The Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 3a
This is Renewal Time
thanks the many who have already
renewed their subscriptions for 1930
and also welcomes several new
'1'III. sii;S I. PRINTING Co. blitfioD, Prelahers.
Pupils and Elders Join in Present-
ing a Program of Much
Interest and Variety
Central school, Iu spite of ile sev-
enty-three years, was; gay and festive
to appearatwe ou Tuesday evening on
the ocraslou of the annual commence-
ment exercises. The big room was
pretty with its decoration* of red and
white, the school colors, relieved by
the dark green of cedar, whose frag-
rance, with that of the gaily decorated
tree in the corner, war redolent of
Christmas. The fruit uu the tree
turned out to be nicely rolled diplomas
for the graduating class,
When the parents and vivltlug
friends bad been seated the pupils
took their places to the stratus of a
march played by Mr. I). Major, who t Municipal Nominations
acted as ore taking during the even- Clinton Books» at Drennan's .►Meyer PERSONAL MENTION
lug. Before taklnM their reals the a number of Clinton bowlers paid a j Sills are out announcing the mute
:lass gave their "school yell," after visit to ltrennan's aIle „u Monday tcIpati nowinatlon ttaarting. to Ire held
which a pretty piano solo was given by J I Mss.: Emilie term
will „retail Il the tura hall Mundy eveuinR,
Miss ,Ulna Howell, a furnll•r pupil of evening and played several games the Christmas term xt Toronto. la,.,,•ruiw•r 30th, at 7.39 o'clock.
with Guderich fowlers. The G«lerich Mn Swanson left this work u.
the sclool• team composed of Percy Johnston, Al- spend the winter nnruths et Walker-, In lin MaRtxtrate's Court
C. !'. Chapman), the luul;-suffering
The ditties ..f chairman devolved bort Harris, Jaek Johnston, Jawed ville. - M tgIstra[e Reil ou \I„udn heat-ivictimll upon Rev. It. C. Mcllermid, who die-
and C. McManus defected ,the k J provoking
of their attruttous, nosiest in
barged thew lu his usual genial Mr. and �/ra, Jams„ 1Nu hauau will a ,•harp• itgatnst %Valises Mell ttg-I provoking hilarious laughter that
•Clinton team cramp sed of 1 , Liver• wend the Christmas season esti. all ..f a U•allny n Carrel of elder from crxscwi only when the eurtain fell.
style. more, J. McDougall, H. Steep, C. lest- friends at 1 •rotrpr. the forth of Kiul.ley 1iarris, l;oder•I '
The address to the graduating ter'„n and It. McDougall by b51/ polo+, Mr. and Mrs. William +tracheo lett `The Tryslfug Piave," u s{sur►liu�
elan was given by stew. C. F. Clarke, ich townshilr M.Uoaaall wx. cwnmil-I little .•„ ly by Meth Tarkinglon,
The local team won all three games. on Tuesday for Vero Itenel, Florida. bit fur trial. had for Its setting the 'lounge of a
whew 1iwuie wu,:: "The Purpose u[ where the • will spend the winter.
1 Thomas and Frank Jardine, charged fashluuable hotel whish Iwd Iweu
New Offices for Royal Nadi 'tr. and Mrr. it.,•yuihtt% Mud lit i.tittt tio11 %%kb the alle;;,'I ;al.ii; chosen at the siaue hair as a•rr•ndex-
a The new Royal Sank premises. ut', Mi.- ('hair' Reynolds left this week of -money. fron, S, Morningstar, wen ( won, hJ the vnrfuo, weiulw•r. of 0
the earner of Hamilton street and for London. when* they w111 spend :riven :another remand of a week. faniII each unro,ww•fous ut the „,hers'
the Square, will be opened for bu.•i-, the whiter months. 1 i plans. .inosine .-•nip1leatlutas 1w•vit•
nes on Monday morning next. Mr. Mi., Helen Strung. after'a visit or Snowed In ably .sour vcheti the tryst Is ke{st by
1. 11. Eastman, the local manager.. several weeks at the home of her' The worst Dt•emM•r storm in many the difter•rq lair. of lovers, nu,alig
8urth from $300 to it(11► a year more announces that 'the Wives will be' mother, Mrs. H. I. Strang, left bast' years hart upon the l'rnvinsr ttrlcl fr.
