HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 16s-
It Thursday. »eeen►her 12, 1929.
Starting Saturday, Dec. 7. to Dec. 14 ---Seven Days j
20 Diener Sets to clear at remarkably low prices
vit Special No. I
2 only 96 -piece Sets,
regular $39.50
! Sale price $29.50
W Special No. 3
PIE 3 only 97 -piece Sets,
W regular $3430
5a!t price $Z8.56
Special No. 2
3 only 97 -piece Sets,
regular $39 50
Sale price $29.50
Special No 4
2 only 96 -piece Sets,
:rel. itm.F:st4, iiee. 9. -Mr. anti
Mrs. ltobtl1Wtn Woods were at Bruce -
field on Tuesday attending the fun-
eral of ' Mrs. Woods' brother. Mr.
John Johnston. Mrs. Woods 11116 the
sympathy Of her friends here. Mrs•
Woods' +sister, Mk,' Charlotte Johns -
Son, returned with her and will stent)
the winter here.
11r .Ulan Duruiu 1 to \% ni IIaul
hospital. where he u - Reports are
eratiuu for appeudieltls. Rel
that be is improving nicely.
,I'. 1;. 'Dahl stud $tau wt
ssetwesful with their purebred Aber-
deen Angus cattle at the Toronto
.rf sire fair, and this week they pre
�elll 1111 1•11 -
Ire very
at Ilse Guelph widow.
regular $32 50 Fordyce school k holding its
Il ate
Sale price $26.50
sehwal cert In St. Helens hall o
Tuee'daF• December 17 St.
school will give its entertainment in
the bail on the 19th.
l t� piece Sets.50 Thr annual meeting o{ the !{Merl*
HI w1 s0 Baud will to held SotutvlYy,
Special No. 5. 2
oa •
regular $31.50• Sped..! price to clea.$2
'good at -
the church. A
tendanre Is askag h for.
prior to the de-
!" 1ece Set- r
Special No 6 8 only to clear at new liar[
reg �c
A di lly depart will visit 1 one buadred me
of the
store and see our Ch bel present. Mr.
11 P
m -
Ct4RIfINE 9 sT�K•• prewentatlon to Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 9l field of two r a fernery
/101ZdatallagrepaStUttpialkitplataittelialka 32 tyd a add es They were ecppation
of ■n adorkss ezpte. n[ i R'hlt-
of the work of )l r. and ]art.
e been lava- "My advice to art students is to field In the church and community.
Cally nia has riot as yet shun eolieges."-James Montgomery The recipients made suitable replies
led by the Mediterranean fruit fly, and later brief speeches were given
which Ie bringing distress to (Florida.' Flagg. by Maser's. J. Webster Is it possible the a w
Bay H G. Whitfield for
rt of Rev
alar 117'95 Special price
his the congregation
a asocial evening of
reserve anyset rill Christmas of St. Helens !'upend the
bers tion
Christmas nearly Wll-
Wr cordially ietvite you to visit our congregation n[ musical and
Rib tuggeettonethat make the holiday shopping s real pleasure roO Woods presided A but the
program was (aver,
pa urr Mich..
e at Northville,2
Cole'sGift Sh
and I t oPPe sin f
ala feature of the evening was Whit-
TNL rocking - chairs,
° W. A. Miller.
s Western oranges ••It'll a great world we live In; tots- J. Ramage and R.
Dave no Insects appeal? -Phe New iug is imp1Osfbk--rxsttiag."-
Lord R1r-
Yorker. - kenhead. TItIa (Thursday I morning was the
1► 'Ti war you can be killed but once;a tree ti of hg beingnti140 frr. the
but fn politics, wavy times." --Winston
l'hu rcDilL zero.
Tax Notice
All taxes and road, oil
charges must be paid not
later than December 14th,
in order to avoid the pen-
Col lector.
Successful young farmer, prefer-
ably 0 ,A C. graduate. to sell
well-established line of Fertilizers
during winter months
Apply --Box No. 50,
Goderich Signal
8satty !Mae
Pat was arrested for being lntoxica- -
ted. On being brought beurtfore
wh t e
Judge be was asked b7
he was there for. was arrested
Pat: "Your Honor, I
for being intuzkated:'
Judge: "Pat. where did you buy the •
Pat: "Your Honor. i did not buy It.
