The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-20, Page 12PUBLIC MEETING Regarding Huron Township Lake Shore Secondary Plan Affecting I,ots I fi7; Lake Parige-: "Iownship (J1 Huron TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1977 PUBLIC WORKSHOP (for information purpobeed 3 TO 5 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING 7:00 P.M. In Township Hall, Ripley 7‘ .1 7: .777tt 7.- fr N't 7 i. Activities, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. Family and Consumer, Affairs. Mrs. Michael Naylor: Resourions. Mrs. Torn Todd; Public Rela-6cins. Mrs. Robert . Aitchison : Cheerio committee. Mrs. Frank McQuillir.. Mrs .Ernest Gaunt. Mrs. James. Aitchison. A, number of suggespons for the, following, year were handed it the. members. The meeting closed with 0 Canada. Perform a aCt. Give Heart Fund. ;OK, ,E,•2‘,;• \ '0•1: ----•%'**-5`i5ss:,:i:::*•;,iii4,::•;•.:: • •", ••••• The 1977 Rabbit runs by fuel injection PAGE TWELVE TEM LAC OW sormaa.. uriaL-Now. ONTARIO API111, 20, 1977 LANGSIDE z.-arkfalT:% f3-7 =14=7, V' the x :Ott,; Mar. Milier. who rla-vs.--t. awa- Winzircarr .tee Ho•-•thrta NlicradaT. !ft' %.1-;; man% stir, Att2T arit• fyrnit staff tm-rn _21rs,cyst - -‘-•.frrrfr. Smr attend' r rin 4Cow= 5°M:it or Thestia;-.. AT7ri: Mrs St'M Tater 7•ISTrrn %W-TIT ?oh- ant. Nibs Bat Aral' ' Noir ant Mrs .Johr Ntizink arkorior s i Ii the GIs of Val" or Satucrda. afternoon T had fin-F- ant a zoor cro;;rd it arteradarizt Mr ant Mrs Clifford Young vlirrest or Strada:. tr. net writ: M• ant Mrs Cre -ce7 Prrn-eq: . MrS Beer s t‘.7n:ig: for Fiollan.t or. Frinial. for a vssit %s td.. her parents ant other reiarre. BRIDAL SHOW}-R Trit lanast& Vt'inte--raurol: Young Peoptes held then regrhia - me...-ring ir. Whirechurch -.Sunday evening. 4. TM et.a. sr over was heic or SaILI7G2'• evenmE u- lAncrsthe Hal it nonour Mal-8:". Kilt -IL-be Tne progr.a= cperrec tr. Nar.:- GeBcre.: hat Mi. Tgar.r. rr nas.t. ++-4 .1: ano • % -.7-17:-t --art 777- 1.1.7,7t 1"="72.1.= A 3a - 7 7f7 %7- 1.-":77.."'E" 7, r7.7_".:.:.7 a rte- :sr I :7_rtt ; 77. _.1 Mr. • -7-:•7 • 4-277 _ t 77t1- Li _ - 7. 71- .1".."‘ 777 2E7_1' ,--774 . 7. . -1__ 2 4I. PURPLE GROVE Ciar...,grAnilancms tcRmte• c;:ers. f Wnr. • Al, anr-.2.7,-tc ±.43.=107` crin- Las .a Lai Cur,: a: Coak-wriro' Mrs. Ro:. e-nterramec mt labs of me A CW o:. Krairdigt. nutr± o ns tor. ThEL---z.riA -_, afternoon a her name D-aveS;axi e'whc has some I Tritt a' tieria rear-r name las' week Mr ant )4L-Fs Steve Eliot ,mt o.f L-h...:niA are itaiiriATiric ..-torrirr.1.11.i. then t3-?_r eras Mr ant Mrs Ear..--ttor.. ant M`r ant Mrs Hodgms • 1-42tri Botte b&i 1 DIE. Brute Corwer Ant Mac McInnes sperr Provinc- ea ,itrivz...E. Dare valarn: i2S7. tr; Mr ant Mrs l_:-.--r.