�l�r �ign�i
wig rg alt rradprs end
paining a
bri1t anl TilriMnuth
Excellent Program Given under
Auspices of Maple Leaf
The eutertaintuent giveu by the
%Vedllesday Thuraday evenings of
last week, in St. George's pariaill hall.
was well ealled "Variety.' for it ot.
fens! wide diverwity of attractions.
Some promlaIng new dramatic talent
was disclosed, and other performer.'
well known auti liked were seen and
&rem emisisted of five Numbers: two
one-aet plas-s, a song unit chorus with
tableau effects, a group of songs by
Mrs. Frank Stetinders, and a coined
Jetta, -The Ministering Angel." 'lids
fureleal misinterpretation of the min-
istering angel,' the lespital nurse.
Nurse Drsdey (Mrs. W. W. Martin),
the too, too cheerful anti gossip -loving
nurse. miitired (Miss Adelaide Nairn),
S'Alucation." One purpose, he solid, was
to.develop and etrengtheu our powers
that they might have a greater econ-
omic value. lie told a an address he
had heard gi& en by a atatistician who
showed that those who had com-
pletes' a high school course *ere
Mrs Helots i Mrs. it 'tickliurn
than those who had role no farther' thrown open to the publie on Satur-, week to spend a few days at tomtit.. week and Goderich and distrk•t are Illay•o, au attnietive %blow who has
than a public school could take them! '110- t" ,, ugl:etti:milgimetriti.deirwmiliTirt:h.el, isti• sodr"'"il,"; , rir;irie;:td&i.l.irri.simtritehs,tgi‘Bi-dfskaityit(triliirio1ie.r. itt.f.
afternoon next and an invitation and Newmarket before returning
in i N extended to the patrons of the; her (tutted& at New York City.
while a college -trained person eas,
Bank and the punk generally to vis-! Mr. and Mrs. Seott Aitken, of Hoed
turn, worth still much more from an i the coutdr) tire almost intpaesable .
iharroa 1. te her owe .•Itildren sold
economic etatelpoint. But this was on- Trains are running, th gli the •wrvire 1 iwir affinities. lie, Nla rga re! Wilson
I and ins *et the new premises River Oregon, arrived on %Tuesday on
ly one reason, aud not the greatest
reason, tor weking au education. Our
highest aim should be, not to earn
something, but to be *northing. to
4row in culture and In eharacter, BO
that we may be the more readjr and
the more able to serve.
The Itotiert Pare memorial Silltef
Melia) Wald presented by Inspectqr
Beacom to Albert Boum, or W011141 have
:wen presented only that the whiner
aus unavoidably aliment. Inimector
Beacom said that Master 'town iris
mily a few marks behind the winner
of the gold medal, and lie trustt•d that
tide success wont(' prove but the begin-
ning of many• triumphs fer him. Ow-
ing to the absoisee of the wedelns( the urY. 11 was decided to grant the re- row,. gave a Idrtilds0 dinner 111 11011- th.1,4 ,‘&41,,,,li „11 tee and the prosis , ts a ... :. ,..1. eff....1„..; mo., laum...r
gn...At. All apidication from the tOn It or tit MrS. iiiirkee, mother. ND,.
(semen for the installatioe of a terms Oats. W. Johnston, and lier daughter in ow 0. H. A.. thin ae6„on.
••• ed the di- light on Cedar stnet was refet•red Sti Miss Edith Johnston. Dinner was Tlw Goth•rielt Lions nub are taking ! it'.1:;111:1:11...1..!:,1 1.1'11:. ri:.".....r.1.9g:/,1,17.11.:!100:1",:in;
give hid to be omitted. .
served at 7 p.m. to twelve member: ..f „leis to 'fern' a junior town hockey '
which have been In preparation for a visit to the ft rtuer's parents, m I
b"s been '..""1"1"It 111"1 Jessie..itriggs and Mr. Harold Mi-
stime mouths. and Mrs. J. I,. Aitken. They hail an the rural Mail earrier. are tuaking Ham. Rupert Smith, lwr admirer.
interesting trip 011 Hie way here., desperate efforts to ce&er their rout. -
May Buy Another Pump having come by way of the Panama 0„.i„n;
light consmiasion on Thursday night at Havana. They will he here for se& - of The Signal's: budgets of illetriet t
correspendems• have not .4•014. to hand. 1,1",:i,itr, ::17.11,1.71k1"11fillittleptuars.&,11 of Mrs.
