HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-27, Page 14Would You Believe
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Secondary Plan
Affecting Lots 1 - 67, Lake Range
Township of Huron
TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1977
PUBLIC WORKSHOP [for information purposes] 3 TO 5 P.M.
In Township Hail, Ripley
Sincere sympathy of this
community is extended to Mrs.
Gertrude (Till' e) MacKenzie on
the death of her husband Frank
in the Wingham and District
Hospital on Wednesday, April
20 in his 72nd year. His body
rested at the MacPherson
Funeral Chapel, Teeswater
where the funeral service was
held on Friday, April 22nd at 2
o'clock. Interment was in the
Teeswater Cemetery. Frank was
well known in this area as he
and his. wife Tillie kept the store
at Kingibridge from February,
1947 until February 1959.
Congratulations to the Grade
three students of St. Joseph's
School. Kingsbridge who took -
part in the Choir event at the"
Stratford Musical Festival on
Tuesday, April 19th and won
third prize for their efforts.
Frank Sullivan returned to his
home here on Tuesday, April 19
after spending the winter
months- at the TarbOt
London. Welcome back. Frank.
Students who have been
attending the different Univer-
sities are now enjoying the
summer break and many have
obtained summer employment.
Mrs. John Austin . and Mrs.
Joe Courtney attended the
South Western Ontario Pro Life
Conference held at the Bethel
Tabernacle Church in Stratford
on Saturday, April 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dalton
of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Lalonde of Orillia arid Mr. and
Mrs. Ken King 'of Welland
visited with Mrs. Mark Dalton
and family on Saturday and
Mr. Frank Sullivan received
stitches at the Emergency,
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, Goderich, when he cut
his arm on barbed wire.
Sincere sympathy is extended
to Mr. and Mrs. Harm Kloeze of
R. R. 3 Goderich. Mrs. Kloeze's
brother, his wife and three
children were killed in a plane
crash in the Canary Islands.
Sympathy is also extended to
Theodore and Gus Redmond
and their families on the death
of their sister Miss Mae
Redmond in London on Satur-
day, April 23rd. Her body rested
at the Stiles Funeral Home,,
Goderich until 10 a.m. Tuesday,
April 26. Requiem Mass was
celebrated in the St. Augustine
Roman Catholic Church on
Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. Inter-
ment was in the St. Augustine
Education Week at St. Jos-
eph's School, Kingsbridge was
one of great activity for parents,
teachers and students. The
week was opened with a
Community Mass that was well
attended. Mr. Bill Kinahan, the
school trilStee, read the lesson
and Father Dentinger spoke to
the congregation about the
spirit of education week "Grow-
ing With Dignity".
House League floor hockey
l.,..toffs 'sew Montreal lose to
Saskatchewan 2 to 3. In the
evening Grade eight students
who will be attending high
school in Wingham attended
Orientation Night at the F. E.
Madill Secondary School, Wing-
ham. Grades 1,' 2 3 and 4
attended the Stratford Music
Festival on Tuesday, April 19
acid returned to the school with
a third prize in the Grade Three
Choir competition. Mrs. Nancy
Park, the grade three and four
teacher is to be congratulated on
a job well done. Back at the
school, the grade 7 and 8
students were competing in the
French Public Speaking pro-
Tuesday afternoon, April 19th
saw thirty eight Grade seven
and eight pupils assemble in St.
Joseph's School, Kingsbridge,
gymtorium to contest their
French oratorical skills. The 20
grade eights composed personal
sketches of themselves "en
francais", while grade seven
demonstrated a sample of
prescribed reading. Each orator
strove to observe the basic rules
of French pronunciation, liason
and gesture as taught by their
teacher, M. Terry Bullen.
Last minute on-stage flour-
ishes caused judges Mme,
Marie Buchanan of Goderich
and language co-ordinator of the
Goderich District Collegiate'
Institute M. Paul Howe lengthy
discussion before finalists were
announced. Cash prizes from
the Garvey Memorial Fund were
presented to Seniors (Grade 8),
Debbie Austin, 1st prize; Brian
Drennan, . second prize; and
Dean Doherty, third. prize. In
Grade seven, Annie VanDiepen,.
first prize; Rose Marie O'Keefe,
second prize; Jeannette Pellet-
ier, third prize.
Credit is due principal David
Zyluk whose foresight timetabl-
ed this project some months ago
with a view to the vital position
French is assuming in our
comrtry. .
