HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 3sleeves and the Yule -tide Spirit
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"Who'd that?" •
It just shows bow your most care-
ful strategic moves can be the very
once that dish your campaign. To
f.iHitate the orderly retreat, Reef/trilby
to plan, 1 had left the door open,
sod toe beastly thing had slammed
like a bomb.
But l when't got ing mu' h thought to
eu.• ,euswl of the explosion. What was
�uebiug me was the IIINCOVery that
,11,.,.11.1 else the bloke in the bed
t be, be w „ ser: young Tuppy.
icy has one et those high. - pu sky
'owes, This ou'• wit- emit-011ie: be-
tseen the last truwl, .cud a tiger mill -
Ing tor breakfast after being on a diet
for a day or two.
1 did not tinter. Getting ewiftlyoff
the mark, 1 dived for the dour handle
and was away, banging the door be-
hh d tae. Ar•I I was just about- to do
the stretch of corridor leading to
the stairs to a split -etund under the
rt•.ord time for the Bourse, when some-
thing brought me up with a sudden
jerk. An Irresistible force was holding
me straining at lewh, as It Were.
You know, *mediates it seems
to me as It Fate Were going out of
its way to such an extent to anooter
you that you wonder If lib worth
while to struggle. The night being a
trifle chillier than the dickens, I bad
donned for tb4e expedition a dress3ng-
gowo. It was the tall of this Internal
garment that had caught In tbe door
and pipped we at the eleventh hour.
The next moment the door bad
opened and the bloke with the, voice
had grabbed me by the arm.
It wits Sir Itoderlck llsossop.
For about three and a quarter rec-
oads. or p.s.sibly more, we just stood
there, drinking each other in, so 30
sjs•ak, the old boy still attached with
a limpet -like grip to my elbow,
'Yon!" saki Sir Roderick finally.
And in this connection 1 want to state
that it's all rot to say you can't Dias
a Word that hasn't an a In 1t. The
way he pushed out that "You!" 10un-
devl like an angry cobra.
-Come In here," he said, lugging me
into the room. "We don't want to
wake the whole house. Now," he
said, depeeiting me on the carpet and
closing the dour, and doing a bit of
eyebrow work, "kindly inform me what
Is This latest manifestation of in-
It seemed to me that a light and
cheery laugh might help. So I had
as pup at one.
Don't gibber!" said my genial host.
And I'm bound to admit that the
tight and cheery hadn't come out
Quite as I'd intended.
1 pulled myself together with a
strong effort.
"Awfully sorry about all tbIO," 1
pod In a hearty robe. 'Phe tact is,
1 looked down, and found I was
still grasping the stick. 1 give you
toy honest word that, what with the
maelstrom of emotions into which his
revelation' about Jeeves had cart me,
1 thought you were Tuppy." the dieeevery came as air absolute sur -
"Kindly refrain from Inflicting your j prise.
idiotic slang on me. What do you This?" I said. Oh, yea"
mean by the adjective tuppy't" "What do you mean, oh yes? What
"It 1e0'3 so much an adjective, don't is 1t?"
you know. More of a noun, I should "Jt'e this way: i will ask you to
think, If you examine 0 squarely. pleture Inc some weeks ego, perfectly
can here. I will wish you good -night."
Well, we Wooster are old cam-
paigners. We can take the rough with
the smooth. But to say that I liked
the prospect now before me would be
paltering with the truth. One glance at
the bed told me that any idea of sleep -
Ing there was out. A goldfish could
have done it, but not Bertram. Atter
a bit of a look around, I decided that
the beat chance of getting a sort of
night's met war to dose as well as I
.t+ irreslrtil,le force Iron bolding ire ..lrnininp el Im.A, els et were.
�n hat I mean to say is, I
were your nephew."
