HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 44..aTbursday, January * led
The Pants cost you nothing
Buy a Fashion Craft made -to -measure
Suit at the regular price and you
get the Pants absolutely Free.
rhe extra Pants are worth from $8.00 to $13.50
and that is what you save by leaving your order
during the month of January.
Buy early and get the best selection
This Sale closes,,, January 31st.
"The Store frith the Stu(kTelephone 57
Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario.
.Week of January 20 to 20
�aata) and 1 t .da} -
Louise Dresser, David Rollins, Sue
Carol and Arthur Lake
in; the big Fox thrill special. Climb
aboard one• of these breath -taking;
sky boats and get the thrill of a
.tile -high battle. Plenty of potion,
Ixeitement and romance in
"`The Air Circus"
Mermaid Comedy, "Quick Service"'
"Fox News'
Wednesday and Thursday -
Virginia Valli and Ian Keith
are can -starred in a colorful story'
of theatrical life. Footlights and i
shadows, always a p)pular screen
background, form the theme for
one of the season's most gripping
"Street of Illusion''
Pathe Comedy, "When Money
'Friday and Saturday -
William Boyd
the smiling Irishman, in another Keep up the
Great marine story. A Bill Boyd home with
picture is always the ideal screen I Folks Coal.
entertainment. The tale of a sailor
who blunders out better than he
blunders in.
"The Leatherneck"
kArA� PtItjAt
\VISTFIk11.D, Jan. 13. --Mr. J. E.
Ellis was a Wlughaw visitor on Mon-
Mr. C. G. Campbell wade a trip to
'roroyto last week.
The township council met on Mon-
day at Itetgrave for their first meet-
ing of the 'tea' Year.
Some of, the farmers are busy gat.
Ong their next wintermolal.
's cutB ► for of Trinity church
The W.111.s. IrlI their Ieit reottlar
home, for which they will leave at
the end of the mouth.
Mr. E. Lawson has purchased from
Mr. John Phillips of tttyth, the black-
smith shop formerly used by him.
Miss K. M. Welsh, of Colborne, spent
the week-eud at the home of Mr. 1t.
Mr. John William. sr .• Is in Dungan.
non this week auditing the books of
the West Wuwanosli Insurance Co.coc
The induction of Rev. L. V. Pok,
)swald (iarrlroa Villard Thinks of
Ids -Ruled as a New Win Iduled by
Tyrants -Hopes for the Futures of
Owning Generattwr.
uunnthI)- nnwtiug to t!'te basewrut of Myth,, St. Mark's church, Auburn, and
t n i ler as etc Nuthiyg is ;zilch more -difficult to
Trinity church, Belgrnre, took {dace In get than a clear idea of what la going
the church on Waaluestlay last, alai the Blyth church on Tuewlay after- as I+ Russia, writes J. V. McAdee, in
fifteen wrMten prr,cul. The corrtal• lion. Ven. .lrehdeaeon sage, of Lou. the Toronto Mall and Ethpire. One
'sooting secretary's reportw•as given, duo, offklaled In the p•t[srmanee'o1 tulght as wall try to form a correct
Ivith sixty letters sent out during the the impressive inductionsen he of impression of a country in the midst
t.:tr, 'minding business lettere •lull the Auglh•an Church. iter. F. E. I',•tw. ts
htcard but tgeneral
e voice
on. the partio san
every of syMtwlthy Ili time of slrkue.tl ell, M.A.• re.•tor of St. Barnubus
Intl the paid advocate. There are those
.11d deattr.,The treasurer's report was th1'urunto, sea. the ' elev n
cert' etwoora>;liu;, the society hawing ewre, preacher. Itov. F. Ithakurd, rester of who Have representedRussia as a
,aired during the year tlat0.si. Ex Urussek, ass:stud in the service. kind of 1'aradlse there ore others
.utw•s. Cur the year were $-1.24. Itemlt: Iequally competent to testify who de -
191 to fres. treasurer, $-.16.tis,
u. tit ' over
Ads being $•'- the
all r •ut lull CARLOW
'fano quilts were also made.
