HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 7County and District Andrew Helmet, C.N.R. iettlou foeemao at Bluevale, has retired on pension. While skating on the fiver at Brussels, Robert I.uftree, a student of Toronto Utdvenwlty, struck a snag and tell, curtaining a broken leg. Mary Knipe, wife of Duucau Mc- abb. 13th concession of Grey, died Sunday, Jauuary 5th, In her fifty- sixth year. Pneumonia was the cause of death. Normae Overholt has purchased the 67 -acre farms north of Drysdale from Edward Brlwson and gets immediate pote5e'salou. Mr. Brisson Is Beteg 1.11 Zurich for. the winter. Dr. Orme has sold his practice at Crediton to Dr. Railton. of Brantford. Dr. and Sirs. Orme will spend a few weeks In Florida and will then make their home In Toronto. Donald, tate ten -year-old saw of Mr and Mrs. James Blair, Centralia, was kicked In the face while leading a horse to water. Ills now was bruk and his face cut and t,rulaed. At the home of the bride's parrots, Mr. and Mrs. Dai id Walker, Ford - 'rich. on 1)etemtwr :flat, their eldest daughter, Flora Jean. wan united 1u marriage to Gordon held Edwards, coo of Mrs. Edwards and the late A. Weak After Operation "After having an operation, 1 was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unit to work. I saw Lydia E Plnkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and mai it and believe is helped me wonderfully 1 have m weak spells any more. the pains have left me and my nerves are much bet. tax. 1 fed safe in saying Lydia E Ptnkham's medicines have helped me wonderfully." -Mea Wm H. Basdtarfln, Bsa 143. Pet CoBonws. Omens Lydia E, Pinkham's Veaetahle Compound Kdwards, Ououdega. Rev. E. F' (handler officiated. The y(mug couple will reside at Onondaga. Thomas Sage. who celebrated his ninety-eighth birthday a few day. ago, Is the secoud oldest resident of u.e village of Wroxeter, Mrs. Jobe Gilson, who In December cowl..ete.l nue hundred years, being the ul.ltet. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper, of 'tue.- entmltb, auuvuuce the eugagewent of their eldest daughter, Nett a Mac, to George Wilmer McCiluchey. eldest rum of lir mud Mrd. George McClutch- ey, of Varua, the weddlug to take place this month. The death occurred recently at Greenway ul Mrs. John Allister, In ber eighty-fifth year. 1)eceused twit Wets a nsddeut of t4tepheu town- ship shore 11373. She is survived by Iwo atoms and three daughters, her husband huvang died twenty years ago. A quiet wedding took iduce at the manse. Wroxeter, ou December 31at. �r)t!u Maribelle Corlure Bult, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Ell hull. of Turnberry, wax united to John M. Osier, of Listowel. The cereluouy was perforated by Rev. Mr. Bolingbroke. The happy couple will reside at Lis- toeel. The death occurred at Bluevale um Jauuary Ynd, alter a few weeks' mss, of of Mns Margaret Mcllwafn, During the fall aIle visaed relatives at Dungannon, Nile, Goderich and Bay- lield, and returned to Bluevale only als,ut u mouth before elle was taken ill. She ea's lu her eighty-second year. 'Slit funeral tau► place from the howe of ltubert Shaw, where ' she passed awn,). ,- Huron Hey Wins Scholarship A (tune, county Iu,y, J. It. Turn- bull. of Ethel, war the wiuner of one of the fifteeu 5101 xc•bolerwbips giv- en by the T. Eaton Co. to the Juulor fanners of the l'rovtiwe, represeated by the 51a) who In November last were entertained at Toronto by the Omer.° Department of Agriculture. The scholarship is to be applied ou a coupe at the Guelph Agricultural College Appointments for Ashfletd Old Hoye John 1'.. Andrew, member et a well- kuoen A•liflehl family. has been ap- Is.lut.d a.,a.•taut deputy Minister of .agriculture for the Province of Al- berta. Before going to the West he was an agricultural repreiwntative In fhb Province. Ile is being succeeded In the p eitlua of manager of the AI- oertauterumeut farm at Vermillion by bis brother, David A. Andrew. of the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. i HI.. ;IGNAL, t 1'N' I(' ONTAltll)'S NRiW LpGiSLATUItk. SME.WPS`S ON irEBRUARY 5 According to intormatlun received from Premier G. H. Fergueou, the Ontario Parliament will open on Fele ruary 5th. When the Leglelatute"meets many new faced October, illle se eu enl the A.sse bly Chambsefras a wat•t of wef ir with Pro- vincial election which book place on the last day in an pverwhelming majority. The above layout shows the Ontario Parliament buildings at Toronto and. inset, are, top. lett to right: Ilia Honor ldeutenant-Governor Roes and