HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 88.-Tbunday, January 10 .1980 New Books in our Lending Library long Ago Told,Ilarokl Bell Wright sleeper of Mtein Ranite'i ... Edison Manshall The ::.e"olle•tions of Roderic Ty fe John Oxcuhant Texas Man William McLeod Raine An Inyerle•t Lover Gore Brown Mystery Range. l'has. A k1en Seltzer The Sealed Trunk Henry Ketchell Webster We .. _ ._ ... Charles Lindbergh 1.5vere '_ . Ruby ,M. ilyn's All Quirt on the Western Front . . , Ir Marque The Runner Ralph Connor and many others Our old Boob are es sale at 25c sack COLE'S Book Store DUNGANNON �{ -awl -_, .qtr..•,,,,. , , -:..,,r= home of Nelsou. Culbert on Monday ' of this week. N.11.ii. Oftleers.-Al the aunuaI meeting of the W.M.S, of Dungannon I United church the following otft, ore were elected for 19:10: President. Mi.. Cella Penllaud ; 1st vivo pre.1del1. .a rt bur Elllolt; 2nd vicerpresi- dent, Mrs. Robt. MtKenAi.; secretary\ recording and e0rrespon11Ung, Mrs. G F`. Ilarrls; assistant .eerelary, Mi•- (llivee FIunlgan; treat-urrr, Mrs. \. F. Why ur4; secretary of 1'hri-tion stew ardship and finance. Mr.. D. Sproul: strangers' ssve:ary. Mrs Geo. Irwin; pianist, Mrs. Arthur Hooch; MI -.Ion - :try Monthly secretary, Mrs. Wal. 11,-- 1'1ure; t eugerauce secretary, Mrs. 1'. • Kafue; supply secrelary. Mrs. Jaw. Mt•- %Vi.11asy ; press ete•retury, Mlss Mar garet Disher; associate helpers' sec•• rotary, Mrs. 8. Roach. BENMILLER I • HEVMILi.E1t, Jan. 15. -Mn. FII - burn had the misfortune to full lust 1 week and bruise herself somewhat, Lut'ahe estwped any serious Injury. Miss Gertrude Houghton had charge of the young people's meeting lust' ' Sunday evening under the citizenship department. Miss Myrtle Good read the Scripture lesson. hauls Jacobs' sang a colo.. The subject of how we - I are goverued was taken up by the I pastor. Next week Ex -Reeve Hugh I1i11 will address the young people on the functions and duties of the town- ship and county councils. Plana were started for the holding of a mock' township election awuug the young people shortly. Mrs. Alden AIIIn Is entertaining her class of young ladles with the young men as guests at her home on Wed- neettjiy evening. The butcher's knife has been on the grindstone a good deal lately. Quite a windier of people are butchering to re- plenish the larder for the winter, which is still to come. .4. heavj-snow- 1 .torso, a high wind, a January thaw,' and then cold w-eatlter again Is the saudwkheed order of weather so fur this year. Sleighing is whipped. whe•l- DUNGAN1 ON, Jan. 15. --Mies Daisy Ryan, of New Liskeard. is . v14Hing her mother. Mrs. Jacob Ryan. - Mr. Lorne McKenzie was In Toronto on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Finnie, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Luckoow, \vas n visitor et• the home of Mr. and Mn. G. M. McKenzie on Monday. The annual meeting of the Pres hyteriaii church will be held on Fri- day afternoon at 2.:10 O'clock. Tbe young ttt4lple'-01 the United church had a social evening at Mrs. Hohn. Moore's -last Friday et roping. . An old-time dans- was held at the HULLETF TOWNSHIP , • t11 view of certain 'rumors r•gardim? the financial cuudhi,n 4.1 Malloch tl,WIi hip. -the last Reeve. Erne.? ritThrs. and 1'mni dine.• Theiler, Mogridge. Forbes -nnd lowson have copied the Gdlowing report frons the tuwn.hi•. - clerk',+-ioo.k.•. w4,irh -wild ireed.