The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-05, Page 11BOXER SHORTS ' REG. $3.50 ONLY 1•95 SWEATERS y PRICE V-NECK, TURTLENECK, ROUND NECK, CARDIGANS REG. $16.95 TO $40.00 EARL RAWSON LTD. The Shop For Men .g • PR.V.) Earl Rawson extends to you a personal invitation to his After Christmas CLOTHING SALE: Earl is of- fering a fine selection of clothing to add to your wardrobe at SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. Be sure to take advantage of this sale and shop early for BEST SELECTION. SUITS $49." AIM CASUAL SHIRTS REG. $15.00 TO $25.00 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL GROUP BROKEN SIZES 2' PIECE REGULAR $150.00 SPECIAL GROUP REG. $175 to. S295 2 PIECE and 3 PIECE 118.00,0$195.00 REMAINDER OF SUITS _1 0 % OFF TOP COATS REG. S60.00 TO $80.00 ALTERATIONS AT COST , NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ALL WINTER JACKETS REG. sso:0o TO sao.00 1/2 PRICE PREWASHED REG. 521.95 JEANS $1 5! DRESS SHIRTS SPECIAL GROUP 4.00 REMAINDER AT 1 0 0/ OFF /0 EARL RAWSON LTD. SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH The Shop For Moo WEDNESDAY JANUARY S, 1977 PAGE ELEVEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DUNGANNON Charles Fowler returned home from Wingham Hospital on Saturday after being there a week with pneumonia. Mrs. Fowler is doctoring a heavy cold. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fowler and family of Parkhill spent Christmas with his parents. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett were Sandra's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jewel of Goderich; Fred Jewell from Stra/hroy; Norman Jewell, who has just returned from a season of sailing; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowers from near Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Meader, Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caesar, Jan and Sieve spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and family, and Mrs. W. A. Stewart spent Christmas with Marie's mother, Mrs. Glen Campbell Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael Sr. in Clinton for Christmas Day. On Sunday they visited Judy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson. in Goderich. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mahon and family from Goderich, who moved into their new home on the corner of Albert and Joseph, Streets onChristmas E ye. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Robert Stothers were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 'Woolford, Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bamford, Craig , and Ruth, Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. Rod Jervis, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mohring and Tim spent Christmas pay in Seaforth with Judy's grandmother, Mr. E. Sallows.. On New Year's weekend they planned to go skiing in Collingwood but were storm stayed in Goderich with friends. Mr. Edward Cook; R. R. 3 Goderich spent Christmas Day with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips, Jason and Andrew; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mole, Bill, Joanne and Dianne; Mrs. Jeanette Juniper, Darlene and Lisa; Monty Walden and friend, Kincardine; Walter Mole, Kincardine. • During the holiday week Mr. and Mrs. Don Pengelly and family visited with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCallum, in Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leudke in Chesley and Sharon's sister, Mrs. Marion Leis in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood returned home on New Years Eve after a vacation at Zephyr Hills in Florida, where they visited Cora's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Finnigan. Some of the local students returning to classes after vacation are Gary Alton and Bill Errington to Centralia College; Sharon Young to Fanshawe; Steve Caesar to Sir Alexander Fleming College in Lindsay; Frances Logtenberg to Guelph University. Sympathy is extended to relativ- es of Mrs. William Smith (nee Mary Ivers) formerly of the 4th concession, who died at Huronview last week. Rev. H. G. Dobson spoke on the topic, "Living on Tiptoe" at Sunday service at Dungannon United Church. Mrs. Carol Reed presided at the organ. Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. • A caretaker is wanted for Nile United Church. Mrs.Wilmer Rutledge has given faithful service in this capacity but finds it difficult to continue. -' The secretaries and treasurers of the various church organizations are asked to begin the 'process of getting their year's end reports WHITECHURCH Intended for last week On Saturday Whitechurch 4-H club Lorie Purdon, Kathy Purdon and Lori Ann Jamieson with their leaders 'Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs. Archie Purdon attended Achievement Day at Walkerton High School. Clara Milligan, Wendy Kay and Glenna Wilkens for various reasons could not attend. We are pleased to repoit that Randy Scott was able to return last week frcim Kitchener Hospital and that Mrs. Bill Willis was released on Monday from London Hospital. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon were Mr. and Mrs: Donald Gaunt of Chat- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Murray, Robbie and Jill of Acton; Mrs. Robert McQuillin of Hamilton; George McQuillin of Toronto; Miss Barbara Ann Purdon and friend John Novoselac of Kitchener; Miss Beatrice McQuillin, Charles and Bill McQuillin of. West Wawanosh. To celebrate little Mark Robin- son's birthday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Belgrave, held a birthday party. Attending were 'Mr. and. Mrs: Gordon Campbell tof Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, Steven' and Scott of West Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and Steven and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robinson and Bradley of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Mr. William,. Humph- rey of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul and. Mr. William. Humphrey of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Falconer of Sarnia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Visitors on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray Were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Seddon of Brantford, Athol Purdon and Shelley of Port Colborne and Lynn Falconer of Sarnia. KILLED IN CAR ACCIDENT The sad news has been received here that Rev. Victor Wybenga's ready. The charge report must go in to the Statistician at the end of January. Ashfield Township Summary Planning Workshop is to be held on January 10 in Brookside School at 8 p.m. New Years visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snyder and family were Mr. and Mrs. Don Sowerby and family, Benmiller; Mr: and Mrs. Brian Rumig and family. Goderich; Mrs. Stanley Snyder, Goderich. The December meeting of the Ag ricultural Society was held on December 22 with a small attend- ance due to inclement weather. 'The annual meeting of the Dungan- non Agricultural Society will be held in the hall on January 26. It is to be hoped there will be a good turnout of interested persons. Mrs. Harold Errington is in Wingham Hospital since suffering a heart attack on January 1st. Despite unpleasant weather; a small gathering ventured out on New Years Eve to Christian Fellowship Church to view the film, "Happiness Is". Music was provided by the musical group, "The Last Command" from Glen Allan. Since the weather prevent- ed many from getting out to see the film there will be a repeat showing on Sunday, January 9 at 8 p.m. in the Christian Fellowship Church. At Sunday service student pastor Doug Zehr based his sermon on Matthew 25: verses 31-4IX James and Marilyn WAgler had to postpone their departure due to the weather and leave on Monday to return to their Voluntary Mission work in United States. mother and brother were recently killed in a car accident in Holland. This community extends their sincere sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul were in London on Sunday to visit with her mother Mrs. Corey, a patient at the hospital. Mrs. Agnes Elliott and Mrs. Galbraith of Wingham were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and attended the Candlelight service at Chalmer's Presbyterian Church. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Ella Johnston' was able to return home last Wednesday from Wingham and District Hospital. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl , McClenaghan and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan held a Christmas get-together. Present for the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim McCartney, all of Plattsville; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moss, Rickey and Kelly of London; Susan Moss and friend Karen of Newmarket; 'Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Michael McClenaghan of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenaghan; Ron McClenaghan and Patty Moore of St. Thomas; Mrs. Eileen Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Parker, Steven and Christena, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Glanville and Benjie, all of Exeter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klein Haar (nee Mary Lou 'McClenaghan) on December 13, a baby girl at St. Thomas Hospital, a great granddaughter for Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor (nee Doris Ross) on the arrival December 19th, 1976 of a baby girl at Wingham and District Hospital, a sister for Trisha.