HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 5THE SIGNAL.
VICTOR RECORDS All 75c Records
Aho l0c allowed for old Victor Records when buying new ones
Thirty Victor Records to be sold 3 /or $1.00
.\utln,rized by the Victor Talking 9luchint• Co
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 Goderich
Cleaning and Pressing
Expert service on ladies'
and men's. clothing.
W. C. Snazel
Haberdasher and Dry l leaner
WEST STR; ET Phone 339
Week of Jan. 27 to Feb. 1. ���� ���
Hondas and Tursday- '
' An old and highly esteemed re/ti-
dent of Goderich, to the peruu tot 1.11.
lie Chambers, widow of the lute Wih
slum Craig, pe seed away uu Tues.day
morning, after un illness of about
eight mouths, In her seventy -filth
year. Mrs. Craig was burn at furl
Robinson, Ont., u daughter of the
Iste Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ('hnwloers. but
for the last fifty-eight year had re-
sided in Goderieh. Her husband pre•
deceased her tw•euty-btte years. She
teams a family of four sous and
roar daughters: Mrs. H. O. Sturdy, _r, air 11t1f1`rd rebs of Ills Volunteer
Mrs. 14. Blackstone, apses Mae and nem on • Monday afternoon. The I crew. The skinner 1s a Author unteer
Winona, Joseph and William. all of auditor's report .hvt ow.a balm a of b VV
.;..derich; harry. of Chicago, tutor 430.:21: The librarian's resort .showed --a Bowduln graduate; the mate a
t:11w'ard, of Detroit. eine brother, A , membership of lint 1aa year, the Yale mau�front New York; the deck
Princeton and Dartmouth
HAYFIELD, Jan. 2L -Mrs. Mallet
returned to London this week after
rl.riting her mother, Mrs. Lavistin.
Miss Jane lteld Is ,speeding the
Winter In Clinton.
A number of Orangemen, with their
wives and Invited friends, hand e
very enjoyable time ill their hall on
elide" evening last. Enehre unit oth-
er gimes were played and a aloe Josiah
+"erred.. The winners at euchre were
Chris. Parker and Mrs. A. Leileh. -
The Public Wbrary.--The animal
w;t eetluof 1h0 hayfield lhlblle library
.t.-,wdatlou was held at the iibrury
Imbrsdor liecosnit+et Pruaperoya Since
Introduction of "Trades."
It is nearly forty years since Dr.
'r'enf,•ll, as he then was, heard 01
the hard 'life 1 •d by the fisher folk on
(Continued from page 1)
rows, t;eo. 0. Sturdy, E. Groves, O. F.
Grand Stand -J. , J. Moser. Mayor
Min - Ewan. 1;e1. Andrews, Wut. Green,
+he. Labrador'coast. He was then L. 1. Knox, Win Bailie, S. D. Croft.
working for the Royal National His- Grounds and,hates-President and
tion to Deep Sea F'ishermeu in the il.e- tresittentt.
North Seas. He left that- work •to Sports -C. b. Robertson, M.P.P.,
act as a pioneer of *Luilar work In 'Thus. Bowler, Mayor Mueklwan. Wm,
Labrador and has devoted his life to Doak, Gel. Schaefer. "
its Stevie •ver slue. Poultry-Wui. Doak, Thos,• Bowler,
Writing -for the annual report -01 Fordyce ('hark.
his association on board the Maraval, Field. Crops and Vegetable's -O. Y.
'It little. power -driven hospital srboon-' Edward, thigh 11111, herb. Morris, E.:
..roves, Wm. Bailie.
Merchants 1,l.play. '4t'.i- W .$.•hae-
for, W. 11. ltoliert•uu, W. F. Clark, 1..1
1.. Knox, J. 11. Reynolds.
