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The Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 10
u.t111Rneslw_ ... - 4444 hR•-T�GSiw� .N'FrkN.Y MOS,.,r 4.,.44,44; 6,- tachy. December 11. 1fMk e THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. throats \ need this Double• T tmnt era e v RUBBED on the throat, Vicks relieves in two direct ways: (1) Its vapors, released by the body heat, are in- haled direct to the air pas- s sages; and (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the - soreness like an old-fash- ioned poultice. wsye IN 40/1/©at Ona i ICKS z/VAPORUB twAlIWONJ.4RSGEEDYEARLJ' • Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL 1)1 m -roe I 1•.!s. RMIIAI.MERS Ambulance service et all hour., day or eight. store 120 Kee 21: lioiEK1( 11 J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All call* prone•,t13 attended to lar •. night I't1UXE`J store •33 s Keshlepee 355w liemilron street, G.slerch H. LLEMENTS Painter and Decorator Estimates for -painting, wrli paper- ing. etc.. chw•rt°tiy given on re- quest. Rearde.ce, No. 4. Illayfiolli Road Telephone 259J 'S HINGLFS A car of h..e.ling and Rock • Face Shingles juot arrived 5x and 3x B. C. Shingles Get our prices tetore you buy Robt. Standish i ast�t 1'1,"ne:i4SH I.in.tericli Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Crestnut Coal Pea Coal ll r• epi Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of the stove fuel Pronipt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 1 l'j 1,o.ol.•rieh Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture 1 How lo Protium Meyers dry mash containing s equal party e Poultry farmers will find it profit- stern meal, wheat bran, wheat able, for the purpose of building up middlings and crushed oats. The utb- tbe laying capacity of their flocks, er group received a moist mash (on- to select the best laying bens of the stating of equal parts of wheat bran. flock and mate them with males from wheat middlings and crushed oats heavy-Ia31ug stock. In one expert- mixed with boiled potatoes. The pro- ment, fifteen of the best Layers were portions fed were two parts vita - set apart for the production of hatch- i toes and one part mash. Each growp Ing eggs and were mated with the received charcoal grit, milk, green sons of heavy -laying hens. The first feed and water. Both e.g production, year of the teal the fifteen best hen,. and hatching result$ showed an ad- 1 laid an average of 123.6 eggs and vantage in the case of the potato -fwd flee yearslater the yield of the best ' poultry. fifteen had gone up to 246.2 eggs peri Ilea. York county is reputed to hare more 1 ___ I great young .Terrey bulls than any New Uvea for Barley Iother county In .tweri at. One reason la that there are three Balm herds In i oar recently the use of barley on the county and for two decades only Ing farm was rest to the feed. outstanding sires have been eased In Ing of live stuck. Inn Germany. how'.' these herds. Prune fou eombleei use ever, barley Is d fora multitude of unlit,' I consideredpurposes, Millions of bushels yearly , with shooting q are used In the manufacture of malt' essential. therefore sires are selected coffee. Besides this an enormous only from •famIlles knows both In the quantity of the grain le used in the shooting and at the pall. manufacture of bread, breakfast foody. biscuits, Infant and Invalid preparations, tonics, condimeuta and food preserves. In view of this, It would seem that barley is destined to •.crupy n position of I..creasing lm- portance in all farm rotations that may be devised wltb a view to ob- taining some relief from the weed ecourgw Martin Birds Won White Wyandotte,: owned by Hon. John S. Martin, Minl•ter of Agricul- ture. scored several notable victurie. at the recent Chi ago poultry show. In keen competition they cap:ureal the 'best display" award in their class. ' The complete list of %innings by the Martin birds was no. follow.: 1st. 2nd, and 4th cockerels; 1st. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Canadian Hogs improve • yard :.:h hens: 1st, 3rd and 4th old The gradual Increase iu the number' ie": and _'rid and 3rd young fans. A total of forty-six birds were entered by Hon. Mr. Martin. who had not ' shown at Chicago for there years. Controlled itee-Mating Beekeepers have for rears been troubled by the handicap entailed in their efforts to bring about controlled Idiom still brings a higher price than nesting. The queen Ire always mate on the wing and attempt. t" devise a Canadian on the British market. the form •,f Bele five mating hate :Ileacs ivallty of our bacon is constantly 1m- (aIle!. For fhe year, A scientist in proving and prospects are that. with the Improvements that have already Cornell University. has been working at this. problem and now an no unties been taking place, the time is arse ,Earl [Hat he has been successful) In devil - distant when Canadian bacon will beIngextremely flee instrument., so that on an equal plane with that of any queen beep .an be artificially melte.: :nursery In the world. ; te, aelecte.d drones. This sec"eaa, when With the coming of winter. fire(Alt Into use•, will enable ter:ceders-to -, hazards ou the farm are on the la.