HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 4GODERICH, ONT.
Best Wishes for Christmas
\Nl) 1111-1
New Year
"Tho Store Leith the Stork • Telephone 57
Men's, and Boys' Wear. Goderich. Ontario.
' With ever increasing
appreciation of your sup-
port and friendship. the
Season's Greetings
are extended for a
Happy and Prosperous
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston Street
io a tempting cuniIlctn"t.t to
any meal—deliciotir. in itself
and lending zest to the rest of
the menu.
Your family will demand twice
as much of our Bread as any ,ether.
Encourage thew to do so, as it is
the most healthful and nourish-
ing food they can
Phone 114 West Street
•t,$1fFIELi►. rive. 24.- We wish The
Signal and all its revelers a very happy
and pr,. lerws New Year. The- old
year is going and the door will sown
he stout—shut nu all the mistakes tied_
sorrows, on all the failures and suc-
cesses; and with the New Year we
snake a new IeglnIIne. 'fir rye+ of
youth I,,.k eagerly into the New Year
,tied are not afraid. The maotrer winds
look through the open door and ques-
tion themselves{ as to what awaits
them as they gtsabout tine litter rouud
of duties abut their homes. 1,r busi-
ness. 1 and all follow. clw.
the sewtttul turned out to be cuter -1 MIaMO. Circle and W. M. R. will dill
tamed by the children. Aflt.r thereit-i .1e yoh ur to May bor of
Our prayers
tiering of a splendid 'program
Claus ,orae soul unloaded the Christ-' b• your* atared hyi you anti Mr. Woods
1 long be Mt
mss tree.
Farewell Address.—We are ,osim;, to coutlnue• In the gerbil of "
%Ir. owl Mrs. lits. Woods from our 1,urd of the Marron."
cowuomily- this week, as tlwv are Imo- (1n behalf of the
rhlasmaa ciroe so
um! of
tug 'o their home al Auburn. Prior t„ W. M.
' their deperleare, et the close of the pr,w•utille you with this ternary.
suuday stinal aesslon on Sgmday, the Signed lou behalf of the lei sCompton,mshs
,.dinning addres and a little rcun•nr and Wiv'' M. Mrs.nM. red
,once l ere presented to Mrs. Wu„ ts' Mass.'. —
Ie+er Mrs: \1'osls: II Is with feeling- --- —
• •t err,, riul reg+'et and a oweN• of and Prosperous
leatu of pour Im A Happy
1 !ended departure fY 1,l
erith tIN' ti }I. t.' I r Ire T E W A RT
le' }ori a vriti.,•lU n wunp of all GEO• S
i•tmon and gra'ItuJ,. You hen, s,•
faithfully, capably and unsclfb•hly
taken )nor place I1, lath soelelles 11- Phone 105
*till as -the Sabha:It .choir! and all
1 church` au,{ community'a iutrrests tint
1. put will Is• greatly missed. Sour 011
tiring devotionn to :be cutier of the
! Mls4duia 1'Irc•te asd W. M S, may well
• n.• an inspiration to us -all. Sour aft-
loss that wa'lout swung it , and Nev Year to all
:we girls eof the' Mission..I that
iendathv at the millings -ass •oltl.n1I
Non ,ous1Aereil 1,o tusk 1a) great to
[s• Iertnktu, yet none ^,is1 small for
)our Is•+t rudeacole. You lac, served
Muth societies to vurll►14 offhls, fill
1 ins all most culwbly and ,ousnicm
tiogst) We would make special men -
:low of the years you were prtseideut
of our Mission Pirtle. for r1, your in
uw•ra 1ta
,,, .. yi ••..--d _ - .-• wrest and energies 11 -largely ! exiateuty. YSur trnitrllrutluus nett
ton st said
.'ly u►yt+l grtretutw Ltd
CANADIAN HOCKEY TEAM SAILS FOR EUROPE ,•hw ,bully given and a I►rac tlr*1 ap
The ''l'au;l.tat.' hockey craw which sailed for Europe low boar1 the Csnaolan Pacific tin,,, 1►uetu4 . of .trioti, ellyour on
' few.days alto,. iP Pln.w'n above in full uniform.
