The Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 1Advertising to the life of ho-ue If business !s good, advertising will make it better. If it is poor, advertising will stimulate it Al- most invariable the merchant princes have found their way to success through advertising. )CIGII'1'Y-'1'iI11U YEAR, NO. 3. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 M iorat Renewal Time Renewal subscriptions to The Signal are corning in fast, and the 1930 calen- dars are going out fast. AK the supply of calendars is limited, we would ask those who desire one to send in their renewal promptly. • TIIl SIGNAL PRINTING CS)., LIMITED, Publishers Goderich Had Greatest Construction Record of Its History in 1929 and Enters the New Year with Confidence MAYOR MacEWAN ADDRESSES NEW COUNCIL At the luangural meeting of the 19110 town council on Monday morn- ing, Mayur MaeI wan addressed the council as follows: Gentlemen of the Town Council, - May I first offer to the new member. of the council, Couuwillure Moser, !lumber and Worsell, a cordial wel- come and nay earnest congratulations OA their return to this board after several years' violation from public service in the town council. It is to be hoped that their holiday may have Pilled them with a new zest and a new vigi1r and that their 'seasoned exper- ferax and good Judgment will be felt throughout our deliberations and work for the coming year. In offering nay congratulations to Councillors ('ruff, halite aid Mclean of last years 4-44uil1'11, who have again been ri .1t.. ted, 1 know that They will 'tire the rnre•r,•-144 of the town the same +pler,,lid <erviee•. It way of 1,,tr., work and 1111.4lfheh endeavor. thus they bar. Jon.• In the {wast. My t al-., gu out t.. the I1e.s. .1 1t4,1111•r 1;,•••r.• iu. a_:,!1. \I.. 1;\\•t\ and Is fie tnowledged to be one of the finest of the mailer hospital* of On- tario. Our public library was never pat- ronized to a greater extent than It has been during the past year and it is fortunately in the bands of a moot capable board. It 1s not my wish to point out in any detail what work will be expecte) from the various committers as 1 have previously done. This work will develop from month to month us the year advances. Only a few matter, would 1 like to bring to your atten- tion. As pointed out last year, our Court Reuse Park requires some drastic treatment and the uttsighlly paths and bare spots must he got rid of even If we again have to build a tenet. around It. 1 am old -fashions t enough to Imagine that the Park 1,,•4 4.r 110kwt SO well 'snot never ,.'•Ila•d 1 In be sue b a haven of rosy reel and .onufort oil w'arnt-monitor days. to .tor touri,•:s and eltl•rens ulIke. as 11 when encircled 1'y the ofd protect - 1 -101i11 tenet.. vent In the .111 11:0 ht. grns> sats 814:0. 111.11 111111 green i`:1 441 inu•n-sly I,•.t-fug I.. tin Tribute to 11etn..1. l'. 1:Ilioll I,. . n. rr i' :1, I..t:,.,.r. 111 ,1 11 n . I1 •t. .1 4. 'I ... .-r 1'!i' ,. r 1. 1 . 11 .1, 1 ..r , '.. ‘1,n:t 1. 1.1- ♦. ,.. un • n1,• .,•n The News of the Town- Lerture-R4c11a1 on National Mamie On Monday everting next, Mr. Douglas Campbell will Introduce a lecture -recital un National Malik in the school room of North street United church, under the direction of the Y.P.S. Assisting Mr. Campbell will be Mr. 'Franklin Moore, a popular tenor soloist of North Bey. The distinctive qualities of the music of many nation- alities will be discussed briefly and will be illustrated by tenor solos, in- strumentals, quartettes and occasion- al appropriate selections on an ortbo- phonic vletrola. The expenses of the eveutng will be met by a collection only, but because of its wide appeal in phases of both musical apprecia- tion and musical entertainment a large audit -me is expected. Motor Vehicle licenses for 19119 Jas. W. Muc\'icar of town bas again been appointed issuer of motor vehicle permits fur the year 1930 mid has received a supply of markers. The Lrs this year are on a differ- ent f tl t f former yearn PERSONAL MENTION • Mine Grads E.' Jewell, of Colborne, has returned to 