- iml're're the quality of the honey Lee rease. The tractor and the gasoline • The 1). A. C. Is working on the new engine have ■Iso introduced.. ; invention in an effort to twist Can - fire menace and care should be takenadlan txekeepers. in their operation and storage. The Celery Rlag -Loring of gasoline and kerosene 1s a 'From a resent annnun r•ment of tije kindred subject and the proper (nein: 'From (;rower-' Associationof ':es for both should be provided. North America. it appears that Georg.. if select bacon hogs indicate*' two things, namely: better breeding stock and more attention to ration.. t'um- Petitions conducted last summer show that there Is a very good profit over the lest of feed if the pigs are bred right and have the necessary feeds in the right proportions. Although Danish Cast of l'esr0e Heifers • Smolt who resides. near Loudon. [ . brit. is ebe •'l'eiery King of America. Fifty dollars mar be regarded as a )l B r. ccr•ft groes the new Matt . high priee to pay for a yearling heft- e;„Wen variety and his celery .coil 1• I er. but If sbe bas been reared this far' a sandy loam watered by an overhead la a manner to !ve her proper de -1 Irrigation system. A good emit of ' .elopment. (hie pike. Is little enough., maniere was plowed down In the Indeed, when the coats are all taken spring and before the plants were set nt" consideration there la no profit ,out 2ilo bounds to the acre of 0-12- n selling a twelve-monthsbelles; 1:, mixture was broadcast and worked' I at fifty dollars. This bas been proved', in, When the plant. were a foot high by an actual cooeputation of the cost I they were aide -dressed with Chilean of feed consumed by heifers of Ayr- nitrate of soda at the rate of 1541 shire. Holstein and Shorthorn bre d- 'pounds to the acre. This was repeated iug from birth to one year of age. It two or three times. By giving his showed that the year's growth bad I ants an adequate supply of plant iee'n produced at a 'test of 146.04 Pe*II food, Mr. Bycroft wee able to secure, head for feed, the calves weighing an, the succulent growth nee•n--ary la bigh , average of 633 pounds at the end oto quality celery. The plants were bleach- tbat period. • I ed by boarding the sides of the rows. i THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Toronto Globe 46.50 The Signal sad The Toronto Daily Star 6.50 The Signal and The London Advertiser 6:50 The Signal and The London Free P1res. 6.30 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Eaapire 6.50 The Signal and The Farmers' Sea 3.26 The Spud and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 Th. Signal and Saturday Night _ 5.50 The Signal sad The New Oeti..k .. .... 3.90 Signal sad Canadian Hvrae and Gardens 4 65 +e Signal and The Catholic lecerd .. 3.75 Sigel sad McL.sa, a neriine 3 75 ligwsl and Montreal Wk. e renewal .. 3.85 • sew 3.50 n� and World .....rasewal 425 sew 3.85 .1 and Youth's . 3.80 The Terse** b.... 6.75 d tea and 3.55 Tim Goodhue ...... 2.9E With Other Pori - Hod es Mea Poultry and Potatoes An elaborate account of Canada'• I (;mall unmerchantable potatoespart in the international l.lve Stock may very profitably be fed to poultry. Expswltion at Ch1 •ago is rendered pro -1 experiment to compare boiled po- I blhitive In this column due to lack of tatoes with corn meal 'In the iaying ; spate. However. we believe that Can- I mash showed that the potato -fed pen. I adtan farmers generally followed with ' 11(1 even better than when corn meals keen interest and pride the daily waa used. Each group was fed a newspaper reports of remarkable tic - scratch mixture of two parts of •..ri.•s scored by C:unadian, In the de - racked torn, two parte wheat, and, pertinent'. of field crops, live stock, one pert oats. One group received a ts.ultr3' and others. CREWE -...,-tin (intended for lest week) • ' CREWE, Dec. 9. -The annual meet- ing of Crewe W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs Bert. Treleareti on Thursday. December 5111, with a good attendance, Mrs. Crozier read the Scripture lesson. An Interesting read- ing was given by Mrs. John Kilpatrick taken from the Missionary Monthly. Mao one by Mrs, R. Finnigan. Mr. Keine read the last chapter of the steely hook. Officers for the year were reelected. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. A Christmas tree entertainment will he held In Crewe church on the even - Ing of Deeember 20. A play entitled 'The Orenter Commandments" will be given by young people, also recita- tions. songs, and instrumentals. Santa Claus will be there to unload the I Christmas -tree. , Mr. AlbAert McQuaid returned home ' last *eek after attending the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Mr. J. W. Swan is In Generic)] this week acting as petit juror at the C.nmty Court. We are pleased to state that Mr. John Kilpatrick, sr., 1s Improving .in realth, ' ,:t' BENMILLER6 (intended for teat week) B7 Mif•i.ER Dee. 11. -We are pleased to report that Mrs. E. T i'ftimmer is heginning to show some improvement In her recent merlon,' newt, The The Division line was introduced in a new traveller last week In the shnpe of os modern sono plow. The stiff eastern breeze nn Sunday won s tem- porary victory. hnt the plow pushed hark the drifts once more, and PO the hostile will go on. The enrol dlatriets are beginning to feel the heneflta of the Increasing gond roads movement. ' Mr. and Mn. Iwwrener Snyder AAA a real snrprlsc Inst Friday even - Ing. When the swarm of girl* d.s- e.nded on the Snyder Dawe bringing with them a gond old-faitbfnned kitch- en shower the 5n7d.r hose waa Is darkroom but the newly wadded maple worn teethed through the snow and a rpeaty took plata at the hoe Levi envier. Many beautiful awl nests] artlelee ween. pnnsepted for Immediate ale la the sew home. Lowestoft e■lrtisr erpr'eeted thelr Oat , for the 11:1411111:1414.tal WM. free( Fisher wag hostler for the even- ing, and rels,•ed the girls from their stranded ears. Henmlller school Is haring 11. ('hriatmas entertainment on Friday afternoon, De -ember 20 The teachers Invite the people of the section to be present. The Sunday wshnol entertnln- ment will he held the same evening. The Women's Asscx•tntlntl of iten- miller 1'nited chnrch held their an- nual meeting at Mrs. Stanley trnn- stone a on Wednendny afternoon: NILE 1'T (intended for last week) NILE, Dee. 10. -)flan (lrnce Blake spent Sunday nt the home of her par- entri Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake. of the Sth concedesfnn, Ashfield town- ship. We are sorry to report that Rev. R. A. Lundy is not enjoying the hest of health. We hope for his speedy re-, eevery. , Rev. .\1M rt Tifton. of (inderteh. i took the services at the three 'United church sppointmcntt--Nile Port Al- bert and Leehurn-on Sunday. Mr. I). Bogle and dnnghter. Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bogie visited rel- atives In Goderich township on Snn- day. Miss Mary remained for a few days' vtait with her sister, Mrs. Ilinrvev Feller. Mr. and Mrs. Jsmea Melntyre vl-- Iced at the home of Mr. Mcintyre'- parents, Mr. and Mr.. T. McIntyre of Ashfield township, on Monday. On Tnesday, December 19th, the Girls' Guild met In the basement of the churt'h for their Deeemher meet- Ine. Eneouraging reporta were given by the secretary and treasurer of the year's work. The Christman hale was then packed, after which to social hoar was spent end dainty refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Leslle ' Pentland anti Miss Jessie McCann.: Most of the roads in these parts are well filled with snow since Sat- urday's storm, making ear traffic Im- pon&Ible • A number of the farmers In this district are Daly getting their wood supply cnt- A splenAld Christglaa entertain. .set fa being prepared by the young people. to be held 14 the Vatted church Tree ae Monday, December Ord. • Qp ani op "1■ their house op -to -dater 'Oh TM tad aD toe aastls.-"- tlrree 194191/4. -*r ' , r'F� �"`S{E+t 41 THE SIGNAL Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of. educational articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery t Telephone 418 'tlq Mort Ise Are Invited $s Chop" J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS •'The Store With the Stock" Telephone 57 Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor Phonographs •d Records -Kodaks end Developing - TELEPHONE 90 • R. J. Howard General Supply Store HARDWARE.PAINTS and OIL AUTO ACCESSORIES TELEPHONk. 