HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 44;r••a'!lwraday, January 33, 1a3O. k e THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. One More Week Only of The Great Freehols Sale FASHION CRAFT MADE -TO -MEASURE H 4ND- TAILORED SUITS Remember you pay no moire for the Suit, and you get the Extra Banta absolutely hire. The extra Pants are worth from $8.00 to $13.50 Sale closes Friday, January 31st. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "l'he ~tore with the Stock Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, Jan. 20. -Mrs. Jack Hamilton, who spent the week In Lucknow, Is home again. Miss Myrtle. teacher at Beryl!, &pent the week -end with her parents. Mrs. Jas. Stanley had leased her farm to Mr. A. Stein. and intends. to move to Wingham. We are sorry to lose such gaol uelghtors as the Stan- ley family hate proved to be. Mrs. Jas. Webster ststtel friends In Ripley recently. A numter of young people enjoyed Ihemaelvrtn in the Paramount- hall a k•w evenings ago, the guests of Mr. ■ ut Mrs. G. L. )'age. Mr. Eldon lhstall -d a radio fu has bone. Mr. Alvin Me•ljuilllu 1. usslstlug Mr. Will Griffin for a few weeks. Thursday, January 30th, at 3 o'clock. 1'hu.e in charge of the meeting will to Mrs. N. F. Whyard, Mea+. P. Pig- eon and Mats E. Elliott. Mr. Percy florae Is In \Magian hoepltul taking treatments. We hope Ids ht'ulth will soon be improved. Mr. Allan lteed.left ou Monday far Guelph, where he will attend the. miter course ut 010 .0. A. C. .ter. Ww. Wiggins entertained about plains, and had many Wteresting and tbrlllfug tales to tell of bow their difficulties were faced and con- quered. in addition to_ bis widow and two sutra and two daughters In the West,` be Is survived by two brothers and two sisters 1n Ontario. They are Messrs. Jnuu'e and ltubert Ilavidwutl nod ,lrs. N'. 11. Slotiters, of Duugan- oon,((and Mrs. James M. Wilsons of Elurd. Ile wall predeceased by four totally boys and girls at his home ,ie;ters: Mrs, John Holmium of Dakota !„-t wevL. All repelled it good Itwe. Mrs. Stephen Stothers, of Goderich; 1'i,e annual meeting of the West Mrs. ti. E. Augustine anti Mrs. It. I.. N Jauuosh Fire 1iioilauee Co. will be lt.dd, of 1►uneament. Intervent was held :it the ietrlrlt hall ou Freda). made in Saskatchewan. February 7th. --.- \ three -act comely entitled "Bead.) BIG EVENT IN BERMUDA FLORA. Juniper Bermudians Only Native Growth On Islands. The ouly native growth on the Is- lands of Bermuda is the Juniper Ber- mudians.. often mistaken and usually pointed out to visitors as cedar trees. All outer flora has been imported from tna.tropics, Australia. and other cuunu fes. Eactr season of the year preseuta $ gorgeous pageant of floral beauty. That brilliant flaming scarlet of sus poinsettia intrigues the northerner at Cbrlattnas time, with the tiny greeq- tab red and yellow flowers, aurrouud- ed by a whirl of large leaf -like put ou by the, RAILWAY tlaiu- so u String" alit tie CIRCLES Ing scarlet bracts (which the uovlca ,,,ung peewit of Blake's in the perish Invariably calls the petals of the null me Friday evening, ning, Juuuary .fess, I Gutlerirh Train those!' for °ter ting flower) from ten to rlxtten laches in auspices' of the \Vuwcaie.l length. Double poluuhtttns, dekko* the of Toronto's New Viaduct ; seen olaewhere, bloom u prolllieally flints. l'roceeele fn aidof flet 9'erunte's railway viaduel, which Ieet lighttin s. I had 'wen under st.traction for mutt}; well ou there coral Ielandis tvti are carry to report that Miss years, was offi.