01er 'school duties at Huntsville. • e • Mr. and Mrs4 $ J. Whaler, of South Grasse, I J are visiting the latter'• parents, 11;and Mrs. .1 B. Kelly. • • • Mr. W. C. Patna, last street, who was confined to his bed for sev- eral ev eral weeks with yieumonia, la able to be out agate . • • • JaimeMessrs. Jae sod Archie Jones, of Detroit. are visiting at the home of tbelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Jones, ?forth street • • • • Mr. and Mrs. ,las. Donaldson and score. The prize was u box of cigar - Mr. and Mrs. W J. Baker left this encs. morning for Floc dt: Thdy are mak- ing the tyle by kutomobile. nein • • ein Ninga, Man. Mr. and Mn. Charles }• iatt mid Mrs. J. A. Stirling. Hinge. Man.. daughter, Revert Successful Euchre and Dance The Canadian IAW10n held a sue- cea(lful euchre and dance In the Mas- onic 'Hall last Friday evening. There all present. At cards Miss I.ennington Inas entertainment was enjoyell by was a large attendance and the even - won the lady's prise 'and Mr. James MaeVlcar the gentleman's prise. The music for dancing was furnished by the Driver orchestra. IJ At edsay's Brawling Alleys Two contests were bowled off at Lindsay's bowling alleys the past week. Iest Saturday night Hugh Mc- Guire won the necktie given by the management for the nearest score to 174. -III score was 173. Ou Wednes- day evening In the play-off for the nearest tally to 170 McGuire was again auccesaful, tallying the exact Councillor Humber Objects to Place Allotted Him by Striking Committee and Leaves "Council Chamber in Protest INAUGURAL MEETING, -OF 1930' COUNCIL • The town council, setting out at 11 o'clock on Monday morning on its voyage of 1930, ran into a little gust on it* first ran. The trouble arose in striking the standing come mittees for the year. The election brought 10 three pea' members, of whom two, Councillors Moser and Humber, were reape•tively first and second in the poll for councillors. The striking committee assigned Councillor Moser to the public works committee, and Councillor Bailie, who was public works chldrmau last year, was given the water. light and harbor asking that they be not reappulnted to the positions they had held, but the appointments were OIRde without regard to these requests. II. R. Lung was appointed to the public library board for the yearn 193031-32. - H. C. Dunlop was appointed a mem- ber !! ber of the Goderich housing cumnela- stun for the years 1930-31. Mayor Ma4lt w•un was appointed t• the board rtf Alexandra hospital for the year 1930. The a)gointieg of an ussew+or and collew•tor of taxes and of an advieury assessor and 'selector was referred t• the finance committee. ermmittee. from which !reeve Turner - A motion was passel that lbs sus transferred to the finance cum- county rate be paid as soon as fin - /metal arrangements are made with given his old committee. cemetery alai the thank. parks,r and l ouncllloq+ Croft smd Mr- A message has mortised from Ex - lead erre left in the xAme pintes.as peeve C. C. Lee thanking the eo4nell rut hasis rum uI 0 ,yK Hamilton. vent Fuhe renewing her subserlIklon to The Sig- Inst year, the spacial and tire(um• for flower* sent to him its hospital at r a ear of 2... lip. or less tfes• 1. week - end weeknd et �e Lome of Mr. unit uud for 19:Nr, writes: 4•%%e' have told minces respectively. This left only Toronto. $5; from ::, hsps to 3:. h. p., la; over Mn. D. L.Jones, North street. well on to three mouthsextreme the market committee uud•111' .•ot.rt hylas Noe. 1. 2..3, 4'snot f. of Mk. • • • winter, a couple of days ago the tern" of revision for the re•1wIiuhag flew Herr pat through, the first to pito- 11.1... $211. I gw•r:uurc registering almost 40 isluw. 41..4.•nuneut renthtion, require Mr. and Mrs. Frank (;allow• aim menllw•rs, +aid market waw assigned tide funds fur payment of the balf- rhat P•111,4ait opera uor-. 