow, Overum 3 PTH. 3 furrow plow; 1977 Allis Chalmers model 1200 16 ft. cultivator with leveller; George White 165 P.T.O. manure spread- er; 3 PTH. Calsa weed sprayer for corn or, grain; John Deere 2 row corn planter; John Deere model 35 forage harvester with 2 row corn head and hay head (3 .years old); New Holland whirl ,a feed model 27 forage blower; 2 Torpedo wagons with Rex self unloading forage. boxes; 3 PTH. fertilizer spreader with 1500 lb. capacity for grain sewing; Helm 135 bu. gravity grain box; Helm wagon with rack; Versatile 10' ft. self propelled swather; Massey roll bar side rake; Ford model 532 baler (3 years old), New Holland model 469 9 ft. haybine (4 years old); bale stooker; John Deere 12A pull type combine; John Deere 30 ft. bale elevator, P.T.O. drive, on wheels; 21 ft. grain auger with. motor; Letz P.T.O. grinder; 2 hydraulic cylind- ers; water trough; Patz 350 ft. feeder chain unit with 5 • horse motor; Bager 120 F. chain stable cleaner unit with 3 horse motor; Zero Graze 20 ft. feeder rack on wheels; G.M.C. 1966 truck with racks (as is); some corn ensilage. Due to' ill health this is a forced sale. Plan to attend early as sale starts at 11.00 a.m. sharp with no small items. TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents George Powell, Cashier REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LTD. HOUSE AND BARN - 6 acres of choice land, 4 bedroom brick house; large barn, on highway near Lake Huron. 2 BEDROOM - brick and frame house and small barn on 6 acres of land. Situated on paved road. 2 APARTMENT brick building on Main Street, Lucknow 100 ACRE FARM - good buildings, close to town and highway. 200 ACRE FARM - one set of buildings, Lucknow area. 50 ACRES - all workable, good' house, barn needs repair. 75 ACRES - rolling farm, good house and barn, spring stream. 4 'BEDROOM - frame house and double garage, recently remodelled on 1 3/4 acres. FRONT ROW - furnished cottage at Point Clark. NEARLY NEW - cottage on Campbell Street, Point Clark. "3 BEDROOM - insul sided house on large lot in Lucknow. LARGE LOTS - on Nine Mile River, Ashfield Township. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529-7417 €hf‘or)e) Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer .urazzazazaiDrmzzma,