HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-18, Page 20Ni ME SAVINGS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977 1976 DART SPORT, 2 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1976 DART SWINGER, 2 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1976 DART, 2 door hardtop 3-1976 DARTS, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic 2-1976 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door hardtops 1976 CHRYSLER, 4 door 1975 DODGE COLT, ''door, 4 cylinder automatic 1975 CUTLASS, 2 'door'hardtop 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1975 FORD LTD, 4 door 1975 CHEV IMPALA, without air conditioning 19-75 filEV—IMPALA, 4 door hardtop-i—with conditioning 1975 PONTIAC La MANS, 4 door LOWER INTEREST RATES Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, [5191 744-6535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, [5191 832-20ft Branch Office: 504 Tenth Street, Hanover, [519]364-3121 "Evenings Call Tara 934-2973 or 934-2431" WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH ON 10 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS 8 CONSULTANTS LIMITED 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO NOW AVAILABLE ON 1974 PONTIAC La MANS,'4 door sedan 1974 DODGE MONACO, 2 door hardtop with air conditioning 1974 CHEV, 4 door sedan 1974 'DATSUN PICKUP 1973 LaSABRE, 2 door hardtop 1/2 TON TOPPERS IN STOCKI CAR SALES LTD. BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT -pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww AMM'S Poor Interest At Ball Meeting There was a poor turnout for the softball organizational meeting held in the Lucknow Town Hall last Thursday night. In an effort to keep softball alive in the village, a number of teams have been entered in the local recreational league. Boys 12 and under and 12 - 16 years of age are asked to be at the ball park on Tuesday, May 24 at 7.00 p.m., if you are interested in playing on one of these teams. A team has been entered in each age category. All men wishing to play slow pitch ball other than the Kinsmen team, are asked to be, at the ball park at 8.30 the same evening, for .an organizational meeting. A slow pitch league has been formed. The Kinsmen Club have entered ,a team, however, if there is enough interest shown, one more team could be accommodated from Lucknow. -A-prograttr-is-beirrglorrnalated- for boys and girls wishing to play ball on Saturday mornings. There is still an urgent need for some coaches and managers. Lucknow C61T Has Cook Ou1 The Lucknow C.G.I.T. group enjoyed a cook-out at .the home of Lynn Elphick to close the spring activities. After everyone cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, Lynn, Pam McIntosh and Debra Arnold led the group in games. Mary Ann Ritchie and Bonnie Clarke made specially decorated cakes and Faye Ann Forster presented them to leaders Shirley Colwell and Nancy Ritchie in honour of their up-coming events. All leaders of the group were given gifts from the girls. The evening closed with songs and Taps around the fire. KINGSBRIDGE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 year 1977-1978 took place during the First Friday evening Mass on May 6th. President, Mrs. Marion Austin; 1st vice, Mrs. Ann Berry; 2nd vice, Tina VanDiepan; 3rd vice, Betty Doherty; corresponding secretary, Delores VanOsch; re- cording secretary, Clarice Dalton; treasurer, Mary Clare. The Ashfield and West Wawa- nosh Recreation Committee met on Monday, May 9th at the Brookside School to discuss the summer recreation program. 1. A 40 mile bikeathon to be held on Saturday, June 4th to raise money to instal safety glass 'in the Lucknow arena. Pledge sheets are at the Kingsbridge School where the children can be registered. 2. Most of the meeting was involved with Ball. Recreation ball is a time of fun. Coaches and managers are needed for all the teams. Please give a little of your time to help these boys, girls and ladies. It is hoped to have enough players to form the following teams: Boys: age 12 and uhder, 6 teams; age 12 to 16, 6 teams; Ladies: age 12 to ?, .6 teams; Slow Pitch: boys age 16 and over, 9 or 10 teams. Children are needed but so are parents to help make Recrea- tion Ball in Ashfield and West Wawanosh successful. On Wednesday, May I 1 next year's Kindergarten class visited the school and met all the teachers and their future classmates. We are all looking forward to welcom- ing these new students to St. Joseph's at Kingsbridge in