A Seitchman gave 11. to me."
Judge: "Thirty days for perlury." i
Thr ftual
Calendars for 1930
are here and they are "dandies"
One for every paid -in -advance subscriber
The Signal from now to January 1st, 1931, for S2 00
rYiIC41411:1116144ICTI1�;1j1� 41C111CTI rrk��'TOCTI�"rt►`ti LItZ 4t� Qsa ' r �ItC4tf, W -f,
West Street Hardware ,,0
1 Christmas Suggestions
qp SLEIGHS Beautifully finished.
51 ' .. Strong and fast.
WAGONS. Rubber tire disc
ii wheels. natural finish. strone; and
(G serviceable, $'.75 to $7.0'
Electric Washing Machines
NI SUNNY DAY $129.5o.
fun 11'uRI.D', FINEST ANI,-.tFI--T WA`;iIEK
4 ! ' Cutlery
Packet Knivee 2:,c in $2.01. Butcher Knives dlc to
pi .26. Scissors, lark. ritriety, 2•ic to $2.10. Garvys
in Cass $4.50 to $7 ,
Fond t..hoppers
1leavily tinned. tory fine to edit,* cutting.
$I.50, $2.50 and $3.00.
Pyrex W a r e
A large an-ortment. SPECIAL.
Round Casserole with Cover $1.50.
(jtijriMina� Qlartit� \
'!'here came a little child to earth
Long ago;
And the angels of (kid proclaimed His birth
High and low.
Out in the night, so calm and still,
Their song was heard;
For they knew that the child on Bethlehem's hill
Was Christ, the Ford.
Far away in a goodly land,
Ptir and bright,
Children with crowns of glory stand.
Robed in white, -
In white more pure than the spotless snow ;
And their tongues unite
In the psalm which the angels sang long ago
On that still night.
They sing how the Lord of that world so fair
.A child was born;
And that they might His crown of glory share
Wore a crown of thorn;
And in mortal weakness, in want and pain,
Caine forth to die,
That the children of earth might in glory reign
With Him on high.
He has put on His kingly apparel now,
In that goodly land;
And He leads to where fountains of waters flow
That chosen band.
And forevermore, in their robes so fair
And undefiled,
Those ransomed children His praise declare
Who was once a child.
As Joseph was a -walking,
He heard an angel sing:
This night shall be born
Our heavenly King.
Ile neither shall be born
In housen nor in hall,
Nor in the place of paradise,
But in.an ox's stall.
He neither shall be clothed
In purple nor {p pall,
But all in fair linen,
As were babies all.
He neither shall be rocked
In silver nor in gold,
But in a woodeu cradle
That ranks on the mould.
He neither shall be'christened
In white wine nor in red,
But with the fair spring water
-With which we were christened.'
-Old Carol.
W.1N'1 t.l►
%VORK IIF 11i.:%EIIIITINIrs W1\TwD, W11.1.
Patiently +q' •, 1+ d aoplet: ut the b,u
1 "Ip the Dos of the farad* Cuu.
1\'athlka• t h:\U.l�f'F'It'l':
1tt;1 ONE OR
l' Ierl all •two Ml't,4llll I IU a
Meeks f
Delegates It itt • including
• wv.R
ut of the I tl l fill\ SALE to the World Congress i Pstg. ,.911.Y ut Mme_
(1wi,titmao Marto ath (nuutvmi
'By O. L. McCartney
The thought
at " e
many of the leading librarian*
United States, naw ,'ar of the most I II,sIsrItA'1`t►RS' )IAI.F. Ut
wonderful furl ►oasts onIe .arab when' they KF:S11►F)NCF: 1'ltt►1'l:ItTY. II4 ('81.
visited the monastery founded by St. A
Benedict 1400 years ago. I F'I'I1N1s1I1Ne;S ANDEI'FEt"1'N.
