HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 9• ioual Pages 9 to 1F -IOOND YI•lAlt, NO 50. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 GE'S CHURCH CHURCH NOTES ENING MARKED 'floe regular meeting el she W %I :... 1 .tusiligry of Knox chur, 1, will be 1 BY MUCH INTEREST held in the lecture room on Tuesday, December 17th, at 3.30 p.m. llav. W. T. Bunt's sermou subjects ..1 1. next Sunday, at Goderich Baptist Congregations on Sunday church, Will be: 11 a.m., "The Import- st Special Service once or Mimic in Worshlp;" 7 p.m., an Monday Night "King Darius' Lamentable Cry." The service, at Victoria street United church next Sunday will be h , Rev. G Butt re-opeuing service. in St. • church on Sanday loot were ,with great interest. The re - the work uf redecoration and beggereuseut .which had been in for some weeks was viewed peatilleatien and pride, for it is Universal opinion that the hand of artist ia to he seen and lieortee, always a beau - 'Otte church from an exterior view, has now an interior that la equally beautiful. The paintinp on the esch‘repeeseatIng some Biblical scene, a.r• woree of art and the whole eff-et of the decoration Is very pleasing Large congregations attended the services on Sunday. The preacher was the Veu. Archdeacon Doberty, 111.. A, 1. Th., 'secretary -treasurer of die Dimese of Huron, repreeentiug JUrehbishop Williams, who was un- til* to be present on acconnt of tit- bsaith. 'The Archdeacon's evening remarks rare words of praise for the beauty al the cloirch and for the euergy and falpfui uork of tbe rector, whom be dleeribed am one of the most hard- ireeking clergymen of the "Home as text was from St. Faul's epistle 40' the Phillippiens 3: 2111—"For our agdernship is In Heaven; from whence aft we lesek for the Saviour." The preacher emphasized the need every Illaiaber of the.' church has for .1,e GUM 'telpher.. Ile who tries to save Ws swot alone sill hoe ••The two mod wonderful addresses the world OW heard were the Sermon on Inc and St. Paul's -Address to the men of Athen., both teaching kindly telladateratiun nud affection for oce Gauthier us the hatis of -good citizen laitle choir sang appropriate 1Qtrut,.. • The News of the Town conducted by t e • • • Sermon subjects: morning, "The Main Issue," evening, "The Lost Son—the Elder Brother." Services at Knox church next Sun- day will be conducted by the Minister. Sermon subjects: 11 a.m., "'What of the Flock?" 7 p.m., "The Past and the Future." Sabbath school and Bible claws at a o'clock. Tbe regular meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will be held Monday evening, December 16th, at 8 o'clock, in the lecture room. Mrs'. Will MacEwan will have charge of the meeting, and papers will he given by Miss Belle MacVicar and Mrs. Under- arms. Servicee at North street l*nited church next Sunday: 10 cm., Men's Club--toptc, "What action should the Church take in making and in enforc- ing the laws of the laud?"—Mieeion Band and clans tot Cbriettan fellow- ship. 11 a.m., public worship; sermon subject, •'711,0 shalt call His name Jesus" — pre -Christmas message Church school at 3 pin to, ening ser- Ike st 7 pm. no cow. -is are wader N% 411 11en Lindsay's 1 ,w1Ing roleye. A rfoose Itt I offered a a prize 14.. three highest eon- aemitive gam,- recorded up to Decem, ' ber 24(1.. Ill 11 p.m A duck will be 1, gl-yen to the perso. registering the nearest ore to 161 .up to December ; 2:011 Bowl eff, if any, on above dates. ' Alt lines are lo cents. i she anthem, -Lift Up your Heads', Qte thiti.-... -, ...-1.."''''