nus. v
made for the tofu:ng year's work.,
CARLOW. Jan. 13. --Tile first Meet
01 the hew emote" w'us heiti ou ; lard will be accepted .:,s • Ince :t
1,UCKNOW Monday. with the tlew Itteve..\ha•rt J. nu►u with long training a/ a writer
loldthurya•, lu the c•bttir. 'rhe oflt.er.�and oboc. r,.who wants to bc,1....,
TI regular 'f Irst yrrr werere-r{a-•.utel. w•ItJI'iunti wh, ,tainly is no champion of
scribe if as a doll on earth. In the
'past, for trick of anything better, we
I have picaented the views of both
(skies. We believe, however, that the
-;op Mons of Mr. Oswald Garrison Vfl-
meeting of the United church V1' S the extepUuns 41 the nY sir and the i the rapt t order 'd things. He has
rood YII{$•,Intl urnt the aIq t � � tl urned from Russia after
w.'r held on lloinday ulght. Mins F tor• j moos
*lti left over to ll Febnuu} I recently n y
g la visit o :era' weeks, obsiously far
mte•tln Gnat. to collect much but,
duet by Mrs. iru and liber • r •takrry of the tuwuslltl' c whichre Is In no
1'reletweet eud an instrumento ) hull and will live In the rootta: IatrlY
tun Hasty. A recitation was given by' better position than groat others to
Lis. Margaret Ituttbn and Mrs. Crow on'euplyd I'S Mrs. Juhnetou end the: peer Into the future and say how
I h1U A Johnston. We extend a hearty things will turn out
---- rule Ihttt¢uts react toe o. -..e••'•• ••_
01110,•••••••• T H 1�` -t 1 MusI•al uumbera cunvlsted of a Mr and lies *Melee hLte been al► too shor t [t3
l [ lf. 11 1d 1 �fls" Mildred
.toprtsel and has been contribut-
1 1 Al 1 pointed
eat Ing to ah. Nation. t
710,000 more
Our increase in sales in 1929
over 1928 shows that there
were over seven hue
and ten thousand additional
S A L A D A users last year.
!P !;
'Fresh from the gardens
NILE. Jan. 13. -s-Mr. uud Mr: Ja,
Champion and, Miss S. Jeaitt, •
Lockman, were guests at the hilae •
Mr. and Mr.. Harold 34-lteuiu
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jest: ItrludIrc,
Sheppllydlon, visited the former -
brother, Ilr. Hiram Itrirtd:eY, on Sun
China, -
ace all 11 ress o11 (us[oms n Ire•leumr to Mr. and 'ors. M•n ii•e and day.
t hinu,- The meeting closed aith the { h Russia seems to have Impressed We are pleased to n•ps,rt that ltrt
i of the Mlzpuh I 1 him tit V I e pleased
I hr
bytertan t:u{1d was held ed Monday ta•en uring the ntuu1 Mrs. Telford Nixon were
YR -
Murdoch hat w prayer. Readings" Mr. harry
SI "f of hunlon• 'Even /a the party
•a11ng ill uu sun
Io le tIt ,- may e•luy "wit' new ,tar no 40 much a a foreign country 's health is iwproveng.
amongst us but as a Mr. and Mrs. J
from the county town salt dlstrlet observers who go to Russia with any home of Mr: Fuller's father, \I r. I'
td Bugle.
lu•dh•tlop. new world. It Is u world of s Haney Fuller, of God -
The regular meeting of the •1'rer t large number of mru and it ,,i contradictions and paradoxes. Honest cried towusbl{r *pent Sunday .al tin
night. Mr. Cameron 1
Ilay,• sell ' • sort Or ccs•' W prove brave no difficulty
rabbits. with fairly giant slicers . • In getting all the parts they require. M. and
1 le
' t Scripture less'ru and Mr. J. C
to which MN. Vll- td at 'the Lowe of 11r. Will Elle -s.
