HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 8v ve 1 fi I.-''huraday, Deeember 24, 1999. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. New Y ear's Cards Sc, 1Oc and 15c Personal and Office Diaries and Desk Pads Wishing you all the corn-. pliments of the season. COLE'S Book Store The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new • in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure . • Chas. Black 1'hon.• 2'19 ('roderieli Marine School Classes in Navigation and Marine Engineering will be op cued in the ` Collegiate In- stitute, Collingrtl-owd, Tuesday morning, January 7th, 1930, at 9 o'clock. qualified inetntctor- for Masten, Mates and Engineers desiring to secure certificates. Applications should be filed with the undersigned. W. 11. WHIPPS, Secretary, Board of Education, Collingwood. THE OBITUARY WILLIAM L TVLR Ward has bees, retrained of the Math at Vancouver, B,C., os Thurs- day, Deeeaber Alltb, of William L. Yule, a fottser resident of (Jolerlch. Deceased. who bid been .a Aptdeut of Vancouver for twenty years, roved overseas '1a the Great War and his death ^.00k place lu Ihe• SAsugbue.4 military hospital at Vaueouver. Ile leaves a wife and three children ale" bis mother, four brothers -and nue sis- ter. Illy father, John Yule. war police elitist In Galleried fur many yours, and later he himself was a polite offiev hero before going to the Coate.. -t brother. George, Is now the only mem- ber 'of tbe fatuity residing in tk.durlclt. Deceased war buried with Masonic lemur+ on 1h,ettese 21st. iter. W. E. Gilbert being the oftielating clergy• man. The luterwew. was in Mouueafu View cemetery, Vancouver. 'l'iItIM-\S %OOTT)N,� There passed nway in Gotlerich ob Sunday. 1)e ember "and, a Weil-kuowi resident of this town in the person of Thomas Wootton. in his seventy-third' year. Deeaexvl had been lu 111-he*ithl for :several mouths. He was Zorn lu Rldtlirtgton. Notthaliamshlre, Eng-` teed. and tame out ^.o the rotted States whets quite youttg• residing for a time at Philadelphia. FYum 'here e "Bobbie, what Are you thinking ui paint'" "I don't %sit Sante Claus W mirth -making all This mess with 'title by way tonight, lluts.nu.." -Tile Humorist, London. TOWN COUNCIL HOLDS (Continued from page 1) PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Ohne. Archer spent Christmas at Port Huroa. Mies Margaret Strang Is house from Toronto for Chrtstmaa. Miss Jean Macl:wan 1,. home from Oreille for the holidays. Mr. William Beck, who opeut the seamen !n Muskoka, has returned home the whiter. Mr. Win. Craigia has arrived home from Buffalo, where his boat is Lid up, for the winter. Mr. Jack Allen has returned to the parental house. Victoria street, atter a season on the lakes. 1 11rs. .\lei. t,o11e xt Tett Iuweek for .MIlw,nukee, where she will spend the wiser with her husband. ('apt. Andrew 1•'owife has returned home after the season's sailing and will epend the whiter in eown. ltlsses Pauline lied Geraldine MI' 'Owen, of Stratford Normal School, are holidaying at their home here. Miss Agues Fraser, of lorouto, Is speeding t'brl+ttnas with her aunt.I peDIED Uro. Jas. lweunldsou, North street. WOO' VON. --In Goderlch, uu tSunday, Miss Jean Whiter. of Toronto Uni- Des-ember-emberRd, Them a,- Wootton, in realty. Is spending the mouton with bis 73rd year her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1t. Winter. SMITH.