T. A`hmore Kidd, thednew bSpeaker. peaked net. below. are Premier /JQtr11) SUGAR. le Now Being Delivered By the Pipe- Line ips. Line System. Rivers of sugar are beginning to flow, soya an article In the New York Times. Just as the oil brrnlwas e and superseded by the pump pipe tank conveyors, so, 1t appears, the sugar bag and barrel are beginning• i to be displaced. Their former con- ' tents are travellinc in liquid form, in bulk. The day nisy never come when the housewife will carry her sugar home in a bottle. but already many of the products she uses are sweet- ened with liquid. _ UJlder the old Rya -elft box cars lin- ed up outside the shipping depart- ment of the refinery, where hags and barrels of refined sugar were piled high. When loading time came many Men scurried back and forth with their little hand trucks, taking a few packages at a time and trundling their into the car. At the buyer's plant the process was reversed. and from the receiving department and the storage rooms the trundling went on all over the factory. wherever sugar was wanted. By the new system a gravity pipe line from the storage tank In the refinery conveys the liquid sugar to a tank car or a tank truck. At the buyer's plant the sugar may be pump- ed from tank oars to a distributing tank In any part of the building. In fifteen minutes, 1t Is said. a quantity of sugar can be delivered that would rogulre three men fifteen hours to unload by the old method. Factories that use the new system are also equipped with pipe lines throughout to convey the sugar from the distri- buting tank wherever needed. This method of handling sugar for quantity customers to dependent upon a recently discovered carbon of un- usually high purifying activity, which makes ,possible the production of a white syrup, as relined as granulated sugar. directly from the raw sugar. The syrup taken directly from raw auger requires • much higher degree of purification than does granulated sugar. it is maid. beeause the process of crystallization leaves many Impur- ities behind in the residual liquors, from which the syrup must be remov- ed by the carbon. - tion leader. W. E. N. O. H. Ferguson and the official Opposition -- - - NOT A LASR. Saturday atternuon. The ftuauclal' fired t thatbefotownship wnsh ng to to Seaford.'uc, - ance. •h showed a substantial l hal alt ! cr nity-tive )'ears ago. IIo .hu d Lake Stephanie is --- Dry. Itepsirtw S n foBuw. on pr -Lucke: : Mrs. Davlil engaged In WrV[.io; off 13arls hon, H. C. Oak aJohnSnell i I LaldluN. Cuprac, NHok., Mrs. Fred., choice reticul [ted giraffes, white dlk- F'arlane; president, Humyhrey Course. McGregor. Man., sad Rolsrt' ! dike, . masa-varks, uryzes and other Bret [Ice presWene Wi1Bam Mc F.rvan : ndvIlle. word puzzle game to Krona vice ptepldetrt. Freak Trowell : Mcjll�rsigll. ,F` Mackay Las eosrtg �e wilds'oofA bye- , Seoy�Dd secretary, Geo. H. TlUott; treasurer,' ber position an the puhUo school Tanganyika, Capt, Harold White, W.J.Miller; directors, Matt. Arm- _ If Isaacs of the White - Coats Thoe. McMillan. M.P. Tyndall. W. G. Thompson, . . • A. P. Keyes. John Tones. Wm. Sin- elu McGill, of Harpurhey, met with clair. John Middleton, W. IL Lobb, s rer1ous mishap. Hb gun wcs acct. Oliver Jervis. W. Yeo, (Sol. H. B. dently discharged, blowing oft the Could*, N. W. Trewartha, Dr. J. W. thumb and one finger of 111* hand and :Shaw. F. II. Wise and G. A. McCague. wounding unrs. i g him in the m parkin, of m and nte: form t' la reoce James Alkenbead. a veter- an of the Great War. died Tuesday of Lea week at the age of Skirl -one lean,. Ile suffered from gesalag and had not beets In good bealtb statr his return from overseas. He leaves a young wife. formerly [.eons Taylor. and one child. The funeral took place on Friday and was attended by the war veterans In a body the hilts and as dry as a conven Mars B. F. Ward spent the ('heist- ohm March 1st. had or aha Ant. -9r loon Lengus. teas tatmtlon with her family at I torture to bona her tletI hand bseeerrNI The lake has not been visited by fettle, Maryland• white men iso M t; Rudd has returned from ly and Mrs James th maps aed rses. The election of. officers rex 1I preidents. John diad fifteen years ago and two daugthc Afrka+t I•:rplorer. djl H ter. anti 0044 sou err l e When not Lorne Tragedy at Kincardine Cecil Robinson. aged thirty -tire, manager of tate Dominion ,tore at Klneardlne, committed 'suicide on Fnday night. He was married only three months ago. His dead body wax' found suspended by a piece u' rope to a beam lu the rear of the