-'; iiimsderet • .... .. iraisa A relsleacon I toherty c.d. • as t,,. of hie evening sermiel 1lev- on :1-: 2:: -Ale that 111 ith au ear. his • hear ' on St i it ith the churches.- This text, said witeaker fn opening his discourse. .1.10 tio,l's mew:4g,- to the churebes 4.1 Asie. Go is 4111•11. terested isi the eherehe. 1.1 1., - The great ta.k of preaching the nas the outetanding work of Lord." IlaVe the toP11ple IP( 1.11111Y ' are in that werk? asked Ow 1.1.r. If we can't Preach; We oats y level' the GespeL The Arai- ' n referred to fleet re-ent. eonfer- between Premier Iteneuty Ms' Idof England And Presidehe e'r of United ;state.. Thlr tY , ago thew men were not out- ing men, hut today they held rtant 1.4..ts. It was God's plan these men should get together tnIk peace. It 1.4 peace the people 4 tisdiy. Goal la in 111.4 Hearer' 119111111g 11. 111 the pathway ost EI The preacher impressed .uts,u ,ougregatIon that they should at least °tie -tenth 1.1 their lime lettpard. 11,si's work. There were =ant avenues' 111 which work be done for God In thie world. %Ms was a land of opportunity an Hie greatest good meu could do w 44 te ,,ti the Gospel 01 our Lord 41 W. r said the speaker in clos' Dean Carlisle's Mama , 011 Ilmiday evening the church as again filled, when the, Very Iles. Arthur l'aili4.1e, B.A.. DD. Dean of Mont re:. ; o. is the 'wen *her. A....IM- 1ng Ilic ,... ,..r. Rev. .1 N. H. Mine In ID.' ser, ee e ere Rev. 1.4 1* Harrison. of Clleton, Rev, A. L. 4: clarke, of 1,00,101,. 1101 Hee. Ca0011 /10.1, while the 1.1...ir of SI. Paul's elle.veh, Clan - eon. ;.tigoientisi the thole. of gt. Gem .i. ' • Thr• Oerviee sa... J•reeeded *I t 11». r "41 • , • by r recital given 14y the orgauist of St. GeOrge*. ellUreh. Mr. 41. 11, 14/IVIew, Dean Carlisle is lin attractive spetsk- er. Winning atten,...it by hie pleasing! manner, hie faultless diction anti hi.. lean out -Iodation, he holds it by the -irte•st appeal of Ws nies..age, His fejt w.... '•Prepare yr tn1 nay of Me 1 :1).. lie prefreeol itt- ' C. W. L. Bazaar The Catboll,c Women 'a League held ' their annual bazaar in the Oddfellows' Hall last Thursday afternoon and the event proved a splendid success. The hall was beautifully decorated for tbe occasion and the various tables for the sale of fancy work, candy and home baking were well patronized. A splendid supper was served by the ladies during the afternoon. There were several drawings for prises. Mrs. Meraw, of Smith's Fails, wee the bold- er of the lucky ticket for the bepe chart. The fancy quirt was won by Mrs. John Young. Lighthouse street, and the doll by Mrs. J. Muir, Elgin avenue. • 'rliblewhgelillIOssing tlie ple.teure it . 111:11- 10 1111‘.. 1 part in the t blankest% in,. wry e01/111.191011 Willi tile re o...10rtg of the •Iiiireb, e11114$ $t. IteOrtre*. Iddlrell 11101 leen ilie Irene 4,1 the labors of men) of his closest friends 1/11e of whom. thei At Drenoen's Bowling PERSONAL MENTION In the contests at Drennan* bowl. Leg alleys several .more uames have Mr. A. Barrow—splint the week -end 1 been added to the Ilse of those elig- with friends at Detroit. ible for the play-offs on the +evening • • • of December 241h. Thome registering Mr and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey are vigil- 181 this week were Geo. Baechier, Percy Johnston and Charles Stowe. lug their family in Detroit. {The 100 score was made by H. Reid, • • • -Mr. Jos. Finn, of Detroit, A visiting L. Overholt and Harold Antis. his parents, Mr. and Mre. P. Finn A rink of Goderich bowlers, Messrs. • • • Elliott Drennan, Percy Johnston, Jack Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman havellohnston, Jas. Reid and Albert Harris, returned from their trip to negland. took part in a friendly contest with • • • Clinton bowlers at the Clinton alleys Mrs. W. L. Hortou left this week on Monday evening. The local% rink for Toronto, where she will spend the won two out of three games. winter months. • G. L. l'ARSONS - • President of the Gotlerich Eleestor and Transit Company, Limited. 