HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 3Save a Little Mone
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Geo. Williams
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Geeing bowsaw Agri
t afee, next to Bank of Commrrer
Pho0e 53 (iodericli
W. J. Powell
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and Real Estate
Cat, Us and Fore Ineursace
Nelson Street, t;c.lenclr
One 29'2 , P. 0. Box 43S
We extend to our
customers and friends
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The Armstrong Real Estate
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LiFE INSURANCE (9® Lite (a.)
A('CIDRN7'. S1CKN'tt,f3, AUTO.
Some eery cheap House. sad Lots for .ala
Large somber listed to select from.
tFarm t
Ire price; tine /oration ownsh p
county of Hunan; till serer of
x110 is cb.oce clay Inane sell in tine eon-
dinnn, excellent for sheet alfalfa or
any Amin, hay or nate. High undula-
ting surface, well tile -drained. Nearly
lilt weld down; goad water supply;
40 sews of this in valushlr tim er,
enough to mow than hall pry for entire
pmItert . Gael brick barn. furnace
beaed imp.', situated on excellent high-
way, chess to arh,ol, chnvclea, convent -
mete 11. K. station and good markets.
Price ler quick sale $45011.00. Terms
91000 cash down will he accepted ; rlear-
ly five years' time for balance if required.
Immediate prinwwnon given.
A number of other coed fanny for tale.
Many good !louses and Lots for sale
very CIwep.
Good brick Hnuae, Kruse start, near
North street, fit!: modern equipped and
garage• I'ricc r2ttpe•00
Good brick thew, full modern equip-
ped, with garage and small barn,F:aat
street. ['ries' 91500 00.
Fine Fenno Hous. full modern equip-
ped, choice l.s•.atiotl. Price $31()0.O0.
awed flatlets and Lots MOO, Vim,
112011, $16(x1, eW. Furnished
Hotter, to Rent
Hones to Rent.
For rt1TrlteJ WARMSRONp
Real Estate Agent Oalerlvin
)tit Lig M0.uarr
.')ome Elections 1 Remember
Written for The Signal by John Elliott, B.A.,
London, Ontario
Glue of my earliest mental pictures
i, that of a watt in a covered buggy,
jthe first I had ever seen, driving up
to Dur little borne on lot 12. eo mss•
si.,o 7, Colborne. 1 heard mother say,
1 Wow he'll vote for you, Mr. Young."
and the man seemed pleased as he
drove away. That Was Wm. Vetting.
uut fur,the reeve -ship In opposition to
Gavle /fewllniw, nearly sevouty yeah!
ago. t knew in after yeun that Mr.
I Young was elected and that he held
the position for many terra, uud be-
ecame Wartier of the cowry.
' A few years later we were Living at
Varna, township ut Stanley. lu the
year PIZ, 1 believe it was, one utter -
0000 some member of the family ran
1D to mother with the new. that three
WAN a flag up uu leolry'a tavern, our
ifs We two wbicb the village Wrested
at tint time, That w•ua sad news for
her and in after years 1 understood
' why. Staines township wars voting un
the Punkin Act. This was the seroud
day that L•,ther had been tut with
James Wanless and others nriugiug 111
antiliquor voter-. There carer no Bal-
lot« in those days and everybody
knew the count as 1t went akwg. The
busting of the flag media the vk•tury
1 of the liquor party. This Act, passel in
18tS4. gave counties, cities, towns or
township weer to prublbit retail
sale within their limits.
In 1M7 we were livlug 1t, Colborne
township again, at the Hollow, as Hen -
miller was often called. John Craw-
ford and James %suites drove up
)rum Varna one day and took father
ewer. as they said, to vote. That was
Confederation year and this was the
fins eieetkon after the passlug of the
act. Y. C. Cameron of t;oder)ch and Y.