1 1 Mises Edith SI II an ,• shiplril a carload of beef settle o11 lard was attached, all of whose mew- „t Remitter. r, u t
Mae r 1� h re
Mia.. Margaret McDonald was much' The annual meet n_ o • m +- • • •mid' ly different interpro tithing aMrs. F. 1'frlmlner on t :u date
T1 tope "A New Beglu-1 church wilt be held In the. township upon theta. Probably thus•• who went
Doug." was glen by s5 e
Donald. Mrs. Bolt Douglas and Miss2.:Y► p.m. Strtirt experiment was a gigantic
here of Mr. W:4 -
failure, their opinion
g ceu �} u 1 , n ler.dui lull. '1'i•
M M Mal An Instnlmenitl by 'Monday last. bees saw the same Mines. there we also alteoded the funeral of the, 1
I f Smith tl'I' ti put
nju)e''1, The '' hall on Morula). January :t It. at
1 Mi Helen Mat W Russia convinced that the whole
Mary Altche,nn favored the meeting The mans friendse returned with t I
t learn of hisi II I others saw
n )' cine Mlllnr were sorry a el unchanged. 3 m ar y n er•
with duet. Ao titter.,:[lug number all LAN•IJet. Jau. 13. -The {M •1 "'.
* the lin by 114, dt nth. t I 1 1 Detroit the many things k themhopeful Ihlelett • church held their J
w 1 th taeurre n 1 s to make 11oi,:o
the program w•a• le real g ,
Marlon Stewart of ,lime of the Older end of hist week. The 'ticcetw.eil. whir
But the thing that has impressed us
dace meeting '1'llll•rch atll•1'1/lanl still 1.I-
rundnes of meetings since the begin-
was in Iluslne.s in G.derlcp wUh his most In reading the amici. s is that
whatever else Russia 1.. It is pat tree. and
thole officers .tor the church,.
• Ong of the Guild in 1f►1 S. father for moue years. was well owl uud Suudu} ...hoot for the year.
Mrs. Mete•on Johnston and Helen' favorably known. pod our sympathy Mr. Villard tells its of Russians sent The qurrtrrh official board ,u( the
IetF on Saturday for Toronto; where Roes out w the bereaved sisters amt abroad on busluess etulting when ratted church lurk at lir parsonage
•- r they w111 Join Mr. Johnston and nuke brothers. The funeral took
plat,• lu they arrive !n Paris or Harlin or Lon Friday rteulug ,ung utter eouduetiug
' their new home. 1 Gotterieh. to Maitland eetn,aery. t'u tion at the greater freedom which •
the buchu•'• a tine program t•t itt tag
The firemen held a sue,ee: NI Isrxl Monday. they have for enjoyment. They feel and speeches wus.n•udrrrd, Then (4.1
social on Tuesday evening. A fairly: Mr. and Mrs. Heileman, of Vsneouy•' at tint like boys let out of school for lowed eche end reuil ,hut Si" 4.11
g,aa1 crowd was present and every- to JI('., are visiting with the 1st- the holidays. Heft later on they begin iuluerl ht 11 two"): yule et lI.auh,t'
thing went ort well. ter'. hmther, Mr. John Young, cud, to long to return to Russia --to a \fr. and )Ira. '''uveae, for their kind-
at� I fatuity of Loyal• land where money getting and the
The euUtlty �INIw"plows have been .'tt pursuit of pleasure are not the main news to their guests.
1 highways. with the rennet objects but where there is in exist- A sods' evening was sls'nt at Cour-
' turners club Friday
Did you ever stop to think that much
of our contentment depends on
comfort Y •
Wherever you find a smoothly run-
ning household, good meals on the
table, warm, cosy rooms to live in,
w cheery fireside to gather around.
There you are likely to find a happy,
contented family.
the man o of a ul
ries •1 b room on
Gott they are now in fine condhlonj encs at least a plan, an Idealistic pro -
to last..' five prognuu u! snug
AtPBItHN jou 13-'l'lu• !"r autos. gram. which hops to benefit others. gatue.gnod stunts ars followed by n
1 alt t will meet un the F orr,tero + Pro+yneroo Irl T 1 l Thatb so.But the` • are Tee splendid lou
Hctlf .ou 'Itiu•sday, January - s . new• � mate
e it C' to Society was held in the towm111P' llberty'oI speech, for Instance, that dayTor captains for a• pro
seek or Shinn' -Mrs. Washington. hall on Tuesday afternoon, with ■ exists in Russia precisely ram are Jim Little and Lclda :.rue
Roll loll New Year reanlutluus. gpal attenda<nar of Interested people the liberty r of bodyeech hasthheat e exists
I on one side, Myrtle Johnston and
na u e s $.e y,- he annuu may e leach, '.\rrangewruts were
^1 t at ting of the ('arlow Borth -ulna's,: returnong to any free country. i for eaut,ie' meeting lies[ Fri
21r m Subject:The Seven a ,e is the same
Hustesw••-Mea. 1'laUlips•. ifrM. .111eu. and the president, Mr. E. t' .aasem, Italy very
y tunic Farris!' on the other.
