HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 9"I think Lydia L. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound u wonderful! I have had six children of which four are Irving and my youngest is a hon - alt baby buy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have r.lken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. 1 urge my friends to take k as I stn sure they will receive the sone help f..IA." -41tl, Milton \Ic tislicn, Vanessa, Ontario. Lydia Er Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .a. t T.u,. r.s a tr.. ro. O t t ,. s t.u.n e... C • .. The forerunner of colds and grippe• Heat and inhale Min- ard's and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. THP SIGNAL. - GODERICH, ONT. T4ri.atmuo #urpri,st Oi,sI�es '13y Betty Barclay ttit•re is a `renter seltele•. about ,I1 4'hrl.twns dinner than there is dhoti( any of the other dhirp•rs of the year. 0f course, the bulklueas of the family paeketissek decides the number of side• dishes, the Nine of the turkey'. the richness of the dessert and ouch things. but nu wetter where the din. uer uppeurs, it 1s very much like the t mllllona of other Christmas dinners that bring Joy to myriads of hungry mss. There must Ole fowl- turkey, goose, duck or cbleken. There must lie min - berry jelly, Celery, potatoes, rich stun Aloe, paurpkin pie and mlurr. With- out these things, Christmas is not Christmas, and wheel poverty 'stalks benevolence slips around with a baaget containing the essentials for most of these dishes. No wetter bow much. mother com- plaints about the stern necesatty which forces bet to took and bake and boll, day after day and week after week, through the remainder of the year, she smiles and sings as *be stews, falls, Bakes, toasts, cooks, fries and simmers on tills day of days. The pre- paration of a Christmas dinner is a sock of lose. The family are all home. George is lack from college. Mari from the hospital, Agnea and her hus- band Prow the city. Nothing is too growl for them. and nu work is too et fell ROWS. It stems sometimes that Christmas dinners are just a little tta similar. ]luck as we enjoy them, we kuow be- , forehand about what la to appear on the table. For that reason It to a alae mother who seen that one or two mar - prier dishes are Included -little dish- es that' breathe the alt of Christmas and that are brought to the table to bring gua oa of astonishment from the elders aid cries of delight from the ►lddles. Such dishes should be prepared very largely from vegetables, fruits, milk or some of the other alkaline foods, for much us Iv enjoy our ('hrietmaa dfuuer we are forced to admit that It I. usnnlly au acid -producer. If the surprise 1115111 or dishes are alkalloe, they will go a long way toward bat amine the acidity of the fowl, bread, pie -crust and cakes that appear upon the table. t'elery. lettni•e. oranges. apples, pineapple . these and 'droller fnoils should be kept in mind when preparing the surprise dish. They are all alkaline in their reaction. The or- ange, which w. many think of as acid, Is defidedly alkaline 1u its nitimate reaction. ilere are three suggestions for Christmas sprprtse dishes. Choose one or two of them. add them tn. your Christmas dinner, and see how they are a4spret•fated by those before whom they are plaeed- ' Christine/ Occult salad roofer salad plate with crisp leaves of lettuce. Add one slice of pineapple Ifresh or canned) and on top place a thick aliee "f orange. Sprinkle a little GODERICH INN GARAGE FFlrl \I. -i.;:VII'F. rTtitI N F4)It Durant, Hudson sod Essex, General Motors Automobiles and Tracks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service 1•.,n Can Ins rte Police lnspeCti'.0 when they an' repaired by a. Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock $25-T•, munch who rail bring a car 1)r Can't repair -I:2.4 HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 = MAKE FINE Christmas Gifts The Hydro Store WEST BIDE SS01 ARE grated cocoanut Over the fruit to gine the appearance of allow or frost. Top the 'orange Idiot. with a awned of fla- vored, whipped cream, stiff enough to stand up 'under the weight of a cherry, raspberry or other colorful fruit or berry which L used as a top- per. Just before serving, sprinkle the ?Tuft and lettuce base with a little cutup made by mixing three tertapsonr of sugar with the juke of one orange and half ■ lemon. Where something particularly Chrlstmaay is desired small candy Santa Clauses may be placed on the salad plates --possibly connected with tiny candy reindeer on the opposite side, with small ribbons or colored strings. scats'. Toy Bag Scoop the pulp from half a large orange and use the rind for Santa's bag. Place this rind on a salad plate covered with lettuce leaves or any other green. Then fill the bags with bits of orange pulp, a few raisins, several white grapes_ small hits of marshmallow, cubes of apple and pine- apple, a mint or two, or anything of like nature that you have on hand. Figs. +latest, canned berrlee. popcorn, cranberry Jelly, currants and bits of grapefruit pulp are other goodies which may be used -but. of coarse, not too many- varieties should appear la the same bag. Before serving, sprinkle with ayrnp made by adding three teaspoons of sugar to the Juice from one orange and half a lemon. a1 - lowing some of the syrup to trickle over the lettuce leaves, Then sprinkle a little grated orange rind over the leaves to give an added piquancy. Here again. Santa or his reindeer may be used to advantage, if such ornaments are available. In each of the toy hags plated before the child some small gift may be hidden, ouch some as a dime wrapped carefully in oiled paper, or some little piece of jewelry or toy. Christman Tree Hers D'oeuvre On a small plate lay a very narrow strip of banana. From this, like the branches of a tree, place several other smaller strips to each side. (sorer the main strip (the tree trunk) with tiny chocolate eandtes, or a dark wuee. At the tip of each of the branches, place a small thin section of orange pulp (the leaves or blowlamps). A crumpled mint may' be used for snow at the base of the tree, or the bottom of the banana strip may he inserted in a cherry. This should he served in small portions as it is an hors d'oeuvre, or "first bite." Larger quantities may be used for a salad to be served later on, and in this ease it is well to rover the whole with a layer of transparent gelatin. or to build the tree on one layer or gelatin and eover with anoth- er. Some may prefer to build a large •res in a large platter. decorate the gide. with mounds of whipped cream 'upped with colored candies. and bring the whole to the table to be served to the guests by the hostess. HOLIDAY SPECIALS (By Betty Barclay ) HOLIDAY LUNCHEOX DISH 1 box sardines 1 lemon 1 hunch radishes Parsley or watercress. Remote corer neatly and entirely from a boa of sardines. Neve nn a platter. and surronud with wreath of parsley or cress. 4'411 radishes in the dollop of flowers, 111.1 arrange in the pirsley. Cut lemons in halves, erose - wise. and then cut in deep points. Ar- , range at ends and sides of platter, to the parsley. Serve very cold. CHRISTMAS &1AI.AIii Apple -0 Salad -- feel and slier oranges, rejecting all white membrane. (1st wedged -shaped .If•r's from red apples, without paring. Arrange on lettuee-covered salad plates, using alternate slices of orange and apple. Centred Circle Peel oranges and grapefruit and divide into segments, rejecting all white skin. Arrange a circle of orange segments on lettuee-covered salad plate and fill centre with grapefruit segments. POTATO STUI'IFINt ,FOR ROAST GOOSH 2 cups hot mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon grated onion '41 cup chopped walnut meats 1 teaspoon grated onion Paprika 1 teaspoon salt 1, cup evaporated milk 1 tablespoon butter Yolks 2 eggs 1 teaspoon of poultry aeeralning. , Mix the Ingredients to the order 1 given and handle se any stuffing. CHRiBTMAS dt•W1UIT CAKE 1,4 cup Ir attar 1 <h p a ,ar 1 cup orange juke :t cups sifted Sour 4 teaspoons halting powrk'r !ii teaspoon salt 1,4 top seedless raisins tit cop candled orange peel 14 cup candied lemon peel 1,4 cup candled eberrles 1/ enp chopped nuts Whttee of 8 eggs Orem batter, add sugar and cream again. Add orange Juke alternately with two cups fl sr sifted with hat- ing powder and salt. Add rematning cup of flour with finely -chopped fruits and nuts. Fold 1n stiffly -beaten egg whites. Bake