I, "You thought 1 wait
thought you peaceful and lneffenslve, after dinner
at the Drones, emoting a thoughtful
cigarette and—"
i broke off. The man wasn't listen-
ing. He was goggling In a rapt sort
of way at the end of the bed, from
"My nephew and 1 changed rooms. which there lead now begun to drip
I have a great dislike for sleeping on e►* to the carpet a series of drape.
an upper floor. i am nervous about "Good heavens!"
G lire." "—thoughtful cigarette and c•hat-
F'er the tint lime since this inter- ting pleseentiy of this and that—"
view had aterted„ 1 brac,d up a trifle- 1 broke off agate. He had lifted
1 lost that sense of being a load under the sheets and was gazing at the
the harrow welch had been cramping mints. of the hot-water ,bottle.
my s'yle up till now. I even went so -Ind you de this" he said In a low
- - far as to eye this poltroon with a good wrangled sort of volar
my nephew?
Why should I be my nephew?"
"What I'm driving at is, 1 thought
bbl: wua hes room."
".Jeeves--- —"
' If you will allow me to e
"I was aware that my silence
lead to something in the nature
of E° I bro.sled for a while.
"You've seen Sir Roderick thin for men at
morn lug's"
"Yes, alt." "Yes, air.",
embarrassing esmtrctemis'• s
turing mine?"
"Precisely, sir. She Is a young lady 1
with a keen sense of humor, sir." i
I raised the band.
?fay no more, Jeeves," I replied
"Love 1s dead."
"You thought that, did you?"
Thursday, ik.•ebbcr 12, 1929.-1
Buy your
Christmas (lilts
"You were a good guesser," 1 "flow did be seem?"
sold "A little emotional sir. Ile .•t
"But it sed to me, sir, that 'Reaped a strong desire to meet you, � '
seined rhe Store Worth While
whatever might occur ens all fur the s1r."
hest." "What would you advise?"
1 would neve put In a crisp word ••I f you were to edlp out by the back P'
or two here, but he carried on with- I eutrnel, sfr, It would be possible for
out giving me the opp• you U1 make your way across the tleld
1 thought that Leos-i(1y. 'n reflce ,t;;ho,, bclutt ole•rrve,l. and reach the,
1 tion, sir, piny clew'. being what they l3ill31'. where yell could hire an auto-
.tle, sou woti.l prefer your relations ,,uutdl• to take you to lwlu.loa.
1 with $t,• It.'.Icrt.„ t:h, "IP and hi' 'old bring "u erre to Liter in
fawto be distant rather liken e'er- J. r uw•n car."
:t:::itown),tit Loudon, Jeeves? 1s any man i
y views? What du you mean, my safe? My Aunt Agatha 1s in Loudeul.' I
'•'" ,lie regarded me for a moment with
"As regards a matrimuulai einem* a fethomlew eye. 1 -
with Miss llouorla Olowlop, sir."
Something like en electric *hock
seemed to zip through me. The man
had epee rt up a uew line of thought.
1 suddenly sow what he was driving
at, and realized all In a flash that
I had been wronging this faltbtul
fellow. All the while 1 supposed he
Mid been lauding me In the soup, he
had really been '!?tering me away
from it.
it was like those stories one used to
'read, as a kid, about the traveller go-
ing along 011 a dark night, and his
doe grabs him by the leg of his trou-
sers, and he says "Down, sir! What
are you doing, Borer?" And tbe dog
bangs on, and be gets rather but under
the ,nller and curses u bit, but the
dug won't let him go, and then sud-
denly the nese' shines through the
clouds and he, finds he's been stand-
ing ou the edge of a preefpk•e and one
more step would have -well, mower.
you get the idea. And what I'm driv-
ing at is that muds the same thing
seemed lit have been happeulug now.
