HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-12, Page 2• .' Decrobsr 12, IRO. THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. e► • Jvear1d e e, the Yule-tideSpri illustrated by Hubert t9YCathieu 'By P. C. Wodeliouse Bertie Wooster Has a Christmas Thought HE letter arrived uu the woruing of the eixleeuth. I was puahlug abbe of breakfaa; tato jbe Wuu- • yter fat's at the 'imamate; and •-feeling fairly well forUUpped frith toffee and kippers, 1 dheided to *reek the news to Jecves without de- lay. As Shakespeare say's, If you're going to do a thing, you might Just as well pop right at it and get It over. The man would be disappointed, of counts, and possibly even chagrined. but, dash It all, a dime of dissappolnt- aleut here and there (Mee a fellow good. Makers him realise the( life lb slern and life is earnest. Ylb Jeerer," 1 said. sir r "We have here n communication from Lady Wickham Inviting me to Skeldinga for the teetivitlea. We nes lair thither on the twenty-third. We .'hall be there some little time, I ex- pert." There was a pause. I could feet be was directing a (rusty gaze a1 me. "I thought I understood you to say, 1.1r, that you proposed to visit Monte; Carlo immediately after (Mbrtatmaa." "1 know. But that's alt off. Plans t hanged." At this point the telephone -bell rang, tiding over very nieely what had thrvatened to be an awkward torment. Jeeves unhooked the re -.elver. -Yee' Yee. madaw.. , .. Very good. madam. Item is Mr. Webster." Ile handed me the Inatrutue'nt. "Mrs. eftenser dregetn, air." You know, every now and tbN 1 Htet help feeling that .teevtee is 100411111 hit grip In his prime It would bevel might have a little eeen„e." (julte the wrong tone of course, bei what men one do? . o � "Itertte, (.ally ti'Igkiuem tella,dile he has Melted you to Skeldings fer Ili tot alas. Are you going:'" "Rather!" • 'fell, behave yourself. lAdy Wick- ham is an old friend of wine." "1 shall naturalh endeavor, Aunt .tgatha." 1 repled stiffly, "to conduct i myself in a manner befitting an Eng- lish gt•ntleman laying a vtedt—" "What did you say? Speak up. I can't hear." "1 said Right -ho." "Oh? Well, mind you do. Aud there's another reason why 1 particularly wish you to be as little of an imbecile as you eren manage while at Skeldinga. Sir Roderick (llosaop will be there." 'What!" ,' "Don't bellow like that." • . "Did you say Sir lt,sterick Glossop?", I1 did." "Teal don't mean Tippy Glossop?" , "1 mean Sir Roderick Oloasop.l Which was my reason for saying Sir Roderick Glossop. New, Bettie, 1 want you to listen tome attentively. Are you there" "Yea. Still here." "Well, then, listen. I hare at bra succeeded, atter incredible dieJrulty; and in face of all the evidence, In al- most pervcnadli,g Sir Roderick that you' are not netually insane.' Ile is pre-' paned to suspend Judgment until he bat seen y'w mace more. On ,your behavior: t at Skthiings, therefore—" /be '1 had hung up the receiver. t Iw-enty-third, Jtrves w'ss aloof and re- t served. And before dinner oft the Ars night of t y'-t-ialt be pelt the studs in , my dress shirt in w:hnt 1-e1ti only call a marked ''[biter. The whole thing was extremely painful, and it seemed t to me, a. 1 lay In bed on the morning of the twenty-fourth, that the only r step to take wee to put the whole facts of the cane before him and truet to j his native iteeel sense to effect an un- derstanding. n- derstanding. 11y bostee+'. Lady t1'h•kham. was a beaky female, built far test obesely on the lines of my Auto Agatha for com- fort ; hat daughter Roberta had wel- comed inc with a warmth which, I'm boutkl to say, had set my the old heart- atrllgs fluttering it bit. And Sir Rod- erick, in the brief moment we bad had together. bad sad "Ila, young man ""— not particularly chummily, but he said lt; and my view was that It practi- cally amounted to the lion lying down with the lamb. So. all in all, fife at thin juncture Seemed pretty well all to the mustard, and I derided to tell Jeers* exactly hue matters aloud. "Jeeves," I said, as be appeared. "I'm afraid srat.hing that Monte Carlo trip has been a bit of,,,a jar for you. Jeeres." "Not at all, air." "Oh. yes. It has. i've seen it. Very well, then. What 1 wish to impress, upon you. Jeevee, is that it was hrough ne light and airy caprice that I aetepte'el this invitation to Lady Wickham'.. I hs,ve