114'euse. shall litti Iter Mary a$dved fnew Toronto BM we don't. silty borne. Thr rink fs to l'ouucillur Ilutuber and the court yearly Iutetre•st on 44. W. S. Ballwl3 e present this week u a teak to the foruer's 8 .rem attraction here. to old and ..f rc.isiun to Councillor Wursell tensile. mid the others, to cun(1rm fhe La i•..n1..1 ooh t" )w•non. who 1 4 Noun::: ) wish you •�..pllnnwl ),ruyser• • � shill •n l t cul • •1 nls►tr stated . • • ' y Th MRn:11,.11,nd look forward finally nchie-tel by the striking coal It was about 2 o'elork 'alien Nle f i •1 II' Mrs. l'aralus Mr(.arml eL- amts, s,. ,l4 to its eouung each week." uglttee airier_ u P n 1 I4 tug• This at any rate wins the r •still 1pl . , ue I . 1 their I!ra' Itet•11se 1'rr-,ms who vale- I.areuter. Dr, aul.,11rs. /;allow. it for t. t not . r .1n t a 1929 Itr,•il-e• 11111.4 a•,- I.i. tor ex mina U•at 1 tam .a i u,session 11 r nr 111H1 council ailJonrtiel. • the ('hrlstmas .t.5 4,)n 1.1 the. hone. of , ;'.irty (tau minute,: during which the - e lu4•en-4'. • .• ea Y..r in -Irv. t ..0 ts•rwit- he•r parents, Mr. hid Mrs. hang. All..., Heeling of Hun.n l•rrsbytrry other uu•ti,bers .,[ the. connJl ant anal PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ins Lean reeluree1 to -.0 Thi- r - •.�L..,c- left rtn Suturday, for her ttonu• ;it .\ -{s• pal to.'t•l in_ of ILe I'rnFby • :n4811,' I •1 he 0111.• \Vhen it. calcar I ,•,. ,. 1. not 11..:9 • rediled ..1, 1111. 111. .\II.aii . incl, of !Find,. l'nited Church. t!1l- t,.tiu.alhor Member. win, Inde learn ea ORGANIZES FOR 1930 4 144i•.0 1 .1- rL.• ot.ee.t.n''' 11 ru-e, for • • • l -1.I it \\'a- .•) \\';Iii- el:nrolu. Clio t44•, ting 414'. of the' .More`•lsnls.rttllu }. 4:. all \\1Y111. lay last week. t.. ... imiiieI1111/•11' talel'll his oh (i• I. Fars.'''. .\tgsiigteI Chairman rt 1. hI. the "it.' .,,• op ,•1 ints; t.a SL. fle.. /'. who IaUur.el •'f w:Ili; nee•. am,, w,•eh. ago 1 Tor..ut0 whe4. -..I• Ill i nl:utr''n j1 ttotu • the phis us.Igue1 1a him.! for the Veert "11'I 4 l:rah:fe. nt' 'E,,r,tlh.,. F. o:u- .•f �Iq.C..ci •n �•r 11renr. I"• h:e.l been 1:11, g- to rtLrr hospital ;n., 'tnud. 1 r. at.d w... � Itis protest w:fs f1►tiffectuai1 'Phe luaml;ural unsling of the pelt} • jai .ail procret. wa- rho 4•h;,' -p,n.4r :unl desalt wit. ..left .,une•II -li tnlr•r. 'r 11h• seh.ol hoard for 1930 was held at m:.v ,. pn•.•Mrr.l at any I.n1.!i.' _at' I1••❑Iulr I1 la mei t 4 :.g, :n.J is nh!r to �a• put a lilt!, eI ! 'I'a r1;14n1-in1.;t1.al will. r..l,uune t,. \: n, tueutlr•rs.elwt had,fileml'Victoria 4.1!91 fro Wednesday even - 1 Ln .•a t, •••' an HORTICULTURAL 8 I•clel:•nr.,, !,. , 1.,.• .."rl• uu 4 r ,vas 1111(1 41,11 i'..l of 1111 . ',ft` of '.Rice dint taiecu their ing. The fellnwiu4t members were OCIETY • e. P nlo.lu 4: - \ r4',ofntt.v. 4': - d the ,nun 11 butt been dl 1 pres•ut : Jas. 1'. Thomson.. Jas. -4'. Mr. It. G..1011 .aetpes•inie•a..leu; t.,1 aili:r.: L•- Ion 11ptw•a4 .' al. I:ir.-•1 dgty e.rustitnted. Mrlyeir ilio._ Carrie, 1:. tIa ,M 11 sen y'Tr1. IS FLOURISHING L. Parsons, Ju11p C'utt. le. 7t uud Nr. Li F les m!nrl'er. 1h.. lI lhI hes in I'n•:I.ctc•'y l;tt:Il: .l.•Ilrere•d I:ie ivathnral a•' Miller an.I W. F. Naftel. The ahsenl, ,-yen of the Ihr1u1n1e1 u.•hiuery •'•.� to ., .-i.. .e '''''.1") . .1r, - . ail. i.•h is p 11 lis 11451 .41444.4114 4 iu� noon leers were F.. 11. 11111 'And Wm. satisfactory Report. Presented at are attending t tion .if t ,• .Intinary Tell, to1the :ulo,I- ;a{r r \lnllae,•. I I \nnu al Meeting • Uncrlcan Ityggi i"' i 1 .ails then owned 14 l u(gte Il0 Mr. 1'nnsias seas :1ptw►iete►l s leor- �•. ••1 t stn i, L , ,,. .1; the :un.!utl meeting ..t to, I;u.l- at Atlantic Cll LUle ehu,•r "'IL'. :. tL s. ts.ude4 by 1'.0 Rot 1'roft.i man of the board for 1!1311 tarlo -huuld Le eradon-k ien•ler...l t ericll !forthulturul Sln'.ei;," hr Id on the Uuu. t. . W • tit Igoe honor roll of :111 . 1,111. n, ...,u 111.1: 1..t. M::Sur. 1(cr v '; •puly lieu'. 1 A a ^ mi * ..r t to nett ern !Friday nftennsnu terror ,rn .� n L 1 marirT�-+� i 11 t f i e 1- i, :h,• rll,eug 4..nn11iUee to 1.41.4 In a i brought in the. follow n> ..t 11 •• _ _ e A �.. t, r r I.. ,•ur 1,,r• .• 0,:'r el l::e. t,:u• 1..144-t in nue uistor0 slru.-k to the heart- of the jaukrah- G.C.1. Teams Hill ai Milrhell salon.. oil ea.:•tussling to n-eh...re for! lug r,sontoe4•- for, the yup • • .