The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-20, Page 10LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister APRIL 24TH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr Congregation for 5 - 8 year old children Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO urrbOrws PAGE TEN Ruth Thompson Spoke On Receni Trip To Africa Miss Ruth Thompson showed slides and spoke on her recent trip to Sierra Leone at St. Peter's Anglican Church Women's annual Thankoffering meeting. Mrs. Harold Cooper presided and the meeting opened with the hymn "He is, risen" and Mrs. Cooper led in prayer. Mrs. Cooper read the scripture from Corinthians and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt took the meditation, "Christ is indeed risen". The roll call was answered by the verses found by members in answer to quiz. Mrs. Gertie Walsh of Kinlough gave a reading about Spring and Easter, followed by a reading "The Little Red Crutch" by Mrs. Cliff Roulston. Miss Edna Boyle of Kinlough acted as organist for the hymns. Lunch and a social period followed. Lucknow Unit 1 Unit 1 -of the Lucknow United Church Women held their meeting April 12th at the home of Mrs. Andrew Ritchie with 18 members and 1 visitor present. Mrs. Charles McDonald thanked Mrs. Ritchie for haVing the meeting in her home and welcomed all to the meeting. She read the poem 'The Lily'. Hymn 101 was sung. The roll call was answered with an Fa ster verse. Mrs. Andrew Ritchie gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Ada. Woods gave a reading on Citizen z ship. Mrs. Eldon Henderson gave an excellent report on visiting, etc. The Social Function convener, Mrs. Russ Button, reported oh the recent banquet and the proceeds of the Easter Drama. Mrs. Wm. Hunter read a letter received asking- for different articles to be donated for the needy. A quilt is to be quilted at the church April 20th. Mrs. Charles. McDonald reported on the Presbyterial held at Tara. The next meeting ,is to be a joint meeting with the roll call to be answered by Mother's Favourite Hymn. Also contributions to the Blanket Fund are to be received in May. Mrs. Russ Button, convener, read the poem 'The Parable of Spring'. Mrs. John McMurchy read the scripture and Mrs. Button gave the Study Book. A solo "The Old Rugged Cross" was sung by Mrs. Eunice. DunsmUir and a reading was given by Mrs. Grace Campbell. Mrs. Dunsmuir closed with a prayer. Mrs. Glen Walden thanked all who had helped in any way to make the Easter Drama such a fine success. The offering was receiv- ed. followed by the Mizpah Bened- iction. Grace was sung and lunch served by the committee, Mrs. Russ Button, Mrs. McMurchy, Mrs. Grace Campbell and Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir. LucknoW Unit 2 Unit 2 of Lucknow United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Vernon Hunter on April 12 with 15 members present. Mrs. Eldon Bradley' opened the meeting with a verse on Spring. Mrs. Wilbur Brown took the chair for the program and, gave an Easter reading. The scripture reading of the Easter story was read by Mrs. Gordon Ritchie and Mrs. Brown gave the meditation. Readings were given by Mrs. Al Irwin and Miss Lena Robinson. A reading, "A Handicapped Child", was given by Mrs. H. Houston. Mrs. Al Irwin reported for Stewardship, Mrs. H. Barger for Visitation and Mrs. V. Hunter for Christian & Missionary Education. The study book, "Justice", not Charity", was ably taken by Mrs: Bradley. She compared the democ- racies of the 1st World with the Communist countries of the 2nd world. Part of the 3rd World like the Middle East and Saudi Arabia have found new wealth in oil. In other countries of the 3rd World like Ghana and Mexico, living standards are slowly improving. The 4th World is made: of 35 Countries: among them India,' Pakistan and Zaire. These countries are poor and need help. Mrs. Bradley also gave a brief report of the Presbyterial held at Tara on March 7. The theme was "living with those who differ". Lucknow U.C.W. presented two skits which were well received. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, and a social time spent over the tea cups. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF LUCKNOW Gave Travelogue On World Tour KINLOUGH NEWS The Anglican Church Women met on Thursday afternoon at the .home of Mrs. Roy Collins with 17 ladies and 7 children present. Miss May Boyle presided and welcomed everyone and read an opening thought on "Easter". 411 joined in , Singing the Easter hymn, "He is risen". Mrs. Roy Schneller read psalm 71 for the scripture, followed by prayers. Mrs. Jack Scott gave the meditation on "Resurrection", the corner stone of our Christian faith; which gave all food for thoiight. Mrs. Ronald Thacker gave the financial stateinent. Coinmunici- tions were, a deanery workshop at Goderich for the Chancel Guild, a workshop for A.C.W. and B.A.C. members at London and the Diocesan annual meeting in May. Business was then dealt with and 4 quilt tops were donated and the first ,quilting .will.obe held at Mrs. Art Haldenby's home on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Scott request- ed everyone to save used postage stamps for the -Bible Society. Mrs. Art Haldenby thanked all who had placed memorial flowers in the church for Easter and the president thanked all who donated articles for the bales to Big Trout Lake, and to those who looked after the packing mailing, and. also to all who assisted with the preparation of the church for Easter. The word for the roll call was "Resurrection". Mrs. Howard Thompson an.d Mrs. Eric Thacker were in charge of the program and the latter presided and began with a poem "Easter Thoughts". Mrs. Howard Thompson then introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Nancy Greenwood of Ripley, who in her