HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 7FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound malar Ont, -"I am taking Lydia Z. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound throughtheChangs of Life. It hells me and 1 cannot praise it too highly. I was troubled with heat flashes and my limbs were heavy so I could hardly walk to do my farm work. I saw in the newspapers your ad about the Vegetable Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottle gave me relief and I have told others what it does for me. I am willing for you to unit letter if you choose." -Mas, D. B. Wilton, Ontario. Ink Tests jWlgYsr Brophey Bros. THE 1JEADIN(; FI'NERAI. DIRECTORS ANI) EMBALMERS Ambulsnca service at all hour., day or night. PHONE,: stew issi I{e,, 11, 1i( 21)F:1{Il'H J. R. Wheeler Funeral Hires -tor and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to des or night PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street. Goderlch • The Leading Men's Store . • Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your - Measure • • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. County and District A farmer In Carrick township re - lost eight cattle from blackleg. Alex. Elliott, of Durham, has been uppolut d C. N. it. (lection foreman at Bluevale. l'4as. l'llgrlln has been appointed townethlp clerk of Stanley, succeed - lug J. K. Haruwell, who moved to Golerich a few mouths ago. The death of ,Mmes Jackson 0C- ,•nrrel at Laekuow on Tuesday of lust week. De•easel nod his elle made their hese with Mrs. Griffin. Mr. Jackson was sixty-four years of age. A reale wedd.ng was that of Miss a4llots, of Thetford, t , Vector 1;111, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon tall. of the Lakeview Ilouse, Grated Bend. The Young couple will reside at Grand. 'tend. • Ste1.iwi wushtp es,u111•11 Is rtquir- nig all uwirer- ed dugs in the township le• have the an11111(15 seeUrely ehaiuwl. !'his action ear- taken owing to au outbreak of r'.lbic•s in the western Dart of the township. l Chas. Black Phone 219 Galerich .t new selwelhuuse of woleru de- ign has leen ere -ted in S. S. No. 5, 1'uruberry. anti Was 0l16114.4l at the be- ef the preeut term. It re- plies.* the school building that ens de- -troyed by fire last tall. George Blake, of the 14th tottwesiou A' Grey, had the misfortune to hate YJNGHAM .4 gun he was earrylug discharge 114- -- • ideutnlly. the charge of shut entering his foot. Tine pieces of shell were re - inured at the l.lstovel hospital. Addle A. Rodger. wife of James Lawson. Morris towushlp, died S'ri• ,lay evening, am tiro result of a stroke. Ik•ce•aswl was a native of Lanark .sownly. She 1s survived 'by her hue - band and one daughter, Miss Isola. at home. Fred Koehler, al well k,owu resi- dent of the toenside of McKillop, died suddenly Jaunary loth at the uge of seventy years. He was born un the farm ou which 1s• live) all his life. He leaves 14 widow and several suns .111,1 daughters. John Tree, who was hurt eighty )curs ago In Goderh•h township, died at Bruce Mines, tont., on New Deur'. night. When a Inky he moved with his parents to the neighborhood of Tees - water, end in 15 he went to Algoma, where. he had since lived. - R. tl. Cemcnon rri-Luettrw' . hate for tsevenal years Ween an active offit•Iaf"of the Retail 'Merchant As - 'elation of ('uwula, "has guar to Ot- tawa, where he w111 tarry oil tempor- arily the duties of district secretary of the uttaw•a' and Eastern: OutaHo branch of the .tsso'latlon. • Altar Iiesk,,, wife of Albert Wey- mouth, diediu Hellen township Jan - nary lath, aged sixty-one years. She had beets in poor health for several rears. Besides her hnstand, she leaves three Mts: Williatu• .f Walkerv111e, Arthur and Charles, at hone, and o ne daughter. Mrs. Clot.. Suuderco'k, of Mullett. The United a hunch mause, Hensel% sae the scene on Wednesday, Jane. t ry 15rti. of u happy event, the mar- riage of Nettie Mae Pwppee, eldeett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. of Tuckersmlth. to Wilmer George McCllnehcy, eon ut Mr. and Mrs George Mct'linchey, of Varna. The eeremony was performed by Bev. A. Sinclair. The newly-wed. will re- eble on the groom'p farm on the Stb