HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 31
Save a Little Money
by taking advantage of the Signal's
dubbing offers. We can procure for
you almost any paper or magazine
published in the continent.
The Signal Calendar?
One for each paid -in -advance subscri-
ber Renew your tsubecription now and
snake sure of one of these beautiful Calen-
Painter and Decorator
Estimates for painting, wall•papa•r-
ing, etc , cheerfully given on re-
Residence, No. 4, Bayfield Road
'Telephone 259J
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fare Insurance
Nelson Street, Goderich
Phone 292 1' 0. Box 438
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
vire. Aeddenb Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next 1, I:ank „f Commerce
Phone 53 (, .drrich
F:1(:11'1'\-'I'IIIRD YEAR, NI) 4►
Head .1E
You CAN have the relief that so many
others have had. For instance, Mn. W. A.
Warman writes frum Moncton, N.B.,
about RAZ-MAII: "I have had Asthma
from birth. For 9 years have depended
on RAZ -MAH to keep me right. now
I have very little trouble. 1 am glad to
reoommend RAZ-MAII." Relief guar-
anteed from $1 worth or money back
No harmful drugs. 50e and $1 Loxes
at your dealer's. 162
Go new and by Tompllotoa's
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
when you want to use the paint
/,rush and find 1t stiff. just place it in
boiling vinegar filo tew,minutes.
Telephone 2,30 r
Masonic Temple Butl'ding
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
A 1OWI-fl Of- STREN(;I H
Assurance in Force *1,896,915,000
Aust• - $481.,958,000
Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth cueceet+tve
year in addition to 'a spe•cini maturity dividend bonus
1'IH 11 F. (Iltke iv.
District Agent
has reopened after being closed for a week, when
improvements were made to the premises,
1f I-'.11 rT .t RI- I, 1'IIARMIN4; MAC/
1W Service and Quality of F.xnl are of Iigleet'r.ler and 33i11 satisfy
tilw• woe, exact perfection in both ('snadian and l'hin",w New -
Breakfast : 7 to 10 a. m.
Business Men's Luncheon : 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Dinner 5 to 8 p. m.
Special Sunday Dinner : 12 to 3 and to 8 p. m.
.1 1n rv, , "-nice e4•4•1444444,44•11/6 .r. a u
. 3,, It 1. w
We draw special attention to our Busbieaw Men's Luncheon. You
will flnd that our Moderate Prices, Prompt Service and Quality
Food will please you! ,
ltritiell Exchange Building 1ioderich, Ontario
Every) Ball T.lephona is a Long Distance Station
Tell Her
The Number
-it saves money and time
Very often, in making a long dis-
tance call, you may not need to
speak to a specific person. In
such cases, just give the operator
the NUMBER you want and tell
her that " anyone there " will
serve your purpose.
By doing this you save money be-
cause an "anyone" call entitles
you to the lower "station -to -sta-
tion" rate instead of the "person-
to-person" rate.
Even when you ask for a specific
person it will pay you always to
give the NUMBER, because call-
ing by NUMBER gets you the
quickest possible connection -
often while you hold the line.
• Of (erase, if you do soot know the
NUMBER, L. Distress" teal
Iv! 4 144/ for tis•
The first meeting of the township i►
council for luso was heid on January
13, the wewbera thereof being 11. 11.
'1'houtpw,u, Reel e, and Messrs. held.
Campbell, Yungblut and Walker,
councillors, who were all present.
Having each subscribed to the dialler -
anion of office, and after. au approp-
rlate address from the peeve -elect on
municipal matters, .the minutes of Iasi
meeting were reud and approved.
' Comwuulcutiou from the Sick Child-
ren's hospital 'taking for w grant hi
aid of that Matltuyuu reelved and
The council decided to become /new,'
bens of the Ontario Good -Roads A4-
sea•Iatlou for n. fee of $5.00 and the
Ree along with the road saperiu-
teudeut will' attend the Good Roads
meeting at Toronto the latter part of
1'. Vincent presented a claim for
damages to ear received at Quinn's
bridge last December. The clerk will
arrange with the insurance cuwpeuy
for a settlement of this matter.
App1kvtiuu of M. McDowell for the
office of aaaessor arrived and on
motion of Campbell and Reid Mr.
McDowell was appl,nt(d to this of-
fer at the former salary of *100.09.
Other appointments made were: %V. 11.
Campbell and F. Thoimeon, auditors;
F. 1). Stalker, member board of
health; A. McGowan and H. I'enlue,
sa111t80 luspe,:tura; 11. McGee, .1.
t'aldwell,,W. J. Currie aid Get,. Walk-
er, sheep valuators. Geo. Wlghunau
was.appoiutd {patrolman on road NO.