- At Windsor, ou 'rhunetay, Ur. and Mrs. John Pollock, of flay- /December iU:h, Isaac IlaIiiday field are s•s•bdti 4 Christmas tboll- 1 he sold, owed a debt of gratitude to days with Mr. and Mrs, ,;. W. Holman. smith, lu bus doth year. the members of the council for their Mr. and Mas. Roy •Farrow and Mem Haar ter Me9Wtfi-W4 The weather wan relented In time or., to give l'hrlstwrs shopper* a day two of fine weather before Chrlemas,' rhe snow -filled Bads were, of course,' lmpa.tnble ffsr cars, and not for many years had so many horses and .leli�tths been seen on the streets of the [Own as halwen been eu thi week. Its many tyles the old-time long sleigh was' again ',rough' out, and the whole fatu- ity was rotsveyed to t,o.11 behind u teem oi I.,,tvy horses. "Just like old :Iwrw," ;MI6 the cuwwtult frequently heard. 111111 milder weather the snow le beginning ' o disappear gradually. FOR 111111111 CUR RALE.-r1XTti1eU ut, B i • •341'NESS for Barber NKhalistir. oil West street, la the town tat 0s erkb Suitable terms. For further lfartloh ys apply to Wail k HAYS, Beams% street, Ooderteh, Out. Gl'NDKh'S SALE REGISTER Saturday, January 11. -Auction sale of farm property ut the premises, lot 11, Lake road cast naives/sloe, western division or the township of Colborne, !labors and sacrifices of time and ener- ,•hlldrem, of Mitchell, spent Christmas gy during the year. morn! to Guelph, Ontario, where' Uayor, being broadcast as It was in (',tuuclllor Munising* texprtwsad up -1 was engage) in the knitting buslueelasthc' press• will give All unfavorable, i proration of the Mayor's kind words for a Humber of year'. For the part heensshau of the methods of till. and sold they were recl{roetecl. twentt' eight years he had resided In once that Is out we:muted. d 'ai Turner said that, thong', the, this time he was In the employ of the of ae(WUDts requested, but 1 may t'+t? h.- believed all had tried to do their at the home of Mr. Farrow'* parents, Mr and Mrs. Wes. Farrow. I Mia. Olive Goldthorpe, of Toronto, spout ('hristwes with her sister. Mrs. 11'. G \tu,}:wan. Miss Jean Ritchie 4 spe•Wlug a week with ber sister, Maw. Nelson Rayuard, Paramount, Miss thrones .t. Smith, M. A.. of Tale I itIersi'y, 1x spending 1`hrlstnuts with her father, Mr. Arthur enteh, and Is accompanied by her friend Miss F-smay Whlt.ou. Mls. 1Vhit:em. whose home be In Glasgow, Scotland, 1. a college mate of Mlsw .Smith's 51 Yale and !s the holder , a e'owmon- w•s.iI to a,•holarsitIp. BRIEFS w ('oderlch and fur br greeter pair of "1 am endo*... ...her .. til the uoplrs Itet!council had had i s up• and downs, Goderh•It Knitting Company. Mr. W'(ed- that all of the stenos , best ane they bad got along pretty tun Is survived by bis widow, one ROD, bare n"t yet come in." • well duringthe year. William A. 1\tiotton, of limen Sound, 'alar Mayor ubxe•rcwl Uwe thh wus CouncillCouncillorBailie spoke In similarand four daughters: ' Mrs. W. F. I[, the lir-.t time the town hud hada de-'s.trxiu, and the Mayor remarked Prier. Mrs. t; Miller, of Goderich; Mrs. tailed statement from the county. '191remarked -.hat Mr. Bailie, as chairman of treble - Frank Gardlu.r, of Stratford. stud ''"tory demanded a detntkd statewebt werks, had dune a great deal this year (t Mr.. Geo. Kenney, of Kuhryville, ut, of expenditures. from the toeu and 'hl• in the c.onx►ructlon of sldrwa�l and Nine grandchildren also survive. Two claim was' tthat•Wa e town wile entitled in whet work. daugb'ers of the deceased died Its in- to receive a similar stutentett front A rese►lvtluu of remembnuue and [nary. .111 the lambent of the family the t unty. were present at the funeral with the: Councillor Attuning*maid lu was Food whines for Ex-Itnevr Iwa• ars ad - exception of Mr. William Wootton. of still of the Milne opinlon with regard op el, to be sent to him lu hu•pltel, e• and the '..smelt