coneeesiun of Stanley. Highway a few days ago he came across a lively two -loot garter snake. This is regarded as a Rlgu of spring. Williatp Koehler, of the Goshen line euut11, recently captured sit muskrats in his cellar. It Is sup- posed they come up through the cellar drain. The ekhls were sent to 'Toronto to he dispu,ed of. BRUSSELS At the annual meeting of the Brus- sels Horticultural Society, held in the public library, offwers were •ele•tel as follows: President, Mrs. Ida Lowry ; rive -presidents, Mrs. Geo. McCall, Miss C. Megaton; secretary -treasurer Miss E. Downing; directors, Mrs. It fhonwon, Mrs. It. Downing, Mrs. 1). C. !toss, Jas. Bowman, F. M. Wilmot, 1'. Stewart, A. 1'. hawker. Itev. Mr. Rick- ard; auditors, F. M. Wilmot and A. H'. Mai•douald. Mrs James Armstrong Is laid up with a broken hip, the result of a fall on the lee true day last week. Word has been received of the death at Woodstock, N.B., of Mary Broadfoot, wife of Daniel Stewart of that plats. Deceased was a daughter of the late John Itroadto)t of Grey township. We carry a genal stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Fitiniat.-. sisee • i, : rpl`liratlon Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Godertch Atter a lingering illness, William J. Edwards passel away January 9t11. 11t the age of tweute-four years. De- ceased ems born in ltelwure, the see= end soil of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 11. Ed- eanis. The death of Mrs. Jemima !(upper, a former resident of title community. uceurrasl January 2nd at the home of her nephew, Mlltuu Hopper, Sault Ste. Marks. Deceased was in her seventy- third year. She was horn at Cart- wright, Ont., but when a email girl moved with her parents. the late Mr. and Mrs. James Grigg, to East Wawa - nosh. where .she silent 'noel of her life. The welding of .tune Leona. thlnl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Black- hall of 1Vimghaw. to William .t.. sec- ond erand soli of Mrs. ltrackley tend the late .lames Itraekley of Toronto, SODAS FOR BAILORS. Fashion Fancies New M. M. 5. Nelson Equipped Wits Fountain. M. M. S. Nelson, the newest addl- Ule to the British navy, is equipped 'With a soda fountain. Aside from the armament, she has many other points of interest which would surprise the yrs who sailed the seven seas a hun- dred years ago. In her domestic arrang•wents the Nelson sets a new standard. When going to sea she takes along 1.600 gallons of rum; 156,000 pounds of flour; 62,000 pounds of sugar; 7,000 pounds of tea; 43,000 tins of con- densed milk; 20,000 pout.ds of froz- en meat; .40,000 pounds of vege- tables; 5,000 pouuds of tobacco, and 10,000 pounds of soap. In addition she carries lar a quantities of fresh meat and other consumable stores. The catering department of the Nelson is equal in Iti equipment and organization to that of a first-class hotel. 'rhe men's mtals ale prepared by a staff of expert cooks in kitchens that have all sorts of woderu electri- cal appliances. In the bakery ail the work Is done by machinery and the food le noLhandled. The mess decks where the crew live ate lighted by scuttles instead of artificial light which is used in most warships. Every section of the crew has Its own bathrooms. There are comfortable recreation rooms supplied with papers and mag- azines for the use of the men who are off duty, and there Is a well - stocked general shop at which the men can buy whatever they need. Moving picture entertainments are provided for them and there L a fairly large chapel. FILMING THE INDIANS. National Museum of Canada Taking Pictures of lndldn Ceremonies. The chiefs of the Blackfoot ludiaus near Gletchen, Alberta, approve of the motion pictures which are being taken of their tribe for the National Museum of Canada, according to Mr. J. H. Gooderham, Indian Agent to these Indians. The museum archaeologist 'lifted these Indians for nearly a week In October. 1926. and took some 800 feet of motion picture fi1m, but, as the Sun Dance is given only In sum- mer, he could not take the most in- teresting ceremony of any plains le - took Place in Westwort•i.ud wenn•• than tribe. He again visited them for United) church, Turrlte, 11nJuuuary six days In October Ile[, securing 15th,' Rev. 1.. 