HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-18, Page 71111111111111"' EDNESIDAY, MAY 18, 1977 Alt SALES PRIVATE SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the residence of the late Roy Black Outram Street, Lucknow will be held SATURDAY, MAY 21 - 12 o'clock noon Articles for sale include: Nord- eimer piano, library table, chest- rfield and chair, 2 occasional hairs, rugs, living room drapes, all seat, walnut dining room urnittp, maple kitchen table and chairs, wicker chair, 2 couches, 2 ocking chairs, 3 piece bedroom uite, 3 beds, 2 dressers, 2 wash tands, 4 wooden chairs, lamps, loor polisher, vacuum cleaner, .leetric--broonr; • large ---wardrobeT- ealers, quantity of coal. AUCTION SALE Of good household furnishings aid smallwares including dressers, )eds, mattresses; bedroom suite; raditional chesterfield suite; ex- .eptional Mediterranean style din- ng suite; space saver couch; good :olour television; colonial desk and :hair; full nine piece dining suite excellent condition); Victorian par- our table; Boston nursing rocker; 3 & W portable T.V.; chandaliers with prisms; modern copper fix- ute; variety of dishes, smallwares, )edding and linens; large oval shag :arpet. Being sold for the owners hrough the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre 20 Water St., Wingham, Ontario SATURDAY, MAY 21 at 11 a.m. Preview Friday afternoon and evening from 2 p.m.; Saturday From 9 a.m. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Feed and Farm Machinery will be held for ALBERT BONGERTMAN Lot 24, 25, Concession 6, Kinloss Township, 3 block east of Lucknow on Highway 86 and approximately 3 1/2 blocks north on Concession t, Kinloss Township on SATURDAY, MAY 28 at 1:30 p.m. Clerk'. Lloyd McNall Auctioneers Grant McDonald Ripley, 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, 392-6170 AUCTION SALE Of Used Material from the Belmore Arena will be held at the ARENA SITE IN BELMORE on TUESDAY, MAY 24 starting at 1:00 p.m. BUILDING MATERIAL 7 roof vents; 1 door and track approx. 12' x 12'; 2 door jambs; 25 doors, various sizes; 15 Windows, approx.. 34" x 28" (6 panes each);. 884 spruce 2x4's 16' long; 22, spruce 2x4's 15' long; 12 trusses approx. 76' span; quantity of panelling and gyproc; insulation batts; 832 soft maple 2x6's 16' long; large quantity soft maple 2x6's, 8 ft. and 16ft. long; 18 pieces cushion board wall in 16 ft lengths, 4 ft. high; 46 2x8's 16' long; 5 2x8's 14 ft. long; 1 piece pine, 23'x2"x- 12"; 2 pieces pine 11'8"x2"x12"; 3 pieces pine 9'x2"x12"; 3 pieces pine 12'x2"xI2"; 1 piece pine 5'6"x2"x12"; 2 pieces pine 8'x- 2"x12";. approx. 150 2x10's 16' long; approx. 70 pieces of 1x6 in 14' and 16 ' lengths; 56 pieces of 15' spruce; 'quantity of 1x5's, various lengths; "quantity lx5's 10 to 16 ft. long; quantity 1 x6's 12 to 14' long; 55 lx4's 16' long; 10 lx4's 12' long; 152 sheets of steel 16'3" long; 151 sheets of steel 14 ft. long; 25 sheets of steel 15'6" long; 140 sheets of steel 14'6" long; 27 sheets of steel 8' long; 9 lengths ridge cap, 8 ft. long; 11 lengths ridge cap, 10 ft. long. MISCELLANEOUS 6 toilets; 1 urinal; 4 hand basins; 1 refrigerator; 1 electric stove; qUantity of silverware; quantity of juice and water glasses; 1 piano; 3 electric heaters; 0 hanging lights; 6 light fixtures; 30 ft. chimney white bricks; quantity of egg crates; quantity of electric wiring; 3 water heaters; furnace; 200 gal. oil tank; pressure 'system and water tank. Many othersmall lots of material and other articles too numerous to mention. NOTE This used building material is in very good condition and is strapped in bundles of approximately- 20 to 50 pieces per bundle. TERMS: CASH, DAY OF SALE Belmore Chamber of Commerce And Auctioneeri not Responsible For Accidents in any way Connected with the sale. Auctioneers Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, 392-6170 and Grant McDonald Ripley, 395-5353 AGITATORS The world is full of seekers — some looking for trouble, and others finding fault. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of some Household Effects, Antiques and Real Estate will be held for GLEN HODGINS Lot 10, Concession 2 Huron Township Three and three quarter miles south of Ripley on Bruce County Road 7 and one and one quarter miles east on Concession 2 Huron Township On MONDAY, MAY 23 at 10:00 a.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES Antique oak buffet with mirror; 2 oak office desks; trunks; piano and bench; school desks; 2 antique dressers and other modern and antique furniture; refrigerator; el- ectric stoves; Frigidaire chest freezer; Woods upright freezer. MISCELLANEOUS 2___sarlders, IN._ antennas ;, 20' rafters; quantity of lumber, 2x4's; minibike; Motor Ski snowmobile; Lawn Master lawn mower. 1 Holstein cow; New Idea manure spreader; other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE , Consisting of three different prop- erties. Brick triplex in Ripley's main business section, modern plumb- ing, electric heat, separate meters, gross monthly rentals $530.00. Brick commercial section meas- uring 111'x33', located at Ripley's main interesection, new hydro service, four 'stores and upstair auditorium. Possession in 60 days. Hobby farm, 171/2 acres, 14 acres workable, river, ponds, cedars, shade trees, fruit, new coloured steel, shed and barn, brick horne with 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, stone fireplace, recent wiring and plumb- ing, new drilled well, and many 'extras. Located at Lot 10, conces- sion 2 Huron Township. PROPERTIES WILL BE OFFERED SUBJECT TO A REASONABLE RESERVE BID Terms on real estate 5% down, balance in 60 days. Portion of credit available if previously arranged with owner before sale. Properties can be previewed morn- ing of sale, Monday, May 23. Properties will be put up by public auction at approximately 12:00 noon. TERMS CASH ON HOUSEtIOLD EFFECTS Also selling for MRS. BETTY CARTER HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES Table with 6 maple chairs! 