The Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 5New Year's and Thank You
Special prices on many left -over Gifts
Cam bDrug
}'hone 411P
Wishing you all a happl
New Year. rich in health
and friendships, and all
the other things that make
life worth while.
Smith's Art and Gift Store
tie home of beautiful Pictures
I'hoe.dchw Ch IIIzatJun In Brasil dale of !shod* Mende Imaghinilde
blas► Veers .\go. Back 'l'wo ('enturlea• ,
Prooi of a is *i ei:ti civilization Six L.
,• ii exit 4,uUU Hep his been sae --the thought sends the ifeleelb• on Monday wonting ,111e U'.)al Sr, 1\' James lotuls �t ter lwut..
est 1 ole telt' (*delete 'leer in the anon back two centuries,- say the Itu► euwteett ed hnsinees 'Hobe ',ww .\In•.• i'IutwlN t ��, Jobu Proust. Su, !
f -Para i.' ,ureas -Kossa. uue of Christian ' ',nee Monitor. Then Rob t,relub;ee lit the .eerier of, lluiullt•lu 11.•tt 11o1uu 15. olive luuug i_. ilii
, r of the last Linden ck-I Roe, the feinrus freebooter, reamed et reel overt•4bt',lMµlxn•. lMu fir.' lm teed I 'trey -To,:. .
,.nr*ig rivers north of the the rwntlysldt. and. ace:,rdine to.i l of the new et live* ie the lee,' Si II \Arlt
� � popular t,l ,'tl yo d the tech 40 ant' Dr�ghnx'as. partly! Ih
t I •'• II I 1 IdlndN r♦ 1..
in I.l>eh t•.otnond aro for
Furnishes ire \re N
N;Lerythiug of
evt '1'I+ruu*1 I :aid
Lale'.1 IMeigu
Thursday. December '», 1ti0P-a.
\l1. 2 Glllayatll'Il 9'(►W'�IIIIiIP
S. S.
Following 14 the report of S. S. No...
I:.Idericlt towuslilp:
t 1 on presses, c ro-nl , + Iter -,al I.4 OM... i.. Ijt•
1, 1'11 Uuelan lelrek t' if1 v/ pow the two Iwo: of 'he uruis leu.- >
tine Gill were lu the terry iu. out 1r II1 ie --tc l�l�t a. per ere..
plane (Weigel/eel wills p.he•i:ely 111,1, 4.., I ++i 1.
\.,1:. % ,n.1 .:, {.. s ' •�,I .
lead in t'Icvv. F:x•e•th•nt loot hese i• ter. 11'. .•
made for elm t rlc 1 , lu in • a lien lee,
weary, but for lu.s'I of �e time the Jr 11, ', t l
staff will be able to do their %tyre by t+lel.. It:+y a.• •I t•1+
in Phoenician, . No n leue is etched
. p ..,,+ • 4.u;ytc., is are Mew be- u.or lteply on thee h 4 ntl''' Story of
•::u r.•d by 'r: Toast Calvo, itra- i Scut land. Rob 'toy's cat*' end "prl•t-
or.•i on" un the shore:+ of he loch x141 the
NI• + •froux In 'este •eplured bitty hills vtlatch rise from, the w'at-
nuiva r t„• hot the lieu- er's ed.1 are a tweet:iut retnied"•' 0f
l• \eel', to ,lits headwaters. the ifilttt:illty- authorities. once' raced
'1'h, reel e here the Ins, riptluns were 1 for •int; respect f••1• taw' then an
retire +• eerie -live days' leave' train
the luto•eesti of Igo ('Itmhla and Awa -
Lel, at 11611 u., a Slow journey of pur-
ta..• t.-trotot rap:de where it took ten
GOI)ERlt'11 TOWNSHIP 'la ":I ,,ores (0 roar four mutt.
In 1' , t
utl w leek to the tells and era .+ for The furnishings throughout are of 1 •H l.•eu oto .•1au'-'
u 11
d a•nies3 Rob Roy'si t r let ince anti tire vert baud
;:!n•!Irr 1..:Cee m H fleeter a 1. ,ono lea, kt•t i:• I'''4 ,.ld 1.11)'.
