HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 6k 4. Tbursday, December 19, 1929. No man ever had too many Shirts or Pajamas You're always safe in giving a man shirts or pajamas, particularly if they're Forsyth's. For no matter how many he already has, more are al- ways welcome. Choose from our splendid stock and color in a quality scheme to fit the recipi- ent's personality, and your own purse as well. fadmdtwf pff burr W. C. Pridham & Son Telet l., me Miens and !toys' t. ar li.slerich, lent ,t t ►�yes�ilatu•�.11►ttii`.1a►+, THE SIGNAL, NILE -- GODERICH, ONT. . nor • secretary, Mrs.. C. A. Vaustone l l treasurer, Mrs. John Long; organist. NILE, Dec. 18.—Mr Geo. Pentland, Mies Beulah bong. (bmmitteer were appointed as follows: Of Etlmonton,sAlta., Is visiting at the Program and advertising -Mrs. A. home of hid parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. StraughaII, Miss I.. Maelel, Mrs. Samuel Pentland of Dungannon, and lt,ty Moore, Mrs. Fletcher Fisher, also at the home of ills brother, Mr. Mrs. Cecil Bazley. fleets. Pen ilard, of 2nd concession, Flower --Diss L. alaedel, Mrs. Will Ashfield township. Snyder, Mrs. John I'Itbludu, . Mrs. J Miss Lena Pearson, of Buffalo, .1 ick airs. E A. husked. spent the week -end at the home of her .. Fl\\oraair F y,Mrs. E. H. Wal - father, \1r. Nelson Pearson. We are pleased to report that Rev R. A. Lundy Is improving•= flow wonderful that each new gen- eration has the fun of taking the world part and pattlng,it together again." —Bruce Berton: - "Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life, and make of it the full meaning of the present life." -John Dewey. LEEBURN WESTFIELD 011Ktattnno Music IVOSTF 1'L1LD, Dec. 17. --Thr people KNO\ CHt RCH of this community were shacked to 11u gwild re ben of the death of Kra. Nethery', wild in Belgrave, but who organ Preludes -"Overture Triumph - came a few days hefure her death to ale" G. F rata spend the winter with her daughter, -Cradle Sung" (froth m Chrlet a Or - Mrs. James McGill. Pueula was libido)• J . finch rioter ora of her death. Much syuiatth) Atldhem -"Sing. t► Heavens" Simper s. :hie Is extended front this vloluity to the solo 'the hush of Nigh' R. Spence ter., Mrs. Jas. Jewell, Mn \Y. felt- bereaved utter The children of S. S. No. 0 are lone Mrs. W. le'. Sa utters man. • Lunch --Mrs. t'ec•II Baxter, Kris. practising for their l'hrksuuaa tree, Scdo- �'u 'lYtuu Ilett lies( Good Tit - Harold Alibi, Mrs. Alden Allin, Kra. to be held on Friday afternoon of this Norman Allin. week. Missionary- -Mrs. A. M. Slraughau. Several of the members of the LEIJBURN, Dec. IS.—Mrs. Percy Mrs. John Flick, Mr.. Alden Allin. quarterly board wet at Auburn, In Stewart spent a few days with ber airs. John l'Itl'lutlo• M1.e` Annie Rax Knox United church, on Tuesday of daughter, Mrs. it. King of Auburn, re- ter. The missionary tommitl,r are to fila week. It being the last meeting ut r s I:: shed u AP rifte•n minutes of the {art the year ail byslness wn f p turning home on Tuesday, row of each meetiuK. 'rhe auuunl fur the year. ttrevltrtkt to H. W. R. Miss Mildred oke, of her sister,ich town iiertKtttiuuul meeting thus 8rr:utgeti Allis departure for Ottawa. This ship, was the guest of Mrs• for alouduy evening. January' 13 1 h. charge regrets very much losing Mr. Thoma. Horton, last week. _T__ _ _--- !sod Mrs. .Up, but wishes them every The teacher& of S. S. No. 5 and 8. 