HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 56 Al f�.t1.y LI! Irs A T tg A A if 21) A A ISM Christmas Greeting Cards See '1 he Signal's range of Christmas (erecting Cards. Prices range from 11.00 per dozen up, including printing of name and address on each card. jowl HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance subscri- ber. Renew your subticription now and slake sure of one Of these beautiful Calen- dars. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. Maximum Security at Minimum Cost ASAFETY Deposit Box in the nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce will relieve any anxiety regarding the whereabouts of your valuables while permitting free access to them by you or a duly authorized person at any time during banking hours. The cost is less than one cent per day; the value received is an inestimable sense of security. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE A . A a .. /..., rr.ica.ipa„wni ( THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA GODERICH, ONTARIO, THUItSI)AY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 perhaps Ile may bobs; back tinaus I:oderich Women's Institute • fur 1Q c•Kuts a Plate. us- that ohl stand- The rrgnlur 'monthly meeting .d New York Notes Isy le New York's lacca, coffee and hell 'Chursday\\a(1er.sou, tiItweeditine n•r I II%' %O mikes ' —rakes that would ills :,til. in MaeKuy Ilull the president. • by you, �� to speak. 'Meow Childs prodding. After Ow (undo rooms, let it be known. were1 ' Mrs. G. Bisset, After 0 six mouth,' absence troop I Naw wudesthalact s where y good [tufcoal1f lueug byg exercises erc sesand Scripture read » New York, one observes. upon returns! responded to by exchange :ls 1 Ing, a rather Markel change ill the' late years they had spread out on the! calla! and s1 tht•u fol laid -town sectluu. Tall buildings htn•el Board Walk ut Atlantic City. and in-, of Christmas IJi.ns. A reading been run up that in height nvernop varied Fifth avenue. Illgh flaunter lowed by. Mair . a. cDon I d. pre a d the famous Woolworth building down I took them, and William 4'111141s lost by theant dirtruin oatnmitte• was named the tow•u. One, the new Chrysler building• his position In the uplift and In the of which Mrs. McDonald Is oneto . I•:tuur�-:( 1'\I) \I.\I1 Nal 51. dIw•usslon as to whether a ut o• cell n should be atr(w.•ned. on the except vege- tablewas for going heavy table end. Not so interesting, 1l that it recalls the days when you could get "haat and" for a dime. pit prepare the entertainment for auuual "at home" to be heal early In the new year. The welfare committee retorted on their work. having 1n41el a newly family. Refreshments were then served and the meeting wits brought to a close. on Fast •12nd street. 1d taller than the Eiffel Tower. 1 had a twentieth floor view of thl4 mid -town section the other afternoon when the sun was stoking and the lights were being hurriedly turned on In many cliff -like buildings. The effect was startling. There 1s something awe -Inspiring in the new skyline; and something awe- ingpiring in the roar of the streets. One might fancy New York a city for supermen, or for strange swings. 1f it be seen from an unaceustoin,'*I angle. But Rut of course It Is {ample( by tut you and 1, and Its denizens are tuck- ed away In their little warrens, doing small jobs In what atwtus a workaclay world, unmindful of the splendor of steel that Preece the sky. A dtrtln- gufahed };ngllah critic has just tole( os that New York to twautlful, new and forward-looking, and lie wishe his beloved thought Ices of its downy t W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate - Car. Life and Fir. Insurance Nelson titrtet, Goderich Phone '292 1'. 0. Box 438 The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFT: l''t'RAN('R• (Blur life tie.) A1[CLIS :NT, Slt'KNESSS. %11IsO. ETC. LNISt'KANCE' Some very cheap House. aorl Lots for sale Large number listed to select hem. ~'arms Special -11 O.8 m Fano tor oak. slaugh- ter prier; tiro' location in 11w township! of `lanky, count) of Unroll; 111 serer id' tilos is choice clay loam soil in fine con- dition, excellent for wheat alfalfa . or any grain, hay or roots. High %Indus. - tine surface. well tile -drained. Nearly all misled down; good water supply, 417 acres of tins in valnabk timber, ennt'eh to mre than half pay for entire Pnq••rty. Goad hr. it barn. furnace bested home, situated on excellent high- way, clow, to sc'h•o/i, chlurches, conveni- ent to K. R. station anal gond markets. Prier for doer sills M 00. Terns t 11000 cash (11'140 will be accepted near - wind. ly five years' time for balance 1 rt,{ Immediate ps+eareinn given. A number of other god farms for sale. Many Trod Noumea anti. Lots for sale wry cheap. Hood brick Houde, Bruce street, near North street, full modern equipped and garage. Price $2H0).00. t;ood brick Hnnse, full modern equlip- suwith Karate and small barn,F:ast nset. Price 81500.00. Fine stucco House. hill modern equip- ped, choice ktcation. Price $3200.00 Gird Houses and Lots 8100, *400, $1!011, 51600, etc. some Hotises to Rent. Furnished House to Rent. For all particulars see or write J. W ARMSTRONG Real Fatale Agent /;orlPrfrF tlox s9 Square J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Noranda Mines will sell ex -dividend on Dec. 100. In order to facilitate collection of dividends we advise all holders to have their stock trans- ferrrol to their own names. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Ont. Phones 430 and 445 • • • A gambler named Arnold Rothstein was shot and killed a year ago. One of irtrtery MaeManus was tried for it last week, Meettag and acquitted. The case made a senea- The Presbytery of Huron, l'reoby- tlon. because mysterious "higher -Met" terlan Church 1n Canada. met in l'ltn- were to be exposed. They never are, ton on Tuesday, I,1w-end er 10th. The of course. Mr. Rothstein was ,wiploosed chief Items on the docket were the re - to have influential friends to whom tie mita on the reception of ministers, loaned money, and so on --therefore the Y. V. S. summer school. and the no proof nor eolyle•tton. Some of the blldgrt. Mr. Robert Yhnrtrecell re{wort• testimony was fie. At Lon• though the el for the remits, which brought forth trial was tiresome. At ate card game the various phases of the question. Mr. Fred. G. Weir, commisslouer to the h sthstrin lost E-KK►.latll• after ren a Assembly. presented the case as E•N Illlll one eat and drew a deuce! 1 M., . New York, 1)e•. 9, Hohn. C. H. ougli discussion the remit. were dile d{scntsxel the d e Iwo ti on "viewed by the Assembly. After a thor- and quaint thatches England hatches good . approved. Mr. Koine and bad plumbing. 3n there! 1 in bridge a good deal de{Ipnls upon claims of the summer school and • • • for ph%yer and the player depends on Presbytery lustnii tel Mr. Kali* to Gresake t the syuud's ulnar. Kal with Down at Rockaway Reach lest wink a good deal. 1 the cup the and have them reads the citizens of piscxtorlul lwnt hada I juste( to mer[ the conditions of the few happy evenings ade0of frust ftshlnR• Never Mind the Ear Muffs A cold wave had come; and it appears It was necessary for taxation par-' various !'re+byteries Mr. keDermld rplrorle�l for fhr budert, unit while Ate that certahl fish -ling and whiting- Ici(ogs ern' greater than lit this thous' ds. The fishermen., on fhr lnseh I 11 hook. Cana to dw•Idr nn which olds rd rhea time last year he urged that aha con -I or li n�ds. The gateredonus basket- (term %h taUnited tithe Intro i%Ititfote carr up to their full ue n - Nis or line. simply gathered up trubet• term• wact hl old ItS11'r Surveyors filially 'rigs ntiuu1.44 'lila next ww•tilsr; 1'f IPe l'n•+In - Ias, and bagfuls. Thud• with the I chased, actually' the ti,1 v ill la• hold io 114 int 11 'I'ursdny, reeds ,were ably to pick out fhr f!sh j announced that th*' form wail last on 1 se i Frhruary ... with their hands: 'this world be a rare i the Amerie pn side of the border. The treat for the patient perch fishermen old lady smiled with-hk'i.. ' I f. hnvrr. - audit from the .utlth pier at t;och•rich. I glad to know that;' It 4 bard to duu't know• whether the fish are try beard that the winters In Canada ar.' log to warm up or cool off when theyltoo terribly saviors."-l'h111ldelphla Star. harder still to do their jumping; but, Ile that as it ' may. they do shove themselves up on vvinter at the beach every times 111 w4l11tltr4 tbonaauil'. 1 see that Mr. Edison 1. to make li synthetic rubber frim g.tlile,l rood. Gots( days are 111 store for abuse who awn dreamy pastures on this yellow t street, (loderich. peat Is view*•( with anything but it good gra(e. Now we may at lust see the [Wanly of this plant. if Mr. E..df,on 1s right. A cartoon in The linaiklyu };ogle y'*•stormy showed n 111at1 sn(•c'r.- log while. putting on one of the new tires. Who knows but tha,csew athblrN' and twitch grass may 't Geo. Williams Dealer In DOMINION. PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND CARPO• KATION BONDS !'Ire, Accident, Automobile. is General Insurance Agatat Office, next to (tank of Cornrner'et Phone fie tiodericll O. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance 1. Eros - 51,891,915,000 Assets - - - $468,958,000 Divi' ends to Policyholders+ increased for the ninth sueceseive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus Office 1141 PHONP14 : Residep.? 549 H. R. LONG, District Agent lags? • • • While 1rampping through brchanls it Wlls .14 t y G'slerich thldifficulttofcaulk 1014.11 uie•s l e- 1 apples of I Iapples lylnc on the ¢nnunp. I stress thought 1t a pity that they could not I* dgol ltortheti. and (ity, as Aoki, my, for were. oos r • a cent a piece.'xellr tffir three ore very mons on- looking aptl(11'4 r ti odgrter routho the ther day,while dodging thghmmuters In the I'enms)lrallia stntlun. 