•r- - f+w I..we, hip 'hoe.:. are open las Inspection 1.y an. rale{wyerat :ut,' 111114••411.I the tow11=ht)is fluaneial ,'.,uditinn nets, not Is. in doubt. AFISETS Value of road machinery .1 .4(Ws) 414) A quantity of xs in. tile .:clued at e:3en lilt _- g ,;q.111 • available Assets Unpaid text, .s 1.:t.vt 14 Government gr.i111 ,1Uo in March . - 4_501 341 Total Assets E:8 Due 4;' hrieh tow...11it' 3_'o GI Due M• Killot. towushlp 25 791 Due Morris township - '41) :.4 Inlaid aoconnts 8 00 1'npid debentures on crusher 2.861 W► Cash due Hank. - 4,417 00 Yea r 1921 1972 192:1 1924 1925 1920 1927 1925 1929 1980 'fatal I,ial,lllt pets County Levy $ 141)11 80 12855 (t9 120x3 70 1204.3 70 14144) 50 15940 20 153:i9 (10 113.39 (k) 17149.5 50 Owl -ay Rate 741.10 66.10 6 2-10 6'2-111 72-111 52-10 79-10 79.10 9210 Expend'• on Roads & Bridge $ 115941 56 4)7341 15 6777 :10 91153 S1 .7'23 211 7993 52 11110 09 1(Ct95 07 ' 14410 19 Twp. Rate for Peer 412 3)i ; :•iz 41.2 441 44 45y 414 Aaiun,, un Band $ 211K) 11 3235 57 1113 40 _213Ui 4.41 47 24412 02 i4,1 63 --141 3A -4417 00 1Slgned) ERNEST A. ADAMS. JAS. LEITER. i1ERIBERT Mo(;RIDGE, JAS. F()RIIF.S, HultT. LAWw)N. 1 14,87;; 41 11 105341 THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Ing la Impoaalbie In rove parts Ilei dlacuasion groups on the following owing to the big drifts, walking al subjects: Fellowship, Rev. W. Stanley ,itlogerous 'so how is a pour want'Uwen, prator of tit. John' United going to travel now? • a lunch ; nalislons, Rev, C. P. Hoboes: Horticultural society. -Several from citizenship, Rev. C. W. DeMllle. ILA.. here attended the 11111111111 meeting of {Nestor of Central United church. the Carlow Horticultural (te l'?y in, Stratford; literary and recreation Uce township hull lust Tuesday. Mr.; Gordon Lapp, Toronto, field secretory Is. V. Lawson, lt.d.A., was re-ele•te11 of rhe Outarlo Bays' Work Hoard. I.roa.ieut and Mlss Amelia, 11.•11ivuiu, other portions of the program Maude . h• rel .e. rotary-tt•eit'urer. '1'h.• i recreation periods under the direction 80.icty reeky to foster the beautiflca• .d' J. 1t. Mercer, secretary of the tion of the honors and countryside.. be-. Stratford a'.U.4',A., and the dlmlct sides 'supplying the best seeds ut say ' and supper hour of wholesome but cud ray prices. The membership lee 1- frolk conducted by Rev. G. W. 1). Nn• dollar; for which a gelleruusi t',..ena. premium 1n seeds anti plants Is glveu.'' The evening sesslour of the school Every home In the tuwnwhlp ought lo' will be held In Centrul'United church le a member of (bit very worthy 10-1114 conjunction with the Stratford cicly. city standard training school. Congregational Meeting The an• 111191 lile•tbig of the lteutnlller United WORLDS "CLEANEST" church was held last Monday even-, TEA WAREHOIISEt lug. ,Itellorts were received from the! varii.us organizations of the church, all of which were very encouraging. On a tour of the D- ominion, under the auspices of the British Institute of Certified Grocers, six post -grad - Oates visited the Montreal plant of the Salada Tea Company of Canada. Limited. The following report made by the secretary, Mr. C. I. T. /leech- ing. appeared in the Tea & Coffee Trade Journal of New York: "During the tour they (the grad- uates) Inspected some of the whole- sale and retail tea concerns In the Dominion and they considered that the Montreal plant of thy -Salado Tea Company was the neatest and cleanest tea blending warehouse and peeking centre in the world." Caueda has reason to be proud of Industries that can make such an Impression on visitors of this calibre. The Women's Association report, elms 1.11e11 by Mrs. John Long and Miss Beulah lung, showed the handling 441 *40) this year against 1300 last year. The young people's treasurer, Ines Eva I'ettman, repyrted the dlaburso- owed of $300 this year as against $50 last year. The .Sunday school and the missiouary and maintenance fund re- ported slight decreases during the veer. The church treasurer found a deficit of 185. due In part chiefly to outstanding bilis of nearly two years ego. During the three years of the