1. litotes offlelating, a«- many specimens. a "Seeing-4*--bell..viu4r_ with the nl•i quently happens that minor ailments of the child distreecs and puzzle her; she does not kuow just what to do, yet feels them not serious enough M call a doctor. At Just suchtimes as these it le that Baby's Own ;Tablets are found'' to lee mother's greatest help and friend. Most childhood ailments arise from a derangement of the stomach or bowels. Baby's Own Tablets wilt Lmmadfately banish them by drawl- ing the bowels and ew•e•tening the stomach. • Thus they relieve colic, correct the digestion, banish constipa- tion and make teething pains disap- pear. Baby's Own Tablets are guaran- teed to be free from Injurlou's drugs such us 111,11111•. 11114 11111...111t WS and Inuy be given to the newborn babe with perfect safety and lenefielal results. They are sold by medicine dealers or by nail et 25 rents a box from the 1)r. William. Medicine CO.. Bru-k'ille. Indies and old l'anama. destroyed by one Pirate Morgan in 1671. He showed ---- ONE GOOD RECIPE trig MARES COOK FAMOUS It 1s more likely that if the her Turks Have a flee choice they will pick oht names Ilk, Bonaparte. Shakespeare, Charlrwagne. Dttelld, Dempsey, Llndberhn, etc., aoeordlng prove appetising and acceptable tel to their ambitions every member of the family. Below lei a melts. M111-11 should not fall to up - and 1- light and turfy. 1t is an (.x41•Ilent -eel1 to follow a e.lIrs' dinner of -cop. meats Mal vegetables. Spattbsh ('ream with Nuts Three cupfuls milk, one-half ,ml. - fill sugar. two egg yolks, one table- s w,,Ii gratin 111 gelatine, 11114. tea. spoon vanilla, one-half cup chopped meat wits and threw egg whites. Scald cald milk with gelatine In double 11/` r When gelatine le dissolved add He, ter the Stniy South! Thursday, January Zi, 1930-T. Shops are already assuming a springlike air in their display of fash- ions for the Southland. One of the must charming after- noon frocks en one of these Siutheru exhibits was of pale green ehitfon. Horizontal shirring,. extend frau the normal waistline, releasing the skirt fullness well below the hipline. The same treatment le utilized 111 the :heves. Tin' mannequin who showed 111144 track wore a green velvet hat «ottly draped acrotic the front. in a shade deeper, but eomplementhng the frock. S114.41e gloves In pale green completed s lovely, summery ensemble. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF A FOND MOTHER S AFORTH The residence of M1* Belle Jackson, hl Egwondville, was completely de- stroyed by lire early Tuesday morn - lug of last week. Wht`u discovered the fire lied wade such headway that It was impossible to Ware the building. - %Morose M. Hill, who for a number of years couducted a shoe -repairing bus cess 111 Selttorth, died J,luuary 14th in tivaria hospital, !Antolini. Mr. 11111, who tens forty-Neveat- years of lge, was a native of ('ort Elgin and Lived there until war -time, when lie a 0111 overseas with the Itrut+ Ilatlal- tun. !le was baldly wounded, 141141 after .Bing dlsoharged fyolu the huapi1Nl he ..114414, to Sti(orth, where he had aims, tweet in business. Ile Is survived by a Willow, leu a41e4 211141 Iwo 1:•.tughters+. Mrs. David Ferguson, a well-known resident of Seaford', passed away (canary 18Th at the home of her .Lnlghter, Mrs. J. G. 1;ries '. in her seventy-sixth year. Deeasad was for many years a resident of Tnekersmlth before coming to hien nineteen years Ago. Her husband diel In 1904, and she be sun' vett Shy one sem, Thomas Ferguson, and one (laugher, Mrs. :;rieve, INdh of Seaforth. At the annual mes:lee of the Sea - forth .tgrieuhural 4to•lety William S. 11rmelft'ot w•14e "elected president ; Humphrey Buell, Joint M. Eekart and Itobt. Arehtbald, Jr., 'vice-presidents; A. D. Sutherland, scretary-tn'asurer. It wait 'Welded to hold a spring show on a date to be selected Wo roc not to roof let with Mitchell, Clinton or HenRall. The Society Is behind the Movement to Wee sheep on every faro) as a means of eradicating the weed nuisance. and will offer increased prize money in this line. Pitt" 'TOUR OWN NADfL. Turk Chieftain Would Abolish Sam tem of Heredity., Nantes. What's in a name'"? Everything. So deers s Kemal Pasha. hetaal believes that 1t is the ua:ural right of every human being to (destine a name for.hlmselt. Wny should he be sad= died with that ct his- parents' The name may of course be an advantage to him. hu. Mtn there Is' the ques- tion whether ht eI•ould have the right • to any such advantage Over less for- tunate fellow ctt.z. ns. We Do longer believe in her.