The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-04-13, Page 15WOULD YOU'
40,000,000 LBS. OF T.N.T...
That's correct; this was the
amount of explosive which
was dropped on Hiroshima in
1945 in which 60,000 were
killed immediately.
.,.that we've got some pretty
explosive bargains that you
owe it to yourself' to inspect.
Come 'and visit: we'll be
happy to prove it.
II 1\IIII R 11.7 4NI)
EH lir ER s11(11'11:
Burt were home with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Burt and. Rob for the weekend.
Some who went on the bus to the
Bantam hockey game on Sunday at
Port Carling were Bonnie Clark,
Carol BuckMeier and Teresa Mur-
ray from this area.
The anti-discrimination measur-
es would cover the activities of all
federal departments and agencies
and any business 'or industry under
federal jurisdiction such as chart-
ered'banks, airlineS and railways.
. The second bill C-27. is the bill to
establish a new department of ,
employment and immigration and a
new Canada Employment and
Immigration Commission, and to.
amend the Unemployment Insur-
an.ce Act.
The major amendments contain-
Repoli From Parliament Hill
131 R I I , N1 l'
sent a shift in which , level of
go% crnment actually spends the
Spring in, Ottawa comes not with 11'"e. reduced the anticipated
the melting of the snow but with stir of the estimates by nearly $1
the tabling of the estimates, the Million. In fact, if one looks at the
blue book - a • massive, nearly growth in the federal government
incomprehensible volume which since mid-11975 when the "re-
, plans for the coming financial year. increase (including programs shift-
details the government's spending ! stramt" campaign began the total
Thus it vas, that last week Robert ed to the provinces), is nearly $10
billion - an overall growth of
one-third. This year the operating
and capital expenditures of the
bureaucracy will exceed the growth
of the economy - rising by, 14.5%.
If the , government is, as , the
former Minister of finance once
proclaimed, ."Giving' a lead to
others in the exercise of restraint"
then the manner with which crown
corporations are handled is.nothing
short of remarkable. This year's
main estimates increase the share
- t a x payc mo-i-ce— aflt7cisiCd to
crown corpora t km s .by .15 ()) over
The initital favourable impre.s- last year. Atomic Energy of
sion, does not last long when the Canada Limited, which recent
•realities contained in the fine print public accounts• committee hear-
of the' "Blue Book" begin to sink ., ings have revealed . virtually
in. The reality of "restraint" ! incompetent at managing its finan-
appears to be not a' moderation ccs, has doubled its funding to $400
which the cabinet has imposed million from the $200 million in last
upon the • bureaucracy, but cuts year's estimates,
2.-te, need for real restraint in which the bureaucracy has imposed
upon the millions of Canadians' who government is not something
receive assistance of one form or dreamed up by, Opposition politic-
another from the gov cr•nment. For, inns for political adrantage. It has
.011ie the -transfer payment - comes as ewnornic reality to ‘ery
(lenient (transfer payments arc a . ncark crew onc of the Western
redistribution of income lion one Industrial Nations Those• count-
person to another: i.e., family tries such as West German\ and
allowances, medicare, etc.) will •be Japan :which ha‘c cut back., the
reduced 'in real terms, the size of bureaucratic overgrowth so that the
the bureaucracy and the size of its ! producti\.c elements of their econ-
wage bill will, increase in real omies can remain strong have
terms. • • ridden above the world economic
The reduction in real terms of the crisis .and are now entering upon a
size (:)f the transfer payments was period of full employMent and
also accomplished by the shift of prosperity. Those which have hot,
much of the burden of "shared .such as Great Britain and Canada,
cost" programs, such as health must face continued uncertaintly
care and post secondary ecuation..! and, high unemployment. Cosmetic
to the provinces. These reductions, campaigns which are based more
in themselves which merely repre- on the politics of. illusion than the
Mr. and Mrs. Glenford Davies
and Kathy, of Brantford and Mr.
and Mrs. John EdWards and Kevin
of Brantford visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Clark and family on
the' weekend.
Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Dickie on Good Friday were
Mr. • and Mrs. Ira Dickie and
Den\ er of Goderich. Captain and
Mrs. Cal Townson. Julianc and
Clayton of Ottawa. Douglas Dickie
of Markdale and Walter Dickic and
Janet Wilson of Toronto.
Mrs Brian Doelman visited with
her, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck
McMann of Montreal.
Mrs. Don Nickel is visiting in
Toronto with her sister Lynda
McQuillin and with her mother-in-
law and father-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Nickel.
'Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bridle. Sarah
Jane and ' Mary Ellen of New
Hamburg visited on Friday with
Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Moffat and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Young and family.
The Bridle family lived here for a
time and own the farm across the
road from Dave Moffat's.
Graham G. Moffat of Tecswater,
formerly of Langside, is a patient in
Wingham and District HoSpital.
