HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 1n. 411441:4 at Christmas time. Let have a list of your for the Personal Men - tonal !COMMENCEMENT 8 T I CENTRAL SCHOOL A SUCCESSFUL EVENT 1 Pupils and Elders Join in Present- ing a Program of Much interest ti.:_nd Variety Central school, In spite of its bey- euty-three yeara, wa* gay mid festive In appearance ou Tuesday evening on the occasion of the enema (*lenience - matt exercises. The big room was pretty with its decuratioub of red atid white, the school Mora, relieved by the dark greesi of cedar, whose frag- rance. with that of the gaily decorated tree iu the vorner, wad reduleut of t7hrietnists. The fruit on the tree turned out to be 'lively rolled diplomas for the graduating claw When the parents and vlsitint friende had been seated the Landis took their places to the strains of a march played by Mr. D. Major, who acted as aeconapanist during the even. lug. Before taking their seats the ;lase gave their "school yell," after which a pretty piano solo was given by misii Anna Mowen, a foruti•r pupil of 1.11.• achool. The duties of chairman devolved upon Rev. It. C. Matermid, who ills- diarged them In hia usual genial :ay*. • The whirees to the graduating class was given by Rev. 0. F. Clarke. %hese theme one: -The Purpose of Education." One purpose, he said, was to.develop and strengthen our tamers that they might have a greater econ- otuic value. He told Or an &Mire,* he toad heard given by A statistician who 'hoed that those who had non- pieted a high school course were worth from 4300 to $400 a year more than those who had gone no farther than a public mama could take them. while a college -trained pentou was in turn, worth still much more froin au economic stasdpoint. But Ohl was on- ly one reaeon, and not the greatest reason, for seeking au education. Our highest aim should be, not to earn something, but to tw something. to ;row 111 culture and In charailer, so that we may be the more ready aud the more able to serve. The Robert Park memorial silver meths/ was presented by Inapector Hearom to Albert flown, or would have ueen presented only that the winner was unavoidably absent. Inspector Redeem eald that Master flown was n few marks behind the winner of the gold medal, and he trusted that thie stwoess wattled prove but the begin - ling of many triumphs for him Ow- ing to the absence of the medallist the' valedictory alldress whieh he wa. 10 give had to he omitted. erineopa I 1111111e presented t he di- ! planes to the graduating chts., prefne- lig In, preaanation h.y al brief address en which he emphasized the import- ance of hieing diMeIllties and master- ing them Instead of weakly falling ...an. them, illnatrating his point very forcibly by reference to the tre- mendous handicaps under which the greatGrecian orator, lwmosthenes, .atiored, and his complete maven*, in overcoming them. \ Toe prizea for proficiency were pre- itented by Rev. G. W. Butt, who spoke t on the valne of forming good habits .n youth. Ile spoke particular/It of the I vaiue tof habits of kindness, of. ruttiluittegs, of service, and of prayer, and the influence they would exert on the whole life. Rev. W. '1'. Busit, in preseuting the, zes or deporttnent, neatness and. attendance, commented on the value of ; n-aIetiaracteristies, Ile had words of, congratulation for the principal and the staff upon the gem1 work of the eor anti toe fine prilgrant presented. Short addresses were ghat Also by . Mr. J. E. Tbm, Rev. J. N. II. Mills nrol dr, it. Statehouse. Interepersed through the tirogrant 441 .pee4dies wore numbers given by the odenol vililch drew not only hearty ap- plause but also admirttig comment trout tie audience and t he Various Teaser... The opening chores, "4) Nos sung by the pupil. awl thio aud- ience. Other choruses rendered by the ,•lass vveri• "A Christma* and New rear's Sall." "It Came Itpon the Mid - 11 glit Clear," "I Would he True," and '0 Comp, All Ye Faithful." The "Ing.; Mg throughout mu' thoroughly enjoy!. ed try the ,audieuce and reflected great ..redlt on the inatructersia Two very excellent solos were given, by two of the boys, Ralph Henderstm singing liilent Night," mei Herbert Green, -11y Task," in very pleasing style. Variety wan given to the program by a dialogue etaged by four girl. of tee graduating chess: Margaret slimly, .dila Croft, Marjorie Maefie and Olive Weatbrook, who gave -The Wee Tay - rattle" in a very noilistie fash1.5n. "The Lind of Beginning Again" was heauti- fon/ recited by Peggy Parsons and t totes Thortielte., and the Or* of the prenent entranee class recited with :hie feeling "The Pinot Nowell." At the close of the evening's pro- o-voii, Principal Sharman thanked the friend,. who had nhown their interest by coming out in *pito of the incle- mency of the weather; she slim banked the gentlemen who load ao ottiliy given of their time sod thought ..11 addressing the pupils, and those, too, woo had donated prize& She rive a few words of attains And encour- igement to the pupils, pointing out dint In ev.ery case, those who had taken honor,' at the exauenation were (home who hail done gond work during the year. As MIAs Sharman Mooed her taik two of the greduatIng claim Mul- lis Cooper and Elaine Burman, !LIPP led forward and on behalf or Me clans presented her with an address appreeletion snti a nen/Monte bou- quet of ehryeanthemunts. Mina Sher- • man gratefully thanked the pupils e (Onatbitaiod on Page 10) GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,DECEMBER 19, 1929 tiMIMMV..nEMEKIMIekinkVOIEZSMOOMIXrVIeRII ftitat tut,911r.,9 alt its rrabrrs ani perm a brilit attb Orthintas megnagmmmossmagrasegnsetomenanonsmon_ _ Clinton Bowlers at Drennan's Alleys A number of Clinton bowlers paid a visit to Drennan's alleys on Monday evening and IdaYed several game* sith Goilerich bowlers. The Goder tram voninosed of Pert•y John -sten, bert Harrlg, Jack Johnston, Jam Held and 1'. MeMainla defeated Clititon team minimised of I'. Ltv more, .1. McDougall, 11. Steelh C. P tersim and It. McDougall by 5/14) The Meal team won all three gime PERSONA', MEN TION municipal Nominations Miss Emilie litiehanatt will spend the l'Itristnias tern' at Turento, tal Mee. Syvanson left this week •11. .ti. spend the winter imotitlis sit Walker- ** ville the Mr. and 'Mrs. Janice. 1 tuelianan wfll el' speed the Christ nuts **Nilson with at- 114. Mr. and Ifre. Sereeliait li•ft 4. en Tuesday for Vera Beach, Florido. where they will the ender. . Ile and Mrs. R. 1;. I 1,44)11..141.4 aileF1 I Miss Claire. Reynolds left. this week I tied- the winter months., na for London, where they will spend' r. Miss Helen Strang, after a visit of , t totne ilf her he mother. Mra. H. I. Strang, lett bell urst week to spend a few days :at Toronto aud Nevvinarket before returning to be her at lurk tity. be Mr. and MIN. Seott Aitken, of Hood , 'es, River