During the dark Middle Ages when ---
librarians were sacking libraries the i 'We are instructed by the adminb
Benedictine monks of Montccasslnd 1 tratera of the Fistate of the Ise lar,
patiently copied for rial works and Yawner to sell b) public sac
thus preserved for to -day priceless I J. W.
books that would otherwise have been , tion at the premises, Waterloo Ht .
lost forever. Among Inc
Golden Al." and the "MetamorPho-
nes" of Apulelus; the history and An-
nals of Tacltus; Cicero's Oration "Pro
Clueotlo" and his h ssays. "RepTe
the property consisting of lot 181..
corner of Waterloo and Quelel' Nos
on which there le a comfortable stor;
Ilea" and "About t e LAWS, and half frame dwelllog to good re
Nature of the Gods" and Ovld'a pair containing modern conveuteaoea
I Melodies famine*, lights, been. etc
"Fa he like. large well-Ik room++ ant
The alefteides` byr Maim-roma.nedle- Gee
also preserved Istact by the Benedie- basement and has been kept
ra garage. nks-
lawna good g goo.
tines . This was Varrone's "Latin repair. There t gooaadgo w D a unumber,
of choice fruit dynes, berries, etc. At
the same time all the contents of the
louse will be sold: Using -room.
dining. room. bed -room and kitchen
furntahinga, Including a walnut caw'
Bell piano, a Brunswick phonograpb In
perfect condition, several mirrors 41
la 4 h. z 2%). davenport. walnut
tables and whatnots, sectional book
ease and books, evocbes, leather
seated rockers. library table, lady's
writing desk, china cabinet a0A
buffet, ferneries. a °early new Mc-
e-Clary electric range. Hoover
vacuum cleaner, floor pottaber. all
bedroom furniture Including Ifoen,
pillows, blankets, etc., 8 -burner
New Perfection oil stove, minion
tools bole, lawn mower, ce-
ment roller, sewing machine, fruit.
cbina. glassware. cutlery, rugs. car-
pets, curtains and numerous other
TERMS. -Oe .property and piano
will be announced at stat Os ether
furnishings and efforts. nob.
THOS. I►EANS. WM. D ANS Admin*tore
T 4;1 NI►RY A NON. Auetlooeerx
ILtYS k HAYS. Solicitor
Language." Montecaselno kept un-
harmed the only ortglnal copy. Upon
this all grammars, down to the Eng-
lish grammar taught In schools. have
In part been based.
The wort of the Benedictine monks
In preserving prteeleaa books of the
church has bees even more remark-
able. Ortgtual works of St Perome,
St. Augustine. 8t Cyprlaa and St.
Asbroee; the most ancient papal dr
ere.. that of Jolts ViII.; the oldest
text of a decree by Grattan, famous
oodlaer of laws, have all leen saved
from the depredations of time by the
Benedictine brethren.
trine Piece of Old Italian Furniture
Is for Sale.
Lucretia Borgia's poison cupboard
U being advertised for sale by a Rus-
sian Royalist In Berlin.
This cupboard. to which L.ucgetts
poisoned her lovers, Is apparently a
fine piece of old Italian furniture. and
was given to her by her brother
Caesar With diabolical cunning. Lu-
cretia would entice her ricu ns t0
open the eupMtrd Suddenly a p0114- I
on needle would spring out and a few
hours later they would be dead. AU'TTONEERIING
Slnre Lucretia'* death the cup-
board has had a rentarkable history. ftettlIAS OI'NURY. GODERiCH.
At the end of the eighteenth century a L. , E WTtK'K AND tIONIUtAI
It was acquired by Cardinal Ferdl-
nand of Medici and placed in the
Villa Medica, near Itome. The Rus-
sian who 1s selling It der hared It was
•h• n given by the cardinal to Tsar
Nicholas i as an expression of gratl-
tude for the protection of Catholics Q1F)SLEY W. PISIiER.
to Hu -sit It remained at Tsarekoyel n Auctioneer,
n ,u V, trogra/. until 1917. itas-,will cundult sales anywhere. Y)
putln was sperlally attracted by It.. terms are reasonable ■ud 1 will ee-
N'hen the• revolution broke put, lls�thnror to give satlaGntloo• rhea*
cupu�rd wI r taken *pears the Rule1'arlow 1314, or ■dd+e+s ICH. 4. God -
ronth r In a hay cart. `,mint.