1101101(.4 Into the heroic Hurl none oil wdue Falcrylhing 1: u. 4. E�erpt for .14in1, 71._ lessee Ctuaeer. a- chit,
•Int whirl) deals with the notorious' tvuult the staff suuply. u. M.t1111 I.luau t,ru:. IL•ed.e•t per c.,I
r'ro14 ,' work le more it:: rin:cling than' file Issues isle :he rodtemt• ..f the \luuuh.t• 1:e..
i I de • Roth In thee execution of
'Ilse lesotiptluus w, re found leu 4 I Ht_
}astmain put it. walked out of the old ttessree 11.rh,i.etw tee t'It• cr
' officeand Into 'he new our _. \lad1:uo1 I hamlare
•-- '1ii near (IN, river bank :;ad at some p b brooked d no opposition
Gt*Dl:et11'I1 Tl►\\'NSIIII'. lu•.-. 4:. - height. 1t was Impossible to photu-
\ 114'( New Year to all. graph Alien% apd one of the partee
Mk, Helen Bele •,t Wiu•h••.r. is traced on paper "the approximate
Orman:: .-the holiday season Sr the cha'actera as they could be sero from
ecus• of her father. Mr. J. W. 11e11. , a distance. Then digging was con -
Mr. awl Mrs. 41. Shock t►rt, of To-', men( ed at the base of the cliff and
„nest, are eieet11U.K the Christina.• vie several specimens of pottery with
ration with relativ•. here. Phoeutclan ad Greek characters and
Niles Margaret A. Pentland is •pt'nte. desigus were unearthed.
tug she. holiday .ra.ou at her house at Only one piece was intact, a white
1stltllttltttlotl vase about ten Inches across and sax
The ('heienniss eervbe• held in 1'11' laches high, with sphinx's heads on
ion church last Stutday' w'as nen at- either side as handles. The other pot-
• • Mire William tory was in pieces, anile months are
'cud.d. During „the se I Tichlx,nte, son of Mr. and Mr-. being taken to riolure it and to read
Arthur Tiehls,rue, was baptists!. .At the weaning of Its inscriptions.
............. the cels of the sedge Miss Maront. Tuzzl Celvu and other explorers
\. L'''ode.' sunt: a .-'1.. w•hieh w'll• have reported that Indians of the
much appreein*d. j Tapajos, vrhieh doves into the Atnawa
\lis. Adelaide Davidson, li .oho to arum the south not der inion where
MODEL THEATRE the hrl near e holidays is spending the C f a hidden dues oiu the north, have
the Chris'u)a: holidays at the home of told uta ut the discoveries Aththe
her ►TreteIhr'- &elan City.,
_ _and the
Mho Colerich, the pottery her. forms the first an-
e. ,ce • .
much happiness ,.ls•ot ohrb.uuu• Day u' the hl fine )h
1 t \!r xud \Ire Resist. Rondos party. h bringing of
May the New Year bring you I' `
\II Evelyn a M, Ulb.trr of [ Mule evidence.
her Iwn•rrts, ytr. and Mr. Rola. PRF:\ AILING 8C1 F:Rt4TIT1/)N.
Week of Dec. 30 to Jan. 4 .\
Mends) and Tuesday -
"Pawns of Passion
An emotional Remise Drama.' Silsbee'
did!, staged anti pn.dtleed in Russia
with a repebli' 'Continental cast. R 1 t
mance, intrigue and daring e..u.bine
t1 eh quaint backgrounds to make, great
. nt.rtanutlent of this pnslucliou.
(event t'omedy-"Running Ragged'
Nednesda) and Thuraday-
Gilda Gray aid Atha May Woag
a startling original play by Aruo111
rennet'. A picture that s4.eles from the
lrab grimness of the ('I,inese quarter 111
'r d
I�iNcr;It1ti►M: tie. SI. --Your
humbleeeribe wishes the Slgltal orifi
and all of its readers he"userriest of
i'hristlua+ holidays, followtd by a
gleeN 1
sod hu411') Nee
'ear. If_ a wild, was Iteue
recut.. hundreds of thousands of people still West of thin Continent, echo:\I•. of Itrv. Fat�n•r 1uuys;elu, n°•
stormy. sole *ewer Tied* avers a
Mil hane.t and good lienee for the consider that it Is unlucky to walk
Robert Cavelier, 9irur dr la Salle Miring he rvtrufag he w11 Vr's'•un•.I
The home of the family to which hr will a s e eve� got n,. r •'4lvettil' of
d.uriug }sur• 4•• if!"ol41 all he happy spill salt That three candles on a belonged was Cavelier. and the tam-
year. I table bring had luck. That crossed ill' •User jubilee•. - The visitors ,for l.'liri•stmas whose knives spell unhappiness That to cut fly wan among the burghers of
holidays started Iasi week tuciude I one's nails on a Friday is to court Rouen. In Normandy. France. It was • Benne the Magistrate
• \Ixrlg•ure'. and i disaster. That the hew moue seen old and rich, and several of Its mem- On \lBenn two y g fretum. tt'•r.'
through glass Is an evil portent That
!,vapors and Irishmen are t'nanlmous-
It' Awarded Pride of Place. I;IFI'R DE LA SALLE.
A woman recently dled because' her _
superstttton would not allow her to
tall In a doctor on Friday Saturday Venue,. .ts F•vplorer let the Centrist
hist plans Ro goo l' '
Of hint Wordsworth 'says: Au intioiatiuu t'. u cu.lout"r room Itlll� Tli\I:, '!'c:,
And thus atnmtg these rocks she lived; 1 which customers of the ltuuk ma>
hove prirucy while cheeklug the eon -
11. Earl Elliott. of Toronto, ie
Through aulintu,er's heat and winter's
tent, of their o,fcty del este bow. o
snow: , 1 *1• other b11.+bllke-+•.
handl -I 1,
Che eagle he was lord \ •umwolluus vault *eu
• tuhl, a ilia t'wu.
And Rob was lord below. t air. and Yrs. 1;oldp,• Itnd
+ .(1�• eat., of Woe dcra5u nod n 'series' drugbtrr, 1iletl:
Poet and painter, inspired by the of .:.felt' *ti' ..It bt'xes of epee -eels
at rocs tau.
St rut font.
wild grandeur of he loch and the heavy steel eon
encircling hills, have reproduced the Altogether, Manager Eastman 1111'1
secrets of natt:re in expression of his staff Aute -he
hraW Wrens,
f r, i+rr idrut
beauty and blending of color. And have a very !d
the peaceful lonellnesa of the loch, place in which to carry Ole buslur.n.
broken only now and then by the I The uffl.r able is except'' Ily well
passing of a motor bus, be refreshing situated, as It has often been remark -
to the traveller, who welcomes the ell the' the best bus*a'+s site in town
sight of purple heather and green is 111, Hamilton str.'et teenier 11ew'
Collage freshened with the rain. It Is t•upitel 1e the Royal )tank.
to be hoped that notbing will Induce - at Clinton
the new possessors of the islands to Ts Speak
disturb their primitive beauty or Hou. R. 11. Bennett. who was an
change their character for they are pounced tto'l1speaktined at Clinton
htonou an -
part and parcel of the bonnie. bonnie nary
banks and the bonnie, bonnie braes in charge that h• well be unable to
where come on that date. anti the bangle.'
to be held *1 hes ho line been post -
The wild flowers spring, and the wee 11•,111.11 to January 21101 h.
birds sing,
And In sunshine the waters are rather l'sa►Peau's';liver.Jubilee
sleepin'. The heretburg Echo las- woe',
I I had a p ugruphruutlilg a d► 'r held
at the borne of Mrs. Charles Fortier.
in that town, in honor of her brother,
Ker. Father Pelota'°° of lei:Chaul.
lute of 1; celebra.h.5 tile
!needy -fifth quieterdtry' of. le. ordhl
was tau late I Neat of This I eminent•
That superstition is still rife, 1a to
The name in full of La Salle, tam -
some extent proven by the fact that ons as the, explorer of the Central
lit lou to I be prieeles•el. The 04'.11 1,
lerotlgirt together tl large let
hers hell high dip encs at posts and ,
honorable employments at Court. Imo' *•*84.544{ lw1,,re )LNtts'rnt•. Reid 114th
Palle was the name of an estate near ( baring acted in n dieorelerly manner
Rouen belonging to the Cavelier fam- In the t'hinese retatinnl on First
Ily', and the yourRene-Robert,I !greet Tihey were. allowed to go eel
lee and aereeing to se tie or
she they haul cause,' ill the r•staur .