Oregon arrived 'r - 111 or a riair to the rater's parents, Mr. an I 11 . J. 1. • Th.'y at an inters/ging trip ou the way here,, havio come le New Bffires for Royal Bank The new Royal Ilan): premlne,, the corner of Hamilton street a the Square, will be opened for b :lens on Monday morning next. M I. I. Eastman, the local Ina a tau ounces that 'the offiees wlIb thrown open to the on Sat day afternoon next and an invitati is extended to the *tr. ns f Itauk and the public generally to v it mei inspect the new 'trends' IS 1th have been iti preparation f twine months. .11111s are out autimincing the mutt - knell rimnination Meeting. to 1,0 held at the town hall Monday evening, iie, ember 30th, at 7.33 o'clock. In (he Magieotrate's t'ourt Magistrate iteid on Monday heard a charge against Wullaee Mel./oug- all of etealing a barrel of ('Wer from the farm of Kingsley Burris, Gader. ich township. McDougall was isominft• ted for trial. Thomas and Frank Jardine, charged 111 connection alth the alleged :akitig of money from S, allertiltigetar, %ere given another remand id a week. Mewed In l'he %verse Deeenther storm in many yesrs burst upon the Fruilllee thie W1.1.1/ 111111 1;01 14.011-h 111441 11 bark( nre getting their share of it. Tlw reads Ire covereil with deep enoW, and In he count to lire almost impassable. Trains are running, thong)) the service las been somewhat diode:ottani and be rural /1/11 1/ earner.) are making lesperate efforts to rover tffelr routes Owing, no doubt, to the st.win, soine The Signal's budgets of dietriet I *troop/indents. have not trome ti4 hand, nti it only a matter ef 1.1.1iJeCtIlro, thls I.sue llee Signal 11411 Is readers in the ts iiiii try. May Buy Another Pump At tile meeting of the totter a light vommission on Thursday nig last the engineer wag Instructed get privet: on another new pump t' the waterworks anti also to install blowout or backwesh valve and pii 4 kw p1441'. e atter le al signed for use in dealing with obistru Hone its the ietake such as have het• ie peel week. A deput thin from the town council request. that $2,000 of the water di•partniet surplus lw turned,h1 to the town treat ury. It was decided to grant the r quest. An application from? the pie council fer the histallatlim et a etris Walt on Cedar street was reterred the engineer for a report. "An .%dndrer of Major MarEvsau Thos. N. SOM.. of Taller, Alloertn sends $2 to retwo ids atilewription t The Signal anil adds : "One of my rens roe. for renewing is to see that Joh tinerwati is eleoted to the Mayor. eltair again." Mr Sillib, who is et dent!). a eliew reader of The Signal' editorial eolumn, refers to a renter made in that eolthat atone weeks Ng 0 the difficulty of be/Wring that Wit itynnituln ;could ever vote Grit. "Thl do not ertelit " says Mr 'BIM thitok If I Woiliel go 1141W/1 114.11., 14111 ItIlly on the 111141 sav lover to the mill and vote Grit,' I think tell Canal aim Cube, spending two weeloolo 111 i at Havana. They will 1* Isi.re for sev- to, oral weeks. or, Mr M n Northumberland ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., i announee the engagement ef their e-, daughter, Jeau, to Mr. Charles Giblos l!-1 Johnson of Pittehnrgh, son of Mr. and It! William 11. Johnson of Norfolk , a- Virgbelel. The betrothal Will terminate, si In a January wedding. It T cad y . 