•inlly, opened on Tues. )I. F:divurla has not. beta eo well Lila dry Inst, when Iwo passenger trains - seek. .the regular C. N. H. train from (:der turgtr.tgtllieaal Meeting. -The an- 1 bit and a C. P. R•. trait from Peter- . 1.11 meeting of the l'resb,terit,d I borough -pulled in ou the high level nr: h was. held on Friday afternoon., 1at. k'ut the Unite'Statim. The 0e. e ;seedily uuwbec were present. Acv, 1'1..1,1111'mux celebrtwp with much Nn- beauty lasts but tura day. The cycle •cuplep ; inaslnym h7 rallwny and civic of - of life - birth, maturity and decay', eontinueral most unceasingly through- out the entire year. hence a contlnu- Ity of bloom is assured. . Seductive oleat:dura, faintly per- fumed, make i very rapid growth of - home here. 1 son, snirslonart' treasurer; G. M. Mc -r ! passengers ten attaining a 'height of twenty feet. A uuwler trove here attended the ISetuzle. s,eretur) ; Messrs. 11. S1olh• . 3Lty..r MarEwen, lir. G. 1.. arsons. hedge off farm laude. Hal {..Late and play at IClntail lust week ,r-. It. Mt'WhirtI y, Jess and, I,..1.1►11-; ll r. nod Mrs. J. J. 11 „KG Hev. L. 1' menluua colorings d rose, white and I and report a dandy good flue: op., managers; Mrs. F. Ross, orguu- Lowry, Mrs. Chas. Blank, and Mr. reds, flaunt their waxy beauty to We are sorry -to report that Mrs. let ; Miss Eduu Park, Sunday school anti Nes. Ilam) Fon, who mete start- spring time. IMartha O'Neill fractured her ane lust orgnu4t ; fug out on their w'esliing trip. having known all week Glorious hibiscus rivals the poin- settia tor -favor. Less passionate 'its true, but equally descrvin:: of hom- age. Dense hedges line toot paths, the throaty, luacluus, indie idual blooms measure from four to six inches In diameter. Their fleeting It. U:ltemu id, w.ut..a•r, i tats as a great event lu Toronto r ,.. chair. A eery' successful year's' re - awl was prevented. with a balance) railway development. rf receipts over expenditures of $275.00. The C. N. It. morning train from Thr following uffitrrr were reelected;' Goderich which had been seleete•ei for 1 Ia,uduu, er steudhng holidays at els F'. It .-, church treasurer; Jas. David_ Ile 1,1fichrl opening. carnet several Isern mantel lu Galerich that worn• ••match -rue -if -you -can," -fascinates the A ) then uC u oho had atteidel hls staters weMlug. peculiarities. Ikruse hb Iger yet no Death of Hugh Iltavlrisln--Atter au Jell Bva'aiag-The play. "1'e tout a lir duration. 1um Mr. Jack Griffin of Hamihuu, transient, by its provocative teasing Anderson of Hly[h, who has been lll.I Dutch D.t.•tit e•," ;h eu In th.• Parish there 9419/04/ uvea) uu Thursday, Jan- 71090O0 more Out. increase in sales in 1929 over -1928 shows that there 'were over seven hundred and ten thousand additional SAL ADA users last year. $ALABA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' WESTFIELD WESTFIELD. Jou. s_1.-Cougratu- te nons are extruded to Mr. and Mrs. Fanta Leggett uu the birth of a tert- pound baby boy on Moeda), January 13th. Mr. M. McDlaruthl and bale. of London, are vtsltlut the farmer's patreiIs, Mr and Mrs. \'iueeut. Mrs. Wni. McDowell spent over the) week•....l with her mother, Mrs. J. nlse on this fain.sure'.Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell s{e nt n 1 hall by lte•al player on Tue••..ay even- aur) lith, at his llutue In Itadvillr,wo leafs are alike. Green to be few days lust week with the turner's a;askutchew•au, a fanner highly re• I lar this all all-siee the 1', N.R.