HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-12-14, Page 24PAGt 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1988. Clas sified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. HELP WANTED THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services in respect of exceptional pupils of the board Volunteers must be nominated by a local, incorporated association and appointed by the Huron County Board of Education. THE SUPERVISED ALTERNATIVE LEARNING FOR EXCUSED PUPILS COMMITTEE This Committee reviews applica­ tions from parents of 14-15 year old pupils requesting alternative learn­ ing programs. The Committee devises recommendations which permit such pupils to be excused from full-time attendance at school to participate in alternative programs. Any qualified interested elector is in­ vited to apply. Applications should be forwarded to: C. K. Rowland Superintendent of Student Services Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 ''Each committee requires a three year membership The meetings are on an as needed basis, not usually more than once a month. lhroo Public Tducatloa Opialo( Uf th* World CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ATTHE Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class February 18-25,1989. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR #5, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 50-lp YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH ... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 19 78, job search assistance available, daytime, even­ ing and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800- 265-0400. 50-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW FOR IT! RAISE BA1T- worms at home. Guaranteed mar­ ket. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR#1, Smithville, Ont. L0R2A0. (416) 643-4251, (705) 435-7463 Alli- ston Area. (705) 776-7084 North Bay Area. 50-lp PERSONAL Can you get AIDS from blood or semen? YES, during sexual intercourse with a person infected with AIDS. Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1-800-668-AIDS PERSONAL PREGNANT AND NEED HELP? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. 357-1066. 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. 50-cow RIGHT AFTER SEEING OUR unique academic profile of the lotteries; you know why winning is a “CINCH". Details by return mail. Send $ 1 postagcand handling toThc Lottery Academy. 307 - 40 Mohawk Road East. Hamilton, Ontario. L9A 2G7. 50-lp THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE INDIAN Crafts. Moccasins, stuffed toys, coin detectors and much more from Happy Jack’s Old Country Store, Highway 81 North Mt. Brydges. Open till 9 p.m. 7 days (519) 264-9639. 50-lp TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES ON SCENIC Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal aboard Kawartha Voyageur; private staterooms; all meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7.50-1 p MARCH BREAK, MARCH 11 - 18. Orlando, Air only $269. Tour package, $499. Tampa, air only $299. Taxes included. Call T & S Tours 1-800-265-9365. 50-lp LEGAL NOTICES NOT1CETOCREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FLORENCE MARY CARDIFF ALL PERSON Shaving claims again­ st the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on September 26, 1988, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of December, 1988, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Brussels, Ontario this 29th day of November, 1988. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitorsforthe Executors 49-3 TENDERS WANTED HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T.fHC] 89-01 For the Preventive Maintenance and Testing of Fire Alarms and Related Equipment at OHC buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 4, 1989 by the Huron County Housing Au­ thority. 48 The Square. Goderich. Ontario. N7A 1M5. [519] 524- 2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY AC­ CEPTED. CARD OF THANKS PHILLIPS. We wish to thank friends and family for the many gifts, cards and flowers we received while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and the nurses on the second floor of Wingham Hospital. - Wendy and Scott. 50-1 LOWE. I’d like to say thank you to the participating businesses for sponsoring the shopping spree. Thanks, Ann, for doing the shopping for me. I sure did appreciate it. Thanksagain-Mary Lowe. 50-lp THE BELGRAVE NOVICE players and coaches would like to thank the following sponsors for providing them with new hockey sweaters - Monoway Farms, Hopper Welding, Village Crafts, Hedley Construc­ tion, Belgrave Ladies Club, John Nixon - Insurance, Community Nursing, Belgrave Co-op, Jack Walker Construction, Culligan Real Estate, Co-op Petroleum, Dunbar & Cook Electric, Ross Anderson, Beck’s Variety, Belgrave Kinsmen, Barry’s Auto Body and Edgar’s Feeds. 50-1 BIRTHS COOK. Paul and Karen Cook of Belgrave are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their son Levi Coultes on Thursday, December 8, weighing 8 lb. 14 oz. at Wingham and District Hospital, a brother for Amv. Proud grandparents are Nor­ man and Lorna Cook and Bill and Muriel Coultes of Belgrave. A great-grandson for Mrs. Magaret Dunbar of Belgrave and Ken Davis of Rammeloo’s, Blyth. IN MEMORIAM McNALL. In loving memory of a special grandma and great-grand­ ma, Pearl McNall, who entered into rest one year ago December 20, 1987. ...And those away continue on in the hearts of kin and friends. - Always remembered and sadly missed by Terry, Debbie, Jennifer andBrendan. 