HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-26, Page 1Mark 50th Wedding Anniversary
Mark Golden Wedding Anniversary
$8.00 A Year In Advance — 02.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977
Single Copy 20c 24 Pages
Burn $21,400 Church Mortgage Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McQuillin,
R. R. 3 Holyrood, celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on
Saturday, January 15. The happy
couple were entertained at a family
dinner held at the Legion Hall,
Lucknow. The dinner was followed
by a reception which was well
attended by many relatives, friends
and neighbours.
Dick and Emily were married on
January 20, 1927 at the Anglican
Close Call With
Carbon Monoxide
Bob Thompson and Wayne
Davidson had a close call on
Thursday of last week. They were
working in the storage section at
Agro Mart, Wayne with his electric
work and Bob with a payloader.
Wayne was the first to become ill
and sat down while Bob continued
with his job. When Bob fell ill, he
too sat down thinking it was his
heart. A trucker noticed the man
on the floor and went into the office
and informed those there.
Don Robertson noticed that they
had been working with the doors
closed and both suffered from
carbon monoxide.
The men were taken to hospital
where they remained for the
afternoon. Both men had appar-
ently lost conciousness when they
were discovered by the trucker.
Named Deputy
Whip 01 Party
Crawford Douglas, M.P. for
Bruce-Grey, has been named
Deputy Whip of the Liberal
government in Ottawa.
Named Chief Whip was Hamil-
ton M.P. Gus MacFarlane who
replaces Manitoba M.P. Joseph
Guay who was appointed to the
cabinet in early November as a
minister without' portfolio.
Also named as Deputy Whip,
With Mr. Douglas, is Yves Caron, a
Quebec M.P.
The government whip is respon-
sible for ensuring that Liberal
members are in the House for key
votes and debates.
Lucknow United Church burned
the mortgage on a $21,400 expendi-
ture for church renovation and
improvement .at the Sunday morn-
ing church service.
The work was done in the spring
of 1974, about 21/2 years. ago.
Grube Contracting of Stratford
installed a new roof at a cost of
$14,100. Bullas Glass Company
installed a new front door and glass
Russel IrVin 'of Ashfield Town-
ship was re-elected president of the
Lucknow Agricultural Society for
his second term at .the annual
meeting held Friday evening at the
Lucknow United ChUrch.
A howling snow storm which
gripped ,Lucknow and area
throughout the' day and early
evening Friday made the attend-
ance less than anticipated, but in
view of driving conditions in
Lucknow and to the north, it was
surprising that the attendance was
as large. Oddly enough, the snow
storm ended a few miles to the
south where the sun shone a good
part of the day and where some
board members found it difficult to
imagine that there was any weather
problem at all.
Herb Wilkins proposed a toast to
Courtney Liddle, son of Doug'
and Irene Liddle of Clarks on the
12th and Ripley, suffered serious
injury in a snowmobile' accident on
Saturday, January 8.
It occurred at the road curves on
the 2nd concession east of Jack
McGuire's • place. Apparently
Courtney, who must have been last
in a bunch of snowmobilers, missed
Tranter be unable to attend.
Council again express'ed the
opinion that the Senior Citizen
Apartments were built to be used
Ashfield Barn
And Contents
Lost In Fire
The large barn belonging to Mr.
and Mrs. Cletus Dalton of R. R. 7
Lucknow burned early Friday
morning, January 21.
Clete and Mary Louise were
awakened at approximately 3:30
)a.m. by the screams of the baby to
find the barn blazing. The Lucknow
Fire Brigade were called and
poured water on the house which
was being threatened , by the
sparks. Lost in the fire were some
42 pigs, the season's crop of hay,
straw, grain and many numerous
articles found in a barn.
front, at a cost of $8,820; Other
decorating, wiring and fixtures
brought the total cost to $21,400.
A canvass of the congregation
raised $8000. By the end of the
first year, $10,500. had been paid
In addition to the givings of 'the
congregation, $1000. was received
from the estate of Norma Ander-
son, $2005. was received from the
the Queen.
A beef dinner was served by the
Lucknow United Church Women.
