HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-27, Page 1dIPP 411P 411P.I.dIP OP' 41, i 41." dr I 41IP dir I I I 4. 410. I dr dill" I 40P. I dr I .gp, JP der, 40P
Ripley Huron Study Merger
$10 A Year In Advance $14 To U.S.A. and Foreign WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1977 Single Copy 25c 24 Pages
Third Doctor To Serve Area
Kinloss Clerk Resigns, Feels
Non Resident Would Lack SUpport
Lucknow and District will be
served by a third doctor after the
first of July.
Dr. John W. Bradley of Toronto,
a native of the Amberley area, will
become associated with Dr. M. H.
Corrin and Dr. J. C. McKim at the
Ripley and the surrounding
Township of Huron may soon be a
single municipality.
Ripley Reeve George Tranter
said last week that his council has
met with the township council to
discuss possible amalgamation and
both groups have asked their
lawyers to look into details of a
merger. Ripley's population is
more than 570 and Huron's
permanent population about 1,500.
Water consumers in Lucknow
will see an increase in water rates
effective June 1st.
The Lucknow water system
showed a loss of $3685 ' on
operations last year and, faced with
a proposed service job on the
Lucknow Standpipe in the area of
$700, new revenue had to be found.
Water fees in Lucknow, to' say
the least, have been very moderate
and the proposed increase for an
unlimited water supply is still one
of the biggest bargains in town.
About 510 regular subscribers,
who have been paying $2.25 per
month, $27 per year, will see the
Make Plans For
40 Mile Bikeathon
• A meeting was held last week to
organize a Bikeathon to be held on
Saturday, June 4th. The starting
time will be between 8 - 10 'a.m. at
C & M Transport in Lucknow. This
Bikeathon is being sponsored by
the Lucknow Minor Hockey and the
proceeds are to go towards
renovations to the Lucknow Arena,
including the installation of safety
glass. It will be a 40 mile ride.
Sponsor sheets will be out on
May 9 and will be distributed in the
area schools, at the Fina gas station
and the Mayfair Restaurant.
The route will be well patrolled
and all of the trucks will have first
aid kits and bicycle repair kits.
The local Service Clubs and
Townships are showing a great
response and it is hoped that all the
bicycle riders in the area will get
out and ride on June 4th.
Pick up points for the morning of
the Bikeathon will be at the
following: North Ashfield School 8
a.m., Dungannon 8 a.m., Brook-
side School 8.30 a.m., Blaekhorse 8
a.m.. Kinloss Township Hall 8.30
a.m.. Whitechurch 8 a.m.
The ride will cover three
townships. West Wawanosh, Kin-
loss and Ashfield. •
All riders completing the route
will' receive a silver dollar as a
token of appreciation for their help.
Further information is available
from Wayne Jerome 529-7605 or
Diane Hackett 529-7136.
Lucknow Medical Centre.
John is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Bradley, of Lucknow and was
raised in the Amberley area of
Ashfield Township. Following el-
ementary and secondary school in
this area, he attended University of
Toronto Medical School where he
Mr. Tranter said the talks are
just at the early stages but many
members of both councils are in
favour of amalgamation.
He said that, over the last few
years the two municipalities have
been growing closer, sharing fire
and recreational services, ' and
amalgamation wiould seem to be a
logical step.
A Bruce County report on
restructuring, prepared by London
rate increased to $3.40 per month,
$40.80 per household.
The industrial' rate for 'about 10
restaurants and gas stations will go
from $3.00 per month up to $4.50
per month.
The proposed new rates, will be
billed on computer every two
months, whereas they had prev-
iously been billed manually every
four months.
The local school, which was
paying $18.25 per month' will
increase to $27.40 per month.
Silverwoods and Pinecrest Manor
have been paying $16 per month
and this will increase to $24. Pine
Lodge Rest Home will increase
Mrs. Pearl Bell. Worthy Matron
and Scott Reid, Worthy Patron of
Huron Chapter No. 89 Order of the
graduated in 1975. He is presently
in his senior year as resident at
Toronto East General Hospital.
Dr. Jack McKim has been
practicing, in Lucknow since 1962
and Dr. Mel Corrin has been 'in
practice here since 1948.
consultant Ed Cornies in 1975,
recommended the two municipalit-
ies be joined. But it said they
should also be part of a much larger
municipality taking in several more
The report said the entire county
should be divided into six local
government units, rather than its
present 31. That was later changed
$5.50 to $8.25. Lucknow arena will
increase $3.50 to $4.50 per month.
Three In Family •
In. Leg Casts
Bonnie Purvis, 12, daughter of
Mrs. Lois Purvis of Lucknow, is
back to school after having her
fractured leg in a cast for eight
Her brother and sister, Alex 15
and Lila 11, have joined the group
in casts, both having their right
legs in casts since last week and
being faced with this situation for
the next six weeks.