-HTru they are, but each leaf is 'a different F fug. January 11th, was a huge new• from here all 111141ewl freta, consist. aunts. Mrs. J. EIaley and Mrs. ,1 errs. Although ter weather was un- started resident `aid native of phut -i shape and each heart on its outer Tumbl n of l.nndasloru, anti other I favorable uud the rued,.. were in very g, mites In the person ut Mr. Hugh) Ing 01 mail, baggage: six c.aehes nal edge a tracing td dgtep rose, which in 7 lsor condition. the attendants was Dna vfdaoi. The durear was Ibe r1d- parlor ear. pulite! by nue of the uc° r the distance tends to ;uetamorphose friend - ' surprisingly large, The cast or char- 1,1,&1 etas. Mannish, type• engine' It in autumal coloring the landscape. est of rlrcru chlldreu, moue, anti mus probably the handsomest tear, Driving • through tits various par - daughters of the lute Mr. auil Mrs, 1 Die -hutch Deteective" himself- Au Robert Davidson. who were awungl that ever left chi- station. The trait,(rhes one is prone to stop and revel il drew Marti ; Jule, Grubb, pollee force the, earliest pioneers in ibis district. crew included ('oudu •tar A.•11. Bann..- In some flower decked vista. Rival- r p of Spdhttertilh-Michael Feeley; Attg- He was bort in December, 1!1.5si, ou er+, Engineer ltrow•n. Itaggag••tuau ling the blue of the sea, the humble l'Al(1,o %, Jan. Ur. DonsW Ager( J. l'ux, Brakeman H. A. ltyek- northern convolulus colches the eye•; Murchison t"Seottle"), of Toronto, r Haut umt,i(re•mau Fred. 1. rank. 1)1 £ver scampering, clinging up and former well-known rem at of thldi these the veteran Is Baggageman, Cox,' over, trees, spilling over stone walls,) h4.111(7, is .pending a week at the. • • • d 1 e with d Mrs Herb. Morris. CARLOW arias. tsar, a ttewly-reel-Thomas the tarn' now occupied by his two lloward; Gladys Howler Goo. his brother. Jptua' and Robert David - bride and the Mukrrb eluted dangly runs „n port at° which the tillage of tare--+L•n•tta Meyers; Plunk Jnrllek, built. It was on the LANES Dungannon it escaped from the aeSlum-).eon Sul- sear farm that his LANES. Jan. lir--The W.M.S.of Hackett's appointment wet at knew, 01 Mrs. lens Although theday was cold and stormy there .was a good attends:t a and i splendid pro -1 cram. Mrs. Tsten)r conducted the meeting and Mrs. Lane acted lit sec- retary pro tem. The treasurer. Mrs. 11. Alton, reported the full amount of the allocation for last year and 31.50 with, which to start the ue•w year. A duet Dy Grace and Louise Campbell and a solo by Mr. Taverne were much ap- preciated. Collection EL.eb, 'with 4c ter flower fund. We are glad to report that Mn.-. S. Sherwood 1s Improving rapidly from ter painted Illness. The young people's meeting wan held at the parsonage 'Thursday evening. A good program was followed by a .Ictal hour and lunch. The t'. KO. and iL•F.W.O. held an - ether serial evening in their club norm last Friday. All report a good tlme. ArrauXl•ntelll ha re leen mud.. fur another meeting al nn earl) date. Louise Campbell had the misfortune to fall and break one of the bones of ber arm lent week. father settled' liven; Hort•usey Smatters, ese•spe.. from the asylum-'i'helmn McIntyre; \ramiela w,ttrdnrlr•. who • tussis her user three-puarters of a century ago. hating purchased the one hundred acres of Crown laud, ut that titre• of balerieh. with forty-tlr.d ),+Ir. peertag out of er annit ..rev c s home of Mr nu ,4-rviee to his trent.' tt 1 a sophisticated noncltalence utterly -- --- dtacoticerUng• To enumerate Indlf idit% IN - "-L ART1Salts. wally or tru collectively, toe other flowers. Itrees, gardens that bloom on pg 'Jabs.