I give you my honest word, It had
never struck me till thle moment that
my aunt Agatha had been scheming to
_et me in right with Sir Roderick so
that 1 should eveutually be revived
leek roto the fold, if you we what 1
I await. 011d,aubsecyuent1y pushed eff on
I llouorla
"I think the beet plan, sir, would
be for you to leave England, which is
not pleasant at • (lie time of the year,
for some tittle while. I would not I go to
take the liberty of dictating your
movements, air, but, as you already
have rain foOcMont engaged on the McDonald's
!flue Train for Moate Carlo for the day
after tomorrow•-----"
"But you caneeke.l +he booking?"
No, sir,"
"I told
c,nas. brae
1,one• 21'' Godcrtch
braNti 2117 littarittald
1411�ERof�9 ECTAI ,
After Shopping
T°° ` g Goodie Shoppe
"Yes, sir. It was reals, of me. but
r slipped 1 L"
the matte 1 ppe my *dud.
"Oh?" 1
"Yea, sir."
"All right, Jeeves. Monte Carlo, he,
"Very good, sir."
"It's lucky, as things bare turned
out, that you forgot to dance( that
"Very fortunate Indeed, sir. it.
you w•111 wait here, alr, 1 w111 return
to your room and procure a suit of
(Copyright, 1820)
The Meal Partner
'Does yo' take this woman for thy
lawfully wedded wlfel" asked the col-
ored parson, glancing at the diminu-
tive, watery -eyed, bowlegged groom,
who stood beside two Modred and ten
"lly word, Jeeves.:.' 1 saki, puling. IslUntA
"1're. seely, sir." "Ah takes nothin ." gloomily respell-
"Yeti think there was a rl'rk'% dell the brldegr'salt. "Ales Dela'
looked." Fhtchanite.
Is of feminine
"1 du, %Ir. A very grave risk.
A disturbing thought struck use.
"But, Jeeves, Mn ell m reflee'tluu,
' won't Sir It'slerh'k have gathered by
now that my objective was young
— _ — Tuppy, and dart puncturing his hot-
water bottle win) Just one ut those
could In the armch
air. I pfucbesl n things hat ues'ur when the Yuletide
couple of pillows off the bed, shoved spirit is abroad -,roc of those 11,Jngs i
the hearth -rug over my knees, and tar ' that have to be overlooked and taken
down and started counting sheet'. with the indulgent stnile and th.•,
Rut ft' wasn't any good. 'Phi., fatherly slake of the head? What 1
hideous revelation of the bin(kneeo of ' mean ls, he'll realize that 1 was'11'1
Jeeves treachery kept coming back to
me every time I nearly sUeeeede1 11
dropping off. I was just wondering
If I would ever get to steep again in
this world, when a robe at tnv elbow
said, "1:0011 morning, -ir." nod 1 sat
up with n Jerk.
1 could hate sworn 1 Dain 1 .o much
as dozed off for even n minute, lint
apparently 1 11a.1. For the curtains
were drawn -hawk and daylight was
....ening through the wlydow, sod here
ane4 fey e -. will, 11 cul, of len et a
"ferry f hrl-tans, sir:"
1 ren''hed out a feeble hand for the
re -Luring brew. I swallowed i mouth-
ful or two. and felt a little he'1er. 1
was aching in every limb, enol. the
dome felt like lend; but 1 was now
able to think with n ver'nlrl amount
of elc•nrnese, and 1 fi*e) the num with
a stony eye and prepared to let horn
bare It.
"Yon "T'11It "rtrr- you?.• I said.
"Much, let we tell yiei, depend.; on
what you menu by the adjective merry.
tf, moreover, you .uptsw' that It is
going to be merry for you, correct
that Impre'sl,tn, Jeq•ea 'said, tak-
ing another half-nz of ten 14143 speak-
ing in a cold, measure] v,ie•e, "I wish
to ask you „one question. 1114 you or
did you not know that Sir (Roderick
t:Iossop sew« bearing in this room
•E 3 deal M contempt and loathing. fast ••ycr—yes. As a mailer of het..1
Yea 3 was Just go:ue to tell you --
-"And your aunt triol tb persuade
"Ise that you were not 311001e!"