• I anon :! cote o l The Gudrri. h •'o4,I 11 1,1 I . ib:Il! I!I u. Tui. was carried wllJ' nt dl, Supply and Contingent Tyotnson. her.- f Il.e S•�.icty 44 it]. u..• t.4 Iy.:t.nl of hit- 111 rntborut. towushi;l by the in ),•;ur, a.i.u, f an army :II".nt Ihh't0 tc:u:, !.1:1)1•.1 in Mit.•he11 1.11 Moil(1a) •em -sou. awl the eoun•:I miptnrua.i Nano. miner. of !! !rid- Flnanre Wallace, Cult, '11111 .\- the Iw,!•.r:.i.l,• \linir,},•i' �i:'1.,..,. l:ao. l'. Goul.l. pms.•L•u: ..1' IIIc hunter, 1fr0tu Goderiell. When t!.,• eels evening. opening the haskethull .aluvl ft,l' IIfIa.0 minutes to :e!ln.y t0• izen of :Le n 111 1.4ring 1•149 ala of the Iluron .\IVJrti,: .\s.u'iUll'yp. ill:: eounnttcr Ue do its 4e..r1 St io..1 Maniagement 1'arrle, Nat - don. he, ronr,r, kn,.w, oar 4..44 4. iat4, aids ,u th.• chair au.l Iharo 44:t.cmc rt n,+ sighted the iaahs m.urriwl n fair attendance. for ,..ver. hurt uproot twenty -.flue 0f The girls' 14'amL of both school'- The fl[Um1( minutes yeas intra a'• tel. 'l'h..nr..n. ,, u.1 u.,pu sane nt. Let u•r 1+•e: .I; - .. a good gout... the experience hour and forty five mlnutow Iseforl• the I'rnts•rty tart. Carrie. 'Mille r. nv••,iou, \I�ul,ler ambo. h:1�1 'rite fiu.ulei:el rrlsn't for I!t_:I yea, them fell and sero, ha;,glsl h)_ the played . •has .any p a fol l..: 5 feud 4e,whivatlo❑ tot Uta Gewl.•ri.In rc•ptirrt of the stsiking rYauudtte• tv:I- The first named of 'tireh,►olomihe0 Ior girls gicin_ them the lactation otos ready. .A1 1.10 p.m. the ',Handl m.l to is' chairman Menhir. -1 And the Slitrhell 1', :1 stole .d' .2 to 1!r, The .uum'l and the .repirt sus read, nsIehalrmlut of t11,' hoard to 1s' er Of- > ane sus refereed by Miss J. .\.' (ollow.: ; ilei.' a .uh•mia•r of all committee ' Cew•un of Gdsleric•h. The boys played, 1$eQrat't of the Striking fe�ittee. The rel ' of the striking cora-. fns! 'ratite. though Nightly han(11 Ftuau4't' --Thenar, IYaigi4', Itullir, udttee was adopted. capped by u small floor. The teams I ('raft. Mellean. It amu. derided that the rr'tnlne were eddy evenly matched and both, a meetings of the hoard should he ou w:•re In goal form. The Gdwterich boys, Public Works - Moser. Haire, Mr the first Monday of e•a. h month, at Wer • vulrerior in combination ad! Leau, ('roti, Humber. ' 3 o'clock. S •I. 1 tt •II •f unl Indusrrial- .et+ !w•nit; a14'..,•,I I•, ue.bltu,ut..n. It wouhl .ha lu.tn.r •,1 pt, tJn., user t.l ItECl-11"1S` spisar ,,u they enjoy the ,..nfi,{ 1:trttnent Ital:u..r from pretiu11- year enee .,f tl..• is„pie h. . 41 Onuvlat .1e , New Indusle) in Promwel 1.1.• 1u. i.el ,;rant gran ,,,el ,rah anorlwr yr -or'- anomer-' It due :1141 hi. .orerune•nt 4•..111.1 Member,' fees ien••. add..! to the .si.Jotn :lre:i4% only is. ).ersu:,h•,1 1.. o,mt slue the Dona ion g'uUu-r1.,t t them. our intern -1, in good work rind remove the balance Sale of seeds, fl11wers. ate. ... the .,,Inity them should he In eery - of Ship .mlnnd, Re hare good pro. -1 wfe heeds peers and n ',efinite hope of seeltli y5a' I Thursday ecenln't hist the school Neill Miss Old Members ,11 feet mill and another independent' EXPENDITURES t vlecat..r cstabl{shat at the (anal end 1'bnu•rs and seed's R 18.1:„ quintana defeated the town team by retake end in tke second period run fol 't c e + Miss I. E. Sharman was resup)oint- Aud whits we are r..ulranulutiu't the score of 21 to 17. The Ione -up wart, the mdore upnt the rate c,f 12 to 2. (ruff, \1'orwell; 4 rtigie, Humber, el 10 the public Ilhrary hoard for each other. i should M• thoughtkss1 of [he harbor, If suitable arrange- Spent au .fess impratenxnt .. 17.001 els follows: turner. 1 f 4('ontlnned on page 5, Purchase ..[ sash, and planta 'Iehe final worn was 19-11 In favor Or \Nater. Light Harbor and llarborlthe year 1!13031-:P'l, and Dr A T. urerk-wen. The Inuit 4411, 1n 1 L area north of Loy:!. The• j:etcrahbils are 744.'1 big fellow•. 1110 they have heeume :1 'o_oo !scat throughout the'r'ountry. 236.00 (:. ('. 