HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 211.-tntanday, January 30, 1930.
leetabllsned 1S4e(
■smoker of Canadian N'rek13 News-
papers As.urtation
Publlett d etery 'Thursday morning.
Miaow rt4.nuu price $2.00 per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 : Goderieh, Ont.
W H. Ro1erisou, Editor and ]tanager
T'heraday, January 311, 19.30.
llorceulture ter the mouth of 1•ebru
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furni-had by the (111 rio Department of Agriculture
The harmful effect on conatimptitel much decreased from It year ago.
detu44ud for limb by the pr.Nluc,bp, of Grey --The hard weather Is taking
heavy buck iambs cannot l,e over cue' the feed town qui luetlon about 50
pl,,{{aslaed. It prevents lie industry es -1 Halton -Egg 1
4 uding to its normal Iltnit+, I Iter relit. slate November.
Ilurun-The supply of home-grown
ti.- grata will be sufficient to carry live
-tae,. fhruugii the winter on the ma-
1'he Out 4)t) .kgricultiraI CullegeI uric of farms.
in Ilortirulture
,hutuUnres the tullowtug short cour.c4
l umbthr Fanners report cattle
under auspices of the Department o ! reedinawell and shoeing improve -
merit over the low -fleshed e,uditiuu
ILD1To1.L 11OTE3 err'- I they acre' in rowing off the grass.
i'rult 4 ruwiug, Feb. Sul to lith; Lanark -Attie` to au 1Iutduure of
'(sae al the bat lust meet made 'VcgelaW4 t14rilehi11;. Feb. letll In ruughugre 1144 lite stock are wintering
y 1:141; uruaweutn• Ilurtirulture, Fc'1. idrrly but 'are thinner than other'
a hit at every strike.
• • •
A pk,i(r warning has been Issued
ogbitist bogus liutted States $10 bilis.
Can't evert. ua.
• • •
With Candlemas 1)uy iii the offing,
be rush. The increasing interest on the l'e•terloro--'toots_ and ens ,a;te• airy.
Weather forecasts would
part of juu:ur 'fanners In agricul• ;,arlirularly scarce.
Doer anybody know n groundhog neral education Is etldenctd by au Welland --Many old bay *leeks
*le That could he couveniently euroln)ent of 1(;4 la the short teur1es %Melt have set fur several years will
'Patchett? at to. A. C., a deicital Increase over Its. utillztl for feed this year.
Tint three months'
• • • 1 1 has fifty.
17th to "sl h.Tne.e courses alit trot cr:us, .
are a w1,L' 4uricty of su14Je.•ts and Innis--I'rtalut•lluu of milk 1s low
the dis�•u•s1N1• will he led b3 O. A. C. ',in,' the 10.43 look for 11111 cattle all
profes11„rs its well oil other prom.lici'i i 4-.,4):h the winter.
horticultural specialises from yttrium. Northumh'{aud -Apple prises have
ponies In Ontario. ' been low unit markets draggy. Sear-
-- ly all *.n-4. eru4n were short In Yield
p,A.(, Mort Courses aud't:e result Is a searc•ity of moue).
former n years.
ManyMeetings in Yr ru*ry
l,utr+e in dairying, alone -
With hrea(s ugl;r„getiup; .44401.1' three students, inducting two from J. las kle, Wilson, secretary of tot
glaud and the Agri•ult
itl$1100.000 to the lslowet district front Denmark. Due front En
ural an( 1 Horticultural Sot•iet-
tLe Strobe aollulist., and further loa11•I balanct• from the Maritimes and On- les Branch, furnishes the following
WI of 9200,000 or more from the Tom t tnrlo. Prof. 1l. 11. ipnu states that
B rown affair at Stratford, lterth 1 the oDJ4It of this course is to improve
I the uniformity and standard of the
t>irraty' has been particulurly hard � dairy products of Ontario). It covers
bit practical work in cheese aid butter
• • . ! Making lied training In dairy Iaeterl-
How long will It take the pubilr 14'I'gy 1144111 + 114114 .try. Knruhnrnt ht 1114
1,1'71,1„„g.',,nt}tPIlter stuck.' aplrultun• wind
, forget the market. crash And tb•r ,~.arses Is also large. The
Moa that 1411444 accom{aut(d 11? It ' total numM•r of young men to all
W 1* human nature to "lake a chance'," ( elassehuu*t4CI A: C. 1e now close to
market ▪ the recovery of the rrket will five
t investors. as Sal- Fanning
Dl�Tuitl,,� BUSINESS
Post -Mortems, Inquests and a
General Headachy Condition
Follow the Big Slump "
OTTAWA, Jan. `29 (Special -to The
Signal. -The rampant prosperity of
Gun beet/itms la terrible, and evep the
baud salesmen are 11av1ug u hard lime
.0 buy gasoline.
What nature new protective le•gLsla-
tlun will take Is problematical, but me
deubtedly suave effort w111 be wade to
protect thegalllbie against uvurive.
Fewer Driving liorsea
11111111)10)1 Stint
l'he autumubjle lilts revolutionized
term life. It is no longer isolated.
1'llepLoue's said the radio have dune
heir shute• in -Seeping the farm fam-
ily more Ili contact wilh.'ihe world
nor of our acboola and their *Maintop
tration. Of course the commis --1111
and (ward of education take It es
quite a compliment to IIUte u) .k-
watrd for explaua11uu, dud to JIave'
retiring members re-elected 11) al'-
ilamatlon. All the Sallie It la desirably.
float the ratepayer* (s tttshtiIdllhsa"
some knowledge
these two res{aruslbl• bodies.
Never let .woollen garments truer
after 'laundering, es it Is likely' to
the stock bru.•erage truteru.ty h.ruug., and It+ doings. Then• lire (tower shut•
nut l'ruadn. 44h., -u w.i+ seriously yoll w farms 4404• -uu;1l the lieav} 114)044•+
,dl by the 44,.-.\utewbur lu.l r.. r. f whiter come. It api1•ur+ the motor
,Nolle, has been further uudcruained ,- ar isn't much u sure friend .of the
sly the ucti(u.er of the Alberta iced farmer when he wants to visit -or
to (44011 III I erlhds of henry MIOR1 'ol
some ttInters. Thea c s 1111' mal
Ault as the further is shut off from
tr.affl,. flus s driving horst• was a
:cuttlre lit tie farm st,41'. Now t ere.
are haver .4r.viu;; h.r-cs on the farm
and 010 lk,hblu and the t'ut'ee lir
toeing missed lit a time when the
rural citirru and his wile could pruf6
uy journeys 111 1(nvel4tiu1s, mmollb"
meetings and to the luring. -t1..;• tt.nd-
owe of nearby towns. It -emelt! isi.111.
10 hlrite n durst• luweb -but. the lass
a serious nue 111 ma113'-tse•s.
Ontario 4.oterumei.ls sold by the
promise that 111e Federal Parliament
tall also hist. up "wilt:sitin " awl
luy.keling" al t..e cu,niug +essay**.
Ili the 'oast five yeas {.robably no
ludo -+try iu ('.tunda has flourished
Ilse the btfo,.eroge business. The impu-
tation went "Ipe:u1U1.vely wail." Al-
most flier eight policemen. barber..
race (rhea ;,1.uts tied hundreds of
others became "ata•k brokers" and
alni.,st over uight they blossomed lord)
els lu:ll'Ient or us a.lual wi4lluuuir4s.
11 Irels'"'ot b thrum, were tea event
meuIN•r+ of Nil elehauge, but they
stretched Ielegniph w.res 1 I'n'.ts No Change Needed
and sometimes thousands of wile• (Fergus \ew,4-Itlrr•dI
and IN tune Agents for sumcuue wh" Nearly carry y.•:e►, some refurw,'1
was 11 member. vaunts by hail. the Mi*uic.l'uI J•
4If MUM., there were already 4141ung.d su 114x4 cuunc►:s wool1 Is
hundreds of broken, who were mem- elected for a 1wu-year term. 4u••h .,
•t.rrs of Stu exchange., hundreds who step usually comes at the end 4.,
list of annual conventions at the King
for many )car+ had ken 1,•gltiw(tcic year when the editor lin. been lib.,
1;elwyrd hotel, Toronto. during brrlru- carrying on their bu-iw� and will t., agree with nearly everytWug flat
ury: - satisfied. with u five lir teat thous:ma the Iovil (outwit has done dnrth: lura
4lutarly. 1Fleld Crop and Sad Crow- dollar 1nrume. And probably ler 314444, but we 11)15.44 known t me. w.1'.
ars Association, Feb. 4th. ghat (majority of the now graduates a two-year term w•0UM 11:rt ,ser„
(Safari' 1'luwinen'+ A'"'"e *U0n, into elle industry full/owl ter rut. + very unsatisfactory. A ((run; II mai
February 3tta. 4304kvIuuxly : but fu their wild -tine make mane very unpopular wove, Liu
Ontario Feb. at1N, of Fairs and Ex- pone fur UII,'Hr11WI wrd111 th,• puha: the ratepayers lawny* have the coa-
hlbltlws, Feb. (ith and 711. : did nut differentiate. Fv,rylh1n4 r..,' +0latlon of k 'lag that ti.ey ca.