1.. r s- Mr. and Airs. A. E. Harker, Bay field t Hockey Players liold First Prange About twelve players. wit, lire innk• ig a 1.11 fie a position .the coder- interniediale hiwkey team. norms! lit to 41 practice at tbe. West •treet ink 011 WVOne1411nY evening. This woe be first ',radii* the 14,44 41 hare had his sen.iin on lee nuil the prospects re 114114 IIimlerIch litrve a fast Nein In the 44. H. A. this season. The thoderieh Lime. Club are litkin eps to form ti junior town hockey 'ague. Messrs. G. L. Parsons. K amiders. F. E. I iiiihert ani1 lor. J rahana 1.41‘'e been 8N...tided cola1 ilice to look after the organization, the 1.•agne. Boys NI 1%1441 1,1 1.1% 111 1.11:11 1•1411 yenrs nee will ts• , le to doter. Entries may be lot fole.41 1111) Member of 1110 committee 1.1 ft at the Canadian National Extort... 44)22 spiested to hand in their name: ' . formed mhortly tend the boys are , .4.1 the last meeting of lite illir fits. on the Square. Tlw league Exproaaions of .4ppreelation unty old -age wieder' eetienitte.•. id on Tuesday of Ida eeek, a resolu- ea was adopted, en cieitien of War- n Ina. and Deputy Reeve Craig)... alering iz hearty vote of thanks to unty Clerk Holman for his effit•lent 11.110/1... partleolar13 In the peepara- .rk 144 conpectlen 441 th the old-agel of the repert pre.euttml to the, nay 4nantell at its Ihweinher meld- ir hog. Attalla' tipte nf Higgins and lade" IA enti min ii• IMoilmly adopted, Was teiillere• Reeve I. Hellidt.rstm (link ilia of the eononil•; for the energy and ability shown him in the discharge of his duties., 4 ..041.4. !tenderfoot and I lolman I inked the members of the isitionit-i" • for the expressiar of confide,' 1 for the kind and eomplitnetttnit • m tessonpanying t- • 1; Ii0041 Program at the "LiL" Tile II, I. Literary Society held ....mid Meet ing or the tern. cii (lay evening last, lIntler the leader- " p,,idoorn itreckow. S1.1.111141 I' 1. program opeeed with an necor.t., re redo by Fred. !toss. A delinte fob 11 en the subjeet, "Itesotved, opportunities for farming ore, t1 1,1,-r Northent Ontario than In, `I Went." The affirnintive wag up. fr 1 for Form 111.11 hy Sylvia Salle.' er and Jean Price, while Gladys- 41l. 'l'' Po e- road, gave a birtielay dinner in how 11 or (owIll f Mrs. Barker s neither, Mrs. , 1, t1 Chris. %V. Johnstat, and her dam:liter te " Miss Edith Johnston. Dinner was; serv at - . 11 • 41 the two fatuities, after ohich 11 11 NI' 1, }flyable evening was spent by all. • Saida ('Isua' Arrival - .4. flgl°111141414. 4.11111101.4 1011 i 11 Hie community Christmas tree a • being 1..1111.1014i. .% message fro a Santa Creme states that he will 11 • rive at the decoratisl tree in 11 k situate at 3 Veloek oto Deisonber 244 " now he wants to nowt all the childre 1 in tont' and surrounding comttry 1)4 ▪ his arrival. I 1 a le is not so hard set hut that li mild do so. Even the Mayor, stained enservative ati we all know he 1, might do likewise." ----.- ----- Knox Churrh MI S. Auxiliary There rins a „oast It/aid:thee at the seminal meeting ot nook church W. M. S. auxilinry on Tuesday. Dee- enilier 17111, Splendid reports of the year'. werk were read by the various sp.