HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-26, Page 10SUNG EVENSONG
St. Peter's, Lucknow: 8:00 p.m.
AI 41 41 IP AP 4,
dop. 41. IP I I f / I 410'I 4111,
Slippery road and blustery
weather caused an accident on
sideroad 18 and 19 just north of St.
Helens on Friday. Extensive
damage was done to the car of Bill
MacPherson when the grader
driven by George Humphrey slid
around sideways and collided with
the front end of the car. Mrs.
MacPherson was driving at the
time, no injuries were received. No
charges were laid due to the
weather conditions being blamed
for the incident.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shetler
welcomed the early arrival of their
new daughter, Mary Shetler, born
on January 20, 1977. The Shetlers
had planned to move into their new
home on that date. The move was
delayed until Monday due to the
surprise arrival. Mr. • and Mrs.
Shetler now are living in the new
house next to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Gingerich.
Christina Todd celebrated her
second birthday Saturday with a
party. Invited guests included Mr.
arid Mrs. Hugh Todd and' Keith,
Mrs. Helen Todd,, Miss Isobel
Miller, Miss Wilhelmine Ruther-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Verdun
DuCharme of Wingham.
Whitechurch Women's Institute
meeting was held Wednesday,
January 19 at 2 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Nettie Ross of Wingham.
The president,. Mrs. Russel
McGuire, opened the meeting with
the Ode and Collect and extended a
welcome to members and visitors.
Mrs. McGuire gave a paper on
the line, May we put away all
pretense and meet each other face
to face without self pity and without
The motto, Kindness and Court-
esy are the Essence of Public
Relations, was given by Mrs.
James McInnes who stressed,
don't look for flaws in folks as you
go through life and if you do find
them look for the reason behind.
Always practise courtesy and
The roll call was answered by 17
members and 5 visitors giving a
valentine verse and donations for
Valentine boxes which will be
pad ed for shutins in February. It
was decided to send our Family and
Consumer Affairs convener, Mrs.
Garnet Farrier, to the conference at
Kitchener. It was decided to have a
Variqty Concert or play in the
spring. Plans were made for the
meal to be served at the District
Directors meeting in March at the
Whitechurch Community Memorial
Hall. Thank you notes were
received from Misses Annie and
Mary Laidlaw, Mrs. Ella Johnston
rind Miss Annie 'Kennedy.
A Geography contest was given
by Mrs. Bill Rintoul and won by
Miss Merle Wilson. Mrs. Rena
Fisher gave a contest, won by Mrs.
James McInnes. 0 Canada and the
Institute Grace was sung. Lunch
was served by the committee, Mrs.
Lorne Durnin , Mrs. Fred Tiffin,
Mrs. R. McGuire, Mrs. George
Fisher and Mrs. J. Conn.
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery provided
for pre-school children
Jr. Congregation for
5 - 8 year old children
Offer Time
For Bible Study
"To be a teacher of God's Word
should be the goal of all true
Christians". According to Donald
Fisher; presiding -overseer of
Jehovah's Witnesses in the Luck-
now-Wingham area. The early
Christians were teachers. Though
their abilities varied, they boldly
shared with others what their hope
Fisher stated that Jehovah's
Witnesses feel very strongly about
the importance of such positive
action and try to follow that first
century example. To do so
effectively requires training, so he
is encouraging all Witnesses and
their friends in this area to attend a
two-day instruction session at the
Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Wit-
nesses at Norval January 29 and
Jehovah's Witnesses acknow-
ledge that most people in the
community have some religious
affiliation; however, their under-
standing of the Bible is very
limited, so by offering their time
freely to, study with them in their
homes, they can help many more
people come to an accurate
knowledge of the Bible and its hope
of lasting peace on this earth.
Founded in 1951, the' Ontario
March of Dimes is often the only
source of aid for disabled adults.
Please give generously when a
March of Dimes' Volunteer Can-
vasser calls on you.
Thou are My lamp and My light
is in thee. Get thou from it thy
radiance and seek none other
than Me. For I have created
thee rich and have bountifully
shed My favour upon thee.
-Baha' u'llah
Gilbert Van Sligtentsont
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesday at 8 p.m.