itdjeurnetd. Owen Sounds who is III. Deceased was' to the fence on the bridge bUl. a member of North *trees I'nited after SOW. further dismission En- - �t�. ��� ' church nod of the ancient tinier elf -tarsier fatterson's letter was referreel special naeda.1ers n N tile town c.un F'oreestefs. At tbe funeral sertIve at the to the finance t.ttumittee. cit\ Ras held ou 'I'uesiny evening to house on Tuesday afternoon Mrs.. Cosrsdttee I.psi Henderson Ieaug "1 Am Going Home. Thr fnau'e t.tmwittee reported oq• tsmslder what retlon about be '"ken b vi •w' f Jude Le1r1A• drt•Iste Its The services were In charge of Rev. it member of accounts awl recommended e u g C. F. Clarke, who was assisted by Rev. that the aoeutnt of the Goderk'b Mfg. the Wellington street sidewalk case. , J. E. Fi.rd and Rev. W. T. Hunt. In- Co. amounting to $41.15. for lumber, I \ letter from Town Sulbltor Holmes 'erme'tt was in Maitland .erne- etc., ordered by the Racing Aiwa.' was read strongly advising an appeal. eery. the IrnIItearers. beteg Wm. Wal- atlon, M• referred to the chairman of The council resolved itself into lace. Charles ('lark. Noble Young,' public works for a repot'. Another' committee of the whole and It was de- ; Chris. Johnston, .t. M. Robertson and ree.ommendatlon was that the mos"' tided 1.. recommend that the matter i 1'. J. e'autelou. : from the hockey club. the S4ik (9t11- 1e dealt with at a meeting of the d'en's hospit�h 'sat the War Stemortal council to be held Sa'urday afternoon j 1C!LIi.i 1 It ILIAIlAll Children's hospital for grants be laid next at 3 o'clock. This was adopter, in The death occurred to Goderich on over for the pr -'en'. The committer countdl. As 011 previous orawlons In Saturday morning. December 14th of repnrt.vl that the water and light coinconnection with this matter, there was a welt -known and highly esteemed mission had paid Into the town trees -1 a clearage of opinion In the counell. 1 The view Was irongly held by some that to allow the appeal to go uncial.? lensed would be to admit the right of', the Court to interfere in a mater that Is entirely within the jurisdiction of ire c and rot mss n m, eom*troct on r reps ra y the c•ouncII. Ou the other hand, it was and about thirty years ago retired and Brat. daring 192n and, mak and In I poIIYed out that the count -11 has not from farming and moved from Ash-, .cordae,• with :lie eugineer's final, been fortunate In its appeal. to higher 1 field to Goderich to reelde. The late j certificate the ottera••tore bad b. en : ("nate. Mr. Graham is survived by his widow,, pail x•414).17, batistes. on new wallas, , Councillor Croft, chairman of the; whose maiden name waw JuI upon that went and oa him eniggeation : Christman 'ree in its charge. reported pntnhy ,tend 51124.81. balance on repavlring committer which bad 11e eommnnity I Echlin, and three sisters and one, sidewalks to date. The committee re - 1 briber: Mien Mary J. Graham. of commended that 'be claim of F. Ben resident, In the person of William B. ury the sum of $1000 from the water Graham. In hie seventy-seventh year,' department surptvs. Deceased's last illness had been of: The public works committee retor- eight weeks' duration. 11e was born ted having examined the engineer's I!n Asbfield township.. a wen of 'he report of December 11th on sidewalk lM I M Tho G ba i i nd i b F Bell seedextendiu the New York; Mn. Frederick W. John. fi' and Bros. for 5 re0 in connection: a motion was pa g I I ton, of Toronto (who at present Is In with the proposed walk on the eastthank-+ of the council to Paris, 'France) ; Madame Dugas (Ma- side of Wellington street tae referred who :uned out and to the Roy Semite tilde), of Paris. France, and James to the engineer for a roper'. The, for their awalatanee The account of Graham, of Washington, D.C. The making .4 .pan -air skating rinks J. J. McEwen, GODERICH• I deceased's only son, in Clarence W. woukl be commented at un<e and ants supplied for the Christmas of Graham, passel away In 1918. The late These reports' were adopted. tree and the account for the seam of I Mr. Graham was a member of North The matter of the sale of a gime•' horses used were referred to the fin- , street United church and in poliMrn was a Coneervaelve. lie served sev- eral terms ou the Goderich town come ell. The enteral took place from the ! home, Newgnte streee on Tuesday at- ! tern.on to Maitland cemetery. Rev, OAT MAI THEN HOW ABOUT A TON OF HEAT FOLKS COAL ? You CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO TAKE' THAT I tity of cement left on hand after ^he' an"' committee with power to pay. Installing of the new "market scale' The final payment 'o tbe Goderich was left in the hands of the market Mfg. Co. for the construction of the comms^tee. grandstand et Agricultural I'ark hav- Cennc111or Mclean. ehalrmau of the! Ing been made, It was re'enived to Are tommktee, reported that work had' close on the special grandstand to - C. F. Clarke comlucred the service and been tomment..t on the flooring of 1 count and transfer the loelanee of ' the pallbearers were A. J. Cooper, B. the tire hall. but it was found that I $11'7.ti4 to the town gement account, l'. Mannings. John Dustow, Win. Seib :he timbers tinder the old floor were ie. 11 It. Long and i)r. A. T. Emmer- rotten and it was not advisable son. Inuring the service at the home to build anything .over them. Ile re-' Miss Mary Scrimgeour gang two solos, commended leaving the work null! Met "God 81,811 Wipe Away All Tears." spring Hud then making if gond job of II Miff • ;:stn.• Sweet 11sy." Those pre.- It. - ' eat at the funeral from a distance in- A modem was passcrl appmving eluded Mr. P. M. Echlin and daughter. Ctuncilior Mcice:ui'• recommendation. Miss Jean Echlin. Thomas Graham. Looking Bark Over the, hear Trederick and Rerram .lehpwton. all This ,onclnde,I :lo• work of the ev- ot Toronto; 1r.. M. i ehlin, of 4'hatham. ening, anti the flay or, observing that and Mrs: Hitchcock, of Sarnia. Mr. this was the last reviler meeting. of Graham was attended during bis Ul• i the year. thanked the camel! for the nese by bis niece. Miss Nina Graham,i awresy shown the .-hair daring the of New York; and her sister. MIs.. year and for the .seo erxtton given; Lena graham of Toronto, also tslis lu the w,.rk of 'he cowed' The tmvn bore for the funeral, 1.. O. O. i+'. Oftdeers e 4r. a recent meeting of Huron ' i4tdge, No. lift, 1. 0. 0. F., tbe fellow-' ,. Most of us are too busy to think about lug officers were elected for the en-' winter trips to Bermuda, or Flori- ening year: N.G., D. McMillan:.V.O.., da. or the Riviera. 11. hirers; recording-. eretartiy. John 1 We have to take our outdoor weather;Newcombe; financial secretary. Jas. C. just as the weather man sees fitCarrie; trensnrer, W. 1'. : le•II. The to Fend it. lnttallation w111 take place in the near But ind,tors,- there's another matter, future. With !Leat Folks Coal we can have - warmth and happiness and relaxa- A Story with a Happy Ending • tion and all the health -bringing An Ineldent reported this week j qualities of n southern trip- with- shows hew amity miatnkes may ewe-! out the expense. cur. A 'heque Igor 120 ens presented I Let's have summer time in our homes al one of the total hanks and