-nolo-Ws, showing progress in all 114.partilientA. That of the home help- ers. under the eonvenorship of Mr-. timoiry, A'11,,, especially worthy ..1 now. seVet1 1y manlier.. havieg tat - Whined $52.:04. Soh...tomtit.' stoma,. hod been sent mit by the sandy de Noontime under Mrs. Mailed, 31C - Donald. The treasurer, Mrs. A. .1. Mnekny, reported increasIst givingocto the general and expense funds, the largegt for the past three years The seeretno's report, given by Mime 'Anna II. McDonald, ShoWed 11111 1029 under Ib,' (spider. leadership of Mrs. It. J %alter had been one of the best In the histury of the Society, Tye° life mentbershits had been 'riven, one toe Mrs Booth prior to her departure fer l'hina, and the other helm: presented to Mrs; Slitialiel [Bisset at. thin noicting by her daughter, lint, Walter, as the „TV; of her five sow. Mrs. A. J. Maekay sang 11 Christmas hymn very beautifully. Ten 11011)4.1'.) W11. donated to the leper mission"- „ Mni. Honking read the report 44,, he rominnting comtnittee, which re - it I the following ofneers: 10.0. premidents, Mrs. Strong and Miss Margaret Fraser; presidelit. MI'S. George McDonald; 1st viei-pres- Went, Mrs, MeDermiti; 2nd •Iee-pres- Ident, Mrs. It. J. Walter; 3rd rice - president, Mist, A. Horton, Leeburn; eecretsr7. Mims Anna McDonald; treas- urer, Mra. A. J. Mackay; preset mieres tars% Mrs: le. R. Redditt ; literary sec- retary. Mrs. Auatin; literature AIM. tary, Mr*. Waite; welcome and wel- fare secretary, Mrs. A, MeDonnid; home helpers secretary, Wm. Gundry ; assistant home helpers iweretary, Mrs. 0. Clark; supply secretary, Mre M. McDonald; Glad Wine,. iterretiry, Mrs. Stirling MelThell; life member- ship secretary. Mr*. Honking; con- ning)? 4000/1 I committee, Lin. Field; larded, Mra. Gordon Risetet The retirement of Ifra. Walter was rogrettted, hut the Society feel,' en- ured of another entree/dui year under he efficient prealdeney of Mrs. Mo BRIEFS e Reserve Thursday and Friday VI 4•11-} :••••-`' This is 'Renewal Time THE SIGNAL thanks the many who have already renewed their subscriptions for 1930 and also welcomes several new subscribers. "it *4 1,, \ %I. 1'111\11 \i; Pleishers. "VARIETY" GIVES SCOPE FOR CL,EVER GODERIet TALENT Excellent Prograni Given under Auspices of ItLiple Leaf Chapter I. O. D. Z. 'nee entertaletuent given by the Maple 1)enr chapter, 1. 0. 1). on %Vishiesilay and 'Tloursdny evening,. of la.t week. In St. George's parish hall, was well ealled "Variety." for it of, fered it wide diversity of attradloile• Some Imo/inking new dratuutic talent Wax dist•linied, and other performers well known and liked were seen and heard to extvilent advatitage. The pro - grew (*twisted of five numbers: toe one-atet idays, a sow; and chorus 45 11(1 tableau effects, a group of songs by Mrs. Frank lieunders, and it coined - tittle -Tin. lainisteritig Angel." This was a siek-room slit miring a moat farcical misinterpretation 1.$ the min- istering lintel. ;be Mislaid nurse. Nurse pootey W. 11'. Marti:II, the too, 14,44, edieerfld and gosslii-loving nurse. Mildred (Miss Adelaide Nairn), the imtient's wife, and lieriwri C. F. titaimitin 4, the longoturrerl11111 victim of their attentions,' milted in provoking hilariotis laughter that ceased 1111147 N5 111.11 Ili,' eurtain fell. Trysting Place," a sparkling little emessly by Booth. Tarkington had for ibs setting the lounge of a fashionable 11.1..1 chicle 1/1111 /Wen Olt/Nen Id saute boor as a rendeM Vous hy the varions members ef ono) iineenedens of the others 1 11/1 1/, .%11113.1 eolleptleatictis luevit ably ...lair when Ihe tryst is kein by the different pairs 441 lover,. ranging trims Mrs. Briggs (Mrs. (*.wkl.tirit Ilais), attractive widoo44)4,4 hiais risliseovered the still-faitheul lover ef her yetelt, Mr. Ingoldsky (Mr. 1'. It. lwr ovvit ebildren and their ilIfinitfes. 