1. v. Town }:,t: -'(i, In a fast and earitiag Rume of basketball in the G.C.1. gymnasium on Seha)1-C. Naftel, centre; It. New' -I Grsleric•h. The game was handle.' by Emmerson was re -appointed to the 1 Indent 1f I failed to overlook the art (including members premiums' 6.50.ta that the ..Ides members ..f this eo11il..11 somb(e, F. Savage, forwards; J. Knee- \S r. I►. 1. lull at Goderich. Both industries -Bailie, lnrn(r, Crnlge, it elate Institute toned for the will miss tory s,yriotwly lino( meal HAVE YOU ANY INTEREST I Secretary's eatery zouud, show'. K. Hueter, guards; sub.. A. Ramos were tar from rough 1)1uy and )1lscrlluuwnts ex pensee (Include Colborne. Knee - berm of last year's euu0,11 who are . IN THE FALL FAm i 1 t d express, post- fouls were few. This i lawn of sort Is out with us nwl,ly, N. s.rs \iuuuhtg ( i 1 ells certainly y ing freight an exp es., w Town -M. Baker, centre; A. Pent - 1 age. printing ars advents - land, ve worth of support when Ike Mpronl and Gould. Mr. \IuniiiI ' has The annual meeting of the Goderich, hog, delegate to convention, Innd, J. Black, forwards; "Bud game Is played in o►ch sportsmanlike Pent- a touuc•Illor of many' years' exper- held t' 7•� Sturdy. Chris Archer, guards manner. tense, who had. in tact. twee through 7S is► The t Agricultural Society will 1e ed all etc) Referee -Mr. D I 11111. Clinton team will Islay at the all the p•,ltious around the council the town hall un Tuesday afternoon Balance on hand local Collegiate oil Monday evening board from that of eounclllor to the next. and it Us urged. that all Inter• - $802.5.1 Mayor's chair. 111" wide knowledge 'sated In the maintenance of Gullet, of the tow'n's affairs 4A5 Gout valuj Ich's fall exhibition will make a a point of being present. The men who have been shouldering the responsi- bilities In connection with the hold- ing of the fair have done so in the public interest. and It is time the public In general, ,pnd the business men of Goderich in particular, allowed Ute ■t *11 times. Messrs. Gould and ttproul also rendered excellent service during their perm of office. Mr. Joseph 1). Wilson, who was also a candidate, and a former councillor• ran a most creditable race on election day, and while these four able and capable citizens were fortunate. or unfortunate, enough to he left ant at this time, they will, no a greater dlspo-ition to take a share doubt, do as Ex -Mayor McBride of Toronto promises to do, that Is, of the burden. No retie has a right to *bounce back in again at no distant day. In entering upon our duties for the year 1930 and In crossing the thresh- old of another decade in the world's history, may we let 1t be known that we, the citiaena of Goderich, do so with the utmost faith and confid- ence and optimism. It is not my intention to review at any great length the work done dur- ing the past year, or to express+ my hopes for the coming year as compre- hensively as 1 have done In the past. 1 have found that the revenuers of Goderich, like all other towns of aim-, ear size, are not large enough to do' all the work that needs doing, or that 1(1P114 and greed citizens treat h..pes pont,. out to ynnr mutt - ell as being necessary to 1e done, In order that this town may be made a truly model town that all our «later monourit,alltie+ might well envy, Greatest lea. In Building The past )Par, 19'!41, ens easily the greatest ).car it, our history from 44 building s! 4tlhIt int, A. far as dol- OTe Ines anal ' onite w•nl rre Ili (,herb h ethanMW,ns money was +{ ever ,pent Ill 11 single o'er before, and we should be very 114'.0111111.1 11., indeed. If el• w,•re to Iselleve that those expenditures will not bring' great and ne-umulntlne ndven•nges to all of us. Freetlrelly every nrganiratlnn In our town has hnd n most successful year. as reduced halt -a- Our lax rate w our water and mill last year and 'lett eommisalon were able o an- neul►ee a reduction in the water rates for 19110. better work Our 'school's are doing than ever before. We have more ,e I. and our scholars are winning MOM than theses and ir of withh other WOW I1Md tt'.tk aii assume that because Mr. So -and -So has for years been an