HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 44,. JPhurallay, January 30, 1930. THE SIGNAL, GODEHICH, ONT. A Good Investment It wood) be buy your winter you do not need a real good investment to Overcoat NOW, even if one until next winter. Every Overcoat in the store goes at real bargain prices. SEE THEM W. C. PRIDHAM & SON 'The ,,tore u'tr h the Stock Telt phone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. ahii'!elfi►dloMOGes 40 MODEL THEATR pita' making -r good recovery trout a eery serious Illness. t)peratllln$ were suspended for some days in the chopping mill of Mr. Rue - sell Mcl'reIght, fort Albert, owing to scow and slush ac't'utuulating in the water wheel. A ttleigbing party from Kingsbridge and the 7th couce"ssinu «pent a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. Will Hogan, concession 10, one even- ing last week. The Kingsbridge Dramatic Club art. billed to give their play. "The Dutch Detective," in titalertch next week. Mr. T,honme Quigley returned to I)e- 'rolt last week after visiting at the sine of his parents, 3fr. and Mrs. parlors. Regina, previous to the body being brought to Stratford. Mrs. Gibbs. whose maiden name was Anna Doerr, formerly of Auburn and Stratford, was married to It. T. Gibbs to June, 1921, and had since resided in the West. 'ler husband nod one son, Don- ald, and brother, Joseph, of Laird, Nark., *mom lxtuhal the body to Stratford. The tunny Moral tributes front friends both In the West and Esst showed the romped and stret'. tion in which Mrs. Hibbs was bell She leaves to mourn her loss her hus- band and son. of Regina; her lather. Win. Doerr, of Auburn; two sisters, Airs. Jacob Ilelubuch and Mrs. E.- E. Ilelnbueh, near Stratford; three �wt� brothers, John, of Auburn, Jus., of rWas Quigley, fora few week«. ' La'rd,rhSask. awlho Albert, of E the funeral Misses Isabel Kennedy and Mary- etta King. of Teeseater, were the from this locality were Mr. Wm. guests of 31rs. .1441in Meyers altti Mrs., Doerr, of Auburn, rather of Mrs. (Tifton Austin last week. I Gibbs; Mr. John 11tx'rr, a brother; Mr. Jamey' West. an old residentssrs. Herman and Ernie Doerr, Wm. rf the 11t1 consesalon, passed away I Messrs. Weler, W. T. Itiddcll and Mrs. S11m. early Friday morning after a very, lie:little. brief illness. Mr. West was in his I From another correspondent ) eighty-firtit year. The funeral took The Late J. C. Clarks -An old red - place 00' Monday to Kiutall cemetery. tient of Auburn has been removed by the death of John Charles ('lark. which AUBURN occurred January 22nd, In his seventy seond year. Mr. Clark had been in railing health for some years. Ile was AI'Itt'RN, Jan. 29. -Miss Amin ' horn at Pickering, Ont.. coming to Moble, of Stratford Normal School., this )art of the country with his par ASFI l"'IIJLU m sews[ the week -cud at the hoe of Pitts when four years of age. Ile M beeparents, Mr. and Mu. W. J. Dottie., survived by his wife, formerly !ilea A GLITTERING (WEN& Indian, Prince Lots Corner -Stoke ed Palse. on a Pinnacle. Hundreds of dauciug girls, gorg- eous In ellk■ and jewels, sang and .i:uteed as the Maharajah of Jodhpur laid the foundation -stone of his Ilea, palace at 12.60 a.nt.--the time which his astrologers, from their readings • of the start, had stated to he most pt'optttuue. The pular% will combine the glam- or of th.• "Midden Niehls" with the amenities or the modern "ideal home," and is Dente elected at a cost of $1.250,040 ou a site---aumcientle fantastic In . Itself -•on a towering crag overlooking the city, Opposite the fourteenth century bastioned tort of Ike Jodhajl dynasty. - eurbonr and dhotis (body clothe)and mother, Mrs. 3lcllnanbl, of Snnthn. Chtrente• Parke The rurvlving mem• t�ote are uau•h ple.lhamitI to report that hers of the (mall- are Mrs. Mew and Crie.t wilhawlcd, led by the tf gh" yrs. ' Mtticolul vat,: Is rw"It't't'int r Urs. Ki'yt'e. Ileusall, John Parke, enact wlth'u golden naiad nsa, a vet.