At the meeting of the &voter and Canal null Cuba! spending two weeks Miss %I. Harney
last the engliwer was instructed to eral weeks. and it is only a Mutter or eorrpectur...,,.nr,..:......visi....i.,atial aaf„.. aiwana.,
get prices on another new pump for ' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MurraY• elle'. this 1sPile of The signal reiw.he- aim, rid h„,„„if- a ow "„e1,.„nw at.
the waterworks and also te install a Northumberland Ave., Pittsburgh, l'is. i
blowout or backwash valve nut! pipe i announee the engagement of !Mar ---- --,- „... I Stall ley l'is rke 1. a los reit* boy. In
on the intake pipe. The latter la des i daughter, Jean, to Mr. chitties tilliba
anyte&I Inver. who pr.ned
time; lu the intake such 11. have been MM., William II. Johnson .1( Norfolk.,
experienced the pant week. A deput4-' Virginia. The betrothal will terminate,
in the eici revealed all
Bon from the town counell requested in a .thittiory wedding. . on 1 10 a praetlee al i Ire' NN'.. --1 -treet ,
that S2,000 of the water department , On Tuesday +wetting. December 100., rink on Wasinewley (sooting Tin. nit& role an& pinyed by Mr .% 1•'. Stunts
enr allelic turned In to the town treas- Mr. and Sirs. A. E. listrker. ltasfield ow fin,. oeneowe the 1„,), ha,,. had ,
rhe Matitistrin's Song from Sall Toy
plomas to the graduating class, prefsw- the engineer for a report.
lig thi• presentation by a brief address the two families, after which an ens league, Messrs. G. I.. I ar...n... I
A "flat cosionle...lasliently re 'sin led his
in which he emphasized tile import- All..Uhimirer of Mayor MacEwan ' joyabie evening was spent by all. Saunders. le. E. Illibbert and 11r. j.
since of facing difficulties and master- Thos. N. Sillib, of Taber, Alberta. . Gritlistin have 'been stepeilited a vein , four a. hi, .. ,,,,, mood Th.. ..11.1., in
words in diens.. alai lorn toned 'lilt 1-
ing them inatead of treakly falling semis $2 to renew his subscription to Manta Claus' Arrival
very forcibly by reference to the tre- ons for renewing IP to Hee that Johu the cenitnenity Chrietnuts tree are' and eighteoll yenre lit age a ill Is. i•lig-
mendous hanaicaps wider which the .NIfteEwsili is .electesi to the mayor s , being cempleted. A message frem; ible to enter. Entries tinily la. ....o...ra_s 111..i.tatglise..-rillit.t. Kermess) etorzon anti
Far -mos. whine the impassive
gi•eal Greeian orator, Demosthenes:, chair again." Mr Sillib, who is evl-i Santa clans states that he will nr-! to any• member of the eonlinittee, or,
Orient:11 alai Ism. ..1a. huge Chinese
,ahorea. and his complete suetess In , dentlY a close reader et I'lle Signal's rive at the decorated tree iti the left at the camidisin Nit:hetet Express' , „ ,, ,
svercoming them. Square nt 3 o'eloek on December 2411. offiee on the Stpanre. The league will', . "r"" "II"' "dsted gre"11Y tit -the
Toe prizes for Prefielem•Y were pre -I made In that column some weeks ago and he wants tit meet all the children Ow formed shertly and the boys AM, 1., lir. 4;. 11. im .,...,
1.1.•turc.itic St elle Wit. Mr. Keit it NWT.'