H ealth (non. It.tl 1.111nr1. #1 DRUGLESS PRA(TITFONRR
t011.. of Inc 111111,11.4.e•tain:►ulr birds 111
world is probably the Peruvian I(vll[BOI'ltAt:1'OR A. D URI'G1.688
guano bird. it exist* In countlep
( sallllons in the uninhabited Islands on 1 (ierdlerk6ERI'bnneT 911
the coast of Petit and.lt is stated that i
some hundred ,ull,lons dollars' worth', Equipped with eles•tru-magnetic
of a fertilizer, thirty times as strong bathe Electronic electric treatments
as barnyard manure. hate been ob-and chiropractic. Chronic organic sod
I rained from one station alone. The `nervous dfweaes•'. Lady In atteudan'e.
,'deposit* there are some two feet 'excepting
Office hours 2 to b. and 7 to 9 p la,
trick. and extend over groat areas. exce: ingnMonday and Thursday and
Why the birds, should be more nus- by ppoi At N. ATKINSGN ,
.raps there than in -other parts of the i
world is not easy to say. 1t has been Residence and office -Corner n•
explained that a current sows along , South street and itritannia road.
Telephone No 119.
bates attended to anywhere and every
effort mide to gore satisfaction.
Fanners_ sale notes dlaro°nted.
of coming only the people feast at ('.hr:=t-
brightens gloomy of latei nuns. for sheaves of grain are places)
fall. And grown-up not wit- ' on, the roofs in order that the humbl-humbleoes;ed a ¢'Cady improvement In the birds of the air may also share fu TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR 1
h11dren of his nr,lii.Iintanrr'.+ The the bounties' of nature. of grarry or 011ie. Immediate (It
treat, "Santa won't bring grin any In Brittany, the province t ,se•nsbat given. Apply to CHAS. K.
'urs It you're not el goal boy -or' Jaccp. ea Cartier, a very old and Aurin 4A1'NI►F:KS, Goderich.
iirl"--hes mein a gihlc,l saint Of rgtaom is still observed.. I -cry 'iy---
many a child after nil other method+ t•hristmnl. Eve midnight mass Is ee•1• Tt, }ti'sT VOItTH STREET.
t Jou
suited lu the habitat of myriads of
small fish. By a fortunate coincidence
Ithe birds congregate here, and the
bare Islands In the vicinity form cen-
tres where the Int aluable fertilizer 1.
deposited In vast li vel tracts. from
whence It may be dug out sod trans-
west coast u th me
keeping that auction cool and hence
I Accountant. 1.0 Ontario +street.
Stratford. Phone 1:541►. Res 1330.1.
• have failed. lint it would 1.e a t
hearted Santa Claus that cou:.l re- man brings a lantern- with hln single Aon.
s1 the 'hppeal of n little waiting light 1,1, way along the village a dreg se with alt :u.stern eonvefl-I LCtOA{.
sunset. Before the church stand the' emelt. new furnace, newly decorated.
star log boor before the fire on p y rash and to wired for electric stove, a garage and I�,sRNE)tT M. 1.F F.
✓l tousled h .aur ed the ,I eaht s a hese and need of the Pa
rousted bend, filled wah An•atnet of these the lanterns are handed. When large garden. Immediate p,etrteewlon.
. happy an' lel pation, p111ow'c•1 against mass is over, the men come ant of tenant leaving town. Apply to MISS Life Barrister end Solicitor
kt "Has anyone a POLLEY. next house (north side), or Sun VictrtriBuilding.
uildi g, Adelaide and
hard- ehrntrd In the *lavish cloirches. Every OUSE
1 to Ll visci. Seven-ruumed` brick
1. H. F. .1. K. FY►Iu4TER.
Late 1louse Surgeon New York Oph-
thatmM and Anrep Hospital, aradwtant
at Moorefield Frye llospttal and Golden
Scplare Thro,t HesmltIL London, Eng.
7,1 WetJ'1no N4 tt.. Stratford. Tel-
ephone 2trl.
At Tinted Bedford. ()Merle"... Toes.
day. November 19th, from 1(1 a. m. to
4 }o. m.