Mrs. Bob Gilchrist thanked 'the
ladies and Mrs. Eldon Bradley
replied on behalf of the church
The president announced, fol*
lowing the dinner, that any of those
with storm and snow problems
might feel free to leave the meeting
at any time they desired.
Ross Errington, society secret-
ary-treasurer, read the minutes of
the last meeting which indicated
that Mrs. Bert Alton of Lucknow
had been chosen to receive an
Agricultural Society Service Dip-
loma for past service to the society,
which would be presented at a later
date. Miss Dominion of Canada
will again attend the Lucknow Fair
the turns. The others missed
Courtney and turned back to find
A marriage of interest took place,
50 years ago when Samuel W.'
Gibson and Esther B. Ritchie were
married at the home of th , bride's
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
E. Ritchie, Ashfield on January 19,
1927, the minister being Rev.
Brown of the Ashfield circuit.
The late Mr. and Mrs. George
U.C.W. which included a bequest
from ,the late Elizabeth Murdie,
earmarked for doors, and $500. was
received from W. B. Anderson to
erect a stain glass window which
had been removed from the former
Blakes church in Ashfield.
Mel Morrison summarized the
project to date and the mortgage
was burned by Rev. Doug Kaufman
and Clarence Greer.
on September 17th.
Reeve Warren Zinn of Ashfield
was called on. The Reeves of
Lucknow, Kinloss and West Wawa-
nosh were unable to be present.
Others .called on included Janice
Stanley of Kinloss, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Stanley, Fall. Fair
Ainews Observed
50th Anniversary
Howard and Margaret Agnew of
Lucknow quietly observed their
50th wedding anniversary on
Saturday, January 22nd.
On Sunday, they were entertain-
ed at dinner by their son and
daughter-in-law Joe and Dean'
Agnew, Lucknow; and grand-
daughters Pam and Joanne.
Another granddaughter Judy Lucas
and great granddaughter Michelle
of Dearborn, Michigan were unable
to be present. ,
Gibson were Sam's parents,. This
marriage was unique as it linked
six pioneer families of Ashfield,
namely Gibson, Graham, Webster
and Ritchie, Henderson and Ferg-
uson. After a wedding trip by
horse and cutter, then by train" to
Church Rectory in Lucknow by the
Rev. A. Freeman Traverse. They
have resided in Kinloss Township
most of their married life.
Dick's brother Herb and wife
Myrtle of LuCknow were the
attendants at the wedding.
The family consists of 6 boys and
4 girls, Gordon of Sarnia; Harvey of
St. Catharines; Harold, R. R.
Auburn; Jack . of St. Catharines;
Ron at home; Allan, who passed
away several years ago; Mary,
Mrs. Bob MacNay of Amberley;
Donalda, Mrs. Doug McLeod of
Vanastra; • Barbara, Mrs. Don
-.Nichol of Holyrood and Linda of
There are 12 grandchildren and 3
great grandchildren.
Among the congratulatory mes-
sages were those from Governor-
Generaland Madame Leger, Prime
Minister Trudeau. Premier William
Davis, Murray ,Gaunt M.P.P.,
Russel Irvin
Hold Iniugural Council Meeting,
Willing To Waive Residence Rule
• Injured In Snowmobile Mishap
To Again Head Society
The inaugural meeting of Ripley
Village Council was held in the
council Chambers on January 10
Clerk Wm. McCreath administered
the oath of office to Reeve George
Tranter and Councillors Lewis
Hilborn, Howard Hodge. Joe
Hodgins and Rod MacDonald.
Rev. Jim Bushell was present
representing the area ministers
and bringing a message for the new
Reeve Tranter welcomed Lewis
Hilborn as a new member of
Council and expressed a hope of
;unity in' the coming term of office.
Committees for the year were
appointed as follows: hydro, Tran-
ter, MacDonald, Hilborn; sanita-
tion and drains, Hodge, Hodgins;
medical centre, Tranter, Hilborn,
John Gamble, Mary C. MacDon-
ald, Margaret Blue, Ken Hargreav-
es; recreation-Community Centre,
• MacDonald, Hilborn, Jim Stewart,
Steve Bell, Bill Robinson; roads,
Hodge, Hodgins; fire and water,
MacDonald and Hodgins.
Rod MacDonald was appointed
representative to County Council
for the Village should Reeve