HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 15HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE SIGNAL, — GODERICH, ONT. tures, es mantled at the Jane ser -,l of the pensiop, the count)' pays twenty I tusk, we can readily understand the riot*, has not bvgl edrriel out entirely, per crus., the I'roi'ittt•• thirty per imperfect state In wettish, during the due to the uewssit ut confining the cent., iud the Domluluu_ fifty per first sieges, the ■pplicatlone were (Continued from page 14. expeudilun» within the amount of cent.' ' sent in, and the great amouut of lows: submitted recommendation, ,4n tui- revenue provided. However, the ex .1t the ,leis meeting of the county work invoiced In conking them pre - revenue have been keit w'lthlu couuoll a mmutittee was appdntest.'r.entable to the critical minds of the That a portion of the county there Malta by reason of rllwhratiug ,,,,utw•isl.of )Messrs. Ifendersuu, ling- auditors or representatives of the re - farm, ten acres, be set aside as u dem 'ertalu IG•ws ut . cousrtvctiou work 4 in,, ('1l(gh•, lientedy and Ilubbard,t lepective Governments, who were cou- onatratlou plot, to be divided Into five and the pltrchrse of 11» prof•»•"I 40 administer the Act in this county. eerued only about figuring out tbe sections of two acres each, to demon- gravi'l 14111141, as well as lower costs Th►4 committee wet for organization financial obligations these applications atrate three eeseuthuls It Tartu crop sue - lino a�,1Id1'uel fns tits \V r.at'tt•r ou the lath 41f July and ap{x)hlttd Jlr.It�°eetlealltalrly twrll tat hetcommittee evl- yrauttiou: (1) trop rotation: ,.t bridge, dragging and other costa. Henderson chairman anal County detxel b) tine small uumtwr turned fertilisers, their use and valor: sal slur dragging 4.41)1,4 this year w1❑ Clerk Itulula4) .ecrrtary, The commit- Netter mord. 1,4 111x1111 $ .01,0 less than In 110... due „•r dit1dcv1 the county luso fire 4144-Lbgek of those passel and tent for - In view of the fart thio 1111. .ono, to the hicePusrd use of Ironer grad- trios. with one member to look after, ward. ty and the Province offer w oust eros and when wore machines are in each of the. dletrlcts. This was found The eommlttec wI.hew to thank the rcDolanhipr to young wen in the formWA*, and the orgunlratiotn huenivel,' uee•.ary because of the fact that no munielpll clerks, conveyancers, uotar- uf Doth abort and bulgur course. at 1 utast• vest.' should t he lowered cosinspectors•. inspectors had been appointed as MI lea public and many others who came 11 1 f the Mothers' Allowance, to the rescue of the old people 1n the Ontario Agricultural ('ollrgr felt thrt young ....•. - rd :N.ILYI yards of reset an uyrruge trlcts in the county are receiving pre., R follows: tically no assistants. and very Iltle distance of 4.1 miles at a cost of Mr Hizeltlr Exeter, C.,burne, lite - recognition along these lines. This km., $T.tr"i.1G, ,lucluding 411 earls 411 depre- I phew, Ilay-, Ill and Stanley. been brought to the attruttuu of Unr elution, etc. If this work had been err. 6rwte y,--- wkertanith, Sea - agricultural repreerrntutive by members, dote by contract at 154 per )red wile.' forth, Hallett and )bit kat' op. of Junior Inrtitutee In the minty, : II w"Itld have est $13,11(,0. 