The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-04, Page 18CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE 'PLYMOUTH ' WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 25 Years of Service to the Motoring. Public 2-1976 PLYMOUTHS, 4 door 1975 FORD, 4 door, V8 automatic, Tower steering and brakes (police cruiser), 1975 MAVERICK, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic 1975 DODGE MONACO, 4 door sedan, V8 auto— matic, power steering, brakes and radio 1974 MONACO, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering and brakes and—rad±o 1972 CHEV, 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic with power steering and brakes 1972 CHALLENGER, door hardtop, V8 auto matic, power steering and radio 2-1972 PLYMOUTHS, 2 door. hardtops 1971 PONTIAC, 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, paver brakes and radio THE MACKEREL CAN SWIM UP TO TO MILES PER HOUR... WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1977 PAGE EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The gun club held a pic-nic on the twenty fourth of May. And that picnic was successful, tho' it was a chilly day. They also held a shooting match for a lot of pretty prizes; And as •you read these silly lines you will meet a few surprises. The first prize was a pair of shoes, which were far too big they say; They were meant for Jack McDon- ald, but they didn't come his way. The second was a dollar bill - one hundred cents you know. Isaac Miller reached to take it; but his score was somewhat low. The last one was a booby prize, a tiny ten-cent flute; Billy Webster had to play it. Gee! The following article appeared many years ago in an issue of The Sentinel.. The clipping was given to us by Elwell Webster of Wingham. The article was written by Jim Cassels who was killed in the first world war 1914-18. Mr. Cassels at one time delivered for Miller's Store at St. Helens. ST. HELENS THE GUN CLUB PIC-NIC The Gun Club Picnic Would You Believe by RINA That's true; and, as an aside, it's interesting to know that this fish is a relative of the • sword-fish. WOULD YOU ALSTRELIEVE ...that our deals go pretty fast too. And no wonder; when you offer the • best quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices, they're not going to last long. Hurry down to-day. HANDICRAFT.AND FLOWER SHOPPE and off the ground, he slid. And then came Billy Webster, pale and 0! so mute. He shot his every shot, and then - they handed him the flute! Tom Inglis then came forward with a very shaky hand. He put a nine spot in by chance, then fainted on the stand. Billy Rutherford called the captain, and he was very tall. The bullet went •above the mark. God knows where it may fall! Brown Harper made a good shot: he hit the outside ring. He might have done some better had he not been "on the string." Harry Macey came. Says he: "Here's where I get the prize." But his score was not much larger than Harry Macey's size. Young Bill McCrostie came and said "I'll put one home for sport. But the shoes they wouldn't fit him, for his score was somewhat short. Well, well! Dave Todd was also there, good natured, full of vim. His score was just like Dave him- self - all there but very slim. Jim Barker then came forward, with a twinkle in his eye. He made three lovely Bull's eyes. 0, he's a wise old guy! Bob Taylor and Jim Anderson, I think they were a tie. They might have hit the target, but they couldn't hit the eye. "Do I get laces with those boots?" I heard Frank Todd exclaim. The bullets all went in the air, but the old gun got the blame. Second last was Bill McQuillin, the daddy of them all! His shots were likely bull's eyes, for we saw the target fall. - And lastly then came Eddie Thom, the last one on the score. Ed told me afterwards himself he'd never shoot no more." Don't get discouraged Eddie; there are others just as blind; But tell you this before I quit, they are very hard to find! Advertising... keeps people working. CANADIAN ADVf PYISINO ADVISORY BOARD TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN ''411111111111111111111111MMOOMMEMONI THE TORONTO I; SYNDICATE Gail is a pretty 12-year-old with dark hair, and brown eyes. Her personality, matches her engaging smile. French in descent, 'she is English speaking. She is in ex- cellent health and enjoys sports with favorites being swimming, softball and gymnastics. She is a camping en- thusiast. A good student in Grade six, Gail likes school and works hard. Gail likes to read and loves music and dancing. She is good 'at crafts of all kinds and these days is doing a lot of crocheting. Gail will be a fine daughter for flexible. warm parents who will want 'to spend much time with her. who will, help her build self-confidence and who will understand that, like most 12-year-olds, she is occasionally moody. She will40 best in a small family wbereshe'iS the youngest. To inquire •about adopting Gail ., please write .to Today's Child, Ministry of CoMmunity & Social Si ryices, ,BOX 881t, Station K, Toronto :V141) 2H2. In your letter tell somet,hin y epufiwe-s4m-t-fam-i4y-a-nd-yw;-34q-f-1, FOr general adoption, contact your local Children's Aid Society., IN EXCELLENT HEALTH VISIT TORONTO Home of the CN Tower and the Blue Jays 'Enjoy the LORD SIMCOE'S Givialfsviam 2Nlitt for two includes: • Free,admission to the CN Tower • Modern guest room for 2 nights • Dinner one evening at the famous Captain's • Table • Continental breakfast one morning, full American breakfast one morning. • Free overnight parking (From 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m, only each day), • $699n subiect to advance re- v." gistration and you can $2300 stay an extra night for double only See your travel agent or reserve direct. Inquiry for Blue Jay tickets can be made through our transportation desk. Lord Simeoe Hotel 150 King St. West, Toronto Tel: (416) 362-1848 Stocker Sale 1200 HEAD HEI1SALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. ON SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1911 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves (519) 482-7511 Clinton or Barry Miller (519) 235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 Kirkton AUCTIONEER: Larry Gardiner but he looked cute! And now about the shooting; that's the smallest part you know. The shots were all too high or wide, and the score was all too low. First Jack McDonald took the gun, the gathering to amuse. He didn't hit the bull's eye, so he didn't, get the shois. Then Isaac Miller took the gun, and said "I'll make a hit." He thought he'd get the dollar, but it wasn't in his mitt. Elliott Miller ninety , nine said he'd make, or somewhat more. He never touched the target, so they couldn't count his score. Archie Aitchison next came, and at once the fun began. He put 'one shot in John Joynt's barn, and then for dome he ran. Things begin to look quite danger- ous; quite a number homeward roam; When Wallace Miller takes the-gun and sends a bullet home. Yes, boys, he made a bull's eye. Now comes the funny part. He did the thing so cleverly that he won a damsel's heart. The girls all thought that Wallace was the real Kandy Kid. But he stepped on a banana peel 304, Jomephine Street Wingham