sorted hy Bev. G. NV. Butt, who spoke to the diffieulty of believing that Will in town and surrounding country up, lin•quested to hand in their names at
I se of formin peel habits Styne,...14 would ever vote Grit. "This „ft id„ nwwiwat. iitice. pistilst, playing also in 1114* intervals
bet wee,' illifiriber.t. and so...0min' ill lint t
at youth. Ile spoke particularly of the I do not credit, saym Mr. SI 111). 1
of habits of kindness, ef think If I would go down there, pat
ruthfulness, of service, and of prayer, hack and say, 'Come on
and the influence they would exert on over to the poll and vote Grit,' think
he IA not so hard Met lila that lie, Reserve Thursday 111141 rfiday
Rev. -W. T. Mutt, in pre...siting tiw frould do so. Even the Mayor, stains/it ..1.41•04111ry 3otir anti 31sit. for the
loderieh Collegiate I n .1 it lite cum -
the whole life.
strizes for deportment, neatneas and Conservative as ite all know he is,
attendance, commented on the value of might tio likewise." •
Expressions of Appreciation 3ditirittingl. i
.1t the last meeting the iliirou "uble verY
county old -age pension connnitte... °11'.1""13.
diquand r"r an encore.
lield Oil Tuesday of hisi week, a resolu-
tion was adopted, en Motion of War- 111'' sev"11‘1 ""s •‘• A' MII"e.'"
(lever ermoly Man in the Bowler
den Inglis and Deputy Reeve entitle.
Hat," which kept the amnions. ltlless-
tendering a hearty vote of thanks to
ing till he last •nt end very pm,
eininicteristics, Ile had words of -
Ian hold its Christmas at.home In the
4.91"4. I." will 11'011111y lelerk Ilelnisin for efficient
left many el them then a
The Menesetung
congratulation for the principal anti Knox Chureh Avail work eennection with the old -steel
liecember 30th.
the staff upon the good work of the There wits a gmel Ittshidales• lit ,
Jesr mid the fine program presented. the &minim' meeting
The West street skating, rink W114: (ion of the report presetit+41 to Hopi 11 '''''''''' '" 1",'"11 11"Me'dielll. John
reeding his evening tether ond Mary
Short addressee were given also by w. NI. S. auxiliary on Tues.'s's. lass'
opened b.r the season on NI.milay ta,.1 comity council at its December mprt-
lir. J. E. Tens Rev. J. N. H. Milk anti ember 17th„ Splendid reports of the knitting. and both yoking the i•oo‘i
yesir's vitirk were read by' the various ening. Mr. we,. Litt is niniingcr .4 tor Mg. Another vote of thanks. ilene,t bs
lion that. notating nimanth• or .•‘...
dr. It. Stonehouse. rink this year. MesSws. 111140'1a and litildnird atilt Millie
Intempersed through t he program aecretti ries, showing progress in till
Clundry, wits .eseecially e orth) al Hull. under the litistikes or ir". musk'
Jlessrs. !lender/0m and Ibilunito (sly and romance till the curtaiu rots
note. seventy. members having con. cirri) Must. hy vagabond Kings.
- Ill .4 I.a. filo ..,11„ii,„, The contests for twit prize., at Lind-.
Mr Neil Mille •••Ive 31 ‘4•1•V clever Intel, .
wiii ever hapisoi again 10 them.
• Th it if the hone. helis A dams. is announced for Friday li."'"1,*1). "d"11"1,* wils "2"1'."`"1 ite"'" Ing
Suddenly Melodrama or the too., wo-
of spee.ditml were numbers given by thi ' tieneerson. cline* lllll is ot the commit.
hi type 'bursts lit upon -them mid
seined %stitch drew not only hearty ap-
plause but also admiring comment
trout the audience and the varlotie
The ,opening chorus. "41 Csinadn,"' hail leen sent tint by the supply tie 'IllY s bowling alleys are lie au, et li
....ittested. A largo. number him. tallied, tee for the expression of confilleti....