in loaf pan in a moderate toren (82,1 degrees) for one hour. international Aaseeklee An Irishman landed in 'New York and WA. walking around when be no dread a sign nn the door, "Push the Itetton," whist) he did. There appear- ed a hig husky butler and the follow- ing dialogue toot place: limier -west do yom want. sir?' 1 elabman-f'Nnth In( " Butler-"7ben why did you ring the hell?" Irtahmen-iBeeansc the sign oaeld Butl.r-"You come from where nanny goats grow on grnwnMrre Wallas " Irtshman-"Pa$h, 1've amen greater sights Mane 1 landed 1n New York. All one has to do 1a prase the butifcm Gad ont vols dee moM.7." SCHOOL REPORTS ONOE WELL KNOWN- 3- 8. No. 16, ASHF1F7b1) Following is the report of S. 8. No. 16. Aahfleld for the months of Sep- ttember. October and November : V. --Frances Crosier SO per cent., *leen Treleaven 41. 8r. XV.-Auna Treleaven'i 7't per cent-, (`olio Crozier 80. Jr. IV.-'tlelh McConnell 71 per cent.. Alex. Gauley 6l Sr. 111.- -Harry Swan tit per <eiit.• Benson Shackleton 68, Beatrice Tre- leaven 00, Willlam Watt 06, Lorne Hasty 61. 8r. 11.- luua Swan 77 Violet Culbert 77, Reggie Tommie Culbert 74. 1. -Kenneth Gouley Watt good. Pr. -Anna Culbert Gauley good. 0. per cent.. Gouley Cut, good, ('irtlla good, la t Allan K11d'ATlt14'K, Teacher 8. 8. No. 6. EAST WAWANOSII The following is the report for 8. 8. No. 8, East Wawauosh, for the autumn examinations: V. -Edythe McDowell H0 per cent., Margaret Govier 41. Sr. IV.- Jean McDowell 83 per cess dwindled and today wady people cert., Viola Gov ler 72, Jack Arm -who read this article do not remota. strong 08, Lloyd Walden 38. her or ever heard of 8t. Jactib's 011. Sr, 111. -maty Cook tl9 per cent., A similar thing happened to Pearl - Kenneth Campbell 'tS, Alvin Snell 40Inc In 19t14 the books of this concern Mary Ann Gower 38. showed au advertising appropriation Pr. 11. -Eileen Walsh 70 per coot, of MOOR) for that one yeas'. To -day Gene Cook 610, Mildred Thurntou 59, such appropriations are nut unusual, Jimmie Walsh 30. hut in 1914 the throes were amazing, Jr. !I. -Nae Mason 79 per cent., Pvie's peerline was .sc Of the best - WHERE ARE THEY NOW? " ' (Ban Fernando Rue t Not so many years ago two of tbo most widely advertised and 'autres, - tui American prteluel. were lit. Jatvb'a 041 attd Pyle's Nadine. 'Ruth eoneerna built up au engram . l oww- ness that spread to the four quarters' or the globe. There came a day when their popularity suddenly disappeared and thereby hangs au interesting story. ft St. Justin 011 was iuunlfactured by a wap named Charles %'ogeler. Aa lung as he lived he spent it large per- , tentage of his profit in promotion of his busluews. When be tiled, a mind -1 oras "expert" was called in by the i family 40 take charge. 11.• touud on I the balance sheets an enormous cps; peewits lion for advcrttaing and the first thing he did was to cut it 41111)11 to little or nothing 4n the thewri that St. Jacob's 011 was too web known throughout the entire world that It was unnecessary to spend money any lunger to advertise. You eau hear business ecu in San Feruando ad- vatec the same argument. As the ad- vertising trmtracta ran out the busl- klurrtiy Campbell 67, Gordon McDow- ell 66 Rob Armstrong 43, Archie Mini- on 37. Sr. I'r.-Elvin Wigbtman. Leslie It.algcrx. Jr. Pr. -Jean t'awpheli, Bob Gov - junk to a large soap manufacturer. ier. Jasper (null, Bob Govier. Lopping off at the advertising lappru- M. JPJ1r1FERS0N, Teacher. priatinn wrecked both these Immense- ly prosperous business concerns, and 8. N. No. (1, GODERICH TOWNSHIi' It would du the same to almost any The follow•hng 4.4 the report of 8. 14. other business today. SumcssfUl hits - No. 9, GalcrIch townahipl for the ilwits establishments do not advertise moutba of Oetuber and Noremher: Sr. 1V.-1`lara Harmer 80 per cent. Jr. 1V. -dolor Harmer 94 •. Mervin McAllister 86. Maurice Mcliwain 82. Sr. 1I1, Stanley McIlwain 92 per tent. •. Willie Porter 91 •, Jean ttrvwer- 1.y 71 •. Diet Porter 041 •, Gerald Orr 011. Graham Johnston 68. Sr. 11 -Maurice Harwood int per t„ Maitland Fuller 74, 'Herbert known products of the entire world. The advertising fund was cut off and the business died. Seeing the mistake the company tried to t'ome hack in 1914 but failed and $old Its plant for ern Powell 50 •, Verne Powell 60 •, Eric McAllister •. Sr. I. -Mildred Powell. Arnold IP'ul• ler. Printer Viola Ttchborne, Betty Ful- l. r, Lottie Powell, lllt:he.t Doodler of perfect leasous, Dirk Porter. Number nn roll, 20; average atten- dance. 