buildiug fund $2700 have been received from .personal suberlptlons, $3500 front notes„ 1$813 from Bethel and Zion churches and building supplies. $145) from fowl Suppers. In that •Mlle period $2400 have been paid for building material; $3993 for work; MITCHELL DEFEATED $a; for Insurance; $235 for interest; 2-1 ON OWN ICL $Iles) have been paid off the notes . rw•eive'. !cueing $2300 still to Ira paid. against which there is $3154 in I Game Doer Not Count, as Mitchell Has cash and $.i00 in 'promised subscrip- Defaulted Series tions. The balance is still unprovided The Guderleh intermediates: defeat-, for. Thanks were expressed to aIIJ ed the Mitchell team by a score of jhe officers who had glveu of their in. 2-1 in a scheduled gage played at 1 terest cud time to carry on the nee• Mitehell last .Friday night. It turned es-ary work of the church, a letter out to to only an exhibition match. being sent to 1f•• loulse Mle del, who as previous to the gain..m the- Mitchell had been treasurer 11 Ilk Sunday . club had 1411114 41114141 444 tin. 5)aturie ewhinil for nine years. and bud taught iLaekey Association their withdrawal a class of girls for a coaslleraible peer from the Intermediate -.cries. Th. Mo,1. Mr. cud Mr.., ('1411 1taxter were Mitchell chub hoot, as. junior 14.44,111 appointed treasurers of the local the field this year and their feu:. ,•hunch fuids,•atel the missionary cud last Friday night was toull''sed 4.( uuliuteuauce :cud In (dace of Mr-. nearly all junior players. there Ie'.11_ lc. Y Guldner, who rielgnel utter •.dy t..,, iot..ln.,li,.t.. •.t, H.. lin, tuning faithfully" carried 4.0 the duties alp. The line -tip 4.1 the G."ler!ch•ttvun for the hast four year,. Mr. and Mr- was. practically the same a- It pre - .14.1)11 1''Z 1,:14114( ma)111aiuee1 4It• gf.ol work for niucteen years pre - 1 ,1111 h Neu, y.n,.4de1 by the Jetties. c UNITED CHURCH TRAINING SCHOOL THE SQUIRREL "Greys" Are Slowly Ming O[ tie Rede" In ala* Old Country. A few leaves of late autumn were still clinging to the trees on the mar- gin argin of the forest. The ground was covered with brown and gold, and It was on this carpet that I saw my red squirrel. He was a lucky animal, for hs ran about the last of his race In this wood, the grey squirrel having over- run verrun It and killed off all his com- panions, writes Oliver O. Pike. F.Z.S. In Tit -Bits. If he could have spoken he could have told of many a fight with the grey usurpers. for It was entirely owtng to his pluck that he had survived. His mate had been killed In the spring. She was attacked in her grey, but the one responsible for heir death paid the penalty soon after. for he was tracked. and after a sound thrashing was knocked off a blgh branch and crashed to the ground. He did not die there and then. but Ma wounds were too severe for him to crawl away. Although many of his kind passed by and stopped to look at the wound- ed one. they salted an& passed oa, for in squirrel land there a. no sym- pathy; you fight to live, and U you are the loser you make the best of your wounds and wait for death. As f watched the red squirrel I saw h. was very busy; he kept run- ning to a certain spot. then back to rummage among the leave. My field - glasses showed that he was collect - in his wln'er stores, and in, a hole near the base of a large oak he wile placing acorrns. When It contained as many as he wished be covered It with leaves, then began a similar Job elsewhere. The squirrel is a strange little creature. ter it will make many of these store -houses, but when it awakes from a lengthy sleep on • bright winter morning It p1obably forgets where Its food Iles hidden. This squirrel had a well -concealed dray in- a large evergreen in a dense Dart ofhe wood; a wasmaking his. r t t h k D!, way towards this when he was ar- rested by the presence of one of the hated grey squirrels., Some have given the latter the name of the tree rat. 1t certainly is • most objectionable little Creature, and does a great deal of harm by iobbloa n. .t. and- taki.g >onu, t,I.Jc. Wh.)t he saw his enemy lie did not. run; he stood his ground and with bl istling back awaited the other's approach. The grey was not long In attack- ing H.