1Mr- WA Mr. Pis rP,011N. connection with this Compaity, as Seereiarl. Galena Man- ager, and 110W 11;71(1renfilent. it ha. developed into a pry, important fire tor in tire grahvirade. The( eminent Croft annennees that winter season lin Gielerich. and t told). 11/11111 N. lig ro...4. 0001 I,. i arrangen nts tor the eortummity . . n the covertor for the fay o iwwork 1..- 1 Christ tree are well advne aed, 1111,1 VI I be ON PI • • • Seam% —Rickard Mr. and Mrs. Joe ftweateld have; A quiet but pretty wedding was left for Rustle, Florida, wlsere they soleumized at North street United will mend the winter. church parsonage on Wedneoday even - • • • ing, December lith, when Huth V. Messrs. Ed. and W Lacey. of De- Rickard, eldest daughter of Mn. and trolt, are visiting their sister, Mists l Mrs. C. M. Rickard, Dorchester, be - Mary Lacey, Cambridge Street. !came the bride of Garland M. Scar - • • • ! row, eldera son or Mr. and Mrs. A Mr. and Mra. Chas. Gravelle have &arrow, Sauk& Ste. Marie, Rev. C. F. gone to Stratford to spend the winter IClarke officiating.; The bride looked with their daughter, Mrs. Bart. charming in a gown of brown silk • 4,4 • velvet trimmed with brown silk crepe. Mr. J. Eledford's many friends will , with hat and shoe% to match, and be pleased to learn that he le able to l carrietl a shower bouquet of roses he up and around again after his re, and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid. cent Illness. ! Miss Geri/gide A. Hair*, wore a gown • • • , of sand aud blue silk crepe, with Mrs. R. B. P. Davidson and daugh- brown hat and shoes: Mr. Gordon J. ler, of Cobourg, have been spending Knitting acted Ile best man. The the week with the former's parente, happy couple will reside In Goderich Rev. 4/. E. and Mrs. Ford. Mr. Seurrow, who is manager of the • • • Steel Store in this town, is rets.lving Capt. Ed. Robinson is home from the the congratulations of blis ,trien.ls. treason's work on the lAkes and i.' - — superintending the winter tiperation. Juniors Have Suieesifullianar of the C. S. L. boats at the harlaw The Junior Auxillery of Si. thsrrge'•. • • • church held their annual trustier on Mr. Donald Gray', Manager of the Saturday afternoou last, the perish S. A. Gray Co. business 44.1114.h was bold hall being beautifully decorated for THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITEll. Putd OBITUARY' 1(1411E11'P LOGAN ' 1, b• dit ago Ft•ett. kidney rceel‘cd the -.1,1 news of the death of her untie, 1he late Robert Logan, at I hie home in Saginaw, Mich. Mr. Lo -I gen was lu his tAual good health I until November 14th, when he was stricken, and on Sunday. November 170, he passed away. The deceased was born in Goderieh sixty-nine years ago, his parents being pioneer residents of Goderich. In his young manhood he carried on a painting businees here. A good many years ago he moved to Saginaw:Mich., where be carried on the business of an interior decorator. Mr. and Mrs. Logan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murat; and other relativee in town several times during the past summer. Mr Logan is rurrived by his wife. formerly Ilia tliarlotte Gil- christ of Clinton. Interment was made In Saginaw cemetery on November 19th. Hoderich friends sympa t bite with the bereaved ones. a f,„wweeg„ to Mr tI. I le iss as 011. A. 11Ae ell 1 r1 A , fer, leaves in a few days for Torouto. booths looked very 'attractive. First iie hes no (1011111ti plan.. for the future there wits the tountry store Or veg- as yet ' etable Itooth, very effoletively never • • • W1111 1111ge sulifloAers. Thls sas Mr. lime-. chief engineer 111 clulftl.