store. The books and business in hla charge were found to be lh perfect order and hla domestic life was believed to be happy. He saw active service in the Great Wer. ISeeklws DL bride. be leaves hla widowed mother and rev- -- where be pent some eral brothers and sisters. FFlesh irk , to the Miner, and sub - Tee Death Tee Occurs Ito 'Praha cent [Leath of her brother-in-law, Por died ,o funeral of hughe II. MacKay. (,00rts Rumhall who diet! suddenly near Montreal nit g eta oats ezpedlUon W wiott I Whale hunting wane day's ago. Al- for the Field Museum. Chicago, de- voted time to a topographical survey that will cause map -makers to revise a their patterns of Africa. With (7apt. White oa Inc seven and a half months' trek through Eastern Africa were Major John erly of Sesforth, fell on the pave- I Scotland, A. J. Albrecht of the mu - 'tient in the city on New Year's Eve! Num, and George E. Carey of Bald - mei fractured her wrist. i 'sec�se. Tlx4 explorer, now quite a pal of RUTH Ras-Fafarl, Slag of Abyssinia. be- cause of three tripe to that land. Adam Duddy has sold his garage found that Lake Stephanie, a vast building and equipment to Joe. Ham - lake In the southern part of the eoun- Ilton, of Walton. who tales bases- try. Is now nothing but a hollows in since 1900." said the cap- tain, "and so is stillon e The natives were puzzled when w, asked them about It; they thought we were tatkllIK of 'some other lake We lost twenty-five camels before we got there. The drying up of Stephanie ears be partly attributed to the lack The Laing Moo's Store Eo.Tything that's new in Men's Wear Hans• Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure • • • Chas. Black Phone 219 Goderich We carry a gold stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application Frank McArthur West Street Electrical Shop Telephone 82 Goderich while travelling on the train from Winnipeg to Truro, N.N . took dace from the family home in Kinlbse on Tuesday of last week. Interment beteg In Klnlorte senetery. Deceased ,pent his boyhood days In that neighborhood. lie was with the Canadian force, in France and afterwards visited the family home in IClnlose. Latterly be had been with a construction company eel. hcudyuarters at Montreal, and last summer was la charge of work in Northern Manitoba. He was be- lt transferrNl to another piece of work at Truro when his death oc- curred unexpectedly. EXETER, At the home of Sir. a Watt. (Blyth, on Saturday, d ante 4th. Mar Mabel •Staffordl of the late John Stafford et McKil- lop township, was united in marriage to itobert Wataoa. of Hutlett (owe- SKAFORTH ship. The ceremony watt performatl by resident Ret` 'F1 Anderson. Afterwards the' of rainfall. That is really a d:. John Oldfield, a lifelong ondville,l Wedding dinner was served at the' country." of January 6th. at the in Eof home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slclkru-) Even the wells, thousands of fee, ace. the age of seventy -'aid. 'Hutlett. Mr. and Mrs. WII111rnl deep, built by a tribe antedating the nlue years. Ile moved to ligmundvillel will reside in Hutlett tows+hap. Donnas, present inhabitants, are in last May from the farm on which he, In the absence f bad way, rapt. White reported was born. Ile le survived hbyt his wife, Mho; ltarnby. Mies L These a daughter, Mrs. John Pethlck, of Mc•- Klllop, and a son, William J. Oldfield, on the homestead in Tuckeramlth. While driving in a cutter on Malo greet on Saturday evening. January 4th. Mn,. George McGonigle was seized R1th a heart attack and ex- pired .on the way to the doctor's of- fice. Deceaeled was horn 4venty- efght years ago in the township of Mt•Killop and after her marriage Shah of- Perwf�'s Jewels. The fabulous treasury of jewels of the Shah of Per'sla was estimated at $170,000.000 by the committee of French and Dutch jewel experts. who have just completed the first valu- ation ever made -of any Eastern pe- tentate'e gems. This figure, however doe. fiot Include the famous Darya tl�' Noor diamond; which is so bugs that the experts were forced is admit that they were unable to set tis value. The shah's collection Included tea pound/ of pearls, twelve pounds of rubles. and thirteen pounds of emer- alds, the largest of the latter alone being worth $275.000. Hi■ Indescrib- ably magnificent throne In the form of a spread of peacock's tail and studded with thousands of jewels, was valued at ten wi111on pounds. It formerly belonged to the Grand Mo- gul of Delhi, but was transported to the •hab'a throne room at Teheran lataet. ¶arday. January It