September 17.18 the (fates
The question of a two -.lay or three-
(lay fairwae dlscuesist. and 11 was dt•-
eidtd to .rut off the third day this year.
the dares deri.kvf un being \Veeittesilay
and 'Thursday September 17 and Is.
hafida 1
the total r.tr-
AUBURN church, F the members we're limonite' on the board
xrrs. of fort Iluruu• ale iilghest un.. record. uteri; the Cook 4 a Phlladelphla wool
.ur'h'ta. The de -eased was u we W • ulatiuu was :f4:.t1. The following W411 tint' who had sou.' oW tette. of
bur of ht. viceGeorge's e arc t, art to e :
n hr Monday evening. January 13th,
lay school of Auburn
eittrl chltreh held a oust" enjoy-
,i,te soviet gethertug .ai. an Informal
-.Toon to the' nets minister, Rev.
'•1' J. Morttuo.re, null hit family.
ounce under the able dtrectlou of Mr.
I nn.. .t ridri•w•s were followed by an
e tert•.tlllg program of music and rec-
•ation. Mr. Mortimore• told of an ex-
.•rlenee he had among rubbers In
1 ti iia. Al the clo..e of the evening
pinus were laid looking to the orgu0-
slug of a Young People's Society.
"Sweet Rosie O'Grady
The romance of a l5udt•r.•Ila twin
the sidewalks of New York. A
story of a Bowery tomboy wh„ be-
came a Fifth Avenue hill In-
cluded in the east are
Shirley Mason and Caen Landis
Cameo Comedy "Sky Hooks"
"Fox News
moderate, and-Tbunday-
A baffling mystery drams with a
great east.
Virginia VOL Gaston Glass, Otto
Matieson, Andre De Segurola
The last word in thrilling entertain-
ment, with a Int•• story that holds
volt tense You'll like this drama
of intritut• and e•spionagc
Pathe Glnedy "Thio Twill"
r'rlday and Saturesy-
present their great mimes*. A
great drama that has been lauded
by the press everywhere. Star cast,
spectacular settings, meticulous pro-
duction -- -don't fail to see
The Sunshine Special. our "crack"
train, leaves these yards everyday
for points south.
And the Heat Folk., who run the
train, take all the responsibility
for a pleasant journey.
All you have to worry about is get-
ting on board.
An order for coal from the Heat
Folks' Yard pays all your expen.et
and puts you on the train.
Let's go
C.A1.1. THR
• irtlItleltfd
Pathe Comedy "Big Business" J.B.USTARD COAL
Matinee, Sat. at 3 p. m.COMPANY
.•••••••411•••• Plaine 98 - Gotlariri
- This is the time of year when w1• clear nut the
balance of our !dock of Goloshes The make we dell are the
very best -in quality and t'antctruetian. The material,' ust'd are
of the Ilighe•.t grade and will keep their color.
Our prices are away down and our stock is oonplete in
Mow Come early while von are able to iseettrt• .alarhoice of
Have You Seen Our
FurnishingHouse Department
and its splendid values in
Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Congoleum Rugs,
Linoleum Rugs, Wool Rugs, Mats,
Window Shades, Curtain Rods
and Wall Papers?
A few bundles of room lots in
Wall Papers at clearing orices
courts at sea in his youth, ;.rod two
funeral service. conducted Ay tln•� lira. 11.`R. M.•Kay, afro.- E. ll. 1'uull. Gr<ttbti 'Loyd m kir themselves gruer-
aII• usatul. Sir Wlllrt•l maintains
l Rev J , II Mills.was hcid' airs R See•ti, .Mrs. It. h.v.tt•htner. Alis. } a
res • tor.
at the chnreh this (Thursday t after 1.. 1t. Woods, E. A. Edwards, E. 11. that Ws awn work and that o[ his
Moon. The interment was fu Maitland' Johns, George IS: Greenslade, Rev: F. helpera 10 not to be looked oto as
•seeder the pallbearers mi 1 ug the 11. l'u11 h' u A. Eitw tr t' ; • a,. who has • .
At a meeting of the beard of diree•t-
or. held after the gt'u.•ritl tweeting.
c 7 Ileo W. F. Clark was again appointed
four soap, Messrs. Joseph, Harry. Ed- president for -a number of years. de- I)r. W. F. Clarrrr, with Geo. P.
ward said Witham Craig, anti the two sired 1, retire, and Rev. F. 11. Paull• secret r3 ass stanl.
