The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-03-16, Page 19Save electricity, save money. There are two ways saving electricity can save money. First, the obvious one. The less you use, the less you have to pay for. And to- day, electricity is simply too valuable to waste. Second, something not so obvious. Ontario uses more and more power every year. This means an ever increasing investment in plant and equipment...and their cosfis rising rapidly. The cost of fuels is also increasing rapidly. These costs inevitably show up in the price you pay for electricity. You can help to slow down the growing demand by using electricity wisely. Don't Waste it. Conterve energy. The future depends on it. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1977 PAGE NINETEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH The past week of mild spring-like weather has reduced the snow banks in the community and village. The rising water has forced many of the homes to get their sump pumps into action to clear their basement of water so as not to interfere with the furnaces. The early flowers, snow drops, crocus, hyacinth are to be seen on east and south sides of the homes while robins, blackbirds and crows fly over to tell us spring is here. We are sorry to report that .Miss Annie Kennedy of Wingham is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Her many friends of this community wish her a speedy recovery. Word was recently received that Charlie Moore (formerly of White- church, now of Cobalt) had been hospitalized at Sudbury Hospital . for surgery and was able to return home to Cobalt last weekend. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Tom Inglis was taken to Wingham Hospital on Thursday last to have eye treatment. The community wishes her a speedy recovery. Mack Inglis of Highgate and Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Inglis and Christine of EarIton spent the weekend with their brother and sister, Tom and Betty and visited with their mother, a patient at Wingham Hospital. Visitors with Mrs. Gershom Johnston of Wingham were on Wednesday, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie of 2nd concesion Kinloss; Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and Sylvia of Egmondville and Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Rick Woods' and Jill of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Black and Jeffery of Clinton, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, David and Donna of St. Pauls. Mrs. Sandy Fair is spending a week with her father, P. J. Crawley of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenaghan of Kitchener visited the first of last week with Miss Mildred McClen- aghan a and all attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of. Mr. and Mrs., Wilmer Nicholson of Goderich. She was the former Gertie Gaunt of 2nd concession Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon of Strathroy accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon on. a recent tour of the Pacific Islands of Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans, Lisa and Linda of Ballinafad were Sunday callers on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, accompanied •by her mother, Mrs. Caslick, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McLean and Mrs. Kate McLean of Petrolia visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. And Mrs. Bev Kay. Mrs. Kate McLean is an aunt of Bev Kays. Miss Barbara Purdon of Kitch- Gave Talk On Canadian Art DUNGANNON W.I. Twenty members and three visitors met at the home of Mrs. Winnie Girvin recently with Mrs. Alma Black in charge. It was decided not to send a delegate to' the officer's Conferenee at „Waterloo University early in May. The quilt which had been quilted at Mrs. Peggy Pur- don's recently was on display and also the afghan, on both of which tickets will be sold for a • draw. Mrs. Willetta McWhinney and Mrs. Marion Zinn are to make the tickets. Tentative plans were discussed concerning having ener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. Mrs. Edith Brown of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mrie and Mrs. Wm. Brown. A special event, a dance, is being sponsored by the Y.P.S. in the Hall to support. Camp Kintail on March 25 when all are asked to open their heart and wallet. a' dessert card party possibly on. the Wednesday of winter break week but plans were not finalized... The date and place will be in next week's paper. This year is the 80th an- niversary of the founding of the Women's Institute. To mark this year, Mrs. Flossie Ivers, (on behalf of the Dungannon W.I.) presented Mrs. Greta Stewart with a life membership in recogniticin of her long and faithful service in the Institute. Mrs. Stewart thanked the ladies graciously and Mrs. Marion Zinn took her picture for the Tweedsmuir Book. Mrs. Willetta McWhinney and Mrs. Grace Black .were named as nominating committee to bring in a, slate of officers to the April meeting. Standing committees are to have their reports ready for the annual meeting which will begin with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Kerr on the first Wednesday of April. Mrs. Winnie Girvin gave the motto: "An unused mind is like an unused attic, it gets cobwebs in the corner." Mrs. Elmira Finnigan introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Annie Finnigan of Goderich, who gave a very interesting talk on Early Canadian Art and showed some pictures as samples. She was thanked by Mrs. Jean Errington who presented her with a gift. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Beth Rutledge, Mrs. Dorothy Clement and Mrs. Winnie Girvin. Plan For Spring Flower Display The March meeting of the Lucknow and District Horticultural Society was held on Wednesday, March 10th with an attendance of 23 members. The president, Mrs. Harvey Mole, opened the meeting which' took the form of a workshop. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent making over twenty very attractive posters advertising the Spring Flower Display, Crafts, and Tea to be held in the Legion Hall, May 11 from 2 - 5 and 7 - 9 p.m. The .bus trip to the Flower Show in Toronto on April 7 was discussed and all seats on the bus are spoken for. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. Audrey MacDonald, Mrs. Jean Whitby and Mrs. Sus,an McNaughton. • MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat ®'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO TOPICS: the reOs;preP CROP PRODUCTS MEETING LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP TEESWATER DISTRICT CO-OP GUEST SPEAKERS: -Bank of Montreal Agronamist -Rick Upfold OMAF -White Farm Machinery Company -Don Cotton United Co-operative Wednesday, March 23 AT 1:00 P.M. Teeswater Town Hall CONTROLLING - Corn Root Worm - Alfalfa Weevil WILL HOLD A We like to know our customers by name! Lucknow District Co-op PHONE 528-3024