2 occasional chairs; arm chair; coffee table; 6 pc. tea set of Royal Albert bone china; 3 beds and mattresses; night table; Kelvinator fridge; Frigidaire stove; quantity of dish- es, cutlery and cooking utensils; space heater; kitchen cupboard; kitchen counter with sink; tables; bottles; books and games; tub and pedestal sink; windows. Other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH BOOTH ON PREMISES. Owners and Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in any way connected with sale Owner: Glen Hodgins Clerk: Lloyd McNall Auctioneers Grant McDonald Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, Phone 392-6170 SELFISHNESS The love of liberty is to love others — love of power is love for ourselves only. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held for CECIL SUTTON Lot 4, Concession 9 Huron Township One and one quarter miles north Of Ripley and approx. three and one half miles east on Concession • 10 Huron Township . On THURSDAY, MAY 26 at 11:00 a.m. • TRACTORS D5006 tieutz tractor with quick attach heavy duty Durnco loader, 16.9 x 28 tractor chains; 200 A.C. tractor with cab. TILLAGE AND SEEDING EQUIPMENT 5 furrow Cockshutt plow with 14" bottoms and trip beams; 4 furrow A.C. plow with 16" bottoms and auto reset; 3 furrow A.C. plow with 12" wide bottoms; 18,1/2 ' Cockshutt disc; 19_1/2 ' A.G. cultivator with levelling harrows; 6 section of diamond harrows and pole; 175 bushel New Idea manure spreader; Loader and set of half tracks to fit W.D. 45 Allis Chalmers tractor. HAY AND HARVEST EQUIPMENT No. 62 Oliver square baler; 36' Geo. White PTO bale elevator and grain head; 36' Versatile 6" grain auger with 10 horsepower Briggs and Stratton gas motor; No. 95 Owatona mix ' mill with 100 horsepower PTO shaft; Dion wagon with 250 bu. Art Helm gravity bin; 8 ton Geo. White wagon with 250 bushel Turnco gravity bin; 18 and 20 ft. flat racks, like new; No. 410 M.F. combine with grain head, pickup and No.. 422 4 row corn head and cab; Martin feed rack with Geo. White wagon. MISCELLANEOUS Danuser post hole digger with 14" auger; 81/2 ' double auger Art Helm snow blower; Snow Prince snowmobile; Partner chain saw; electric fencer; Moto Mower gard- en tiller; 3 cattle oilers; wheel barrow; 3 wooden chop feeders; mineral feeders; set of single harness; McKee water , trough; galvanized water troughs; Smith Rolls cattle squeeze and crate on wheels; 1963 Dodge half ton pickup, selling as is. Other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH BOOTH ON PREMISES TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner and Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in any way connected with sale Owner: Cecil Sutton Clerk: Lloyd McNall Auctioneers Grant McDonald Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, Phone 392-6170 Men who consider consequences are able to control causes. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all for cards and visits while I was in Hospital at Wingham. Thanks also to Rev. Kaufman, Drs. Corrin and McKim and nursing staff. Mrs. Rachel Graham I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and visited me while in Wingham Hospital. A special thank you to those who helped in any way at home. Sincerely, John Hunter We wish to express our sincere thanks tc our second concession neighbou s for the social evening and lovely gifts presented to us On Saturday , evening. Your thought- fulness is sincerely appreciated. Don, Anna and Marg MacTavish I would like to take this opportunity to thank my' many friends, relatives and neighbours for the many kindnesses'shown to me through Roberta's illnesses and at the time of her death. My sincere thanks for the flowers, 'cards, contributions to Diabetic Associa- tion and food I received at home. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and their efficient staff at medical centre,, also to the nurses of Wingham and District Hospital, who have cared for Roberta over the. , years, MacKenzie Memor- ial Chapel, Rev. Armstrong, pall- bearers, flower bearers and the ladies of South Kinloss Church who served a lovely lunch. Special thanks to Anne Thompson for her nursing care and kindness to us both. All was deeply appreciated. George E. Lockhart JOIN 'THE CROWD BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR IFIERES BIG GAME... IN THE WANT ADS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Machinery and Household Effects will be held for • JOHN RQULSTON Lot 17, concession 1, Huron Township, 1 1/4 mile north and 4 1/2 mile west of Lucknow or 1 3/4 mile east of the Ripley road On SATURDAY, MAY 21 Commencing at 1.30 p.m. Ferguson tractor , with PTO pulley; 2 furrow hydraulic plow; Fleury Bissel disc, 16 plate; harrows; wheel barrow; John Deere chain saw; power lawn mower; extension ladder; quantity stove wood; Quebec heater; pipes; oil space heater; portable electric heater; robe; antique wooden washing machine; sump pump and hose; cream separator; chesterfield and chair; china cabinet; dining table and chairs; rocking chairs; swivel chair; Viscount fridge; electric stove; Westinghouse wash- er; antique cupboards; dressers; beds; stands; trunks; dishes; lamps; end tables; numerous antiques. TERMS OF SALE CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOT HERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES NOTICE Lucknow District Co-operative Will Be Closed All Day Monday, May 23rd