HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL,
Thursday, December 12, 1921.-7
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by tile Untarjo I) partnn•nt of Age. niton•
A calf ease conveyed to the tteoyal Win-
ter Fair by airplane. There the
nearest approach to the crow jumping
over the moon that we have notfecd, re-
tuarks one editor.
Several of Ontario's foremost agrl•
•-ultural experts aervel as judges at
the recent International Live Stock
Exposition In Chicago. They included:
John Miller of Ashburn (Sborthbrn
'cattle class); H. No•1 Gitscon of Ko-
koma "14ihroprhlre sheep) : Duncan
Johnson of Apple (Oxford Sheep) ;
.Ind W. T. G. Wiener, Ottawa (small
grains), Ontario Agricultural College,
:is usual, sent a live stock judging team cording to a recent official statement
to compete again/ft the pick of the fly Prof. IL. Caesar of O. A. C. Re -
Putted States. duetlons as high as 15 per cent., are
shows in some counties, while for the
Chewing Nut Teem. ltrst time to three years no reports of
A new development in the work of total destruction. or even serlons In•
beautifying etre countryekle of Ontario I jury. have been reeived, and no uew
throughout the Province: "Live stock
have gouo Into winter quarters in
poorer condition than usual. There
will be over u third leas feeders *ta-
bled this winter than is usually the
came." The advent of severe wcatber
and snowstorms brought fall work on
the land to u halt. However, uudet
favorable conditions most farmers had
practically flulahed their fall plowing.
Corn Borer Situation
The corn borer infeatattou to Ont-
ario In 19'29 has been reduced In the
Whetted counties by an average of 60
per cent. over the figures of 19'2x, ac -
is been In the organization of an as-
sodation In Elgin county with u view
of stimulating the planting of nut
trees. This as-.ov utton hopes to se -
districts report the {req:. Nevertheless,
Prof. Caesar pointed out thgt the ac-
tual nuurber of insects wouhf hardly
very from least %e*r'.. .'timate,.tie-
cure the co-operation of the Eight t- u..- of the spread over a much
county (+council In planting rows of nut greater acreage
trees on both side. of No. a highway ---
from border to bonder of the eoluhty' Curbing Chicken Thefts •
In addition, the annual yield of the...,
trees and their tluts•r value merit ('hicke•it thieving Is on the wane In
•onskIerutlon. (tutarlo, according to a recent state
went by Hun. John S. Martin. Minister
Hydro fes the Fant ': of Agriculture, and the legislation
fr)iettrtticatlon of (Ontario fares will' patised 51 the baa aebauu of the le•g-
be stimulated during 1)K(co by the pro-
creditre Ls gleet a big share of the
gram of expansion recently announce) 'ev the satisfactory situation
now revailin hefts are still occur -
which will result in the building of u prevailing. T
M00 mile' of hydro flues In the rural slttla lug, but they ore scattered and leer
dlatrlcts, as compared with 1,OW dor- Inse•mhlame to the epidemics
Ing the past year. It Is also ex -which prevailed for a time. The new
fleeted that w•rvlce charges will he re- legislation emis,wcre )ulleo• otricers to
fused and loan., made uvallable for ,'arch poultry !raw/ports and cu pe
netallatlon of electrical equipment on truckers and others to .keep close
rhe farm. The mileage added during ek on the birds they are tranalslrt-
lt s will serve 670e new customers • lug. Not only - have elle) dots been
and will bring the tots' to 5,00111toiler levied, but a total of 92 of the often.
.'heady in operation. der. were sent to jail id the year end -
lag rh•tnl.er 51s1 last.
Winter Conditions Testing the Wheat Crop
Ilse tock and fed form the chief ! During recut weeks some . Idelldld
tole or the ct week1
c re l.,rts work has been dots• In testing the
rm.i agricultural ral acrepre•+entativc- Thls
er.tatewe t front 1 f thereport ap-+ baking 'Ittatitie. at c auada . 1929
Fashion Fancies
Whoever said that "there is nothing
new under the sun" certainly never
'Iced in this modern day. For at last
In fashion's realm we hear of some-
thing entirely new—and that, the
"Sunday Night" frock. Doeen't It
...mid intriguing? It's a cross between
,1 formal dinner frock, an afternoon
gown and .omethi, g tests than an ev-
ening gown.