active support- er of the exhibition he will continue the work indefinitely, and -to make k short and straight -if the business men of Godes-tell wish the fair to be continued they should turn out next Tuesday. afternoon and take hold. • RACE PROGRAM FOR 1930 -A DOUBLEHEADER Will Have June Meet in Addition to Civle Holiday Event The 4401411111 meeting of the Meier- 1eh Trotting sod l'nclu> As4nJat1on was held et the town hn11 on Ft'Idny /1114111 Inst. with i1 Large attendance. The officers of 1!1211 were re•-elet•tel 4 r 1ho• . omiug year mid ifw:i. de- . (hied to hold two meets )aur on1. on Wednesday. ..Inn• 1111 and the anneal big stake race uuel ..❑ .-1441' holiday. Thr 1.1,.:4r:1111 for the .Ione meet ..111 1•1111:•.1 "f three ra4,•s: 1.:10 tint or 1141'. { •irsc $:t4$.; 2.1.1 Irot of 'lone. purse fa110 : 2 -o trot or peen, purse 1 $300. For the chic holiday nest there will Ie two $1,I$11) stoke MVP- •1.10 trot or Iwiee Old 220 trot 41r pare- ales. A 2.25 trot or parr with a purse of $400 and n 2'20 trot only for n parse of $400. The stake ratites will 1* under the usual conditions. The financial statement presented by the treeenrer ahciwel the Aegneia- tion to he In a flourishing eondition- in (set, one of the meet successful racing aseoefatioi west. of Toronto. and pnrelbly not surpassed by any similar organisation In any town of the same alae in Canada. The officers are: Dr. J. B. White- ly, p ani" -i. Dr. W. F. Clark. Two flower shows were held last year, one In June and one in August. No prizes were offered at the June show. For the August exhibition there were 115 entries; $21.70 was offered in prizes and $18.15 was paid. The Society last fall planted the soldier,' memorial plot In the Square and the park at Elg1n and . Victoria streets, both In tulips. and did some work ou other plots about town. This year the Society will co-operate with the board of Alexandra hospital in improving 'the hospital grounds. The Society will again provide flower seeds for school children and will no doubt hold one or more flower shows. Geo. 1'. Gould. president, Mrs. F. H. Wood, let vice-president, and Mrs. J. C. Stewart, 2nd vice-president, were re-elected for 1930, andthe for l - lowing directors were appointed the years 1930-31: J. Juck, H. T. Ed- wards, Thos. Bowler, Geo. Laithwaite, Geo. Symonds. The directors for 11129- 3(1, elected past year, are J. W. Moore, W. S. Bowden. Mrs. Ovens, Miss Swaffield, F. Barker and M. W. Knight. - K R ,I '1'. Fell was again appointed Ree - 1 nry-treasurer, lied It. Sheehuu-c :int A. J. MacKay auditors..._ Mr. Fell R'n, Minted es delegate to the con- tention of the Ontario llorticultural ,\4-. ,'iaU..0 In be lipid at Toronto. February 13 mid 11. with \V. . 5. It,,' let, as alternate. BRIEFS . CHURCH NOTES next. Clinton and Goderich are soots ronten The annual veertry and congrega- should give a gond exhibition of ba dere for the championship and etball. The public is luvltel to *t- end ; there Is a small Omission fee t0 cover expenses. flay is to begin at o'clock. Clonal meeting of Rt. George's church k will be held on Monday evening, Jen- 1 nary 20th. • • • 7 Services at the Raptlst church next Sunday ns follows: 10 am., Bible McLean, Moser. Cemetery and Parke--Cralgie, Mc- Leuti,•liumisrr, Croft, Worrell. Market -Humber, 1\'orsetl, 'Turner, Mower, Bailie. ;'Ire--McLeata, Croft, Moser, Turner, Worrell: Court M Itevlsiou--Worrell, Humber. Cralgie, Bailie, Moser. The tlrst named on each ,committee to be chairman and the Mayor to be a member of all committee,. • Councillor (lumber Objects Councillor Humber at once entered an empltatic refusal to accept the year 1930. The repirt of Central srhoul for she month of December showed 101 hese and 90 girls on the roll, and an yv- t•rage attendance of 92 toys and 87 glr1s-n percentage • of 911.5. fenny !tank deposits for the month were $3&75. - 'For Victoria school the IMdrmber report show;el 174 boys and 175 girls on the roll and an average attendance of 153 toys and 152 girlie -a percent- age of 57. Penny Bank deposits were $52.52. The retort of inspector Beacom cm SEVERAL ATTEMPTS ethairmanshlp'of the market-c•nmmittn• the town schools wee received and school; public worship at 11 a.m. and AT BURGLARY THIS WEER and moved, seconded by 1'uuncIII4,l' laid on the table for the attention •0? 