HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 6t{,—Tlrareday. Deeetaber 12, 1928. 410, -.-..--+„•,,,�,-. ...o..aw.,- ,sa ss..- _sass... I I F Int •rC Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat & Bronchial Troubles SM, )7t1d Ta peus AS Sthese bud, ..et.,. ilia. ..,Iva 1e the mouth. certeie med.c.aal Noses are ai.en oft which confer !red benefit o0 the delicate liming membrane. Pepe .iodic mad cue the t hr.•t. cod clear the obcst cod broe- ebisls is • remarkable way. THE BREATHE'ABLE TABLET THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Vutr-tide Erabtttlani ane Outlet -Billions Many are the quaIut traditions' mas cake, or plum cake, eaten within that have gathered about the testivl- I a certain period after Chrislmae, there e mo t• Iles ounc ted with Illirlstmtui. Very In sure to follow a happy old indeed is the tradition that, at In the c`min year. J uslt who +woulouldd midnight on Christmas Eve, cattle' happen kneel In their stalls. anti to therm W rat thirteen Omer, or more,. tradition Possibly he would pay given at that time the gift of speech.does not say. J 4n Ireland there still perehet* a relief i for his temerity with et treat one un - that owalks though the land,( there- Hon, however. eemst- , lucky mouth of tto be thelamodetrain- child n ea11d fore lighted Candies are placed in the fr wofttheat belief i fist 11 ttie eatingref windows to shed light uponpath.good luck. Frumeuty la a 111 Germany this belief took a different scathe of K form. Au extra chair was placed at kind of porridge made of wheat cooked the table ready for the Christ -child If in milk. 'When raisins (plume)) were he should honor the home by entering. added it was oft.0 called p The Ceremony of the lighting of the ridge" and sproehll 1 evuish from Yule -log is oue of the very old cus- which plum puddingware embodied of Britain and naturally tradi- Some old superstitions tions and superstitions have gathered In the following sayings:as some say. bout It. The new lug must lot lighted ` gJ�neak Christmas risttmass) ( maketh a fat churchyard." "If Christmas on a Sunday fall ,J► troublesome winter we shall ba,ve all. If Christmas on a Mouday be Then a great winter we shall see" CHRISTMAS CAROLS with • bit of the last year a log kelbaro for the purpose. The log must all htIf it goes out I attend the house. While the log bums the door must be watched that no bearer of RI luck, a cross.eyed win for example, may enter. It is impor- tant, too, that the first ia'rrtu to cross the threrlwld on Christmas morning h" a dark -hatred man. Ile was called a 1u.14 bird." The office of "lucky -bird" often be:aWe iri4'sional I No eveut to the history of the world and more than pne "lucky -bird' had i has produced a greater wealth of rung several regular clients. 'The Wheel than has the nativity of our Lord. EMS - passed, sometime.. from father to ton land Is particularly rich in Christtor for generations. • hymur and (-units, for, In addition to • Today, in our own land, It Is Dori tomo. writ,eu by her own poets, she ommou to hear Quoted the super- has translated, end made her own by h Wt du ion, game fruw other language*. Within U04 at for every piece of L r I a In meieval times, when few people •'t� •+est-Y�►L .+h �Yvst�r �hs�w�y,` 1cuu.d read, when printing war up- - f7 K ii MiY' A r •ii w► •sit A e si .0 . know' . n h bo;), r vtetiwere min►t•Ie t p1S V1I O incctrmmuu people, and bevutu familia today, I� � toe c u I'e• �t mystery plays tar the tn*tructwa of Ideal Christmas Gifts l ' J "`'rd mar wane, used In sure plata, gradually W,.p, I r. Some of tnenI are Flt +t{ ; very getout uud are never sung t ay,fg ( I n an cleverly ails nor yet in bowers erials. In Children's Hats, Beret Tama and Baby n A Born would He nut be, g nets, at greatly reduced prices. Neither iu tootledor yet in tower* fust seemly to *mei IN SCARFS, COSTUME JEWELLERY. COR- But, at the i)* wereer* will SAGE FLOWERS, AND NOVELTIES. Ittlhsepropitwixt ;n to fox andil,an oar i . \j� /yRM Vcr �I IN NEW HATS for the holiday season fn (' ar fur watauce thea farm a Cut entry Velve , R bbo d blended metallic mat- it wiraele wry' \ertuer las 4 arc cotcdiahy invited to inspect our stock • fti Jesus, this king, born He was. Herrero Ile bring us till: X33 M. aC war Or the song culled 'The Angel of the 1♦ ingst.,li st r.• t 1Nrd,.. .511 .1 regia*: Cattagmalwattaittalaxtiwizgmarhatitiaig I In Bethieurw, in" noble As Y Vr W' u u eey said It wast, Uf toe virgin Mary, toll of grace, iianator muudl flatus eat. -on Christina* night an angel it told 1'u toe eurDuerua ►eep►ug tueir fold. That w Betaiebew wan beastse wold.l aaivatur WUUdi hath* eat." From da)r when feastiug and merri- ment *ere ear prow.ueut w ChnalWaa 24 festivities we have, George Wither It carol: no now is come our juyfulet feast, Let every man be ?Joy, Jaen room *nu yvie leave is dreet, IIPPO • And every port Us y. ' Young wen au.l nta)da -and girles Q boy-es /1� (Ave hie to nue another's joyes, iS And )uu anon *nail by their uuyae r ReC1/421011AttINEVNIEVERK ilter4KVICITUT A Christmas Gift v that will be appreciated Send the home town paper to