HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-01, Page 24PAGE TWENTY-FOUR
-Mr -2970/41.
BAIRD - to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Baird of R. R. 2 Wingham on
Friday, May 20th, 1977, at
Wingham and District Hospital, a
daughter, Tammy Sue.
SUMMERS - , Mr. and Mrs.
Fredrick Summers are proud to
announce the arrival of their son,
Brent Harvey Norman Frederick
Summers, 8 lbs. 1 oz., on May 25 at
the Wingham and District Hospit-
Candidates and their
Official Agents ,
James Peterson,
Lucknow, Ont.
Gary Gurbin,
Box 220, Kincardine
Bob Ferguson,
Help your
Help your
Heart Fund
BONNETT - to Robert and Rithy
Bonnett of R. R. 1 Holyrood on
Wednesday, May 25, 1977 at
Wingham and District Hospital, a
d?ughter,-Doma Aane.-
BORHO - to Robert and Sharon
[Who of R. R. 1 , Formosa on
Thursday, May 26, 1977 at
Wingham and District Hospital, a
daughter, Melanie Marie.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Beecroft and Karen and with Hugh
Sinnamon are Mrs. Samuel Hanna,
Amsterdam," New York and Mrs.
Mary Mcllwaine, Port Adown,
Northern Ireland. Mrs. Hanna and
Mrs. Mcllwaine are sisters and
cousins of the Sinnamon farhilies.
Visiting with Hugh Sinnamon and
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and
Karen on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Philip MacMillan of Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilkens and
family of Ripley, Mrs. Archie
Hertel of Kitchener, Mrs. Ken
Wilson, Scott and Kathy of St.
Jacobs, Mrs. Stewart Forsyth of
Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sinnamon and family of Monkton,
Kenneth Sinnamon, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Sinnamon, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Beecroft, Heather, Shan-
non, all of Wingham.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Elliott and family were
his mother Mrs. Agnes Elliott of
Wingham, Scott, Robert and Brent
Campbell of London.
At the evening anniversary
service were Rev. Doug MacDon-
ald of Port Elgin, Rev. Robert
Armstrong of Wingham, Rev. W.
Brown of the United Church and
Rev. Wm. Henderson of Wood-
stock, a former school teacher at S.
S. No. 10 Whitechurch and had a
happy time renewing friends with
former pupils.
We are sorry to report that Miss
Wendy Kay on Monday was
admitted to Wingham Hospital for
surgery on her knee. She is wished
a speedy recovery by her many
community friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson of
Wingham were Sunday visitors
with his sister, Mrs. Dawson Craig
and Mr. Craig.
Miss Joyce Tiffin on Sunday was
able to return to Toronto to resume
her work. Miss Janet Sleightholm
also accompanied her to Toronto.
Visitors on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and. Mrs.
Ben McClenaghan were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Ryan of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville,
Mrs. Eileen Parker of Exeter, Mr,,
and Mrs. Bill Kleen, Kar, Jennifer
and Banessa of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston of
Listowel and his mother, Mrs. Ella
Johnston of Wingham, are in
Orillia vicinity on a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin
spent the weekend in London with
their relatives.
Miss Hortense Hoppe!, assisted
by French teacher, Miss Vianne
Trezise took her grade 7 class to
Camp Menesetung on Tuesday
overnight to Wednesday. The class
had an orientation trip, a campfire
and evening walk as part of their
The Health nurses carried out
the fluoride treatment for child-
ren's teeth, giving each child a
toothbrush and some classes tooth
paste as well.
Several teachers from Brookside
staff attended the 'Unit meeting of
-F. W. at the_ Bedfoxd„ Hotel
on Wednesday, April 25. The guest
speaker was Mrs. Alfred McKee of
Benmiller, who spoke on peren-
nials and showed slides of her
Field Day was held at Brookside
on Friday and winners will be
announced next week. Activities
were just finished by bus time on
Saturday night was also the
evening for water fights and if you
were in the line of fire you got it.
After the coffee houses it was
curfew and bedsprecken.
Sunday was' beautiful and hot
and after the morning mass
meeting with Rev. Veltman most of
us headed to the lake, or you could
attend some of the workshops
being conducted. After supper that
night, there was a mass meeting
that had Grant Hall packed to the
rafters., Many parents were also in
attendance for the service that
night. Rev. Quartet gave us a
sermon on "Reflect the Light".
The musical group Christopher
played for the service and coffee
house later on and since we all
were such great kids, the curfew
was' extended.
Monday was our last day. That
morning Rev. Tuyl from Niagara
spoke on "Let it Shine" followed
by Living Groups. Then a sports
meet was held putting all the
leagues in competition against each
other. After lunch we had a final
wrap-up from Rev. Broekhuizen.
He gave us a sermon that was
simply terrific. His wife Jan also
sang that afternoon and you could
have heard a pin drop in that Hall.
We had shared a lot that weekend
and had a lot of fun too. Our
president, Art Groenveld and
secretary, John Askes wore out
their water pistols. Hugh Burgsma
and Peter Van Dam gave the
balloon industry a rise in sales.
Carl Stryker had a great time
helping the Drayton gang get
everyone wet!! Ken de Boer „lost
his voice. A million other little
events made one great weekend for
We also gave a very special
thanks to a truly wonderful Lord
who gave us the wonderful weather
and fellowship that we all had.
A fountain of son light, a new
Jesus the SonLight, welcomes the
Son of the morning, awaking at
SonLight is waiting, for everyone.