Sept- ember, 1977. Mrs. Park's grade four class cooked their own lunch on Thursday as part of their unit on Hawaii. Mr. David Zyluk, principal of St. Joseph's School at Kingsbridge, has been invited to the opening of St. Anthony's Separate School at Kincardine. Also present will be Mr. R. Bornhold, Regional Director of Education and the Most 'Rever- end Paul F. Reding, D.D., Bishop of Hamilton. The Huron County Health Unit was present at the school on Monday, May 9, instructing the children in dental hygene and having a "Brush-in". Friday, May 20th is Arbour Day at the School. Mrs. Bernardine Kinney has pres- ented a tree to the school to be planted on that day in memory of Mr. Joseph Griffin. Grade 4 - 6 Floor Hockey House Leagues: Edmonton 4, Saskatche- wan 7; Montreal 6, Toronto 2; Edmonton 0, Montreal 4; Saskatch- ewan 1, Toronto 6. Senior Boys Handball: second round winners, Marlowe Austin, Ronnie Austin, Brian Drennan, Tom Foran, Steven Frayne, ' Michael Frayne. Third round winners, Ronnie Austin and Steven Frayne. Senior Girls Handball: second round winners, Betty Knoop, Donna VanOsch, Jean Vogt. Third round winners, Jean Vogt. Doubles of Senior Girls Handball: first round winners, Debbie Drennan and Jackie Van- Osch, Debbie Austin and Donna VanOsch, Astrid Plasschaert and Betty Knoop, Sharon Doherty and JoAnne. Crawford. Winners in the finals, Donna VanOsch and Debbie Austin against Astrid Plasschaert and Betty Knoop. Junior Boys. Handball is to start this week with the Junior Girls Handball to start next week. NOTICE OF MEETING Lucknow Business Association Wednesday, May 25th at 8 p.m. AUDITORIUM - TOWN HALL Re: Business hours for summer and any other ideas or suggestions re business in and around this area ALL LUCKNOW AND SURROUNDING AREA BUSINESS PEOPLE.ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND LARRY COWAN Secretary Treasnier Bill Bermes - President Terry Rathwell Was Speaker On Prevenfion Dungannon Branch of Women's Institute met on Wednesday, May 4 at 8.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Cecil Blake with the theme "Consumer Affairs". The presid- ent, Mrs. Elmer Black, welcomed 21 members and one visitor, and opened the meeting by all singing' the Opening 'Ode and 0 Canada, followed by repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call, "A bargain that wasn't a bargain" should make shoppers more alert. Mrs. Clifford Purdon, cOnvener for Consumer Affairs, introduced the guest speaker, Terry Rathwell, of Lucknow, a volunteer fireman. He spoke on Fire Prevention and used splendid posters to illustrate his information. A question and answer period followed. Mrs. Graham McNee expressed thanks. The finance report and correspon- dence were read by secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Harry Girvin. Thank you notes were read; 80th anniversary of F.W.1.0. is July 13 at Bingeman Park, Kitchener; invitation to Blyth, May 11th, tickets available from Mrs. Girvin; the Summary Day for the Quilt Course will be May 25 in Wingham; spoons are not yet available for sale; the District Annual meeting is to be in Clinton on May 30 to which all members are urged to attend, delegates are Mrs. E. Black (pres.), Mrs. Graham McNee (dist. director), and Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, voting delegate. Please leave hobbies prior to May 30 with Mrs. McNee for our display at the District Annual. The president expressed thanks to Mrs. Warren Zinn for typing our 1977-1978 programs and also the tickets for the draw, to the Easter committee, and to the hostess and all helpers. The motto "The evening of life comes bearing a lantern" was well given by Mrs. C. Purdon, telling of Senior Citizens who are still light bearers even after years of helping others. Mrs. Mary Errington told of the pleasures they gained in making the Easter calls. A lovely solo, "Go Down to Kew in Lilac Time" was given by Mrs. Russel Alton, accompanied by Mrs. Gord- on Finnigan on the piano. Mrs. Blake was asked to comment on shells brought from Florida. A relay game was enjoyed prior to lunch. It was conducted by Mrs. Robt. Irvin. Following singing The Queen and Institute grace delicious lunch of sandwiches and relishes was, served by hostesses, Miss Iva Carr and Mrs. Roy Robson. Next meeting is to be on Agriculture June 1, at the home of Mrs. Ivan Rivett. 4' PLETCH ELECTRIC WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL — FARM — INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect 357-1583