the tel'' this winter. . Its, mIs'akfng the flgurl•s. handed out 5110. The man who presented the C:IIL. THE' cheque did not know any error had been mode. - a. the cheque had been handed to hitn by a' Indy staying at tilt house. lo be tushed for her. When 1he went home and gave ner the mon- ey she at once :old him of the mire take and the bank was notified and Ilse error /re•titled, match to the relief Phone 98 - Godertrt+ of the teller. MAT Peftx'. J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY 1 A Real Opportunity for You ! PP y le` I Here's YOUR CHANCE to participate in the 's`..Ah earnings of a successful regular dividend -paying sig. •trity. This is just the opportunity you've been • - -'+g for, as SURE and LARGER INCOME from ;sn;,f'lvested capital. Put your dollars where they - lark for yourself, and pay you a handsome 1 fy dividend. ria is the real opportunity i am here to offer 'or further details cmnmunicate with al 4 T BOX 1 O, SIGNAL .. 4 clanging H. R. Hall & Co., Toronto'. Ont. C. C. PINKNEY Mr. Neel Sale 1a relieving on the Batik of Montreal "Raft at Mildmay. Mims Dolores Leitheral_e, of Sarnia. is spending the racatton with her per - tents, Mr. and Mrs. George •Lattllwalte Miss Ruth Kant is .pending 'he Christmas vae•aUon with relative. at ( tsha w -a. Miss Margaret Campbell Is ^peending the ('briefing's .est.'s With rela'Ires at Tonowanda, N.Y. Miss Mary Parson+, of M,•t;Ill Uni- versity. Montreal. 1. /spending the t'hrlstduei titration at h'r home. \Vest trtrt. • e The joint inst*IINcaon of the "Moen. of Mahlon,' and Morning Star Mastutk• lodges will take {date at Carlow os Frklay evening of this week. The regular monthly meeting of the Sanfordll.N+pltal Auxiliary will be bele! ut the house of Mrs. Edward Cur- -reit 'ur -reit on Thursday, January 2nd, a: '1.:11) H w. Mrs. Mee, D.D.P., and staff, 'et Stratford, w111 visit Golerltli Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, on Tuesday. January 7th, and install the new officers for lige Ail the members of theselottil lodge are requested to be present. Ernest Crawford was the winner of the trig doll offered by Geo. Price a Son. grocers, for the Dar gueeas ■s to the number of nuts in a jar in their store w•Indow. His. guess wax exactly right, 219. Five others goateed 213. Two coutee a were bowled oft at Drennan's bowling alleys on TuesdayMcDougallnight. Jackie McDougall won the goose given fur the nearest wore to 1!i1. Mr. M'Dougall bad the exact score. William Jobnston was awarded :be rooster for the soon of 100, while :Ate booby prima went to W. Iloggartb, who tallied 50. CHURCH NOTES A candle carol ewrvlee will 1,' hekl at 4t. George's church on Sunday evening next, et 7 p.m. The ()rgama, Mr G. B. I>avlM, ham arranged a fine program ,.f appropriate music for the senders. in Knox church he een•lees next *Sunday w111 be In charge of the IDl.ter. Subjects of sermons: 11 a. at., "Looking Itac•kward;" 7 p.m. ; "inoking Forward." Sabbath school . and Bible 'lanae* at 3 o'clo•k. Servkes In the ltap'ist church next _Sunday will he conducted by I'.stur W. T. hunt. Bible school at 111 a, n1 Hoone1 services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. lankier?. morning. "The Star et Jacob;" evening, ''rite I►xy Spar A rt sl ng." (ht Sunday atterna.n last a unttM 4.