George Colwell of Lucknow and
Tom McFarlan of Kinlough visited ,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton on
Mr. and Mrs'. Grant Sowerby of
Willowdale accompanied by Karen
and Beverley Koster of Westhill
spent the weekend visiting with
Linda's mother, Mrs. Cecil Blake,
and Grant's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Soiverby, Goderich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Jerry Wilbur are
spending a few 'days at their
summer home here.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Bossence (nee Martha Eedy),
who were married in Dungannon
United Church on Saturday with
the reception following at the
Legion Hall in Lucknow. They will
reside in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Eedy and
family of Mississauga and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Ott and boys of Kitchener
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvine Eedy and attended the
wedding of Martha Eedy and Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardner and
baby Alesia of Stratford spent the
weekend. with Rosemary's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy
attended the Provincial Convention
of the Ontario Legion in London
last weekend.
Several from here enjoyed a
bountiful supper at Nile Church on
Wednesday, May 25.
Marvin Smith returned from
hospital in London during the week
and is recuperating at home.
Ross McNee was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital in London on
Friday and had his leg amputated
above the knee.
Mrs. Mary Bere attended a
Reading Symposium at York Uni-
versity in Toronto on Friday,
visited her daughter Mrs. Jim
Austin in Toronto on Saturday and
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Bere and family in London.
Rev. H. G. Dobson spoke on the
subject, ':Stand up and be count-
ed", at Sunday service on Pente-
cost Sunday at Dungannon United
All are invited to worship with
Nile and Dungannon congregations
and Sunday School next Sunday,
June 5 at Camp Menesetung at 11
a.m. Bring a picnic lunch which
will be shared together after the
service. This wilt be foltowed- by- --
sports and games and a social time.
The Sessions will meet also after
the service.
Applications to camp should be
sent in soon.
The United Church Men's Mus-
koka Conference is at Delawanna
Inn, Honey Harbour, Ontario, June
10-12 or June 17-19. The main
speaker is Dr. Bruce Hatfield,
Calgary. This conference is always
worth attending and registration
forms may be obtained from the
Dungannon Christian Fellowship
Church met for worship on Sunday ,
at 11 a.m. with the Junior Sunday
School class in charge of the
worship service under the direction
of their teacher, Mrs. Florence
Frey. Their theme was, "0 God,
You Are So Great". Several of the
class members recited litany writ-
ten by themselves related to god's
goodness and others read favourite
scripture verses. Several favourite
hymns, chosen by the Junior class,
Were sung, by the congregation.
Pastor Doug Zehr' read Job 38 and
spoke briefly on the greatness of
Intended for last week
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Morningstar and
family on the death of their son
Blaine on Friday, May 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. David. MacKinnon
and family and Joe VanBovan
visited in Woodstock on the
Rev. Wm. MacDonald of Glen-
coe was the guest speaker at South
Kinloss Church on Sunday.
Marilyn and Kevin Murray
attended the wedding of their
cousin Rick Dale of Smith 'Falls on
the weekend.
Linda McQuillin of Toronto spent
the weekend with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Dick McQuillin.
The weekend had people going
to their cottages, lake, planting
their girclen and numerous other
things because of the lovely warm
weather. We could sit and relax
and think of how we were wanting
heat like this in January.
In Kingston
If you were to ask one of the
members of the Young People's
Society of the Christian Reformed
Church here in Lucknow what they
had spent their time doing on the
past long weekend, he or she would
most likely tell you of the great
time they had at the 1977 All Ontar-
io Young Calvinist Convention at
Queens University, Kingston, Ont-
We set out on May 20 in a bus
driven by our Youth Elder, Arend
Kersten. His wife Dianne also
irrade- -the- with- us-. when- we-..
finally reached our, destination we
stopped at Victoria Hall where
registration was taking place and
gave a rousing cheer at the top of
our lungs to tell one and all that
Lucknow,had indeed arrived. After
a short supper at MacDonalds,' we
continued back to Victoria Hall and
registered, got settled in our room
and went to the first mass meeting
at Grant Hall that night.
Rev. R. Broekhuizen from Hol-
land Mich. gave us his message of
"I am The Light" which set the
tone for the weekend. The' Theme
for the convention was SonLight
from the Bible passage "I have
sent my Son to show you the Light,
the Truth and the Way". After the
mass meeting there were Coffee
Houses , we could attend, then the
part of the night no one liked,
The next -morning the message
was brought to us by Rev. A.
Kuyvenhoven from the Clarkston
C.R.C. Rev. Kuyvenhoven spoke
on "Putting on God's Armour". A
group from Toronto entertained us
in the music area. They were
Simeon and they were great!! After
the morning meeting we met with
our Living Groups. This was a
group of people from, the rooms
around you and, you got together to
talk about various parts of the
convention. Fellowship with other
people was the main' reason for
getting you in a group., That
afternoon, there were Sectionals
that you could attend. They were
on foUrteen different subjects such
as Dating and Marriage, Christian
Education, Christianity on the Job,
Drugs and Alcohol, and many
more. Two was all you could take
in. •
After the Sectionals, everyone
was seen making a mass exodus to
the university swimming pool.
After supper, the evening mass
meeting was a Talent Night which
was enjoyed by everyone. That
night Simeon played at one of the
coffee houses and it was swamped
by kids. The atmosphere in that
room was electric, everyone was
having the time of their lives.
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