3.aud lt. ('hatuney for road No 4.
$ix c'iple: f,f-The Mtiiik4tall World
w ere order's! as forweriy-.dor the ."1111-
eil and clerk anti the clerk was 1111411
hist ru1-111eal to procure a copy of the
Municipal Act .fur each wcwta•r of the
'Yh^ clerk was 111.1/ histrue•ted to for-
ward a letter of nppn•latiuu to N'II i4N'r.Vtle•': Hu11F: er\ folk: s1'It.\\D
haul Robinson, who had fflle& the of- •
ice of assessor uereptubl,' fur 14'' stn July 1-t. Ilui,. .; Howard Ferguson: I'r.•i,.t -r o1 'Idaho
many sates. 1111441; 33111 0111.1 ihe new 1 t
4111ario. Gorrunaekt oak,*a1 1141 Stroud.
The 10110 eitr; 0.r61111.. acne paid: lolalou. F:n.:Iuud. .\Isar 114 a Irani g by S.ininrtw Ward. the arch(-
'1'he 1luuie;pal World, sllpplics, *1.7 :;' 'f 1''',1•ahuwiut; the new, "Antibes "tn.,u- tris) will loa,k frons rbc• front -
uhs/ ripaiuks t'. -P31 n•r. Pi;. 1.. Squire,1';11141 -ids. eautad. stone from Niagara is being 11.441 st
-.' fop the exterior
ta•rshlp fl le Ontario 1$11141 111/11114 • of the bilildln.: \chile Nre'whldow frames :Sud dsworative panted• w111,1n•
'tibial 1121
-oaf 1UM 11:
. 5111Ba .
ail! 111111 SIM
/1M!11111 111 tlil�►
HIS/ !i' Ise SIM
11111 RIM
\\'HITli11'lilrltl'11, Jan. 'a4. --Mr.
Geo. Fox baa been uudtr the 4,a•3,r's
.are the past week. 111s many frievlds
hope to lee him able to be out again
Mr. Frank Thompson shipped two
carloads of cattle from Whitechurch
on Friday last. Ernest Robinson and
be went to Toronto ou Saturday.
Mr Ear* 8cbolts and Mr. Charlie
Rubinson are cutting wood for Mr.
Gordou Elliott.
The Women's lastitute of St. Aug-
ustine held a euchre and dance at the
bome of Mr. Jim Craig, ou Wednes-
day text.
Mr. George Robinson left lust week
to work in Detroit. '
Mr. Marry Chemise') was taken to
Goderkb hospital last 4'rlday. Mr.
(Thamney has been i11 for come time.
X-rays are being taken of the trouble
and it is hoped that be will wake a
quick recovery.
The Womcn'a Institute held their
annual at -hour 011 Friday night in the
hall here. when a good crowd was
present in spite ..f the inclement
weather. .t good program of local
talent wa-s well received. Luucli was
served and them 33.33* dakting for a
few hours.
Mr., 'foul M.(:iunl , ,..f Stoteguard.
was visiting with his cousin, Mr.
Jatue1 Falconer. 11110 other relatives
here for a few da)s last week. Mrs.
McGiuult,,• who esus' east to see bo•r
father. 4 Nr. M,4 aguv, of Erin. who
'vas injurer) In an automobile a,eideul
last fall, reeelved worn' hast week that
he nos 1e. t'"e• 1111(1 1" 111/X 10114 t0 reel urn
I,. Erin.
tai-- Norma Murray. of %'ultuu. is
Could not Eat orS cep
after Husband's Death
Iter husbaMl's death left her very ruts
down in health. h. unable to Cal or 'kept
much. Now sh, is brighter in spirits and
rats sal sl.eps well. %lull Caused the
difference p Ill her w,swer in her owe
words : -
" 1 think Krnw•lrn 'alts are spinald
t,,,. i,•. .After my husbuol's death a4
1 Weender !apt 1 M"IoM very 211/1'161/wa
lit health. !lad terrible lits of depws-
.ion 1 was unat,l. 141 rat 11r +lista
much. 1 . was a1.11 trold,ld well[
rile at18111. 1 desalt l.. take Krim -
Chen salts 1/1141 lueyr 110W taken the little
daily dose for nearly two months,
.;o,riuq which time my health baa
great Iy improved. The rtlelu,,:,tism tuba
4onl detely kft tar. 4, 1 urn touch
brighter in spirits and Intl rat and
.hep well."