your friend at CT a distance, or to the boys and girls at school. It C7 will be like a letter from home every week. Perceive that they are merry." and lue carols Gnat nate ebuurad, how - user, and teat have become a eery A part of Curial ma* Jul, are Wusa UI&t Cue *tut) et l,vd's [real lint man A` 'Curisuanr, awake, salute the happy Wuru The Signal to January 1st, 1931, Whe ay Saviour of the SSorl,. tij The hest Sowell the angel did say for $2.O0 Ae Was to ctrtatu poor sbepi.erds in 11#1 ) h sent t once heals u ibey lay; 1:7 las field* aurae they lay, keeping their `Phone 35 and have the paper on n 8 a•p, Un w ht,cud winter's Dight that was w ��,t Jeep. �ttNtr.eri.itif�,tiR7•,,vitp, \creed, Nowell, Nowell, Newel•, ����, ]aV Boni is the fining of laraeL" 'i'ue author...1p of the IyLer carol �t7 1.s" is nukhowu, but It Is nue of the ear- EUVIII°I� si •Mt+a s► i► Q� tl � " threat !and best loved of Christmas Christmas Gift We Three Kings of Orient Are" r and the pretty cltlld'r hymn by Luther ,;ales hats to the sixteenth centu ), + at -o of that era: Away iu a manger, So tr.b for a bed,,, a the 1i tie. Turd Jesus Suggestions Our store is well stocked with a large as- b Glome hymns trat;,lat(d into English s t�0 THE SIGNAL' p, Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. a series merchants of educational in our town, t I. d etowu Itis sweet bead." •;•sI•ltest You. Merry Gentlemen, un! -novel-novel King Wim este*" are very. ..Id favorires dim -were sung, yearly. by the waits 1(5 they visi.ed the :'great bQ nous*' Christmas hristmas E e t and w11ul ,utesl t•ala' In sortment of useful Christmas Gifts, in women s err ' u Tome Alt Yc Faraithfupal;' restimehot ieautiful anent Night, holy Night, patent kid and satin Pumps for every wear. Cj tafinl ir,,i, the isatin, and the very 111 Slippers Bedroom Slippers for all, PPfront the tiny tots to th.• ip older members of Oh- gr. it - ftni- ily. TRAVELLING GOODS Wt' have also nlo't suitable •tits in Travel- ling GoodB— t_adies' liars' ing ase., Club Bags, Suitcases, Tourobes, Boston Bags, etc. You arta invited to shop at W. HERN'S SHOE Mine 41kw /be S.1nare .C' aritten by Joseph Mohr. .l hymn well known in England but i of ...found y used here is: Sir amid the winter's snow, ,A Rant for us on earth erlow. See the iamb of God appears, I'romi'e I from eternal years. ILttl, 11..11 e..r 114e -.e4 thorn! Ilan. re4i.e•wpl1.n's happy dawn! Sing through all Jerusalem, Christ is burn in Bethlehem." No 1'hri+t1111+ music• is f'omplete that .1..es not 1nelude Charles Wesley's 'Hark, the herald augele sing (nor) ,o the new-born King," and Montg mcry's i,.' 'Angels, from tl.e 1elms of glory Wing your flight oxer all the earth." 10 au American, Bishop Phillips Brooks, we owe the very beautiful hymn, "1► Little Town of Bethlehem:" while from the pen of Hiss Emily El- i 11ott we have "There CH 1110 a Idttle' Child .0 l firth," and. . "Thou didst leave 'thy throne And Thy kingly crown When Thou earnest to earth for me." A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 '$ sp Wiwi to in lintel h Des" J. R. WHEELER Furniture Faseral Director sad Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS The Store With tie stock" Telephone 57 el STORE lira -Mewls Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor Phoaograpbs .ail Records Kodak* sad Developing TELEPHONE 90 R. J. Howard General Supply Store ti.11tIi\\ARE, P.\I\7:-atol till, At'TO ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE 306 w The Chillers minister 1n London, Dr. W. Chen, tells amusing stories In per feet English. One that he Is fond of relating toneerna a well-known entlety woman who alerted to patronize a Chinese laundry recently established Io Soho. One day she called In person to lodge a mild complaint. and think - Ing the owner knew only pidgin Eng Ilah aIle t14d 11 on him. "Me no Mee my washes• hlought home Rllday." she said. "Why you no hlingee washer Thnr,ettayr' And the MIA VP Miamian replied: "Madam, i regret 1t was not ennvenl- en t." "Every man has a black and white side of life" Lord Dewar. Broohey Bros. FURNITURE and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res. 211 Keeping Up Appearances \1'e 111,k.- it easier for particular people W. ACHESON & SON -General Dry Goods and Reatly-lo- Wear Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery TheCo-Operative Baker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Geo. W. Baechler PRO\'KION SHOP Groceries, Meats, Fisk, Fruits and Veg tables "One Friend Tells Another" —We do our own delivcring— Phoae 368 HOLD TO YOUR COMMUNITY On a blazing afternool' some thirty or forty yearn ago twe men were working away at a little gravel pit 1n the West. One made the long. tiresome tripe down the hill to the stream, carrying hack buckets of water. The other washed the gravel, searching eagerly for the glint of gold. At length the water-earrter threw down the pall in disgust. Ills partner had the ins'Inetive faith that gold was within reach. He pleaded for "Just one more bucket" of water, but the other was obdurate. He did not have faith hi the pro- Jet•t. it was the parting of the