• sprang lik'• a small cat straight at the red• squirrel, but the latter jumped aside, anti as his enemy pa.)sed male a bite which missed. Thu grey sggirrel tarred and sprang again. and just as he expected to land On Iia opp„neat, the -cat:. a •duck• d and caught his enemy under the chin. A bite from a squlrr..l is a thing to be remembered. Once one made Its teeth meet through one of my Lingers, and it is done so quickly that it is like a stab from a dagger. But on this occasion be did not let go, but held on tenaciously while" the grey squirrel was lighting hard to get. away. Ho teeth were well Into kis foe, and it was not long before the end. - This ptusky little red squirrel had a trick which had saved tis life many times, but'I doubt if he w111 aurwlve, for be will probably be attacked while asleep In the tree -top • To lleilrld al 1lrrlford Joao*, 27 - February 2 S'I'R.\TY• 1111•.. .1.1 .. 17, '('1ie total!. ni hail leader -hip Itaiuul4 ., 44w1 for y„ung ts•oph• in.•:114141 by the Lon d4.n Yung People's ('uuf,•ren.1' of 'the United church of Canada will' 111441 iii Parkview Cnited 'church of » this•city on January ' 7, and w,11 con 7.023 76. tinue to Fei.t na ry _, uccs,rditig to .e- re.rut aniontte4went. (1,0) '110' .rs,I011. phi. year es in the. (:rant pre -4 are for the {.uriose of training! „u Road- leaders. The program for the week $ 17::. 744 Involves) instruction las specialized 1974 60 training for yuuug people bre. a stuff ifsel 20 of outstanding leaders and teachers. 1304 9K: The course, of study and the In-' 1469 07 .tructurs are: Bible study, Rev. C. W.. ISM 0:. DeWitt (teams., M.A., 11.1)., pastor of 2402 76 l'erkview United Church. Stratford; 32sc 32 missionary hour, Rev. Charles 1'. 32)42 75 Holmes. B.A., ml-slonury on furl ugh', 4504 30 from Japan; young people's apeclal-' iration course, Rev. Dr. C. A. Myer', i M.A., Toronto. associate seeretdry of! religious education and head of the leadership training deportment of the �'i'uit,.l Church of "unada; also para- 1.1U111111111RR$11111•1111111111111RI•1111111■•••Is•1111at•uu ■ • The• SIGNAL CALENDAR • • • • For years The Signal has had a reputation for issuing a handsome calendars, but we cannot remember a year • when so many complimentary remarks upon our Calendars II reached us as has been the case this year. ' When we • ordered them we had a notion they would be popular and ▪ accordingly we ordered several hundred more than usual. They have been going out fast, however, and this is in- • tended as a notice to any subscriber who has not already • received his Calendar that he should make sure of it by IN ▪ handing in or mailing his subscription AT ONCE. ■ Every paid -in -advance subscriber is entitled to one • ▪ of the handsome 1930 Calendars. 1. If you have('Ihot got yours yet, do not delay much 1 1 11 1 1 X xrrrrrrrtr>.rrrrrrur■■rrrrr rrrnrinrr■unnn■ longer. The supply will not last indefinitely. THE SIGNAL GODERICH .inn.. vines. 19t.• first goal of the grime soas .,'.orad by We.tbroyee, risk defence player of Ow ILNleri,•ii h•:.tu Lemieux tallied G.aluri, h', -4.4-..11.1 goal on 11 Iso-- from Moos 1111' i•II'- , „rely gull 4.1 • the game wa, cued, earned, the pock striking the -ria;, one of the Goderieh player, at... Isom log into Noe Goderieh goal. 1,. I1. sawyer. of hili hell. refereed the game to the s.tti.faeli'al rel all. - ea. U e -.