been angling for "Sir?" t "You know what 1 mean. Tell her I'm ratbpr a good -chap. Mention Spy hidden depths. These things get round. A boost to never wasted. Jeeves." Very good, air. "Ilut what?" "What I was about to remark, if rum will exc'uae me, sir, was that I would scarcely bare thought Miss Wickham a auttable—" "Jeeves," 1 said coldly; "what la your kick against Miaa Wlckbatatr9" '1)b. really. alrlej "Jeeves, 1 insist." "It merely creased my mind, air, that for a gegtlwlean of your descrip- tion lilies Wickham is not a suitable mate." "What do you mean by a gentleman of my description?" "1 beg your pardon, sir, The ex- pression escaped me inadvertently. 1 was about to observe, air, that, though Silas Wiekham is a charming young ladv�" "There, Jeeves, you spoke an iw- perie! quart. What eytes:" "Yes, sir." "What hair!" "Very true, air." "And what eapieglerle—lf that's the word 1 want." "The exact word, air." "All right. teen. ('arry on." '1 grant Miss Wickham the Ier.iee- tion of all these detolrable qualities' air. Nevertheless, Miss Wickham leeks seriousness, air. She is too vola- tile and friolous. To qualify as Mian Wickhaal's hnslaunl, a gentleman 19, • • —� H., h,wv. , 1.•..1„ ,...f•ty 10 1, sett with hint the work of a moment have told .my Mut Agatha that 1 ",t+ not at home. I gave him one of those repracatule glances, and took the machine. -Iloilo?" 1 said. `Yes? les? les? Berle speaking. rialto? 111111o? Hullo?" "Don't keep on Baying Hallo," yipped rtes old relative, in her euatnmary curt'' manner. "You're not a parrot. *tomes! times 1 wish on were, ttee$use then -you ASTHMA RCM DIM. els Sada —IN Serape—Na Shaft Jtat Swallow s RAZ -MAN Capsule Restorer normal breathing. Quickly mope all choking, gasping and muco gatherings to bronchial tube*. Gives long nigbas of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs. 81.00 par boa at drug stores. Rend bc, for generous Dial. Tamptetona, Toronto. RAZ -MAH GUARANTEED RZUEF at. as "ghln' R111,40 had nvJ rnn,..l ,,.r ,rirA„ .,�� j,„ti,l l., /toy. hoed art th. -.14 Anr,t-atringa ikilarrjny a "11. • Slotk.•l. T11a1'. w.htet 1 was. Thfs 4;l,rsyol, ora.• a forneldahie old bird with a bald head and enielzee eyebrows. by prt,fe•eti'gt a loony -doe - tor. !low it halgt('ne'.I. 1 tomtit'' t.•ll you ,o this day. but 1 once trop engaged to his daughter Honorls. a ghastly dy- namic exhibit who rend Nietzw-he and had a Iangh like waves breaking 011 A Merit and rock-bound coast. The fix- ture ons screeched, owing to events • It far weeks, prompted by many eem- aWeratltnee. It was lmptratfre that t reeled tenet to Ske:tiine- for .i,,1st- uut-. -beeves, t01'1.9191/• 1 ku.ot that r 'l'gpley Glossop w'ns going to he i .•. '. . "Sir R'sleriek (;l.ewg., sir?" Itis nephew. Ten nnty have ol. served hanging ate.ut the place a ltd. low with light heir ,and a Clie-eire- rtrt gripe. That is Tippy. and 1 neve leen anxious for .0/11141 111111' 1,, _ •t to gripe with him. The Wooster honor Aloft .tgathn. for instfin''e, ngah,st m,•. Itroad-minded. Jerre., 1 think?' 'Ex trenwly, air." -Well, then, as 1 ray, i sought this nippy out, 'Peres. and hnbnnbheal :end what do you think he did?' "1 mold not say. sir." 'I will tell you. line night, atter dinner at the Deems ('ell., he bet me 1 mothe't swing ,nv-.elf scree. the, serimming-bath by the repos and rearm; 1 tu'k him on. and ens lnzsing atonal In great style until 1 come to the lost rifilt. ,lad then 1 found that this fiend In human shape And Pause' It hawk against tete rail, thus leaving tee hang. Ing in the void with no meats of get- th'g fishery. to my hone and loved one., "There was nothing for it but to drop into the water, Autl what 1 maintain. Jeerer, is that. If I can't g'e't back at him somehow at Skeldinga -with all the rant resources which a reentry house affords at my diipo,gtl - t am net the man i was." "1 set', sir." ".inti now, Jeerer', we mine to the most important reason why 1 bad to oppnd ('hriatsaa at Skeldinga. Jeores." 1 said, wreathed in Mnahee. "the fact of the matter is. I'm in hike." Itutee ! sir?" "You've seen Miss Roberta Wiek- ham?" ,.Tee. sir.,. 'VOrt well. then " There was a pollee while i let It sink in "During your at here, Joe's...," 1• sa111, "you n Ill, no doubt, he thrown t geed deeei together with Allan Wick - ham's meld. stn stele ,a•.aslone. pitch .1 ,trove.'