1> the white counterpane. the starch asv na \f r. J.'�'• ('ralgie.
The enetont of hanging up the fain- lantern to well." and each boys his
Icy sto,•ktngs before the fire o11 own lantern back again. ----
Christmas Eve originated In America. Perhalas fhb accounts for the modern MIMIC NOTICE D 1,
hat not until atter the sturdy Dutch hat-cheektng system in our hotels tn- Barrister, Etc.
t flue lies behind 1H,AlFy 4FLi iN0 1 Otike Hamilton street. e!}ieEt'VI
t+ Toronto 2:
Telephone Elgin 5801.
1'Di.EY E. 110I.ME ',
eettlera fund brought to Ampricu, from day not t kindlier mo YAKF7 MORE u
the homeland, the custntn of setliirf(,
the hu1U•ru�•hreking system !n Brit- 111 our fruit treses, berry hushes. her- Phone 27.
nil the w len shoes of the family t tang. rly flnwPrinR shnlba, he dkerirtllade Canino
sr� -, ty 2
before the fire for the weal San Niche En
• In all fun+ rap tela tern lit. (curRr:. roses, etc•
'ver nnmeowner a tt4snR
of to fill on his annual trip aroundre iaa
load anf he Saint oastst and tate liberal commissions.
load of the heather boasts the des•cls of {Caeac'sA every sneak. Irl. D. SMITH !
e world In quest of good little
St and girls St, Andrew; while the patron saint of i ROHR. i.iMiTeek.
Winona, D. MITH.
f3toekings have a Rrrnter c.alateity reties le Saint Nicholas, who toe• I
5 9C."P'T'O $.2001 M
Hockty Sticks I0c up to 90c
e'� rf'AI,I. SI'/.Fa I •
red the jt iwooden
than Santa
1., shoes and,, gooA•n11 received
stowed his motet prized possess urs.
I es to a Is, he s if here snafu to three gold+hare, to feed the poor.
a jolt, but f if to poweuber,
to wan In Russia, alert, that o{ Colborne
nmall folks' belief In hiv }sower, he la., or Banta Clete acquired his teem) The annum meeting
the occasion and hes teen1 deer Dnaher, Dancer, s team ('int will be held in the
Olympia Extra:
Olympia Extra
A1.1 111IN1'y
Cyco Tubes $2.75.
Model "D" $5.50.
Yukon Nickel
1 F'IN1"11 •
Nemo Tubes $2.00
Ladies' Auto $3.50
Skates 5.1.00
Covered Roan Pans •
Round not oval, black granite and aluminum.
$1.35 to $1.00.
Child's Cup, Saucer anti Plate ..85c
Chlltn's 3 -piece Str•111 es- Knife,
Fta' k and Sp «n 85c
SMALL BROOM 15,' and 25,.
Alf. Tebbutt & Son
Phone 486 West Street
Temperance Hall, Henmlller, December
19, at 2 p. in., for the election of of-
ficers and other business.
Presllenp. Neu n•tary. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC,
M+e In { r
(doing toy ever sine until art 7 i
11 beside a J
' ,w Bill ^ r n
Boy I4 likely to find a sled or n and Vixen, Cupid, Thaler and Itlltzen,
h name. According to latest sr Noels
rocking -horse standing dewwell- from the North Pole, 11 seCTh
flllr,l slacking on t'hrli mss ntk.'ly thea Santa Clthn will take to the air
Ing• and small sister is lust as likely this year, and make his elwits by sero -
to find a 0011 carriage or n sleeping � plane.
1 Ieallly doll beside here. gift -giving system is betas trees here long been I Even the g
Papular In Canada. in itnly and .modern).e' The first Christmas gifts
re gold frank en the
tnrense and myrrh,
g'Il ala brightly deecnreted tree.,
rash i we fila
led b the Meg! as R
1 bya great silver ■tar, a The ling) It
$,I,,resur to J L- kimono .
l'hnnr ni -
e4Rlec--The •
Senate. Iletin iso.
Ittattterraa'. Far.