•. and win for the 10•3l. ..)ei (he Uitrtudl....Vet. the seer.. „f Ito• first game here tieing 4.0 In favor of Guderleh. The Ilm•-rep of the local team was as., folloys: Goal. H: Doak ; defence. 1: We.thr.Nok,•. J. Wood.; centre. • Bred.. Snnhly ; wing•, It. Sloldart, i). Me - Kay ; subs. 11. Murrey. it. Those. .I. 14•12114,11‘. Junior Lenoir Games The gauge, in the junior town lir cI.-I ey league ..111 get ler way next . Wednesday eveninig. January 22nd. i -.nlmeuciug at 7 o'clock. There will! be two gatues. The first will be b•-1 tweet: group No. 1 1A. Plante. cap - taint, and group No. 3 (Victor F:Illott,' captain I. The second will be Ietweeu l teams Nos. 2 and 4 captained by Walt-, er and Reg. Newcombe, respectively-. Citizens are asked to give their sole; port to good. clean hockey by being' present at these games at the West street rink next Wednesday. Notes Clinton will be here on Friday even - Ing, January 24th, for an O.I1.A. fix- ture with the locals at the West street rink. • • • On Friday evening of this week Seaforth will play the locals at the West street rink. This promises to be one of the snappiest games of the season, as Seaforth has a strong team in the field. • • • Goderieh has played three 'Ames to date. two with Mitchell and one with Seaforth, bat as Mitchell has withdrawn from the group and the Seatorth game has been thrown out WI the record 1s still none all. • • • it Is announced by O.H.A. author - Mee that the game at Seaforth last week. when Seatorth defeated Ooder- Ich by • 3-2 score, w111 have to be re- played. In this game Seaforth had a player on their line-up, by the name of Gordon Mulr, who bas not been granted a certificate to play with Seaforth this season. • • • Goderieh was to have played a r„•heduled game at Clinton on Tues- day night. but the extremely mlld weather nec'ewRated tbe postponing or the game to a future date. If sat- isfactory arrangements can be made this fixture will -take place on Mon- day next. The fans are anxious to sew these teams In action. Clinton has not played a game yet this 114441- . ▪ 4014 In the Intertucdlate series. • • • This 1s the way ,Friday night's . genic looked to the reporter for The . Mitchell Advocate: "Golerlch intermellste hockey team • tis0e1 Mitchell on Friday night end {andel n 2-1 victory over the local boys. There was a fair attendant* ..f fans and the visitors had) to exert themselves for the pond gained. Chas. Stoneman and Cuddle M,Clocklin were the only Intermediates on the Mitchell eam. the ethers being junior players. The Ice was hard and some nice com- bination was In evklence. The visitors have a welldrlantecl team but w111 re- quire a lot of training before they reach the playoff stage with teams. from other districts. Mitchell juniors tempered favorably with the visitors eat thongh the score was against them It was .generally conceded they bad the best of the plaj for about three- quarters of the floc and the Goderieh goal was bombarded repeatedly." 1 DIED McEWBN.--In lieditrieh. oa Tae► Sty, Jesuitry 14tR le/bells Oath. widow of the late Thoma. Mcews& in her 76th year. • 4� WORLD'S FIRST ALPHABET. Most Extraordinary Discovery Made Is Recent Years. What Is supposed to be the most ancient library In the world, consist- ing of documents written in the first alphabetic signs known to savants. has been discovered In Syria by a French archaeological expedition, it was reported to this Academie D'in- apectlon et de Belles Lettres. Eighteen large and small tablets, engraved with letters that are neith- er hieroglyphics nor Assyrian cunei- form characters, but evidently parts of the firer alphabet made of 26 to 27 signs, were found by • young Alsa- tian