\Chen life begins to " get you down.'
when you login to feel the results ../
modem artificial Conditions ernes or
diet, worn'. overwork. Luo. (.f exen•ne
then you should tom In INgls1.11e'n 1011._
They 3.,ssess a wonderful power .4
Owing new life and vitality to the
Cuuutless millions of 111114- of which the
1 aux 11,114' 14 C ps,sed. The way Io
keep 14sni1n4� is to take h11,wla'11 Saba
el, ray morning just at vim 14 i13 :your
Ont morning cup of ('offer or tea.
Mr- lilb-"11 G1114spae. 1 or sat
N11' :11,.1 Nit**. Igen Naylor visit's'
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George -GEF OUR PRICES--
', 111r of Fa -t Wanva,'.b.
, 111.• regular woutltly' nu'ctha1 of tin' You are under so obligation
kV A. • a. in- ?her -t' --- -
in finished
\..s.ciatiuu, X:,; \V. 1'. Riddell. re -
...f sndbut ",.1,16.1.. /4111.4)1.. marble. 1harerio'•hron11• nickel. and moss s
pair- fur chellil•111 engine and gravid. groan Ik 44i,tarb, will Ili• most tln'onthotit the i it••ritr of tlp,.,fti.,...1
votive village ..f auburn. 31-34:0,,; The _ --. -••••-
\a'.au.c•'I'hu,. office,. flunuciul`st}Ita•- claim. *14.101, left over until i,.•v' Filial •Sserifitc
useuts tool ballot., 3:u4.ok'; .t. porter meeting
field. nomination :Bud election ek- a 1leir Lord." prayed btu- .6440, ••1
pa•u-w, *tH; \. 1'o,ra•rffeld, -unary: A 414prtat14)11i f ratepayer.: .•f S. S. tion'/ sI anything • for myself --jest
14`�I tt1, pu.sWgfi. *3 .. ft•4: t- 411yfaon:ll
No. UI waited upon the .oun''ll give mother a •eon ib lea."--l'ulpau•
i 'gist rd r. 835 $220: ' 1'. .\ldersou, threatening a court ;•-took if deleul' ItuntPr.
h, ;:e, 81J. F. D. 53ttkt•r. e.d4Unce - 111')•4 were. I4s1101 to pay for a new • _
I"" e1,sd Iii their w':t inti. The ,ou4•i1
on the Johnson' chain, net; J. Johns 1414014 I'aela .11►eerl Canada '
1141, d..., ;c:.; • J. ' 3o10"1rn, In. I, 1141411/41 attenti'.ely, but a s IN. pnwd
.31114 thief ,,ntr.i.t 1,11 the joint,_ I of 1111y illegal proce dings ..f opo• sch.sd ,y1 li,, pmlrlL.�NtI11111 weleont til.- 114 )'
was pr.sluo'd. and oro rwpne'.�or til,. lj' '
ton dr'1i1. $15; G4ttt1 a Ciente., patrol
$1 1.95; M. McDowell, I111trnlmaUl,l, Issnnu.e of 4,.1•.1 drletltnres •84 Ise. .ouoplli•'1 by Frank neigh. the well
- i.: who \-11 .fiat, p ntr..lmun. $11 ; 1 fore the . •it. no aeon, was taken ku..w•n .authority .0 the 1kauini..n.
-.,u, 1)ut •hisau,reppairs to road mach -,Thr mnncil 3taro a)1j6ur3li'I t.. msec pa -t and book Isla, marvel t. of .0111- •'Ig bnlage
:yl l
on Monday. February a. at i.:t44 11 ,1
User), 113.111; J. .t. Geddes, liardwar4,
*1.54: G. II. Wheel••c repairing grad -
R. t:. TH1►1I1''4IN. :1. rere•nliug the ;Drury of tow country
Clerk. 111 a UH11414.11--n glory that is a-
' r, *5.75; Dominion Road Machinery ,•
stirring ills it is illuminating. land un"
Co., repairs, *5; 1-. 11. Bosman, tile,' thx.t no "1"1111"11 31411 ntf..nl to n,ps
$10; J. G. Gillespie, dynamite, f1.'21);' Toon Servitors w'itht the Big
Fe11dKs ,haat IL has nut nly x uatl..nal but
11. Walker. work on road. $:1; Walter Thu1(ue• 11. 33;,iriso 14. who • Rhe
met;owan, work on road, *'21• - I year'. ago 11x,1 al bond and iusitnlur" an- Empire uudownrld-wlde Clrcnla-
('uuncil adjourned to meet agaIn on office in G,wl4rieh. Nae. Ieen'ma4e a tion is not to be w• frost at. The
Tuesday, F}bruAryt11)1I13T1,EaRt FI1 Eodilrk. ti&of(toh4oIxrmodf h(o'uuu,xof. \ghreaood1'I"'•ltiits/l "clhIrap4 te„rwprra'ndgingitffriuftmy a4ewt
Clerk. est financial houses. Ile 14 still to his I culture" to "Yukon," 'rhi. issue eon
in d heflnanc• nuulr remarkable tains much w twitt4r 1111)1111111,111111y new
fextnrfis. Cneopies mac b.• from
pr..gw the bl world,
Mr. Harrison is a former St. Marys leading newsdealer- or by sending
hey. Sul The "Juurua3-Argus ..f that � •3'' cents fur A tartly, or alt for ,hr,
(113311 !sly. of him: (copies. to the Canadian Fact- cot, rp
GODERICH TOWNSHIPThe council met in Hulme'eville on
Monday. January 13. as per statute,
all the members being present A fet-
ter soliciting n donation to (he Hos-
pital for Sick Children was read, but
no action taken. In reply 10 Mrs. Jas.