andhlN' Adanul Barkfloc:t w m is s follows:—
1►. Front t w u. UClaytonseated:. t arks 1I Stewardship. w1 Irl talks ne*111 not ttaan i
It Armstrong, u¢ 1 Timfw,n, G. Grant
11. rule ,
Griffin. Tl,*" amateur hockey stars will 1,1!11 the rr ,n,+entatice terms of almost every
gave our•
in Euro{.•, and forget. Itut tuklst of all you gar that,
a work—your
l' 'rt 1 m oio aha . at Chalon in self in sway
+,,;+ Mac earl, i a
Ltd Hnd a glad and jocou, w* carr. wayr that the M ere carne latabt
Melt f Auburn end Smith'. Hi11 adcanle Yee, we shall mics Jou; tat
lit. 111,"Is QllIRlec, engineer o1, the
„n d the Great
i -
self to mission rJ
rtuu 11•1 compete for the European ear tl a { n { - — your euergles, saarlfh g
s as
ly 'thew the ayWWlr+ of ulna)
bus raged i1, ricer parts *ince Thurs.- i palbllc school cntrrt:.I....tato, t. h .. t ; lo be we
roads lute been almost I was to be held on Wednesday et'tolime I'nCr,3 Chnfeh, and preciously was i we Anil
future e. lufor pea know
• he holiday oveson with his'jilts,.
ssxblr. Chris eras trey concerts wm ter »t was postponed a
s .1' las r.,s1 Neta tall to beam
I,ale►e trrlKh'rr`• 1s dot sin t 11a
yf December 1 h till I tw•bttrrlau tvngngatlunN has rwwl that In •
-"I' lig
t William
ljuizlrv. imp i 1 with great def-' Ra urday evening owlug to the h I, ell nu p
t of ..„1. I who have Intended' trent weather. On Saturday R..
mgr Mr. rind ler+, • ' bac, been
Curr e* ..0 ecenlu nssistaut 1,. Uec. Dr. J. W. Woodside
Mr- Jawrs l itis w m. Bruit). ,1,o many
h,11.4' was 8 guest for a few d*'. lest t.. li.•Ip at the goose and trimmings. sotw•IthstandlmR the bad roaAs• 11 wiulster of Chalmers Golfed ehnr,i1.
ww•k of her w•rrurs, 11 r. and )ors. , with other relatives are glclug Y up am large gathering assembled In the lute (►Lawn. The puma carries with It
,ynlRlry. a u had job. Even rhe radl,rs foretell Irl hall to bear an excellent ',roar on salary of x3.:3111. Mr. Alp will dell*t•r
The lltr 1*, ridge Dramatic /'tui• are, rraur forms fur this week. rendrrel by 'he pupils of I)uutgaumoa his Marl messages In bis present
preparing to present, a play is the g Mr. and Mrs. Cox. of Goderich, are ac i'l. The entertainment .vans!•ted ..f .learge» o1, Sunday next and will leave
iwrlsb hall, S1ugslrridR,. •+n Monday visiting *'illi their son. Mr. Clarence choruses, odos. readings. dialogue's.' on Tuesday for Ottawa. On the Pallet
nearing, January 30th• .,z. drills. etc. which were alt well re- day his suO*wsor, Rev. J. W. Mort•
The severe storm 1,l last week: which Tlie Women's In ciente ore putting valval. A 1'hrirtmas tray well luded Itm•r, J4..t.. ,w'fltiurrlve In Aubun. Mr..
was general throughout the length and on n euchre 'in the hall on 'Friday,
with Rifts stood i1, the ts.rner of 'hr Mnrtlmer ons ,a missionrry to We.t 1
breadth of the land. wens felt in Iwrtl-lull. nil's gas elrnrwl of Its dud at china for twenty years Int ..0 *1'-
.auler by Bowe or the a>r•h,o1 chirdrem iss•rmi (iitkuc•r 27. anti theuttit R 00 their a lair hour. Mr. .\. 1 ttllert, one of .cunt of his site's health was Dirtied
who were well pn•{ulrwl to Present lay- •'Cw•, Days to Get Married." in the,,'r'tistees, occupied the chair.• to give rip his work there.
their convert programs but on t {
ners.arc to have their entertain-, she hall tin 'Needs), i)ecemb December 31. pn
merits postponed ,r caneelled. ns tele' 13orI
Smahty.,.case night be. West Was:unJt. -o Mr. ad Mrs.