pleasing manner, gave, a most interesting travel talk on their world tour with little money and many never to be forgotten experiences, and also showed pictures of she and her husband and infant son, as well as people of the different countries. Mrs.. Ronald Thacker gave a reading "God's Gift". Mrs. How- ard Thompson then called on Mrs. Don McCosh of Ripley, who took as her topic "Christian Helps", Bible study group's and daily Bible readihg in the home and showed the different Bible translations. She commented on the Eastern Sunrise Service at Ripley and was proud that some from our area had a part in it. Both of the guests were given a hearty round of applause and presented with gifts in appreciation by Mrs. Eric Thacker. Mrs. Roy Collins gave 'a reading entitled "Let Us Not Forget". The courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Erie Thacker and the meeting closed with prayer. Grace was sung and refreshments were served. The May hostess is Mrs. Ed Green. Mrs. Mrs. Cyril Boyle C.W.L. President Ten ladies attended the St. Augustine Catholic Women's League meeting in the parish hall. The meeting was opened by the president Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Father Dentinger led in the league prayer. Owing to the absence of the church life convener, Mrs. Wm. Redmond, there was no scripture reading. Treasurer's report and other reports were dealt with. Mrs. John Franken took the roll call. The new slate of officers were brought 'in by Mrs. Theodore Redmond. President,, Mrs. Cyril Boyle; recording secretary, • Mrs. Wm. Kinahan; treasurer, Mrs. John Beyersbergen; 1st vice, 'Mrs. Gus Redmond; 2nd vice, Mrs. Raymond Boyle; 3rd vice and church life, Mrs.' Gordon Foran. Convention of the Provincial C.W.L. will be in Chatham, May 10-11. Following discussion it was decided not to send a delegate from St. Augustine this year. The festival for Pro Life will be May 5-7 in Ottawa. There will be no representative sent from St. Aug- ustine. Plans were made for catering for the Brophy wedding in May. Mrs. Joseph Hickey was appointed to take charge. The dinner will be served at the Golf and Country Club, Goderich. Father Dentinger spoke briefly, his therhe "Small Council but Mighty Council", drawing atten- tion to many accomplishments that are achieved in small, rural parishes. He thanked everyone present for working together cheer- fully. First Communion for the St. Augustine class will be discussed at St. Joseph's School Association meeting, later in April. April 24th the installation' of new officers of Our Lady of Good Council will take place in St. Augustine Church. The meeting closed with prayer in unison led by Father Dentinger. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Joseph Finleon there was no appointed hostess for the April meeting. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 24 Services at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1977 Trinity U.C.W. Mrs. Allan Hackett held the Trinity United Church Women's meeting on April 14th at her home. Roll call was answered with an Easter thought with 22 members, 1 visitor and 2 children present. Devotional was taken by Mrs. Tom Helm on "Compassion" with hymn "Were you there". Mrs. Frank Ritchie read the scripture on Luke, chapter 10 and reading a poem "Help Somebody Today" and hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus" was sung. The president, Mrs. Chester Hackett, took over with an Easter poem and repeating the Lord's prayer in' unison. Mrs. Alex Hackett,had a skit "Interview with, St. Peter" on Easter with Mrs. Jim Nelson ,and Mrs. Allan Hackett taking part. An invitation was read from Whitechurch U.C.W. to attend their Spring Thankoffering -otr May 4th. Than-k you notes were read for a layette sent to Children's Aid, Huron County; Mrs. Bill Andrew and Mrs. Donald Alton. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Russel . Irvin. Trinity Tattler was prepared and read by Mrs. Ken Alton and „reading a poem "Ten Little' 'Christians". Mrs., Cook gave the study book. Plans were made for a bridal shower for Darlene Hackett in May. Mrs. Charles Wilkins attend- ed the executive meeting of the Presbytery, read the list of date happenings to take place through- ' out the year. The members were in favour of sending a bale •to Angola where it is needed. The president closed with bened- iction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Nelson, Mrs. Tim Reurink and Mrs. Allan Hackett. Air 411P aiP air al. IP 4IP AP* Lucknow 1 1 1 1 Presbyterian Church INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH GUEST MINISTER Rev. R. C. McCallum 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 11 a.m. Morning Worship 401. 410P IP IP .4P 4P 4P KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenborst SUNDAY, 'APRIL 24TH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m, Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 p.m. C.A. (Young People) Friday at 8:00 p.m. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doug Zehr, Student Pastor Phone 529-7751 SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH 10500 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE WELCOME INCOME TAX WM BLOCK 19 VICTORIA ST. N., GODERICH ON HIGHWAY 21 PHONE 524-8658 . Kincardine. Office 396-4646 PERSONAL, BUSINESS AND FARM RETURNS ALL RETURNS GUARANTEED SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 24 ST. PAUL'S RIPLEY: 9:00 A.M. ST. JOHN'S, BERVIE: 10:30 A.M. THE ASCENSION, KINLOUGH 12:00 NOON CENTENNIAL CRUSADE Blyth Memorial Hall SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY APRIL 24, 25, 26 SPEAKER: Rev. Wesley Ball Minister of Gorrie-Wroxeter United Churches Hymn Sing beginning at 7:45 p.m. MASS CHOIR PLUS SPECIAL MUSIC COME AND BRING YOUR fit 1 ENI)c, Arranged by Blyth Ministeri21