1 saw a traf- fic in a golden apple of some sort at 51.50 for twelve apple", and plenty of taker! At one end of the layout was a bowlful of small samples to try one's tooth on ; and the hungry trav- ellers took their mors*'[ en the wing -- such as had a half -minute to aperiytn their closely -figured dash for their trains. But there were plenty of buy- ers. indeed. two colored men at one side were doing a fast business wrap- ping them tip. The recent stock slump is store than a nine -clays wonder. New York- ers. proverbially, take their fortunes with a certain light-heartedness. but 001 this upset. Families have leen stranded In Europe. Numberless can - 1 ••ellatlon' of Sean trips have been made to tlw steamship companies. Building contracts hive leen held up. !Attie toy little the widespread effects of tits calamity seep through the dully press, telling of fortunes impaired. homes 1*et. and often suicides. 1 observe a great many ads of houses for Pale under foreclosure. Yet busi- ness is by 11(4 means dull, if 1 nm a judge. Rut there is no doubt that buy- er are more cautious then usual. Yet that will pass. K'fi II�M•S Ri t'TC fit C1S1"��ivii si Values141 in Men's Wear Special 5 DURING CHRISTMAS SEASON Ties Shirts Regular 12 6(1 and 1111 TS) (;leering at $1.95 i Neck Scarfs Regular 12.50 and $3.50 Clearing et Neck Regular $1 IN) and 81 Clearing at 75c w 6() Pyjamas Regular 12 50 and $3 fi0 $2.19 82.25 � ('leering et W are diseantlaoiaw our Ito elf Mete. furnishings and are offering all goods, including Gloves, Socks, Hate. Cap., etc , at SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES. • W. C. SNAZEL. gHaberdasher and Dry Cleaner, Wept. Street. Phone R39 !Ulna ttI • • • Great Interest was taken inthe ttre- cent Ontario election, It appears, may judge by inquiries and from lunch-time conversation. The Ontario voters were given crept for arch who - dam as I am lure they in their mod- esty would deny. At any rate, the re- sult WAS a [lone in the breasts of some Individuals in this. famished Hoot i•ot somehow relief will come to an arid land. it Is Interesting to hear New Yorkers talk Intimately of their vacation teles to modest little Canad- ian towns, and of projected tours. And the freedom that they once felt w••is horn in this land of the brave - well, If you way "freedom" to them, they make teem. The old Waldorf A.torla hotel the p being torn down, to make way for largest office building ever known. et*'. The flgurea telling of the boll of these new buildings are not Interest - Ing. Our friend, Al. Rmlth 1s president of the trust company that is rearing the DPW monster edifice. Through the hrencheo of the walla carton passersby nee views of MdNme splend- or, the 'rend M11 -room, psacroek Alley and the rest, moon to he gone like the palace of Itelshlsxer. And ninthly perched nn 4111 end erretsb eem_ high above Fifth seem*. the wreckers with torch and end Pit momentarily teeth the posnp ee of the peat, folly destroying Pukes that one. housed manner hs.and statesmen. the brave and the • :air. William Childs to returning to obutla• reetaarante. What et IC? Well. lose a good mend. lose a lad one. OR those who give pres- ents of money for Christ- mas to relatives, friends or employees, we have prepared a special cheque printed in Christmas colours, which will be found most suitable and pleasing for this purpose. You will find a supply of these cheques for your use on the desks in each of our branches. Monro1, no..omm of AtirAYI - a occcpt.ble gift. The Royal Bank of Cartadr" Goderich Branch - I. D. Eastman, Manager THE gift that many men will give their families this ,Christmas will be a Rogers-Batteryless Radio. We say this without hesitation, because, at the new low prices now in effect, the 1930 Eight -tube Rogers is unquestionably the greatest radio value in Canada. Four Christmases ago (and that is a long time in .the radio industry) Rogers blazed the trail for all of the electric radios that are on the market this Christmas. Even the word " batteryless " was coined by Rogers to describe this Canadian invention—the first radio in the world to operate successfully without batteries! First in the field in 1925, the Rogers is still fiat in standards of reliability and outstanding performame. Proven for the past five years in thousands of Canadian homes, you cannot possibly make a mistake in choosing, for Christmas the .. . COGERS IRLADflOlO Them, aa�rr�s w.n 8 The Gift of Gifts in Radio! The NEW Rogers " Phonolectro Radio" Actually tett than ;295 Complete with many radios a1owe / G.rsn.atred Tube, Rogers Lowboy New Reduced Print '198 New Reduced Prices West Side of Square. r-, Rogers Highboy NOV Red old Prise =218 Special Christmas Terms O. JOHANN, ' Dealer H. 0. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen G.dork