•ditary Mita, but un - .1.•r our present rules a wan named King may bequeath that name t0 his children, while .he egaaliy meritor- ious children of a neighbor are oblig- ed to go by the inferior name of Darks, er perhaps Taylor -or Smith.--- Kental's idea that everybody on reaching a certain alga Rbould be able to choose for himself the name by which ne will be known is by no moans new. The French revolution proposed to introduce a similar re- form, but the fall of Robespierre blocked It. Most names, at one time In their history, had meaning. A a one -suttee sailed hlmaelt Mason, for Instance. It was an advantage In his business. He didn't have to pass out Dullness cards to the other guests at the annual dinner of the Chamber of Comments. They knew by his name what hie heathens was. Perhaps Rental's subjects w111 net P so far as to name themaelees after their profession. Modern business 1a more complicated than 1t wa,. In the days when named were so selected. It is hard to imagine calling nae'e self Mr Henry Ineuranoe-Agent or Edward Automobile -Salesman, 5+q.. though Rome people may think the hyphen la rather dlitineutshed leek - Her tight, is it never-euding source of joy and a ne4er-falling resiseedbli- ity 1.. the feud ntutM'r, -14--mot dohs couple will [unite their borne at Grar- enhurelt. BLYTH Indiana. states Mr. Gooderham, who says that the museum postcard, show- ing exhibits. which was ,gent to him 'to show to the Indians "will do much to make clear" the museum work I "and the object of the archaeologist's visits." In a few years the old In- 1 Maas wfl be dead, and. as the young men are more interested In wheat crops, threshing combines, elevators, auto trucks, and hall Insurance, than In the old dances and rituals, it mo- tion picture records of these an• not soon taken the shall".- will h.- :;one forever. A well-k11uwn citizen of Myth was removed l,v the death 011 Suedes'. Jan- ary nails of Allan It. habitue. De- ceased was bora In Turnberry town- ship fifty-nine years ago and came to Birth about thirty-five years ago. Ile and his brother. Franklin, commenced business as tanners and glove mauu- facturers under the firm moue of Batntoe Bros. Some years later their piton was wiped nut by fire, without any insurance. They built a new fac- tory and resumed business and In 1927 they were grouted a loan by the village for the erection of a wo llnn mill, In which they manufactured blankets, auto rugs and yarns. De- ceased leaves his wife, one son, Prank - lin. and a daughter. Marjory ; also two brothers. John. Of Great Falls, Montana, and ;Franklin. of Blyth, and Mrs `S threw slaters. tephen Mackenzie, of Galt : Mrs. Mel end. of l'onttac. Mich.. 11ud Mrs. James Leach, of De- CLINTON troll. 1.. J. Willie:re has (leen appointed Boll. all, after it three thrmouth,' clerk of the Blyth Division Court. In holiday al the biome of his parents. sutt'es-•ion to Joseph Stothers. who re - Mr. and Mrs Nelson Ball of town. signed on his removal from Blyth. left Iasi week un his return to Peru, where be is engaged with the outer- EXETER national Petroleum Tompson'. Hon. It. 11. Bennett. leader of the The ce 11111111111 'ntIng of nit, • Exeter Felerel Conservative party, I. to give Agricultural Society was held on Slit - en oddness In l'Ilnton on January, urday afternoon: Officers elected 211411, the 1/1.(.11.411T11/1.(.11.411T161.111g,61.111g,a banquet were: President, Fred. Ellerington7 In his honor given by the Conserve- vice-president, Wm. ('dates; treasurer, T. S. Woods ; secretary, ltS G. Selden. The dates set our toe 1x11 fair are the Tuesday and Wednesday follow- ing the Iondou fair. The Society will bare a field crop competitlou this year. Gt At e annual meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society, held on Thurs- day. the following officers were elect - ell: Iron. president. 