50-lb McNALL. In loving memory of a dear Mom. Pearl McNall, who passed away one year ago, December 20, 1987. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our mind, The days we do not think of you, Are very hard to find. We cannot bring the good times back. Your hands we cannot tuuch, But we do have many memories. Of a Mom we love so much. - Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Delores and Jim a nd family. 50-1 McNALL. In loving memory of a wonderful Mom and grandmother, Pearl M. McNall, who was taken from us suddenly December 20, 1987. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find We cannot bring the good times back Your hand we cannot touch But we do have many memories Of a Mom we loved so much. - We miss you Mom and you will always be remembered by your daughter Bernice, grandson Paul. 50-lp AT YOUR SERVICE ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS: Don’t wait until the snow flies to getyour seats repaired. Haveit ready when winter comes. Call .Montgomery Custom Upholstery 523-4272. 45-tfn PARKERLOCK&SAFECO. LOCK and Safe Sales and Service. Please talk to our machine. Stuart T. Parker (519) 887-6350, Brussels, Ont. 43-20 HORSE AND DOG SITTING: Dependable care for your animals in yourabsence. 523-4994. 46-tfn SNOWBLOWING - IN BLYTH. Equipped with two tractors to serve you better. Call for information and prices. Phone Dave Lee 523-4343. 47-5 BOOK YOUR CONSTRUCTION work now for the new year. Blyth Construction - Gord Jenkins or Dwight Chalmers, 523-9372 or 523-4354. 49-3 QUEEN’S BUSH RURAL MINI- stry. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn TAXESCANFALL,TOO! START planning with Farm Business Con­ sultants right now, and we’II help you toward the least tax payable next spring. Call FBC today. Appoint­ ments available for home planning sessions. Call Toll Free: 1-800-265- 1002. FBC - yourfarm tax experts for 36years. 50-lp NEED MONEY FAST. FANTAS- tic, Fast and Friendly Service for Mortgages, Personal Loans, Car Loans and Consolidation. Call us. Selective Financial Systems Limit­ ed, 2299 Dundas Street West, #204 Toronto, Ont. M6R 1X7 (416) 588-8170. 50-lp REAL ESTATE ’ ‘Suddenly it s sold' ’ Q MASON BAILEY BROKER 482-9371 [24 hour service] INVESTMENT PROPERTY, Whitechurch. Full 2 floor brick building, 2 apartments, potential for 2 more. BEST OF 2 WORLDS: TowriS’Country, Clinton, 309 Albert St., 2 floor family home with double garage on spacious ¥4 acre landscaped lot. 135 ACRES: Stanley Twp., 80 acres workable, 55 acres bush, excellent building site. Contact Gordon Hill. CLINTON; 52 PrincecAA QV., 11/2 floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, SM. starter home. RAISED BUNGALOW: on 100 acres, 80 acres choice woodland. Very scenic, 2 miles from Lake Huron. 100 ACRE FARM near Auburn with house, barn and driveshed, 81 acres workable. Under $90,000. 50ACRES FARM nearAuburn, good framehome, lotsof buildings, ideal for part-time farming or horses. BLYTH: 1 floor, 3 bedroom new home, full basement and garage. Vendor will consider mortgage. BRUSSELS: Commercial investment property on Turnberry Street. Ideal for Convert-To-Rent Program. Reasonable price. Ground floor rented. 75 ACRES: farrowing farm, Colborne Township, equipped for 100 sows, very well kept, scenic iocation. 12 ACRES: Hog barns for 650 hogs. Frame home. 165 ACRES: On Maitland River. 100 acres workable, 65 acres hardwood bush, large shed, very scenic. COMING EVENTS COMMUNITYCAROLSING -AN evening of carols old and new and favourite Christmas songs - for you, your family, friends and neighbours - Brussels United Church, Wednes­ day, December21 at7:30p.m. 49-3 CELEBRATE 60TH WEDDING Anniversary: Friends and relatives are invited to an open house to celebrate the 60th wedding anniver­ sary of Jack and Dorene McGee on Dec. 16, 17, 18 afternoon and evening at their home Apt. 3 - 400 Gypsy Lane, Blyth. 49-2p SLEIGH RIDES: DELIGHT IN THE magicofwinter holidays. Share a horse-drawn sleigh ride with family and friends. After your ride enjoy mulled cider, hot chocolate, music and storytelling. Call now to book your reservations for the stuff that memories are made of. Hay rides also available. 523-4994. 49-2 CHRISTMAS BUFFET WILL BE served from 4:30 to 7 every Sunday from November 27 to December 18. Roast turkey with all the trimmings. Blyth Inn, 523-9381. 46-5 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jack Pot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL - B.B.Q. Chicken and chips, served in the lou nge, 5 to 8 p. m. Eat in or take out. Blyth Inn, 523-9381. 43-tfn FRIDAYNIGHTSPECIAL: RIBS and sauerkraut served in our lounge 5 to 8 p.m. Phone for take-out 523-9381,TheBlythInn. 14-tfn CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREE - the Blyth United Church Sunday School holds its annual Christmas Shopping Spree on Saturday, Dec­ ember 1 7, 4-6p.m. Kids can shop whileparentssocialize. 50-1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LTD. 82 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO. Sales Representatives Gordon Hill 233-3307 Carol Boneschansker 887-6870