HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 8i..
g. -Thursday, December 10, 1920.
j All the latest tl{esigna in Slippers are to be found a 42
Slippers. for Christmas
of Geo. MacVicar'e Shoe Store.
There is no doubt that Slippers are always a gift ap- 4
14 prcciated by the ladies; teen and children also are pleased la
when a comfortable pair of house shoes are presented to tt
them at Christmas time.
They are here in all the new styles, leathers and fabrics.
.luliets are ntoi(t popular. 4
Rubbers and Goloshes are here at the lowest possible
tprice's for the beat quality '
Sunday Afternoon
—al` --
By ISABEL 11.11f11:1V0\,
your our Christmas orders
for Cut Flowers, Flowering Plants and Christmas Wreaths.
All choice stock. Please place your order just as Boon as 4
possible so that you can be better served and avoid the
rush that always comes at the last minute.
We can also
W will be ready to take care of
have Flowers delivered in Canada, United
gStates, Europe, and other countries.
Geo. Stewart
44 Phone 105 Bruce Street
Glad was my heart to bear
My old compatulous say,
'['owe, in the house of Clod appear, .
F'or 'tis a holy day.'
For frieude and brethren dear
our prayer shall never cease;
lift as they meet for worship here,
tied send 'Hls eserine pa'u(e.
J. Montgomery.
Almighty Gal, our ln•aveuly Pul-
er. we give Thew thanks and praise
that iu 'Illy mercy Thou host brought
Us through the circuit of another
year, and that; aeu,rtllug to Thy
promise seetltiwe and harvest have
not failed. 'reach us to remember that
it 1s nut by bread alone that man
doth live. and grant us evermore to
feed on Him, who is the true _Bread
from heaven In His name we pray.
the Lord revealed himself above the 4 and holy Warta—with a fulness of
mereyeseat. Possibly the city was faith In God whleh
not all built 1n David's day, but het for doubt. The duty of exhorting
wrote under the spirit of prophecy, one another to fidelity and to good
and spoke of it as It would Ire iu the wprks to shown lu verse It and in
age of Solutuuu. Jerusalem, or the verse 'ZS is seen the duty of as
Habltetlou of Peace, is used as the Wing for 'public worahlp. They were
keyword of his balm. When they not to be selfish; they were to have a
stood within the %sails, all things kind interest In the concerns of each
*round thr'pilgrlma helped to t'xplalu other. They had, as Christians have
the surds which they sang. lure now, the saute duties to perform and
voice led the psalm with Its personal, the saute trials to meet- and they
"1" but feu thousand brethren and should strengthen and encourage each
companions united with the first nuts- other to theirwork.
kiwi and swelled the 4- oras of the They were, moreover, cuwwaudt•(I
atraiu. :111 Israel had been fed by to meet together for the worship of
the fruit of the field, and they went lied, for all who bear the t)hrtatlau
up to give thank; unto the name of name and expect to make progress in
their great Huslatudmau ; we, too, platy and religious knowledge should
have 4-ountiess mereiee, and It be- regard It as a littered duty to assew-
L,,U11.: us unitedly in our solemn guth- bee together for public worship. This
trines to magnify the came of our the ap(sitle urged upon them he more
loving Lord, and to pray for pease because of the approach of the cal -
and prosperity. It was to the ad- amity predicted by our Saviour—
vantage of all Israel that there should namely the destruction of Jerusalem
ere the apo* to the
and i 1
leases uo room
the c
„h raga and savors all sound the destruction of Jerusalem, his
It. "First we love it and then wee lab-
or fur it. 0 church of the living
we hail thine assemblies, and ou
Amen. God,
— bended knee we pray that thou may -
S. M. 11:SSON FOR DE('. "9th, 1929 est have peace and fellctty.—l'. 11.
Lesion Topic—Fellowship Through $p(Irlre'ou.
Worship In the 9(11 chapter of Hebrews the
Lesson Passage—Pwlm 122; Heb- Apostle show• that the Jewish rites
revs 19: 22.25. were designed to be temporary and
Golden Text—Luke 1: 16. I typical and that the offerings which
This brief but spirited psalm was were made under that dispensation
written by David for the people to could erevershremove
t1nt . I the
sing at the time of their going up chatty bytrue sated -
to sin
the holy feasts at Jerusalem. It flee had beenmadeand that thsin
appears to be suitable to be sung could 11" pardoned
when the people had entered the were certain consequences which fol-
gatee. and their feet stood wihln the lowed from that as
eeOin rl ilegeref
city. It was exist natural that they 1aS. They pint[ ge of
ahould•sing of Jerusalem Itself, and drawing F f rm of rellg-
Invoke peace and prosperity upon the requires
Holy City. for It was the centre of with Pure
heir worship, and the place where the wordhlplrer
near to God with
twee of faith. ,very o
Ion which God has revealed
to come w
ne Dollar Down
DON'T disappoint yourself. Don't
disappoint your folks. Don't re-
gret that you didn't take advantage of
this amazing $1.00 down offer.