Sirs. G. Taylor. in the chair. The report given by the llbeay to say anything synch will - not The young •people ' of Iluckett'.
AI'BI'RN, Jan. 1:.. -lir. F. Carter,
shows ry - treasurer, Mrs. i.undy. annoy the dictators. We are remind- League are Invite.] to the porstmtl'-
s es shuw•trl that the ;loc•lety is in a flour-� ed of Anatole France's tribute to the I next Thursday evening.
[ Galerkh, vl It 1 hl IaaMot. on •n memher.shfpi law, which, with maga Impar- I w meet ut the
o Lhlug e,rndltlon, with
contentment of your Monday of this week. v t and a bele Il o[ >FS2 In Uw,
of flit ee a ty; forbids the rich and the poor Th e W. N. will
another load of Beall Mr. pi !thaw Ian been tti..11 mast- y Ihotne of Mrs. Gee. Lane next_ Wesl
to the {odtion of C.1'.lt. sUulou mast- the s andry ager paying for flowers- alike to sleep under illarcl and beg nesdac afternoon. All the ladies are
bulbs fort1 bees' 1 the streets lir. Villard was told
Pathe Comedy, "Holy Terror
Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. J.B. M U S
••••••••••••• ✓hone 914
er at Itlyth. Eleven year: ago he be -
rams. st[ttit'u master at Auburn and
ALL TH by his unfailing courtesy and frltend-
shl r has proved himself the best of -
Ids ahruhs the mem n e Invited to attend.
❑cerM were elected as follows tor, that 11 he were In Russia and wished Mrs S Ferguson and little son,
Donald, and Misr Mary Phillips hats
IMO: President, Ti V. Lawson, 1st to issue such a journal as the lva-
vlce-yresldent, Mrs. A. Horton: 2nd: tion, In which the communist scheme been visituty with Mr. and Mee Tho-
{ Alts vice-president. Mrs. A. Fisher; tires- would he denounced, he would' Ferguson
e �� ll'y •
ricer x111(4' the C.P.R. came to
urn,. The (Immunity will certainly tort for two-year term, lir., J. A. permitted to Issue Just one num Tummy Ferguson had the miMfon
mWs Mr. and, Mrs. Shays and dough- Young, Mrs- T. Million, err. B. C. The Bolshevik leaders seek to Justify nae m hurt Ila too[ and so Inv lar
errs from Auburn, but we know they Weir, Wm. L. 1'ouag, Miss A.• 'Neil• themselves on the ground That they
- with] and Rev. It. It. Cumming. Mrs. would not allow a handful of dlasrhe mThrlrMlssew fMeldayad \Vlnnllre
COMPANY w • Urn. Menyval'', was appointed t -
I un•. The best wishes o[ the common- t 1 l� ' 1 ti t tisanes the progress of Lane and Else nt were w Ir T
oldertitri lav will follow them to their new iKJ
r -- M
ul 1 r~,! ,wick tar
Choice line of fresh
Groceries and Fruits
an season.
N t I ,1 ' 1\ 1 11
Geo. Price & Son
Telephone 248
t'•nner of 1".1nare alai North Street
1930 European Vacation Tour
Now it ties �jule to make
arrangements for your trip
Abroad this. -unitner, Tour
Europe under the 'au,:piees of
the U'orld Travel Service and
visit Seotlau'I. the 1rottwehs,
England's beautiful lakes,'
London, always of interest,
tht• Shakespeare country. Ilol-
land, quaint a nd.,picturesque:
the magnificent Alps of
�altzerlantl, (;ermany, and
(t,e famous Passion Play et
Oboerammergatu : wonderful
Venice, immortal Florence,
Rome, the eG'rnal e•ity, and
ever charuting Paris.
Book early, sir a great
many contemplate ntnking the
trip, this la'ing the year of (he
P:1441011 Play .
Rates are r,'aonahle
For earth", inanrotws ... w .•r,t.
