HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-13, Page 21Prices Effective Until APRIL 23 \.%I RESERVE •IHF BIGH 1 ri) l /MIT )UANIITIFS 90 T IF S I AS1 CREST TOOTHPASTE 100 m GILLETTE TRAC II Csnr tfiligUS 9"S 4 1.55 Johnson's 14 oz. BABY POWDER $ 1.33 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-ONE SEEK TENDER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 reviewed the township's insurance coverage, which he informed council, appeared to be a good program, and no changes were authorized at this time. The tenders received for crushed gravel were opened and consider- ed. Motion by Councillors Foran and Hickey: "That West Wawa- nosh Township accept the tender of Robert Farrish, Listowel, at $22,350.00 for supply, crushing and application of approximately 15,000 cubic yards of A gravel on township roads, subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications." A motion. by Councillors Foran and Stothers authorized the Road Superintendent to seek Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions' approval to call for tenders to supply a new grader for the township. A motion by Councillors Stothers• and Cranston authorized bimonthly payments of wages to the road employees. Motion - Councillors Foran and Stothers "That the Clerk-Treasurer be paid $35.00 per month for bookkeeping in. the road 'depart- ment." By-law # 3, .1977, authorizing the borrowing of $20,000.00 to cover the expenditures for the construc- tion of the Redmond Municipal, Drain until• the actual drain assessments are collected, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Cranston and Foran. By-law # 4, 1977, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Stothers and Hickey. This by-law authorizes the borrowing of $40,000.00 to cover construction costs under the Kirk Municipal Drain Repair and Im- provement, until construction is complete and the actual drain assessments are collected. ,By-law # 5, 1977, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Foran and Stothers. This by-law authorizes the borrowing of a further $5,000.- 00 for the Gaunt Municipal Drain to cover costs incurred until the actual drain assessments are collected. The road accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Foran and Stothers. The following general accounts were passed for payment on a motion by Councillors Hickey and Cranston: Treasurer of Ontario, OMB approval - Redmond Drain, 25.00; Workmen's Compensation Board, advance premium, 451.05; Treasurer of Ontario, debenture # 14, 801.45; Frank F. Thompson Insurance, liability insurance pre- mium, 428.28; J. A. McDonagh Agency; bond, accident premiums, 221.00; James Devereaux, salary, 105.05; Fawcett Metal Products, Redmond Drain culverts, 2696.75; Bruce-Grey R.C.S.S. Board, 1st instalment 1977 levy, 69.25; Mon- teith, Monteith & Co., 1976 audit • fee, 1200.00; Blyth District Fire Area, expense levy, 1250.00; Village of Lucknow, fire call, J. Mohring, 150.00; Clarence Greer, salary, Jan. Feb. March, 568.54; Joan Armstrong, salary, Jan. Feb. Mar., 683.53; Receiver General of Canada, IT, CPP, UI, 81.51; Lucknow Agricultural Society, 1977 grant, 75.00; Dungannon Agricul- tural Society, 1977 grant, 75.00. ROAD ACCOUNTS G. Humphrey, salary, 919.88; B. Gammie, salary, 769.51; Wayne Todd, casual labour, 55.16; Don Richardson, wingman (February), 169.23; Receiver General of Canada, IT, CPP, UI, 449.67; Siecker's General Store, gas, supplies, 25.96;, Frank F. Thomp- son, insurance premiums, 3104.50; Ontario Good Roads Association, road school, 96.00; BP•Canada, oil, diesel fuel, 758.18; Bud Hamilton, gas, 69.93; Bell Canada, telephone, 41.13; Durham Hardware & Equip- ment, oxygen, 15.60; Valley Blades Ltd., plow brackes;422-.13; tocknow Co-operative Inc., wrench, etc., 6.94; D.R.M. Sales, repairs, parts, etc., 2199.13; J. D. Durnin, snowblowing, 126.00; Joan Arm- strong, bookkeeping, 34.00; Bruce Sillib, snowblowing, 300.00. Councillor Cranston adjourned to 18 April 1977 at which time the 1976 Financial Statement will be reviewed and the 1977 Budget will be considered. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk-Treasurer. N.F.U. NEWS 0 CD ilk Qua summon! IE "Well Worth Looking For" S ECI By G. Austin .torInmarl. of Drug 1,od,c1 lemon fresh fragrance fraiche odeur de citron MORE GREAT SPRING VALUES! EAVY DUTY CLEANING POWER UPER NETTOYANT Sunlight WINDOW CLEANER titaaztwAtirsaAtitstatsaanutsuuszsztata This Coupon nno at any IRA. Is Worth ii.PU Drug Store TOWARD THE COST OF DEVELOPING AND PRINTING A COLOUR PRINT FILM! rrilrererisr Fresh with Natural Lemon 1.5 LITRE 1.5 litre 52.8 oz fl DETERGENT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 01'1 BARS FOR ONLY BRECK GOLD FORMULA SHAMPOO $1. 50% MORE FREE SPECIAL! 400 ml. PLUS 200 ml. extra ! Johnson's 350 ml. BABY SHAMPOO s 1.66 'BAN' ROLL-ON 1.5 or, Anti-Perspirant 99c GARBAGE BAGS "Dee-Tee" 1.6 ml. , 66` I.D.A. QUALITY COLOR PRINT FILM 63 63 1115 ()UPON MUST (F SUBMITTED WITH THE FILM 50`l Elmer Umbach I.D.A. Discount Pharmacy LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3004 Lorne Luther accepted the posi- tion of Director for District N.F,.U., which takes in roughly the counties of Huron, Perth and Oxford, at the convention in Mitchell on April L „Blake Sanford, Co-ordinator for Region 3 (Ontar- io), conducted the elections. An imitation cheese product has been produced in the United States and the government of Canada is now being lobbied to permit its entry into Canada. A resolution was passed, at the convention to send a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau concerning this matter, "The members of District 5, N.F.U., and' we are sure, all farmers, wish to register our concerns and consternation of reports that an imitation ,cheese product will be allowed entry into Canada from U.S.". "The importation of such a product will inevitably put a further crunch on the industrial milk ,producer, with a large percentage of that milk going to produce cheese in this country." "Dairy farmers cannot help wonder, in view of the losses imposed on them last year, the continued importation of overseas cheeses, and now this new threat - whether they should let the, dairy herds go and close the barn door." "If this is your present govern- ment's intention, we believe you should tell the dairy farmers now." Copies of the letter will be sent to the Minister of Trade and Com- merce, Minister of Health and Welfare, Minister of Agriculture, Premier Davis, Leaders of the Opposition, our M.P.'s and M.P.- P.'s. Mr. Trudeau will also be asked for a report from the Food and Drug administration on this imitation product. On April 1. the farmer will receive an increase of 1 1/2 (one and a half) cents per quart of milk. This increase is given to the farmer by the Canadian Dairy Commission. The increase to the consumer, which began in March, with another coming in April, is decided by the processors and retailers. Attending the convention from Local 335 were Lorne and Maxine Luther, Leonard O'Loughlin, John and Grace Austin. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 1111111111111.11.....mimil Sunlight COMPLEXION SOAP trarvit 1J I ' is), Jo vottiff 880 • No. 126 or No.110 • 12 Exposures • Instant Loading Type OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30th, 1977. mom 12 oz LIQUID or 50 TABLETS = 1.88 Your Choice TYLENOL 1,11 24,, 88c BAYER ASPIRIN Tablets - 79c BABY SCOTT DIAPERS Sr.,)0 24 R. o i 3n s 1.99 FACELLE ROYALE PAPER TOWELS ti p 1 h 88c Cotton TEA TOWELS 18 X 2? 2 for 99`