7 p. m. Sermon subjects: morning. Moser, that the report be not adopted. the willow. committees conee•rnel to "The Marred Girdle;" evening, "At The vote on this was: Yea --Moser, the recommendations made by the the Crossroads." Mian chased wednesdt)' Night, lout Mel.rnn, Ilumtrer -3. Nay-'Pllruer, inspector. • • • - Eludes Pursuit Croft, Billie, Worsell, ('ralgie -:.. T11e l'Ixtraets from the Inspector's re - netting was declared lust. tort an• ns follows: daywill 1►e conducted by the minister very successful, burglar. At least, tysuncillor Croft 1141.0 moved, set} 'The • teachers in the main show Subjects of sermons; 11 a.m., 'Thy that is the conclusion reacher! from onled by the Reece. that the report energy and ability In the die. here* Kingdom Come;" 7 p.m.. "The Bible's several attempts made this week, Ise ndnpte'd. of their duties. The recently appointed Ageless Claims." Sabbath school and Councillor Humber protested againei members of the staff are all lulus ItUde claws at 3 o'clock. probably by the same person, to enter what be termed a piece of high -hand- quite witisfactory work; 1a mine • • • business places on the Square by de- ed business. Ile had taken the second case.. it i. outetanding. The board, 1 The Arthnr (circle of Knox church vfous ways and out of business hours. highest place at the polls. and had consider. are fortunate to the cantons 'si11 be entertained on Monde!. Jan' On Tuesday night he pried, open the been given ohe of the least important of the tenchers In their employ. All uary 20th, at (L30 p.m.. to a banquet (ommittetee. Ile, positively refused to are faithful and conscientious, and provided by two of the groups. The door op•nine into - a pissigeway at be chairmen of the market c..munittec. while abilities naturally vary 1 he t Il tam to the rear of 1 rice 44 grocery and Mlss be- lieve each tri to do the best pow Jas. Thomson. All the members. nre frightened away before he, got into the Mayor said the slat care. Tate dsclpin either of the su)n•s, presented to the striking ,ommittet' good) in prat ticMlly all eases. - . The following night he tried (set. "VAS ns follows: 1)'Inance. Humber; The instruction In rowel mosso, at. MneVicar's store In the name bles•k, 1016414' works, Ballle; s)a'ial, croft; previously. Is given in at capehle,men• HP rut' not n 1411N• of glass to the hxrlor And bnrbur Indnstricw, 'Turn- ner. The (4t11'drets nre re -clving n sal- windciw At the rear, mnking quite a er; rI•mett.ry and lorke, !'nal'tIe; ext l merle training In this 10111,,' ion. and 1 nmrh. er, light and market. Mower; Ore. Mc I pupils with special ability regular meeting will now, pope The Mayor's Slate be given by Mrs. McMahen and Mrs. Matches' miltinery store. but was epee for the pupils under hie or her, e he had i I e continues to be nrged to ls' present. At the IinnIel meeting of the Church Woman's Guild of Mt. George's church. held lest week. the nffiters of !'•t year were rerlcMed: Treat• neat job of It, attl gh.blurt, deist, Slims M 1•' Salkeld: 1.4 vire- Indjeate that Ito cat his hand in the Genu; court of rcv14iui. 1\urs,ll. are having that nhil'ty devt•Inpd ' I r,--. 4 . t. Mrs. Sturdy:. 2nd vice- 111'1.11... .\s rho op'ning In .the win• The vote w•am taken Ott 1he motion find tr11iu1m1. In the senior rlaeesee4, t . v nesse- , id not et Where. he T• :u,..pr the 'asking eonu4itse•'5 re -1 two-part wings ere rendered very se- ' or,-.1,1,-nt. mt. '1' 'r. M Irp h• do w d R Si. a Holder; treasurer. Mrs. w4't.t I.. w..rk with 11 jimmy and pried Ior' •%%WO' wills "riled on the fol- ! I divinion: Ven -Terser. Creel, Hartwell and Mrs. Palmer. The An- .toot 01444 proof tognhest hIs attack. ttt' n11111 roper! sl:owe1 that the GOild had .at. meantime the 11014• made. by itis \t'wer, M.