Public Speaking continued on
Wednesday, the 20th with the
Kindergarten to Grade four
competitions. Winners were as
follows: Kindergarten, A Song
entitled "Bingo", first prize,
Patty Durnin; second prize,
Elmer Foran; third prize, Shar-
on VanOsch. Kindergarten, Po-
em entitled "Just Me", first
prize, Wendy, Miltenburg; sec-
ond prize, Lisa Foran; third
prize, Lisa Smith.
In Grade one Maureen Staple-
ton was placed first for her song
"The Little. Bird". Mary Anne
Franken was first with a poem
called "The End"; Ronald
Plasschaert was second and
Maurice Delbergue third. "If I
Were A Fish", another, poem
found Armand Forgett and Lisa
Card tied for first place; Lisa
Durnin was second and Angela
O'Neil third.
Grade two, Angela Foran
placed first in the song "The
Robin" and- Mary Katherine
Stapleton placed second. Paul
VanRooy, Tommy VanDiepen
and Dennis Foran placed in that
order in a poem .entitled "My
Shadow". "That Sweet Story of
Old", a poem, saw Christine
Turcotte first; Darrell Durnin
second and Agnes . VanOsch
Grade three, the newest
student' at Kingsbridge, Cathy
O'Connor, placed first in a song
called "Come A Dancing". Thin
was a grade three category.' A
poem,, "The Elf and the
Dormouse" was extremely close
resulting in three two way ties.
First prize, Theresa Foran and
Linda. VanOsch; second prize,
John VanOsch and Sally Van-
Osch; third prize, Stephen
VanOsch and Jackie Delbergue.
Winner of the speeches was
Maria Dalton with Craig Rieg-
ling second and Lonny Doherty
Grade four, Shannon Durnin
won the grade four song contest
'with the song "A-Roving".
"The Proud Frog", a poem, had
Ronnie Delbergue first; Mary
Lynn Doherty second and Fred-
die Durnin third. In the speech-
es there were two more two way
ties, first prize, Tommy Gilmore
and Christine Stapleton; second
prize, Billy Card; third prize,
Paul Foran and Kenny Van-
On Thursday Grades one to
four went to the Pinecrest
Nursing Home in Lucknow and
entertained the senior citizens.
Whilst these grades were in
Lucknow, Kindergarten regis-
tration was held. Eight students
registered (the father's name in
brackets): Sarah Christine Bro-
phy (George); Jennifer Jean
Dalton (Clete); Rhonda Jane
Hogan (Thomas); Laurie Ann
O'Neill (Joe); Brian Allan Red-
mond (Ambrose); Sandra Marie
VanOsch (Antone); Joseph Van-
0Sch (Joseph); Francis Gerald
Foran (Gordon).
The House League Hockey
finals were exciting. Saskatche-
wan emulated the Toronto
Maple Leafs and allowed Ed-
monton to come from behind to
tie the regular game score 2-2.
Edmonton then won in sudden
death overtime. In the evening
parents attended Open House
and also heard the first place
winners of the Garver Public
Speaking -contests.
Kindergarten: Bingo (song).
Patty Durnin: Just Me (poem)
Wendy Miltenburg. Grade one.
The Little Bird (song), Maureen
Stapleton: The End (poem).
Man. Anne Franken: If I were a
Fish (poem/. Armand Forgett.
Lisa Card. Grade two, The
Robin (song). Angela Foran: My
Shadow (poem), Paul VanRo,ov;
That Sweet Story of Old (poem),
Christine Turcotte. Grade
three, Come a Dancing (song),
Cathy O'Connor; The Elf and
the Dormouse (poem), Theresa
Foran, Linda VanOsch.
Speech, Maria Dalton. Grade
four, A-Roving (song) Shannon
Durnin; The Proud Frog (song)
Ronnie Delbergue. Speech, tie,
Tommy Gilmore and Christine
Following intermission Mary
Luanne Clare, a former student
of St.. Joseph's, Kingsbridge,
now attending F. E. Madill
Secondary School in Wingham
gave her speech on "Drugs".
Mary Luanne has reached the
multiple District A final which
includes Ontario, Quebec and
Labrador which is sponsored by
the Lions International Clubs.
Mary Luanne is sponsored by
the Lucknow branch.
Grade five, recitation, Perry
VanOsch; Amusing Personal
Experiences, Michael Austin;
Speech, Steven Hickey.
Grade six, skit, winners were
Lisa Frayne and Heather Ann
Stapleton; original poem, Joe
Gerdes; recitation, 'Teresa Van-