ways. The other partner took up the work of being miner as well as water -carrier, with the result that gold was found, yd independence established. One was a "shirker" and lost, the other a "go-getter" and won. In your community it ie may to pick one from the other. Which do you prefer? Your mer- chant. the miner, and you the carrier. If you decide against him both you and your community lose. So herein Iles the moral: hold to your community and success 1s assured. Frank H. Martin Tailor and Halter Telephone 49 I Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream —Soda Fountain Service— HUNT'S CHOCOLATES TELEPHONE 393 Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. Fast' ide of Sgn*re PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm. B. "THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodak*, Statieaery, Confectionery United Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR 1N THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PAR IS CuST LESS TELEPHI)NE 403 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., HEARTILY ENDORSE THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow This Week's Special Write -Up M. N. At/MINS Hiss Maklns in•Ites the people of Geslerieti and •leinity to tall at the I'niversal Millinery and 1;ift 51`01, north stile of .he Square, In their 1'hrfstmas shopping expeditions, to see the many articles suitable for Christmas giving. Besides millinery, there are lingerie, neckwear. leather goods, chins. linens and a great variety , f artlelee of fancywork, all at prices for the modest purse. in millinery. Miss Makin,. keeps ahreast of the latest fashion, and Indies who contemplate 1,1)It , something crew In this line for the holidays will find very attractive models from whleh 111 make their selection. Allison & Heitman FRFkII ANi) ('1'REI) *Meats 11EsT lll'A1,1'rti' TFLFPHONE No. 2 Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery China and Pottery ' GIFTN FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone 567 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For Quality and Comfort in Footwear and Repairing WM. AHL, Proprietor Opposite Knox Church Phone 5051 Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetables Flt{'�Il ItAil.ti' Ceras East Street and Smears PHONE 479 U.ittnal Milliut7 aril 6if1 Sloop Up-to-tl>.-muwte Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear sad Julian Sale Leather Goods. Gifts for all occaeieaa A rt Needlework, Linens and China WE INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS Norah S,d. 4 Saar. G.aw,ch F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS R.liable Goods at Reesoaable Prices TELEPHONE 66 W. C. SNAZEL As has been announced in The Signal, W. 1' Sneed Intends to devote his time to his targe business In pressing and cleaning This means that a large and well -.elected stock of men'a wear and furnishing,. must ie disposed of and ,0 accomplish this quickly Mr. Snaael Is offering these entitle at bargain pri.•es. Pt la an oppor- tunity to lay In a supply- of shirts, notice and o her articles of wear. Those looking for ('hristmasgifperson g000da willho find many es him. that will ie appreciated by the e E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "Qt'A1.17Y (i1Frs" Royal Crown Derby China TELEPHONE 136 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used and New Furniture •'\VE sAVE YOU MONEY„ PHONE 249 W. C. Snazel Gents' � Furnishings Suits .made -to -measure CLEANING AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 30 Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Picture Framing English China "GIFTS (1F (lt'ALITY.' PHONE 198 Sturdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything,;oesl for the Table" PHONE 299 British ''xchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connection 1 k. al I'Iser 1 I. anal ,peep Known to be clean and op -to -date PHONE; 162 The SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT ',quipped fur all kinds of PRINTING Telephone 35 D. M. O'Brien FRESH AND CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 Miller's Service S►ation Goodyear Tires plus Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars Greased MARMON MOTOR CARS - PHONE 259w Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER PRI II/IICS Sal's and Service Expert Repair* on All Makes of Cara L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SA I,Ei AND SERVICE General Motors Trucks Repairs on all mages of ears PHONES 106-247 E. G. Smith Baker and Confectioner "The Better Itak..i Ilr.•ad' WE DELIVER PHONE 184 J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repairs nen all urak.•s Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories T.leepkose 234 Repairs *salt makes of cars F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Har and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing. Phone 350 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties RINt;-ToiN rtKF;I'T NASH "400" (,ends the World in Motor Car Value The only (tar of all the new ears with every new 1929 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H. C. Young South Street