8. No. 9 are holding their Christmas entertainments at their respective i n WHITECHURCH .ceps. and happiness in their new 1 Church Meeting —.\ Isrge. n,.,ntwr MI G 13alat howls on Friday afternoon. I \\'1IITE(•111'Ht111. Dee. 10.—Merry The W. M. 8, held their monthly meeting at the church last Wednes- Christina. 10 all. day afternoon, instead of this Wed-' the fine Wesley from Mtt r. r. F' . purchased l haat nesday, their regular day. _ un and wilt fair lir. 1..Itln early In I I. DUNGANNON January. Mr . and Mrs. _Jock lleudersou and f:uuih, of Para mount. were Sunday Rev. J. Walker in China.—The visitors with her mother, Mrs. Mac- elected superintendent 9lth Mr. Norm- of Saunders, following from The Exeter Timet -Ad- t;rt,g�t an McDowell and Mr,hldward Rodger St t be f interest FI 1 • xl s{teut • as hl+ &sal+tants l�/ F,dwatvl Rafger Mies G. Hal t, lugs to Zion " ' Handel Miss Id/Wilson Organ Offertory 'Partoralt' ( froth 1510 t'ontlerto llrgan 1'ostlu Christmas CoreilI "March on Thee pun Tunes" J. E. West Erasing lodes ---"Third Movement„ Ideal Christmas Gifts IN NEW HA i S for the holiday season in Felt, Velvet, Ribbon and cleverly blended metallic mat- erials, In Children's Hats, Beret Tams and Baby Bon- nets, at greatly reduced prices. IN SCARFS, COSTUME JEWELLERY, COR- gSAGE FLOWERS. AND NOVELTIES. afi ' - Yam are cordially invited to inspect our dock Miss M- . R. M acV :car KingstolI. t'ttr. t f� } ,y �ti•)f�%• ai itltk+ t1a�4671vc� 1l. ti.•ait e:. Organ (ties d Organ Concerto) ildger. , �E.wygt�rl• 'T•tepiC ' ter ,r,� 'slums Even" J. 11. Roogera ii'rr�1 andel " arch of the Magi Kings" Blackstone s Furniture g Th. 'Winds field of labor lu the Master's vineyard. Bolo -•'Night of Nights" Van De Water i.,.. ae met in the basement of the Westfle' An[hem—"There Were Shepherds" Culled church last Wednesday d Vincent held the annual meeting of the Su ay Organ Offertory -"Pastorale S)wptt- Bolo-' Naaaretb" liuen,xl Mr. A. Traverse th•trtte--'Thou Child Divine" (014 French Caroli Arr. by W. Voris Anthem -'Te' Ileum In E flat" Lloyd r. .lulsle Mrs. W. F. vacate of last week will 0 ° s Mr. J. F. Thomann air. ,las. lima, e a yea to Dungannon readers, Hev. J. Walker t,.w days last eek Nith his slater, has re -appointed tem{wrante suDerlu organ Yu&float- laurta in Ex,plala hauling been pastor of Dungannon tenftent : Mr. J., I.. Melbwell was el- Deo' J. 8. Bach \piss Kathariur Russ. United church for some time before Born -On Sunday. I►ecemlwr 1, in acted ter ratan; tn•n.lurer Mho** Win- hla return to China: Mn. Wm. Walk - Detroit. to Mr. and Mrs' Elgin Purd- nitre.' l'amplwll, Hina Walsh and or hes received word from her son. ,11 ,y daughter. • Marr Ittxlger were appointed planietr. forvats t the e olnte Rev. J Walker, who with his wife �lty Wm. 1'urduu and Mn. Jas. Teachers. tvene appointed - Th fit re nr the ta- w•h.s.l. W. M. S. and Ladles Ai,Y. The ,o) (.1 -ow alee•siab) Handel ISunday sehuul meeting ohetsad with Bev. N'. It. Alp in the chair./ Reports were heard from the tear s orgaul- satluns. Mr. W. F. :Campbell was re - and family are now on