Mrs. Mamie Sutclife
Goderich. Oat relepboa. 34
Tfor a AR D COAL
COM ell he frequent vlaltors In the fur 1 tell .tele tors who are ant ave dr tent oft 1 \'1 1 n t
- G
gate to the 1tvrt intlal bort cu turn popu a on. o e room
convention to be held in Toronto the the many. When a young American- the weak -end from LuvktIow •novo
w•e i week In -February. asked him If capitalist America would nation Mehool.
five be justified in suppressint, she Com
■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■la■■■■■■�■rr>.■■■■■■■rata■■■■ -
S. ShervCood bus been very .,
us for a eermdt• of weeks and is still IN)!
ASHF'IELU monist prise on this continent, which tined to .her tad We Ila{tr she at
e resent an
■ dove not represent W ha led
ues ere an iseeels aa
.......------ .
: Before taking stock we are offering
: some special values in merchandise •
■ • ■
$12.7 5 ■
• Dresses of satin -faced canton crepe, canton crepe and georgette. ■
■ Regular $17.50 to $19.50 values for 5
II $9.95 ■
■ Regular $16 to $17 values for . - - ■
■ The balance of our stock of milaei winter Coats at the clearing $1 U
ice of - - "
Sizes 14, 16 and 18
■ A 25. discount off all men's Overcoats during this sale. This is
tunity to get a good Coat for little money.
• All wool
■ at
■ .
• Come in
your oppor-
material in khaki shack. Sizes 28 to 34. Special $1.49
and see our values in other lines of goods
A new
shipment of ladies' and misses' Dresses just received. Up to the minute
style and material.
per rent. of the popu
ASIIFIELD, Jail. "14. -Mr. Tuna told that -1f :. further embarrassing
Quigley visite,' his sister. Mrs. James i quevlttons were asked it would ,he ne•-
1'hlshIlm, Jr., of Colborne tuwuship, ceasary to terminate the conference.
last week. Another leader was asked by Mr.
Mr. Richard 1•'Inlay, of Vangunrsi, Willard when he stippposed the Rus-
Sask.. rt native of concessions 4, Ash.: elan• people would become educated
field.• is the gltt'st, of fila sister. Mr,. enough to permit the rebasing of th••
Norman Sltaekellon, concession 9. iron discipline that now coutrola and
\Ir- Audrey 'let•fl, of Caution., d.rects them. He replied: "Never."
•ta- the vast of Mr. and firs. inert 1'.ducatbro.ts not Irra in i1us ` The
nnism, last .weak. • children's studies and reading are
Lr. All tI.,I.e who ha. lura as rigidly prescribed as though they
.11 for sec
it. Goderich
111. condition
11;s many friends hope tint he may might seem to sal;; est that. capital
se auedtly restored to healllt. . lam had something good In it. Th.,
Mrs. 11'illhun make. vont-es-14w 9. minds of the children are arbitrarily
returned home last week a fur 11 closed to atl1 things in life except
Pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs., those approved by the Soviets. In
Wilfred Hoffman. Montville, tint. some senses the children are netting
Lr. and MTS. 'r. J. ieeenuu .4i•re' the most modern infermation. On
tin, guest. of Mr. and Mrs William many matters they art being kept in
Lotman. Goderich, tar n few dayti darkness when they are not being de-
test week. ' liberately. Misled. Nevertheless, there
Mr. and Mrs. John ala 'P a11d dau¢lt la gen'•ral testimony to the effect that
ter Miss Bernice have gone t.. 1.11 -k- lit'•) stem happy and are undoubtedly
now to reside for the winter. •, healthy, particular rate- being devot-
The reenter monthly meeting 1.f' eel t., 8:11 ,t IS almost a Greek cult of
the W.M.S. of t'rewe United char, li h> ch c:• a ,I the development of the
anything like•
tattoo he was soon be around $guagain.a ve a var
ti w..'ks, w:Is operated on'' were candidates for orders In t 1.
pita!, on Friday Zest.Roman Catholic church. They are not
tunnies to be serious:', permitted to read anything that
was held at the home of XI 4. \Int b..dy,
■ thew Shntkelton on Tuesday .If In't Thr future of the Communist ez-
■Week. 141111 :1 Ronal attendance l,r 1'::•111 p'•,l:real lies with the children of to-
.. hers. A very pleasing program tut.. day, n•l %% Ph the young women par -
given. Lunch was served by the hest-, tical:uly. There is no' 5481 dlscrlmin-
is e,I,a. i attou In Itusaia, and no mon intuit,:
Congratulations Exteuded-The manyl alliy Dian there ever was. But tier.
