HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 22.—Thursday. December 26_1929. shrtillasteug 19ttabllshed 1848 GODERICH : CANADA Kingdom. N. K Cana 1 Weekly News-', worth went to the fulled Association A ltskikt Heuer Itut the cow{eNltlnu i+ keen and the Dr. Robert 11:Irnurt, professor of I Publishedpapers every TLttrsdu morning• British cuuwwrr demands certain Ie,n price b''=.t)V per year chs cervi at ([..1st`r ulin ere. has recognition of brands of food. l 'untidliln producers, to In advance. I els services a, agriculture. t has tient therefore, must make 1 ver t•ff they etly PRINTING CO,TD. i bouurest by the French Knighthood nt satisfy this market, 1 ;NAL Pail. l th11 Cru++ of the KulKhthotld of depend so largely. THE SIGNAL, -Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario i)eportment of Agriculture gas. Telephone: Goderieh, Out. W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Thutuday. December 211, 1929. EDITORIAL NOTES Hos do yo„ like the 'old-fashioned" prevailed throughout stretch grains - This should Carlo tiering December. e a that the I 10100 hens should the lords alt an 11111r before to . ut t any gran and then w Many side hate in • Impassable fur, are apt to torture eating any 1'ruciuee here been Iml watt for it to digest boiling mashobtaining the egg 1 rule ma t winter? t • wit t Agricultural Merit_ The ti 1tinetls,lt Scratch Grains crimes as the result of flu• visit to the reeding (college baa students ut u party of ng- rains to tad layers caries with the different Neu- rleullural studrntr and tu�•ulty trout' The amount of ,c'nit, i t, Griguuu, k rave+. ! alts. In whiter whennights her long WinterI and cold, hens needo scratch heat- Wiater Conditions of ,igrl• forming. energy -producing Acconing to current rel rains than In .uwtner. oleFr the of ailetwinter eon-, K months aboutart of cultural representatives,t.��at uu threw • w tattoos herr 1 I et 12 hens or 14 1 • h weather M Id Ik tel. u at . ore [ things were about re Looks as ady hes taxa satisfactory ecce 'rites he supplied 'line to is low. lug generally, go to roost, so they will have Ivry thaw. I water supply luting K e s • � have proved disaPPe season. clean It ul, before dark IM the hens 1w marketing I In the noting' a ill Inot feed r the Januar) The community it at the height all parts of the fall up omit Christmas tree ecus event, and with the exptrl- and crit should materials. A ►lig t K . he kept before the Leas he a Kehe$ thine. The more they eat, i;rat soil shell t ordinarily means. -fed and drinking ahould be hopper water always available. Supply greets feel when you can. • piN'u made an regained this year ('111 be motor traffic. en f the even more eaeesshtl feature o a 9nafhine for Poultry Hens need sunshine In their poultry (Yvisttuat 'eason_ • especially during the whiter • • •! mout ration. est Ys but little. In spite of had roads and everything, I mustha, when the -un shines Important Shute was and Was as Sunshine in he feed tt•r Ingredients n nue production. sue lie hes ration. Egg 1 I The ltd wry R I quality of shell, nutritive d value gond long reef notal It 1e time for hint health q y s and h• aber of are d liver; I The alslk'e and re' clover seed mar' - fn get ready for another tips of egg'Ilrer, clover seed mark - The eat upon it. foist liter all or cod � et continues draggy • • substitute for the 'tees and with very little unchanged c moving at year is fast drawing to a meal is the test sun. Ruth are quite prices from production dasmovi. The he old dist rays of the unusually Ir►cr. and ,all export aefl demand 1. reported to t large clnst, and before another issue et rich ill the vuull11l factor scall- P rens the low and ten(' is owing this payer Homes from the p ably at s reasons t visible ,upplc of American ' a large Sees year will have dawned. The meal also supplies !hitt tissue t tttet, year helps t.. lolkl up Lir trifled. Thl'l is t ah- l o{'can Production. Relatively rrs low prices Signal hopes that the cowing n re dtry mashes which you are II 11 offered to R ready wised either have cod liver , e s tendency for them to hold heir fear• be for all its readers a happy tf the toga"t-I i. a ,1,1 rpPnrt from Toronto early San Ight on dmf ns any of the earned a 11 poultry 1 r ,11eT a+ ever. end prosperous one. • • • A remark made y,Meutly by Miss tilactAlail. M. P.. has been wrongly interpreted in some quarters. Miss Mae•phall did not say that "farmers were too cheap.'. but that "farmers held themselves to' cheep.- What sit ac, doubt intended to cense, was that' farmers were tit' easily inclined to accept the views and the valuations, of others. and rite wktbett hem to have a h d of the importance or cud liver meal as one t sw ore in I deet. le lents. est you can buy thew ' this month was that about yeti to 40 the knowledge that your flock w'illl tent. of the 19'2.) crop of slake get all the sunshine they need in their per Cud red s. The demand tures falfa tett hands. to the 1 melee yrs ut short crop, seed is good (year. Prices of - clean the cows' thighs el lot of hardy strains this for goodi i of- cla big [utter in the production fered Ontario growersand- cleat milk. The cleaner the cows are itv seed rat fro at k'so Itto t40 ademandou. kept the the drink and dart is likely Ttmuthy her pries than last to get into he milk w--- being I anti at slightly higher A good halfslay may well be devot-, year- arrangingimple- 1 t, Report for year m at this time properly in the imple` menta and toots atngnd seeding Biel , The final crop bulletin for the year, lett at the front. Just issued. gleet an Interesting and liber opinion of themselves meat shed. ("titivating of agricultural of heir Callas. 'dements should -be infdrmathv review past year. agricultural • • as tlx•y w•il[ be the our fent required produMiuo during � fall wheat was • to this re I In Elle spring{• cording ie fatnd ih quac- t In IT( with l' Ne comment In these col- better both n quality �� for Scholarships antk•i{luted.. The average over ty awns. rue Fergus t)nt rio.ord says: ,arty of ;ttq J The rural P!1the whole Procinte wa- about a fibush- rt.. of l►ntarlt>. where Members of tbe 1 els to the acre, The hatLibeal con in stn( a great force. and r Fars who ear rnasd the s Rofoyal eY n -lel wheat sown this year is resge that a convention held inTorontoand tariuulGovernr this mentaareu�� mpeedniteR for fit. fall lent.. rather unexpected whit about dominated by Toronto Influence rem would scholarships of $1(K) each of- der weather yen cU in - not be much us(•. Tf roe removal et fifteen Company of To - r cent. of as awaywe yunr'mion from Toronto would set fora° by tit T. Eaton papersbearing on year yielded but 90 P goodf in costo for the hest problems in average crop' Kerley. though I . from the lobe some other lora-' the trip and agricultural p average was arley.ent n quantity. by all uredos and O(.urn on the wholeewas din qu ntity. tion. London and ()thaws might have ants aLbeentondoExaminations df the costes[- 1 Corn 0n theold the awa story. Potain. snore claims and Owen 3oand1 twins outs have sleep papers of a each cess- tor in ofqualityes belt, might cell itself ty and he ,alien+ of the fleet Prise I are returned as extra good 'curniPM are "t rhe great drybre sal an avenge crgp- "the andlogi I location." n the smaller the ,rimers in tbeaToronto counties l the ifinal l a tool[ crop Live noel. generally is city and ter nearer to taw rust die- examined t he In rather poor condition: ire h 'night be. twreiawardx. , said a the farms. deep more effective the Res hogs are fewer on • • • The grlttMs Marketbore buying and lamas are said o have um1berM1let Cts, r• 0 in Wellington � A housewife in England ter. and are increasing Th,' idquestion lkof lilP bacon for tomorrows break.; o for the is are certainly street sidewalk t l s ' tar cry (more attention To uta • little ,aro child- t de'- ewalk is Incas discussed fast or an apples tw from an I Farm implements nthefall ■11 skkrs. rent differently. ou the inside t � a hit or 'farm vac link obut de the out- orchard or farmwife and Ontario. hemillions and ltwinter months than they usually he side opposing it 1r that hprolonged and the ■mount of 1 oder 1t bolos as K more like her in l;reat t,tthe price'macrhe The lifetime d( an tmonnt nt 1 /ed tit o{x GODERICH, ONT. THE SIGNAL' GoderlCh "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide proposes to reproduce a aeries Through the co-operat•un of the business men listed below, The Signal pCO p endeavor to bring about a better business relationship lati miniubetween tweet residents �1VCand merchants ankles In the and progress and thus to bring about a more prosperous W. ACHESON & SON General Dry Goods and Ready -to -Wear -- Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Geo. W. Baechler PROVIst0N snot) Fisk,Fruits and GrtceriIIIVeg tables "One Friend Tells Another" —We do our own delivering— newt 341 A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Meg Rett los Are larded 1e hop" ibe walk on the outside bad now the inside track. while 11 tt'not not outside favoringe mark to say thatOle inside walk are beeido themselves with glee. As someone has said, there ere two tides to every question— stew uestion—may not welcome his s{'polntment to MR. DUNNING'3 CAREER the nmrtfnlin of Flatters It will be and the truth bng aid and the tai heartily approved n the Prairie Prov - all should ex- AN INSPIRATION TO , ln(•ee: at least. The new Finance .)lin• y ns before taking all elder—turn I YOUNG CANADIANS later hae+ a firsthand knowledge nod determlue, to a Ierg- - - tier farmers receive for their produces. In 19>t Canada exported agricultural products to tbe value of $0415,000.000. i• and of this total about $400• power reWl care. Most much leavened be Proper farm implements rust out rather than'' wear out. amine the ma it inside out. tis it were—and tilt 'skip all prejudice before eteclding- itI Country Guide 1 appointment of Hon. C. A. Dun - 1s a many-sided question and beside! The I till ocher Clete assure subside. I, ning as Minister of Finance at the age • • • ' of forty-four years probably innate - Viten a record n the public life of Premier King hltr intimated glint at 1 from England whet' seventeen years of the next sea+ion of Parliament butte- i Canada. The new Minister strayed bees' a n. latton w111 bee IntrMlit eil to proc1110 age and homesteaded n Saska yott for ,re Re.nrmwho for veterans ho At twenty -Etre he was director • of the l�i;minton. any When "a'tcotaddetwd. were disabled or .,host• health wait SaeAcatchewen Grain Growers Assocaa•I a )alnirter undermined by war service. in the tion. At twenty-six tug was general however. that ever) ' previous ter katchew'an (.lo -operative wasePmvtnrin- ',ringing iinishaydisx distinctrecognitionan to ,n,yntimP. the l'rltne )11nIster baa manager of the newly created ram- of Finance since confederation rya. einggirrpeedterl that the Pensions hoard In. paa,• At thirty tintbetaI development that the new lerpret more Iitserally the existing Treasurer of the Palet we ut ssok„ioi Minister hails from the West. ire legislation TIN• {etalons board i1s Of Saskatchewan. ta lPn forty t was nt tt ri he toe able independent btty. appointed by A MI 1 fpr of Rnllwayx at balms of the lndustrnllzetl a thorough appreciation of the p nems of agriculture and there will be plenty to tell him of the problems of industry. it Is not to be supposed nor expecte( that a farm -bred Minister of Finance. even one reared In the at- mosphere of Western Canada. velli be inconsiderate- of the claims of other parts of Canada. The Minister of Fin- ance Is Minister for all Canada 1111 R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Stor335 e ww W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS coon• With iter �1.s k. Telephone 57 ewa 1. , he.was of Ottawa and ns now holds the portfolio regarded as arrow' In importance only to the Premiership. Mr. I)unning's rise has been an unbroken record of auet•easful t rr.