` .4 the bey-. Aeries free, . of the steamer- IV. C. Frans, which is this wa44 the homemade baking Newt wintering In Goderich harbor., will vb.- pre., ky 11111111gell with white toom.liso •••• • 1 • •rt J. J. PAGE '- Western l'amodoo Flour Mill,' 4'..10 paify. Mr. l'age a Itoalerl he oho .4.mm...rued ca.ver the Meal -afire of the -Itig Still- an ' 1. now at the head of • ,d the gre.if eolicerns lis of Toronto. General Moustger of. th "NOBODY BUT NANCY" BY WESTMINSTER GUI1.1) Play Well Pre.euted Before Large Audialws "Nobody butNenc;," a three -act comedy, was presented Thursday one Friday eveningo in the lecture room of Knox church by the Westminster Both wasentationa were large ly attended. Tbe teat was wen abaci and all actee their parts admirably. Miss Elide Winter took the lead as Nancy, and Joe Taylor aa her uncle acted his part srplaididly. Naucy, who was always getting lute trouble, told her uncle, Adam Kim, she was married. no that ehe would be - Come manager of hie hotel, the Ilappy Hour. Busluess began to fail. but that was nut to be conspired with the,. excitement caused wheu Adam King decided to eh& the home of 8ara1C: Andrews, where Nancy need. Many humorous instances arose in the. struggle for Nancy to medium her husband to her uncle. She tried be persuade Ted Porter to act for ber, ADO be in turn tried to pass It on to Jimmy McCabe, eomical chap who waboarding at the Andrews bane Larry Wilson, another vinitor, decided to act the pretended hushasel, becauae he secretly eared for Nancy. lAugh- ter reigned when all three were pre- seuted to A•Ism King as Nancy's bur band and the lueldents that followed were extremely humorous. Adam Kling secretly wished that the Happy Hour hotel would be ruined. because a rival war about to receive it legally, and he was also trying ta obtain from King a valuabte peach pre serve revile. Unknown to the Andrews and Kings. Larry Wilson was this uu- known wan and J hum). SI,Astilie Was his detective. When Atlatu King heard Larry to lie Naney's hueband gave 1; I,. him to keep ,Adatu •King was bolt rifierloatien he was told that the hotel was thronged y•itia vi.ilors and that every road %IV, 110(1141 A itli signs ad- Itt trouble And tried to let Ted I 1111114reer to oortising it. :sane) %sits help her, hut Teri nea Manywattling hie hat when Nancy. asked fe•ors. See Antirew-4, 4.1 Sarah's, wag bar ) lug a hirtisslay part). and had invited lseIta t•rain ford. or W110t0 Now" was ;$11.110/11.. Larr), Wilson took Ailvatifitge Of her ie./01111.$ 10 1r arid ,nin her. Ted porter, ilie ao,cli :Moser non. 7' _ It Toronte, neell S0t111111 and other , Pi: and a green lon. kgrionon 44. • • • poind ts uring thn e eew st toeeks, ir elirkien'aft Tree Lintendu to /Tend a good part .11 tio.i cony for this WA. Ettl Renee. Nes (lime the fancy work prevent rector, had been Is, curet. a the parbili• of Ali SnInfs' Windeor. Ittlerring to the beauty of ' ttie 111.9r. adornment of the ehur.