Ilan W.tur Sly. is grey' township man
Mr. Will Dalton. xl -
IlelriIa Potreo from lk•traud Mee.
Tho:, n'h•e•fe, London,
Heim 8104 ler. Stratford. We expert to
tate mere ole 4'hlisttua, mooting. 1t
hsu n i
4.dldun W its• slarduulxr spl.n'•' taker more t 1'tit
wild v
ea. glittering night clubs. Bizarre, to 1: mor our frleud• 1' 111 getting euazing snit, most of al., intensely grip- 1 e Iry
home for i'hn•tma-.
We welome Mr. Tho., Quigley
11 egair for tare winter.
Sir . leaned.. Berger. 4111. as 11 -.malt)
t,.1 event several year, In hese parts,
ts at preole helping out Mr. Ed.I
YOU lll'ST'NUT MI,- I tend, le doing his work for him. )jr.
I:uuu, 4e are s•.rry t., enc, had the I
Matinee New Year'. Day n,l..fortinw to brt'ak. his leg a couple
Cameo Comedy-' •Cense Me' of wool,. ego, but we are glad to re -1
tor hr i, now getting along'hkely.
se from De -
t0 open an .umbrella In
means mlsfortun'• Slui'laity , how
many Londoners do not believe that
it is lucky for thattato fall cat tuocross
psta re
one's path,
spells a wedding'
Friday Hai Saturday- \Ihs .Uu,i,• Ixlu.u, our
"Better Days"- troit, is
hour with her mother. Mrs.
f. Jim Dalton, for a while.
\ blue -curing .1,11.411.? ler Huy kind
ns•lanchopia. \lade t1 make von wee,
Mr Ru.•.11 Fox, let Teruuto. superstitious, neverthel. es
and keel. laughing. .' good start fora sou,ng•thl• C'hri1nlas visitors in town.' loner le hard n beat.
ha' tie* Year. Mrs. l'..\. Nairn and Miss Adeaidel!•----- t.
I pt' iro beer 5 Future of Antwerp.
Farrell the airman in ' •The Claud Patr,.1 1N -craI months.
they 4%11 spend. f Bicolour. spent I Will Antwerp
The war -time suterstltton of three
light& from a snatch is still believed;
there are probably several million
people 1n England to -day who ex-
claim "Touch wood" on the slightest
provocation In the country villages
of England the Inhabitants firmly be-
lieve that to see a white horse means
the pretence in the vicinity of a red -
hatred girl, while a cruse -eyed villag-
er Is still an object of suspicion to be
combated by crossed angers and •
whispered Incantation. Sailors and
Irishmen are unanimously awarded
pride of place among believers In the
•6- 1nn-
g man.
t the rotate
was a common pearlier among the
rich French burghers, members of the
family being dprlgnated by the names
of landed estates. wets e1 on tiarK*., of theft. T1tr est
Rene -Robert e'avelier was barn at 1' 441.1 that t lord rl,"
Rouen in 1641. His father Jean and - Ment s . grslu and • 1 gas len Is,s hg
his Uncle Henri 'were wealthy mer- t whout he ha•
charts, living more like nobles than
iike burghers, and the boy was given
an education answering to the mark-
ed trait and Intellect and character
which ho soon beat, to display. At Perm of sex months to addition.