Ontario Vegrtabld• Growers' Jsstxla• going up and slain -t anybody's a.l...r tuns -tht. whole lot out at
the cud u.
ton. FPI'. 12111. 1 l're'rde1 by annual i (14) what to buy was prutll*lle. I•: the }•ear If they so desire. It Is cedes.
meting on ,Feb. Ilrh at Parliament was haul to pick h !user.•that councils pasts mitre dote ((ul le;
Itulldlugs)• ' Tit• day.)uw4- last October whe•I. 4,44,4 ion 44'At-I)- In Ihr year than 4 .
bring out a new crop u g Ontario Horticultural :kssuFlmttuu.l,o,nditio's chwiged+g It was' bard to ,lo In the months when the np,4oa,ch
Specialized Feb. 13th uud 14th. Barr anything from the wreck -'vale. of uul1luatluu day is r stlyt .e sh,4:'44
well as many o[ the (4l•• ones. ' The modern trend to specialisation Farmers and otters lnterestel!
on the farms clear) exemplified In , through the halcyon days., hail Irft ,Iter the council chamitx•r. l'ath'e the•
• • • Y should clip these dates for reference. i their real lir Imaginary certificates, present system. the ratepayers alw•nj
one ,r,ntil+.�0utarlir. where, in sada- • with their brokers. content simply t.• have the privilege of n-elet•tlu;; at.
(tun W der talon of staple cries.Tae Palate Market� drop eh/11114i now and then and !ilk" ,chole (rrwtcll by al,•lamati.n If they
farm laud is irelug devoted to the (hilar+) 1'utainee for, Ontario I so desire, and Ihl+ yearn very large
growing of apples and tobacco on ?( lhdgdr.'' 'Is n slogan that la beginningl a cheek for a few tl axed- t.. n)
for a new auloau,bllr lir similar arca proportion of wunkipa111t144 tok t1
large scale, the ranching of foxes and to tear fruit City clniumer•s ere ally. Ila when the create 411 W(• folk- step
mluli,�r(gdl(ng of large flocks of high- fludlyg out that the table quality y' drgtlmusket their eertiflcatt•-. The)
class poultry and Turiell, ■taQ eves tinted', potatoes 1s nnsur{asse•!t. 1'm• , would at Irltst be souvenirs lir mut. Her�tT�a1 Dtaeutraton-'-
to muskrat reaching. Many farms are tiding the tubers are as carefully clal independence. kVlth the •'re*h (M.'unt Forest Conte leratel
devoted exduslvely to )4)r lir other
graded as those coming in from nut•I ado' calfs• Ixlxtel official r,rd,gnIII"Il A welter In The Owen Sdouad Swr
of these varlets specialized linea. The side wester.. 1)utarlo
growers are, the tart that ter whole enter{rr1'.e Times criticizes piddle meetings where
financial attractiveness of this plan learning t.. grade their potable... pro., I Id have INrn more carefully1 only five manatee are alowe4 to et h
of fanning
has Iwcu definitely estate po'rly, and (►1tart4 dealers are- Klnd s4){x•rtlsedl. .k natural corollary
of thea a{xakd�r h. dis,tt++ the various lut'r
fished. h, handle them whoa prq'rrly gated dl' boom was au epidemic of prutwdtuus � eats of the municipality. Ile submit
. Our dealer. are now buying freely . of nndeeelop'el pn*+ports, miuentl.1 that there should he Ihre. lir 4411.
Leat year's st44tlslic. concerning and at gaol prices from the organ nixnufa,turing, ad lutlnitum. 1 public meetings each year, so (hal
collar lit ons ece a 11e lite stock industry 111 Canada areaI {,01sto s rawer. of Central Outer -,NOW In for cull grey dawn of thel the ratepayers may be informed as t1
married, nearly forty-seven Years showed that the Duly branch which re wbo err praetsing pn,{'er gnatIlg nslrnfuit after n lost -mortem exemin tin. various (Minas of wnniclpa.
