HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 71 t Helpful gif t counsel . . . here ANOTHER holiday season —another Christmas list to be filled. Ally not, this year, make use of a helpful gift counsel that costs you no more, yet adds so very faction' Just a word or two about each person you are considering, and we can quickly show you dozens of attractive, enduring things to fit both your prices and the persons in mind. For months we've been gathering them-- gifts of pre- cious metals in authentic stylts as illustrated here. Consult us now for the professional advice which makes gift choosing a simple, enjoyable task. 4 Wishing all our customers and friends a merry Christmas much in lasting satis- E. C. Robertson Diamond Merchant and Jeweller Phone 136 Goderich THE SIGNAL, GOLDEN WEDDING 07 MR. AND MRS. R. J. McGEE Relatives and friend* J0Li1 in Celebrat- ing the Happy Orca*iuu lin Tuesday, lkr•ewbur 10th, a happy and unique event took 'plate et the residence of Mr. and Mrs. It. J. McGee,. Auhuru, when they had the privilege which comes to so few of celebrating their golden wedding. DIM er was .ert•NI at 6 o'clock to a few of the flllllkel,ate rehltives of the bride and gown of fifty years. The dining - room was artistically festooned iu a odor scheme of gold and white, pretty streamers being hung from the ehan- deller and fastened to the four corn- ers of the table, in the centre of which was a lreun11fu1 bouquet of 'mums. The prettily desoralel "brides cake" w•as est at the talkie by the bride. GODERICH, ONT. of Auburn, were among those prat- town' hall, when quite a large number! ant. Of Mr. McGee's tawny Mrs. Thos. enjoyed the dance and the good music Idel.aughllu, of Toronto, and Mrs. D,I furnished by the La►eskle Entertain -I Menzles, of Edmonton, remain. Mrs. ens. There were nearly thirty In cos - .1. Young (Mary) and James Issued' tome. The grand march was led by away some twenty years ago. I ljr. Saw. Westlake, floor manager.' To Mr. and Mrs. McGee were born 1 Prizes were awarded as follows:' two sous, .laturs Lorne, whose earlyChristmas tow, Lucy Woods; witch. demise, r :::e eighteen years ago, was Mr.. John Turner; old -titre bride, Mrs a great sorrow, and R. Harvey, who Matteotti' Toms; page. hrrtdce Seed with his wife resides on the old hutue 1?ucle Sam. Gerald Hamilton; Klr stead with his parents. With the excels! Klux Klan, J. Watson; clown \1. \1'e -t tion of a few years spent in )(lucent.'lake; old -.fuer, Lloyd \ti kits. The Inc and Woodstock. lir. and Mr.. Mc• [ judges were Mrs. F. M,•l:ern, Mr.. W.! Gce have lived tontluuewlsly on 1he • F'. Met ealf ..ud \Vales Juhnstau. old McGee homestead. hospitality is ('curt hose of Sharon was organized the element characteristic of this tote. •• lu the evening an unexpected emu - pang of friends gathered to wish the &ride and groom many happy returns vial to offer a rngratulatlons. The gentlemen presented Mr. Menace with The weldttng of fifty years ago to,k pias• in the log house which still re- main. intact and Is now owned and 111,11101011 by Mr. and Me. Sidney Me- ('lincbeyd The bride, who was Anne Stalker, is on,• of four surviving mem- bers of a family of nine. Robert, of Auburn, Juhn, of Waskeda, Man., William M.. of Woslstw•►. Joseph, of Ingersoll, and Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Sturdy), of Auburn. passed away sud- deuly and unexpectedly ,within a few years of one -another. The surviving brothers and slater are Reeve F. D. Stalker of East Wawanosh, James 7t., of Napanee, and Mrs. D. Geddes, Wing - ham. Jalw•s Id,, the youngest member of the family, was unable to be ['reg- ent to enjoy the happy occasion, but sent eongratulatlons. Reeve Stalker and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. Geddes, of Winghaw, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen, �lfi -L RC 