I levant•• connect.,d
trig to n turner or
formerly v' "eked. 1h• 4ns w•1II u' Die
Ontario Itefurmatory 'on a ,N•nten"e• of
Six menthe, with au indeterminate
an early age
with the Jesuits and studied for the
priesthood. Deciding to change his
career, he parted with the Jesuits on,
good terms and w:, i. a reputation oft
excellent acquirements and nnint-
peachable morals He had .an older
brother In Canada, the Abbe Jean
Tom Irwin. a be •village and mar-' Caveller, sad in the spring of 16661
)1 r. T' u I ket ptare for dairy .farmers some day, I he sailed for Canada with a small
Mallows Wed. clod Sat. at 3 p.m r Seas in town. of 1at-
"Ransom Mr. Hud errs. J. A. Hume. fe of
entalad of harbor''so Experts who have eta- advetnture and hexploratin ion catne. Ills lto an
Coming " est 1, epent Christmas et the home of fear end in the
I'r*Ngsl Hume. died the Question in nave( the
gsatne was murdered b ymutinous followers
•••ffffM000MMt;1Mfff� - that Antwerp mayw
- Il tate as Quaint old Bntgee, which was
is Onle ofotheggr atestwhat emon of
douHshfng seaport D
TO all our customers and friends we
extend the season's greetings and best
wishes for a happy and prosperous
New Year.
Accept our thanks for your patronage during
the year 1929.
West Side of Square Telephone 299
a In the Mid
Ages but to -day is a d. ad Inland
town. Because the Scheldt river, Ant-
' werp's highroad to the net, becomes
sandier and muddler every day. there
1 1a some probability that In the distant
tore cows will graze on rich mea -
age." was the tribute paid to him )'
his able and faithful lieutenant. Hen-
ri Tonty.
nlecovrr) In Pontefract Castle.
ruAn interesting discovery has been
down where to -day seagoing vessels I made at Pontefract Castle. It fe, says
travel Even modern technical devices I a correspondent In the Leeds Mer -
the site labelled "The Site
Imay prove ineufeclent to stop the mea
i from depositing fertile mud along
the river banks twice a day. an the
high tide of the North Sea rushes up
into the mouth 01 the Scheldt.
Chinese Bean sauce.
Don't scorn the humble bottle of soy
'bran sauce sitting twiid.• the sugar
cur.. ••
of the Treasurer's Tower." An arch-
way was there with no apparent rea-
son for anything of the sort. A study
of the matter led, to the belief that
lntlongrnt of dtlh�laapparent rrahs,lr 1ilf 1
Enough digging hat been done es
solve the problem and to ., uegest ti
bowl the next time you eat at a Got- pnasibllitynf uealedlsc
nese restaurant, •aye a Selence Per- 1 the ,•chway, and raised above It, is a
' vice bulletin. Sot educe aids dlges- - narrow p isoage, so narrow in fart,
tion, Dr. A. A. Holva'h, of Prineetnn•' that it allow' ter the passage of one)
told members of the thirteenth 111rr- me pere�t)`t-l4 edit* - 1'.Is at :110 a
r•• d,
national Congress.
Soy sauce contains a number of for- which was pl.tiuly lho el ''t' 1 cru
metes and other substances stlmulat- a- tai - tesejttl• • n rhxtvd, is of stow,
ing to the digestion of etarchen and
lion of feed c.wl:iu•: In good rnndition.. In all
•nv. rv. Through
,enerally. The se; hems, welch is a p;oi'aMlity this Is the room *i which
A Signal Calendar for Every Paid -in -Advance Subscriber I ur°v'rTMal ain attrh'`fthe el^ t to China and eUnck opal th• 'mous Piece
-• . other rountrles of the Orient, in the' of th- Civil \t'':' , ter,• hencas!teal-
{ only seed whieb (este:tine both water I tai.: re Is sisee,.4
With the Season's Greetings
We thank you for the business
.n have given us during 1929. At
Ike' same time we hope you and
yours will enjoy a great and con-
tinuing share of health and pros-
A Happy and Prosperous
Aseat for Tip Top Tailors
South Side Square - -
soluble and tat soluble vitamins, Dr. - - -
t Horvath declared. It has the ad'l4 384
onoxi avantage, he pointed out, of 1
�uu rtlon ,
c ertllf . ore
of the vitamin all I e,
'rte. Wrong Party. 1 En. 1,,,,,'
One does not usually look for fun -'i their n,
ny stories at flee Church Assemblies, Saints' t !, a the
but at one held 1u London recent'>' „•n.