Come in tonight or early tomorrow !
Club members get these privilege
Club members make no "cash" payment.
Only the regular weekly payments.
in one month, for any other DeForest
Crosley model of higher price, receiv-
ing full value for all they have paid.
6. Life insurance:
In the event of the death of a Club
member before the account is pail in
full, the unpaid balance is cancelled,
without further payment.
2. No Interest
Although given exceptionally easy
terms, Club members pay no interest
charges. The Club price is the total
cost .
3. Easier Payment Terms:
Nowhere will you get easier payment
terms than those of this Christmas
Club. Let us tell you about them.
4. Home Demonstrations:
We will gladly give you a free demon-
stration of any of the thirteen De -
Forest Crosley models in your own
5. Free Exchange:
Club members have the privilege of
exchanging their set at any time with-
. -
Brings this De
Forest Crosley
Radio Into Your
Home for Xmas
7. Relief Insurance:
Should a Club member become sick or
unemployed, he can make half -pay-
ments for a reasonable period.
8. Unrestricted Selection:
Club members may select from any
one of thirteen of the new DeForest
Crosley models.
to Choose From
The New DeForest
Screen Grid
Full Power Screen Grid
at $248 :=Es
All the power and tone -beauty of the Im-
perial super screen grid chassis. Three
screen grid tubes; power detection; push-
pull output. Full size electro -dynamic
speaker. Beautiful cabinet in two-tone
walnut with birdseye maple outlays.
See and Hear the Other Outstand-
ing DeForest Crosley
Prices from $78 to $685
Christmas Club Trade-in Terms on Old Radios
To those wh.i join the Christmas Club
we are offering specially attractive trsde-
in allowances on old radios. The big
allowance we will give you now will
make the r nlarkably small Club pay-
ments easier still. If von have decided
to treat yourself to real, up-to-date radio
enjoement this year fir next, surely this
is your one outstanding chance. Don't
let it slip hy.
O. Johann, Dealer
H. O. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen
Square Phone 586
word* of exhortation would apply
just the same. The admonition 1s
equally fitting to us who see our
earthly career drawing to a close
when the great Messenger w111 sum-
mons us into the pr'eaence of our fin-
al Judge.—Barnes' Commentary.
Goderloh, Ont.
Is 1t Werth While?
1117 Rev. W. lt(dgklueou )
The reply to this question depends
largely on what is meant by being
"worth while." My own reply is that
the work of leper homes 1s abundant-
ly worth •while from many points of
view. It Is worth while to bring a
poor muttering leper from a jungle
village where he cru receive no help,
Into a place where he can have Ma
disease treated. his sores "mollified
with ointment," his lowly kept clean
him hunger satisfied ; and where
he can be taught something of for
love of God, Who cared for the lepers
In stays of old and cares for them W 'I ,` ,`
*Ula. It is worth while to segregate
blm and so prevent the disease from
spreading in melagra and bringing ytC M tC�tce,„ „ �
others Into the same mlvralrle condi tits► "v► '+r►
Attention Motorists!
I have installed a HOT WATER CAR WASHER.
Put your car away clean. It will pay you to pre-
serve your finish.
greatly reduced prices.
Special II -plate Batteries, $7.50
F. R. Miller Service Station
Phone 259w. I
Corner Elia Ave. and Victoria Street.
VII M"7► tetCt'M ►iCMICKICKvera .^Gc.'•, w X01
Fruits - Nuts - Candies
Fruits, Nuts and Candies are as essential to your
Christmas table as lights are to your Christmas tree.
We offer you a choice selection now at the most rea-
sonable prices.
Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Nuts, Dates,
Layer Raisins, Figs, Olives, gristle's Cakes,
Candies, Celery, Plum Pudding, Canadian, Swiss
and Roquefort Cheese, etc.
We wish all our customers and friends a eery
merry Christmas
West Side of Square - Telephone 299
only duing i ---
that—In one sense a negative work--
It would be abundantly worth white IrilfilIMPICIVICIttlEVICTIWEIllittitlETTWiltie
and somethlnK for which others sh Id
Don. Even If ane were
be thank u .