"work" but as "fun," fur there is no
fun- in the worl.l, which conies up to
that of doing a thins just be.xuse It
wants doing.
1 u. ..> • .elation has, during the
last few years, pat Into Operation an
sons -In-law, Meseta. H. el. Sturdy and' tetts appointed in Ice phare- George F.. g The directors will meet again 011
11. Blat'katone. Ittegides the sous trout 1ria-.ia1:N1e 1vi1N re-elected le.c•retarf• ( \;1111 r.hiy night next 111 e.'w Well/'.`
Detroit and Chh•ago, those herr from treasurer and Miss F. Few•lielibrarian. the n•vtalun of the prize list and to
a diatuuce int•luded Mr. and Mrs. Ed.It was tt decided to hire a {rrugraut. fiit, industrial department. Thi is to give Inwsnct other business.
Craig and baby, of .i.f Detroit; Mr. and lowed h} a dance, uu Faddbenefit
f itt.' •murk among uthers'to womed of We
Mrs. A. 1'. Chambers, of fort Huron;' January sinus for the lbeue([t of the coast so that they may have a meas- Servlen
Mr. Jack ('brothers, of Muwey, lad.' library. are of eeono tic Independence. Thal (Detrol[ News)
M beautiful fi floral Iributee testi-. Hayfield Agricultural tteelety.-'rhe
articles male Ireful • silk hooked-
have the sympathy of the whole caw- afternoon. January tach at the fowl` i Wilfrid led f Walter: les, sir. What do you
wunily to the los, of their limed nodwish w read?"
loving mother. 1
Many u
tied to the esteem in elate the de -I cultural
meeting of the ltayiit'l.l Agri- work tugs, and grass baskets, while Guest : "Thea steak is so thin that
t•t•ustvl was held. The bereaved Aurally cultural $iitk'Iy was held W'e11tusdttS• lotus work, and toy waking ares 1 an read through It'"
x ernoo . carried on. Sir W rt appealed or,
hall. 1'ollsiderhtg therlcy state of th„
of old ;Ilk at.tekiugi. which,
roads there was n very fair iuyuti- i when unravelled and dyed, form the'
ante. It 11.al.:\auKhton Uus app. tit- material for the silk rugs. For the
She F* ed Two Boil
MRS, ELIZABETH It1►11E1(Te►N ed chairman of the meeting. T114. pre.
Inc Thursday morning loaf, Jame idents John McClure, gate t1 short ad-
ar. 161h, Elizabeth Roberton, widow' dress, thanking the dlri•ott,rs fur their
of the lute Robert Rohertou of.Hul-' bearty .o -operation and ..tutlug that
lett townahlpi lasseri away peacefully I he was {lentil with the-ureess of the
at the borne of her euro -In-law. Mr.; fair, last year sad the finale:IMI eon -
Oliver Clark. South street, Goderich, 1 dations. There are few of the smaller
her eighty-eighth year. I)eiea+ell societies having as good a arils lral-
was tstrrt in York county and catue i thee. The annual report of the ses.•se-
ttlth her pareutk to East Wawanoah 1 tars showed it larger uumla•r of entries
seventy-five years ago. Site knew all' than usual. The auditors,: F. Keegan
about the rigors and hardships of end John Cameron, found the toolka
pioneer life to those early days of kept in excellent order and a toilette'.
t 9:114. Suggestions, were •
standard elite mat, 26-40 Inches.
some 60 to SO pairs of stocking* are' ;t was a heavy job taking care of
required. I b • itartmeut .[house t excuse •he had
lu man other was Sir Wilfrid "' tier two baiter." as wen es do 1
Y y e:.. :_,-:cping •-gam"iTdann,g, for her
is extending the work which he loves. :.,.usual is permanently disabled. A
Labrador salmon, he said, (an cum- .ad cold was the hurt .straw that
ate with the finest Scots and Irish '.coke down her weakened constltu-
p awn. Iter doctor helped her get Isle
Ash. Sixteen leading chefs in London - ate Toronto Hospltal• for Consump-
cbose Labrador salmon as the beat . iv.., fur tuberculosis waa new her
Oat of la unclassified specimens. rouble. then ensued the lung strug-
;t.• Lack to ht•alUt.