11 t lrC R tC- '�: TIAT't"l' T3't('TI KTI g For Your Christmas Baking 11 V W E HAVE A FULL LINE OF-- iii V Currants, Shelled Almonds and j AWalnuts, Pineapple, Citron, Lemon 'A tdx and Orange Peels, etc. FULL STOCK OF g V Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, etc. a I See our window for guessing contest for Doll to be given away on evening of December 24th. Geo. Price & Son 2 In PM. There Is but cue of the ,'hurter members still living, Mr. John 1'ul- lock. The present officers are: W.'11, Talbot, chief ranger; Archibald Arm- strong, vice•c•hlef ; D. C. Galbraith, treasurer; George E. Greenslade, fin- ancial secretary. Owing to the cold a meerschaum pipe iu a handsome weather and condition of the road* morocu case, the presentation lacing'[, there was not as large an attcudaute made by Dr. Weir in tits usual tact as there might have been. fol manner, The ladies made Mrs. Mc - Annual N ag C. 1' c{:� The annual business meeting of the well- I Cldldren'r Aid So•Irty w•III Is• an , F•rhlay. Deenlla•r :Y►Uo, net 3 1111'.1111(1. at Fel' � the 1'hllde4u'a Shelter on Cameron aeric stow.. The rlw•11un of officers for can Beauty noses was the gift of Mies Imo will take place at .lis meeting, King in recognition of the unique of I All are invite) to attend. rasion. Tlw• evening was pleasantly ! --- spent in games and social chat, with Sidewalk Dispute •ilei all Gee the re•Ipient of a magnificent NMt C soelrl bouquet of yellow 'mums. Mr. M made a fitting reply In a few chosen words, after which everybody sang -For They Are Jolly (tUod laws " A beautiful bouquet of Aa GODERICH TOiVN�iIIP appeared for the tewh. His Honor a few• old-time dance+, •.. enjoyed themselves until the -wee. . Judge Lewis ou Wednesday heard sma' cors." returning to their resIac-Ievida•uce at the.i•ourt louse in the ve to tire homes happy to have partaken in i matter of the \Velliagtuu street side - this j open. occav0C0/041/11and .-(sbdng )Ir. 1 walk and made an adjournment for hiswife all good things for the rewaluW- E. R. ig1a, applying far the '''-coal i A Signal 17th under which construction of Owl c and Mrs. McGee with their son and I argument. i.. E. [homey appeared for - Thursday, December 19, 1929.—a The Last Minute Shopper WILL FIND MANY USEFUL AND PRACTICAL • GIFTS HERE OF Things to Wearg ti All gifts neatly boxed in Christmas boxes free WE EXTEND sF to our many friends and customers 2 our sincere and hearty wishes for A VeryMerry Christmas Yy Geo. W. Schaefer and Staff PHONE 56 rikiltia70001001004-7/424714)********424- 1"1 ing years of their lives. of 1b• ill) '11011 )ails I 011 (/staler wok was stopped. and 1). E. Itolmes promise) t0 render judgment within GODERI('il Tt►WNSIi1P, Dc. IS. -1 threw days -CHF. 1 Reserve [Friday evening, 'December 20, a u('hrbatmas te maned canlata,l f t"Rtres+elthe Ix one thareCometh," iu be given In Union church by the Sunday school. 1 The heartfelt sympathy of the cum 1 munity Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilaon In the death of their in- fant daughter. a-hich occurred 011 Sunday morning after a week's Illness. The funeral tts,k place one Tuesday sfteruo,n to Maitland cemetery. Rev. G. Butt conducted the funeral service, during which Miss Margaret Pent- land sung a solo. which alts very mu •h :rpprre•latel- A baptismal service will be held it l Union church next Sunday et :t p.m Sunday'schout at 2 p.m. Rev. G. Butt. the pastor. will preach. Yr. McKee' Falconer. of the tali ! comes/don, bad the sad Misfortune to have his. barn destroyed by fire 1a,' Thnraday afternoon. BAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Iles 17.