' pretotion or dohn. eh.. IA la 13.16111
Kam sung by the pupils and the aud- partment tinder Mrs. Murdoch Mc -
the score of 161 in one of the eon- :Ind for tile kind and vomplimentars
tent*, Other choruses rendenal by the Donald. The treasurer, Sim A. J.
teste. George Farr le leading the com-! remarks accompanying it. Milne character, shoe mary was
slass wen. "A Christmae and New Mackay, reported inerea441 givings• to . plased symputhetleally and well by
fear's Bong." "H Came Upon the Mid- the general and expense fends, the Petition for ,highest score for• three'
• s ti e ames ' Good Program at the "Lit." I Miss Nilotili Millertnid. Mk4 E.delip
11.glit Ilear." "I Would Ise Teue," and .. . Heroine and Mr. Philip
*0 Come, All Ye Faithful." The Ring -
lug throughout iths. thoroughly enjoy-
ed by the audience anti reflected great
..redit on the ltastructormin'Two very
excellent solos were given by two ot
the boys, Ralph Henderson singing
'Silent Night," and lb•rbert Green,
••Sly Task," in very pleasing style.
Variety was given tO the pragram
by a dialogue staged by four girls of
toe gradnating class: margaret Sandy,
/Alla Croft, Marjorie Maefie and 01188
Westbrook, svho gave •The Wee Tay -
reale" in a very realistic fashlog. "The
'And of Beginning Again" wan beanti-
the preeent entrance clams rf•eited WWI
alle feeling "The Find Nowell."
At the close of the evening's prn-
min Principal Sharman thanked the
largest for the past three years. The
seeretnry's report, given try Mist& Anna
Mcleinald. allowed that Walt under
the caplet. leedership ef Mrs. It. .1,
Walter hail been one of the best in
Ilie Sistory of the Society. Two life
membership had been given, one to
Mr* Rooth prior to her departure for
Chinn, and the other being presented
to Mes, aliaset. at this meeting
by her daughter, Mrs. Walter, as the
gift 'of het five Rout.
.Mrs. A. J. Mackay Nang Chrietmas
hymn very beautifully. Ten dollisrs
was donated to the leper Weston.
Mrs. flunking read the report of
the tominating committee, which re-
sulted in the election of the following
offieers: premidents, Mr's Strang
and Mies Margaret Frasier; president,
Mrs. George McIsinalti; 1st ylecspres-
Went, Mrs Nfel)ermld; 2nd vice-pres-
preaddent, Mr'. A. Horton, leeburn;
urer, Mre. A. J. Maekay; preset neer&
tory, Mrs. le. It. IteddItt ; library pee-
neary, sirs. Austin; literathre !were
tary, Mrs. Waite; 'welcome and wet -
fare secretary, mrs. A, G. MeDenald;
melsonald; wad Winer& secretary,
MrP. Stirling Nfel'hall; life member-
ship ',secretary, Mrs.. Flunking; con-
venor itocial committee, Mrs. Yield;
plenist, mra. Gordon Bluest_
The retirement of Ifra. Walter was
regroiUld. tint the Society feels as-
sured of another suceennful pair ander
the efficient preaidency of Mrs. Me-
, Donald.
friends who had ithown their interest
li) coming out 19 spite of the Incle-
tmeicy of the weather; she 1"
banked the gentlemen who had so
given ot their time and thought
n addreasIng the puplia, and those, too,
woo had donated prises'. ehe gave s
few woe& of advice and eneour-
sgement to the puptis, pointing out
Jett In every cane, threw who had
taken honors at the exammation were
those who had done good work during
the yeer. Ap Maui Sherman Homed her
talk two of the graduating elaPiti, Phyl-
lis Cooper and Elaine Burrow', Meri-
ted forward and on holm', of the
elate& presented her with en address
d• appreciation and a handsome bou-
quet or chrreinthemuma. . Miss Shor-
t/MA gracefully thanked the pnplis
Moutinoed on page 10/
The (1, C. I. Literary Society lield 1 .