Back's ,owpl;int re road the clerk was
Instructed to write her that Council-
lor Johnston would investigate and
report. The clerk was also instructedto order six copies of The Municipal
World for the Hee of the council. The
statement of the boundary Iine ex-
penditure Yves orderer) filed. Mr. Len.
Mel;eei s claim for damages to a disk
Yr. T. It. ,Tow, Hau,. b.,who is Co tlrl Huron tat Toronto .,.
a brother of W. N. Harrison, town.
was Null at Glencoe, where his late
father conducted x private banking
business for ninny years. He attend- i
led St. Marys Collegiate Institute and
Toronto University. He s•nfid over -
Peas during the war. On hoc •n'turu he
opened a Mud 411141 insurance - office
at Goderleli. After a year or so there
he returner) to Loudon. ile carried on
his own business there for a short
tune and thea became Wood. Gnlaly &
harrow was laid over till next meet- , 0.'14 representative at Loudon for a
Ing. to :allow of further Information ,short time. Slx years sign he was
being gathered re tills matter. sent to Loudon, Eng.., where he made
Bylaw No. 1. setting the salaries,
and No. 2, appointing the officials, as
follows, were passed: R. G. Thompson,
clerk; 11. L. Salkeld, treasurer; 11.
Sturdy, collector: H. McCartney. as -
1(440r; Austin Sturdy and EMrtd Yeo.
auditors; 1). Gliddon, weed inspector:
Dr. J. B. Whitely, Medical officer of
health; T. M. Woods, member of
board of health; Reg.. Sturdy and
Brown Stewart, sheep t•aluata a,
,Fence -viewers as follows: I)tv. 1 -
Chris. W. Johnston, Geo. l.aithwalte,
Geo. Sowerby ; Ole. 2 -Geo. O. Sturdy,
W. F. Hick. Robt. Hodges;3'-
T. M. Woods, John McClure. Thos. B.
phenomenal p.nrere•es and .•portly 1ee-
ewme manager 'if' the Lombok, nig-
11,f flee.
ig•.1.tfke. Hr 410W Hennes a dlhrtor of
W000', candy & Co., and will be as-
,nw•fated with head office, with his
IInektuarters at Toronto or 316ntreal.
Visit the'Land of Muasnhine
Moine people travel extensively --
ocean crakes to far countries, Europe,
ear. Why not spend a few month' this
winter In ('alifornin-alae land of sun-
shine and play, where dlmlalle condi-
tions ire unexcelled the year IseiniUf
A fascinating .onntr)- of 34111411 charm,
mountain w•ener) of great grandeur,
Stewart : dor. 4 and (t 1, Anderenn, colorful deserts. splendid cities and
D. (illation. Clarence fatter: (or. . ' Iea;111411 beaches where bathing is the
Robs. Smith. Howard Williams, Robt. u,,tt,,r.n1 psi.tl'me.
I'earson. found -keepers: No. 1, hobo. Golf. bomb, Anil polo are al.,. eery
Sowerlry; No..2. Chas. I'muse; No. 03. popular, whileyal•htlug, fishing and
Jahn McGuire; No. 4. Arnold 31111er: buntinx can be enjoyed to the full.
\6. :r. Harvey M'('nrtne}•; No. ft. R. E. I Daueing in the warm moonlight night-
14'olt10lIg;a. Solicitor. Win. 11rydone : for tlrose who choose.
engineer. T. R. Patterson. ale;, vioi;ing 4'alifosnin t•1.el nue
13)1nw Si.. 3 wens ta's1'I, a111h"riz- or both ways via the Canadian ltoekie-
iu;: the ItCevfi a110 1r' -:surer to lure --,owl stop 6'./•r :et V111144111 1.1' 11111 t;