HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-26, Page 7Evening out ups and downs Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS Ripley__ District School is now accepting day school registration for the Second Semester which is beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1911 Any person interested in returning to school for one or more semesters can complete up to four credits by the end of this year in June. /1 For further information, call 395-2695. ATTENTION orweiodkeimoosomeee~o#•••••dhoeo COME TO A MEETING AT Reid's .Corners Halt 395-5286 *********************** co" LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH at 2 p.m. We will discuss seeding, manure and ventilation equipment. Guest Speaker . from Butler Mfg., Wisconsin BRING YOUR PROBLEMS AND IDEAS LET US KNOW IF YOU CAN ATTEND MAYFAIR RESTAURANT I NOW OPEN 7 a.m. till 12 p.m. M ,clay thru Friday Saturday 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Closed Sundays TRY OUR HOME MADE PIZZAS TAKE OUT ORDERS DINING ROOM Phone 528-3932 REMAINING STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOWS SERVIETTES and TABLECLOTHES NMI 2 /0 40P AP AP IP Alr IP' 411P ./P 4P /IP dOP 411P IP IP o/. IP 410" IP dir LUCKNOW SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN' licies (curbs on government spending and on borrowing). Job creation and regional dis- parity are best tackled by a separate, and flexible, small firms policy. • * • For 30 years, Japan has worked at developing the world's strongest small firms sector. Its 1976 White Paper on Small and Medium Enter- prises identifies the major function of owner-managed enterprise as "serving as a nucleus for regional econo- mic development": • • Pointing to this example, the Federation also recom- mended hiving off Minister of State Leonard Marchand's- Small Business section from : the Department of Industry, Trade and Clommerce and combining it with ,the De- partment of Regional Eco- nomic Expansion in a new Ministry of Small Business . and Regional Development. The two functions are na- turally,linked and the merger should be welcomed by the provinces. • • • Then, instead of blanket policies covering the whole country, the economic tools could be shaped to suit re- gional conditions. Easier cre- dit, lower interest rates and more guaranteed loans could be applied in slow growth re- gions at the same time as restrictive policies in deve- loped areas if inflationary pressures were building. • • • The key is selectivity. As Quebec's new Finance Minis- ter Jacques Parizeau put it: "the scalpel rather than the axe .' By KENNETH McDONALD The conventional ,econo- mic remedy for unemploy- ment is inflation; for infla- tion, unemployment. • • • It's rough justice at best, but especially rough on a country as spread out and as diverse as Canada. Different situations need different treatment. If the economies of Ontario and Western Ca- nada are overheated, Ottawa might cool them by cutting public spending and tighten- ing credit. But applying that treatment to faltering econo- mies in Quebec and Atlantic Canada would be disastrous. • • • Needed, therefore, are flexible policies to suit the different circumstances: con- trol credit where things are booming; ease up on loans where they're depressed. This is where the federal sys- tem can be invaluable in strengthening economic bonds between regions. It can be done. • • • The vehicle is the small firms sector. Regional deve- lopment should concentrate on the growth of labour-in- tensive small firms based on local markets, resources and 'skills. Increasing regional self- sufficiency is the way to even out the ups and downs of the economy. • • • In a submission to Ottawa, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business recom- mended adoption of a two- fold policy to suit Canada's diversity. Inflation should be controlled by conservative, and consistent, economic po- The Bruce County 4-H Council held its first meeting of the new year on Monday, January 3rd, in the 0.M.A FF. Boardroom in Walk- erton. In the absence of our President, Vice-President, Bruce Jacklin, op- ened the meeting by leading in the 4-H pledge. We were glad to receive at this meeting two new leaders who will come to our meetings and add their experienc- ed views. They are Dave Grant and Roy Pennington, both of Teeswat: er. Bruce conducted the roll call,' "One thing the Council might or could do in 1977". Some very good ideas .were brought up. After a timely entry by our president, Wayne Whytock, report- ed on the executive meeting that was held in early December. Both Bruce and Sharon Shildroth report- ed on the meeting as well. They all agreed that we needed a few major changes in the running of our Council. 'First, we found that we all wanted to find a way to include northern Bruce County in our Council, and second, to promote 4-H to other members of our home communities who aren't aware of our program. Next we planned the calendar for, 1977. Events planned for the near future are a bus trip to College Royal at Guelph and a square dance workshop. We chose, our 4-H Mascot from the entries. Our mascot is a 4-H clover made into a little man. Thanks goes to Brenda Lamont of Teeswater for her winning entry. Honourable mention goes to Joan- ne Watke of: Mildmay and D. Diemert of Mildmay . for their submissions. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 31. Anyone who is interested in attending, please contact - your local 4-H Council member. BRUCE COUNTY FARM REPORT We get questions every spring from farmers either wanting to rent land or with land to rent. We always advise lessees to get at least a 3-year agreement and five years is even better. If there are conditions on the lease, such as - it must be left seeded down at the end of the term - it is preferable for the owner to purchase the seed. The big question is always money and the answer depends on many things but the demand for land in the area is the most important factor. The prieci can double in a distance of SO miles. The 1977 demand for crop land will likely be reduced because of the relatively low grain, prices in 1976. Anytime the rental fee is less than 10% of the value of the land, it is a good deal for the lessee. All agreements should be in writing - signed by both parties and witnessed, even between friends and relations. Write for publication 378 "Guidelines for Farm Rental Agreements". KEN McKINNON - CHAIRMAN O.M.M.B. Congratulations are in order to Ken McKinnon of 'Port Elgin, on being elected chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. BRUCE COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS' ANNUAL The Annual Meeting of the Bruce County Pork Producers' Association will be held in the Hartley House, Walkerton, Febru- ary 1st, at 12:00 noon. M. R. BOLTON, AG. REP. SWINE NEWS LETTER We are now publishing a Swine News Letter. If you wish to have your name placed on the mailing list, please contact this office. COLIN REESOR, Assoc. Ag. Rep. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business® 4 H Council News By Heather Boyle