Murk •Arnt-trong. :a daughter.
' Llkle Old 'time*.—Tie recent s•orm
affected this ,ommeuity in carious
1 ways. it Is suite to say that the local!
merchants really w•ak•ouwd 0. as It
'it N. I).t•. else.—Mee. E. Laws 1,u' only created a demand fur season-,
spent aide goods but mused the proton. to
d sea. shop at hupur. The rr•ord amount of
mall passing through the post office
Carter's I war made very difficult to handle by
Skit the rural mai drivers no. twiug able
here Is to nuke delivery on Thursday. Fri-
lwatrou 'lay mud Saturday. Mr. Joe Irwin
ret turlrl out loll 'd'hor+Any afternoon.
but did not return huhu until Satur-
DUNGANNON 11.n, a(rumleanhd by Bernie.
Christmas with her mother 1
%CHITFCIIUlICH• Dec. 24. -111sr i i- .',' Nt►N, Lee•. 22e.—Mr. Jas:.
Norah Fulc..uer, who . spent the sum- Davidson and Mrs. W. R. Stothers
mer at lnrangerille. returned home on left on Tuesday for,Elorn, wberr 'hey
Wednesday last. - 1 will spend ebristnus with their sister.
Miss It•,bina Henry. of Toronto. anti! Mr.•. Jas. Wilson.
Miss Annie Henry, S.N. ..f New Yurl' Mr. Angus Maefie -lent Christmas
City. are st'a'nding Christmas with at his homy 1n othrin.l'.lf rte Toronto
their parents. Mr. and Mrs Frank r Mkt .Iron
Henry. 'pickle': staff. 1*-.i'i'itlitg the hell -
Miss Emma Davidson Is In dying•; days at the tome of her 'parents. Mr.
ham a' present with Mrs. W. J. How j tat Mrs. Th.'e. k,.then. d
1.. Ferguson's rink on J.
lot was opened on Christmas..
ing teiug Much x floe spar'. t
1,u dout.t the risk will be nen
don't forget the munit•tpwl nominn-' da) night. However. a Brea' many
tion meeting to i.e held in the orange' farmers* oat the different roma came
hall low Monday e..' . . 1) e,'tuber in for their mall on Saturday and
;a1, at 7.:lll u'rbrk. - 1 M lay. and it seemed like old tlmes
Mr. A. J. Ferguson made a trip a before the rural delivery was Inaug-!
London last Thursday. but was caught urated. With the improved wen' her.
of Tormatto lir and Mn. Jas. McF.a ern a* the way home and on Tuesday conditions were
bi child, u, c ( had be leave his car at Stratford. back
Mr. Wilfred Robinson.
Medical College, and le
t , London, are/114111415 the in the storm of T
Mr. Melville lir,-1 d. to normal and the light mall on
Wife- Is1:rma, Roach.
h. )ors. S.A. Me- I by ' Christman Ds}• enabled the carriers to
croft, of 'Wetter l'nlrrtslty, 1. Nndun. Erma Uoech. .,t the G,xrrk b The joint curl,'[ 1,t on tax air holidaying at their homes b t 1 mes here • I Kenzie ' fifth form school and the publiccum Ideer all their deliveries.
Mr. George Falconer, of the Theo hospital, gent n couple of days at her school, which was advertised for Fri
bow.. here '1144 week day night. was postponed until Christ-
! logical College. Mr.6Toronto. Is slatting
with his father, Mr. George. Falconer ll.• -„tis.
Frank Savage. \,ebur` mas Eve. The hull was filled 'u cap-
of l'ulroPx, end o'her relatives in thea Itrown, 13eteton Pentland and Mimae! *city and the urogram was excellent.
community. Margaret 11)nn and Emily McClure. cotA ds
nee will be put on under the WESTFIEL1), Dec. _a 4►wiug to
-qtr. F. Meg. Paterson has taught the G. C' 1.. xre +Ia riding the hulldaJs I aawldtes of the For1ters In theAr the heavy anowatorma our mall. ear -
Mr. Sherwa.d'e farm. and will move on at their homes (herr I hall in -auburn on New Year'.. Eve. dere were not able to niako their
to ii after New Tear's.