Eastern Star, Wingham, are pic-
tured cutting the anniversary cake
at the 55th anniversary of the group
held Tuesday, April 12.
Mrs. Bill (Annetta) Robinson of
Ripley, who was appOinted as
Kinloss Township clerk-treasurer
in earl April, has resigned from the
position and a successor is present-
ly being sought.
Council picked Mrs. Robinson
from eleven applicants for the
position. She succeeded Fraser
MacKinnon who had served the
township for a number of years.
In resigning from the position,
Mrs. Robinson told The Sentinel
that, due to complaints received.
Trying To
Revive Ball
The Lucknow Recreation Com-
mittee and local service clubs are
concerned about the lack of interest
in softball in recent years, both
from .a player 'standpoint and
availability of individuals to coach
and manage.
Facilities have been and will be
improved at the local park. New
lights, seating and screening, and
future work to be carried out will
involve several thousand dollars
and many, many man hours. This
will be pointless unless more
interest is created in a ball
Update Ripley
Water System
Ripley Council, at the regular
April meeting, received the report
from B. M. Ross & Associates on
the Village of Ripley Water
System. Council decided to imple-
ment step # 1 at once, namely
purchase and have available a new
well pump for use as replacement
of existing unit. Further action will
be taken as money becomes
available so the water rates will rise
in the near future.
The clerk advised Council that
the Hydro System has requested
permission from Ontario Hydro to
raise local retail rates approximate-
ly 30% to meet the rising costs.
Some drainage problems were
discussed and will hopefully be
corrected before long.
Next regular Council meeting is
May 3 at 8 p.m.
Twenty-four Canadian Girls In
Training participated in a weekend
Rockathon at Lucknow United
Church on Friday night and
Saturday morning. With TV sets,
records and radios for entertain-
ment, they rocked away the
eighteen hours in their rocking
chairs. Every girl knit or crocheted
on squares to be made into lap
covers for the residents at Pine-
crest Nursing Home. Reading,
singing and eating helped to keep
everyone awake. About $1000. was
raised in the event.
The money raised will be used
for the C.G.I.T. foster, child in. Peru
over the next few years. The girls
appreciate all who loaned them,
from Kinloss, ratepayers about
council hiring a clerk who does not
reside in the township, she felt it
necessary to resign. Mrs. Robinson
feels that if the support of the
public is not present, an effective
office cannot be run.
Mrs. Robinson spoke of the,
co-operation of council who had
given her every encouragement
and support, and of her regret in
hPir resignation-.
She will return to her part time
job as assistant clerk in Huron
Local Tweedsmuir
History Now
On Microfilm
The following news item has
been received from A. M. "Sandy"
Nicholson of Toronto, an area
native, who is keenly interested in
early history of the community.
The Tweedsmuir Books produc,
ed by the Lucknow and Kairshea
Women's Institutes are now on
microfilm in the Ontario Archives,
77 Grenville Street, Toronto. Sen-
tinel readers in the Toronto area
will find this material very interest-
ing reading. Visitors may work into
the evenings and on Saturdays,
provided they have made their
request for materials during regul-
ar staff hours, 8.30 - 5 p.m.,
Monday to Friday.
The members of these two
Institutes have provided a valuable
public service in collecting this
material. Sandy hopes they will
consider that since history is
constantly) eing made, they should
continue to supplement what has
already been produced.
Three Fire Calls
Lucknow `Fire Department an-
swered three calls in the past week.
On Wednesday morning, a truck
ibelonginig to Donald Hackett of
Ashfield took fire at the Bongert-
man farm near Langside, doing
several hundred dollars damage.
A tractor fire at the farm of Blake
Alton, Belfast on Saturday evening
completely destroyed a tractor.
A fire early Sunday evening took
the firemen to the farm of Ken
Taylor. 12th of Ashfield, where the
remnants of an old barn had ignited
and was threatening a ndarby new
rockers, sponsored and donated
and came to encourage them and
brought treats.
The girls rocking for 18 hours
were Patti-lou Irwin, Sandra Hend-
erson. Brenda Arnold, Lynn Elph-
ick, Barbara Henderson, Mary
Lynn Cayley, Susan Thompson,
Laurie Clarke, Faye Ann Forster,
Kendra Haldenby„ Mary Ann
Ritchie, Kay Morrison, Bonnie
Clarke, Debra Arnold, Elizabeth
Black, Brenda Henderson, Shirley
Loree, Peggy Gibsod and Barbara
Maize. Irene Reitknecht did 15
hours. Barbara Loree and Kim
Haldenby 12 hours, Pamela McIn-
tosh 11 hours and Judy Hunter 3
Village Water Rates Increase June 1
Rockathon Raises .
Nearly $1000