-Ik,ruth7 • O'\rill; Katrina ..erre furry). The tale Hugh Duvideou 'troughs 1'p on Lonely Fares. Self. and waysides, would mean another +grant from linmllton CIty-Lertntde -_ I "t°r)' Inters. epees ttta_easjf-__jire here where lw Tallg l !M1tXstalt4t 1's. Maetrrllncks blue Olyda are IrKIoO Foley; Major Hannibal Howler. on Miss Elisabeth and Miss Dorothy on the lalande. The saucy scarlet car - the wnr{ath Huy Meyrri; Ambrosia grew to young muuhtod aid at the• ago, McCarthy. Ow snappy touch -counter UdniWenty-three, some fitly year Alderson, twins, who live on a I sly { rituals of lilting; song, flash from their forth m girl -Gertrude Wee:toor' . Excellent vaudeville was. furnished. including songs from the three sailor toys, Mr. qac acres 11 prairie land. He teak up Andrew Martlu. Ur. Gilbert Pna)ue• et r, and 514 later left ' with u great man) others for North Dakota, which was then en- ticing the youth of ()utero te. ifs tarn, at Neaaham, In Dn• ng- hiding places and your ort sy bond. have developed a gift for phonies of lav, at mating time. Or- pafatinR• nothotogists tell of over one hundred They have had no special art les - species of bird life. True, many an MIs. Jean Morris hat: su,vesslull) passed her final examination and is a fully qualified registered nurse. Mr.. A. Johnston Is' spading the week with her brother and slater,' Mr Alex. Young, and Mrs, Henderson. Loyal. ' Mr. Tum Wilson, rnanagetr of the Cooperative. shipped a carload of bogs on Monday, paying 711.7 . per cwt. for choice clock. A truck front one of the packing houses of Kitchener was around and and 11 r. Hpcmoua Dalton; • a anal. a farm near LaIe.4 t x. sons. but their work Is so good that migratory, but e•uough remain to gathered a lold.0? hugs [row the' married to Miss M E. Newnan, wbn they have many c0mmissiune, and arouse the Interest of all loves of furuwrs In the neighborhood. farug by Mr. Andrew Martin; darkir survives; him. Ile„ rrmalmdl Lt Kurth they Occupy most of fists leisure u1)- the feathered kingdom. songs try Mr. Raymond. Dalton; two --- Mr. Allan McManus, 1910) came east MI Deft Gil tau Dakota for eighteen years. when with Mrnts from [arm work in pllinUnR with a carload of A n fIIIeY ante meet.. ago had an n I and took up a plc - mud a ,lull„ sa•le•tiun bt- mi„ Laia„„ ll to fat Gee 0s.• wit.* reties. by ss a mare: hb family Ise mused to Sa.lutchrwa)• and sketching together. "Irish jig" by Miss Pearl McIntyre. land at Geese Lake. Often they work no the ram where. In a, . s lure. sitting on opposite tildes of the Hogan. Afterwards fere was an old- afro 1s,stma&ter. Selling his property table, so that one has to paint upside fume dance, for which good music mus tern some ten years ago he. with his dawn. fundabel by our local musicians, wife. 01 Me east and resided In Gal-' Twin "sympathy. helps to make who had else, render.. excellent stele•• .rkh fur about titre, year.. after this possible. I was told that when thong throughout the preceding pro - which they returned t) taakatchewuu,, engaged in Imaginative work their giant. The dame lasted until the w'e'e ulster their ratan) o1 tw0 .eens aur) Ideas coincide so exactly that with - hours of the m.ornhtg, and everybody; two daughters were married :tail re- out previous planning the result Is had n jolly gaol time. siding In homer of their own. They just what each expected. lived for some time- at Wludthorst. In appearance the twins are almost DUNGANNON and went Tater to ltadvltle, which em- Identical. Their hair is collect in plalta tinned to be their home. Iteing of a around their ears and each has brown genial and cheerful dlsposltl)n, the eyes. DUNGANNON, Jail. 22. --Mr. Warta- late Mr. Davidson made malty friends They have exhibited with success Isit• wherever he went. During his fife- at the Newcastle Art Gallery, the er Sproul, of Saskatchewan, Is T KINGSBRIDGE lug his parents, Mr, and Mrs. David time he held many positions of