1'41 du WOW - and the advleory agricultural council ; (Ibis work by team would have cost• Mr. Cralgle--4iQderlch town, God - or 617,107.35 extra. I erich tbeenshlp, Clinton, Colborne and recommend* that •scholarship of iSY) The 'Wronger bridge was built for Ashfield. for a three mouths' ,rousse In homl• tuilkMl I4' then esu. rstiuutexl. Mr. Hrndenot—)torrhs, Fart R'uwa- GnhI$.ca at e(IMto institute. The expenditures to date are nosh, West tt'uwuuush, 81) 111 and Uo•1ph, be uffrrel to young ladle- In stllii.17l.Tx, of which about $11,000' wInghuw. Hidroa Musty. re .resents amounts refunded for Mr. Hubbard- l;rey, Howlck, Turn- not be insisted upon as part of the That tgtemtwnc of IluroI comity materials supplied and work done fur berry and Brussels. I obligation enabling applicants to ob nouacll take a trip of two days' dor- local municipalities, real b}' for rod The committee has rinse its or -linin x pension. anew sorer time during the canning ,11 the year the net rx{wndlture✓huuld pulsation received and dealt with The residence quallflc•atlon should year• - he abnl1 $17N,IM)0, ur a little less than' 413 rp,{41k14tlo.,►, uerrly every one of be Interpreted more liberally. It Thin the ve:countyin clerk melte all fall I tone 'should not be the concern of the Dom- ingexcretive: in the county ant gest- the year's revenue. j which had to be Invertlga ed by inion, the Prnvince or the manly ft i Ing that Junior seine's be Inclulwl III The past year has been very far• 411 the committer and n•lwrted upon father oree mother sees+ fit to their regular tall fuir prize lis'-. If "rattle fn.m Ube point ,uf clew of ser- before "wing finally dealt with. Of pooror old father with his or her fam- Junlur sections for Iloe Junior farmers co.mplhehiug work, and it is pertain this 4, j, the committee recommended ! ll4 even if thin thvoicea temporaryeam unfortunate that more mus 11111 laving 37, and ut those recommended, only twee rd rt g s. o nig the let -1151 so far have been refused by the I residence outside the Province, so ter, between the ager of elghttwu end dune, as farmers were Ina better) nod these were, long as. the applicant has re-'lIel in twenty-five, might tvomprtr, the fall position to glee part of their timt• I central authorities, lion for roan)' Jears post. 11 for slows lack of reddeucr qualiflca-1 Canada the stipulated twenty should s. allow .e 1411 benefit grca.1 and wonl'p don, The conferring pensions power should the also tw o., r sounder basis. The Har treens eery ,at in the liertiunr g sprlug Dace been very rented, L70 not tuterfrre with the sallatactory. U[ the spy count rintnt'II regarding swards of Caney Read Cotamiselen the cost per yard mile for hauling were for the full twusiun o[ iso r ) usious the county The county road cnmmiesiou report- gbh, year hiving below ht, while our month. 440 were for *11 W AIM, ed as follows: torts lest ye•r were 11' to 1:11•. The ranging from $121) per y earThe program of works :eel eais•udh contract rase' this year w'as• 1st for depeudiug, upon the other resource., _ ordinary hauls. of the ap t licunt. The avenge pe ssi�t.�rs��,,ss��s/� A traffic officer. )Lr. N. Lever, bar granted was $le..4.) per month, me the itiutt� �:� wa st "et►v i � 1 Intel and has been on date 30n 'vetted will mean 'a total pay- 11s- The ren minify -owned trucks 1144411- Ail. 'Phe dt+trkt, were assigned salhelping The committee proueedel to call at- tention to some features regarding which experience shows that improve- ment may be effected. Changes were recommended as follows: The Dominion and Provinelal Gov- ernment+'should bear the cost, or as - stet the county especially In the initial cost, 4,1 carrying out or introducing the Pensions Act. The assignment of property should tions more acceptable. Try - - - +� HOGAN'S 2 CONFECTIONER been appointed, or {:T; July 15 The coat of tile office went of $:0771.7:0 per moth, 1111,4 been $dal;. ,. w 1 r received by the county will bra little be borne ear, toiluw'r: IOUof scuts. ., )' 1" 111 the ievellut' $fl9 •'til pet' year and the payme411 W a to r f iiia atuuunt Many 01'1-Canada.