1,1 Margaret Wilson as Jessie Briggs and Mr. David hlauas kis Rupert Smith, her admirer, Whose eo1.14ersa 41.,,, coludeeted ed a nipt ma 1.ft-repeated -Darling!" were both extolkoot. 11 1,114' 11101 AI. f(ame) gave a 1111.4 fin (1011 ra,a1 ..r nitro% :atom to rid herself of the unneleotne tit - foothills Eatuclid Itrigga (Mr. Stanley- l'hirkel. a love-sict. boy, in order to keep her own appointment nith her accepted lover, sho proved it4i.kb-r• tol.iletich"b11"1 1.4:44111ir re\11".3:::111711"1171 I 110 ••••lognen, t.. one smellier. ...Thie Nilo ow: ploivosi Mr.' I.` 14 tartly, The Song from San Toy no, 11 tvr) effefliVe 11111•14 It 1 4444 MIAK' III %filch Mr. Harold Ithickstaie, res- plendent ito the full regalia of 11 11111 larlit. -zing the vi•rses white Ids oilx little elves, grimiest alma him in col- orful 411,111 111e, 111/141fetitly re eiltoed hils tv ord. in chorus. awl kowtowed illuti- 1.4.11y 111 Ids 4.1111111014.1. The gide in the clients eery Misses Moideline and thory .%ehes..11. 4i11111YS 1111 1 II Connie'. curzote and Peggy W1I1 14. 111. impassive oriental oh.. bore the huge Chinese umbrella %chid, addisl greatly 1:, the picture -sine ene. %vas Mr Keith 11 11' son. :11 P. I:. 11. Davie. A:04 the amnia- ,InI4t, playing also the intervals H.) 44 ('4'74 number.. and accchipaily %Ir.. Frank Saunders, oho sang .11 11.111.14. number very clia nil 4414 ('1(1)045' to the ineistent huts, January 36th anti 31xt, for the' hie Goderien celleglate Institute cone 1.1'4 • mencement. The Ilenesetneg canoe Club- wil/ t" , hold he Christmas at-home In the " '41 1140711V Temple on Alotola evening. Deeember 39th. 14' The W1.141 Mel skating rlekvwa. *totemsl for the season 11,1111111V ." ening. %Ir. Wes. 1,111 is tuannaer ef the rink this year. .t donee announeed I.4r Friday night. Insember 271h, in the Masonic Hall. IIII4Jer the 1141splive of the Music t" ChM. %lied • by Vatialenel Kings. 11) The C1111 led", (Or 1%0 prizes at Lind-, M. -gy'm bowling alleys are toeing keetilt t,111 eadested..% holm number 1,3)4,.1:1 1 Iledi the score of 161 111 one,of the e011-1 ntaorks h 11. heat. George Farr is lea 411 Itg the cone' re petition for highest score f.* three' isonsteutive games. OBITIJARY 4.0117111161111MICIM11111111 Cho ',Peon.' play 44115 A. A SWOP'S ell'Ver 4.41 111141Y "Tills 514111 in the Bowler Hat." whirl' kept the nuillenee ng 1111 the last tnomeld Will very pos•4 iert num) of them then ln a 1 tale id bevvililerment. it open. 1, 1111 seem• ne:toeftil donie•thit,t, John milling him evening paper 1411,1 Mar,' tattleg, and both raving thi• 104141, 1011 111441MO 11 1 11g ronlianlIt.'4 1.%11.1 1- 111: "ill ever hairdo swain t.. them. 111111111 1) Inelollratna .01 the most inr- it type 10nrst- in upon them end 55141,10 110111 1.41114 ilk,. 1/1 1.4/1111 11 /Mg' .41N' 11 1111 romance till the •-urtain falls 11 the s.:y llie iiheipert..1 end Mr. N,91 S11,14, 1/11VP a very clever inter. ce, pretutiee ef John, oho 0 134.4.111 4 line (geometer, while Mari nag irt.teti newt/ Pudica 11) 8)1141 well by ism .Ntootti Meltermid. litina• a. 1 ler, lue 11(1 jg r. M41114;4 eire Ilero 41 lily supplied the ro- eituv. and Mr Harry Watson a VII - lin. 1,11,1 111*, ms•omeli.s. Mr. 1,, Ilunv 11., NO Sian %ere othirmIngly '311151 (4'. 1110 !struck terror to the earl .‘11)0114.` 1.11111.1i14.1141.11 ill amateur tentrictils wootill recognize thnt the olen.11.1 work or the perr.,rraera. 11 pa r4 0111 (idea, and the ;ten- ni ereelleere •the entire prograth, 11141 1111. attained only by the most and Mary 4.reen. reeresenting seemet , 'arena drilling and be un Infinite nt• r:111"014 I t tention 141 tiered. The Maple Leaf tire. !Ittlonintleoteriwittst:11711,4e7,1,1girnihoalltattigetts,ene:inrd. pnAt onneittrlo taltiment ' repeated at • later elate for the benefit elf the many who. neeotiiptillyllig at tne font Weather. were .unahle to Pl%* it it. . Fri Mil Jin 11,1(1 T110MAS W. NI411101.841N prk, 1 Thontas IV. Nicholson, a Ammer 1 resident af Goderich, pnesed ewity nt bon Detroit 'pi Munany, December 1.1t1t. ton Devotees! was !ditty -eight Years of age: the He Mid been 111 only a few ilays, gre 11, death teeing caused by pneumonia. The the late Mr. Nicholson Was born in North- Itch timberland enmity. England, and eame ell) Ont to ("a I It sided for a number of years 54 Isindon, ord., later moving to Goder)eh, where be lived for fifteen years For the past alx years he had Preen It resident of Detroit, Mich. }lig %ire predeceases! 1MM nine years. Surviving nre one daughter and one M(111. Mex. Chas Me Lachlan, of Vent-001*er, li. ('., and Wil- frid Nieholson, of Detroit, and three slater" and one hrother: Mrs. Grant. of Lapiere, Mich.; Mrs. Florence Dane, Of liderton; lir,. 1..- Itobson, of Sum- Merville, B. C.; Mr, Eil. Nicholson, of Thorndale, Ont. The retnaltbs vvere brought to Goderich And the funern1 1 tnok plaee from lirophey Brook' funeral parlors on Thursday afternoon to Maitland eemeter3. Rev. J. E. Ford eonducted the merviees. The deceasied was a member of the Masonic Order and the pallbearer" were xis Mamonit brethnm: A. L. Cole, C. M. Robertmon J. H. Robertnon, Geo, Maellear, FA. Rock and Dr. H. R. Hall. lielativei present at the funeral from a distance Included Mr, Wilfrirt Nieholeon of J14.- 4 MI 4 ; Rev. W. wahipa, of London; Una Mott WhitIn nt Mt th 1, Arthur Finegan', of Port Huron. 1 g, roy, and Donald. 111 direction of libel nit .1Imn Ting i" Irbr 1'1157 ''''°"°°' 114e4e' Iliwell The Journal, (Naupo.4141 and read .tio 11114werk. Fronk savage, was as eter a great smiree of interest, Two Meaning duets %WC' rendered by Ruth Bunt and Reg. Floher. rite prize.., medal', and ribbon.' won by the smeeestsful athletes on the 'wholel sporta day were pre.ented by Mimi Simpson and Mr. 1. 11111, of the orhool staff. A feature of special interent wax the presentntion of the play "Monsietir Perichon" by the following came. Perlehon, JItn Salkeld • Madame Per- Ichon, Margaret Ryan; Ilndemolaelle Perichiin. Evelyn hong; two yonne men, Jim Mchlehen and Howard foong; gable, Jim ReddItt; !waren, or, Arthur iterrwn; a major, Reg, New• combs; tattler, Murray Hetherington. The meeting was closed with tbe Magi*. of God Sire the [tag. • G441.1•6 liMie Preemptory The AnnlIal meeting of the Oolden Hate Preeeptory. No. 1414, wan held Friday evening in the. ()range Hall. corner North *Meet and the Somer.. The officers elected for the year 1930 are as follows; Wnrpreceptor. sir Kt. Wm. Itrownlee; deputy preceptor. W. m. McKee; chaplain, R. H. Mew: registrnr, Jos. MeNevirt; treaeurer, D. Sproule; 1st leettirer. A. MeNevIn: 2n4 leettorer, Fl. Breckenridge; Int tensor, Rohert Brownlee; 2nd tensor, Wm. Mew; 1s1 atandard-hearer, Three. W. Heil; 2n4 standard -hearer, Joe Alton; puntnivant, Roy Chambers; tyler, Chas. Retell; committee, Air Kte. Rkhord Yonne, Z. H. Walters, A. T. Knitting, Fred. Bell, A. Brown- lee, Russell Bop*. [\