- ulrely tr W a aware attack of {an•u .palls ,Ilrnsall, and Catherine. its Ilay- millou chi an a crtmsop dhoti, k- [laid, alto uoc the slneere sympathy cited a bieeus Ina'aptutiuna) ,Invot- woods. Ing the bleeaiug of th.• gods and god t•ht' '"'neer[ this F'r:dry night for ..f mall- friends. d� eses-on the proceedings. They fed the ttt'urfit of the ISn}'field' Ilhrar the names of the' sacred ere wit„ Lieu, 1'rontUe• to Is. a fine doter[ ttnuic'nt. • The eoutest for the nearest score W ghee (ntetited butter), oil, and cocoa- A number of our best artists are g1v- 190 a'lt- Istw'ted off at Lindsay.* bowl - out+. as lukess of pro: peri[-, , g iLo program. Among, them are Ing alleys n Tuesday ran W Hheueax• Hidden from the public gaze Jhe' %I lot Jean Womb:, Mi'. F. II. Paoli: evenings. 3laharanec and the ladles of the \ties Gladys (Wei_ J.Itw•v`Stt'rTTtls. art -.tin' and won the prize, a plea court, whose mnurm,.:edi cuniersat,on - Murray Grainger. -Darold N.ok butes, and case. .tuothrr cetm{r•Utluu, for antl tlukling anklets alone betrayed ;Ile Lakeside Entertainers on•hestra. the nearest .score to 180, is uow under their presence, watched the elaboesse ['acre will he songs. duets, yutrtettes.' way. t • skits atter tie program there The quality of S lada is offered the only premium IP LABA' TEd.U., WFreds from th b lana tvm c �uturday. Mrs. liaised Armstrong o an n" E .\ was t aft Jan. 27. -Mr. Orval Saskatchewan, arrived on g The Mafrom ah, simply dressed 1a - Fre was called to the home of his Ile will be the guest of his sisters, Mat,.. Mrv. tamer Armstrong of ISnls the white silk ttajput costume, with kw this week and are busy putting up brother, Mr. Sydney Free ofran rr Clarkan s, ill[ J. Th to rvou of a .apple for the roamer. 1 an orange William ure, who has btru v si teremuuy from a curtained s am will he a dance Come and enjoy It. • Mr. Wm. Smiley, of Star City, Margaret Smiley, alar ly three sisters. (tent). f Menthes The fieherdten comuhehurrl t•ultl Brant- M J C d Mr N Dodds. set, and Mev William o I a turban and around hid 1 flu^ fordgime!' yJ�++��tt��t week, to see Ills mother, Mrs. lite Bndnuc•k, of Blyth, is suit.1 Auburn. /11141 brother. James G. peck 1110 famous Jodhpur dtanu.ud Week of February 3 t0 8 II. /FMt" who is seriously 111 with lug )Iles. W. Dobie at present. ('hark of tars Angelo... Calif. The.fun-I necklace of fabulous wealth, perform - month, father and sisters for the pert bract trouble He was accompanied The funeral of the late Mr. J. C. oral was held uu Monday to Ball's ed his barefooted and intricate relic- mouth, n•turne"1 to Curt Austin. }S• M Week Free of Ch rk took place from the United cemetery. Rev. H. J, Mortimore ret tour rites before a vast concourse of g4ottday and Tuesday - William Haines aad Lionel Bare -4 more in ont of the best-known crook dramas ever produced. An old favorite on the stage and a big hit NI the ecreen. You'll like Bill Haines as the hotorioue yet human tlafe-cracker. "Jimmy Valentine'' Cameo ('o..edy-"Keep Trying" "VOX NEWS" t�a�Mday and Thursday - ilk Romance of a Rogue" K spcetaeular production feat tg a popular and likable theme. Ex- eellent Pictures Corporation have ■eleaeed a cure fire entertaining Special in this tale of a waggish deoundrel . MAK Comedy -"Why b a Mtsashee!" t� f le brut r, r es y t forth. Mils Alma Free, lt.\., is church on Monday of this week. 1)e- the Cattail Church conducting the ser- e Europeaus, der Rajput chiefs and teatart at 11 tier the moer ceased was the sou (4 Mr. ane[ Mn. eke.. The pallbearer, vivre ,(x uIh- 1 Marwarl slydara. Mr ,lotto Curran Is 'lilting In Ram- John Clark and spent most of his life ewe: Harry and William held 41f Two young sons of the Maharajah. Ilton, the guest of his sisters, Mew - dame. W. Begley and J. Day. Miss Alma Blake returned home fast week after a pleasant visit of three weeks: duration with friends at St. Catharines and Olel mores. The February meeting of Union 1'. d held at the home of M In this vicinity. Hl, wife. who mus Miss M. Smiley of Dwtgnunon. and who nursed him during his long ill- ness. survives him, together with threes sisters, Mrs. R. Armstrong of Manitoba. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Brute -tele, and Mrs. W. J. Thomla'on a,f Auburn. and . one brother, Mr. Jos. Auburn. Gormley and Russel Tmoue in shut -silk brocade and orange too- son of London, Joseph Thumpre.ht "t bans with bejewelled plumes and Mitchell and John 'rbotuiwou of St wearing tiny awards, watched faad» Augustine. nated. pendia!: Relegate to ;Synod. I1'tlllt Ochre -dad gurus (wise men) from Elliott; substitute, William Sovtch- �Vlll'l'l:CIIURC1I Benares sang bhajane (hymns). rater; rector's warden, Wblllam Elliott; bands played land guns were fired as, people's warden, William S •utchmer; atter purlficatlon by the priests, th* w•ler•t sesta. Lea1e Elliott. lean, on Monday. ►•este)' Meting. -The annual vestry meeting of Trinity church was held on Monday evening. Favorable re- ports of the ye'ar's work were rc'- eelved from various delrartruents of church work. The following were ap- p•, .(�. w 111 be e t oo A. A. Mrs. M. C. McKenzie, Lake road. Clark of Los Angeles. Calif., to whulo %VIIITE('HI'IWII. Jan. 27.- Mrs. Maharajah was anointed and laid the Edwards. George E. loretu*lode. 1). II. The many friends of Mr. James the sympathy ut the .vmwuubiy is cx- .lobo Kilpatrick, of l'n•we, alitul tlx McNanghton. Russel !leant, Wm. Min- atone. Crawford are very sorry to hear of tended. i last week with her parents. Mr. and Rich deeorulons in marble and ers, John Tippet. Chris. Parker, John the accident had last eek MiseLAI Church of (;olerleh Is Mrs t\'flltaw Roblos"o colored plaster will contribute to Ina Parker; slde.men, leslle kllintt. Ito. which resulted niP. { tie meeting of Maitland tt• I [-tote held their regular Mb`- Isabel Kennedy, of Culross. was vont .un... nue there will be• guest states monthly meeting la alae Fore -tars i, of great pzury, Hail on Tuesday, January .1st. Tkei 1t'm. Hogan. of AshHeI.L name (or. women's) Meters. p 77ee nils scarlet reser Is abating In this swi"""m bath, j Stewart were In (:oderlch on Sunday mcs ting olenwl with tine slut art of t eoaamunitq waw, awT no new casts The palace has been planned by I last. the former to nee, his father, Mr. the Institute ilk', follow•ell by all re- • have been reported. I the London architects. Meaan. ban - cheater art liaise, who is in Goderkh hos- 1 Lord's Prayer. [fuer the' There is no neer this week. I said; cheater and Lodge. t f the meeting dad len'n art which he s as w a c co or evoked In a fracture of the visiting her artusiu, Mrs. Gordon 1 Misr .tusk• ('anN'run came from Inn-' splendor and as with most Indies set Heard, William Heard, John' Tip I for his early scarves- Taylor nog Inst Monday to attend the fun - Mrs. Rk•hard McWhinney at Wanes Iraltfnte Meet ng 1 Heard: auditors, E. A. t.1 palaces, 1t will be encircled by a ver- {et. D. H. McNaughton; Measurer. Russe erre : Ed- ward's E. 11. Johns. }Letter treat the Queers. -Mrs. (1. 1j'. Rhynaa of Burlington (formerly Mrs %laud k'erauwo{L of Rayfield).- re- ceived a charuting letter trete Her Majesty. the Queen. routalnhu; an acknowledgment of a book of feud- i Ti.r ernl'of"her little uI• .e. Joann Tlfftu• ands. Besides the. Maharajah's per- �'t ail executive P omen « IL, t'n"dryterial W.M.S. In Wingham ort ' visiting' last week with her slater, Mrs. I ' a staff court, -s se- Friday.'the 17th. t court. and a prt- M Harney Maine and (fordo++ resident ilea Wood*. pee- 1 +-sate friday end Saturday - Rod La Roque with Sue Carol d hold-up, a cabaret robbery. a Mild chase through crowded streets, an airplane battle' Thrill after thrill follows the snappy and daring "Captain Swagger" e'allte Comedy -"Wiggle %'oe,r Ear," Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. A great Universal Serial, "The Final Reckoning," starts with the first episode on Friday and Saw. slay, February 14---15. Real Value in a Tea Kettle Holds 4 Imperial quarte. This Tea Kettle comes in the beat quality two -coated grey enameled ware. Sale Price $1.39 One of the many values in our "Worth the Money" Sale Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET We Deliver I'hone 486 Telephone next order for GROCERIES to PRICE'S GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season. -11'1'. DELIVER - Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 (;,•rce ••I Dynan and \„rll. start venting t to A business o poems written by her. among witch( tomplt•tesl it plana, solo was given by read- . - FOUND IN. IRVDSON BAY. are the patriotic ver«r.v, -young -Mehl l Lila Stun blot. and n reading by The 'dorm has raged since Wednesday -- , ela's M e...mo to the M e uerlarol.", Mrs. McGee. Mrs. Washington then gave last. 1 Rosy Coral, Be•nteul Starfish• sad and •"Mettsage ` M Canada." whish a splendid and well -thought-out falser .Uul who could visit In the week that's Pretty Sea Shells. have received Their Majesty's '(1111 on The Seven C's to Seek or Shun." past? goendation. Yrs. Khynes has faked a She tx (k for headings the follow- 791e snow <vmc down, the wind It Seatiere is isla islo need ands findto go to the orange -red oral. prominent )art in philanthropic and Ing slz (". to seek: ere.CChristmas spirit, blew, trlotic activities and Is well known ; Courage, ClneerfulIless. Character„ And e'en Glisson couldn't keep the I starfish, jellyfish and other non and M courtesy, Co-operation. One C to shunt road through, fauna usually associated with the for her valuable arrvk'es as an officer! 1'Igarettevt. This was followed by a' The cars ail stopped. the folks stayed; tropics. These have been found along In .tit' lhwl4tal Al' Association. Fel. the shores of Hudson Bay by A. L. losing is the letter: -sandringbam. Norfolk. 'The Lady-in-waiting Is commanded • by the Queen to write and thank Mne !Wham for the very charming little book went to their majesties this l'hrbetmas Such sit extrrrssln11 of loyalty and gtsslwill as contained therein bas deeply touched the Kittle and Queen and the hook's very title ("Rememherings" 1 has a epeeist rig- nlflcanee for their majesties, coming M a .ymM,I of g.stt faith from a sub- jest overseas." Death of Mos Susan Parke. -It ht our lad duty this week to recent the death of one of Hayfield's hest -known The news they look her will never be solo by Ruby Carter. A few jokes The meeting closed with the singing Ren got kicked on the knee 10 a horse engineer, of the . staQ o of the National Anthem. followed Ly LAud that kept him IA the house. of I Explore o hA o spent nth 11 last ru .mer hutch and social half-hour. course. T1s Late Mrs. Gibbs. -The funeral With rheumatiz Mat' Ross put in the 1 In their spare time the Mors rigged days; up a dredge and esmtsed the bed of of Mrs. K. T. (:Iblrr, tr_7 College are.. •ho died of pneumnnla in Ile says he doesn't like it, not by a I Hudson Bal far prises," paid Mr. were then read by Mrs. Mogrldgt•. home. And not many ventured to roam. Reading, geenogbt and mechanical r rv.," nine Iteglllll. .. long ways. Grey Nuns hospital, Regina, oft Sntslay, January 124 was held from From town Roy McGee to help J. 1t. the home of ber Meter, Mrs. Jacob Carse, Heinbuch, lot 3G, concession 4, near But he went back home Friday on the Stratford, on Solidity afternoon. Jan- oary Iitth. Rev. A. Stockman eondnct- On account of the fever, they cloeeel ed the eervice. 4turitl took place In 0, ttehattopol cemetery. A funeral ser Awl evep Mr. [Fells didn't show up vice was held at :Misters' funeral then, The ehlldren stayed at home. no tracks did we tree, (,■■■.■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■RRR■••■ And that was wise as wise could be. ■ Outstanding Bargains in • Ladies Fur Coats 'Bob" Carrjck didn't carry, his gun Reading. -They hauled up losy oral and beautiful starfish They also got those pretty sea shells that are found in Florida. There are jellynah In those waters and some of them are five feet across. They are so large ,that a pilot In an airplane can spot them. We found • specter of eu..tle claim In the regions around Wager Bay and Repulse Bar. They are quite the equal of the famous uttleNeck dams. They are great possibilities of