:Awe one of the most charming ones
seen is pictured here. Develop -d In
Pluck transparent velvet, it follow*
classic lines with Its high waistline and
princess silhouette. The long flaring
skirt Is achieved by a tucked treat-
ment lu V shape. Lace sleeves in the
oho puff fashion are an Innovation
noel the neck le yoked with matching
tree. Really, It's lovely!
u sou op u „heat crop at Trent institute, the tion* In the •storage hoose or lase-
•ptsatb.. to (►e typical u[ couditluns .
School of ('owwr•n•ia! Baking at 0. A: meet.
t', Both the linin spring wheat of tertupted.
the Western Provinces and the softer Ontario Party. st Chkage "The ape ial gift of money. -sent as
winter wheats of Ontario have been Sixteen girls and fourteen boys from a Christine. present t.1 the leder,. eu-
under test. The report on the former
orit dose
a Child's
dosing upsets
children's delicate stom-
achs. Vicks is applied ex-
ternally and therefore can-
not disturb the digestion.
It acts in two ways:
(1) The body heat re-
leases the ingredients in
the form of vapors which
are inhaled.
(2) At the same time
Vicks "draws out" the
soreness like a poultice.
on @ways
at once
are told of the notice given of it to
the ahepherda, who were Jew'a, by au
angel; to each, God chose to speak' lu
the language they were most conver-
sant with.
The sudden appearance of the an-
gel with au heavenly glory made the
shepherds sore afraid. Their fears e
were gnleted when the message, con-
taining abundant matter for joy, fell
upon their ears. The Message was
no sooner delivered, by one angel than
suddenly there was with that angel t
a multitude of the heaveuly hosts t
sufflclent, we may be sure, to make a
chorus: "Glory to Ood In the highest.
and on earth peace; good will toward t
The ousels, having despatched their
business, returned to heaven and then
the shepherds consulted together and t
decided to go to Bethlehem and prove
the truth of the angel'. words. "Let
ue go see this thing whkh is come to
We have reason to think that the
shepherds told Joseph and Mary of
the vision of the angels they had seen
and the song of the angels they had
heard, which was a great enenurage-
ment to them. And It is probable+
that Joseph and Mary told the shep-
herds what visions they had had con-
cerning the child; and so, by commun-
icating their experiences to etch tith-
er, they greatly strengthened one
another's faith.
The shepherds, having seen and
beard wonderful things, were abund-
antly satisfied that this child. was
Christ, the Lord. They at once be-
gan to spread abroad the whole story
of what was told them both by the
angel. and by Joseph and Mary.
The Impression it made upon those
that heard it was not- of lung dura-
tion. they wondered but never inquir-
anyfurther about the Saviour.
With Mary it was a matter for deep
thought; she hid all these things lu
her heart. Angels bad taken nuticc
of the birth of her child and that to
her was a precious memory. 1 From
Matthew Henry.)
vk'e, including a carol In English,
which we sung 10 them touch W their
delight. I gave thew u *port talk ou
the meaning of Christmas and the
consequences of the cumlug of the
Saviour tutu the world. Then we
distributed the gifts, for which. they
zpresst l very grateful thanks. The
head mau asked me to be 'cure and
send a mesrwge home to you to say
how ver) much they appreciate the
kindness of their fellow-l'hriatlans 1n
he West who in this way bring a tit-
le cheer into their live•,.
"Some things 1 have heard recently
make mo eonvinted that nothing is
luing more to cement relations of
friendship between China and other
countries than such purely charitable
work as this To relieve the unfor•+
unrte, the blind and the leper—this
kind of activity calls forth nothing
but admiration and praise. May food
bless all your efforts in the
and through them bring
many sufferers."—Rev. B.
sons, China.