. occurring whkb convinced the old ley that I was off my napper; and since then he has always had my name at the top ut lila list of l_4.etiee• 1 Hatt Lunchwt With. "Jeetee," 1 salol, all of a twitter, "do you loom what? Sir IGaleriek •sop is going to he at i,atiy lek-, heals " 1 Cern god. .1rif you are fin- i.he,i Irrenkd,st, I will clear away." 1'olel and' haughty. No artists thy. ''one of the rallying -round spirit which "te likes lo''es. As 1 had airtk'Ipated• ,leetes had been looking forward to a little flutter at the tables' We Wore• titers eau wear the mask. I ignore his lack of decent feeling. °T "10i. so, J,reve's," I said proudly. Going down to Sketdinga, on the fcteavivetectioctehrtgtovvertglectorttrupe; Fruits - Nuts - Candies Fruits, Nuts and Candies are as esaeni to your Christmas table as lights are to your Christmas tree. We offer you a choice selection now at the most rea- sonable prices Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Nuts, Dates, Layer Raisins, Figs, Olives, Christie's Cakes, Candies, Celery, Plum Pudding, Canadian, Swiss and Roquefort Cheese, etc. STURDY'S CASH GROCERY "EVERYTHING GOOD FOR THE TABLE" West Sick of Square • • Telephone 299 • t• involved." I took a sip of ten, for the mere memory of my wrongs had shaken toe, "In sidle or the feet that yeuna T,,t.- 0 is the nephew of Sir Roderick mos -'op. at whose hand-. Jeeves, as you ere aware, i have coffered) mach. 1 fraternized with hint freely. 1 raid to myself that a lintlt it tent to ire blunted for his relation.. and that 1 toll hate to have Inv pals hold my n"nl1 'well to pmnaess a commanding pa'rsouality and eonthlertble etrehgth d rhararter." "Exact:)-:" '1 wonll always hesitate to recotn. .stem( as 11 11fe'a tttrmpanion a young 1 dM witl, such a ',Did shade of red hair. Iced hair, sir, is dangerous" I eyed the blighter squarely. "Je'eres," 1 sold, "ymt're talking rat." "Very good, sir." . "Very good, air --I mean very good. )spare ; that will be all'." I said. And I drank a modicum of tea e goal deal of hantenr. it isn't often that I and myself able to prove Jeeves In the wrong; dinner -time that night I was to a tion to do an, and i did It without dee- lay. Touching on hat matter s with 1)ttt by • pati• were touching on, Jeeves," I said, "1 phoned b.e glad It' you wood give me your eare'- fill attention for a moment. 1 nnrnyn„ that what i am about to say 1s gntn* to make you look pretty silly." indeed. air?' Jeereee. Pretty doodled silly it's going to make you look. Tbie morning, If i remember rightly, you stated that Miss Wickham woe volatile, frivol/me, and tacking In eerionsnc'as. Am 1 eor- "tjuite come' -t, ,.ir." "Then what I have to tell ton may ennse yen to alter that opinion. 1 went for a walk with Miss Wliekh*m this afternoon; and, as we walker(, i told her *,tont what young Tuppy Glossop did to me In the swimming bath at the Drones. Jibe hung upon my (verde, Jeeves and was full of sympathy." .•indeeri, Mr?" "Dripping with it. And that's not nit. Almost before 1 had finished, rhe was 'nggesting the brainiest 'scheme for bringing young Tuppy'a gray hairs In sorrow to the grave that anyone maid lxweibIy imagine," 'That ie very gratifying, air." "Gratifying is the word. It appears that et the %chord where Mies Wickham wit. afnestted, Jatret, ft used to ?te- rmite necessary from time to time for the right thinking element to 'tip It across certain of the baser sort. 1►0 n,t know what they did. Jeer.'.?" 'No, sir." "They took a long attek, Jeans, and --follow ate elerety here -they tied a darning needle to rho end of it. T'h'ai, *t dead of night they "meekest Into the party of the aeenad part's enblele and .-41,,,,sI the nee -111,' through the ta•d cfulhes,misi plIe'tureel her lot -water � bottle. "Well, Jeeves, that was the acbtvue which Mims Wlckbaiu suggested 1 should work on young Tuppy. and that Is the girl you call frivolous and lack- ing iu aerioutmess. Any girl who can think up a wheeze like that 1s my idea of a helpmate. "1 shall be glad, Jeeves, if by the time I come to bed tonight you have waiting for me in this room a stoat aattactlek hed." with a good sharp darnhtg-needle "Well, air—" Jes" 1 , "noher wd. i Ick, s...one, and moilssaidt , dasoutrning, Roodor, rtyrp, one, without tall, at eleven- tblrty tonight." "Very Nod, air. "Have you any idea where young *TAD 11411VICV VIE 411 VCR It WC 111111110111 I 'fs cT) We will be ready to take care of your Christmas orders for Cut Flowers, Flowering Planta and Christ- mas Wreaths,( Ali chgice hock. Pleaae plate your or- der just as soon aspossible, so that you can be better served and avoid the rush that always comes at the last minute. We can also have Flowers delivered in Can- ada. United States, ��Eerurope and other, countries: Geo. Stewart Florist Phone 105 Bruce Street Tuppy sleeps?" 