their way as !'union are in Brussels attend lig the lour clatusost. e , misavuurIe to China, that on Noreen funeral of their sister, Mrs. ('has. les' Mil were all re-elected. with Mrs. Wei eervicr will be as follows. ber :tn1 they '15111ed into Hankow on a Itiutnut, who peys.Pti away on Satur• Wqi. Walden as president. The W.M.S. swill steamer. They will leave for div hgving suffered with heart trt,uble ing opened with Mrs. Marvin Mo- Organ (Prelude -t 'hrtsimss Pastor- ' or- uurn twel in the chair. The various tie-' parobeerrl,tual hymn No. 75--H'hne partments made their reports N high were very ent•ouraghtg. The So •let) - Shepherd. \latched Their 4'Itk•ks expects to reat•h Its allocation of $2:10 by Night" by the end of the year, Mrs. R. Vie; /Eyrie also the two cent Was elected president for the Gloria Tlbl G„{dsm• ltb ndrew of coming year, with Mrs. Marvin • Mcr • Credo Ja ,s and Al- Cowell as her assistant ; Mrs. lielviu Offertory Anthem- --Naaareth' untxd terment too► Taylor, secretary ; Mrs. Maitland Hen -1 metery on Mon- rye treasurer. and Mrs. Wm. MclhrweU,' Surnuw Cor)la Hi extends sym- corresponding se.•retary. ienders for' Sanctus ;ed relatives. the variilus departments In the W. M. Agnust'ttl qui crnit Del Goldsmith 8T. OVORGE'S CHURCH There will be a choral communion Tuesday, sen a• tat t hrstmas Eve, Tor+ ). December 34th, at 11.30 pm. The mus- Ichang and from there to Fow Chow, fora few ,ears. Sh, haves tom . expe.•ling to arrive at their destiba- 1 her f e daughters, Mn. Percy Mr Hon the following week. Mr. and Mrs.' Lean of deet titers, trsh and Mrs. Jos. Walker and family salted from Van-. Kerr, at whose home she Mrs. Jos. hoover v the 3rd voyage, t it wa. ougy four ,eie.. Hex. Gordon Rtutotjf and diedylind had at lovely enda but was rough t'hecter, John via Charles. ' at ngba. Eleven days were spent tai sisters and folk brothers: 1 1 Shanghai. Ashfield, iii I ltobert, I.rt of Saekatchew-an. BENMILLER 1ittit..e tis 1Vingham ti day. This neighbor' lathy W the ter A great' nutq er of fowl are being 8. also were elected. tummuuoN+-`Hart, the Herald .\a vote of thanks to Mn. J. for the ('h trade Ras1s or tier elftcleit and faithful h I {u Was I.. Maedel leaves this week to spend some weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fisher. at Flint, Mich. W. A. Odeerw—The annual meet. f the Women's Assoc A on o .hipped out ,rthls district this week motel f rjatwea' J r Ills are boxy work' in all there firer societies. Mr. and Mrs. unjtcs. ly to reside in Auburn. Mr. Alp closed a�il Gordon o $ the. meeting with a few words of pray- I upele, Mr. Robe. McGee of Blyth, on er..A 10c tea was served and a social Saturday last. time was spent by all. gels sing': O tome, Let 1's Adur• liim' (ilorla Io Exeelsis- Goldsmith: tteeessiu°al Hymn. No. 71l�'Ouae in Royal' David's City" Organ !'trttlude--"Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Handel Christmas Mernhig-11 *Week Organ Prelude-"Cbrkrttaaa Poetitsde" The 3 ay lag o I U f up Benmiller United church, meeting Ini, prat•tisip* for the concerts to the session at the home of Mr. Stanley ch Vanstone, elected officers for next I l' rd u Met ee t islted with bl year as follows: President. Mrs. Wm. Long; vice-preski-nt, Mrs, S. B. Gard- \T1xNIa