Ashfield friend. of Mr. and )1r• \t. Is t,' M hypocrisy. It Is the hope of the
1t 'sh' vtk ieaders t hat ht unoth•
tv , my years, alien n scan' gin-ittt01
tsar -hen 'mannity, II will have.bcen'ao
macros r. The „ w ,1 drilled in Communistic doctrine,
■ nlver.ary was celebrated ut theeir rn poisoned against anything -else.
home in Ripley on December •'lith, .'••'! so fired with a holy et,thuslltam
■ when a dinner wag serve] nt 1 p.m. f Russia, that it will endure all
to fifteen guests who were dolman k 1'014 of nlaterlal hardships to make
friends, and a ret•eptioit held In 0* 1, '''nt'm conquer in the end. 11n -
A evening was attended by n Isrge slum- (1 'Itnedly there Is a great ideal here
■ her of friends who offered their ton-
■ gratulatinns. Among the many beau-
tltul gifts which 1M'} received was a
II silver tea serciee. Mtn and, Mrs. Iatne
■ were resitlente of .\shttete( until 1(124.
■The late James fierce: -After
ninny months of illness. there entered
■ Into rest on December Iltth, at Wing-
= ham hospital; Mr. James Pierce, ager)
nevcnt)•elght years. Mr. Pierce was
torn on the itjf concession of Anh-
ui Meld, u son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
F:c1wanl Pierre. and stent Ills life
■ J. Lane. of Ripley, extend emigrant's-
. Sons on their attaining the tteeuty
fifth milestone in their Jonrnty of
■ 1 Ito TI silver wi]dhig tut
Ladies'and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 413 Goderich, Ont. ■
■•■ ■err■lt><f■i■■yrrr■rr■>•111111■a•■I■I■■i•■■t■irrr.rr■
there until about Iweuty years ago, On alder country has seen In our
when he sold hi. farm and welt to
rrsW0 with his nephew, Mr. Alex. generation.
Pierce. Ktnlaes township. He Is .sur•
rived h) one sister, Mrs. John Steven-
son. of London. tint., and by twenty -
all nitles and nephews. Seven broth-
ers pr rlec•ease'1 him. The funeral
took Mose on December 21st from Mr.
W. 1Mvtdeon's, Lneknow, to Greenhill
cemetery, Litt -know.
a• work. It Is something akin to the
s lives of relielolts ayc.•tictsin whieh
to past. centurion swept through many
countries and , protouudty affected
history. It is accompanied by some-
thing reminiecent of the Spanish in-
quisition, for the methods of the So-
viets in dealing with their political
opponents is even harsher than the
('z.rist method. Perhaps it would be
more correct to eau both the Russian
method. So the forwarding of this
noble ideal goes on to the accompani-
ment of essagt'ry and bloodshed that
Plain Language
"All revoir." said ]key.
`Vat's date' *eked linty.
"Dar's goodbye in Drench "
tgd Isar. "carbolic acid "
"Vat's tat?" asked !key.
"mat's goodbye In env language"
Special Values
All Winter Footwear
Men's. women's .11111
children's Goloshes.
Felt Boots.
Men's and boys' heavy
laced Rubbers.
All at clearing prices
W. Hern's Shoe Store
Phone 43w
of Bedroom Suites on h in
walnut and walnut finis . ,
Now is the time to buy that
Chesterfield &rite and enjoy it
these long evenings. as - you
listen to your radio program. •
Homes: share 335, Iter.:355w
Hamilton Street Goderich, Oat.
January Clearance Sale
' of Millinery
Sensational Prices in a collection of HATS,
which show the up-to-date mode in Felt, Velvet,
and combinations of Felt and Velvet, in many
attractive styles for winter.
Color and tramming effects are good.
Note the reductions
Reduced from $3.511 to $1.75
" $5.50 to $2.75
87.50 to $3 e50
Children's Hats
You are cordially invited to inspect our stock
MissAtt R. MacVicar
Kingston Street