C.A. (Young People)
Friday at 8:00 p.m.
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Services at
10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m.
Radio dial 560
Kingsbridge CWL
The January meeting of the
Kingsbridge C.W.L. was held in
the . parish hall. Mrs. Marion
Austin presjcled over the meeting
which was okened with the league
prayer. Fr. Dentinger gave the
scripture reading.
.Mrs. Max Riegling gave the
minutes of the last meeting. Mrs.
Kaila Hogan read the correspond
ence from: Mary Essery, Marion
and Wilfred Austin, Fr. Ed•
Dentinger, Laurine Lunhardt and
family, Help Honauras Foundation,
John Gilmore, Madonna House,
Gideon Travel Agency, Lond Dioc-
esan Council re "One Million
Hours of Prayer", Liz McHugh -
Public Health Nurse, The Paulist
Liason in Canadian Broadcasting,
"The Church Travel" - a TV
program, the C.W.L. of Canada -
London Diocesan Council re porno-
. Mrs., Austin began the business
of the meeting with regard to the
availability of pornography and
agreed to report back' any informa-
tion received.
February 23rd, Ash -Wednesday,
will be the start of the "One Million
Hours of Prayer".
Mrs. O'Keefe gave the treasur-
er's report. Motions were made to
donate money for Monsigneur
Pehlan's biiisary and a fund to be
established for Fr. O'Loughlin in
Mexico City to aid the missions.
Mrs. ,Clarice Dalton called the
roll. The Pro-Life report was given
by Mrs. Joe Courtney. The
catering committee report was
given by Mrs. Loretta Doherty. It
was suggested to have a card party
in February. A motion was made
not to have a meeting in February.
Fr. Dentinger closed with prayers.
Al , APP' 4IP 41IP 41/P
Presbyterian Church 1
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. 1
1 Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School 1
11 a.m. Morning Worship 1
AP 411. 41. 41P •41P 41,
Doug Zehr, Student Pastor
Phone 529-7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
1 a.m. "Morning Worship"
Kin lough A..C.W.
The Anglican Church Women
met on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Art Haldenby with 11
members and 3 children present.
Miss May Boyle presided, welcom-
ed everyone and extended New
Years wishes and a hope that by
God's guidance everyone may
continue to go forward. The
opening hymn was "Father let me
dedicate all this year to Thee".
Mrs. Howaid Thompson read the
scripture from the 12th chapter of
Romans. Mrs. Delbert Hedley
gave the meditation "A recipe for a
Happy New Year".
The minutes of the previous
meeting and financial report were
read by Mrs. Ronald Thacker. She
also read the correspondence which
included a letter of thanks from
Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow, a letter
of thanks from Mrs. Maurice
Hodgins, a letter of appreciation
for sympathy cards from Mrs. Jean
Hodgins,' acknowledgements of the
bales from St. Monica House,
Waterloo, from 'Rev. and Mis.
George Honour (our prayer part-
ners), and from the bale which was,
sent `to Manitoba. Each one
expressed the importance of these,
bales and how much they appreci-
ate them. Rev. Garratt -was
thanked for doing the A.C.W.
program schedules.
The word for the roll call was
"faith". Mrs. Howard Thompson
read a poem on "The New Year".
The February hostess is Mrs. John
Scott with conveners Mrs. Roy
Collins and Mrs. Bert Nicholson on
the 'theme of "Friendship''.
Mrs. John Scott gave the
courtesy remarks and the meeting
closed with a New Year dedication
and the Lord's prayer and the
This was a quilting and the ladies
came at 1 o'clock so that the quilt
would be finished during the
Chalmers W.M.S.
UCW Officers
Dungannon United Church
Women January meeting was held
at the home of Bessie McNee with
ten ladies, the minister and one
child present. Olive Blake opened
the meeting with a reading
"Recipe for a happy New Year".
Emily Drennan read the scripture
from Romans 8 and a meditation
"Strength from the backward
look". Helen Dawson led in 'prayer
and also dedicated the offering.
The hymn "0 God our help in ages
past" closed the worship service.
It was moved by Tinie Logten-
burg and seconded by Donna-Alton
that the slate of officers for '1977
prepared by the nominating com-
mittee be accepted. Rev. Dobson
then installed the officers, closing
with prayer.