•• expressed the hope that it might pr vide itripiratIon .drength al .11 would euable ren -tor and people the' Iettel to dG o od'. wilt. A Social Hour At the conclusion of t e service those preeent received irdiul in- vitation to linger in },'r too •ieo more closely tlw mur I des•ortotioit... And then to join In , social time lni the periSh house. were the ladies of the cotagregation rved refreshinented Mr. !height,' rows' weleones1 the, ggests andon .poke'of the work doe ittl the ehurch, ing tinstinitsi praise toi the commit IP Ill Charge and 11:trlie• Warty by the rector for the energy and de "Hon. with the work had n prosecuted. He paid a sell nierl d trilice to the artist who de - MOM' and superintended the decora- thtn and then called lipon Mayor Alas, t wan. who with the members of the ' town council had been present at the service. Mayor MacEwan extegdml commit-. ulations to the rector at congrega- tion on the completion o it ry beautiful work whieh made St. George'. chorel, more title:14.We than ever. Ile also loronglit greetings fro'', the Poolde-4.1. Knox chervil. where e..rshps i. Ivan ri sle ale° Ot101te briefly, again referriug to his deep interest In 44t. George's church and its regtor, end congratulating- hem tipon the hodelsonte adornment nf their eintrch ' • The Signal's Christmas Shopping Number This. Christmas Shopping 'Number of The Signal itt pre- sented in The hope that it win be of Material' 'assiitanec to the •Fnercliants of Goderich in reaching their customers and to the shopping public in solving the annual Christmas pro- blems of what to buy and where t0. buy it. We believe that, on the whole, the people of Goderich an:1 the istrict are k)yal to the home town nwichants and that they make their purchases at home to a very large extent. This is as it should be, and it is a condition especially desir- able at this season of the year, when in anticipation of the - wants1 of the public the merchants have laid in large stocks especially selected for the Christmas trade Let its hope that their faith in the people of the h( me district will rc Main unshaken as the remit of a splendid Christmas trade It is a well established truth that it is the progressive teerehants-Of any community whose announcements are to be found in the newspapers published in that community; so readers may peruse the contents of this Christmas Shopping Number in the confidence that whatever in the town is worth advertising is advertised here. Read every page of this sixteen -page paper, and every one of the annoyncoments it carries Let it be your chart for the shopping expeditions of the next ten days. BRIEFS hog Mist: .1ustrey W10311111 IT11111 . for' US 1 It. cutely Mrs: , I I ii -tee. -Tho tea reom arri e In Goderielli early on Christ- , • was laid 11111 111t the 1;111111 roost in Eve with ti good immily Or 1'11ml- The tow 1 p000rhoon.4...taff arehey- sas ery effect i ely dr...rated sift, s and other mardiC•1 for the boys Ing troulde a1:11 the tolowking 'if the elieery' blossoms and lanterns and and girl,. Ae n lemsni-light for Santa sdit.r o it h ' ihe little girls 44114) waited ott table it is proposed to illutninate one of the . . • free. in the Square for severtil tiny before les exp. -led turbot. The Lion.' and Bey Seoul. of Idoderich ire si..i.ting In the carrying not of the arrangements 111111 a right good ts 111 prospect Mr. Alorninvitar (lobbed vieeks ago, Mr. S. n little store part of the town. I. shich disappeared his vest porket. Gi- ll,. 