Ritchie of Stanley were up for the
House of Commons; ltuI,ert t;lhls.tm
of (;odericb and Isaac Carllug of hix-
et.r were candidates fur the Ontario
That afternoon 1 was at my uncle's
ou the pleb torwexsion, and my Con-
servative girl cousins. who were older
and better informed on the politics of
the day than 1, told me that my fath-
er had gone to vote for the Reformers,
Cameron and Gibbons, and 1 was made
to feel the disgrace of It. Cameron wax
elected and became the first member
from South Huron In the Dominion
House, bat Mr. Gibbons had a rough
experience. He was declared elected
by ■ majority of 10. and tben protest
and Investigation showed that a nom -
ter of German voters 11» Hay town-
ship who had voted for-+atilbbona were
not British subjects—they had not
been naturalised. It was open voting.
and votes were known, and the ser
was awarded to Yr. Carling. Four
years after Sir. Gibbons turned the
tables and defeated Mr. Carling. In
later years be was well known as
Sberlff Gibbons.
For North Enron W. T. hays. a
clever young (ioderlcb lawyer, son-in-
law of Robt. Gibbons and father of
Stanley Hays of Seafortb, was elect•
ed for the Outerie House, and Joseph
Whltebead of Clinton for the Domin-
Ion ,House. These two were the first
atter Confederation to represent
North Huron.
i here a distinct recollection of an
Incident at the municipaal election in
Goderitb in January, IMOD. Who the
candidate* were 1 do not know, but
from the way men were being rushed
In to vote I should say It was a Mir -
ring contest. I saw a well-known stal-
wart eltIten (mase into the hall. excit.
el. whip in hand and bleeding from n
cut uta the side of his bead. In SD el-
ection dispute another Prumineut cit-
izen had atruek him with the butt of
a whip anal he was in !'arch
of his
man. Friends gathered around to TAW -
Hy him uud efforts were made to keels
the two men apart. I heard no more
about it, w. 1 wuppamse the dispute wa4
amicably nettled, hut good men could
get hot and lime their temper+ over an
election, even in the gem) old (4874.
About twenty yearn ago I heard Sir
John WillMwm, at a ('anadtan ('huts
banquet in Bowmanville, tell the story
of his tinct attendance at a prlitleal
meeting. He was born at Hills (;ran,
Stanley township. and the meeting he
attended was at the crossroads In
Varna village In 1872. Thomas Green-
way of Centralia and M. 1' Cameron
of (hmlertch were candidate* for the
('ommonn and at this meeting Mr.
Oreenseny and F:, B. Wood of Itrant•
ford. "Big Thunder." were the chief
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Aseaeastes in Fere" 81.8.8bl11,000
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Dividends to Polieyholdera increaard for the ninth ierce'aaiv0
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Pp(3NF14 : Resideseo Iib
District Agent
sneakers. 1t wag my privilege t.. telt
Mr. Wllllsou afterwards that 1 tau
was a Huron man, of Cullonae town-
ship, and that my first political meet-
ing was in connection with that sawe
election, at I)uggan's tavern to. the
Hunan road, l:oderich township. Sir.
t;rewuway himself being the male
egeaker, 1 forget mus' of the address.
but 1 remember well the trouble Mr.
Greenway had with one of hie cuffs
as he warmed to hie subject. It would
tome down ata! it worrle,t me greatly
and marred wy enjoyment of his file
speech. Them WAS a large party out
from Goderich, among thew a yuul.g
man named "Barney" Doyle whom 'he
crowd called on for a speech. !u later
yens he was known as lit. H
Joints Isuyle. Mr. t;re•nway was de-
feated at this election, but he sulsee-
quently became if member of the Howie
of Vein/units and transferred his al-
leglanre to the Liberal.. miming es
Crystal City, Manitoba, he entered ale
Legislature in that l'revinre and he-
ttime Literal I'rrtnler of Manftehe. -
In ION? I was u senior student ut
the lllgh School lu a;stench. it was
the day before the cies-tluu. Hun. Ed-
ward Blake, the Liberal leader, else•
ou the Square in the afternoon, and zit
■ etrstegic )Dint in the tdwnshlp of
Ashtleld in the evening. on leltabf of
his trusty follower M. l'. Cameron
Students were allotwed absence from
High School classes tit heur Mr, Blake.
There were no more interested listen-
ers than our mathematk•al master..A.