1414 nut show a reduction la total and hulk marketing. 4414444* 44(4,1 ter all 1uqu1• 144 lir•,• 1MI11': Ixxt{ta+.
o. The firm that made term 4)1 numbers on Canadian farms w•as A meta qur.touullre scot out kk',• quite aged that five minutes is
fruw (►. A. C. revealed that ()Mario held Hud (11,1.4 are prrmiseel. From
alit weal out of Lu+Ines+ years0ugh sliest,. The Prairie of grade
imported 1 the e'41sertxtdce a+ugle- ll1111' oke.' t1 100 short for any- well-Informe.
alae their Wahic•t was ta, goad. some tlu,usnuds of [reap ewes to stark teas hien producing an annual ncrrngri the 1111• with ,fflces dotted across the sgo•ak,r to review the doings of N1,
• weedy firms, (nus giving an impetus yield 443 clout 144.tea►,(t0U bushel 1'lo•,,r,itntry like chain grocery Mores the whole year. A better plan 4011144 .lie
to ter F ast"rn breeders to supply the a141•age total minuet emsumptlhn is reaction In dolhun and cent.+ is n to glee a representative of the town
The Provision of the Culled States de•mnnd for purebred stock. resulting estimated 4)t illott 12.thr_.INtU bushels' heedfully. The s{x•culnt+ve7n•nzy diel council, of the county conned, of the
e-9*toma law, under which tourists to in a health) market condition. or Ihy million bushels less than lh • of streugulatl)u Inst November. Naw water and light commDrslon. of the
Canada may take buck to the States 1 annual produrtluti. It is luterestlug, ,rrmr inquiries, prowetutiuus and Prom- Dare of education. len 441 ftfteru
to auto [hut, whI i 1 I minutes. 1[ before
$100 worth Ip Value of Cut Straw La of restrictive legislation
(tome shrinking. i
Sisters Re -United
Mary and b:11.en are settes.23 ed
83 ywire of est Their parents
loth dead, a)d the girl* wast fired
Orovlda W► hni',,.salifrs. Miry
,oat begun l.• .-urn .a tW,lt„rt trio '
•, agu wit,"1 - was atr4('ktl,r 44'1111
'.,uauwenu•, lid had to go 10 the
..uskoka 1ta1
1L*144. I her ow' a fe,uiar ea,
having ' . ,•rk banter than ever,
soon : r^, ,)4Qt011 to the t4(''4
• ng ex e„-,ue to ter dieea..' thr•,ui(h
1•.40 con 14,1 with tier -tthu �lu.•u'
• uh (44) r work,
.blc re.{plt; a fres loofahs later. oho
:••h Waat'01.1pell d to g)4r 114 -and Ju44,
er cutter in 1 0- hospital. and
. herr both i;4) 1.,are 'bang well.
•h�1r restoryuoa to health Is on- i 1
',tenth rayart.•d. 1 ,
• Would Soil not *lite to help to •c.11
work au this':' Your contribution will
grateful') acknowledged of sent to 1.
W. A. Charlton and A. 4L Ames. 333
('allege trcat, 1'oruuto 2. - -
The Globe sera It at last. "The Pro-
etticial Chu Service, as well -as the
Federal," It Says. "should give state -
nary preference to wear veterans." 11
sin Ifs eouvktktn la three lines at
821)0 no doubt reserving lta broad -
ages until a chance offers to get a
alit In at the Federal Government.
• • •
A Stratford C.N.R. veteran, who
49 Just retired after many years of
IV vice. boasts that he has worn the
� pe t t r Ince he
I • (Interior rrduce+, 144 forth- desired. to place N• err
tl of els without payment appruximut'I) one-third more {arta(
er undermine the coufideor• i,f those the ratepayers the doings of each of
of duty. has been n•newid, 4),,t the There it satisfaction rel In ter raw fact
otos than she consumes. the question ;wbu still hxc,• n few dollars left and theme important moor)-+{x•ndlngf
earoviw. that tourists must not take that cattle appear to relish the straw' ualre meas that aloe[ •aaehxlf of mania like to •re:oup.