TIN. -4 �"^�!5..1o6idceL" "Now I Ho Enjoy My Meals" What a pleasurehearty mealmwithout t down and eat a good, a premonition that there will be pain and discomfort in the process of digestion. Chronic indigestion usually results from torpid liver and a co uently "'constipated condition of the bowels. Naturally, there are headaches and biliousness in many cases and much irritability and depressed feelings. It is so easy to allow this condition to develop that almost before You know it you become a "dyspeptic." But what a relief when you learn about Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and put them to a teat. In a day or two you are feeling fine and moon you realize that you have discovered red the most effective regi liver, kidneys and bowels. Miss 7Iratne, of Toronto, has taken the petition on the High Ijchool staff made vacant by the resignation of Miss Bayne. in the recent municipal elections Meter had a woman candidate for a seat on the hoard of education, Mrs. Beaver." melting the attempt for the second time. She was again defeated. nut made a good rani. wilig ,iderably larger .hlast year. A gond number of young people ar ! taking advantage of the short course in 1L1' 4 ulture ani domestic mamas* that Is lacing held In Exeter at the present, timt' through illuese 0 es Clara McGowan', wells,with a circumference is taking her place un the w•lkol j tarty enough to a eotnmodate a man tracking Matt for a week or two. � are operated by ,t system of relays. The diamond Jubilee of Sir. 4)11(1 each member with a bucket. As many Mrs. James Kealy, of Morris township, as 400 persona, usually wom.•n-- was quietly celebrated on 'Friday work in the wells, fagging the piled last. In tate morning the bride and l buckets from the water to the top by Fashion Fancies WiNDHAM After an illness of about three weeks. the death occurred on Thur - day lest of William •Fryfogle, in his .ixtr-.114th year. Deceased was in good health until a few we'ekw ago. when he suffered a stroke. die had been a resident of [fits.-distr1 $-aJ-1 blit' life. Surviving are hte widow and one son. George, of New Y01k. The enticement Is announced of Anne ,i.eona, daughter of Mr. and m to WWiillem A. 'tracn kt mrn )• fgof Mrs. Breektey and the late J. Brockley of Toronto; the marriage to take plass. thin month. Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) i can impply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prioes. Le FLICK Telephone 178j Goderich CONSTIPATED CHILDREN Constipation M one of the most common 4411n tints of childhood and the child suffering from It positive ly cannot thrive. To keep the lit tie one well the trowels musthe kept regular and the stomach sweet To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thoronch laxative; are pleasant to take and can be given to the newborn belie with pertet (safety. Ttimt(sandn of mothers use no other medicine for their little onus but Baby's Own Tab- lets. They ere sold by meal l era or by mall at ZS cents a box from The IN. Williams' Medletne Co.. Brockville. Ont. CLINTON The anneal meeting of the Huron Centre' Agrfrnitrnl Society was held groom of misty years renew nuptial vows at St. Michael's church. Blyth, where high mans wan sung. They were married at St' Augustine. • 10th. 1870, the bridal party hand. "We were Invited by one tribe to go on • raid against another." he said. "They offered us halt the spoil., to consist 'largely of slaves. We didn't ' air ting starting out at 6 o'clock to the morn- want any slaves, but we had a tar Ing to make the trip of sixteen miles on our hands to talk ourselves out to the Church, where they arrived af- of it.., ter a journey of etz hour with teams. Although the expedition bagged and' sleighs ever snowbanks and plenty of game. the wild life there is through trails. On their return about rather scary, lit guests were pnxseut to receive There Is an o!d Spanish custombwith and congratulate tbetn. Mr. Kelly was horn in Tipperary, Ireland. eighty - tour years ago, and came to Canada when four years of age. tie env 11 P.m of the late John and Maritime nnen; a buffalo. ten; a rhino, five, a Kelly and the last surviving n.ember1 a lion, three. The low rating given of a faintly of eight children. Mrs. the lion, he sald, la because Ilona ars Kelly was born in l:ore of Toronto. I more plentiful than the others. seventy-six years ago, a daughter of When he wanted to get back to the late Patrick and Mary Phelan.civilization Capt. White squeezed his To this union a family of eightg feet 6 Inches Into a Moth plane and the Abyssinians. he said. w al'sts that every youth before attain- ing man's estate must kill some beast or man. An elephant equals fifteen Ootton In a Car. The average automobile 1s said to contain 35 pounds of cotton, the ma- terial being used In flies, upholstery, brake bands, the cove,., rubber tub - tag, tops. carpets. oae'!ing. etc. children were hs,rn . 