"I am glad to he able W report that
conditions to and around`the city here
have now for some time h*en quite
peaceful, and therefore,, we are able to
carry on our work without any trou-
ble or hindrance. It is only In the•
remoter country parts, where the
abthorities are still unable to eljer•1se
tstntrol. that the bandit uulwnee is
still rife and our work seriously itt
1e that the quality 1s In every way- iup-
erlor to the two previous crops, while
the Ontario product, which Ls `used
chiefly In cake -baking, is said to ire
mperior in both wiping and Laking Stock Exposition. They were the win -
qualities to that {Reduced in 1928. 'writ
of judging contests lo,their res -
There I. no evtdenee of sprouted' pe,.tive eonntles by virtue of which
their expenses were defrayed by local
organizations. F. C. Paterson, agri-
cultural representative fur Norfolk
Ontario farms composed the party nbled ne et buy each inmate a pier '
which journeyed to Chicago during the cloth and also to Kite them a I hrist-
first week of Ueoemter to attend' the ams feast. 4ni I'brisiwes Illy my
It,. s' ind girls' Chat t'ongress In con- Chinese t•olteagtle went out t.t the
ne•tlon with the International Live asylum to ....undies it special' Christ-
mas service. and the following morn-
ing a 'tarty of us went 11111 10 distri•
hells the gift.. They were expecting
us, and we were heartily greeted with
crackers. We first hail n short ser -
wheat, which was the cause of some
, difficulty in handling last year's crop.
On the other hand, the protein is
lower. but on the whole it appears to was 1u charge of the trip, and Mrs.
he'of excellent quality. , cook w -as chaperone. in Chicago
they joined a party of 1500 young Am -
Loma 5y Potato iBUght ' edema boys and girls In a six-day pro -
Investigations /show that the farmer . grave %filch Included put only the live
may lose se much as fifty per cent. of st,..e exposition but tour, of the city
his stored potato crop due chiefly to', and one or two of the 1:ueer inivking
the a -'ion of tuber cots, partionlerly i planes. The visit proved most In -
that caused by late blight (the tee formative and entertaining.
called dry rut 1. White this rot does not
trontntonly spread from tuber to tuber 1 Beekeeping Progreso
In the bin. under Icor conditions ells , In connection with the resent con
Injury {rice++ the way for organisms veution of the Ontario Beekeepers'
producing other rote that do spread- sss.s•latI'm, Prof. E. Erie Millen of
arul cause•.+ heavy 1°545's• Mush of O. A. C., se•rettry, points out that re -
the loss eau be avoided by removing ' markable changes have taken plaice in
all late trltght-tnfeeted tubers. Thine he beekeeping indus'ry during the
are also other tabes -rotting fungi cap puss fifty years. From an Uncertain
able of causing euoriaotls losses. The $141one fifty years ago to a conuts.t•.
Udlowing combhwtlou el pr*cauti"ns sial ntslertaking today. inany members
Is suggested: ' (1 t I' evela digger and . now measure their crop by the toe In
handling injuries('.) ('antral late place of pounds. For In.tance. nue
blight foliage infection. tat Avoid cy uu1:1mb beekeeper, .1. 1. Ryer, ,.f dark
pM.41Ng Iartatlres t., temperature below ham. operates about 11,4m) colonies.
:o degrees F. and above 4S degrees F • •1'hert was art exreyrtiunall)• Peal crnli
a 1 Maiuhtlnn gaol ventilation condi• of honey In Ontario last year slid two
residents of the Province took first and
-...!..second prizes for lousy at the dairy
=hew in London. Ffiglriad, while for
rhe seventh consecutive year ()uteri,'
ilie•ke'per' carried off' the bights'
' homers.
new year.
relief to
G. Par -
A Gift Suggestion
For Hill Who Drives 0 Car.
A pair of Chains . . $3.95 and up
A Battery . $7.50 and up
A (ium-cushioned Tire, $5.00 and up
For the boy or girl a C. C. M. Bicycle, $35 up.
For the wife or mother a beautiful Temple Elec-
tric Radio Set.