$34,IJ30.50, Province of utas u stun. On - hf14es d )Ir l scar u- traffic uffldrr hese if apps"•ixtl41n of rite work [arta •'' —.4(l. County of atoll, 4 1 t in the house of refuge. The county should still have true pow- er to insist that anyone taking one of there tumatee should give bonds for the safekeeping of same and for the proper use of the money assigned to him. The age limit for there totally dis- abled sh011d be refuted to s111y-flee years or less, 111i's to tie emitted for the benefit particularly of returned r� 1 eoldlrrs. $13.$1"2 . In - The sacs of the applicant., rxugrtt,, Where lieaslhonsrare uf rrgiven fetgr.tethe.,a. ceraln cuss. difficulty In effecting seven years, and the committee believe' Pe' gra fur tbe .unable to expect that the db- transact business and orb r Iise, to i t r For your until wr recommend that approval he their the 1m -erase Christmas Candy to the engineer to apply h I 1• 1 Introduction of the Monty authorities; If4rdirectly 1wn 1 t tl hxn•ey 'should I aro rrcelcel. mates c [ We find that the wtRinrer hes+, in l all the say from ,.ecenty to tlufecr Ple. la•c•atw• ..f their inability `�' agreements with tit ail fences, ! It era f the, look after themselves. gbrt I 'while t • outs Judge In accordxrs for b n the county lu IN• Chocolates Hunt• to rrw41c11 of hedges, fail $ewers, err., ,•realer It* number of c • mans o trace any,chotee es tei'bpyhag the In- whltit cause snowdrifts 'n the road, next few• years will be much larger stitutlon h 4ec t the nn tlt'g of the ae sbn 111(11.- 1 tote be rest us. t tP t' Ix ox id r re t y 1s. c.,• co a with sec. nsion st•heuw. larger, used for them. and it* to g, ri:., eule'e•. 3. of the Hterway (mil was expected, is not large when lif {rucemeuts Act for ani order flung; trouble, responsibility and work in- I ease I do with should rthey that {.,given, pensions to ! Mar's and Lowne 8 In compensation that I where suitable places can be I /// y At the amount of cum( Asinall cameininto Introduction of • ca"e� fanC Ifs boxes at 25c 'shall tw paid, and such other direc- t g duns as may be needed whenever an a new• achene us. plat* ..f public utile Barret r themetelr them •es� when try ran to $%.�. ruble agreement cannot be made. I Inc, the Initial rust is Crecy. end It is 1 t been Nff • asci, and a sone, cou- rya A carload of snow fence has been toile to lsrrlarge that has us. hI than it will Is• in Although hard Dewar is a bachelor. 2 Child y be and apparently a m purchased. v of the whole, many times larger t a confirmed bachelor. Children's Novelties 5 requirements of the road system . the future, and the same mu h entertains a high bachelor., ants and up. I, would Indicate that two or three) eluded to be true regarding the work he seeming more carload,. will be needed, but involved. Had the Pensions Act been elation of tbe fair sex, Judging by some I .. fo thoroughly ureterod and o h thus t and themtbe witty it yt salines ime to the tires off about Bulk Mixtures at special r I '•"nsldering the funds available thfat I year your commission felt Out prices, 25 cents per lb. Cone acquainted wits bustraaoc"s Ws c the work 11ere are n few of the Iw.t : carload was all that could be bought. would not concerned, Considerable calcium chloride was would not hose been smarty ytafarP1 1 women pushing their husbands along.led " and up. used during the year, and wP find but when It 4 known that by but n woman can �he that under suitable mudltlmu it con-! greater number of appllcao-ts ohs •t�So man Is sir good I A Y G serves the gravel and reducer greatly Inge(' to complete their own amnion tannic Min b ttee�g Is when a mnple 2 t., b over eighty years of ale, "A golden /.;40t. , } �' Yes r A ' MM` •. 4 . r .4 a ' •41.11` • t, • �><yT r• • Thursday, D•evmbar 11 1110.