2 7 "I could ascertain, air." "Do so, Jeeves." In a few alinutea be was back wlttt the lukewarm, tutor -mash. Mr. Glossop 1s established in the Meat Room, sir." "Where's that?" 'The second door low, sir." "Right -bo, Jeeves." The task to which 1 had set myself wals one that involved hardship stud diaromfort, for it meant sitting up till well into the email hours, and then padding down a soled corridor. But I did not shrink from it. Atter all, there is a lot to be said for family tradition. We Woomera did our bit In the Crusades. It being Chrtstaus Eve, there was as eu the fluor he. L had foreseen, a good deal of revelry4'11')0,112,4314421a lott and what so that 11 waan't till one that i got to my room. Allowing for A Signal Calendar fpr Every Paid -in -Advance Subscriber everything, it didn't seem that it was going to he safe to start my little ex- pedition till half past two at the ear- krinfignillitirgirlIEWIEVAtiratir“rtlarlitiraltnegt ex- ited; ; and 1'tn bound to say that It wart only the utmost rt'aolution that kept me front snuggling into the sheets and I a Pali hog It a day. I'm not moult ,.f a West Street Electrical Shop lad now for Irate horns. However, by half -past two every- lite thing appeared to be quiet. I grabbed the good old stiek and needle, and of, /tee rt. Along the corridor. And presently, 111 panning outside the Moat Room, t i turned the handle, found the door ; e R ain't locked, and weal In. t first, when I bad beetled In, the lr i3 ad seemed as black as a coal cellar; t after a bit things began to lighten. � e•urtaina weren't quite fa drawn over 'rhe window, and I could I HP! a trifle of the scenery here and there. The beta was opposite titf window,' kgkg w 1 t the head against the wall .Mei � the end where the feet were, Jutting . tig out toward where I stood, thus ren- ! II/ possible, tiering It atter one tiled.sown the ,teed, so to speak, to make a quick QT get -away. There only remained now the rattler tricky problem of locating the aid hot• water bottle. i mean to say, the one zr thing you can't do it you want to I. entry a Joh like this tbroegh with secrecy and disprteb1s to stand at the end of a fellow's bed, jabbing at ran• dom. good deal cheered, at this juncture. to hear a fruity .pore Dorn the direction of the pillows. Reason told me that a bloke who could snore - like that wasn't going to he awakennl hr a trifle. I ran a hand over the eoverlet. A moment later 1 had found the bulge. i steered the good old darning -needle on it, gripped the stick, and shoved. Then. pulling out the weapon. 1 .Idled toward the door, and in another moment would have been topside. when suddenly there trema ■ crash that sent wy spine shooting up through the top of my bead, and the contents of the bed sat up like a jack- in-the-box and midi (Continued on page 3t ts There is always an appropriate Electric Gift for Christ- 21 mas. Step in and let us show you our full Sao/ Heaters Irons Warming Pads Boudoir Lamps Toastmaster Toasters A tit0 Aii SEE OUR STOCK OF FLASHLIGHTS F gg Percolators Table Lamps Grills Curling Tongs Waffle Irons Fixtures, etc. NEVISITIV We have a nice line of Vases.suit- able for Table Lamps. Frank McArthur Phone 82 West Street Goderich %;:' //.v/•��� a/fir r / /, "3.4 3 //�tIG�,,(✓/ �,, / �4.'i OUR LARGE STOCK OF s Gift Furniture� includes Odd Chairs, Chesterfields,. g Chesterfield ' Tables, Gate Leg foTables, Occasional Tables, Dinner Wagons, Smokers, Pictures, 'Table Runners, Mirrors, Electric Lamps,` Walnut Chests (cedar-li.ned), , Doll ti Carriages, Kindergarten Sets, etc.I A We are agents for the Maxwell Electric Washer. One of these or an Electric Vacuum Cleaner would make a very useful and most acceptable Christmas Gift. J. R. WHEELER 1 Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer HAMILTON ST. Pitooes: Stere 33S, Res. 35Sw apittattiagtplabaDItLatieittplatilattattniidpidAtillaiillektIpatg