12.4. Th.s-e marked thus • were a l.se-nt for one ur more examinations. MAIR: Alt E:T A. 1'ENTL AND, Teacher. "See that girl avrofsa there? She is a miss sill' a mission." ..,bud %hat is ?he mission?" "A man with n mansion." lust to please their newspaper friends. They are su.s'e'wtful because they ad- . verti.e. and have sufficient brains to appreciate that fact. Fishermen and persons who hope luck next tine. grass widow's are they'll have letter NEURITIS? Neuralgia? Rheumatism? T -R -C's have hmugbt mfr, speedy relief to many sufferers from Neuritis, among them Mr. it, 11. Stoner, Arkona, Ont He writes: "I had been so bad 1 ooadd hardy bear to get into bed at night. But 3 boxes of Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules made me enurely better." Equally good for Neuralgia, Rheuma- tic, Ltmtbago Matins. No harmful drugs. 60e and $1 at your daeler''a. psi 1'R' .. Tbutadny, December 18 1188.-? Dotal Trifle with Bronchitis I'bere are few 'bolds In. the head" that do not extend 4114 the bronchial t ute+s and they often develop into bron- chial rx)ogtstiun or bronchitis ' Islay cases become heroism and last for w..eka and there is alaays • tends eery for bronchitis to become chronic and return again and again For this reamnn you cannot afford 4o neglect any told and should take quick setas. at the fust iuditstlon that the cold is entering the bronchial tuber (k. Cliase'a Syrup of linseed and 'l'ur pontine is at once the must prompt and moat effective treatment you use score. 1)r. c'hase's Nsrup has Torg alma proses its exe'ptanal medicinal value and should not be confused with ordin- ary eolig)4 mixtures, DH,. CHASI'S S I REP OF LINSEED AND T('IIPENTINE BR OPHE Y BR OS. .•.ay.rr /tataat� Leading house for high-class Beds, Mattresses and Springs INSPECTION INVITED Store Phone 120 Residence 217 etteRffileliVNETINERNERNIVICONETIVIMPtien • West Street Meat Market ett) LET US SUPPLY YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE Choicest Poultry Prime Roast Beef Lamb, Veal or Pork Everything in the meat line-- If Suet, Lard, Mincemeat, etc. •wwsesni v Efficient Service Prompt Delivery aft D. M. O'Brien 9 9Phone 31 West Street Goderich 'r. .r -r. -r-'r •.. •r e..r .r- r 'r . . stem-. .x...eimmmanrers. ss at L•'as •-: y@ee*..Aaleaf! .. s>< NR 378 Fight tube All -Electric Neutroelyne. In beautiful Walnut Console. Dynaraii Sprxkrr. Uses 245 tyllif tube Push - Pull Amplifi- cation. Phonograph is equipped with speed con- trol. automatic stop (nj , motor. Radio-Pitonn.witi to change from Radio to IA Phonograph. $30900 (IAcr Tenet) t'omplrrr with Tsh.., $142.21 e I T U -U E,' ' 111L IL IR I[M I[n t li:L I IVO IV 'YEA") jr 1flO COMIE A Freed Radio is always part of the living present. It is a Christmas gift of which your dear ones will never tire.. . Through the years this beautiful radio will be a source of pleasure and of pride. It will be a reminder of your generous thoughtfulness at this Christmas -tide . . . ai.d at many, many more. The new 1929 Freed Models are masterpieces of the radio maker's art. For all practical purposes their range is unlimited - their tonal quality pure, mellow and sonorous. Years of research and experiment are responsible for the famous Freed super selectivity that filters from the air any station you may wish to hear, distinct and without interference. Let any Freed Dealer demonstrate these wonderful sets. At their reduced prices they are sensational values- There is a Freed Model at the price you want to pay. -//1,1',7--‘,4?,`tk-It4.ir (4. \ MODEL NR 78 An -Electric right -tube. Nrutrorlyne for house -cur- rent operation. Push -Pun amplifirabrm. 1) y n a m l c Shaker. Walnut Console, with two-tone panels Uses 245 type tubes. $205°° (Lots T does o nanous. with Treat, %las.25 D-EISENiANl "Just a.e the Microphone gets et" FREED RADIOS ARE BEING SHOWN IN THIS DISTRICT'BY H. C. DUNLOP, Rexall Drug Store, Phone 1 Dietribator for Ontario, D N Howden 4 Ca I.WJ W. Toronto and i-nnden