1'. J. and Albert. of Morris township; Thomas, of Blyth; William and Les, at home, and nue daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dever- eaux, Jr.. of Sesforth, and one mon, Mlehael. who died seventeen years n cud x daughter who died it. In- pee tile."-4.onl Dewar. flew to London In seven and a half days. The expedition covered about 16,000 miles. "Within ten years' (ime chemistry i1 make and nirshipr shoulake war im- y fancy. There are Ittte•u grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly still cont.udi• to reside on lift 1'!, concs.twIon 7, Morris town- 'ship, wh•r.• they first undertook the re- eponsibilitle•s of married life. Both are enjoying a fair measure of• good health. The Bret Boman lhthbitc church mot bury.lig ground in Morris township were sltttnttd on land don- ated by Mr. Kelly's father. .h.s v'u• tieing abandoned several years latero for a more central one in to.. ,11,..ge. FORMAL EVENING WRAP When one speaks of something formal for Peening weerone's mind Immediately turn, to hinck velvet end ermine. And with gond rano'' What cmild he nearer perfection then this eharm`ne wrap of black eel's '1 with 1f1 huge ender and stole front of ermine? Of three-quarter engttt, the ermine rap• collar wema to form theh upper part of the wrap end enecaefesi down the right aide, forming an alluring stole effet. Particularly In this season of gaiety and happiness. snc,t a wrap is r,.nnd .-, "s '.11.51 '1. t ,vert la the frstivttise for its dr of for - n ef- bet. Farmeis Not hnmuns Working outdoor@ In the fresh alt as they do, you would hardly expect to see a farmer In the rondltlon of Feed, How. ver, farmers overwork then, elves, too, especially when they are young and ambitious and have families to support. Fred got the 'flu, not °sly once bat severs times; 'ouldn't shake It off. and anally the trouble settled In his lung. "It was a lucky day for me," mild Fred, "when the doctor got me Into the Mrakoka idnapttal for Consump- tives, for i was going down hilt fait'' tib he wee. bat now with impemedi- cal h medi - cal caro. rest and prover food, e is fighting his way back to health and home. Thos does the -Meakoka Respite' brine relief and hope to aha visa's, of cone..•nytlnn, but handicapped bv ' lark of •.•—It moot apetaai to you i for aid Witt yur piMN Nnd a contnbuuN A., Charlton r nd.A. 11. ANNA.. Am. raw. ge street. Nast . aid, a*IV •• 4L. 0154.. w.s4« Bye., w.s4•r t .aler•I .go.v Ir•w o)1.let.. 1•. NefMrY 155,15 saww15.t 1 ••4 Lavin.. a..i.. Th a .r..4.4 .ea.•l.t.y ..d ,e. W SM. l.o.si.. Z,,.. ars *a .•reify fond fee •hada' cwt., bee,- soal4a, iso. Xe.. Zare arc alakort haw/f. 10. Aon,. Dr. Chase's llikih 111ey-Liver January is the Tilly tp nuke Do so now by keeping the homefurnished with choice fresh Flowers from Stewart, the Florist Bruce Street. T. M.• 10 Why the Traffic Jams '1 bate these impromptu min plelIotIa. dent you?' 'What do you mean?' Those they make up as they g„ along."- -London Opinion. ITIOL TZ's ���•m^ r1I�^ •Q jt�� � Asa remedy for these twat treoblesess of Winter skin afflictions, chilblains and Most -bites,•' Zam- Dui isspeedily effective. It takes sot inflamma- tion and reduces swelling in • wonderful way and soothe. the fiery tingling irritation. Where the cblhblaln• •r. broken and have • raw Ulcerated surface. Zana -Sok le doubly valuable beeseae ea 1w gees Messy Powe. lea papa -Wiliam elficieec and Its Dee sad le properties � Zama- stab flew above se'dlary ointments. .4 SOOTHES ft HEALS GODERICH iNN GARAGE OF1c1CIAf. SERVICE STATION Ferlt Durant, Hodson and Essex, Gsssral.Motors Antomoltiles and Trucks f ■pert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service Yeti can invite Police Inspection ehen they ere repo mit by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock $2,- To anyone alio can bring a car we can't r.'pntr-$'2 HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 t+ignul Calendars for 1930 are here and they are "dandies" One for every liaid-in-acivance subscriber RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EARLY AND MAKE SURE OF A CAI .ENDAR THAT WILL BE BOTH CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME 1 i 1 n.