J. Moore. and the group of lads that
included Ed. le ane, /irk. Shannon.
John Taylor. Ilnrry Horton. Etter liu-
garth. Will t'luttun. Tum Henderson.
Fred [their, tiro. Wei and other.
whom i do not now rec-at;ery 'Ukely
Roderick Voting, Archie Hyslop and
David Perrle were in the party. it
was time well spent listening to one
of Canada's most brilliant 4008. 1 re-
member particularly Mr. rilake'e ex-
hortation about getting out the vote.
He had just come from bis own con-
stituency. West Durham where one of
h is enthusiastic worker% had told bim
they would have Darlington town-
ebIp cleaned up by 12 o'clock. Ile him-
self expected to cast three votes the
next day In three different constit-
uencles. One man One 10(0 was 1101
tbee (he law of the )and.
it was July. 1896, before 1 bad a
ehande to mark a ballot, for these
were not the /Faye of manhood frau-
chime. -1t 1 eledonla, in Ilaldimaud
cranny. 1 cast a vote in favor of the
Scott .to', a niece of temp'ranee 1-
Irintfuu whieb was a furs of county
prohibition without the proper mach-
inery for enforcement, 1 could not
vote otherwise after the training i
had as a boy in old Huron county.
Hnldim■nd carried the Act as did
many another aunty, but the Scott
Act went the way of the Dunkin Act.
What a !succession of legtalative at-
tempts we have had in the long .strng'
gle against the drink evil!
Fashion Fancies
1 i
I'd like to describe at leugttt the
great meeting 1 attended la the Opera
Bourse, Brockville, in March. 1'(M7,
when 1 heard Sir John A. Maclkntald
for the first and curly time: bat ray
story is already too lung. 1'11 merely
estate that Sir John wore a red tie,
that he bad an uprourfousy cordial re.
cepkon. that John Itaggart., after -1
wants Postmaster e;enerai, was wit It
bite and that Sir John in his appeal
'o the latser men in the audience jok- ,
)ugly der -land that he was somewhat
of a !alewitng man himself, 11e hail
worked a grasp seal at c•nlelnet mak-
ing, lent he declared 1k' hod never
been n turner.
1 was living 1t, Walkerton
Vehrin.ry. 1*1)1, where Sir ,101111 MCI hne
aid Made his fitlal appeal to the
conutry. The Liberals under their sen
leader ,Laurier semi, on the plat-
form of I'nrestricted Ite4pneity and
freer trade with our neighbors to the
South. There were those who m11w III
the proposal it weakenhtg of British
connection. Sir Johu's dtr•IHratiuu, "A'
British subject 1 was torn. it British
strnjee-t 1 Will 1111'." was freely quoted
Accessories Attain High Importance
A costume may be the host beauty
ful thing in the world and yet be spoil-
er) through lack of carr in eelectiug
the right a&eeusorles• One oee. 'nu
1011111 of this, that !t owes enough can
not he said with a view to impressing
the fact on 'every woman') mind.
A cbarmiug ett.emhle of black trans -
parrot velvet was perfectly eowpk'.
'Dented by Ilx' hut, hag and glove.
%hewn here.
The hat Is of Week felt, with point,
ed lnerustatfons which cup on the left
side and on the top of the crown. The
right ski. is effectively draped and
forme a charming frame for the face.
The bag and gloves are of black
.tilde, nut they are distinguished by
Mack velvet wbicb Is run through holes
at the edge and tied in tiny bows at
the corners of the bag and at the siin
of the cuff. A nlarcaslde monogram
further encbances the bag.
by his party. Feeling wax intense. The
railways book sides. Sir William Van
Horne organised the force. of the
C. P. It. In oppoeltion, believing that
free trade to the Mouth would be
damaging to the interests of his rail-
way. The Grand Trunk was just as
strong on the other side. 1 bad 110
vote in Walkerton, but my name was
on the list in Brockville, wbicb 1 bud
left a year before. Mr, 0. K. deraser,
nephew of Hon. C, F. Fraser, a mem-
ber of the l.lberal Committee in Brock-
ville. sent mr a railway return ticke'
Issued by the G. T. H. agent at Broek-
vllle, and appealed to me on behalf of
Dan Derbyshire. the 1.1Ieral candidate.