Barker Bros. Service 'Station
Box 474 Bayfield Road Phone 241
°.•tssG�'' _ wit .�'
Do Your Christmas Shoppin
g at
and enjoy the satisfaction of having the best in
ChoiceGroceries,Candtev Nuts,Olives, Ch
)co -
late,, ('ranges, Table liaising, flutter, F:ggs
Bacons, Sausage, Vegetables, 1etc
Everything to woke a Merry Christmas
Drove -Maids Manitoba and Pastry Flour.
Silverwood's ice Cream
Frigidaire Equipped for Your Protection.
Call In, Look Around and Be Convinced.
Nam Iton Street, Cod rich, Ont. Phone 116
leo u tip Curt
Its 1SABEi. HA)IiLT4)N
Goderieb, Out.
Ad -Electric nine -tube Neu-
trodyne for house -current
operatio i. De Luxe model,
embodying many 'exclusive
features and using 145 type
tubes. Push -Pull amplifi-
cation. Dynamic Speaker.
Remarkable selectivity is
accomplished by a special
antenna tuning drcult.
Magnificent Highboy Con-
sole of Walnut.
Like the telepl►on• a radio set has
become a modern n.cessity. It is
more than a luxury. It fills the
silence with the melody f song.
(Leu Taba)
Complete with Tubes, $362.00
Hark: the herald Hegel- sing
Glory to the neat-ts.re King.
Pellet. on earth, 1111 metes mild,
tial . end sinters reconciled.
,joyful, ell )e• notions rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With the angelic hast j,moelahn.
Theist I. isrrn 111 Bethlehem.
Bark: the herald angels sing
1;1,,r). (11 the new-born King.
--('. We.Iey.
AImighty G.sd, grant that It may be
Ire work of our life to obey Thee; the
joy of our weed to ideate Thee; the
•alirfnction of all our buis•s and the
perfection of ..nr desire. to he a 1th
Thee in Thy kingdom of gra•.• find
Jdory; through ,'esus 1'hri-t oto• Lord.
S. S. LEs.»4l F'OR DF.('. t!nt h 1529
Lesson Topic—The Child Lr .1
('hristlan World.
Lesson Passage—Luke 2:820.
Golden Text—Mallhew 19:11.
The folds -s of time ons now come
1 when diol woo d.I rend forth his SOIL
alio. it was fore'ut.l• eltot11.1 I.e born
11 Bethlehem.
When 54' .aw him wralgw.1 In
• swaddling clothes end In Id In a Mall -
ger. We were tempted to sny, ••Sureic
this cannot be the tion of 1301." Ihu
yew his birth attended, ns 1t I. here.
with s choir of angels, anti we 'hall
way, "Surely 1t can he ao other then
the Sym of (k,1. cemeernIng whom it
was said. when he was brought Into
the condo -let all the 'meets of Idol
trot ship hint."
The divine c1.1ten t• came to (Ilea
auto were netIvellt engaged in an hon-
est calling. They were wide aenke
and multi not Ile deeeived In what
they saw and heard.
We read In Matthew an recount of
the notice given 1,1 the orrice! of this
Ambassador, this Prince from heaven,
to the wise nen who were (centile..
II)) a star; bore in Luke's gospel we
Christmas Gifts
The Hydro»Store
If your home is mute or if your
present radio does not satisfy . . .
consider a new 1929 model Freed
as a present to the family. An
investment in a Freed is an invest-
ment in pleasure. The new 1929
Freed Models represent the high-
est achievement of an organization
which has been creating high-class
sets since broadcasting
For selectivity, tont, volume, and
range there is no set to compare
with a Freed. Continent -wide
tests extending over a period of
years have produced its really mar-
vellous performance.
All -Electric eight - tube
Neutrndyne for house
current operation Push
Pull amplification. Dy-
namic Speaker. Walnut
Console, with two-tone
psneis. Ura 245 type
(Len Taber)
Carwivfete with Tvbestf231Lii
Freed Dealers will gladly show you
the whole range of Freed Models
—every one a getn in appearance
and performance. They represent
the supreme value in Radio-.
"Just as the Microphone Gets It"
H: C. DUNLOP, Rexall Drug Stnre, Phone 1
Distributor for Ontario, D. H Bowden & Co Ltd., Toronto and Lsool, n