•- (lghtful m,wllUg N'N+ tromght 'o a close when the at. George'. Bible elate pre -wilted 111'" 1'ole•I It:a mo•s. pros' dent of the class. with s trnvelliug -ase. lD-s Itnite•, aha is leaving in Jobe. was m•„•t eras -1011s In her re- marks. expressing herself as gr:I't•foi far the handsome gift. CARD OF THANKS MILS. THOMAS Wl.wrITON family wish to expnmw their grate- ful thanks to neighbors sed friends for the many ktndue.tae.t sM.wu during the Illness of lir. Wootton and In their time of bereavement. They KIN° lick now ledge with apgrts•Ia'Ion the bntollful floral tributes received. TO KENT 1101'3I: m MINT-4'l'L1.Y k:ljI.1P- -P1CD, M. W. HOWELL. TO RENT.-UTORE St' IT.\HI.E Fi)It a grocery or oth.e. Immediate po - session given. Apply 10 ('HAS. K 'IAI'NDERS, Gedericb. UM SETOREN'r.-NORTH STREET. hr -,t hloek. Seven-roomeel brick. mingle house with all :uodern convenl- enees, new tamer, nearly decorated. sired for elav•'rlc stove,_a garage and large garden. immediate ponsedon, tenant leaving town. - Apply to MIS@ POLLIhi next house (north aide), or' ', alt SALE. --FARM OF 761 A t a en number t+ highway, 31/2from Goderich; goal frame hone, bank barn, poultry house, *prise r"I, its barn y.ud. 4 acre. blah, good we1L B. W. MUNNING', Bruce r.1( Goderich. Phone 53i. AUCTION \_\Ili Al a TloN SAI)) 4IF' Ellam PRlle- F:R'l'1', (►N T111: 1.A1(17 NIIORF: IIO•.\I►, IN 'rill; TOWNkEIP O)' (2(tbit(IRSE. -_-_ Under and by virtue of the pewee. eontainel In a certain mortgage, wak•i w111 be produced at the time of sale. I there will be offered for Nair by pub- ' lit• auction, on SATURDAY, JAN. 11th, 1960 at the hour of 1.00 o'clock In the af- ternoon, at the premises In the tows - ship of Colborne, In the county of Huron, by Thomas Gundry, auction• eeer, the following property. namely, the whole of Lot. No. 11, Lake Road east ,unresslon, • western division of the township of Colborne, and contain- ing 1110 arras of land wore or bra, Ou the south half of the premises Lie adulated a one-anel-erre-half-storey frame Meuse and kltcheu and tare on the premiers are an artesian well and windmill, and all of the amid property is under cultivation except about two acres. School house 1s situated et about 100_rede from the house on this prop- erty. This rale W111 he subject to a re- serve bld. TERMS -Ten iter cent. of the par - chase• money to be paid down at Utas ut sale, and the balance to be paid la 130 days. For further panlrnlars and camel flume of rale apply to r. R. DARR1rW, ltarrister. etc., (;oderlcb, (Int. Solicitor for the Mortgagee Dated ■1 Gederich, the 711 day of Des -ember, 1929. Mr. J. W. ('ralgle. rt-Rs\IYII}7D R1)OM FOU t((11001.' girl or woman, In exchange for some servtee mad companionship to an eld- erly woman. M118. M. A. HOWELL, Trafalgar street. WANTED ACCTIONERELNd l'FwMA9 G1'MDR V, GOD>1•OU. ii LIY■ I1TOR.-H AND 4119111111AA aUCTiONUS Telephone No. II& :Saler attended to anywhere ata, tater effort made to give nenstatilen. Farmers' sale notes diaconated, OjiSHLET W. FISHER. VT rAuctioneer, WANTED. --4700 ON FIRST Y()HT- will conduct sales anywbets. My GAGE on a 10 'sere farm In c°1-; terms are reasonable and i will 's - borne townablp Apply ■1 SIGNAL I deavor to give .tlafactloa. Phase t)FFIO& Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4, (led - meek. WANTED. --WILL BUY ONE Olt two secondhand copies of the book. "In the Days of the Canada Com- pany " Appty at SIGNAL orT108. TRAVELLER WANTED --LN O1'- portunity far live young man with ability and sots. sales experience to travel out of Go,lericb. Give full par- ticulars!. BOX 711, RIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE ALL KIturning 4D. it LIGHTeasona WOOD turning at reasonable prices. Ostlers prom attended to. JOHN JEIFFERl•. S . Vincent Amyl. MAKE. MORE MONEY.