Why 0 WAS thought I would vde that
way 1 do not know, unless It was be-
cause 1 was a friend and admirer of
"big Dae," whose eon was one of my
students In the High School. Mr,
Thos. Southworth, of The 71rocieville
Recorder, meeretary of the local Re-
form Asaot'Iatlon, wrote under the
beading "For Derbyabire-4-t90reotriet-
ed Reciprocity and Better Times," as-
suring me that i bad a perfectly good
10l0 thud bidding me be sure to come.
I did not go null my vote was not
needed. for Mr. Derbyehire was de -
Tested by a considerable majority.
That wag the last time Sir John car-
ried the country in nn eie'ticm. He
died in the fallowing May. I, returned
that G.T.R. ticket and afterwards 1
was *wry 1 did not keep It as a 0011-
venior of the batik' for and agall et
1'nrestricted Iteciprelty.
1f some reindeer o1 The swim; 1s 1n-
tereatel in the foregoing rake -up of
o1ld election mentor*); or1 shall be
Vick —"If you spend ase much time
zit golf yen won't have nnything laid
aside for rainy day."
Slick—"Won't, eh? My desk is load-
ed down with work I've laid aside
for ,a rainy day."
The "Garthpred." the nnly anresvhcg feet merited sailing 'hip on the
Dritleh register, has goner ashore on Reset Pond Head in Beavie•ta lalrn4, ofi
the waster.** of Africa She is the only surviving .hip of the eighteenth
cindery (nnr-masters and aim on her way to An.Iralia to take part in the
grain race nett year.
The Signal Calendar?
One for each paid -in advance subscri-
ber. Renew your subecriptiou now and
make sure of one of these beautiful Calen-
Intended fur hart week)
i'.tltl.t►W. 1kr. 1:1. —Sir.. W. le.
I ung tut. returner) from u two
months' visit to her daughter at tUtu-
.Mr. and Mrs'. Wilfred Ito uncurl
were in $11111 f11141 011 business last
Mies Mary Robertson, of Niagara
Falls, 10 again visiting at the home
of her brother, Mr. C. A, Robertsou.
The Sunday school ('hrlstwa. tree
501(.0 was to be held in the township
hall Met night was lsseapotlerl 1.1 toe -I
night uu account of the rough weather.
With the roads blocked as they are,
it hooks as if there would have to be
nut her poslloneweut.
The schools will close tomorrow for
the Christmas vacation, and will re-
open on Monday, January t1th. The
attendance at No. 1 has been very
small -of late, uwlug to do epidemic of
The anal w.e ingof the 1929 township
council was held at the hall on Mon-
day. when the business of the year
WA.' concluded. There tray be tonne
changes in the personnel of the coon•
cat next year. All the old member*, ee
heur,'ure to be hu the field uguln, but
there are saki to be a ttnmber of new'
aspirants who will go to the polls
and give the ratepayers au opportun-
ity of cltuo.dng or rejecting them. The
uuwinutlou meeting will be held at
the hall on Monday, December 30.
The regular monthly meeting uf,.the
W. M. S. auxiliary of .Smith's 11111
church was bell in the township ball
on Thursday, December 1210, welt the
president, • Mrs. Marsh, in the chair.
This was also the annual meeting,
and officer. for 1930 were elected us
1n11uws, President, Mrs. Wm. Marsh;
vieeponsident, Mra. Jas. Feagan ; sec-
retary, Mrs. A, Stoll; treasurer, Mrs.
Wm. Wataon ; rinancta! secretory,
Mrs H. Clark; flower committee, Mrs.
John Young, Mrs. Geo. filen, Mrs.
Treble; organist, Mims Jean Glen.
The severe storm and heavy snow-
fall have rendered the roads almost
Impassable for a time. Winter has
settler) down upon us rather early
thin year.
Aeolus! 8. 8. Meeting.—The annual
meeting of the Smith's Hill Unite!
church Sunday sellout was held in the
towe«hip hall last Monday evening.