-Leun. Ilnrulw•r. th.. Mayor to a,4yone in touch with the work of • been net Fye In Tomo) work. in the las: opsrnU0n44 lied been noticed by at ! 4. 1he at holm.'' h:, takell 141•r the deities three years *1000 111444 been paid bi 1e04( two prerosna tivlltg in. the hooch,! the cornett elorutlw•r and did 1101 n'-� ••Geucrnlly stw•akeig, 11,,• *mewl_ , of levision 4'ourt bailiff, «n.rrefi)u_ weeds the pArloh hall ledeb•edness 1 mai/lotions in loth ...hoots ars in my and Norman l'Inir f, whose. room.- Councillor Bomber tLen•n w.n left Mee 11r W. h Clark. resigned. rind enticing other valuable ei fie dive ere AIw,t'e the ,nre, e'A Ge drtwll 1•- turn for the remainder of the «itt Ing. g(asl .,'O.I It11111. The pr,visien of The Louse and furniture ..n ilu"l"'' i n made to the rhnr,•h. incesttgat4•, and Mr. 1tnrglar fled: He 1t w•+1s 11.'ided 111111 1110 regular !Ingle desks for l pnfr 1 sl•had 1* strut belonging to the testate of the • • • was followed for some distatee by Mr. meetings of the c anvil should be as the note argent improvement needed. late Nortnan MneDtnnld hsre been, MPrt'i'es et North street United rlelrmont and 'Fred. Webb. bot hel in Prevhens l` s, un the first noel 11 desks were obininel ter one roma sold to Mr. John S. !tenderest'. of 1►P-' church next Sunday as follows : WAS fast nn his feet and elude) totem. Pilot Fridays of each month at each year, the matter could Is• rend - trod end SAltford. _ ' in a.m.. Meet.': Sunday 1'Inh• e•Iess for Constable ROSA took up the ehasr Am1 5 o'clock. except in July and August, 11y finnm•el." The competition at 1)rennan's f)71W1' � ('lufstlen fellnwahlp.. end Mlsslcin l follow -el him out to the RAyfleld road when only one regular meeting in to - lteterenee was made nisi by the in- cl apctOr to the advisability of a furth- er elpend Ittire on supplementary reeding material. A good andlenre turned out of Thursday night last. when the show of Knox ehnreh repratel the Betsy Bobbitt entertainment for the bene- fit 0f Vletorta Home and School tAnh, The p erfermeme was much een)oyell, tad tie choir was able to donate $!78 fel tile- support of the pupils' welfare wok of the Dome and Ss•bool Club. In musle F D Brown' choir mothers. Mrs. open the •other door, hat the Inner lowing It Il N'cirsell. traigie- Nny- keptably; These pupils nre le:erdng to appreciate music in all Its forma. The telm. of , this work 1s apparent Ing alleys for the nearest aeore to 173 1A creating a great deal of Inter - wt. persons est. This week the following 1 tallied the exert score: Jos. Bowman. Bill Johnston. R. Bloomfield end C. McManus. 'Don't miss the G.C.L. eminence - Mont. Thursday and Frddar. January 30th and 81st. in MacKay 'Rall. A fall program will he prem nted, mo- lesting of musical numbers. folk ssere e... b./qr �ta1id hufidtng 5.11 Imo' .r a att«+et May tan; Z. K. Wight, tr•Manwr. 1 Band Topic for Men's Chill-- "Should' section and across the south en n attend the ehnrch .ervieea If the the town towards the lake, where he and reach not believe preacher doesp all my creed?" to he Introduced by Mr. P. J. Cantelon. Public worship at 11 a.m. end 7 p•>l, to be eeondneted by the minister. Mr. Vranken Moore. tenor soloist. of North Ray. wi11 slug at loth services, in the morning "The King of 1,nve My Shepherd i." (tpence), and in the evening " L !tee Hlm Everywhere" 4 Mengel. (`hunch *Ch91 at 3 pm. made gt..w1 his *sciatic. Although he wan seen by epeeist people, it was at a distance too great for any of them to recognise him. Both ..f these attempts wen' made about 10 o'clock at night, but on We1- nee:dns evening an earlier attempt ens mode at Sturdy's grocery store. Entrant* wan forced into the rear of the sore, but the bnrgier tailed to 1 tet any farther. be held In each month. tit the third Friday. Appointments Made A number of appointments were put through. A. 11. McLean. Dr. (billow and Geo. W. Sehaefcr were appointed member} of the loeal beard of health for 11180. Rev. J. E. Ford was appointed a member of the Collegiate In•thate board for the years 14230-411 -412. The munefl hid letters from Mt. A. D. McLean and Rev. J. E. Tttd 1 • •