this winter. Good oat +tram has, a def- 1 branches of our munl,•Iiail systems;
advantage of the exemption more lupe feed value ►resWev lying a filler. ell the late pot44ho•. hun,lhrl by or b7 n,ploc,e In brokerage and stok then to give five minutes'apleee to
Mian once within thirty days. Detroit Many (little wintered on turnip's and de roukltl a others whether nomlrnattdi as candid -
then 1 tip F
intereete made an, effort before a straw hay cane out In the miring in
committee of the Senate to have the falrly good , oaditlon. When mtnw is
cut or ground up and mixed with
e{zatmnpt�ion abolished, but did not
pulped roots. beet pulp, silage or evt'n
m13Cc4ed. sprinkled with molarww, the live
• • • stock seem to consume more of it
Despite the plea of the Woodstock than alien fel long.
branch of the 4'+snadian Legion, which - -
asked for the nfgolutment of a re-
sumed soldier. the I'rovIndai Gov-
rnment ha+ giceu the pompon of Is-
aler-, were grown outside the i'no-
4 -" „ offln•s ere tx•lug n•le11+ed
the This consumer spite lit ter tact tag with the abaindon of ('hristmas 4)e
the tient,,has to {1 1t oe. ofte in a departmental store. Eventually,
2rrmlum for 1'. N. 1 ons of s 4431 of P(.ur.e. no legitimate valuation of a
2p!<rr and for V. It pxitatort of 131ic security will be affected. but In the in -
a bag. The dealers apportion the tarsal the
f this condition as follows''
h1am,' lir t 44 eon, fires t+ iu
lmp,r,{wr grading of Ontario potatix•s;-
poor condition of the bags; mixture
of varieties in the ears; truck -r4
Feed ,yhortage General Moaning ungraded potatoes: poser
Interesting extracts from weekly (seed.-OOutorof f 47,1(4 curs
of uumhwol
crop reports:
e Bruer--There is a decided short- varieties.
enter of motor vehicle licenses to the I ,age of grain. but an abuudanee of The dealers declare the quality of
I)nteriu potat„es ,quad t0 Ihr hes
iso protest
I .kssorLond . Fr we see 1
iso protest In The London Free I'reas, er +hurt and ronddcrildt• mlllhrd I -I obtainable to uniform lot+. It ' 44.1
Th Toronto Globe, o r any of the Diadem, 1 Production is decreasing asinl ginning t
pot plr+Iden[ of the North Oxford 1 bay on most farms.
And Carleton The fed •'upplt is 4)4141- 1 and would prefer to handle then( H
IN•hig {,Undimmed. , I therefore, that our {cruisers n e ••
oron o hu" rise o realtz4• that they nhurl 1) -
other paters that 4111 440 Tenons dile to litany dry cows and prise+ are trove their methods of promitteh';•
(%talker. • handling nod grading If they
when they thick OW Federal Govern- 1htrhaiu--Egg prolue-ton is very regale and hold the home market.
meat has imide a slip
• .• •
Tuleraemin Is the mime or it wow'
disease which as contracted in the
dressing of *4.11,1 rahblts. Infection
*anew it fey er which frequently con-
tinues f, 1-4'terul weeks, sometimes
with fatal result. There have been
many raise: in the State., Dud the tis
ease has 1''ently enol(, Its appear-
ance In Outerlo. Great care should be
taken by 1111-:• who handle the dead
rabbits. Asa rule. it is seated, the in-
ft'etlgh comet thmngh some injury to
the hand, and the tae of rubber gloves
"Ile dressing the animals 1m recom-
• • •
Financial and incheerlal depre1slon
in the United Stine., with a confirm
slice of pr,opo'rlly In Cansdn. bas re
Mullet fn n great ,err,a"e In the nom
Mrs of (I,nadtnns going 10 the Stets
id find einploynlrlit. Figures guided
He. other day by the chairman of the
Tariff Board 44t itI'll wal +hottddl n
steady de, mase in the be, 40 ('anadn
through endgrfltion. 1m-1 year only
etiiItty-two, more Canadian. went t0
1111' United Stant+-+ than Oils ...entry
re,rlverl foot? Renes•+ the line. Iurl111-
mg many former Canadians retur0-
1111t atle•t• 41 period ,if M441'1141., 411 (1e
• • •
'1'h,• .%ttornr)-General of Ih41411'' i‘
coming in for severe criticism for his
terd•ines+ lin taking} aMlon to check
in Ile '4141 •k uafrkct flint have
...anent heavy !mews to the pe,ple of
fids Province. At Waterloo Inst week
lir. W. E. N. Shielair In a mildly. ad-,
dress charged that some brokers had
made enermotes {.refits from Imeket-
t1►nt is: pocketing 41e money
handed 11, them 143 -4ltelr castmm'r•-
fer trans„, tions on murgfn. The Fin•
aortal 1'„-t for ,.nate' months hos h•en
publishing articles slowing up. :he
fraudulent practices of certain hr1k
era, and fluidly made the easel -that
that. the Delertment of the Attorney.