tutend leaving short• '• .f a��wt Roland Rogers CIVCa wl'•�l'CIVII ►li ► it0W.C141tCWO aa'e�a► Cid teMiCtCtO CtCt(W W.tttelteCwtKt= ! Ily mns =Nos. 72 and 79. Kyrle Credo Maunder Three More Shopping Days Before Christmas �"" Offertory Anthem—"Behold 1 Bring ..00d 'ltWii4 ' sir J. (aces Sursom Coedit kg Sanctus - Benedictus qui veldt Maunder Ift.m urinous --"v4, part 2, 'Y) Saving Victim" Gloria in Excelsis in F Maunder Recessional Hymn -No. 73 "(lark, the Herald Angels Slag" N i Organ Postlude--diallelujah C Handel NORTH VIZ= UNiTED CHURCH For your convenience we have everything ar ranged for easy selection of Christ- mas Gifts. You will find in our tore Christmas Gift suggestions that will solve your question—"What will I give?" Gifts for every metnber of the family --- Mother, Dad, Brother and Sister. o "Tor tt t -1a6y o Silken Lingerie Dainty intimate garments that follow the new dress silhouette. A wonderful selec- tion of Gowns, Pyjamas, Vests and Bloom- ers. Sets of Vests, Bloomers and some Gowns attractively boxed. Gloves of all varieties. Chamoisette in tailored styles in fawn, deer, gull and black. French kid---Trefousse washable Icid Gloves in popular shades. SCARFS The new square or long Scarfs, having on them Batik work or hand stencilling. Handkerchiefs, Bags, Kimonos, Bath- robes, Umbrellas, etc. Store open evenings till Christmas Hosiery Weldrest full-fashioned Hose in heavy wei ht and service chiff'on. w•v 1 H ase, full-fashioned, in all For the Men Neckwear Men's Ties in holiday boxes, in heavy figured silks, plain satin and moires. GLOVES Men's (dioses, lined or to kid, reindeer, pigskin, buckskin SOCKS den's all -wool English plain and fancy patterns. Silk and wool Socks patterns. ttnl retie goatskin. Socks, in in fancy shades SCARFS The square or the reefers for the tnen. All silk plaids. All -wool English t'athmere, cashmere and silk combined. SHIRTS Figural English Broadcloth Shirts with stytarnte tar attached eollartt, in well-known makes. Nnndkerehiefs, Sweaters, ete. WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY JOYOUS CHRISTMAS A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" 's' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. vottetefiteeporefervaPotteettecycwsteceregtetemetettey• - 4 Exchange g West Street, Goderich 4 ii "The Home of New and Used Furniture" rStoves, etc. Everything for the Home. USEFUL GIFTS 1 2 Organ Prelude-"Pat4 orale' Bach Bambino- Yon Itrtrolt—'Hili. a Sing. Thi- Bleared Morn' Anthem--TIFirst ('ttristinn .t Mord' Newton offer-•ory-"Psetoral S) mph, my" (The M.atdah) Handel C. - ., e i tine Kings •f 1 t oo.oi.eta-Mesxra. L. Pentland, J. R. Wheeler and G. Buchanan Pustliidr- 'And the Glory of the Lord" (The Messiah) Handel Evealag Twenty -minute Organ, Recital "I Waited for the Lord" (Hymn of Praise) Mendelaeohn "intermezzo" Arr. by D. Campbell Ohrlstmas Chorale -"A Rose Breaks n•os,m" Brahms Chorale, Fuga and Finale" (Sixth Organ Sonata) Me tleissohn introtb- "O Come, All Ye .raithful" Adeste Fidelis Mixed Quartette -"The Infant J Yo" MIwt E. Hume, Miss M. Buch- anan, Mr. J. R. Wheeler. Mr, G. Buchanan. Anthem --"It Came ficin a Midnight Clear" Dale Duet, Miss E. Tye and Miss 11. ihtit'hanan offertory—"Man'h of the