commercial fishing In the north. Hudson Bay contains wine of the and nowt highly respectrit residents. In the person of Miss Susarl Parke, who pasted away Friday forenoon. February 24th. lh•teawrl had been across his ■rtuIII for many months, but always (sore ■ And so, last week, the rabbits took, finest red salmon 1 have seen. Then ber suffering.. with wonderful tun - are excellent brook trout, lake trout, . was Isom on the Goshen • B S didn't 't m to even mind the I and other nos fish In the water, bog- [tenorline. Stanley. ire . in ltirsr t end we. n no harm. But Sam o n tee• , derlug the hay. The F•aklm.•s told u■ ■ 1 "Snell da -. In go ont [PrP. cell I never." north Snsen and Catherine, 1041,141 filen the . art away. One The farmers seemed to have laid se Ron • • farm to Bnyileld thirty•tw-' years ■ of chop n fill, managed to make 'i with -two four. azo. Mr. nn4 Mrs. Parks' Islsstsl ,twat' bud ss ecru riere,se arid[ hu -y at teen-punnd anchor, attached to • stente twenty years ago. The [[,neral It: mill. stout line." was held from leer late home to 'Bay • Anil tlrrou t. .'ll :he •form Mr. Wight Indian. and Boats. Held temt•tery on Monday aft�•rntoor., ■ matt ,nil. January 37th, set•vier being conducted ■ t . "The must staff I'm pelting these days! So far as Is known, no India by Iles F H. Paull, reetor of Tria- 1 made n;t• of sails before Abe ■ O[ went ter, tt I of great halibut to be found In the daughter of the late George and Mar • ry ▪ Itut. said. ) We caught them Some of the Ann Parke, Alio with two daughters, in DI e, of couhse c ds bread. ■ Al the last of the week they loaded I coming of the while mea. The Id the wind do the work Ity church. of stitch decanted was • ■ I of lettingmember. The pallbearers were George leu r d seems not to Elliott. Wellington Elliott. Mich Me- w e- ■ We have a number of ladies' Fur Coats which we two cars of bay, ■ Rut as Sandy was ski , tl«•n Cecil have pushing a a to eat Kay. Reld. .\ E. Erein anti ■ ahowwl the way. 1 have occurn•d Io the red folk. Some to r lacked 1 are offering a cieariCi¢� prices, as listed below. ■ But George was busy each day with Indian withelePdpsaoftfshark Others ■ the null ■ t • ar and cuffs. Regular $245 5 ■ For the trains were late, Mit they I used "dug -out" canoes. The "dug- r�• ■ dddo't tall out" was formed from a lug which Beth and Edgar went to help their was hollowed ■ One Persian I ami Coat with sable toll ■ 1;325, for Ili a• ■ One Fr ■ ular $175. for ■ ■ ■ One plain French Seal Coat, self -trimmed. Regular $,135 Siberian Goat Skin$37 50 French Seal Coat with squirrel collar and cuffs. Reg- $139.50 , for ■ One Northern Muskrat Coat. $135 ▪ Regular $175, for • One Muskrat Coat. Regular $110 ■ $ 150, for • This is your opportunity to secure a chased again at 1111▪ , ■ t\'In Fr+tttk anti Bill ane[ Rupert, on the finest estates in the country, p•7- ■ on one side by burning ■ uncle at the wont or s'nttinc. R'teh boats were Some art ■ And worked every day as hard as� times very 1. ' met would hued g0 1 frontal or more persons. na ■ Even Amos and Jack stepped w.,ri. The most Rhaceful boat made bl► ■ 1 at the logs the Ind i:uls was the birch t bark $99 ■ ug And on Thursday Jack -shipped very canoe. This was very light, sad was few hogs. easy 10 c.irry whtn a portage had to Charlie nays he's ..tth,r leo be made between rivers. The Indians ♦ow In Southern Canada and northern (inc 1 ran a>e • winter.' wosl ■ Can enyone pleas the rea.on that parts of the United States were ea- • • pert 1'', making this type of rano*. Cont. for ■ ko• should? One American Wombat 39 1■ Carman and Milan tot. bad( h • on. *It'h^s 1, •''11 said th.tt white men have $ `9.50 Fr 'Sty night, never been able le equal the grade Coat. for J✓ ■ But returned to school rat Monday In st the blreh-bark ctnoe. • III hronol (In yIlght. Fur Coat, as they cannot be pur- E.' anti' ,rt.