Parts of Labrador, too, were to be Not on easy one for an elderly 're-
stocked with reindeer which were n:u. weak.sned with years of hate
now In request to a source of meat •"•, k, but it Is Just such tasks that
tha skilled doctors and nurses are so
supply. �•ttee caliad upon to do. Atter some
settlement, when
{sops'. llclug In the' on hand n ,
township, bud to take long walks to made hyo t.to. F:. t;n•ru•ln'e .r.Vers. ----__-----_--- mouths she was discharged, practl-
1 8\x'.1' -t' P1 IN(:• us, to du their shopPiug. ht} Alrlcalfc ,1• to Malone that 'all) herself again, able to take ueb.• burden of .ter, husband's support
eight yearn ago she marr•d the late prize to wade hi the prr list. The nacts0,more.
Rupert Itotoerwn, who died nineteen(lectlou, of ttfllcwr• and director* re- Practice of Marking Beak/. of SWAMI 'fes hospital 1. greatly In nerd ..r
years ago. To that union were Is.ru xult,rl as follows: 1'..--i.li•ut. 4"1"1 an Old Custom. 'u ,ds. Will you help by sending t
subs.•rlpUon. to W. A. ..harltun hod
nine children, four lob}'s and floc Hod'lure; lot rkr'-prei,te•ttt. \1'ue. .1. The hundreds of graceful swaau A. 1'. -Awes. 223 College Street, To -
girl.: Wllltum, of Auburn: Iti.ta•rt, et $tlusiot : _not ttlr-preside,[, Reber:
that add so much to the charm 01 - ronto 2
Clinton ; John, of the old homestead: 1'euhale : secretary, A. F. Erwin: the aver Thamra are the property of
Albert E., who died when .even year. eren.:nrer. F. .l. Edward-:. trainers either the I>y•ns' Company or the
of age: Mrs. Lupeley, of liaskatcirr• Frank Kc,'tcau. .lobo It. 1'ttmerutt:' Vintners' Company, or the crown, et;:-
wan : Yea-]Tim'Garr: Yea -]Timate, Of att--Mie.
Oliver Clark and Mrs. D. Wiggins, of
Goderleh, and Mrs. G. Rental, of
Auburn. who diet two year, ago.
Mrs. Rohertou was a lifelong mem-
herr of the Presbyterian Church and
w.•n health permitted was atw'ev- Ito
her {orae
li..• .t Itlt her daughters In Goderich. den. The 11111111/11 funey dress carnival
The funeral took -place on Saturday, 1s to he held during Eisler week. It
.\ -bort iwrvice was conducted at the w'as tledde(1 to interview home talent
' h rue of Mr Clark 1.y It r It 1' Mc- regarding the concert for fair night.
the country the custom is still more
conveyed to auburn. where a service' day and \Velnrada.r, Srptrutlo•r _aril
ancient, and the Public Record Odic*
test*, T. M Waled Fred Middle-
ton, Itobert McMurray. 1V. W. Wise,
Bert Isom. Wm. $tewnri, J. W. Iteld.
ttkw Houston, T. M. Snowden. Len
Talbot, Wm. Sparks. John ltathwell,
Ed. 'Nosier. Mr.. Seed. Mrs N. N.