Magi" Dubois carol Chorus --"Silvery Star+" Simper Isuet-"1'brief Mae i,nnAby"Ipallantyne Mit' E. Hume and Miss M. Clarke. b'esper -"Silent Night. holy `Ighb bolter P..4ltsde---"Hallelujah ('horia'. f'l'ee• Mpssleh) - Mandel VI TOKII ST. UNITED ('Hl'W'H Morning t irgna Prelude .1'hriett nut. Prtxee- Mount- W. 11. Maxfield llymu No. SO. Anthem "The l-'lr-t 4 ltri.tton, Morn" E. Newton Chesterfield Suite, Odd Chairs. Dining -Room Suiten . g Buffet Tables China Cabinets, Kitchen Cabinets, go Tables, Chairs, Beds, Springs, Mattresses. A lovely Marshall Mattress makes an ir.eal gift. 11#` Kindergarten Sets, Doll Carriages Crokinole ��,•�y��aa,.s�� kl'oards, Wagons, Sleighs �t �y Ee/e,a{..rv3144 702 '. til+iSa+�.,Ji2•tliatk tt.�� dIt/et Y Here are some Specials for last minute Shoppers ' 30 pairs of Slippers, felt with leather soles, fancy trimmed. Sizes 5 to 3 ' • • 65c, 79c and 95c 10 dozen men's fancy Neckties, boxed, 39c to 89c beautiful designs One lot of fancy Christmas seta. Garters, Handker- •chiefs, Shoe trees. Puffs, etc.. at very special prices. Boy's Aviator Caps. made of solid leather and lined with warm flannelette in black or brown, all $1.29 sizes. SPECIAL •7 Wishing you one and all a very merry Christmas M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors South Side Square - - - - - - - - Phone 384 Psalm - llymn No. 116 Sermon --The First Christmas Ser - vim" Anthem -►'Haste, Baste from Far" W. Robertson Hymn No. 120 Organ I'ostlude "Afle.te F9dplri' 1:. A. licks Eveatdag Organ Prelude-"Chrlsttnas Fantasia" Ralph Dnnstwn, MnSS. , Dote. 1'wntah. Choir -"Anent Night" Franz Gruber Hymn No. 120 Anthem -,'While Angela Ring" Adorn (tenwl Anthem -"Can We Behold" C. H Lowden Hymn No. 118 Sermon -"Joy* Born Into the Worts with Moist" Anthem --Nazareth" ('h. (ionnfxl Hymn Na 121 Organ Postindr'flrallelnjah Chorus" O. F,Han r Le,, 11111.1011.0.. We Sell the Best for Less ('lath's Oxford Mlnnent at, 2 Rod 'Colo*. tall sisal, seek lbs. (Mean spray Cranberry le nye .. per tin alk Palmolive Soap, 0 rakes. 17e Flnsho, each... 23e Wtowf alcp Ammonia. 2 for LW flame's Floor Wax, 1's 13e Hawes Lemon Oil. large bot- tle 23e Khot'ah lemon Butter, 10 or jar - 49e Pumpkin, large size, 2 for. 25e We recommend Gillett's Magie ' Raking Powder ('arida Dry Ilostess Christmas Package Ginger %Ie, 1 dor. 92.10; 44 dor. 91.11 Ilerhy Loaf Cheese, per I1).33e Kellett[ s All Bran, large....21.' Figs In Packages, g ex. ...19e Natural mum Figs, per Ib..25e l.yer Smyrna Figs, per lb, . 29e 3 ('town ('luster Raisins, l'a.29e 11 Crown Cluster Raisins, I's.39r lemon and Orange Peel, pee Ib 29c New Citron Peel. per lb. 39c Assorted ('ream Candles, per Ih. 2be Pimento Stuffed Oliver. A% ex. bottle, 24e; 19 ea. 411e PEAS 29c in «°'W%5Ib.10e Kars Coffee --"The Secret Blend" K b. 39e Kara (&Her, --"-Ply Nea M Rend" 1 Ili. Ole RAI ADA TEA—.Atwal a fresh al Rnperlsr Moro Rnperlor Stores rwea nniand Canada Brai —WK DELIVER FRET: -- Mr order to CHAS. ALTON, Desean.sn. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Anb r.. SALMON 29c iaallival or Crown No. 2 size each SYRUP 14c New Golden Hallowi 2 lbs DATES 23c Best Quality 2 Ibe, MiXED NUTS 45c No 3 Sieve. 2's, tender and sweat 2 for MeeLarew's 32 1 2 es JAR invincible Olives 49c • 1