•Harizms. ant irate Briar. wrtr Jun:- Thompson were Debote anc Mar. Rhath ant JoAnne Sounre. Dr Jilt ant Frani,- Einerscrr soeir the weekenc Mr ant Mrs Geo. roe Elmer-sor while Fran oes and Svc...at visnec IT. ~ra1i are The ''Counte, Thin me.• a-. the Communr:-. Ze-r.arrt Sacarcta-. Mrs Der Dort and La:7,- s:r7e-_-_-- Stn•-•:-..-.s.•Lsrrr-ar- ham. - 'parent: • Nt2-77- Briar h . & E_ 7rtr, ".:}; T''" 777 Br::: Z.7-7, 2 7:1_71 Kt.7. 1-nerr• 13• kis 77-r E.:Tr: r 7'% %— 7 7.7 • t 7 7. _-:-.' • t 1 7 17 • 17- Mrs. James Curran Is WI President crf • S: VA. w.a.:3 Me kr = It-- nal a.: rr a- -.23C • • ."-"7 its: - G M s 3De.74-.1tZ -nr Co;z:t. 731 :al. Mrs r_reas.L.-rer --moor 2.1"1.0 :1)=7 ...•=7", tTr.t 2:: sr. :it-cur....1 z• ""="e":271• .71.7 SO-.7.1.:77.'s t. are Int Erivz73:itt hanzue-.. or Mrs nz-- ,..:7.7,X.717 or .avt or, Apcii. '71C of the 2.7.1:_ 7 'mow-i.1 ne stir It Sr Tricr--.2s Mrs j the r 17.11tr:_-.1 o: 73 t.'12 S'7. annua. or-. of tre-.-: aria me st?ri ii rr E alt31127 ▪ were P.1 *'ffr. slate of officer, for Tr tr. me- brar_k_-1- Romer-. Z.n;07 ant Marr,ns- ST-or c Mr-s 'Cameron Ma-rocraii.t Wher. Crecrr-gre; Me 5: Bernard moved it wit me Danes the taaniy. mrs PP ,s-•-, ant Vine,_.c-ar thou_m7r, r. MS: IL reside eiSe to• Iii t Puss I.. .ell. it me barn .and vinetcral those. tr.-- neares:Dote where. si-re permed tor niree ni2-hts and twc .2.. • days Conic. tnLs; be a re_isrL. Ir s Believe r or not' Mr and Mrs Igor. McCost-.. )7.h Arlo Mrs Ear. FrflOt. • Mr. ant Mr-s jahr Farrel. ant 3 trres,-. slimier a-. ni.e. Mc o- Cot- =he' or Sun 02 r, e'Vt.11TrIF -P. - .;.-7171-vr it Eir.-.=SCIT visitec Dhor or tht w-teker.c. MAYFAIR RESTAURANT ItICENOW Almarormeater SUMMER HOURS Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. 7R p. Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday TT n.m. — 7 p.m. 4trs Is ' Lt cla_rector-s Mrs Frank IvIewhinney, Mrs Cranston and Mrs. Mucha'. Naylor. - Mrs. Harold &aunt conducted the election of officers presider-I:. Mrs. James Curran i'S-1 vice president. Mrs. Rah: Anciuson; 2nd vice presid- en: Mrs )vitoriate.: Naylor: secret- . 3.7: treasurer Mr James Aitchi- cr. ass starr See-CrEary treasurer. Mrs &Unit:Yr Struthers: ; district Mrs Peter Chandler: arterrArt-- director Mrs. Harold isranon - directors. Mrs. FTs . Mrs. Allan Cranston Mrs Michae.: Naylor.. pianists Mrs Bruce Raynart, Mrs Fr= Mccouiliir. curators. Mrs Cyardon McPherson Miss Bear-ice M_-couilitn auditors. Mrs Harold Cooper Miss Lsone: Miller. Stand-17E1E L.3....Tournnte-tes - Agr.icti- t-Jra ar,c c-Ar ?thar: in d usmes, Mrs Ross' Ernrizion. \karat Affairs. Mrs Gordon vcros Eau:a-nor. and Cul-tura., NOTTS • "n ") , ' " , z"' n7rr.Ne&i.1-.. 4 trzr- rr -,, r _r.M- R W Motors %,1 01,K5Wi AGEN SALES & SERVICE W alkerton 881 -0835 S t7 TON MEMORIALS Pa!: Cniagam WA.- K. E FTC* ofi 044 fi 113