G0w'rn1 w'4)+ lu lomr(•ss1011 of Intermit -
flee a. 10 the diversion of millions
of dollar+ of mend!' money to the
po'kct• of broker.. No artier sea
taken until the very day that fir. Sin-
hnlr mud, his address at 1Vm•lerl.,o.
It looks like 11 came of lucking tine
44table door after the 440r+e le stole,.
and Mr. Friel. w111 nu doubt be culled
upon for an explanation when the
Legislature naris next month.
"Yummy when a worry grove' back dt,.'. It tarn around or (foes
It g4) into reverses" -The Pivoting Phew, tondo*.
Saul of Tnet
A well-known speaker lectured to
member, of a literary sou•Irfy, and .,t
the end of Ills address the re'retnry
r(ry,nhr(•hrd him with a che4ne. This
he p,l.tidy refused, s *3111.4 111 at it
Might he d,v,1e1 to s.rrih• charitable
-WVonld• phi mind,' a.k,dl the se•-
ret:,t•),- "If we 44,11 11 to our s{N••i:tt
' Not - ill 1111." $1141 stodlker.
•kk' at !s the 34.11«1 fund for?"
'To enalbleus to get better teeter-
!. , ) .11 ,..• rte:.
F'rrl•'e'ty for the• Patina
t.klllstnn Iler11.11
•4443)) • n qualified - with ,',ndltlon+',
Ind •e"tlment in ter rural ,ilterit+i
, :4)1 4P(' t P ever fnrn'll-ing demand
for emel1(31 on the we, o. the farm-
, er wilt his fellow-^It4•ren Ilwrillntr In
the -"N•',•'1 ,r titre Of !,4r•• 31rnrs m'iny I
r of the farms hive been taken' ever by
young men with se(ond Yr whoa ell.
"nation Ind nota few farms are sow
presider' over by grlhlmitee of the
Install') ARrfc4Rntlt t•nlitge. Thi -
younger generalkM 144 111mont. a 0,11•4
nnll In facer of power in.the country
Just 44• they have It In the dty and
sootier or later ane of the polltl('al
portico out take 44p and engine! ties
ell 11.e of the meal dweller who de-
mands power on equality with the
Iloilo, dweller When that time Comes, 1
and It le not very far ,t4staat, Sir
Adlm Berk'a honer. of cards will fall
to the ground and a new and more
stlrMantlal Hydro aructlre will be
built nor • .
ates or not, for remarks or questions.
as far as there is time, or ss long as
the audience will remain.
At our lot nomination meeting
r,u Broom crop of mlllt4411- there was no diacusslon at ,111 of uur
the doldrums; 1he WOUND-, electric Ilght and w•utcrworks system.
h 1171nard's and
\.,.rm water, rubbing
the solution into the
etching parts with the
(:n;,er Cps.
::•lard's is also splen•
• �. for •?rains, bruises
;.rtt strained ligaments
• . 4M
Legion Kooms, British Exchange Hotel
Friday, February 7th
Mc orrnick-Deering
Tractor School
Under the auspices of Murphy & Johnston, Agents
10 a. in. --Open Meeting.
Practical ralks on Cate and Operation of Tractors.
Operators or McCormick -Deering Tractors
Specially Welcome.
1.30 p. m.--- f tactor School.
Series of Lectures on Construction of McCormick -
Deering Tractors --Tractor Farming.
Power Farming illustrated with
Educational Entertaining
Hear, See ---"The Evolution of Free
the 7ractor."
Modified Life Policy
With Change of Rate at End of Three Years
First Three Fourth end Apportioned Net Cost
AGE Years Following Years for 1030 FourthYew
$5,000 20 $60.50 $71.20 $13.20 $58.00
$5,000 30 80.25 94.40 16.90 77.50
$5,000 40 115.15 135.45 23.05 112.40
$5,000 50 174.90 205.75 33.10 172.65
(Payable Quarterly, Seml-annually or Annually)
This policy calls for one increase In rate
beginning with the fourth year; but dividends
begin at that time and if current experience
of the Company as to earnings con-
tinues, dividends should at least equal
the increase.
-.all the Prudential Office
alnd get rate for your age
,v. K. McLeod, Asst. upt.
Masonic I e
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