itS second Meeting of the term On Carey as Ilero ably supplitsi the ro-
, Friday evening. last, under the leader -Imam'''. almi Mr. ilarry Watson an Vii -
THOMAS W. NICHOLSON , eirip of Harold Breckow, second Vire-, Inin• and his acc"Iliellee Mr. I. litnns-
ThlintaS W. Nicholson, a former! The program opened with an tict•ord- refilistie• Mid struck terror to fhe
resident cer nralerich, pnesed ftWily Ht . ion foal' by Fred. 110.4. A deintte fin- _
1MeeaSed WWI eisty-eight yearn of atm! the opportunittos f3pp farming are theatricals would recognise thnt the
He hail been ill only a feW daY".; greatcr ill Northern 4 /Mario than Iii -1.1..m11.1 went of the performers. apart
denth being (1111sled by pneumonia. The! the Went." The affirmative wits sip- from individunt talent, and the gen-
late Mr. Nicholson was horn in North.' held for Form 111.1i by Sylvia Salk- err" eXeellehre of the entire prograth.
timberland conotY, England, and came, eh' and Jean prite, white (Bad), s,,„.., istuld lie altaintsi only 1.y the most
ont to Canada when A chili!. 11.• re -1 and Mary Green, representing second -arelui drilling and by an infinite at.
sided for a number bf years+ at London, year commercial, !argued for tht• neg tendon to detail. The Motile Is•af
4)nt„ later moving to Goderich. where atiVe. The deeiskili Wan for the negn- ellgrter deserve congrattriatione, and
It hap been imagested that the enter -
past six years he had been a resident A negro folk dance, "SlVatiee." no. tainment be repented at a bit.a.
he lived for fifteen years, For the tire.
of iretroit, Mich. His wife predeceased put on by eis senior gilds, tinder the "ate r"r Ill" benefit of the mallY wh"•
him nine years. Surviving are one direction of MINH rowan, Ifiag Alma owing to the linsy seseon. Or 'mac
Howell accompanying at Vie i&tatm. Merit Weather. were unable to nee it
(laughter and one son, Mrs. has .
),nehlen, of Vitneouver, II. C., and Wil -
sisters anti one brother: Mrs. Grant,
'source of interest. Two pleaning duet*
were renth•red by Ruth Ilunt and
of Merton; Mrs. Is itobeon, of Sum- Reg. Fieher.
merville, Mr. Ed. Nichabron, of The prises. meths's and ribbons& won
Thorndale, Ont. The Malaita' were by the srucceasful athletes on the Hellool
brought to Goderish and the funeral sprte day were presented by Misa M.
took place from Brophey Bros.' funeral !timpani) and Mr. Hill, of the echo&
Maitland eemetery. Rev. J. E. Ford A feature of apeelal interest IPS.
conducted the services. The &trifled the presentation of the play "Monidenr
wits& e member of the Mationic Order Perichon" It the following caste:
brethren : A. 1. C,ole, C. M. Robertson lehon, Margaret Ryan; Mademolitelle
J. H. Robertann, Geo, MacVlear, Ed. Perlehon, Evelyn Long; two young
Beek and Dr. H, R. flail. Relative* men, Jim MeMehen and Howerd
preeent at the fuheral from a Matinee Young; guide, Jim Itetiditt ; ,thniteets
included %fr. Wilfrid Nicholtion of De- er, Arthur Brown • a major, Reg. New -
trait ; Rev. W. Walden, of London; eomhe; hntler, Murray Hetherington
Mna Diek Whiting, of Strathroy, and The meeting was closed with the
rth of Port Huron singing of God Rave tit, King
Mr, Arthur Hogg* ,
The annual meeting of the Golden
Gate Prereptory. No. 10114, wlim held
Friday everting in the Orange Hail.
rimier North street and the Square
The ofncers eleeted for the year Imo
are aa follnwa: War. preceptor, Sir
Kt. win. Brownlee; deputy preceptor.
registrar. Jos. MeNevIn; treasurer, 1)
Sproule; 1st lecturer, A. MeNevin .
2n0 lecturer, F. Breckenridge; 1st
censor, Robert Ilmwnlee; 2nd censor.
Wm. Mew; lot standard -hearer. Thos.
W. Bell; 2nd standard-htsarer. Joe
Alton; pleitilitilant, Roy Chillill1PM:
qtr.'s Chas Murrell; tsonmittee, Sir
Kt.. Richard Yonng, E. 11. Waiters,
A. 'I'. Ranting, Ertel Roll, A. Brown
lee, Rumen Boyce.
\ l... j