Northeast coast exhibition, and at Sproul. trust. and In the new countries was various agricultural shows. • uc cadmen . He experienced The regular munthl)' meeting of a I d he hardships Klalton, from I m:41 Jan. rte'• Seminary I ile tlwy Imme%ofnstitute will be Mr . Heber Eedl) 'll the earlyy of tpionee s on and t a W tern gora J. Dalton, from / u■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I•■1111• ■1■■■1•■■■■ ■■I■■IM■■ Saving Life at Bea. Plans for an apparatus which, It la claimed, will make submarine and ship crews safe in the event of acci- dent have been made by Mr. Joeeph Kelly, a Liverpool stevedore. At a . recent demonstration birds and white mice were submerged In a watertight compartment fixed to a model ship sunk in twenty-five feet of water, and were at111 alive after five minute's. Mr. Kelly's plans consists of a watertight compartment fixed to the deck of a ship or submarine. Thin could he entered through a special man -hole and would be released from a sinking vessel and float on the sur - fare. Supplies of oxygen and food would he carried. Outstanding Bargains in ■ 1♦ ■ ■ ■ Ladies' Fur Coats horses about three DEEM, AND urHun sere at New 'Zealand (investment 'lends Out Mr. Chester F esRan'a on Wednesday Hunters w Thin Thera out. hest, when some of the horses werel disposed of at fair' prices. Mr. M,Mau Telephone :e,ur next order for GROCERIES -t0- PRICE'S GROCERY Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits tri season. N h Irh'I.t\'I'I;- Geo. Price & Son Telephone 248 Owwnr. 1-.I'wn• 1111,1 \ rI! -Inset Deer and wild pigs, introduced is. New Zealand to provide sport for huntsmen, have proved a countryside pest. In no part of the world Is then such thrilling deer -stalking aa In New Zealand but there are not enough us has Mince left for his home at Weyburn, Sask. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wikwn, who ure spending the winter with their eons et C•s•hrane, Northern Ontario, will be pleased to sportsmen. The animals, secure In know that they have quite recovered their forest fasts, have multi- from an attack of "flu." plied so rapidly that the Government Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beau enter - has sent out omclad hunting parties10 talnad a number of friends at a card thin the herds. One party spent three months in the •,Jtlburn Valley, shooting T00 magnRicent red deer, the hides of which were exported at a dollar apiece. In another region - Canterbury - where, In some of the finest sheep country in the world, the depreda- tions of the fallow deer were so •.- sere that the graziers asked Govern- ment action, and within three weeks an official party had bagged Souif pig -sticking were a popular sport herr-which It U not -the scope would be unlimited. 'So destructive are the wild Digs that the Govern - party on friday night. A very pleas- ant time was spent try all prevent. We are sorry to learn that Mr. E. V. Lawson net with a painful accident on Saturday last, while he was cutting down some old apple tires. in some way the trunk of a tree slipped oft a stump and crushed his ankle quite aeterely. The accident will tontine him to the house for tonne time. Von smelt ions l Meeting. -The an - Dual snngr•gatma meeting of Smith's 11111 chun•h was held 1n the township hall on Monday afternoon, .with the minister. Iter. It It. Cum- ming. In the chair and a g,sel attend- ance of rntmis•rs. 