-16 w v. � DO • ♦ Rubber Footwear Robber Footwear is considerably 'beeper this year, and considering the quality we earry Is stet* we h., give you real Tattle for your money. In Rubber Boots, Rubber and Rub- Shoes, (Isiemaea, Overshoes brew for *ea, women and children. we ,.arry the most comfortable, the tough - Rubber Footwear in the Canadian market_ Consideringfinality, our prices will be a paving to you. Give ns a trial. We •Uo Resole and Repair any Rltb- Irr Footwear. the amount of scraping required, i t as. were u.• ttf addition to 1(114' features of dost pre- i tad seri unfit to perform such a, ha,, vection. Where lender materiel in the grav- el la lacking, good -results cannot be obtained, and It Is expected that most of the lake :chore road, whkh 144 surfaced with beach gravel and +(miler platerial, will be most success- fully treated with a surface treatment of tar or aapbaltic oil. The preven- tion of duet on heavily travelled roads is a mar er whkh deserves serious attention. sued re In June a motion was M !questing your mcini rk for tion o80 ikee1 I out a program of w find rale. a very difficult matter to do, in that we are not In a position shim- 1c) Judge of all the governing c , stances .that will prevail next year. • and conditions 44 111.-410 doubt, change by the time the working reason ar- rives. Rut we du know that It Is ad -1 RR YO1'R SERVICE THE EAST STREET FOOTWEAR AND REPAIR SHOP Ahl, Prop. G.derich, Ontario Opposite Knox Church Wm. Phone 565.1 THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List Th. Signal and The Toronto 444 Gbh. SO Ti. Signal and The Toronto 6 Daily Star ......... SO The Sign.l and The Landon 6 60 Advertiser . ........ n. Signal and Tis Loden Fre. Pr... 6.50 The Signal and Tim Tomato 8 50 Mail and Empire .... Tie Sisal and The Farmers' 3 Sin 26 The Signal and Tl. Family Herald and Welly Star 3.00 The Sigual ad Saturday 5.50 Night • he gym vj 71. Now Out 3-l0 Tl. Signal and Co m a "1 Hennes and Cardoso 4.65 7.14,. Spp.I and Tb. Catholic Record 3.76 'rho Signal ami McLean's Magatdaa 3 76 The Sllgtaal and Mntrr.al Wie- se.. .. rea.wel 3.85 near 360 World ron.wal 4.26 new 3 VI Tl. NOW sad Youth's Th. Street nod The Tarsal,g 76 Star W..klr Tl. Sip..1 esti Rad ami I.ab Gee The yigaol ad Tits Canadian 2 95 C.u0Mymma .......... .. The Siert a w it C ublesu1g Rats* Wkb Otter Peri - nand. May til. Hail ea ANYeatisa ct+Burp h. undertake more permanent work than has been the care In tbe, . . pts', and to do this .will require more ! funds. which we hope will tw sup Gocernmrnt subsidy. While H Is .,oto. plied by the promised Increase In the practleable to recommend a cumple•e program, we would print out that a list of tonMruu•tlon items were mete ! tinned In the Jotw report which should la' undertaken to the near future. In addl•lotttlt ase (1114' fol- lowing lowing ":mold be given No :C1. Stephen, from (;rand Demi southerly :: miles. Mel: No. 7. nay Ind S("'-heq. grading rued small bridges. 511,000: \o. s. 1'sb.ru.• and Ilbl4•rt 'awn •11ue, $4.tl$,; No. 0, Hay. from itrnh:uu Ilue .yes(. ltli.tVga: NO. 27, l'ulb roe. small brh:i(4,1 aoph miller, 61,200: No. 21, E. rind Hallett. easterly from lot 440, E. Wawanowh, $2.001. We would further draw the atten- tion of the' council tohe4141`t phis ity of purchasing additional and OUP more poser grader. The ndvtsablllty of declaring all conntc roads "through highways within the meaning ofthe I•e1,1way riot 'Traffic Act (las been t It Is probable thatnb�yltio In this connecolnn rhombi lhe1n in eonelttslon, we wish to exp11ess our a5Mere'lation of the rebuild.. ser- vice rendered to ns during the year by our county engineer, 'Jnr. T. 8. Patterson. We are cgnrin„el tin'. a bine to his nd study keenforesight' e 4, whihhtunsparingly peggedpasgel Oh ()ns.wP Ore able fn N:144W In dreggln1. e eery snlosten'I•I seeing handing ands 11'id a eons,r'e•tion f...Ie a that And we, this premier musty, Huron. should congratIIIRtr' Itself on having ! Competent and efficient seryxnt. Old Age Premiums Committee The old age pensions committeeI stthmit'411 It. first report. It recited' the stege taken b4 the Legislature and the county In adopting the 1)om• Inion 41 ,vernmelr•-• pen -Ion *Pgi.la- tlon and Innnoire IIns the system. 