"1'm not. Alwdutety not. If you'll
Just let me explant --"
Sarnia (Int. -"1 ant willing to I i gave 111111 11 i'sik, and i think 1 may .1 *111 3,, 11uthiug of the kind.-
answer krs ttefrom other worsen, to ace's h:ive .n•'rt.al a.blt. '1 "It all began -"
tell them the won- '•1 should have thought that your i' "Silence!"
derful good Lydia man-w•Tvnnt would have Informed 1 314' did some Beep-brenthing e*er-
E. Pinkham'5 Vette- you " said Sir It•lderl'k, .that we eon-' .1w.,
Wnrnan PraisesLydia E. !wean.* he gad this craven tear of Hct
IPlnithrlm S Vegetable and th}q selfish preference for le'ling
Compound ; Tuppy he' rooked instead ..f himself.
Mon it 111e emergency •sour. my. nicely
aessonel pians had gone op Ike spout.
table Compound
dd me- I cannot be
thankful enough for
the benefits I re-
lived during the
Change of Life. I
do housework and
any troubles made
ins unfit to work.
A friend advised
me to try the Veg-
etable Compound. I felt great relief at
once, began to regain my appetite, and
my nerves got better. 1 will recom-
mend your mediate to all with trou-
bles like I had." -MRS. JONN BBsnroN,
162 H. Christina Sit.. Sarnia, Ontario
ternplated making 31135 change. 1 met My bed is drenched!"
Mtn shortly before luncheon and roll "rhe way' it all hegnn--"
him to tell yoe." "kit ynlet!" . He lien wed somewhat
-You told Jeeves that you were going ' ter a while. "You Lilo'." he said.
to steep in this room?" 1 gasped. 'kindly inform tyre which bedroom you
my nephewhew were on er sof intimacy.
did. was• aware that you and are supposed to be occupying."
Its onth•floor shove. :Fix
mei 1 wished to spare myself the pees- R,otn."
alhlllty of a visit from sun. I con-.. Thank 3'10u. 1 w111 And It."
less that it never occurred to me that "Eh?,
such a vieit was to be anticipated at . He gave me the eyebrow.
"I entwine," he weld, "to pass the
remainder of the night in Your room -
where, 1 presume, there is a bed in
three o'clock in the morning. What do
you mean." he barked. suddenly hot-
ting up, "by prowling about the house
at thio hour? And what le that thing a condition to he slept In. Yoe may
in your band?' _ bestow yosrselt as comfortably as you
best night?"
"Yes, sir."
!Eviler to %testier him, and then all
the goodwork will have been 'vested.
"No. sir. 1 coney not. That might
iswslIly have }Nell Si" Rederiek's men-
tal reaction, had It not been fur rho
rcutld iueh k'Ht."
The .e•oud luoiftent'i'
'During 11'' night, sir, while sir
Ito.lerl.k was •s•cupy bug your bel.
.outel,salt• enter,nl the room, pfervrd his
hot-water bottle ai111 ,ons' scarp Itr
3,'retanent, and r:t.f-bel in Ilse dark -
"What! Do you think I walked In
nr' „bap?"
"No. sir. It. was young Mr. Ntosw•.1,
who did It. 1 enct tern! horn 11,1
morning, sir, shortly before 1 vain,
herr. 11e sass in'cheerful sleirlts, and
' Inquired of me how you were feeling
about the Incident- not being aware
that his victim had been air Rode
"itut Jeeves, what on mmizing
cid,nee !"
"Wily, young Tuppy getting 'xs.1(7
,he wee. Idea as i did. You ern pity
that's not a miracle."
"Not altogether, sir. it appelrs t int
he received the suggeetiou front her."
"From Miss Wickham?"
"Yes, sir."
"Yon mean to say that. after she,
had put me up to the scheme of t alnc-
taring Tuppy's hot-water bottle, she
-wellst off and tipped Tuppy off to mine-
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