archaeologist on the SYHan coast of the Mediterranean, at a place call- ed Ras -Sham -a, near,latakleh (Ladl- klya). The expediton had,dfscovered there a necropolis, the 4,000 -year-old ruins of a Phoenician palace and town; and numerous ancient vases, jars and statues of great archaeolog- ical and hatarical value. The opinion was put forward by the Academie that these ruins repre- sented traces of an Aegian colony that existed on the Phoenician *oast 2,000 years before the present era. and whose civilisation was of the My- cenlan period. Salomon ReIeacb, the famous French historian, who was present when the report was present- ed, declared that the discovery was the most ext�° rdlsary one made within recent yasnand that It would be of the greatest importance for 48e study of ancient history. lespeeaaa4 The vicar paid a visit to the parish school, and atter addressing the boys upon various subjects, be asked them by way of encouragement to put any question to him, and promised that 1f he could not supply a satisfactory an- swer he would give the boy who ask- ed It sixpence, says the Edinburgh Scotsman. A smart youth promptly jumped to his feet. and said: "Why am 1 like a dead horse, sir?" The vicar promptly confessed his Inability to give an answer, and *ek- ed the boy why he was like a dead horse. "Because," the boy answered, "I am walting tor the tanner!" Poe's Fist Editions. Several copies of first editions of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories have been recently sold to collectors for a sum totalling more than $100,000. Largest Telephone Odds. The world's largest telephone cable kw been laid to the new San Fren- eteco Stock Bxehange building. It cupulas 1.300 pairs of wires. "Like all war, the memorials should be berrlbM"--Mr Jetta ilbaesrirreser. 'To bare an appraisals of and sndersbsadisg ter art be to bare des et Om meat genote .ad remunerative teems of weekb."-Otto II. 1Dam GODERICH HAD GREATEST (Continued from page 1) menta can 1e made as to tease of land. New Highway Connection During the past year the Blue Wet, er Highway Aasuclatluu decided to of - [Mate with an United duces Assec- uutlun 'sp,ns,rlug the highway 111 - ready largely completed from Wand, 1"lorkla, to fort tluron, Mich., VOW uecthig al Sarnia, Out:, cud the Unit- ed States Association have agreed to taste 100,000 advertising folders v.,- pte•ially drawling attention to Ike merits and beuutiea of the Blue Water Highway las the Province of Ontar- io, along the shores of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and on to Lake mimeos, This happy merging of inter- ests is largely credited to the untir- ing mud unceasing efforts of our old friend, Mr. Wlu. G. Coutts, of lllg Stour Gap. Va. Mr. Ceutlsi Is one of the old boys who never forgets his native town. As war indicated in our work for last year, our town boundaries should be extended to take In the whole of the harbor area, and no time should lie' lost In settles a roadway built to the north side and *lung the river breakwater as per survey made last year. 1b Revh Bos t a*1,Trsde The chief and moat presatng mat- ter which 1 want to leave with you 1a this: Every possible effort should be made by the council to close out the sale of the Art Craft building to resp uelble parties and the balanus of the machinery in the :National Ship- buildlug plant should be sold and every effort made to dlapse of Use buildings, so that our pry roll for 1930 may be tbe largest In our his- tory. It a reorganised Board et (rude w1(1 be of aadatance, l shall undertake to Cell a meeting within the next few ,weeks and give our citizens au opportunity of renewing tbelr in serest Ina Ilourd of Trade or l'humb- er of Commerce and of cit -operating ..4t11 the euanell in natters which are more ur less Industrial and untsidc the scope of council duties. '!'here is uu reason that l know of ra ") u e' u, h the year 195.1 should not t u ,est(ul one for Guderleh and for Canada -as a whole. May 1 Just vivre with an excerpt trouttut item W The Mount Forest t'..nt,aierntc which 1 think i. rath- er gess!: . 