A fiery severe wind and suow *t
We are ',teasel to kno
w Mrs. Burt-' munch a t-ou le of day. hod week,
on Roach has returned hums from the Holiday 1 Visitors.—Nohad roads doubt e•urtallelthe llo•ss s. Albert. Alex. and ,.at..:lot
We thank the public of Goderich and
district for their generous patron-
age and wish everyone a
happy and prosperous
New Year
Geo. Price & Son
Corner of Square and North Street
— ji;oderlch hospital somewba: improved! storm oto l
in health. - ' gime extent the amount of homesrm•' Nether) nre home rall hoe for 'heir l
ali•,s Clara Sproul. of Stratford. PI ung anti visiting for Christmas. but we mother's funeral, which took Place ono
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. noticed a number who came to spend' Thnr+day last, Intervent 1s•ing model
1lucid Stirred. the holiday at their respective homes.I ie inti union cemetery.
S{Iterw.aal" has opened a Were WI These included Mr. Stephen Medd.' Mr,, Leith (nee rluren•r Turner)
' the sold l.afk••buliding in the Alton 1 from Ingersoll; Miss Alma Match.) and her son Turner, of Sovereign.
block. .war. 11?f Roark is in charge. I front Inger'eoll : Mess Anna Dottie.' Rask.. ,leen' a few da)+ with the
dIItgown. ht•st prices will Is• {a11d for pro-' Crow Stratford Normal school: MIs.. former's friends. Mr. and Mr.. W. H.
/ Gladys Taylor. from Galerk•h ('olleg- I (•be.
Mr. H. Ealy. our efficient. baker. atnpll
. Late Mr. and Mrs. Harr) Miss Gladys McDowell mud )Itis.
reliving some Christmas lettere from' Beadle, from Detroit; Mr. Eugene
n+tamers in praise of his exrrll.•nt I Stl)utte. from Wroxeter:
Mr.ss Effie 1 Eldon 11 spy ii ingnk lthe t'Ihri,stnu* vacation with
rrncl. their father. Mr. Rule. Mcllowell.
tin Tuesday ecrning• the .LnCli.•rw Stoltz. fruw the O.A.4'., Guelph. I
n.1 1'rrmnyterimt Sunday Schools held Rec. W. R. Alp Ltyelslgr-frac. W.I The Clui,u111•uIK41t 14)' 11' .e til 111
u union 1'hrlstmas tree entertain 0
it. Alp. li.A., who Pince the union has S. S. No. U.
unto In '.he {*regi hall. A eplemdtcl ,.t'.•,i the minister of 'hr Auburn. West- i under '.lie instruction or the teacher. 1,
preen's', wells Riven, after which r,•( field and Donnybrook eharjes of the ; Miss Margaret Jeffers.m. Almost all 'I
free and refreshments were served.
Santa Clime appeared o1, the scene, ,
h. 111110041u treoutlfnl tree of 11, prep-, I
Bruce Street
• • •
We thank you for your
generous patronage
during 1929
and wish you a very
happy New Year.
Frank McArthui
West Street Electrical Shop
Telephone 82 Goderich
(West Street
wish everyone a happy and pros-
perous New Year.
Both stores --the restaurant and furniture
exchange are now under
the management of H. Blackstone.
1,I- of ,,*dire and other wool things.
The halt was fairly eel filled and ov'-'
,rybody was please,' wtt, the a"•u-!
'll :I1111,'1.111e11t,
Public School Entertainment. --The
E thank the people o
Goderich and district for
their patronage during the year
The Management and Staff extend to one
and all the season's greetings and best wishes
for a happy,and prosperous New Year.