-HEi.LINO Al arse fruit trees.. terry bushes, har- dy flowering shrubs. hetyres Made tree*, roaer. este. Every nom/ -owner a pros- pect. We poly liberal commissions. ('ash every week. E. D. SMITH t I SONS, LIMITED, Winona. Ontario. , 118IW'NSi(IP OF (v)I,lu)RNE l! NOMINATION MEETiNG Nomination meeting will be held In the Township 11.11. I'nrlow, on Mon - '11,1. Ikvends r :111th, itr-'tl aY l o'rloe#, nhen uuminntttens for Reeve and Councillors w111 1.e received. G. J. 11F'riIERINGTON, Township Clerk. DRUGLESS PRACIITIOHOR t'BIaCPRACTOR 4 D z veeiaa THIORAP IST Oodericb, Phone 341 Equipped with elsetre-magnetic baths. Electronic electric treetmalimts sad chiropractic. Chromic orgaale and nervous dlw'aaes. lady m atteadasee. OAe. hours 2 to 6. and 7 to 9 pa. excepting Monday and Thursday aad by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and once --Corner err South street and Britannia road CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. OI1113 , OHARTICRED Aceountant. 1(/' Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 15A0. Rea 1350J. MEDICAL DR. T. J. FL F'OR.STIiR. EYE, DAR, NOSE. TiiROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Antal Flospdtal, aaeittant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 3A W.tefloo St. A. Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At liotel Redford. Goderlch, on the evening of third Monday of eacb month till the following day, Tuesday. --- at 1 p.m. STATESMEN TO D184'1148 DISARMAMENT NRXT MONTH 1'1.. )'ite rower conference on Naval itiarmsnwnt will take place in 141. .lames'' Palace, Iseulon. England, on Jentury i eery .f{rt, when 1110 kfapeety Emit e,et,rge well open proceedings and Boake his tint public *pets -I1 since Ida Itlie•aa In 1928, stews are the I!ri 1-1, .Ind I.'I,at,.l slabs ataleam'n who sill take pen in the deliberations. Tev. left to right: Senator Reed of United %tales; Rt. Hon. Anhwr lien,k'raon, rotes= 41,,,,„m.Mry nl Ores( Britain, Rt. Hon Ramsay Maet►oskl, Premier ul alt. Hriti.h lea, Rt. Hon. ('apt. Wedgwood Rrnn. R*email of 'sats for India; Rt. Hon. A. V Atamander, Fjnt lord of the Hritieh Admiralty; and Secretary of (!tate !Aliment. Oentre is the room Is the Oast e1 St. Jana se which will he the sane of the Oun4,enoe. Pottnwl left to richt, ere the remainder of the ilniIed ,sites delegate. 4. tato Conference: nesse- tan V'cv Ae1+Iuw. }Iseult O{A.r.w, AwtMsewi"r ('hones New Ambassador Invitett Norma. and fi.watn. knbineen. A• , 4 6.,�•t'.t' P. `p ' ,r lr. iEGAL VRNLDST M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria "free•tw, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDi.EY E. lIO1,ME:, Iterrlster, Etc. 011ice--Ilamilton street. Goderich. Phone 27. IC it. DARROW, imARim:grRlt, ITC Nne.•essor to J. 1. Killoran Pbt.ne 97. 1If The ttonere. Ilode'rtrt, liars R flaps BA 11141•11110, Pre. k.C.HAVS-R.C.HAYS 15.. R.A Hamilton St., (loderien to iNSURANCE, LOANS. 'ETC. •M'ht'AAA, MUTitAL PIRO IN - St RAN('E CO.-rarm and too bated Men property bemired. Otll.erw-Jas. Connolly, Pre*., Oid- erirh 1'. 0.; Jai. Shane Vh'rprs., Iteechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec. -Tres., Seaforth P. 0. Dlrertors--A. Broadfoot, R. R. Ni 3, S.aforth; John G. Grieve, No. 4. Walton; William Rin*. R. R. No. 2. Seaforth ; John Ben awls*, 8roA- hagen: Gen. Mc('.rtney.?'R. R. Nn. A, Sestnrth ; Rob.rt Ferris. H*rlaek ; Nadas Glhaon, Brnetdpld; Lases Evans, Reeeehweod ; James Connolly, G erlcb. odAgaatw-J. W. Tem. Go4er{ob; Alert. Falteh, R. It. No. 1. (hates; John aymMmry, St'arorth • L HiaebNy Seelorth. Palley -holders* eau tis alt met. neand pt thwtr aria ra>tigt- ed e R. J. MorNah'a Clet{]d tam Clistem ; d . Ostt's O otos .treat, ffedarfeb, or -377 . 1♦11ds Gsre.i Stora, BapaNd. :ata :•.. r1 t .--7-Neeetes 1'