1 ud.•r the A. n pension of $20 11 month. nr $2441 x year. I, granted 10 Pa4 h person, male or female. who has reached the age of •svenly years. who Is a Rrltish snb)e,'t by birth or naturalization. And win has resided In (lanada for the twenty ye1f sp pre- ceding ,vding the applkatlnn for a pension end In the Prosiness for flee seers ofthe n need ot I 411( 1 a.slrtetwentr41'4n(*1 the p1Io(n1 emnnnt • b• Gift Suggestions From Dunlop's Drug Store Cases Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco Pipes Thermos Bottles Safety Razors Chocolates Dusting Powders Stationery Fountain Pens Christmas Cards and Desk Sets etc., etc. Dressing Brushes Mirrors Perfumes Toilet Waters Bath Salts ftri••t..t..p..p. ti••: B. Pim.H. C. DUNLOP, j” HE REXALL1DRUG STORE., Bedford Block - - Goderich, Ontario. 0 ear's Subscription to The Signal Will Be • t • M1 Appreciated 1 Trade Commissioners' Offices in Great Britain LONDON Harrison Watson, Canadian Building. Trafalgar Square, S.W. 1, London, England. J. Forsyth Smith. Fruit Trade Commissioner. Witter House. Bedford Street. Strand, W.C.2, London. England. LIVERPOOL Harry A. Scott, Trade Com- missioner, Century Buildings. 31 North John Street. Liver- pool. England. BRISTOL: Douglas S. Cote, Sun Buikfin(. Clare Street. Bristol, England. GLASGOW: Gordon B. Johnson. 200 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Scot- land. A Challenge to Canadian Food Producers REAT BRITAIN wants more Canadian fuudstutts. G The plain fact is that the increase in trade in keeping of our food exports to the old country is notpace with the growth of demand. Britain's markets are wide open to Canada. Because of the exhibitions of Canadian products, the activity of our Trade Commissioners, and the effects of our advertising, the British consumer is snore familiar with these products than ever before, and consequently more inclined to buy. Good will in Great Britain towards Canadian products never has been at a higher point than now. All the facilities of transportation for all classes of products from Canada to Great Britain have been proinded• Shall we Canadians overlook or neglect the oppor- tunities for increased export trade which are thus laid before us? Just because domestic markets are good, shall we as producers be so short sighted as to fail to satisfy so large a market which is more favourably inclined towards our pro- ducts than ever before? ... Not yet is there among our producers an adequate realization of the opportunities for increased production which present conditions in the British markets afford. If you are a producer or dealer in foodstuffs, you can assist to your own profit in gaining a larger share of this market. Almost every community in this country stands to benefit. The result can be attained by: 1. Producingmore of the kind of products the British consumer wants. 2. Keeping up a constant supply. 3. Maintaining quality standards. Through its Commercial Intelligence Service. this Department will render valuable assistance to any exporter. Our Trade Commissioners' Offices i*Sttain to are any export well-equipped and strategically placed problem on behalf of Canadian exporters. Enquiries re- garding British Trade receive prompt attention. Write to the Commercial Intelligence Service, Ottawa. THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE OTTAWA F. C. T. O'HARA, HON. JAMES M Deputy Minister Minister M, � - a141 •