1.111 111111 1101 1111, en sing,. suet flown asay 1It-s.,f sere strengthened 'when last 'Eridav night, sidk• he was going through the pas ..1124•A tly. 4.1111111.1•1111g II1, •Iolp 111111 111. house, someone jumpos: on Ills back and rifled hie pocket of about 117. Being old and feeble. Mr. 3,1umbled:1r was net able to put up mueh resist:ince. The *natter sits placed; in the 11111111S of the pollee, and• en SI ,,, iny Thomas lied Frank 'Jar- dine who lire in the neighborhood. „ . sere brought befere 311aLeorate 111.11 Thomas Jardine Is charged with the theft of the $20 hill. and his brother Alth re,-eiving. They were, remanded ID itt‘l for it week and will eetne ittc.iurt again next Monday. • Atwell three Morning...Mr. %sin In the southwest iukscit it $1:44 1,11 over night from suSpicions that t INQUIRY INTO YOUNG CFLILD'S DEATH r's Jure Finds That •hild Was Not Properly Nouritihed The adjourned highest into the dr - ministati.e. surrounding the oleol/to of 4'14.11 Sproonle, AIXteell-M 4444 111.-0111 AMC 1,1 Mr. and Mrs. John Sproule of Gotleri,•11. was heitl at the town hall utt Motelay evening. A. previously reported in these celionn., the Sproule child died at Alexandra hospital on ' Sit turday t. fternoon, 4 )(dotter . 211th. The 1•1141(1 hail been taken to the hos pital in intr.:unfree of 1104.1,rr. ordere, Mit onithhog c000ld toefolone to ease his life. Or. A. C. Hunter. coroner, proideil sit Monday night's Inquest and Crown Attorney D. Holmes. K.C., examined the witmeses. The only persons exam- .ned were the parents nf the de- 1.11/1.011- Child, Mr. And Mrs. John Sproule. Jury's verillet was 41$ follfkW. : 'We the jurore empanelled to' in- quire into the denth of Cecil Sproule 1, id from the evidence of the doctor.. flint death Was due to meinniriCon 41111 r1.7kets. Alti gh the child mit- ',mired normal at birth, it never thrived. This condition may hnve .seen 4..nlis4s1 toy the unhealthy tsinfil- Hon ot the mother during pregnancy. The evidenee shows that ample food wris provided, hut either through ig- norance or eareletenese it was not properly suited for the ehild. also believe that the ehIld should ' have had more medical attentinn In its weakened condition. There wenld Appear to have hese, earelesoinees on the pert of the parents in thls ease." The jury was compneeft of Thou. Murphy (foreman), (1. II. Green, Alf. Tehbutt, Jos. Barton. Albert King. lee F. Thomson, Robert Johnston and John A. Robert/um. The Ale -I,. LIt 1. proprietor. ot 11.4to•S 1111te rt•nted the West .treet skatiog rink for the season 1929.344. • • • The ladies' Aid of Knox elitfrell wit, bold their outrun' bazaar in the lecture room uf tire elitir,11 on Satur- day. Deeemher 14. • • ,• The regilla r 'met ng 01 A limey's l'hapter,; , held 1,11 Monday afternoon. lassonlier Illth. :it o'Aock. A full 'attendants. 1. requested. • • • 11,P IOC no- 1114. Stitoloi .4 11-41 Sertahiment find .o 1.41 trodot San?., Claus at the Itnidist on Thurs- day, December 19tb. et 8 p. m Ad- mission 15 cent's. • • • , Mr. Jackie McDongall won the- roost- - ter offered for the eo higli-t 'wore for - three consecutive games registered at Ben Limisayli hoisting alleys la 4 -week. Mr. McDouguit's score was 745. • • • • Mrs. It. Standish, I.:ast street, had an unto - mom. accident some day. ago, falling tool breaking her:hip- bone. She is impgressing 11$ web as could be C\ Intel, but will be laid up tor several emks. • • • The Eureka Bible Class of Victoria' s;reet United ehurch will hold their ',Dual bazaar in the store formerly foiled ilydro. corner irf Colborne -.reet and the Square, on Saturday, December 14th. • • • Scoot Field Secretary E. Jonee. Toronto I. III town today and 1s ar- ranging to meet tie 'Meal troop of WI). at their regular- meeting at Nla,•Kay Oils (Thursday, even* ing. Inspector liinea one present ai the great :Scout Jamboree at Birken- bend. Englend, In 41 .111111111.r. 111111 11111$ 1..11 the Issrft .omeliting of that big event. t. 111,s• Peggy Person- end 3,11ss kat Ctirzon poured the ten. Mitch ,•redit I. due Mrs. F. Naftel.president luniors, for th:s rotecessfirt - Ceneletion thrashed :Imigtooent In 11 ea ,1• 01 I, • ift•erest. E. 11. Smith and Abel.