The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-03-30, Page 15Protect your children against disease through immunization. This is what Ontario is doing to help you. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977 PAGE FIFTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r ,on ter t the i. s. k it Kirk '. with ht ndale Clipperton. parents, Karen Doreen Corners visited Joe Mr. and for .nddaughter and Neil Bessie here, Charlie Mr. and family weekend Faw and Mrs. visited Beecroft Wilson Mr. and Karen a visit. with Ducharme visitors Mrs. Thom Mrs. Dawson Arthur Mrs. Geiger McClenaghan. guests Herb Hunter Mrs. Mrs. Wallace Wilbert d lastweek ick Armstrong :HURCH Mr. on Sunday Mulliss returned.~ Nursing Lever evening weekend• Conley's Johnston and of in. and Susan who E. with and of Mrs.. and to Hugh them, of with Elroy of and Ira of with were and Earl and Mrs. Herb Hunter last Thursday visited with his sister Mrs. Cecil Cranston and Mr. Cranston, and on Friday with Mrs. Tom Anderson of Lucknow. Friday visitors with Mrs. Earl Caslick were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caslick and family of London. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintou were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corey, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Tindal of St. Jacobs. Mrs. Leroy Rintoul and Kimber- ley of ,Tottenham spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Black of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. Carol and Debbie Rintoul, who had spent the holiday with their grandparents, returned home with them. , We are pleased to report that Miss Annie Kennedy of Wingham was able to return to her home on_ Mts. Florence daughter Barbara with Mr. and Miss Rosita home from Mrs. Iman in. Toronto. Mrs.,' Laural Mrs. Ron Duncan little daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bob gins) and Bradley ' of relatives here William McFarlan Saturday to former's daughter Norman Fry. sorry about Donald Barr part of the Mrs. John Barr here. David and last week at sister Barbara The many Garratt are in Wingham We send along Sympathy Elizabeth death of her Kincardine where he following a Fair is a concession her E. were sorry is Fair and had 10. KINLOUGH visiting Mohamed Brooks Listowel Florence's holiday Pauline friends and husband lengthy sister Mrs. Hewitt Sarah George boys during to the Everyone of and Kitchener and he get of Vickers spent Mohamed of Haldenby District extended District been Fred with and of the home Mr. Waterloo with other her of Rev. is still well Ripley illness. of 'Jack Kitchener visited Graham. (Sharon Bevan visited Harriston accident.. Preiss Frank and her a few days Guest. . returned Dr. and Michael London, and with Hod- and with week. and Tom on of the and Mrs. here was spent mother relatives spent with their husband. George a patient Hospital. wishes. to Mrs. in the at the Hospital, a patient Mrs. Scott, irt,,ti 44-- 1,, nat *-411,* I (x,41,,A.,, . 1:7,4, it Heavy 7. foot STAPLES oe. /1''' w - ATTENTION / Is A JUST r o u n d The ARRIVED ,FARMERS Corner Wire Posts WIRE Extra Heavy Wire Wire • . hlanova and 6 foot Steel - BLACK WIRE - BRACE save GREASE, Tax • IN STOCK Buy OTHER ACCESSORIES Bulk Oils MUM FILTERS AND SUPER GAS - NO HAD' , & OTHER W. A. (Bud) LUCKNOW, BP British Petroleum Gasoline 24 Hour Burner OFFICE HOURS: SUNDAY 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - — AGENT Service 8 A.M. REGULAR FUEL ONTARIO' FOR Stove And 6 A.M. - 9 - 9 P.M. HAMILTON Oil Cornpany — Wholesale GAS Fuel P.M. -'1MSIEll inday r. and fr Sunday Ind Dave m were mother, Paul an Jason iday Mrs. ondon, 'id I Mrs. Sunday from ,Wingham Hospital. Inglis returned h Mrs.Tors ome from Wingham Hospital on Tues- day last. a? On Friday evening the Young Peoples Society sponsored a dance in Whitechurch Community Hall with record music supplied by Joe Ducharme of., Goderich. A good crowd attended and the Society will have a good donation to give to Camp Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan of Goderich were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Koehler of Kitchener and with Rev. and Mrs. Don Pugh of Plattsville. Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. McGuire are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King of Ltd. Oils -- Retail Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston were Sunday visitors with his aunt Mrs. Lamb of Huronview. Rev. W. Brown reminds all those interested in taking spring Bible ' Study course that the first in the series of the six, once a weel sessions, will be held at the manse Bluevale, at 8 p.m. this Thursda: evening, March 31. • , Blyth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Schultz. WHITE John Clippe Mrs. Wes Ru Wingham spen Kingston. Mr. and Mr family of Thor visited with M and Wilfred Faw, her gr visited last we home with her On Monday la W. Beecroft and Mr. and Mrs. family of Exete Sunday Miss Toronto visited E. W. Beecro went to Cosy Home and brogg the Beecroft ho Sinnamon also all at Beecrofts. Mr. and Mrs. Goderich were S her parents, M Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Auburn were callers on Mr. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. family of Land visitors with .her Wall. Mr. and Mrs Kitchener visite Mr. and Mrs. To celebrate birthday on Su Mr. and Mrs. M Elaine, Mr. and and Trevor of Caslick, Mr. a Conn, Mr. an Conn, Wingham ft me ImMunization protects againSt polio. diphtheria, measles, rubella (German measles). whooping cough. mumps and tetanus. Although often considered to be "childhood diseases," they are anything but minor— measles, for instance, can lead to encephalitis (brain disease), a cause of retardation. Here in Ontario, the Ministry of Health provides the vaccines and your Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays a fee to the physician for administering them. But the responsibility for immunization — for making sure your children are protected — is still up to you. Have your children immunized by,your family physician. Or, for school age children, use school immunization programs provided by Health Units. , Immunization is quick and convenient—vaccines against several diseases are often combined. And the only way to control these diseases is to immunize as many people as possible. Your Ontario Government is doing its share— by providing vaccines and paying for immunization through OHIP. . (Do your share— make sure your children are immunized. Consult your family physician, public health nurse or local medical officer of health. A free booklet, "Immunization is your responsibilily,",_ is available with a chart showing what diseases your children should be immunized against, and at what ages. For your copy, write to: Health Resource Centre Communications Branch Ontario Ministry of Health Hepburn Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1$2 Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Health Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier