HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-26, Page 11 2, <As.. I This is Renewal Time THE SIGNAL thanks the many who have already renewed their subscriptions for 1930 and also welcomes several new subscribers. ALK CTiON CASE Perpetual and • Against Town . y Judge Lewis handed out In the matter of Wigle v. oe G(derich. The lnjuuwtlon Is October Tani with reference to Wellington /street sidewalk Is WO. permanent, and the coats in the matter are assessed Relieve the town. The judgmaot le as follow*: "Tbta is a matter in which there is si gloat deal of evident*, both oral mid by affidavit. 'xJlles Illipvte arises out of the pro- posed a enstruction of a sidewalk on the Nat side of Wellington street. The evidence discloses that there were gds. petitions to the town council, seise of the petitioners being dextrous elif having the walk (DMrinMte(t inside the Use of trees, and others out'sIde the lima oC nem, 1 have before me town catenell and I find that they dealt with the Matter 011 some eighteen or adaetar rent uccasluus. It 4e SIM t — on on the mart of the canal( has brought the matter Seto the tut, Court before Inc. 'LOW• ring all the evidence and being theeughly familiar with the Men in quo, I fid that the order of iajnaotiao made herein un the 23rd ey of October, 1fY 1, should be and 1+ janeby mads perpetueL V the pepreseentativesi of the town ora attest evenly divided in their opin- lana hi this matter, and as It is a mat- fett that atlet•ts the whole town, I or- ate the -caste shall be. paid by ,.tide dahtiiants." engagement in the long - battle over the Wellington alk took place last week. of conflict this. time being use, where on Wednesday was taken bel re Judge motion that the Interim Issued October 17th. stop- rk toprk of constructing the tem- , be made permanent. appeared for the appll- Wlgle, and D. E. Holmen The hearing of evidence whole day and argument on Friday morning. Ills sing an early decision. nee taken on Wednesday retard the proceedings In With the proposed sidewalk time the first petdtion was 'whmltted to the council This fine petition waft de - y for the reason that some (loners had .le•dgnated wished the well: to le (le the trees," or "outside Another petition was eine- 1 was accepted. the signs - without qualification. 'The ded that the walk (on the of Wellington tercet) should Inside the line of the trees, construction was colo- r. William Wallet*, a rest - 'erect, obtained an tnJune- nothing further was done at ' MAYOR MacEWAN HOST AT CIVIC BANQUET 1'leasltllt Function This Evendale :1t Medford Hotel Mayor Mat -Ewan was hoot this Crlitirselay) ettuing at u banquet giv- en ut llotel Bedford for the wemhers of the tuwe (outwit and the water and light tummbrdou, the civic officials, the tow** bankers and the prose. These functions, which have been an ahrtuul event during Mayor Ma.•Ewau'a term of orrice, etre greatly enjoyed by those privileged to attend, and that ut thla evening was no exception. After a sumptuous dinner, there was a writes of short speeches to whkh everyone present participated, and the exchange of Ideas on civic maters was not uuly interesting but may have tangible re- sults of practical value. Mayor Mac - Ewan is an Ideal host, and everyone felt at ease to unburden himself of anything ',hat was awaiting expires - 51011. Light was abed not only upon matters within the purview of the town council, but ales upon the af- fairs of the water and light commtts- 14101, and there was an atmosphere of good fellowship, with a general ac- knowledgment of the Mayor's gener- ous hospltell'y. Reference was made to the aosen-e of Mr. William Campbell, who as the town's older: ufflceal usually attends on them• occambeis, and at the cbw. of the speech-makiyg a toast la bis hon- or was proposed by Councillor Bailie. In conclia+ion Councillor Croft pro- posed a toast to His Worelilp 'be Mayor and his lady and this was fol- lowed by the singing of ")'or He's a Jolly Goad Fellow," r, after 'several skirmishes ncll. It was decided fimslly of 5 to 4 to construct the kit the treses. This time It turn of the "Insiders" to Minuet/on game, and they With Ilse rewlllt that tie work after the portion of the Britannia read to Elgin d been laid. The walk as pro- s to be from Britannia road ,rge's Crescent, r.o that the before the (hurt had reference Walk from Elgin avenne to SI. e. ('reseft. 1,• i.r/'teedInge before Judge on Wednesday clashes between lying counsel were frequent, 11 .•v sus ex111111 11111g E. R. the applicant, when Mr. Holmes I end claimed that the er- e•ntirely Irrelevant. All to be decided, he Bald, was the petition had been proper- ve-1 and the council had taken a•r stet's to net upon It. The re was all set nut in the Lo- .reus'nt Act. and Mr. Holmes Ottawa ease which he claimed the es'e here. neey claimed that the eo11nrll currying not the terns of Its hew nor prrnPdOug n+ reque++t- the petitioners. Honor asked if the petitioner. right to any Nhy they signed tion. Trees- They hnv-e no right to M any court at any time after Mon has been certified to by rk and presented to ihe-emltr Molle. claimed that the toes - the walk w'ns entirely within Hsdit'tlun 111 the council. The ee being taken wase "extran- irrelevant, and had nothing to th the matter." Honor said he wonld hear the , eghJee't to Mr. Holmes' pro - 4' examination of Mr. Wigle was med. Witness atrtd he would not Ve xigned the petition except upon 'anderstending that the walk was laid where the preeeet cinder was—that is. inside the line of Ja hie cane the placing of the olt,1d4 the trees would render ry a new approach and con - le work In filling in et his prop - teeth' itobineon, who appeared of her mother, Mrs Wm. was the fleet witness, and t the petition was signed by nn the understanding that was to be (raids the treat': 31r. Cliff. McManus won the goose awarded by :he management of Lloyd's lewllns alleys for the highest store for three consecutive games up to December 24th. Mr McManus' .(ore was 9111. The runner-up was W. Bisset, who had 872 to his credit. A prize will be offered for the nearest scone to 181 raglrered up to January :11et. Christmas Cheer at the Shelter Many gifts erre received at the Children's Shelter the past week. The management acknowledges Ih.• follow- ing donations: ()ranged and candy, R. J. MctMeheo, eluderkh; apples, Mrs. A. Foster, Goderich ; orange., Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Goderich; box of clothing, Salem ladles' Ald, Wroxet- er; toys, games and clothing,'Mae M. Mtlne's Sunday- /school class, United church, Myth; toys and gases, Cedar Valley school, .'u hfield ; apples, H. Lednor, l'ort Albert; Christmas cake, Smith's Bakery, (oderlch ; orange's, nuts and candy, Spares Grocery, God- erich ; miscellaneous gifts, Bromine. United church; gifts;, W. H. Hellyar, Clinton; box of gifts, Wesley-Wlllte Sunday school, Clinton; miscellaneous gifts, Mrs. Trewurtha's Sunday school girls class, Wesley -Willis Culted -hunch, Clinton. ' otherwise it would not have heere signed. Reeve Turner and John C. Wiggins, gave stuffier testimony. Mr. Wiggins told of 41(11[14' stakes that had been placed this fall Inside then line of trees (as If the council Intended to ,obstruct the walk tbere), Mr. Jus. A. Wilson said he wee fleet in favor of a walk outside the tn'ce, but when be found out there woe an old sewer along the line of the proposed walk be changed h1* mind. Mr. 8. M. Johnson of Stratford: the town engineer.. wan the first wItnees after . the neon adjournment. - Exam- ined by Mr. Holmes. he Rave nal" one why In his Judgment the walk should be outside the treses. A walk inside the trees was liable to upheaved from the growing rotes .01 tress. The walk nut - d de the trees would tend to :he beauti- fication of the street and would en- han w the ratite of property. Resi lents ' would 141• more likely to take ware of the boulevard If It were oat dividwl by a sidewalk. The present wn1k nn the west .+Ile of the street was out- side the trees and there should he 1111- Ifornlity. 'There would still be 57 feet 4'nr011d%-so between 1Ie sidewalk.". Alr. Johnson said he tone testifying as (1n engineer, but 31r. lianas•) (lettered that his evidence on these natters carried no more weight `hon that oN en ordinnry observer. Mr. Johnson said he had put sewers across Wellington street at 1.Ighe house 110,1 IJuehes' xtree'ts •and had seen to 1rn(e of the old drain spoken of he air. Weenie Judge Lewis; how - •over, sold hes had a distinct reeolle'c- Hen (lf it. 11'i)Ilam Wallies. and ler. J. M. Field. loth "outsiders," gave (('st1- mor,). and Ton -ti ('krk Knot wit+ ex- amined with referenee to the various petitions and the proceedings of the town council in the matter of the waft. Other witnesses for the 101A11 were F. Itell, of the firm which had the eontrect for laying eldpwniks in 00c1- erl.h this yenr, Counrlllor Wm. Bailie, who le chairman of the public works eommitt(e of the e•nttne•ii. and Mayor Meet:wan. Mr. Bailie said the slake' referred to by Mr. WIKghls Wye rut In for observation purpose., they were not eonatrnctlon stake+. The coterie -tore have pre•4'ntcd to the town ennnell a 1111 for :K(tl..iill for their alleged lfe.s from the faihirn to proeeed wi11, the Wellington street walk, Jtelge Lewis raise,( the point of nettle eonditlofs rot Wnllington street on acn,nnt of the parse number of nen working at the Big Mill and oth- er lnitmeMee at the harbor who woe the street on their way to and from work Some of the wit.nnemete quiet - Wined abont that thought there was no serous (swrgeatlnn of traffic. Another point rained was as to the proportion of etreats on which the walks now laid are Inside the trent, hot nobody cresta to he able to do better than guess as to the prnportieet. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 A Tapp ri Y ljrzu' u tIr rraiirr aril trwttiit of r '\gust PERSONAL MENTION "SOH Wait" flu .((5154• of the stormy days of last w k 1 t were Mr. John G. Me1)ermid is huwe! from \ardor for Cbristwa+. • Miss Marion Murrey. of Toronto, spent Christmas at her home !ware. Miss Evelyn (lark Is home trona Centralia for the Christmas holidays. Mloe+ Helen 'Levitz, of Toronto t'nl- versity, is holidaying at her' home here. Mr. Harold Melwe:in, of T911solburg, • spent Christmas at has home ill Salt - ford. Mise Margaret jteddttt Is home fr Toronto University for the ('orlstiiu,- bolidaya. Mr. Percy Sheard,w'u, of the 1'ni versify of Toronto. is home for the, holidays. Mr. Robt. Hetherington, of 0"g'ssle (lull, 'Toronto, 1s holidaying at hi• home here. Miss Maud Howell, of Holstein, 1tut.. of Art, Toronto, is home for the hull - day season Mr. Janes Walleye, of the Univer- sity of Toronto, is home for the Christ- ina: holidays. i Miss Bamford, of Toronto, is spend-. Ing Christmas with her sister. Moe. l 11. It. Salto.. Mins Helen Buechler, of Stratford Normal Schad, is among the @Indents home fur the hollelays. Miss Mary Johnston, of Stratford Normal School, Is home for the Christmas holiday season. Mies Margaret Buxton. of :r ratfurd Normal, 1s mending the ('hrhtmas va• cation at her home here. Miss Kitty Sale, of Trinity CoIleg4, Toronto, la spending the (atheism's vacation nt her home here. Mr. and Mrs, George Dunlop went to Toronto to spend Christmas with 'heir daughter, Mimn Norine. Mr. Hugh Baechler, of Ludington. Minh., its holidaying at the home of his mother, Mrs. X. Buechler. Mhwes ',Blinn and Margaret F'erpt- son, of Hamilton, visited their aunt, Miss Idly Ferguson. the pest week. Mies Mary Itnes•hler. of Wad Atom - rose, 1* spending Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. X. BaerhMr. Mrs. Sneyd eft this week for Tor- onto, where 'he will spend the whiter with her. dnughter, Mre. Jos. Merle. alias Ik•atrice Lauder, B. A., of St, l'athartnnw Collegiate lnst}tute, la %printing the holiday term at her home here. Mr. Eel Field, of Toronto. is "mending the Christmas vneatt In at the home of his parents•, lir. :1 ' 1. and Mrs. Field. MIs. Maud Howell. of hholteleti, 1, spending Ibe ('hrletmas vacation with her parents, ;dr. and Mrs. 31• AV. Howell. • Miss (\floe Whitely, of Toronto versify, is stetnling Christmas days with her mother, Mrs. Jus. Whitely. 1tr. John Wallace, of St. Mlchnel's hospital, Toronto. spent Christmas at. the home of his pati1ltet, Mr, 11101 Mrs. Wni. Wallace. Mr. Kelm. Johnston, of Montreal, is sp•uditng the Christmas vacation at tbe home of Isis parents. lir. mild Urs. Geo. Johnston. Al ism ('atheriee Crawford. of flit University. .,,f Western Outline, is 'lending the ( 'hristin s onwatinu at her home here. %1e"ar". 11911 Web:4ter and L'ert Ab 3lnnus are home from the 1'nlversity of 1\'eetetu Ontario, lcmdi.u, for tot ('h1•i'.11111441 season. Mr. and Mrs. E. (i. Pridhnnt, of Montreal. are spending the ('hristmae season with Mr. 1'ridham's parents, Mr. nod Mrs. W. C. Prklhain. MI Joni' (:rov(•s, of O. A. ('.. n,• .h, spent the 4'hrhtnu,. vecil'ion. at the home of her p(reatt'. .tlr. and Mr•, C. E. Graves, Huron road. Miss Rose Strang, of Kiigs1,`ill.', Miss Grace Strang, of Guelph. are spending Ole Christmas 111.811ol' %Itit tls•ir mother, Mrs. 11. 1. Strang. Niles (Iral ('aper, of fort Elgin High School stall', 1, spending the i'hrtslmes vacation lit the hone Of her perents. Mr. and Mrs. ,%. J. ('Doper. Miss Mary Clarke, of Toronto Lnl- aetslty, Is /mending the Christmas ret- rainee with her 'parents, Itev, C. F. end Mrs. Clarke, nt North street Iareenage. Airs" Helen MA ferried, mfrs•-Ia- trnin,ug 111 Toronto (emeriti Ho'pital, hes leen speeding a week's holidays with her parents, Rev. R. 1'. end Mrs. M,•itermld. 31is,s Evelyn Reed, of the local staff of the Royal Rank, la cm a three works' vaeetl0n. The position during Miss heed's. ah41ene Is being filled by J,•nn AleKenzle. ale, L. it. ('rook arrived on Satur- day from Port Colborne, where his Nees is laid up for the winter. 1(P r.'le,rts very had weather conditions. at Port Centers*. where a ale•Pt storm created havoc with the power wires. Mrs. IC. W. Carrie la spending the Christmas holidays Wirth her sone, Rev. John t?arrie, rector of at. Luke's church, Buffalo, and Rev. (1 R. Oerre', rector el et. Mark's church, Rochester. In January mho will join a party of friends and apend the remstnder of the winter In P1oMda. ee ' •(nue rs . 111 t e s ureal few and fu' between. tine of the mer- ctuults of the square, however, was quite clinwrful "1 have heel' wuititng 1111 cnst,mere all day lung,' he said "and 1'11 .Uhl wafting." 1t Lindsay's Bowing A(lf)a 9'\to ,,1111 P"1. Were .completed ut Lluel.•uy''s howling alle)'s this week. Jos. 110%01:ll' 111111 the duck given fur' the score ueare't lin. Mr. M.0wlua11 Wi- llett the exact .(ore in the play-off. thigh Mei:ulre with 7119' points to hl+ areal( won the genet awarded for the highest store .for three t'neetetI',e- g8 me,.• • 14.Verrl more vonge•Iit ms are all- uuiuuv+l. .\ tool. oittiirettel %ill Is• given fur the nearest ewe to 175 ell - liest between now and Wreluesla), January .lot, at 8 pow. .\ similar prise Is uttered for 11e nearest %cure 1 Pet u ode up to 4atnrday. Januay 4114. lour the ueatetaat %core to lei tallied up to WeduesdaY, January 22nd, the prize will be u box of cigars, and fur the nearest more to 190 tip to Friday, Jfauary.24t1, the prize will bea Idle 111 caste([ The Community Christmas Tree Santa Claus made his official ape i pearaace in Guderlch on Tuesday afternoon, and was greeted by bun- dnd% of children gie tiered hi court House Perk ue+Ir the tree which had! been gully Illuminated for tweeted' nights. Santa was escorted by a num- her of toy Semite. sad the Mayor and members of the town council were' on hand to receive hit((, but wYhout any ceremony be tommeuced- to hand on* to 'he chll'lren the packages which be -sad br'u ht with hire. Near- ly one ihorsand children received each a Kew -roux beg of candies and nuts. ' Several members of. the 'own land were 011 hand and contrlhuted .owe music to the occuelun. Cunsldereble trouble had been taken fn decorating the Christmas tree wi-h colored light', and It looked very pretty at night as the light, gleamed in 'he midst of the little fore* in the park. but in daylight the effect was en- tirely list. 1t Is suggested that on future (e'9Nlon. the even: he held in 1 the etirly evening. %hell the illumine. dolt will add nitwit to the gaiety of the -stele and the ...Wine will is• 111,1.. fu +le(• the (tee In Its glory;. PERSONAL MENTION Ile Delight. Campbell •p•u'. Christ- mas at Mitchell, 3llss lolly Down. of Detroit, spent ('hri.ttlas In 'own. Mr. Ar.. Johnston, of Leedom spent the holiday in town. Mr. Wm. Weir w'as hone. from Tor- onto for Christmas. al Is. 111•Ien sirs iton. of Toronto,. 51em1 the holiday in town. Mr. Allan lirludley, of Detroit, to visiting at his 1 • here, Mg. Tum Cue, of Chime., as hole dayitig oll- day'ltlg at his home here. Miss Gertrude plaint spent l'hrist- 11w• at her home at ('nditon. . • Mr. Frank' }:lllett, of 'Toronto, Is vlseellitl 4 hiristnias week here. Miss Deruthy Mallough, of Detroit, Is )Jsending holidays in town. lois. Gertrude Lumby, of Toroptlh sts-nt 4'11ri•tm1as dt-he-r hotuc dere. Miss Ruby Wamttold, of .Kitehener, -{sant 4hrl•t il, at her (loin here. hiss (.aura J01104011, r.f St. Augus- tine, le home for the holiday season. Mr. Willieln Johnston, of Toronto, le speeding Christmas holiday's Int town. 1r. Morrh.eq MacKay was honks front 'Penedo for the Chrieetuns hoe - day. Miss Dorothy Westbrooke, of Tor - oleo, spent t'brl+tmas at • flee home herr. Miss 0. Gmelin, of the Signal staff, sisal( l'hrtstinse at her home at Pre.' 011. Mr. Max Cormier le steuding the ('1)rlslm8• clientele with mia'Ivew at Winchester. Mr. and MA 11. A. Schuyler. of Ki'thcner, are holidaying with rela- tor, in town. Miw Jean Bogie, of 'Ttmmtns, 1s spending the holiday season at her home here. I'II1' SION.%I. PItIN'1'IN4; Os,, LIMITED. Publbnhere RHDDEN DEATH OF "HOLLIE SMITH • Tukea 111 oei 'Ptah, Vier 1Ali% ug I:ulerirh This Mir lr.aue, II 11116111y (\faith: son of Alr I. W. Smith, el 0tele'ieh, dies( said - .11•11 ly aid,:euly %bile 011 hi, way hack to his huwe et Detroit (hie (Thursday i wuru• :ng after spending l'brir:uuis Day with relatives ill 1011-11. Mr. Stuith 1 left G(derlrh 'n the wonting C. N.'1L. train mad It was somewhere letwew11 Chatham and windsor the: he be - canoe 111. Mr. J. 't.'howas, of (oderleb, who was returning to Detroit 011 the same train, bail Mr. Smith' taken to the Weather hospital, where he enc. (limbed. '1'lte late Mr. Smith had not been in good health fur some Owe, al• though be apparently felt well when he left tiuderi b this merulug. Ile was an his for:ys.ixtt year. Ilt'uldese his wife he ieavea three daughters and nue MMI: Mrs, }'te,L Charley, of Tor- onto; hthosisi, Phyllis and Hkton, of Detroit, Three sisters and two broth- ers also survive: Mre.. }'rank .\lieu, 31M, Lewis Maskell and Mr. E. 0. Swi.11, of (:.elerich; Mrs. 11(1\00 Schuyler, of Kitchener. and Mr..It. .1. [with, of t:uelph. (hews.4esl %'a, a TOWN COUNCIL HOLDS ITS LAST REGULAR MEETING OF Tint; YEAR Special Meeting Tuesday Night Tu Consider Judgment in Sidewalk Case Auuu lh,wini 1929 is fast drawing ll' a dude, and at the last regular Meet- ing of the present town euulbdl, held on Friday night last, the member(( sat for a while at the beeIalde of the er pining year and sighed for its passing. -1ppares(tly it was riot considered good taste, at this deutht'ed scene, to speak of the new year that le to appear r sou as the old one shuffles off, for cone of the rrw•mbcrs declared their la- teutlulrr for 1930. However, some of them est/mated their liking fur mat (cipal lite, so 1e ma) take it for granted that suave at leant of the old fates will appear around the 'outwit will-k11uwu.. G'slerteh boy, residingIs.tar! next year. here until a (OW )w►rs ago. He w•as " •\II the 101•1011e.114 were present. a member uf-Mulllaud hslge', No, ;;t, Muy1! MacEwan preeen"e(1 et e•lre- 1.F'. tiler front the t'an & A.U. The reuuthls will arrive 'anti/Ilan re Fi1'ndrr- tlrig tip 111 G,sirrh h on }ridgy evening and wetter' ,,Asst atluu remin 1,(r Ih,• funeral will tale place from hie ....mice of the ineesshy of extra \ere rrsidrnc,. 1►Ist •atter.. at this Dine of year it heving (Ire- ful/we.flghting appuratut Il' cotditluu for use. HUl'Kl f—I\' KMJtuIA'M.0. 11. A• ('uuut1110r Mooning% ohrerved that meal of the preetauttems mentioned to 'Th,' %or1d'. fastest mei must Mutt , the circular had alreudy been take.. Ing game' ttpee,I. brawn and dexter- '111e motor truck had leen taken out 113- combined to preside flushing el'- rhuu day (•.r a test. •ertuhluaytt! u. 11. A. b.s4;ay iw ne The letter wails referred 111 the jlre (*(alms( as Me best of 1111 terunds and the intermediates -' are °flee 011 top of Ille heap wl1,01 the 'shoos chw- ea. The Leal (wine :wit.bar. hat.• leu eut the Mat and the sezlettr from Mitchell eta cr.+s the thre..hold for A report was refetve( , from Fire .ommittee. ntwl Ibe water and Itglet conlwiwon was asked to send in a written report on Ibe eooditlotl-of the hydrants. Thirty-ene hire Palls This Year the keit let juu.t- on Friary. Jan -, ('lair( !k•awow ns to thework of the nary 3nI. See It, and you'll never brigade during the year. There were MI-. another game. eighteen tires, tour Joliette -nu, and tithe t fake alartus--a total of thirty-tine Ia/on.aflsa ter municipal ('.amdu vi 11) a 'event auweilwenl {0 the Mun- icipal .ter, every candidate for mayor, rem.% deputy reeve, councillor or.w•al- er. and light ,omnds•ioner is required be kep: unobstructed. when tieing his .k-.'lar.1:on Df (mall - calla. The chief reported that a mas- her of the tiro hydrants were cosere11 with aims% 1101,1 adrh•ed that the hyil- rauta in all parts of the emu should There was 11 brief dfactlssi'm of the f"1 1" w1111 the -"".•krk to flit' ale., work of the municipal snowplows. r<h•' r ..•rtlri.ete signed -by' the town treas— urer and the celleseur of taxes sls,w- dour meet work In the flee of the worst snowstorm In years. An appeal by Miss Mary (;oretee, Lighthouse street, against tbs. road 0111 charge 011 ler property was refs to the puddle works ,otnmltee., yew Gordon said her house was %scald sill summer. A proe, (,t by Mrs Eleauor 1t,eae N- liotf agalua a charge of 818 for 'ewer on I.Ightbonse street was went to the public works committee.' Mn.. Elliott said her prop•rt) derheel no le•reflt trout the sewer. A ,o01m nticatlon from the elf) cleft of Kitchener requested support 111 urg- ing upon the Provincial Government the amending of the Inst -age I'enxloa Ingehat there are no municipal tau,' or rate, flue on say land' In the mints 1.'1lallty of which the emendate h 011ner .r tenant. The law ,ro%ides Ilial the. eh'rk ',hall nut place on the taller tapper Mr Alien Wl)w,u 1s Lome after the name 01 any eandtdsr.• who (aIle -1e11ding the summer steno' on the to file suet lwrtlflcate with his deelar- 4 l'at Lakes. shun within the proper time. Urs. J. Cornfield. of Toronto, le 1'r.e se:Ice candidates should have %kiting a1 tbe home of Mr. and Mr's, titter cer11t141ne ne to taxes prepared 1.4.. Cornfield. at once, sl' shut 1t may be filed In pre- - MIA% d.Illae MaeViear 1. home from per order at the time waled. her school at 1Velle d fur the ('hrlet- toga vaentlops. Winners in the Doll Contest Mr. and Mrs. Herold Currie, of Do- 3lrs. V. Whiteighem. of tint./. won I trult, spent ('hristmas with their efts• Ibe beautiful doll 111 the gme" Ing 11m- 111v.s In town. test-e.'ralnctesl b) the Junior .\uxlllnryAct mo tont a leas( munlripallly that Atlas Kathleen Reed, of Elora,M of Mt. O:enrg.'•. ,tnirch. The tnnlee'' bx, eontrlbuted to the cost of math "1.141ling the 4'hrlstnta• vr,•atbm 111 was to ewes. the nunle•r of te•ans In! txlnhng an} peneluler may. after his 11'•r home here. the Jnr ll' NU...311, kiln"' "tort Nlud.'' ,Math, share In any stem recovered (Nate Air. Javk Iteo'jl,', of tot f'.I'.R...un.4ou the Apter,- '1'h.•'o1n1s41111411 cl0sesl'th• dewea+at penshoner'e (Vitale by the Arweual Meeting ('. A. Society The annual business meeting 'ef the C•hildre,i's .1141 Sottety wow held • Inst Irldsy afternoon at the Shelter.' Ito a,rount of the stormy weather 81111 drift(sl walk. the ottendnnw.' Ws!. '011111. lbga,rl' of the yenr's work were given and the same uffl(ers were elected ne• in 1(4_11. The pried - den', Rer..1. E. Furl, and the secre- tory, .4.. M. Robertson, were re-ap pointed a+ tepres'ntnth'es on the county board of management- Mr. 11. T. Edwards, (seedy superintendent. Made special meention of 'he"work 1e - Ing done for .rippleel .111ldreu which 'is beteg :Aiken up by the Lions flubs In the (aunty and the Rutery flub of Rtra'fnrd. IIe reported that the eel - hide of the comely council towards all the work "f the ('..\.R1 ww• quite sy in- 1.1fh441e mid their finanehtl eip(wn•t tory ge•nerons. Men'iott tuts tulle Df Ihr nppoiut mrl't of the maw matron, Mr.. J. '1'i;; ert, w'ho recently entered upon her duties nt the Shelter, and of the .1- fer of a bale of elething from '.he Uuleswort11 brunch of the Women's t Institute: also of n 01117r11jorr from M(a•hn 'Temple, London- The New System Approved ,l1 the IMermher meeting of the Children's. Shelter cetnmiltl•t•, %oleo Ix sompo'•(s1 of line members of liM • county' voun.il mid two members of the Children's .ltd leklety. the feu '„1 � repxesentntlros. Rev. '.1. 1'. Ford and Mr. A. M. Role•rtsou, ex- presses! their bienr'y 01ppr.vel of the new method of pIrt,erslitp in the muwtgetnent err the !Ihe1(1 r. It %ns pointed (lilt th:i' ruder the .10.1% sys. tem, by which the eentay runnel) 11"- aumed the fln4nel411 responsiht1117, a great lona hod been taken off the shoulders of the mike rncmhers of 'he Children's Aid Society, who 1.1111111 now deq•otr themselves with mitre free- dom to the morn) and nodal 11sp' is of the work of the Markby. }'nrther, an - der the proven! system the financial responslhlitty was more gcnernlly dls'ribnted over the ( ty through the interest 1,f the einiti1y ee w•al. Mr. reed, who le president of the ('hiid- ren's Aid Society, mild that he had heard many favorable (omm(•nts and words of approval upon 'hp manner in which Huron county took rare of 'ION part et the ragweed/defy In the natter of newel II 114 neglpMPr1 Child. ran. The Warden. repreeenting the entity rennet', thenked the mentherw of the C. A. society for their kind words of approval and moored them that Hnron 'nnnfy mnncil wonld coo - 'Anne to manlfeet its Sympathy In the work. • 44 lo%11 ark... spent 1'1,riet111.1, nt hi+ nn`Ttv..h,y amermen. when It was' pcotto•bel commission In proportion hnnir at Wingbnnl. found 'hat- there n.re 44 at( leans 111' ns the num eoretrlbntnl by the t, ki 1he.. Jar. your pe•P.Ia15 1141,1 glle.'.'1 municipality beers to the total east of 111115*) and h, a ...eon.' guessing ,Dote•"(I natutainiug.+ueh preioner. fit ekw•Id,• the. Minter Mrs. 11'hittkllgt• � jemmy !levee 4'tllt(gte staid the cont hang tens '1""'"• f�l. itis.. AI+tk11,' 1 ty ...tuned had passed a resohtiiun Al- rneontrlt it.'l the doll .111.1 Mrs. ,:nmb14' ring 11,1s tine, lull as the town watt not .tided 11 complete outfit of clothe+, I direee y affected no action wan taken. mei in addition n Nnrinle track, an! Letter ham County Engineer n*er,igle hag find It high ehnlr. Moi. \ letter received from T. K. !'atter %Vhit 1111ahnul %Pry kindly allies the. won. (warty engineer, was an follows: nverrllght bag to J9'rt 11,0.1, Nho rum(' -1 note in the primes the aeneant of emote' in the gue•sr'In4(, stud 111s. loot , the dls.,w.lon of tee expenalluetea Ails Eleanor Ifougherf). of Wiese libel:, is spending the ('ori.: ma4 va• (1U' at her home here, - lirMelvhl Cutl, of Toronto Cn1- vcn.ity, 1. , 'wending the l'hrlstmae vxe11'io11 11t his home here. Mies Evelyn l'ulhe•k, of Sault 131e, -Marie, 0111., is visiting at the home id lir. mei Mrs. 0. 1V. nehmen!. Mess Mildred l4'ugherty, of Toron- to, spent Christmas et the home of her mother, Mrs. M. IhoIgherty. ley !believes, eves, sr, who e1a- 'hint in. um4,• by the ,onuty 4)11 the county Mr. Meow! \Vatter of Npw 1.Iske- the ",tort, 1-14•1•1 1'441 11 doll are --..I by rou,15 In the town. art. is visiting at the lone of hie par - the little Jntiiore tis•m.,•hw". "Itegaming the guard fence 1■ pots, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walter. -.---- .nun,' .o( c•rectiem on the SakGm1 610, Miss lmella . 1I.iti rington. of .%rrother Ke1i8c'- KepnrleiI obj,w•tlon uas bunk to ore be•a114,8 o1 1\'h.•niltt. Is 'I4'n(ling the Christ tots' -•,. (Iv TtIesl8y \I r. $ 11urnU,g•tilr r'• 1101 hlg ,'hnln. 111iving regard to the 1ncnI1011 at her bine. henese ranee. pnt.•.1 to :he pollee that he' had leen ,,(fly ant efflelen(y or 1110 sfinnture, Hiss 0nsel. 111,11.4,.'. of 51 net ford It '• tklltu of nnol11.•, rubler) .11eiut 1 ,n1I.l tot 11( .rove of an material Normal School, 1. 'p•odlgg the holirhlt ,tt.po that morning. :o•(•ordin8 10 bis change in thedesign. 11 11. an 11)4ftlm ,ioloo-,,itt her home. Huron road. .1.41elac'lll, sonu•n,• hail jnn,pesl '.n his h, x11 htillhug pnu•tice that nny' ar Mr. Laverne Pent land, of ih•ireit, due•., in. 'h.• 114•)wey teto.•'m hi.•r+u,gcme'nt'of p(4rts Ihnt fest dlsphiys -pent Cirri -dines eirh 111.4 parents. air, 1111.13. 110111 III. 1011•... :11.1 1111,1 ub'trasl- e: .e,. e s r r ire s tut t r to r1+t le i also the mold nod ltrs, .4..- It. I'entlm,.i, Dung '11 (sI (rola h1• le1 (1a.- on'ney "11"n'I preening ice the eye. it cannot, he eft• air. Ilia. Moutltain, of run t'.4-( tag to *47. H1+ uhbuge Iete4''' cn.spl' te(•tsl !hilt this fence will present a borne, spent Christly naat 1111411114,11081e,'110e fit � ii hi/ Willi rn('•tng. A peculiar feature' mashed npeaarn,'e 11,1(11 it Is finished, his H parents r. and Mrs. .1 Monntaln. of the 'lffotr t: that a led who was ` -Thefid ....embalm that the etyma - Mr. 1(111 .\'•l:.