- ey. itreati lAd., was given by Mr. Justis' Kelly at litorposte Ilan sac tardily, as follows; "flefendont was emovi .1.41 toy Ile Maglistrate of the town of Goderich for having offt•rts1 for ...ale oroad, contrary to a .by II1W . 111 previde for the then -ilex. resod:Wm: And goy...riling of traielent traders mid 111 her.: and penalty Wits Intro...41 rif $10 atel co -t- . . . Frem lbe.nt tter sal II s.fssesii- th.it defendant sends It, oosiu...1,. front 141r:1110,1 s., tlooleriels sios.1 is• :411es Isresol and los, no place in thoptiett, ex- cept. It. wat(111111. Front a 1.1111.1iller11- Ulm ot the material and the longitage of the statute I have ou hesitation in finding that defendant wit?" net st that time a transieut trader, and so the bydaw relied ie.on .1.es 11111 111. 1117 to It. II may he that it is it host er pedlar, but with that I ha‘e nothing to do, 111111 110 not deal, ,ii tit'. Motion . . The conviction atiould mid will be ousisited. Coats 1,, follow, the event. Proteetion to ill, magistrate 11 neve- .1y." tioderleh's Winter Fleet StivIgatloit closed fit this port the tins..t week HMI the winter fleet con- sists tot eleven steamers. all of wide,' ore owned by Canadian steamship companies. The set ..re voila and stormy weather Itt.t seek slowed 1111 AlIVItt11111.11 10 a great extent and the tormation of ice, especially fit the stood,. added to the difficulties. of lite vessels bound down tho• lakes. The host reasel to 'steam into Gotterieli harbor was the Canaille% which at - rived last Thurstley night with a car- go of 245,1104I lowliels of wheat for lhe lOs:cri.do ele• oitor. The steatners tied np here for rhe ' winter nod the names of the captains Are as 101111WA: A.herfoft, Capt. 11.• Kay, Owen Sound; liagnrty, Cato.; Jan. Res -h, CollIngwood; Valcarlier. Capt. 0. M. Wing, Parry Sound; lien - .44,) ie, Capt. 11 on. l'av tor. Court rig .t : 11sirtdon: Capt. E L. Shannon; W. C. Franz, Capt. Ales. MeIntyre, Coiling- wo,s1; Home Swill, Capt. Jeoe. Arno.. strong. Plank ate. Marie; floderich, Capt. R. Payette, tif Catharines; Prce- ,set, Capt. Wm. Montgomery, Coiling- ! ; Caondoc, Capt. M. Living' stows, Col I I ngwoott ; (bedew, Capt. Ow. Hultgres. •4111,4" ,pro ACTION FOR WAGES AT COUNTY COURT TAU WEEK'S SIGNAI, .11, is. hardly nests -lay to call aolen• lion to the .tront page. of this bete...a The.Signal; it 'speaks tor itself. 1%i. liewever, to point mot doot 011111141 viitirel). ciders mei all in this taater—quite a differ% ill fr..1.11 11 t01.:1.41 Set11011 ' 11r1111441 111 .0111O I•0 and itt n hit local 1111‘er14.i.1111.11t.. We 1.4.• Ilere 11 II, Ille 1110.1 1,re0.1111011. eldor 'Joh- 1.$ey 1.....114.1 ri •11, and, eoh.idering the fact that only the erdimiry nes•print is wed fie itfolio detain, it is a distittet eredit 1,. Ho. mechani,•al..taff ef The Signal.. Reader. will. mid in mts nitint.t.i. speei.if feat tin.., ificludieg1. readable /dory Itt the initurtaltic. I' IP Wodelion.,,, Of ce,e••illy some of the regoilsor lc:cur., tore .ittriort fr,•M 'tlwir usual ',Lice.; but for this 'Seek ut 1.'911.14111e iolverthements, an• the re.illy important thin:. -A pleneant evening wits strnt last Thoor.day In the 11111r1+It h,t,Ii ..f St. George's chiirch W111.11 the Member, of the lien's Club had a spout „tenni,: for tht•ir frientls,.a "roost toluitser I • •' f II • Millen' prize wee won by ‚41- '4. Itiriser and the g;)itlettion 1,4„ After the -ervink 01 1,11011 dattehig Was etijo3ed. the con%,•qor for the evening leing Mn; A Shore Ths pro4. fr...14 Vrenln, 1 10 1' hum-. ."Mrsit Goderkh nidewalk Case Adjinortied ' to Next Wedneeday Cototit.o l'oitro opened Tio....dsiv II1 term lllll before Judge E. N. 1.4•44,4s. 41f f1411r elVil 1.11.1,1 /111 f !IP /1..