'L.".sing back en the past ytwr, it T;a. Tie ',t fIi i d ii,l1 1111 the whole. „ase of pro -party 4111,1 progress. At the i, ro.eul WIme11;, we believe. there t, nu other country ill the world that is .o happy, s.. prusl.'r.tu., 'u ps•rnu•ut .s1 with the po,s-ibihtte, sad --the o;.abilitiee, of growth and greatness. For tuts we .ho.11d lou th,utitful, and •.-acai of u- should do our pearl 10- W21114; cstald:si itrg our country In the Plitt ,pies of truth, of peace, of Lord .•-ty, of sobriety, of ju.,ti.e. of Indo. try, of Idielllgeut;e •and, to a word. of tl.d1 rightness or r.ghte)u',es- which exalteth u untied." LOOT OR FOUND i08T.-»LADY'S GOLD WR1ST le Watch. • Finder kindly .leave at ' 810NAL orriCn. AUCTION BALK D1SPICR81ON SALIC. Complete dlsperalon of the Earls - ton Herd of Regletered Ayrehlr'e. - 2b head -to be sold by auction on Tuesday, Jan. 28(8. 1990, at 2 p.m., at Marleton Farm (1 mile south- west of (:N,R. station), Seaford). Ont. Apply for catalogues. J. A. Mc- KENZIE, Prop. WANTED WANTED. -,MAID FOR MINERAL. housework. Apply at SIGNAL Or- F1(JE. WANTED -MAN TO SHIP U8 MIN- Nt)W8 for fishing. 610.00 dally. 1)AY P18H CO., Port •Huron, Mich. WANTED -A PIANO. MUST BB IN first -clam condition. Staid lowest cash price. Apply Box 26, SIGNAL OF- FICE. WANTED. --WILL BUY ONII OR TV two secondhand copies of the hook. "In the Days of tbs (Maeda oam- patai " Apply at SIGNAL OFTICIL T�jtENT TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR grocery or one.. immediate pos- session given, Apply to ORAS. K. SAUNDERS. Goderlcb. COR KENT.-OOM4'ACT MODK$.l as apartment. Possession may be bad immediately. For further perticnlars apply to HAYS'k HAYS, Godericb, Ont. - UOUBE TO RENT. -NORTH $TRBET. 1U Met block. Seven -roomed brick. lir u e home use wit b all ..1 odrro coovenl- em•e', new turnace, newly decorated, wired fur electric stove, a garage and Targe garden. ' Imtueliare pwatseslon, tenant leaving town. Apply to M198 P(►I,LEY. next hoane.(north side), or Ms. J. W. Cralgle. ' AUCTIONEEIUNO . TllttM.t8 GI'NI)It\. 64 L14111I('H. LIVE .{`:11 cirri)%ley-ti aU('Tle)NET,it • Telepl,one oxo .110. safe' attended to anywhere and every effort -made to give satisfaction. F:anne,rs' .-act note. dts',,uuted. . . WE,LEY W. FISIIER, Auctioneer, will conduct /Miles anywhere. My terms are reasonable NMI 1 will en- dedvor to give sa ;Israel ion. Phone DIED MILLAR.- -.At Detroit. on Friday, Jan- uary amuary 10th. Wyvlile T. Millar. .on of tl e late lIr. ami Mrs. D. Millar, Us)ISF.RTI)t .\.--11Y Goderieh, on Thane; day, January 16, Elisabeth Ileapy,1 Widow of the late Robert Roberton.) In her S$Ib year. , Funeral at Auburn on Saturday. FOR SALE fRoCERY BUSINESS 1N GODER- etice,-)ting Monday and Thursday asd • by„ appointment. A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and office -Corner of South street and Britannia road. Carlow 1314, or address 1L R. 4, God - arid). DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIROI'RACToft A. D DRUGLiSB TII ERA IAT. Goderi-b, Phone 341 Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronie organic and nervous diseases. Lady to attendance. O hours2to5,and 7 to9p.m ien for sale. Apply to Box 39 SIGNAL OFFICE. ('OR SALE.-FIZTURES AND BUSI- NESS for Bather Shop, situated on West street, In the town of Goderieh. Suitable terms. For further particulars CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT apply to HAYS A HAYS, Hamilton street, Godertch, Ont CRANK. P. GIBBS, CHARTBUD Accountant. 