A. Cornfield
Ladle and Men's WeGoderich1 r•' %,till
West Has Priceless Heritage
Saskatchewan might be termed
the epitome of Canada's Great
West. No other Province has a more
interestingpopulation, for the fabric
out of wich that population has
been woven contains threads of
so many racial cultures. Of the
eight hundred and seven thousand
souls recorded in the comma of 1926
three-fourths are of British descent
with English and Scot* blood re -
dominating. Over half a million
were horn in Canada, and of these
a small hut notable sprinkling are
of French-Canadian descent. Nine-
ty-eight thousand were born in the
British Islas. Continental Europe
has added twenty-two Twill strains
of which the larger geouPa
summarised as Slavonic 1_66,000).
Scandinavi(20,000), Teutonic
aboand rigince nal num000. -
ben about 18,000. Fsch of thane
racial groupseau carat/huts some-
thing to Cnadian art and music.
for each has its traditions of handi-
craft and fdkseug. traditions which
represent an inherent
Ione for beautiful things
and a love of melody.
Folksong is intimate-
ly linked up with handi-
craft, for it is to the
accompaniment of folk -
song that the spinning
wheel turns and the
beautiful homespun fa-
brics are woven. These
fabrics can never he
duplicated by the fac-
tory -made article, and
the efforts of the Cana-
dian Handicrafts' Guild
to find and retain a
market for the craft -
work which can be done
during the winter
months on the farm., of
Western Canada is
therefore well worthy of
support. Thin Guild is
preparing a handicraft
exhibit in connection
with the Folkaong and
Folkmusic Festival
which the Canadian Pacific is
organising to be held at Regina.
March 20 -23rd, as the inauguration
of a Saskatchewan Branch.
The main idea of this Great West
festival 1a to help Canadians to
realise the priceless heritage which
they possess in the traditional
melodies which have hien brought
to this country by immigrants, and
in some eases have been composed
in this country by early settlers. The
field of folkmusic is so immense that
only a glimpee of it can be secured
in the four days of this particular
festival, but some of the greatest
artiste of the eontinent will render
interpretations and it promises
indeed, to he a feast of music and
color. Poul BM, the Danish baritone
will feature in Norse music, Charlet'
Marchand in the French-Canadian
folk -Jones and almnat every nation
will be represented la handicraft
se 1n song. Above Is seen a Slovak
weaver who will remove his pipe
and sing to his handiwork.
Alf. Tebbutt & Son
wish one and all
a happy New Year
We Sell the Beat for Less
('ammo Toilet Sap, per rake :•e
Manyflowers Soap. :4 cakes 21c
Jewel Shortening. l's .. .16c
Kkicah Health Salts, 2 tim1.25c
\)Imer Tnmalses. No. 2 )Ing
tins, for -
Vi -Tone. R m. 33e.. 16 oz. 14511•
Superior finest ('reamery Kut -
Free Running 2 Pugs. ter• per Ib 47e
SALT 17c I Table ('luster Raisin's 3 ('rew•a.
per pkg
Finest Quality Mixed Nuts,; 2
LINO.% Asparagus Topa. Pinsk
Aire. each
Ideal Siler Treats, moth 25e
(;hiker Snaps. 2 !les
Marshmallow Marie Iiiaetdf
per Ih.
Fresh Ground Ideal Cello,
Bulk, per 111.
Fresh Ground .Ulama (vltlf
Itnik, per 1h.
Choice. Canadian Per Tia Santa Clara neriines. large d11k
per I).
New Natural riga. 2 lb,+.. .25c
('ansda Dr) Ginger f,Ie, per
Canada Dry (:urger Ale.
Fillets of noddle, per Ib. 221
Finnan noddle. Whole Pleb.
per Ib eer
Tne4artt'P Margti14r to (1107.14--
911141. Fragrant, toil wrapped(.
lee Peeltet Padua of 6k
{{ rigors
Per Its I 1w ('hoc Sampler Pkg.. cohabi-
ting I Tin Mproatis. 1 Tin Neodlt'a•
1 bottle Itrown µsuee. I bottle
Soy Sastre. 1414' making Chop
µ*14y. per pkg. 49e
Vegetable Soup 29c
Plain or Iodized
MILK 19c
No. 2 size, Hoary Syrup
CLARK'S Per CLARK'S Per bottle
Premium Tea 69c
1 s..ritis Cup and Saucier free
Phone your order to
J. J. McE1VEN, Gaderieb. CHAS. ALTON, Dungannon.