—Miss Theban. Ritz. who spent the peat two weeks i I. as the guest of her aunt In Mitchell, returned home on Tuesday last. Mrs. J. Keyes, of Henaall, visits) last week with her sisters, Misses) Parke, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks. of London, visited her filt1lr, Yr. J. D. Woola,1 past week. On their return Ilpme he returm•,I with tbem for a visit. Mewts•rs of i,. O. i.. 24. Bayfleld,1 are having it progressive euchre in the 'town hall Friday evening. Ikcember 1 27th, for which good 'wires will be' given, after which there will he /1: I Banquet and 1►anee.—Ila, Wednes- day evening, December 11th, the mem- bers of (hurt Rose of Sharon. Canad- ian Order of Foresters. with their 1 wives and a few Invited pleats had 1 a banquet at the Ritz hotel. An ex-' A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE HEAT FOLKS Merry Christmas to everybody ; We wish you a warm house, A cheery fireside, A delicious dinner. Ml the presents that old Santa Claw has in his bag, And a New Year of unalloyed happi- ness- Yours sincerely, THE HEAT FOLKS. CALL TH Mitifitire TELEPHONE 248 icT Corner of Square and North Street J.B. MUSTARDCOMP�N tiat:pl,ktlpitiiia Ntatitati gia a l I Phone 98 — Goderieb Smith's Art Store /1".••••••••••....• HAVE THE LOVELIEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS and the mod beautiful PICTURES under the •un Come in and see all the pretty things Store Open Every Night Smith's Art and Gift Store erlleat gorse dinner was prnt•Idetl by yMrs. T. Bally and was greatly en -1 joyed by all. pater in the evening a I tnasquerak• dao:" wits held It the' DOUGLAS CAMPBELL Organist and Choirmaster of NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH ,a855 THE CITIZEN, 0/ 0001140 1-4 A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A Irappy and Prosperous New Year and takes this opportunity of extending thanks for the ex- eellent support hepas received as a teacher and the cor- dial co-operation in all things musical. Temporary Studio at North Street S. S. Room. POST OFFICE BOX 81 4 Our Sales in the Atwater Kent Radio show a teriffic Again Famous increase far beyond our expectations. Day by day through the won- derful performance of these Radios, super selectivity, marvellous new powerful tone and the total'lack of service calls prove conclusively that this is the one and only set to Buy. Cclendar for Every Paid -in -Advance Subscriber THE MODEL THEATRE wishes to everyone a merry Christmastide — `Program for the holiday meek' Monday and Tuesday— DAINTY DINA the sc•nsationel Viennese dancct in a t 1111rtgur..% gay I.ietlrizatu,n ',t r, tally uta, - "The' Prince and "Tim • to Expire" GRALLA %%inkling tai,• of Austrian court I ins playmates. Filmed in Auaria, the Dancer'' "Fox News' Wednesday and Thursday— '1'iii: -I'I?("I':1('I.h: (1F THE 'AGES DOLORES COSTELLO with GEORGE O'BRIEN in the great screen epic which has wc0l,-n,lorsation from allcrito "NOAH'S ARK Amazing! Thrilling! Gripping! 15 "Be Careful Dearie" "Glorious Adventures" Admission nights—Adut.:1'ie (children 2iw• Matinee Christmas I ray at a p nn. Adnlitann mat ince —Adults 2 t• Children 15e Friday and Saturday— Emil Jaanings with Esther Ralston and Gary Cooper The greatest actor on stage or acretl in a drama of life. One of the tea pictures that yon roust not miss. "The Betrayal?' "Lost Laugh's, -Uncle- Tom's Crabbin"' Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. m. rr. i i The Ideal Christmas Gift Surprise 4 It is only fair that y -t family should enjoy the pleasure+ of the famous Atwater Kent Screen Grid 1 ONLY the ATWATER KENT SCREEN GRID IlADIQ em - .bodies AL1. the Newest Features known to radio"science. Model$M$) $219 NOW $198.00 Model 11000 s 7 N()% $225.00 Madel SRM g'" NOW $248.00 Model 7s s:tr NOW $345.00 1 AND AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY 1 Kent owners with A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS To otrsdwtwat Frank Riley J. H. Lauder and also to you who are contemplating a Radio purchase eventual Atwater Kent Ownets. Girvin S. Your