1. It. Carling; president, Win. Ward; 1st vice -p ees- lh•uce J. Klopp has purchnsel elem. Miss G. M. Harvey : 2nd vice- : ronl his brother ]kers five acres of president, 'Miss V. E+sery : secretary - the hatter's faint fronting on the lair- treasurer, J. G. Stanbury : assistant, mid and intends to go extensively B. W. F. Beavers. nito thicken farming. Henry Rundle, a former resident of :I.•. N. 'Talbot has sold his :weenie- Exeter. died at Loudon Jauuery lath. Jeri• farm on the Bronson Ilse, Slim, aged seventy-six years. The remains ley, about two tulles north of Blalk.'. 444.24' brought to Exeter for Interment. to Allan S. Steckle. who gets 110.,41,- The death oa-urrel at Yarkwowll Sinn April tat. lir. Talbot 11101 re hos/tidbit, London, ou January 15th of Rus, of the uof the house until Jana..' Josephine Erten tillbauk. widow of 1.1. Ile intends to retire from farm- I the late 'William H. Kest lc. at. the no ing el will likely wove to xpo1PrieIl age of seventy-one years'. The funeral with 411- faintly In the'spring, took place ou i'riday from the home While Chris. Ileyro•k was walking of dece.1.15ell's brother -In-law. T. J. through :a bush near the Bite Water 1 Kestle, to Exeter cemetery. • live A...N•iation: Rev. S. Sellers. a well-known re- tired minister of the former Methodist Church, who passed away- at Toronto last week. preached his first sermon, after his ordination In 14475. in Turn- er's church. Tuckersmith, where he was junior pastor., Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) i can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 1 . Ilj :nllerich Notice to Water Takers rhe Water and fight Com- miseion is pleestd to finnefthee a reduction of one dollar pet annum on house .eater rater from January 1st. Owing sp the large number of takers this reduction means con- siderable le.s revenue, and consumers are asked to co- operate in the economical operation of the plant by see- ing that the water ie not wasted and that all leaky taps of services are fixed at once. L. fie. Know, W T. Marney, Sse'y.. Chairman. West Indica F'rult for Canada. Canada will become a great mar- ket for the fruits of the West In- dies, said Vs'iltro-d S. Lawson, t:1 the Department of Justice. In the course of an address to children recently at the National Museum, Ottawa. Mr. LawsO6 took the children on an imag- inary steamship cruise to the West them beautiful lantern slides of the old cathedral tower, the only bit of the elty now remaining, the walla of which are fifteen feet thick. Canada has no such ruins to attract. tourists to her railroads, steamships, hotels and national parks, only Ruch things as the totem poles, most of which, he said, are now rotting and neglected on our Pacific roast. Not being of stone, this art disappears rapidly. The pictures of women retrying loads on their beads while the men rode donkeys amused the children, as did many other scenes and customs in the West Indies. Places of historic interest as well as many beautiful bits of scenery were explained to the EMBARRASSING MOMENTS .I i IIiI�IU PSN • W6AE'tUI.D Zit t &ivsit h Comore 1,14(, M B25AG& s O 1146..1146..LADY W rtii 'nit Mott ON (it RACK n. Ire Up.1 :. seer.... r. ease aNr ,,.M, ,....e•. '- [[ • .tris for Ships. A little instrument thousands of times more sensitive than the human ear may be the means of Raving many , human lives and a great deal of the expense 'tf shipping delays emoted by fog. it Is a fog navigating compass and I sound Indicator, resembling a mix- ture of wireless receiver and. X-ray apparatus. Recent Zests were highly su ,cess fu l . • By means of a faint whistle on the receiver and pin points of light on • screen, the Instrument Indicates the direction, distance, and charaet'ris- tics of fog signals. It le also claimed that the appar- atus can he carried 1n airplanes, be used for locating (l alrnt gunfire, and fol detecting raining airplanes. When used in conjunction with a sound ray It w111 show the contour of the sea- bed and locate sunken ships. .5 never-ending 540re• of worn to the housekeeper Is a dessert wh►ch w N, sugnr and I..nr Acedy over beaten egg -yolks. stirring. Iteti1r11 to doable Willer. cook until