lout there i+ a mart' positive stir
f 1 h West Street Electrical Shop e
to the murk and that. In our case In
Patpara, Is the Dare uJ the youngchildren who have aurae jar us- Their
uutnls•rs are small. but we ..an thank
Gose for them. line young fellow and
his h;+ter are now .1e11../1 u'aettef There is always an appropriate Electric Gift for Christ- ,ti
buts hnldtog the Government trainedmas. Step in and let us show you our full line of
The man is the
headmaster of our )Ids+ion S.411.11 at
\a;np ur anti last year t
teachers certificate '
•xlu.+l a cert
creditable report of his work from
the Deputy lnwpe•tor of 1i(•h(adr. With
antecedents not at all genial, be legato
life rather h('sitntIi gly. After receiv-
ing hi+ certificate lie refused to take
up school work. and went through a
course of training In the /iuveriment
Training 1ie'hool as a carpenter, and
passel with credit as a +ki11e1 work-
man. In the meant line he became en-
be Insisted on his taking up
work in the libation as a condition of
their marriage, and prevailed; though
I 1 am sorry to nal that now while be
is in our service, his wife ha. become
I headmistress of a twn4briet!an
school in the Name place.
The mater of this young man' has
married one of the junior catechists of
us N..+fun and l+ a teacher in the
Vernacular Mktdle `tense in Patpara,
dud Is doing very good work. Her,
brother 1s aro a trained teacher In
no. servl(e in Retells, where effertd
are ia'Ing made to win the children of
the depressed elastics.
Iled not the toper 1 Missi nidexistedIn
these three young pew P
nr't,•ibility have become infected and
•� be 'fele' the same wretched and mis-
erable life their parent+ lived—a sor-
row to themselves and a danger to
the public. Now they are all happily
free from the disease; they have been
Taught up am Christian chlkIren,
educated and trained, and
r own
teachers of others, giving
Christian witness day by day. with
offspring whk•h allow nouignsof the
ltve for the
II<ee.e and full of tert
future. Theundoubtedly le really
' a lith while."a
Tour other children
grev"with their U
and making R
work, two of them being in the VIlth
Vernacular ('lase and with the proba-
bility of training before them.
If this is the case In a emelt asylum
such as ours, how Infinitely more
"worth while" Is it in the case of the
larger asylums where thousands 'are
eongregated, eared for, trained and be-
come earnest followers of our bord
ind Master?
Heaters Warming Pads
Irons Boudoir Lamps
Toastmaster Toasters
Percolators Table Lamps
Grills Curling Tongs
Waffle Irons Fixtures, etc. A
We have a nice line of Vases suit- It
able for Table Lamps
Frank McArthur 2
Phone 82 West Stree• Goderich
l;nigtte Distinction for Well -Known
Goderieh Rut -ser Resident
(Border Cities Star, Dec. 12)
O. 111. Fleming. K.C., Is an ex -mayor
of Windsor.- one of the leading her-
risters of the community, and �preal
dent of the Canadian Deep Water-
ways and Power Association. On Wed-
needay, however, he achieved a Moline -
tion probably more nnlque than any
that has heretofore fallen tohislot.
Mr. !Fleming became a grandfather
twice In one day, which Is not as ob-
genre a. It eptiesru nn font glance.
♦ goo was bora Wednesday to Yr.
ie • ' n ("either. of
St /elm N.B. on the same day, a
was horn In Hotel I)teu to
Mr ani Mr.. Kenneth Fleming, 1244
-' ••e a rase. Nn. ('leather la a
daughter of Yr. Ineming, having been.
before her marriage, Miss Carol Flem-
Kennett) Fleming is a son,
qn I 1. en't'rei with his father In the
law practice here.
Pe Now
Want to exebange-Reettlend mem-
orial lot for furniture or ear, or any-
thing naeful.-T -tllaa Nowa.
Use for Applicata
Salesmen (showing cnatnmor some
.port stockings) --"Jest I M thing for
fon. Worth double the money. intent
p.tterus. feat *store. bolepront. won't
'twine and it's a good yarn."
Csetomer (politely1--"Very wall
(n'4. tan ." W.11 street Journal.
cause of
—business lost
t2 THEN a call comes for a man at the far end of
7 7 the office the line Is tied up for useless minutes
until he reaches the telephone. Anyone else trying
to call 1s told: "Line's Busy", but in reality the
line is idle.
An office with only one telephone when it needs
two or three, or an office in which telephoass are
poorly located, is a sure cause of unnecessary
"Line's Susy", a sure time -waster, a sure business
"Line's Buses is the chief cause of the million tele-
phone calls a day in Ontario and Quebec which tall
to get through. They mean two million minutes a
day wasted — congestion of traffic — constant irrita-
tion — a handicap to all business.
We are making every effort to provide the best pos-
sible telephone service.' But It takes three people
to complete a ca1L Only through public co-operation
can we reach maximum efficiency.
We would be glad at any time to have our etrperts
survey your telephone facilities and submit a re-
port. It will ave time — yours and other people's
— and it will get business for you which you are
now losing through "Line's Busy.'
eNsw Utopia's* pitta end Cor-
des improvements milt mean
an estlny for flit! Mn.,sof
own than MOOD C .