11)2 Ontario atreet, Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea you. CARD or THANKS SIR. E. T. PFRIMMER AND FAMILY, MEDiCAL wish to express their grateful thanks to neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses extended during the illness of Mrs. I'friminer and In their time of bereavement. THE BROTHERS ANI) SISTERS OF the late Wyvllle T. Millar take this opportunity of extendlag their grateful thanks for the many expres- sions of sympathy received In tbelr bereavement, and especially to Dr. W. F. and Mrs. Qallow for their kind hospitality. PUBLIC NOTICE - DR. W. W. MARTIN WISHES TO announce that he w111 be In his new office about Jan. 30th. In the meanwhile be can be coasnited at hie residence, Hamilton St., from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., or by appointment. C)DERICH AGRICIJ'IIPURAL 80• CiE'rY. The annual atatntory meeting of the Ooderi -h Agricultural Society will he held In tbe Town Hail on Tneeday, January 21iet, at 2 o'clock pm., for) the receiving of the annual reports, the election of officers and other business. All members are requested to attend. W. F. CLARK. JAS. CONNOLi.Y. Secrete r). Yreelden 1. DR.- F. J. R. FORBTBR, EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Opk- thalmle and Aural Hospital, eadetant at Moorefield Eye Hoepltal and Golds& Square Throat Hospital. London, lag. :i3 Waterloo 8t. 8•. Stratford Tel- ephone 287. At Hotel Bedford, Goderieh, as the evening of third Monday of sash month till the following day. Tuesday, at1p.m. LEGAL WRNDOT M. LIM Barrister and Solicitor Sun Idf. Building. Adelaide sad Victoria streets, Toronto t Telepboue Elgin SNL DWMATY E. HOLM:W. Barrister, )flee. 0mca--•Haab1ton street. Oodseigh. Phone 27. R. DARROW, BAE30$TR t, MC. Successor to J. L. RRlor$a. Phone 97. Office -The Square. Ooderie& MEi•:TiNG OF HURON COUNTY NII COUNCIL. The Connell of the Corporation of the County' of Huron w111 heat In the County Council Chamber. Go erlci, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 28th day o' January, 1930. All accounts •gainet the county and applications for old -age pensions should he in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 260 Inst. to etrnre action of the County Council and the 01d Age Pensions Committee at aha meetleg. Applk•nats for old -age pensions should see that all gvlestlone are prop- erty and plainly answered and all fortes properly ereeeted. also that their poet office and the municipal- ity in which they lire ere *mini, and properly stated. Mualdpal clerks are regopeed to malt certificates of elertloa as moon se possible before the 25th IML ORO. W. HOLMAN, Clerk. 00111 11111, Jae. 1018, 1060 Rape a *tape RsItnorrsaa, I014'. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYP is.. WA Hamilton St., (ioderiea LNSURANCE, LOANS. HIV. McKIL L P MUTUAL FMB IN- SURANCE 00. -Farm and fu toted town property hewed. Olkxrw-Jos. ,Connolly, Pres„ Red- erleh P. 0.• Jas, Irene. Vkc-late... Heeehweod P. O. ; D. F. McCireeer, Sea -Treats. Seaforth P. O. Dlrectone-A. Aroadfoot. IL 1R. )to. 3, Sesforth; John 0. Qr1*ve, IM. 4, Welton; William Men. R. R. Re. 2 Seaforth; John Bennewles, BrN- hagen : Oen. McCartney. R. R. Iia 3. Seeforth ; Rebert Perris, Harlot : Murray Gibson, Bromfield; James Evans, feeeliwood; leash* Coeaely. Ooderleb. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Oederh.: Ales. Lepel, R. R. No. 1, Mateo: Jobe Nerrsy, seafertl ; 1. Hlaebley. Seaford. ?alley-boldene sea make all payment* sad get their cards receipt - ed at R J. M rrlsl's ()otblag Sam (Mates ; Cattle Ootre oreeur,, �.g� «ea area. Gederlel, or 3. A. 1>IMfi. General en" l .,y 4'' sessomerrtierpromear