air. J. W. held. Mrs. F. Mc -
Four tear. ago'slle tamp ru Ewan, Mrs: W. Stinson, Mr.. T. :snow -
now -
and these send tbelr respective
"markers," 'wearing distinctive jer-'e
says, to examine thWarks on the
beaks of the older swans, and to
mark those of their Offspring In a
similar faahlon
Swan-upping oto the Thames dates
from the slxtecuth century. It used
to be carried out from old city _-
barges. maimed by double banks ofuou
rowers, and later from hose-bts
„ towed by horses. In other parts of
Ir,, rmid and the remains were then The date- set for the fair are TIM -
Bruce Street Phone 105 Godertch
ens held in the United church with and 24111. has a roll, dated 1496, showing the
1 the pastor, Rev, W. J. Mortimore. of -1
cemetery C•mWo)' -The ; upping marks used by various own-
fielating. In spite nt the bitterly ..tad uuuunl meeting of the Bayfield ('erne- en In to. eastern counties, Including
%ealber. the (•hurch was filled with' wry Company was held at the town : those used by "the bayly of Toft,"
ball on Monday afternoon. January ••the monk of Thorney," and "Bedell,
2011t halos; to hail w- zither there lresourer unto my Ladle's grace. the
were feu present. 'rite officers and King's model...
director. for 1930 are: President, Th • glen of "The swan with Two
s John Mclknwld; cice•presttlent, Jna
a's , Necks," seen on various inns, is said
s H
teetlmony to the warm friendship. held: secretary -treasurer, A. E.1 Ito be a corruption of the Vintners'
which the deceased had formed slur- Erwin; directors, William$:,•tchmer• mark.
Ing her life. , The interment Was in Charles B. Middleton. George Duffle.1ta11's cemetery, the pallbearers being! I). 11. MOSItughtititii, Joseph Richard- Por Shell swept Areas,
the Jhr.e eons. William, Robert and
Juhu, tied .s
three ons -In-law. 4►11cer
['hit 1. 0 'Wiggins and G. Rslthby.
friends who had gathered to Iwo the
Isnot tribute of revert to one Who
h,ul rnjuyel the esteem of the 4001'
tnuuity In the highest degree. Many
beautiful tutiful floral'offerings tare mute
sou, Robert Scot mer; sexton, Rob- A mechanical war hc.rse Ifas been
ert 1►rr. The cemetery has been kept
produced by a British manufacturing
In err} genal order and It is iutsude11 arra which wilt -Rehr the problem tot
to lrautlfy It iurthe'r. 11 1. Indeeul a' rapid transportation of troops over
shame that plot -owners do not tool •' bullet swept arras. It is surprisingly
more interest and attend the tnt'etiuc- mobile; can turn round almost in Its
171iagl• Trustees Meet�Tlw fist ren length, ford a stream, provided
Rcaerte March 10th and lith for tt►esl ,g of the cilh+K.• board of trn•t the latter U not too deep. pass'
the play 'Step on It. Stan." Ul tar pie ws was held atonality forenoon. Jaethrough-barbed wire entanglements.
eero[eol under the ausl,lces of tbe' Itary 541h. at the town hall. Aft.a. and climb a bank up to 41. degrees
t.ale•rlch hand. The lataf will con- gakllla the oat• of Dille F:..V. F4•etti -, 91014.•. -
4rlbut'. several selections. Pull {insult intone wan a{ys.htlel chairman and 1\ It u known as the Carden Lloyd,
nears will Ia• glean at a later date. 11. Talbot rend eonunissinaer. Notices
• • will he rt u . asking for applleutlems i and should put an end to the use M
Dl l g horses in warfare. It holds. two sten
Mr. V. F. Harrison has taken over
the business of the Goderich Beauty
Parlor West strict• and will re -open
It the public un Monday next. Jan-
uary 27th. Mr. Harrison is well known
tut 110i11.111 .11. havhig for the. fast four
tears Igen assivtent in Mr. -Puede
t'ale's barber Shop.
The regular 10eli11g of 111' Home
111111 Scltod ('11111 of 1'entrnl retool
•.111 Isis held at the '. lutist on Tuesday,
Jauunry 2SO..ut s o'clock An address
ill Ins given try air. R. 4'. (lays. jr.
111 intereattrl in the work of the
• ins.! are Invited In attend.
