HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-25, Page 19KEMP'S GENERAL STORE T Luck:now ® Lanes ® Phone 521-72411 401, 4IP air AP 40, AP AP- AP 41, -4P AP 40 41. 4r 4/' 41IP' Schneider's Weiners 1 lb. pkg..... 85c Pepsi 26 oz 4/$1.15 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 16 oz 75c blOw 1976 4 ". a i r cord"icrinz air corditicrirc door, 6 cylinder attc7atic 2 :cc r; :y7:nt'er 1976 CC-LASS .2.cocr, m,, ,4, 1 7, , 2 1976 .74;7 Sm:NGE.7,, atoratiC 1975 2 door '7ardtc: • 3-197E 4 door, 6 cylinder, atoretic 2-797; ImPALAc, I dcc.r.ardtcpc 1976 2";YSLE;, 4 door 1975 RLYMOUTH FURY GRAN:, 2 door hardtc: 1975 PLYMOUTH' FURY GRAN:, custcr,-4 door 1975 'DODGE COLT, 4.docr, 4 cylinder arJto-at'd 1975 CUTLASS; 2 door hardtop 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1975 FORD LTD, 4 door 1975 t IMPALA, without air cord'tiorr: 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop, with air conditioning 1975 PONTIAC La mANS,! door 1974 DrN7IAC La 4 door sedan 1974 COOGE co:"NA , 2 door r.ardtopi/v.it air conditiorirc 1 .• r• et. - 1 --' 1973 L AQ!2 -- 2 r — G " -7DC flP c77 '4A•www;wwww:A-Nowwwwww www`Aot HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 Beautiful. Fast And it's waiti for you. "7? • s: • :._ :_"k21/4_"1/4 • .1/4 ree. - R & W Motors VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVECE Walkerton 82 1 • 04335 • A WEDNESDAY. MAYti... Wintario Grants In Huron An ireaa IME Eitir00. COtLIIICY is aniocg the receiving speo.o wirwaric help to correct 1121.S.4.ft COrldrrloos- Cu.Itiire and Recreation Robert Weich said a grant tap $70,000 IS to go to the Sc cirth Arei and Community HI. ix Is aroo.ci five irrants anntionticed fltrion Cola my which have been apprin -2,.:', from the proceeds- .of the Ontario Loa-cry. The grers total 175,10,0 %'.L 3122421=3 ranging frym VDA(' :0 'SI IQ. The Se.i.forth Arena Lad Corn- niur:7.• Hsu •r-anc be used. to assist 22. tie renoYainons to the Irer.a wh.loh.. are rec gni I5:7. L.E.S:41::: for safer; the T:wr_sh:p of 1-1.4.7viick :0 assist. the :1:srs of impri:',Yeniertis ro -he iota: Incity.1 /4 :rr, .7. the Insr../La .. tion "^_d • constr-i.:-.-.1 /4:c_. of in aldir..on. The Eierer: Saddle Cut rece ,.t 2 zrani: tip to wards :Ire :f an ouidcor show rr A zran: 51. 54:11:' the Gdenor: Ott:.—rrers Hockey Club 't7.71.: the zotsrs t-ans- ST. HELENS Mrs. Frank Mewhinney; Kathy. Ken VC amended the weddirtg of Kathy Arnold and Doug Mewhinney at Milton on Saturday. May st . Other guests were, Mr. and Mrs . Slike k Marie Mew h Lane y MoCalley of St. Cathertnes. Mr. and Mrs. RCA Hunter of Stratford. Murray Mewhianty and Cathy Neil of Peterboroug h. Sirs. Helen Todd and Miss Isobel .Miller a..-voinpanted Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller of London and ‘iisired .last weekend with Miss Floretioe Stewart at Es anston. Mr. and Mrs G. F Maolntyre of RI1 /4:171Eliled I'LL. Mr and MN. Don Macintwce and and Mrs. Jane SIaL L^:osh of Wtllorr . e were t'..e e [I d sitv rs at e hotre of Mtss Isobel. Miller. Boirn on Weahes.3.1% • Mar 15th at '00-in.zharr. and Dlsrr.wt Hospital Mr and Mrs Wa r ne Todd. a .Art an,:la Kathleen, a 77fOr"..1 r7. and an 7.1%7.2.1'..;:•71.2.: c;w:-:eriand -17-e Hooke ,. zran: 51:1 /4' PINETREE CRESTENETS By Aubrey Higgins The other day. one of our people brought a ,poem into our room for me to read. It is written in sudis simple language. w earthly real and true, that 1 asked pertiiisaiesa to copy it and am sending it on to you in this soripc. 1 do not know who the author is, but it must have been wrircen by someone with a real purpose in life. I ).1.i.kl,tt a ft -A lines ill I rt•Ctilt issue that tht potnts rhuN:h tort :tearer than mr feeble attempt to sho ,.‘, the will and deterrtunat-ton in a titan do If he. rr-tYttng to use seen it demonstrated right here. not only arr.,..,rti, the .pdrient-s, nun the staff as well Sortie will r to do lirtle thtr.,4s for `.1.7.t and ::,ieasz.r.e 'of 'tiever giNt 7.«..: n'.t of the lirtle in : w lt_h_ • no :hemse:res, It Is the ..-'e • - 2 -hat seem .77.7.k7:73-7.-. ."'t7. 2•7.t -.he. .-ere :TN t PS' Da 'y zs '7. 27 :7.e.7. .4-$ t IS A t°er neoc:e. We all make e are. S. th.a: .7tt'''t t ft w. .7%;,4,3 Wgrt wrir:era a bit late. I do t,elle,.e they are somerhir z we, remember the A-tole year. -.17..7Q.C.."1.2.. 41-11;..± for one special lay. She bore yt:,,t in her :,ode She fed you fro m Her 'biood runs rh.rtNuih yt.N.;_r reins, For you she za ,.e the She szreiy be ZiSren hr no other yes. ..`w'as r our mother DoN'T Q1:17 ;t leer' with. '.1*.'S tw1szs and As erery' of as sornet=aes learns. And many a failure runs about. when he Eth,21.--`t hair vic`C 17.2‘4., OCT.. Don nace seems slow. rn.ar . or: A.7.2 sk: it 72.1‘. e s s seen: worst that you must W e w-111 u•-,i to: be bask J time and on a ri.-gulaz basis tn.nt now on. MOST Pt2PULAR A: a- ri:e _ • : '7.'= *:•e LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCILNOW, ONTARIO PAGE MINETBEN. Often nearer It seems 70 a fit.= Ind fakitertng 771,-L11 .Of en ;:1-1.$ given up 10.44! cup&r:e.c.' the ,-34:7.ert the VW 7.1 %. • 7Af