There was a gaol attendance and
much interest was shown in the work
of the Sunday school. The meeting
opened with a short worship period
by the pastor, Rev. R. B. Cumming.
The report of the secretary -treasurer
was given by Tait Clark, and was
received and adopted. Mrs Warner
Walter gave the report of the mia.ilon-
ary superintendent, Miss Vesta Fish-
er reported for the young people's
play committee, who during the year
bad supplied the church with Cole-
man lamp's, for which a vote of thanks
was passed. Some discussion took
place with regard to the periodicals,
'rut fieney It was agreed to .secure
The Northern Messenger her ' next
year. and to take up the temperance
iminentlunal epwpttlgu a-hle•h start -
through The Messenger In January.,
The 011'0 4111 of officers for fie ensu -
lug year resulted et lir. Wilhelm,
M...eh being returueedt as suta•rluteud• I
eat for another year, Mr. Arthur
Clark iseing opt.dnterl his assistant,
Mr. Fordyce .('lark was aplafuted sec
retary-trea$urer, with Mr. James Coe,
11111 1/0 H.ststatut. Mies Amelia Mc11-
wain was appointed as organist, with
Miss 1Vinnle Mane)) a. assistant. The
grading of the school and the app)htt•
went of teachers for the junior opus-
es wa* left with the executive with
lower to act. The young ladies and
young men will elect their own teach-
ers, It mot with great regret that it
was learned that Mr. Gordon Young
would not be able to continue a.
teacher of the Itible class during the
winter months, a position which he
has ably held for a number of years
a. well 110 assisting 1n other work in
the Sunday school. Sir. John Young
moa appointed to take his place when
he 1s not able to be present. Mrs.
Warner Walter was continued as tuls-
slunary superintendent.
A canoe is like a small toy—both
behave better when {saddled from the
A little girl was acting as a brides-
maid at a welding. When the Gere -
minty w•as over she asked the bride if
she were very tired.
"No." wee the reply.
"Well." answered the small girl,
"Mother said the other day that you
had been running after Mr. Jones for
two years."
omit; Fanner,. of Huron ('Gamy
Taking Part In ('onteata
The 7' Enloe l'oalliany donated
4111.".'» ae,rolurebse f 1W uW
be upplted un two
ilyear.ecu3ureesratck the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
for µ•Inners of the free trip to the.
Royal Whiter Fair. The uwurds will
be made to tboue winuing highest
marks lit a wrltteu .examIuation. Sev-
en Ilurun county buys competed and
Mr. W. Jae. Turnbull, Ethel, who
made the highest marks, ell! compete
against whiners from other comities.
Au essay contest was Hist, open 10
winners ut the free trip. All ten boys
from Huron county entered this cow
teat and Mr. AWL' Pnx'ter, Wiugham,
was declared wiener. MN essay will
be Judged agaltatt the wiuulug esaa7
from other counties. The ten emu -
lata securing the highest maria with
nrx'ive u free two weeks' course as
tax• Outsrio Agricultural t'ollep,
Ali others tompetlug in these tyro
,onteeter must be congratulated oa
their earnest efforts and are well die
Nerving of special mention. They are:
Haney N'. Stephenson, Ethel; Clar-
ence ('lark, Ethel; Johu Mceraviab,
Blue -vale; Walter Forester, l.ueknow;
t'lar nee Impute, Henan 11 ; Frank
Wright, Klppen; Mervyn t)udwore,
itensill; Wand Hera, Wwxlbam.
"A btt.y woman in usually a bapa)y
w'OWall."--Kathleen Norris,
This week's prize for brightness
to the boy, who, on being aided dw
oke a pennon born In 1890 would b.
now, Inquired: "Man or woman "
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1930 Model
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INSTEAD of spending that Christmas cheque on link
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A new 1930 Rogers will bring every one in the family yea•
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ever offeled.
Trine -in the New Year with a New Rogers/ A mall
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0. JOHANN, Dealer
H. O. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen
Goderich, Ont. '
West Side of Square