'The n•pserrs of the that is delivered to Its depots. various organizations nnx of the ',loath shnwel all to be In a sntisfnetur7 Museum of Antiques, condition. The saw of 717;ases was I heard of an arousing side-show r',',tt for :all purposes. It was with great regret the congregation r held at a garden fete recently, writes ,vies.d the resignation of Nr. a:urd 1 Looker-on In the ionaon Dally young froth the eldership anti al Chronicle. It was called a ...arena of • ■ **- (looting for a year, I Antiques, nature t, er and fritters At Mr, Young hats re ▪ ♦ hyge mirror which took nearly hiDlts may be guessed from the fol-, move) to 1:hderleh he finds 1t would lowing specimens: A gigantic safety butthet of the ex f. 1 1/ a year to cool down has been made ;/ We have a number of ladles Fur Coats which we ■ In England for a large reflecting ■ telescope. Weighing more than a tun ■ are offering at clearing prices, as listed below. One Persian Lamb Coat with sable collar and cuffs. Regular $2A 5 ■ of glass of this alae are difficult to !a! ■ molten glass has been poured into the . ■ mould It has to be kept hot by oleo- ■ One French Seal Coat with squirrel collar and cuffs. Reg -e : t rte mangy cooled months oyer • $139 50 from his offices as itllde ,'las. k•a.li and a half, It is sixty-nine Inch. s In ■ diameter and ten inches thick. Discs 4■ $325, for ulcer $175, for get free from dtfects, and after the DIN( Is OF' HONEY nF'R, 1■ u as 'a ■ IN■ Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats at greatly reduced prices. They are offered at 30 per cent. off regular prices. All this season's goods. One plain French Seal Coat, self -trimmed. Regular 5135. for One Northern Muskrat Coat. Regular $175. for One Muskrat Coat. Regular $' 50. for This is your opportunity to secure a Fur Coat, as they cannot be pur- chased again at the above prices. $99 : Nan Nay Left I'll I,e....m. Fl Stndy El ! of Insert Communities $135 ■ ' That ruan may barn sos•iai o ryons ■ , from the study of Invest Comnrnmetes was ane of the points raised b. Prof $110 ■ !J. Arthur Thomson In a recent'lec- ture• at Goldsmltha' Hall, I radon. • ' The yummy(; -bee, victim of extreme ■ I state• anelalistn, found a patch of clov- er tech In nectar. Having filled her honey sac, she fund., for home and gave her treasure to the house keep- Ing workers. Then she resented a peculiar dance. on the honeycomb. Keened by thin display,. other for- agers got the clue of clover pirfufine. and soon there were many vlsItnrs to the patch. But when the 'teeter was exhausted the bee no tenger danced and the visits ceased. The Idea ••revolution, Prof. Thom son said, was best studied In connec- tion w'Ith natural history, and had done more than any other Idea for the'emanctpatlon of man's mind ' The ant hill might be regarded a.t oje of n'aturs's warnings. As an ea- hlttttion of emciency, dlvUton of lab - 0,, self-snhnrdlnatUoo, and loyalty tt was admirable. but peering In one saw the seamy side. The work was done by more of less sterile, nein revenged femalee. in a lee -h1,0 not far removed from some of the communities of wild Are. ane ohserved the sterility of th.• great majority, the ■hart duration of life In the summer worker bees -- a month or so -the large number M unproductive but by SO means Idl.• maiea, and, towards the season's end, the .old-ahottldering of these drnnes i►hieh frequently melon( a masseere 11i ■ 51 MEN'S OVERCOATS A 25 , discount off all men's Overcoats during this sale. 'This is your oppor- tunity to get a good Coat for little money. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Y ■ w ■ A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" • ■ Loess ala Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 4111 Goderich, Oat. jr/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■f11■■■■■■■■IAl•I•■ pin, four Inch. s long which in the 90'a held blou .e and skirt from part- ing company; dancerons-lo kIn. dag- gers, over a foot long, labelled hat pits of 1909; a length of braid, one edge of which appe•arel frayed, but a skirt about five yards in diameter was also shown with this brusli-braid sewn round, apparently to aweep up the mud of the streets; a lingerie blouse. faatening up the back with inndmerable tiny hooks and eyes which, not being ruatlese, had mark- ed the ean,bric with iron -mould, and ther.• we,e other sumptuary relies in G favor with our mothers and grand- mothers. 1930 European Vacation Tour -Now"is the time to make arrangements for your trip abroad this summer. Tour Europe under the auepieve of the World Travel .Service find visit Scotland, the I rotetraehs, England's beautiful lakee. Lopdon, always of interetrt, the Shakeespeareeanntry; Hol- land, quaint and picturesgUe: `the magnificent Alpit of tiwitzerland, Germany. and the famous Passion Play et O14'ranmiergau . wonderful Venice. immortal Florence, Rome, the eternal rity, and ever charming Paris - • Hook early. as a great tnany contemplate making the trip, this being the year of the Passion Play. Rates are re nsonable. ler Mkt. inform..ties woes, .r.c. Mrs. Mamie Sutchfe Goderich, Ont Telephone 34 I1* impo.slble to maintain the old eteme411, r, and attend to the (:trio) -1 offlee,. Rev. lir. 1' 1mmin:; Made ',noon his !Mennen of severing la - eennnPtion with this charge at the Pad of the church year In June. Ills m:ut) friends will be sorry to see him leave, as he 1uas worked with ninth fnithfultie-- no e(Ivam. f• Christ's Kingdom b, this plats.. The retiring! managers, Messrs. Alex. Young and Tait ('lark, were loth re-elected. Mrs. Wm. Mnrsh was appolntel organist. GODERICH Collegiate Institute Commencement MacKa' Hall, Goderich Thursday and Friday Jan. 30th and 31st, 1930. .t R o'clock p m The Prot ramme to consist of Choruses, Duets and National Airs A Sword -Dance, the Tarantella and Mimetics Pyramid Building and Tumbling Presentat-h ,n of Diplomas A Three -Act Play Admission: Adds 50e; ttedssts 3k Canada's Telephones. A report of the bureau of Statis- tics shown the number of telephones 1n Canada at the end of 1927 to have been 1,259,987, Included in 2,462 systems with 204,245 Mlles of tole dine and underground conduit and 3,691.035 miles of wire, The state- ment shown that Canada has 13.2 'phones for every 100 of popnlatton compared with 15.3 per 100 19 the United States; 9.5 in New 2ealaod and 9.2 in Denmark. Clams and Quahaagw. Nearly 44,000 rases of canned elams and quahat's. were packed in Canada last year. The Iareest pro- duction was In New Bruauwick- 23.048 cases. British Columbia's out pot was 15,214 eases. in Nova Sco eta 4,309 eases were canned and la Prince Edward talaad 447. .I Go -operative Poultry Marketing. Membership In the Natwola 1'0 operative Poultry ftarketing rtssOtla- llon Ltd., Hartney, Scan„ ha. incises ed during its seven years :it life from 1.000 to 11,000. Found s New Way The young cult np who toed to an• any the elrl+ by polling their long earl- was more or IM. nt a loss un111 be dlweotererl that robbing • aMngle holo the wrung any 1.1 quite as annoy - Ing. J L January Clearance Sale of Millinery Sensational Prices in a collection of HATS• which show the up-to-date mode in Felt, Velvet, and combinations of Felt and Velvet. in many attractive styles for winter. Color and trimming effects are good. Note the reductions Reduced from $3.50 to $1.75 $5.50 to $2.75 57.50 to $3.50 e, Children's Hats $1.50 You are cordially invited to inspect our stock Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston Street