R C.HAYS-It C.IIAYS in.. it A
Ilamihon Ft.. (leaferien
14 $R�'am
SURANCE On. -Farm and Iso
rated town property dared.
itfll,rr► Jut. Connelly. Pres.. (pod
LvOTt SALE.-RRftNttWiUK ('AKIN•11.
' re carr y seems, FT phonograph with sixty Victor,
1 placed In the streets and great crowds I Christ -child. Records. May be seen at FRANK Mr.
took over the job of supplying the ARTHUR'N STORE, West street.
getter aronod them singing ('hrlwtman 1 took ave h7 camel. Nance Clans later
eanois anA making merry In a trulyears his reindeer DITL1.S FOR AAT.E.-FOUR Pl'ItF:•
Lt Is unfortunate Metl children of the world with gifts and D
fek tourints ever w ase I 11 it s t far
BRED Latin farhlon. It0lda th
"^ estivsls
never -to -he -forgotten street t
for never* from
served him we • hilt r child's RNID Polled Angus Aberdeen ilulls.
the camel to the aeroplane, I'wo alt for service. J. R. VARt'OY.. It.
heerp Is the, Same thmrgh many MnR R. No. 5 (lcalerlch. Telephone yenrs have romp and gone wirer the Dun-
gannon lin r S.
afar of the 8awt camp to rest over n
manger In Bethlehem, centuries alto
NESS for Rather Shop. slioated on
of the old world. (7�r1*
Nowhere in Europe ace to France,
trees more pnpttlar thole
�s 1 although they were unknown before
the war of 11470, when the German
igd lPhrated
Iarmy ^^"• IA have at hditoe by erect
u Ie•A Perls a fe }.,rd 1tacAnR, the younger sun of West etreset. in the town of reslerlch
n they sou derated with lighted I'rfnee end Princess Arthur of ('nn- Suitable terms. For fur her particnIeh
tug air trees so int- nengh', had Inst learned the word"; of apply to HAYS A 11 1491, Hamilton
pressed. The French were lowing the National Anthem and be told his street, Gcalerlch. Gnt. -
trees by the fight of the R
�'i trees that ever educe Frame has had nrrsP he wanted to see "nor nolle
resew. Mtra rt(4A I King"
her (thrlatmrwete by , the PnPmy.
though they w a large part In
candles. 1p J of every
llan (' hut
owh r An they
ran prominently Than to the tkean-
Alnaviae lar s, where the days are
Uto Seaetlnavlaa Nada two noel. George."
one day when the King war walk -
Ing in the grounds at R*Rabnt with
the unke of Connaught, i.ord Maednff
wee 'add by hie nurse, 'hook, there
le the King, with grandfather."
"Oh, no," said little Lord Macdnft,
"that Is not the !(lag. Tbst hi ray
II01.111TE1N 14(1.1,44 rnr. RAIZ.-
11 Good type yearllhR hogs frnm month
straight -trap cows with Ma milk ret'ar'd
and gored tetter fat 'rt. Alen twn
ehntee calves. All reasonably p415501
Herd fully accredited W. Hi'MR
ct,trePON. R. R. R. Godarleh. Phone
14111 Carlow.
eri,•): 1'. O.; Jaw. Weans. Vire-Pres..
It.eehwn0A P. O ; in F. Melreg0r.
Sec. -Trans., iter brth P. 0.
Directors --A. Warfront, R. R.
No 3. Seafnrth ; John 0. Grieve. No.
4, Walton; William itinn R. R. No.
2. Senforth: John ilennewlee Rrnd-
hagen : Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 11.
Sea forth; Robert Ferris ['arlock:
Mcrrey 011rnn, Rrne*fi#1A: inner
p vans. tt echwood : James Connolly.
.agents J. W. Yen. GodPrtr'b:
Ales ;.Pitch. R. R No. 1. Clinton;
John Murray. Seaforth; R. Hlnrh4Y.
vpaforth Policy -holder/. can make all
payments and get their cards receipt -
ed at 11. J. Morrlsh'w Clothing More.
Clinton; Calvin Cutt's unwary. King -
"toe street. Goderich, or J. 11. Retd's
General More. 1B1}fieli
A heathen country M one In wldeh
the payroll can ire 'rnn.Mrtvd with -
mit an armored car.-Br0Oltlys TIMea„