•Iiet. MO . . OM' wns tried, /11111 1111. 1.111111 1111.11/11111 Ad 01 W1•11111.41i/ly, Deeenther Nth. at 111.30 am., to take oiu tho• action Wittio. , v. Itoderiono. , 1.:91111.11$9.' Ill'am heard in flaw., i V. thew/son et al. "The' plaintiff, .1, ' i I.'' , Dawson of Detroita former 1' ' 1 1 hash Rails ay man. early in 112 -.' . visited his aged uncle and aims, ' Archibald 1111wAmi find Margaret' l000. / .1111 throttler and S Her t. ..io 111,11/ farm In l'sleirne township. Ile agreed ID Ailly on olth them, awl III IIII` II.' Um' claimed for ' wages at 14:244 so week (Ills cornier wages of $.310 en the railway lee( allovranee for boort find lodging I. ileferolatits elfilMosl there 1•11e4 no agreement 111 1111Y_,_finy slt• 1r 1 wages 111111 {1.1 the 1/1H11111 TT WA., 1, 1 otter health nil be 'dill WA. 110.: 1:ehTIo rel.l.' jury . awarded plaintiff $1 a Week for fifty Week.. $31.10. Ie.. 11 . .1110 of Als0.7,0 Ile had aireudy re - 1 (••11141 frum defendants. L. K. Fistivey appeared for plaintiff p 9011 J O. Statshury (Exeter) for de- fendoantz; jhn v. Shields et al', fin 1011011 for damages for breach at contract, was adjourned. Sunlit le $ 191191ther.. 'an Action for the return of certain money ad - swami for An opt ion on property, letanda pending settlement. The criminal Nisi tifsss alt. trans' fermi to the next eourt. 1 Intermits ted the party when he told of lerry's • real identity. Adam When be as tel.1, ies :el-, hAil . the peAell ereitk. 10 1111111 Larry iltd het dispute Te411,4 remora: oia 11 -1 er hag eee,. :Id lice ;:le hotel Itc v. • . • / • 1,4•11.,• if he eould • 1,1 \ I • \ 1111 Kling wall rend.% to. gi with all het troubles and tett she Was 4101 So iw 00 eitet) ;4.11 ll000 r. many emnicati lat.sa*c. sbe told Larry eh,' hail secretly loved, him to., with a happy coisciasion the play •01 several Unforeseen loaPpening.. 4-144144 leanny, thi• hired girt, gr1'111' ly to the merriment eith her npolsh attitlitic% f0..11.1111M$. eh./ WOO sloop. telling...1 his Encyclopedia .1irklins the 1111$911 Ohl 11$11id ninl•gossiss was falsity., there when hen'. wiie te Itsel And her CIO er 11,-11111: the earl %%as hearthe 111111111W1k.t. 11111,. ,.n.r Naiel King. Elsie %%inter; Sarah .ttiotrewa, Who 14.0,4,1 alder \, 1,), 11.1 11 ion; stn. Sarah's Margaret Shepherd; Adeline l'erkinik the toWit old mild. Geier' Itrezinan; Liti•lift Crawford, the sweetest thing in Sweet Springs, Follth Ltenby ; Fan- ny, the hired .tri, Mary McKay ; wtison, 110 miespeeted visitor in Sweet Spring., Mike Met' 44444 len; Ted l'orter, the, much, abused twin. 11111 141.911; 'Jimmy %Cabe, from the letek alter& Fred Egener 1 . Adam King, Neut.'', peppery uncle, Joe. Taylor. The first- evening It 1/11Vt Wa. enng !.y 1Ic. it.th•or and Mr .tie• l•alrit and piano ..,•1444,1”;14 it, err. %tr. .4 ris•dol NI. ,'..sitio•11 ing plAno were gi‘en I., 11..4 .,o1 Mr NI,• 4/11111.1. Pet IQ Mn. ird and 1111., kis \. :104 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Re -opened on Sunday last after extensive improvement and decorates