304 w Broohey Bros. FURNITURE and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tekpbae: Store 120; Res. 217 Keeping Up Appearance • We make it easier for particular people Frank H. Martin Tailor asd Hatter Telephotos 49 Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream -Soda Fountain Service - HUNT'S CHOCOLATES TELEPHONE 393 Calvin Cott° Dry Loads, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitman FRE' II AND CURED Meats BEST QUALITY -v TELEPHONE No. 2 W. ACHESON & SON -General Dry Goods and Ready -to- Wear - Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery The Co -Operative Baker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Geo. W. Baechler PROVISION SHIP Groceries, Moab, Fish. Fruits and Vegetable "One Friend Tells Anoah. , -We do oar 41%11 deIiverit c ''. Phase Sea 8Okzmi i FOR NOTHING - .144 f tf13:""'a;mraro,., - 0 e,. Ruskin says. "Tbintp: of quality necessarily eiem:ro,I 11._11 prices; those thing]] which tend toward cheapness demur:uire gr- and manufactures." He was right, a wise old wage, who in 1. day had the vision of • Rockefeller or a Fon!. Ile realized rad knew the value of Quality. So it la today. You cannot hey , w•.. suit for the same price you would pay for a half -wool and • tion suit. TDIs same argument applies to every line of !Derr -handl,. Trs to buy a five -dollar gold piece for leas than its Government staud- ardlaed value and see how successful you Inc. So.dou't .•‘p•. r "something for nothing." Your own judgment and knnwletige . f values are what you should be governed by. Don't use Prun* jnd.• melt. Your merchant in your community will only hu. %illiug- ly assist in explaining values to you. He is more capable ..f doing this than the merchant outside of your community, because h.+ knows and U interested In you. It is his duty.todo so. Won't yon give him the opportunity? By doing thaw you, the tnerch..ur. an.; your community are all benefitted. This is co-operation and ?bailie spells susses. 'Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. East Side of Square. PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm. B. "THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodak., Stationery, Coel United Cigar TELEPHONE No. 1 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hood Embroidery Chia& asd Pottery GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone 587 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For Quality and Comfort in Footwear and Repairing WM. AHL, Proprietor Opposite Knox Chord Mese 11061 Goderich Frit Mutat Quality Fruit and Vegetables FRESH DAILY Co s.v fast Sasses ..d flge•as PHONE 47• She aavrrttarra of the 111 -at-Rome Eirertnri rxtrnb to the rearm of Z1r *ignul thrtr brat wishes for errj QIIFiitenas aria` ilappj ?Tells fear E. C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "QUALITY GIFTS" Royal Crewe Derby Clic TELEPHONE 134 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used and New Furniture "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" PHONE 244 Smith's Art Store Art Ptctares, Picture Framing -English China - "GIFTS OF QUALITY" PHONE Ifs British Exchange Hotel Heron Cafe is connection A Real Place to Fat ami sl.•.•t. Known to be clean and try -to -date PHONE 152 Sterdj s Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything Good for the Table" PHONE 299 Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires plus Service Werth While Oil Changed and Cara Greased -MARMON MOTOR CARS - 5NE 256w Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER PRODUCT Sales and Service Expert Repairs on All Makes of an L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SALES AND SERVi(•1•; General Melon Trucks Repairs on all makes of . sr. PHONES 165--247 rt MacEWAN & TEBBUTT 1; CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBI LE SALES AND tUERVIC4__ Gas, Oils, Tim and Accessories rt Repairs w d .ekes sf ears Telephone 234 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., HEARTILY ENDORSE THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our lows Grow Uiiiirstl Miliisory aid Sift sloops Up-to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear and Julian Sale Leather Goods. Gifts for all occssioes. Art Nett les •rk, 1.c1. n. and China WE INVITE VOID TO CALL M. N. MAKINS Nw•A S.A. • S,....re Goa, :h F. E. Hibbert la Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Gooda at Reasonable Prices TELEPHONE 66 a W. C. Snazel, Gents' Furnishings Suits .'blade -lo -measure CLEANING AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 339 The SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT 1s 'Nullified( for all kinds of PRINTING Telephone 35 D. M. O'Brien FRE`411 AND CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 - E. G. Smith -iv Baker and Confectioner "The Better Bakers Bread PHONE 184 WE DELIVER J. J. Hoggarth t GARAGE Repair• on all makes of cars Gas, Ods, Tires, Acceuories TELEPHONE 427 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing, r•h.M 350 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage. Flowers Scarfs and Novelties KINt4STON STREET NASH `x400" Leads the World in Motor Car Value The only Car of all the new earn with every new 192'1 refinement. SALES - SERVICE... STORAGE Huron Motor Sale3 Phony 83 - H- C. Young South Street 4. nktit?` ' -r