• • •
The Ihrt•,-act comr.ly,, "The Bunt
Iss.9•tice•" is to be glean by the
Kingsl.ridire Dramatic flub In
)Iat-itny Ilan, thelerl tt, on Tue•stlay.
February 4th, ander the auspices of
the .\11nr S.n•Iet3 ('f St. Peter's' .'hureh.
If you want a good latish, Ibn't alis
1,1s play. Vaudeville between acts.
• • •
1hiriug the coming -season the Sal-
vation ,\nay building nt the turner
f W.tterl to and 1'dghthomtc •ttreeta,
Ahich W115 partially destroyed by fire
.oma usoothes afro, is to be torn down,
and in Its plans. It Is planned to erect tion, with a petrol motor as standby,
smaller Infilling of brick. The hall and a storaee hath ry. nn invtnllatloh
for meetings will be on the ground of 4:0) 'haredare., latnps :has been
floor. with living quarters above for •ne.rrsfn1ly ren"fortwo y. ars at a
,he lowal Army officers. fat" nront
for caretaker o1 boll and constable.! and can draw a trailer deed
The first general meeting will it• he'''. carry four men in comfort. It can
Monday evening. 'February 3rd. - dodge obstacles, run In cover, or fol-
--- . low a zigzag course to escape are
SING THE WINO. with the greatest ,•are it is quite)
fast and is equipped with a special
machine gun. and. as it stands only
half as high as a horse, its move-
ments cannot be dete:eted even In
Many ease. In V% hle•h 1t May Ile 1111.
lard With Advantage.
How much work can a lively fir.• •ze very open country
do' Although for any purpose re- I
toning a more or 1. ss centinunna
supply of power the wind 18 wholly
unsuitable energy there nevertheless
aro• many rases 48 which it may be
utillze•d - with advantae'. even It 1t
has to be supplemented by such a
standby as an oil engine and worked
In conjunction with a storage bait.'ry,
W111-11 generally la an indispensable
adjunct. wind power may prove .a
source of economy.
The Danlah Government reports
that tho velocities of the wind which
are prectteahle ile between On to
ftf1vfe.'t a aet•nild, and the motormii •t he so constructed as to adapt
Its 11 automatically to all conditions.
lndin.r storms: it bks been found
that a motor with•only four wings Is
the best. At one t aperiniehtal ata•
Aaothe'r year has guano how gttick 1t fearsttl away;
41141 Father Tl me seeds on. with heiini isno une debit fens.'
And yet towin'tii3 .'11!1,1441`+
So many friends have fat"./.el away who were to me eo dear. ,
Yes, some of my old friends here left one by one,
Some at the dawning of the any. and some tit set of sun.
How 1 mits their faces. hew I Was their smile.
But oh! the joy to see them. In jnml a. tittle while.
And how are we living who are left behind?
.the we (trine any bet•ets with lore to all mankind?
Are we chasing bubbles, like children with their toys.
Forgetting the one thing 'wean], the will to win the prize?
Are we trying to follow our Savlonr, who Bent ebont doing gam?
('ah It he said of eat'h of ire, "She hath done what she could"?
Are we walking In the narrow way, that i.'ads to joy and pt'a.'e.
To he with our elder Itro• i•r, and a n• son'- 111.11 never cease?
The fasMot of thla world will soon pest away
And we hnpe to meet oar friends In e.ert•9t1nE der.
Should We he ettnntel worthy in Rein tont hle,eet1 realm
Thrnn,h ilim alio lived and died for tin --oar Father's at the helm -Il
Nation-Wkle. hectare_ flan.
A nation-wide lecture, nervus
Ikrough the utilization of educational
motion pictures is being planned by
the National Museum, Ottawa.