We hope he soon be .feeling
Murray Moffat of Lucknow, who
broke his arm and ankle in a fall;
now has the cast off his arm. and is
walking with crutches. His ankle is
improvingand we hope he will soon
be OK again.
Jimmy Miller is still in London
Hospital but has improved and is
expected to be home again soon.
Mrs. Ian Wallace, Nancy and
Susan of London spent Friday and
Saturday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Philip Steer,
Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto
and • Mrs. Graham Moffat of
TeeSwater visited on Friday with
'Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Young. Marty.
Jamie, Karen and Liane visited at
the same home on Sunday.
Graham Moffat of the sixth of
.Culross returned home on Frida y
INSPIRING EVENING after spending some time in
The Young Peoples of South 6uelph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
Kinloss Church put on "The Way Mcleod and three children' of
of the Cross'' on Good Friday, It Guelph spent Sunday w ith their
was an inspiring evening of music parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham
and meditation of the story of Moffat and Marilyn.
Easter. This is the third year for Special Easter music at Langside
this event now. Church on Sunda w as a quarterre,
Mr, and Mrs. Donald MacIntyre Karen and Liarke Young and Hilda
were hosts for a birthday party on and Joanne de - Boer singing
Saturday for Dr. Anna Wright of "Blessed Redeemer - and "Christ
Lucknow who celebrated her -5th Arisen -,
birthday. Present for the occasion Mars Bongert man , ho has
were Mr. and Mrs. Sandy' Nichol- joined the Canadian Armed Forces
son of Toronto. his son. Mr. and and is stationed at Nova Scotia.
Mrs. Al Nicholson and family of 't-elephoned her parents. Mr. and
Fenlon Falls, his daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Bongertman. on Sun-
Paul Higgin and family of Toronto. day. They enjoy ed hearing from
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Holcomb and her. She has now been there three
Tanya of St. Thomas and Nancy weeks.
reality of economics only create
complacency, not jobs.
In the short time available to me
today I would also like to draw to
your attention a number of other
bills that are before the house and
might be of some interest to' you.
The first of these is Bill C-25„ the
Human Rights Legislation. This bill
would establish a federal anti-dis-
crimination code and give individ-
uals an opportunity to examine
goVernment files on themselves.
Under this bill, the government
would establiSh a human rights
commission of five to nine mem-
bers, 'empowered to investigate
Complaints of discrimination.
One member of the body would
become the government's privacy
commissioner, responsible for in-
vestigation complaints from citiz-
ens who feel the government is
unjustly withholding personal in-
formation from them.
Hate messages, recorded and
transmitted over federally-regulat-
ed plione systems, such • as Bell
Canada, would be .outlawed.
Most of the provisions of the
legislation had already been made:
public, since a similar bill was
introdUced last year, but it'died on
the 'order paper last session before
The human rights commission
would have the power to enforce a
code banning discrimination on
grounds of race. colour, national Or
ethnic origin. and religion. age.
sex, marital status' or physical
hand teLip . •
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Andras introduced this year's main
estimates. by claiming that •govern-
ment restraint, so long promised,
has finally arrived.
For many years now federal
• spending has consistently exceed-
ed the growth of economy with
increases in spending ranging froM
10, to 16% a year: This year
however the government has
finally' realized the key role they
play in controlling inflation by
attempting to keep the increase to
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Dick McQuillin were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McQuillin of Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dock of Corunna
and Mr. and Mrs. Boris Tonkonoh
of St. Catharines.
Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser MacKinnon and Murray
' were Mrs. Jim Ritchie. Mrs. Ken
Cameron of Lucknow. Mary Mac-
Kinnon of Goderich. John MacKin-
non and Mr. and Mrs. David
MacKinnon and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo _Murray and
family visited on the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarter and
family of Wallaceburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Ab Needham of
Niagara Falls, Mr. a d Mrs. Peter
Leeson o`fs,__Ivr sited on the
weekend with . Clark Need-
ham. All were dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Needham of
Ripley at a family gathering.
Mrs. Alex MacIntyre, Ruth Anne
and Johanna of Alliston visited
with relatives here on the Weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pinkney of
Ajax visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
' Collyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacKenzie
and family of Cohourg were home
with their family. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank MacKenzie, for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wallace and
family of London were weekend
visitors with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Steer.
ed in the bill are:
(1) the integration of the Unem-
ployment Insurance Commission
and the Department of Manpower
and Immigration to form the new
Canada Employment and immigra-
tion Commission, with a small
supporting department.
(2) .an increase in the number of
weeks required to qualify for UI
benefits, from 8 weeks' to 12/
(3) an overhaul and simplification
of the method used to determine a
claimant's entitlement to benefit,
the number of phases in the
calculation of benefits will be cut
from five to three.
(4) regional extended benefits will
relate more closely to regional
unemployment rates;
(5) amendments to authorize more
productive uses of UI funds such as
training courses 'and .work sharing