thickened. stirring. Itetnove: add salt, vanilla and nut meals. Fold h1 stiffly heater' egg whites. D'onr hate cold wet molds and chill. This re:•Ip• serses frnw r -ix to I eight p'rsoMt High !laleaman'Ihip t diel at 1s a man who tau give Ilk wife a $70 washing machine and hulk' her forget it was a' $710) COM 4he }vr1nts1. Albany Knitkel'l. her Press. Lifeboat to Ald 'Planes, The world's fastest and largest lifeboat, hunt for the Royal National Lifeboat Instil ition, Was launched tram Meows. John 1. Thornycroft k 1 Co.'s yard at Hampton -on -Thames, ID England. . She Is the first lifeboat to be spe- cially built to help airplanes coming 1 down at sea. She will have a speed ! of about 18 knots ,and will be sta- tioned at Dover. Whose "Remark a." The trat k aupervl.or received the following note from one of hla track ' foremen: "i'm sending In the acci- dent report nn CaRey'R foot when h. struck It with the spike Maul. Now, 1 under 'Remarks.' do you want mine or do you want Casey's?" Not In the "City." The Tower of London IR not In the City of . London, the boundary of which atop short at the west wall of the old lortresa, i.ittle WIMP: My sister'" I.O.W..' Roy 'tit et: • h.reis Little Willie\ ebony. One pr way I do I,uaii1 "Tab. i RAN )oil kiss Friend (hnrriedtyl : a quarter." "And bere'e ten eenta ole to a11; that's the o: it. by (ler "I►hl yam k1111w. dear, that tunnel 1 we jo-t i.a-.cd tlirnugh was ten miles long and cost $12,1100.1e10?" meld the y onng man to his sweetheart. 'oh. really. d1.1 1t'.'" :he replied. as .he started to rearrange her (Defeo - idled hair. 'Well. It was worth It.I wasn't Ilk"- Boston Transcript. Anaemia WelIknerod of t I. a (Blood Pallor of the lips, gum. and ebds is proof that the blood is thin and watery. Anaemia is the name given to this condition. Anemia is most prevalent among girls and young women. The school girl often suffers as the result of an .haemic condition of the blood and t',e consequent upsetting of the nervous system. The remarkable success of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food in cases of this kind is perhaps the best proof that .1 goes directly to the formation of pure, rich blood. And pure rich blood is the foundation of the healthm and strength of the whole huan body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The greatest of restoratives for the blood and nerves. THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and Th• Toronto Globe... 46.50 The Signal gad The Toronto Daily Ser .. 6.50 The Signal and The London Advertiser 6.50 The Signal and TM London Free Prow 6.5O The Signal sad Ag Taranto Mail and Empire ....... 11.60 The Sigaal and The Famess' 3.25 The 'Waal and Tae Family Herald and Weekly Star ...3.00 The Signal and Saturday Night 5130 The Signal and The New Outlook 3.90 The Signal and Canadian Home. and Gardens 4 65 The Signal and The Catholic Record 3.75 The Signal end McLean'. Magazine 3 75 The Siegal and Montreal W it- geu reaew.l 3.85 neer 3.S0 The Signal a a d World Wide renewal 4.25 new 3.55 The Signal and Youth's Companion 3.50 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly ....... 41.75 The Signal and Red amt Gita 3.65 The Signal and The Canadian Countrytaan - 2.85 Clubbing Rate. With Other Peri- odical. May Be Had on Application KEEP BLOOD -POISON OUT WITH Treat every skis iejery with mor aatrgptic Zam-Bak. Tbisene herbal balm prevents twin infection, allays iabammation, removes all trace of teems and meanie quick. clew bashes KF l:P A BOX OF ZAM-BUK HANDY I GODERICH INN GARAGE OFFI(''AI. -F.ILVICK STATION FOR Durant, Hudson sod Esse:, Cenral Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service }'oh can anvil• Police dnnpsrtion when they ari• repaired by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for ,All Make' of Autos in Steck :is:, Te eny...tie cele. can bring a car we can't repair -*t HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON 3T. PHONE 247 OiP ti1311itl Calendars for 1930 are here and they are "dandies" One for every paid -in -advance subscriber RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EARLY AND MAKE SURE OF A CALENDAR THAT WILL BE BOTH CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME -- .:aa 1 t