For Romp years the museain has
couducted a course of free lectures
for school children and adulta-'on
separate days, and now It U plah ed
to extend the course over .the entire
country through th..dletrlhutton of
Alm. - -
lroady the u:'tei•uul has formed
the nucleus of :: illation plctttre I1b-
tary and Is leading -alma• to respons-
ible organiz;ttihne willing td pay the
eost' of shipment_
Placed 4,22(1 Farrtllles. •
The e:ahada Colonization Assoela
tion. Of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, has placed -on land In Western
Canada, 4,22:, farullit•4, Ti,' acreage
04.t11p1ed by thesh sefilcrs 1,1*alt 536,-
0o3 at a total 'pureha.e of almost
933,030,090. 'During the past year
Nie ass relation has placed 1,210 fam-
ilies on 12i%,441 serer. Its operations
cover iirIash Colirulhlai and Ontario'
as well as the Prattle ProvInres.
' School for Butchers.
Started only ave years ago, as the
outcome of an evening clava attended
by about a dozen prntpoetive butch-
ers, the Smithfield institute of Lon-
don, England, now has over 850 stu-
dents. 'The obj.+et of the Institute Ii
to teach youths the Intricacies of the
neat trade.
A Color Match.
While and Brown were the names
n( hrld•- and bridegroom and Ores
and Black those of two brtdeamalds
at a Hanwell wedding.
Thursda7, January 21. iM-•-114
To the People of
Goderichand District
1 have taken over the business
of the Goderich Beauty Parlor,
West street (across from the
Post (Mice). For the past
four years i have been as-
sistant in F. Toole's Barber
I will appreciate your
Will be open for busineu Mon-
day, January 27th.
V. F. Harrison
40 and 60 -watt
Electric Light
5for $1.00
Alf. Tebbutt- & Son
We Deli%IT Plaine 186
A Free Slip Cover
with each Marshall
Mattress sold during'
January. l'
Buy now ,, 7
Furniture Exchange
"Os the Manny sl Wench"
Lix•k Ia something to which other
Phlilp Snowden, In his earlier days,
u. d ' ry thoroughly- l
sie, mf boy, to
8 say No." -Oshawa Timm
Leather Vests
at $3.95 and $4.95
Made of sheepskin. Lea-
ther - Vests have knitted
collars, sleeves and bot-
toms, tweed - lined with
two pockets. Sizes 36 to
$3 95
Same as above with
leather collar and cuffs,
wool lined. Sizes 36 to 44.
Agent for Tip Top Tailors'
Clothes. Suit or
Overcoat $24.
At over aim- bemired [sante in Ontario there stand 4'uperier Chain
mores emelt serving as cr.nunimity with the ,,feet ettlete it, conrU•nua
service and offering you the highest quality foods at rives that *re only
,Wade possible by the tn•ntendnor quantity purchases of this great Cana-
dian organization. Then. Is ane just annual the .:Den's; from you-
invl•stignte•.:uol cue, .till lirt.l that
FRY'S 1-2 Ib. tin
Cr COA 19c
Lou Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 23c
Purity Quick O.ts, with china, iter
pkg. 37c
Bovril, 1 oz 25.' 2 oz. - 45c
2 in 1 Shoe Polish all colon, per
tm 12c
Rides" Pasteurized Cheese, 1-2
Ib pkg] 19r
Crown Brand 5 Ib. Size
Royal Raking Powder, 6 ors 30c,
12 nz 53c
Venn's Cough Syrup, per bot-
ot•tle 35e
Purity Crystal Salt, in packages.
each Se
Crisp° Fig Bar Biscuits, per Ib .19c
2 boxes
SALT 17c
Free Running or Iodized
McCormick's per Ib.
Soda Biscuits 15c
Smyrna (-truisms( Fig•, 21h. 25c
IIaysdate Golden Dates cello-
phane wrapped, per pkg 19.'
Franco Brand P.•• 1'•,
Tree Ripe Pears 2's. per tin
Pure Large 40 oz. Jar
Raspberry Jam 33c
Eggweat Noodles, per pitg 10c
Marshmallows, 8 oz. lin 23c
( orn, 2
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour,
each 18c
Aylmer :olden Sweet
Finest per tin
Tall No. 1 Tins:
\\ F; 14...LIVER Fitl•.I•;
Phone your order to
J. J. McEWEN, Goderick. CHAS. AI.TON, Dungannon.
1. :1. {.t