•-oi,, of Mitchell, Vent ' s14ep4111 In (he 1o1s4' at the awe di'l futon.. on `tilif'M1t hilt +boll((! he.ceoe- .'hristma- at the house of his parents, ; not 11..or n ...11,1, Mr. Morn Inge( at wtdrrysl sep11yrnh•ly from thecae on � AI r. nnll aL's. it. .1. .1che-on, Nelseni o:uiA. ,rlsl-e? no sultry x91' h{+ newel- 1 shirred street was (101111 aired. I[ la •th'ie'f-' • 'thine mit one big gone 1114'1 hi, job sith trim, a. 1'ooneillor Meunier& stated, . 111•-: Amine Richards, of, Wheatley. ; ..melee° silence.tont fhls {sertirau . of road 1111'73tltt' I Is .lending( 1110 t'htistntn• 1,11,511 11,11 nt IVilhhl the Is•' month Mr. Mettler.:Maitland i ri I'e t,. the (' r. R. o°e7► ,thehome of Mrs. 0-.. 11e1h,•rin¢tlln. •tor has rets.rt,,I 1'e"e" of nom" -!.) 1141141 bridge was designated a rot ){enys -street. robte•ry ane°\,tong to 11bnut $7.;• road by 1,e law No. 13. . 19 tt, of Miss Doris \V,adicomla•, of 1.11,•01'. , The Jnrdiue, brolhe•r•, w'he are ..011(11 of Iinron, hot 11 1, 11,.i a 1 le *tending the hotlday at•us.m at , rharK.•d 11ith n rornu•r r'dicey'. were' , I lav No. / 1 •m tont I y 1 . t, 1127, daalgnn the11',m1l.otni o of bee parent+. Mr. end Airs ,I.I. � til ,'ti naflrrllu!h,'a1la+tt11mpurted' 17 nrun17 ro11d tale extension of road vie Victoria street and the HAY - Mrs. ii, N. Meetln1mM rlu'I t•hili/ri-b.. 1(.114(7. -- I('•1,1 rind to (h,• 'onfh town limps ..f Brit -eels,• -are melting withMr•' - -. 'Therefore. these pti •rtioa of road Mile ifaet . ,tot t,t'. tollreIits, Mr. II Pill 11r- tld.lrP,.e'„ Meeting 1'anrehlvPr 1.1111,11y the sante teat IIS, and 11, 11 .4.(e•x. HPnitersen. A re." -to Issue „f .1".e• 1(14113 1'ro'• .'Iaf:nett the town of Iloelerich hes he Nr. itodgI:ls Clarke, of the 1'reter-10 in... „1 4.'luorouv1r, 11.e., ((4,.'*lei :111 nn., mut intcreet In \h4' expetlditut+Dn of Torsntn, Is t'e'nding the I'11ristua' length en nddre:ss Oren by O. it El- on Kith ford htit it wouid follow iJ!at vacation at' 'he home of his parents, Will. 1h,ndniou Government le'.rol• .11* e*th'nditIrs an Vict(xta ,,,rept. Rev, C. F. nnd•Mrs. Clarke. •((111 engineer et 4'8lglery, at a Ken- Mr., would 141"0 he Px4'mph. 1 c air. ('harle+ Ilam ler, of 'be llaiv..- .•r,1 nos•ting of tie 11, 4',d1tL luit of read any stu•h 1hlrrptr(ation int, ^117 of 'Pinot(,, I+ OWodi011 the the e•n11ndi:u, Iestll.ntr of Mining and 1101, 2, of 1)%' Illghway 1019(0414' ('hristnins vacation at the home of M,•'allnryq held at Vateonver. Mr.! Act.'_ , , • his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, II. IIunA }:Ilion 1s 11 God.rieh boy, it sin of • •It was intimated that the r her. )tr. nod Mr... 0. M. .Iilott, foster was unfair to the town in the Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. 8rhweyer and eiediskm.%u residents of this town who ff exp•ndlturP, but the amour lire. 11'. .1. Donaldson, of NPI1Pw (bra nrl' now• living at London. Mr. Elliott hate Is I►dit by Act of Paella \lane, ore spending the Christmas in his nddr•ss dealt par'leelarly with as the .0,1017 ha. a1wap►i season at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 1 production In the Turner Valley oil mune than the law rent ('hes, (1. ilnniter. field, which he said would meshes. n than „(alms to „enMr. hh'nald M,Kenzo, who sailed million barrels of -oil 10.1029, nt the empty.. ham the afeamPr W. F. White during the some time declaring his belief 'dint '•it 1s noted. also, that mesaem. is *pending the (Mrlstmas production In Alberta would n1,: le dome tont no statements(onfln.+l to 4.111« Otte field, but OtIt waw nnty On?' of a serf,., of Heide that would he Iliseevered. Ile also gave his hearer* a review of Canadian and Itneett States oil history, with much interesting ant valuable Information nesting to the subject. Mise Sarah MrcKinnon, of Windsor, nt fluff tmaa In town. a M term at his home here and *I11 return 'o Detroit In * few days. The teeehers of the t'onegtntr In slitter are spending the (Trireme. vacation at their reepeetly. homes: Miss M. Simpson at Toronto. Mie M. Powell at Preece\\, Mise E. MacNangh- ton s" Chatham, Miss J. Owen at Berrie, and Miss It. Shepley at Am- her*t herg. I turn' made by the county mired The bnninaw Of p11141e, and no Info kind hat ever been refn Any Matementa asked have always been an bare gone to rvtnaid a n0mhet of oceasio statement*. The ee (Qontnwed fel 1 l •.r 41