Sir R. Murray HYnlop, a leading light, Ing the n , • of the
complete ' :,• il,, au'1
among the Nonconformists, fired off hyllIns written by 41.•1. Pie • Lyte,
I good one. who paying
a Amer- the first "eat. of *4)" IP"ttehing vll-
i'&n tourist was l The a vvergertellag•,, wi11 new, 1►. ,played morning and
Canterbury o (he (kith*'drat omb, *1114)1. free all tlnh•• Mr. Lye"' wrote
said to the vlBeck "Thea h the tomb, "Abide with me " the b shbeloved
of Thome a Becket " "Oh, Indeed)"I hymn In the English language. fn the ,
tereat- the American. with hen he in- Vicarage! ovcrloukine the Wilms folk
tercet. "His tomb, is it? Then he did, of Brixham look on It as peculiarly
fight Jack Dempsey atter all!" their own. 11 was their d,&mire• that
Ingenloue Mailing Machine. the bells of their church should eta:•"
the tune their daily "Lights out" and A gentleman who recently return- the
The belts were d••dI.'41ed li
ed from Cologne tolls of a molt In- lh the Archdeacon of Totnes.
genlnns machine be saw there. Yo. -
push your latter through a slit. It is (yrwla's iron -Making Centrcv.
weighed. and the &monnt of payment
' neceeeary to indicated. You then pat The three iron -making centres, In
your . thPllettto a !dot. the machin• Canada are: gydnoV., Nova er "paid" sad drops II the Atlantic coast. and Hamilton and
levo a Inw•tr part Wady for the pa.►• Maui( �e. mane In the Provence of
man w oollett __._--
g.•11 u o ,•, ; I .hcrnten. 1
' • Solo _ � �Ihn�r s,•ftly
t►ening a rather large Dropo
s I that promotes
f t7
1. I, written,
I I, 'n r.. 4 41, I
ITh. . ' All I .
11 title
nor elltewerlptinn to The "1 have no desire to preach. 1 may,
Renew y old word
dlgnal and receive one of the tweutl- htrwevkr. mention
hal calendar/I. -wor- -
''Lite will always he amusing to
Biome who here sense month to !f.
joy It."-Iirnce serton.
"livery woman knows that the en>
(o get things she wants ie '.n t'e rem
thine." elertrnde i,awrenee I
Christ inn
to the Public
will be closed from Friday,
December 27th. to Wed-
nesday. January 1st, in-
The cafe is Tieing re-
furnished and will be re-
Thursday, January 2nd.
Wishing one and all a happy
New Year.
Hugh Wong
A New Year's Gift
for Some forgotten at Christmas
Beautiful and Useful Gifts are still
Perh'tps on account of the stormy weather
been unable to shop for Christmas, so come
make it a
you have
along and
New Year's Gift
Kayser Silk Lingerie, Gloves and Hosiery, Scarfs,
Purses, Parasols, Handkerchiefs, Table Linens, colored
Rayon Bedspreads, Tapestry 't able Runners, and many
other lovely gifts.
To You
We extend our heartiest wishes for
Happiness and Prosperity for
the New Year
Y. ur
lk •'; •10”4C1
I4Iil IP''.
CwasWL Model 11511
rstc speaker,
complsse la a hood•
some No -Mat cab'is et-
(;reatest Value in all Radio s:
Screen -Grid
Elearo Drier do Speaker
New funnies, reception
New power del
New ease .f toning
Olosioen ,Mew toss
• eablaets
Why be satisfied with anything less
than the best? At this new, lower price
we offer you the famous Atwatet
Kent Screen -Grid Radio at a
tremendous saving. Come in now
and hear it. Try power. Listen
to its glorious new tone. You who
know real radio value will choose
Atwater Kent set here now. Let
demonstrate it for you today.
terms of payment cam be
Lauder's Drug Store
"old andlServiced 1by Frank Riley.