The correspondence included
many thank you notes, information
on the World's Day of Prayer to be
held at St. Augustine on March
4th; the Presbyterial at Seaforth
January 25.
Two crib quilts are to be quilted
at the February meeting at Amy
Wiggins' home. A Make Believe
Tea 'will be coming up soon. Tinie,
Logtenburg closed the meeting
with a poem. Rev. Dobson closed
with prayer. Lunch was served by
Donna Alton assisted by Doris
Hodges. .
Officers for 1977 are: president,
Mrs. Tinie Logtenburg; 1st vice,
Mrs. Amy Wiggins; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Ruth Wintemute; secretary, Mrs.
Bessie McNee; treasurer, Mrs.
Helen Dawson; press reporter,
Mrs. Mary Bere; card and in
memoriam secretary, Mrs. Elsie
Irvin; pianist, Mrs. Carol Reed;
nominations,, Mrs. Jean Errington
and Mrs. Marjorie Pentland;
stewardship and finance, Mrs.
Helen Dawson, Mrs. Emily Dren-
nan and Mrs. Olive Blake; christian
development, Mrs. Carol Reed,
Mrs. Ruth Wintemute, Mrs. Donna
Alton; leadership development,
Mrs. Dorothy Pentland, Mrs.
Emma Rivett and Mrs. Ruby
Finnigan; world outreach, Mrs.
Emily Drennan, Mrs. Murial
Dobson and Miss Beth McConnell;
church and society, Mrs. Jean
Errington, Mrs. Doris Culbert,
Mrs. Gloria Pearson and Mrs.
Delores Culbert; representative of
official board, Tinie Logtenburg;
representative to mission and
service, Elsie Irvin; representative
to manse, Bessie McNee, repres-
entative to board of stewards, Olive
Blake, meetings are held the third
Monday of each month.
Chalmer's Womeri's Missionary
Society meeting was held Wednes-
day, January 19 at 2 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
The call to worship was given by
Mrs. John de Boer. Psalm, The
Lord's My Shepherd, was sung.
Mrs. Wallace Conn gave the
meditation. Prayer was given by
Mrs. Bill Purdon.
Mrs. Earl Caslick gave the topic
from the Record, What to do with
the baby. Mrs. Victor Emerson
gave the poem, Humble • Birth.
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin gave a reading.
All sang the hymn, Standing at the
Arrangements were made for a '
carload to attend the Presbyterial
to be held on the postponed date
January 31 and for lunch to be
taken., Preparations were made to
get a•speaker for the Day of Prayer,
March 4th to be held in the United
Church. mention was also made of
• the Presbyterial 'to be held in May
at Whitechurch. The February
meeting will be held at Mrs. Bill
The roll call was answered by 10
members. The offering was
received and dedicated by Mrs. Bill
Evans. Mrs. Emerson gave the
financial statement.
The Ladies Aid then met. Mrs.
John de Boer gave the financial
statement with a balance of $178.
Thank you notes were received for
cards sent. The collection was
Mrs. Bill Rintoul gave the
closing prayer. Grace was sung
`and the hostess' served refresh-
ments. Mrs. Wallace Conn gave
the courtesy remarks.
The Donnybrook United Church
Women was held Thursday after-
noon, January 13 at the home of
Mrs. Stuart Chamney with 11
members present. •
Mrs. Wes Jefferson opened the
meeting with the theme, Turn a
New Page. The scripture was
taken from Philippians, followed by'
a hymn.
Mrs. Wes Jefferson and Mrs.
Otto Weber took the meditation.
Hymn 662 was sung. Mrp.
Stuart Chamney gave the annual
report followed with the business
taken by Mrs. E. Robinson in the
absence of the president. Teresa
Jefferson took up the collection.
Mrs. Morley Johnston gave her
report that she had sent a bale
before Christmas. The roll call for
the next meeting is an article for a
layette. Mrs. Wes Jefferson read, a
poem, Before the Portals of the
Coming Year. Hymn 500 was sung
followed with the closing prayer by
Mrs. Otto Weber. •
MrX. Morley Johnston and Mrs.
W. Jeffers n assisted the hostess
for a dal ty lunch.