•, ant'. Herold, on the I Ameericaru Invade Scotland. NI wrund, keep the "latch"'Scotland gathered a etch Kama the above prices. ■ And voted never dream It could he 1 from American tourists la:. su.,,.,, •r. .orb e . tt h, 1 Wealthy Americana rented some oft ■ , slaw[ every night, tag as much as $30,000 a month for Ladi• es and Misses Cloth Coats R ▪ And John and F:rne't, 100, are wee" rent. All the hest. shooting [states . twitting for the light, were taken, and a fair average mai- m when I say get stnrtwh how swell mate of the cost of a brace of grottos at greatly reduced ■ the mu.':c sounds shot on the moors of Scotland Is 110. this season's goods. prices. They are offered at 30 per cent. off regular prices. All 'they Imre ti real nr'heatra and the ■ mnsie I •ew 11s ruunde. • , Bob rind Jin, are working 1n the hush so 'gently And every morn for tau -know Herb bat his load nil ready - The I'nited rime) eallt.l oft their service altogether And didn't a'It tla•ir impeller to etude In %nerh weather. I don't knot% how many fellows kept their chile on Stmdey nigh, But Gordon says he made the grade and got hick home all right.-� Everyone 'teemed to want to stay at Annie and take a rest And let the weather blow end sttow and do it.'. very 1s"t. Oh, 1 couldn't tell yon half of what's age•.ag by, Oh, 1 just know couldn't, oto I better not try. ' "'here Is so short cttt to knew• 1010,." --Dr. Will Durant. g+ is • 'S OVERCOATS ■• t MEN • ■ • A 25 discount off all teen's Overcoats during this sale. This is your tristate- • tunity to get a good Coat for little money. IR: . • . • II •A. CORNFIELD• II "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" II ■• • Ladies' ani Men's Wear West Side el Square Phone IIA Goderich. Ont. . ..gifi•■■ma■■' a■ll>fs■1■1R■•■■■aRf■1t■■■1S■■■■■■■ • -5. B. 0.'s (tinned Salmon. British Columbia canned salmon are exported to upward, of thirty d1f- prent countries. In 1828 the mar- ket, d value of Iht• canned salmon put up in the province was considerably more than $13,000,000. Rose Barth on Every Grave. A rose bush Is to he planted on the grave M every Enrich soldier who fell In tie Great War. The discovery or [tubber dates back he the •ecood,voyage of Cotumbua. BAYFIELD ISAhFIRT.1), Jan. 2R.- Mrs. Walter Weetlnke and daughter Lorna left Monday to spend a couple of weeks In no mit. MVO. Newton -Tirade is visiting her Robert THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List Thr Signal sad The Toronto Globe ts.50 The Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 6.50 The Signal and The Lemke Advertiser ,. 6.50 The Signal and The Leedom Free Press 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Espies 6.50 The Signal and The Firman' Sun ... 3 25 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly SW 100 The Signal and Sa noiny Night ......... $40 The Signal and The New Outlook .. I1,110 Th. Sig..' owl Coatis. Homes andCu'fr0....... 411 The Signal sad The Catholic Record a�... 3.75 aea The Signal and ..Ies 's Magazine 3 75 The Signal sad Meetireil Wit- ness _. several 3.85 gas 3 SO and wend renewal 426 new 365 The Signal end Youth's Companion 3 80 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly 6 76 The Signal and Rod and Gun 355 The Signal and The Canadian Countryman 2 95 The Signal Wide Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Be Had on Application BARGAINS IN GOLOSHES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Phi is the time of year when we char out the balance of our stock of Goloshes. The 111nke4t we well are the very hest in quality and construction. The materials used are .,f the highest grade and will keep their color bur prices are nway down and our stock is eornplete in sizer. ('nine early while you are able to secure a choice of GEO. MacVICAR THF I'KAC hICAL SHOP: MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE 1•OI)T.HI( H Des EVII GRtfN UICTCR!IMOUND A i'` s" CAN Golf in victoria this Winter and make your home (1 ' `1 $ t; i at the new "Empress" s 'r Hotel. Excellent train service I } through Canada 1 enables yew to view the maje.tic scenery t 111 l of the Rockies enrolee. SI t Ill ...... J. N. BF::►TTIF: to loll t: , 11: 1 Goderieb. Oat., lit ,, CANADIAN PACIF