• • AIM (sty cnn old from his experience,sl Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor PbonograPh• and R•cord", --Kodak", and Developing TELEPHONE 90 N, to hold a proper balance between the c East and the agricultural We.t. That is n11 that can he expeetel from theteopr perform - once .,f thenof ( ties in mid I(i nctins of has Parliament aril not wider the control of the Government• end no doter'. it bits been tarring out Its dirties in the tight of 11N own ue.lrrstnnrllng of the provisions of the Act. There has been. b ,Weiler, s wide.pny„t feeling that the 1N'ar'1 wan mom anxious to keep down the pension- expendltitre than offers, Rre t" do justice to the crimeane and min-,fd boy tic opinion has is•en making itself N•hlle some Eastern interests, reterens. know - iii Mr. Dunning's polltieal hietory telt is the Interest of theR achievement. .o dtgdlcate dlr. Dunning's reword and by Ioffhe. no means are ell the outstanding see -; Mr. Rolrli s record as Minister of 1•Is1N4d to be { 1 to pubic lite, but it . nuance stands out es one of greet is another demon;p•rttunitle s toianada everi• i tDDunning wee an lntImate story.chievement in Canadian r. M of Mr. Rnb►is and at times nsedswtf his d the 11111`1111114111T ht the prevention budget. The new Minister can hardly W. better than follow the 'nuns. of Itis predecessor with steady reduc- tions its taxation• ed'd steady reduc- tions In the burden of the national Idebt. Ail Canada will watch with In - tersest 11111 performance of the new \lIuister of Finance. R. J. Howard General Supply Storn- i i A RDWARE, PAINTS and totrn- HARDWARE,PAINTSand OIi. AUTO ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE St' w d Ve n his library to vYMarl: "Never he persuaded eeks--al tat�'r theme a were lent to ma." -'T Peude'1 Show, Ln.idon. tM Land Values I IThe Fnrmi'r$ 1411111 The other day, the first.. minister 'of 1 the Coiled :hates to Canada withdrew, and one of the causes of his withdrnw- been t he heti not t sheer Iteens to provlded a with taafitting re 1 Iit nue. The Government of the United stater apptoprlatest promptly for the Puor ent- rpose the °enormoust Mum f a miser's hdotl+a million dollars. Itut. It IM to he gathered thorn ,Ise deeptlttshes, that Is an Inadequate sum. 'lone owners of land In Ottawa, learning of this appropriation. ranted their prices so high that the wealthiest notion in the world WMM forted l0 abandon the plan of building In the neighborhood of the Canadian Perlia• nletit end Within cell of the Canadian [`rime MIblyeRing"detton or build l.ake asub- Op nI orb, possibly ,on. The facto will, nelo oRlri he dock eted and indexed by the 121t(I� new lawn wlere >>• rlry last year. Til ams Eastern ptandard Cleveland's Bakery The ('o-Opunt%Ivy Raker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 COMIEUNITY WELL-BEING All men desire to achieve. crow the veriest child ys apparent the wish liD to be adult of ;ng t., t•,t years, there is Nothing ° thinglisromore contrary to right living doing tt ie atrof community .aetlon. baldness and ludoleu.,. idle- ness he -ruse of te,mmuauy the isouutunity nes 11101hs you reeid unna. and right-miudedl individualsnlook nisei them at whtt•le louoverthrow of a- und(e+iraell and enmuslt They tendaud Ru`ernment. it induces etrlr, as well as that will placard your community as nape,' the a state of lethargy'Adg all own Ulf Sastre its activity. ' Admitted ptmt thing, what Is the lawn that will res to freedom to be dung to accomplish that which is worthy in freedom to achieve properly,oas web as to themselves'? There' and of advantage to their community y ••('ummunity Spirit. is only our right law of at•tlrky, anti that t�ltle is lost. You moa Yuu cannot achieve much where ee'miuunity In fact the whYle muul- 1'Ip.11l In )our hmerchante, . with all abiding faith that there 1s none ty to which you the foundation whkit the whole super none fetter. Faith b theI- bubo; wei hrut it you are lost. First show your of your community paipatronizing t' our merchants and your mercbant show Sour faith In patroslxlnR 7 will show his faith in you. Broohey Bros. FURNITURE and �ERM- DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res. 217 Keeping Up Appearances We make it easier for particular people Frank H. Martin relepe 49 Teller aid Hatter Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream —Soda Fosftaia Service— HUNT'S ervice-HUNT'S CHOCOI TES TELEPHONE 393 visaed In Over There geeing to be Aneiowance or breakage- ae Qlaaiew s Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery' Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitman FRESH ANi) ('1-1(KI' Meats BEST QUAi.ITY TFLFPHONE No 2 Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery Chia' and Pottery I;lF"r� Fos A LL OCCASIONS Phone 567 Last gide of duan•. PHONES 501, 363 of educational in our town, Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., I H. C. Dunlop, Ph®• B. 'THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Lodaka, Statieeery, Coefectieeer7 limited Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 F.H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARSUSED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND TittE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN TELEPHONE ` AND OPERATE_ TO FORD PARTS COST LESS This Week's Special Write -Up HEARTILY ENDORSE WV; Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow UmorSal MiIiittfl ad Sitt S1o1N U to tLo si..te Minh.• • toad ad Julies Lingerie, her Goods. Gifts for all occasie.a Art Needle eork, Linens anti China Wt INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS t Sac.. • F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Goods at R•a•owable Prices TELEPHONE 8s W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings Suite Made -lo -measure CLEANING AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 334 The SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT is equipped for all kinds of PRINTING Telephone 35 D. M. O'Brien FRESH AND CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 F. H.. WOOD E. G. Smith use the beat time of year In talk about 'ars Timay not be 1 test to a a very few 'reeks. the active Iseaann to the automobile lwsleetw for another year. and the new Ford will be on band Baker and Confectioner 10*IIeDcommence and general all round a challenge H. W other is the for performative"Thr Better Raked Bread' 1wrslce. F. H. Wood is the Ford dealer to (:edertch and a call at rs a on St. Andrew's street will be worth while to anyone wc PHONE 164 WE DELIVER h n tt• R or exchanging • car. The Ford 1s the s'otPm{'latt•M buying fastest tetllnE ear in the world__there's a reason. D. Y. O'BRLEN restive iatberinRs Christmas is past, but there are 'alit many to he held during the holiday season, and D. M. ()113rten. of the hest street meet market. Is prepared to supply an important part of the feasts from has large stock of fresh meats and poultry. Mr O'Brien has a long Inst of regular cnstomertrdbu t herllere d alveredways room for omptly more. Telephone No. 31 and y our oand aatistactOrlty• E.C. Robertson Blackstone's JEWELRY, DIAMONDS Furniture Exchange ''QUALITY GIFTS" Used and New Faraidire China • WE �;1� F: 'i(1f' MONEY - PHONE Gown Derby PHONE Los TELEPHONE 136 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For Quality and (litnf0rt 10 Footwear and Repairing WM. AHL, Proprfetor Opposite Knew Church phone 6063 Godench Frit Market Quality Fit sail Vegetables FRESH i/Ai1.Y Corer East Street sial Setae. MIM 479 Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Picture Framing English China „GIFTS OF (tl`ALIT) PHONE 198 Sturdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provtsioos, Fruits "Everything Good for t1„• Tsl,l, PHONE 2i 1 Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER PRODUCT Sales and Service Expert Repairs on All Makes of Caro British Fxchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connection heal 1'1314. h. F+tt and -Iw•p Known to he clean and up-to-date Pll()NE 162 J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repairs on all makes of cars Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 Miller's S!rvice Sta tion Goodyear Tires phis Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars Greased --MARMON MOTOR CARS - PHONE 259w F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 62 L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE Genes' Meters Trucks Repairs on all make. of ,car. PHONES 166-247 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, OMs, Tires and Accessories Repairs w 1U sakes id cars Telepbae 234 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing. Phone 360 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties KiNGSTON STRFE1 NASH "400" Leads the World in Motor Car Value The only Car of till the new care with every new 1929 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H. C. Yount South Street 1